Tolstoy Fedor Petrovich paintings and biography. Biography of F thick painting

The young man's artistic abilities were revealed very early. While studying in the corps, F. P. Tolstoy began attending the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts as a volunteer student. Gradually, the desire to become a professional artist matured, but for this it was necessary to resign, abandon a military career, prepare for the anger of parents, family, and a break with relatives and acquaintances. Only boundless love for art and courage made it possible to decide on such an act. In 1804 he resigned. For the young artist, a life full of hardships and difficulties began.

At the Academy of Arts, Tolstoy studied sculpture with Professor I. P. Prokofiev, and here he became friends with O. A. Kiprensky, whose advice he followed in drawing plaster.

The artist enthusiastically copies ancient statues, studies ancient history, morals and customs of people of the distant past. A sincere and deep love for ancient art, which arose in his youth, would later pass through his entire creative path. With exceptional talent and hard work, Tolstoy quickly achieves success. The artist's first works were drawings and bas-reliefs on ancient themes. Thus, in 1806 he executed the drawings “Alexander the Great’s Confidence in the Doctor Philip,” “The Judgment of Paris,” “The Struggle of Hercules” and others (Russian Museum). For the wax bas-relief “The Triumphal Entry of Alexander the Great into Babylon” (1809, State Hermitage), F. P. Tolstoy was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Arts.

Medal making, sculpture and graphics, and later painting and decorative art - this original and brilliant master showed himself in almost every field of artistic creativity. His early works, high reliefs made of pink wax - “Boy under a Blanket”, “Bathing Children” (both 1808-1809, Kalinin Regional Art Gallery), “Darling” (1808-1809, State Hermitage) - indicate great professionalism. The beauty of the lines, the smoothness of the outlines, the softness and expressiveness of the sculpting is distinguished by the figure of Dushenka. His knowledge of nature and excellent mastery of the secrets of wax technique were noted by his contemporaries in his high reliefs.

A very special place in the work of the early period is occupied by wax portraits - small-sized profile images made in low relief from light, yellow and pink wax on a black board or glass. If in the early portrait bas-reliefs the sculptor strives to express the intense inner life of his characters (portrait of A. F. Dudina, portraits of the brothers), then in the later ones he follows the line of generalization and typification of images, showing greater freedom in the use of artistic means (portraits of K. A Leberecht, P. A. Tolstoy, etc.).

The beginning of the artist’s work as a medalist is connected entirely with the St. Petersburg Mint, where in 1810 he received an appointment. The medal, in his opinion, should be clear and intelligible, “so that everyone can immediately understand for what reason it was struck.”

“I intended to create the medals entrusted to me,” wrote F. P. Tolstoy, “in the ancient Greek form, as the best in the fine arts, strictly observing the fidelity to the customs, costumes, locality and country of that time and those persons under whom the deed was accomplished.” depicted on the medal is a famous event...”

In 1809, the first medal “In memory of Chatsky’s educational activities” appeared, executed in the best traditions of classicism, and in 1813-1817 - medals, including an award medal for students of the Academy of Arts. All of them are distinguished by the classical rigor of the composition, the beauty of the contours, the smoothness of the rhythms and the accuracy of the drawing. Working long and hard in the field of medal art, Tolstoy created a doctrine about “what and how someone who wants to be an artist-medalist, and not a medalist-craftsman, should learn.”

Best of the day

The artist gained true fame and fame after creating a series of medallions on the themes of the Patriotic War of 1812. “I am Russian and I am proud of this name,” wrote F. P. Tolstoy during the days of the Patriotic War, “wanting to participate in the glory of my compatriots, wanting to share it... I dared to undertake an enterprise that would complicate even the greatest artist. But the hitherto unheard of glory of our days... can even mediocre talent so inspire that it will enter the gates of future times... I decided to pass on to my descendants the faint shades of feelings that filled me, I wanted to tell them that in our time everyone thought as I and everyone were happy, bearing the name of a Russian.”

It is important to note that the artist did this work, which lasted more than twenty years, not by order or request of high-ranking officials, but solely out of sincere patriotic motives. He immortalized the most famous military actions not with portraits of generals, but with figures symbolically representing the Russian army and the people's militia. He carefully studied the details of the battles, read the notes of military experts, and talked with war veterans. The surviving drawings and sketches are given. the opportunity to trace the creative process of working on each composition and convince us that the laconicism and expressiveness of artistic language was achieved by the artist at the cost of great research, persistent and hard work. He managed to ensure that “anyone, looking at the finished medal, could find out, without resorting to a signature, for what occasion it was stamped.”

Tolstoy's medallions are very diverse in their subjects and solutions. The main place in them is occupied by the largest battles and battles of the Patriotic War. Reality itself determined the nature of the subjects and compositions of the medallions and gave direction to the artist’s creative thought. A deep and close connection with real life filled Tolstoy's works with an excited and sincere feeling.

Tolstoy's medallions became widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. He was elected a member of almost all European art academies. The flowering of the artist’s work coincided with the period of his most intense political and civic activity. Like many progressive people of his time, Tolstoy dreamed of broad reforms, of changing social orders. In 1816, he was involved in the Freemason movement, and later participated in the organization of the so-called “Lancaster Schools”, the purpose of which was to spread literacy among the population.

Social activities prepared Tolstoy to join a secret society in 1818 - the Union of Welfare, where he was not an ordinary participant, but one of the leaders - the chairman of the Root Council. Tolstoy did not follow the Decembrists to the end, but retained his convictions, courage and breadth of views. This is evidenced by two notes from Tolstoy submitted to Nicholas 1 in 1826, in which he courageously defends the dignity of the human person, sharply criticizes the senseless drill and cane discipline in the army, and angrily condemns serfdom and bureaucratic tyranny. The artist took an active part in the release of T. G. Shevchenko, seeking his amnesty.

Intense social activities did not prevent the artist from pursuing his favorite art. In 1816, he made four bas-reliefs in wax for Homer's Odyssey (Tretyakov Gallery). These bas-reliefs represent the most valuable part of the artist's sculptural heritage. A subtle understanding and knowledge of antiquity, a deep penetration into the world of ancient Greek life that captivated him, helped the artist resurrect the pages of distant history in all its poetic charm and vital persuasiveness.

In addition to medallions and bas-reliefs, Tolstoy created several sculptures. In 1822, the master made “Head of Morpheus” (terracotta, Russian Museum), in 1839 “Bust of Nicholas I” (marble, Russian Museum), in 1848 “Head of Christ” (plaster, Russian Museum; marble, Tretyakov Gallery). In 1849, for his services in the field of sculpture, the Council of the Academy of Arts approved him as a professor.

Illustrations for I. F. Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling” also occupy a large place in the artist’s creative heritage. Work on the drawings continued for thirteen years (1820-1833, Tretyakov Gallery), from which engravings were subsequently created. These sheets revealed Tolstoy's brilliant mastery of line, characteristic of all the artist's work. Line and contour were for him the main means of artistic expression. In his hands, the line is elastic, precise, it intensifies, then approaches and disappears, creating a complete feeling of volume, materiality of figures and objects. The different nature of the lines gives the artist the opportunity to solve plastic and spatial problems with the utmost laconicism.

F. P. Tolstoy’s illustrations for “Darling” are the crown of the artist’s graphic skill. They reflected the best aspects of his drawing art - virtuosity and precision of drawing, lightness of linear rhythms and their musicality, beauty of contours.

Tolstoy is also known as a composer of ballets and operas, as well as a decorative artist. In 1838, he completed scenery, sketches of theatrical costumes and a large number of drawings depicting various dance steps for the ballet “Aeolian Harp”, and in 1848 - for the ballet “Echo”.

Tolstoy considered sculpture, medal making and graphics his most important occupation. He devoted all his creative energy and time to them. In the rare hours free from his main work, the artist cut out various silhouettes from black paper. Independent of official prevailing tastes, not bound by the requirements of customers and the Academy, Tolstoy created silhouettes for himself and his friends. Here his realistic aspirations and interest in the life around him were especially pronounced. Tolstoy also painted several paintings: “Family Portrait” (1830, State Russian Museum), “Sewing. In the Rooms” (Tretyakov Gallery), “Warwick” (1853, not preserved) and “View of the Children of Markoville in Finland” (1855, Tretyakov Gallery).

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy died on April 13, 1873 at the age of ninety. This wonderful artist lived a long life filled with work. He left a vivid memory of himself. His works, created more than a hundred years ago, live on in our time, delighting viewers with their remarkable craftsmanship.

Tolstoy Fedor Petrovich is a Russian painter, sculptor, medalist, engraver, one of the most influential figures in the field of Russian art. Born into a count's family in 1783. He received his initial education at his parents' house in St. Petersburg and very early showed a love and extraordinary ability for drawing. In early childhood, Tolstoy was sent for further education and upbringing to the Polotsk Jesuit College, where he was strongly influenced by the general of the Jesuit order, Gabriel Gruber, a famous lover of painting, science and the arts. Next, Fyodor Tolstoy entered the Naval Cadet Corps, after which in 1802 he was awarded the rank of midshipman and sent to serve in the Baltic Fleet.

Family portrait


In the rooms

However, soon after the start of his service, Tolstoy retired in 1804, losing the prospect of a military and government career, which was completely unusual for representatives of aristocratic circles of that time. The young count's passionate desire was to study art at the Academy of Arts. Having decided to study sculpture and medal art, Tolstoy began to attend classes at the Academy as a free student. Hard work in academic classes and the study of literature and history quickly developed the talent of the young artist, so that already in 1806 he attracted the attention of Emperor Alexander I, who appointed him to serve in the Hermitage, and in 1809 to the coin department as a medalist. That same year, the Academy of Arts elected him to its honorary members.

In 1825, Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy was confirmed as a teacher of the medal class of the Academy, in 1828 he was appointed its vice-president, in 1842 he was elevated to the rank of professor of medal art, and a year after that - to the rank of professor of sculpture. Tolstoy held the position of vice-president until the transformation of the Academy that followed in 1859, after which he was a companion of the president until the end of his life. In 1854, the fiftieth anniversary of his artistic activity was solemnly celebrated, and on this occasion a medal was struck in his honor.

Moonlit night by the window

Knight of the Swan


In the history of Russian art, Count Tolstoy occupies one of the most prominent places not only as a gifted, enlightened and versatile artist, but also as a person who, with his transition from an aristocratic environment to the field of art, raised the importance of the artistic profession in the eyes of society and his long-term tenure as vice-president. President of the Academy, who contributed greatly to the development of young artists. He was an ardent admirer of Ancient Greece, which he studied from a young age in its history and works of art.

In his works, Tolstoy strove to approach the beauty and nobility of Hellenic monuments of sculpture and drawings on vases, but at the same time, when it came to depicting Russian and religious subjects, he knew how to find appropriate forms and types for them. His composition is strictly thought out, his drawing is correct, his technical execution is conscientious and skillful. Contemporary art connoisseurs will find that most of Count Tolstoy’s works on ancient themes emanate a chill; but at one time these works were greatly liked by the public, as more original and elegant than what had previously come out from under the chisel, pencil and brush of the pseudo-classics of our academic school.

Darling admires herself in the mirror


Franzensbad, from the road to Jäger

Tolstoy’s talent was most clearly shown in his works on the medal part, such as twenty medallions with allegorical images of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812–1814, twelve similar medallions in memory of the Persian and Turkish wars of 1826–1829, medals: presented by the Vilnius University to Count F. Czapsky, from the St. Petersburg militia to Prince Alexander of Württemberg, in memory of the election of Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich as chancellor of the University of Abo, for the death of Emperor Alexander I, for the pacification of the Hungarian uprising, in memory of Duke Maximilian of Leuchtenberg and many others. Works of the same kind include four bas-reliefs with scenes from Homer's Odyssey, beautifully sculpted by Count Tolstoy and carved in metal by himself. In terms of sculpture itself, the count’s most important works are the four main and eight side entrance doors of the Moscow Church of the Savior, composed and modeled by him, with ornaments and colossal round figures and busts of various saints, a half-length statue of Christ, a bust of Morpheus in a wreath of lupins, a bust of Emperor Nicholas I in Slavic armor and royal purple and a statue of a nymph pouring water from a jug in the Peterhof palace park.


Tolstoy (Count Fyodor Petrovich) - medalist, sculptor, painter, engraver, one of the most influential figures in the field of Russian art (1783 - 1873). He received his initial education at his parents' house in St. Petersburg and very early showed a love and extraordinary ability for drawing. He was sent to the Polotsk Jesuit college, where the famous Father Gruber had a strong influence on him; From there, Tolstoy entered the naval corps as a cadet, from which, in 1802, he was released as a midshipman into the Baltic rowing fleet. Without ceasing to draw, he felt a positive calling to art only after his promotion to midshipman. Having decided to study sculpture and medal art at the Academy of Arts, Tolstoy began to attend classes at the academy as a free student and, in order to make his studies there more successful, he retired in 1804. Hard work in academic classes and the study of literature and history quickly developed the talent of the young artist, so that already in 1806 he attracted the attention of Emperor Alexander I, who appointed him to serve in the Hermitage, and in 1809 in the coin department, as a medalist . In the same year, the Academy of Arts elected him to its honorary members. In 1825 he was made a teacher in the academy's medal class, in 1828 he was appointed its vice-president, in 1842 he was elevated to the rank of professor of medal art, and a year after that - to the rank of professor of sculpture. He held the position of vice-president until the transformation of the academy that followed in 1859, after which he was a companion of the president until the end of his life. In 1854, the fiftieth anniversary of his artistic activity was solemnly celebrated and on this occasion a medal was struck in his honor. In the history of Russian art, Count Tolstoy occupies one of the most prominent places not only as a gifted, enlightened and versatile artist, but also as a person whose transition from an aristocratic environment to the field of art raised the importance of the artistic profession in the eyes of society and his long-term tenure in the post of vice-chairman. President of the Academy, who contributed greatly to the development of young artists. He was an ardent admirer of ancient Greece, which he studied from a young age in its history and works of art; In his works, he strove to get closer to the beauty and nobility of Hellenic monuments of sculpture and drawings on vases, but at the same time, when it came to depicting Russian and religious subjects, he knew how to find appropriate forms and types for them. His composition is strictly thought out, his drawing is correct, his technical execution is conscientious and skillful. Contemporary art connoisseurs will find that most of Count Tolstoy’s works on ancient themes emanate a chill; but at one time these works were greatly liked by the public, as more original and elegant than what had previously come out from under the chisel, pencil and brush of the pseudo-classics of our academic school. Count Tolstoy's talent was most clearly shown in his works on the medal part, such as twenty medallions with allegorical images of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 - 14, twelve similar medallions in memory of the Persian and Turkish wars of 1826 - 29, medals: presented by the Vilnius University to Count F. Czapsky , from the St. Petersburg militia to Prince Alexander of Württemberg, in memory of the election of Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich as chancellor of Abos University, for the death of Emperor Alexander I, for the pacification of the Hungarian uprising, in memory of Duke Maximilian of Leuchtenberg and many others. etc. Works of the same kind include four bas-reliefs with scenes from Homer’s Odyssey, beautifully sculpted by Count Tolstoy and carved in metal by himself. In terms of sculpture itself, the count’s most important works are the four main and eight side entrance doors of the Moscow Church of the Savior, composed and modeled by him, with ornaments and colossal round figures and busts of various saints, a half-length statue of Christ, a bust of Morpheus in a wreath of lupins, a bust of Emperor Nicholas I in Slavic armor and royal purple and a statue of a nymph pouring water from a jug in the Peterhof palace park. As a draftsman and engraver, the count showed his skill in 63 large-format illustrations engraved by him (with sketches) from his own drawings for Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling”, in pictures in poems by N. Shcherbina (unfortunately, published only partially and in very mediocre woodcuts). An example of his painting can be a painting depicting the perspective of rooms with portraits of himself, his first wife and two daughters (located in the Museum of Emperor Alexander III). Finally, it should be mentioned that he composed programs for two ballets with designs for scenery, costumes and the entire mount. - Wed. "Portrait Gallery of Russian Figures" ed. A. Munster (vol. I, St. Petersburg, 1865); N. Ramazanov “Materials for the history of arts in Russia” (Part I, M., 1863); "Report of the Imperial Academy of Arts for 1871 - 72"; "Notes of Count F. P. Tolstoy" ("Russian Antiquity", vol. VII).

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what TOLSTOY FEDOR PETROVICH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (1783-1873) Russian medalist, sculptor, painter and graphic artist. Representative of classicism. He combined an appeal to antiquity with a lively perception of nature (drawings for the poem...
  • TOLSTOY FEDOR PETROVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Fyodor Petrovich, Russian medalist, sculptor, draftsman and painter. He visited (since 1804) the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where ...
    (count) - medalist, sculptor, painter, engraver, one of the most influential figures in the field of Russian art (1783-1873). He received his primary education...
    (count)? medalist, sculptor, painter, engraver, one of the most influential figures in the field of Russian art (1783?1873). He received his primary education...
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    Dmitry Andreevich, count (1823-89), statesman, historian. In 1865-80, Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, at the same time in 1866-1880, Minister of Public Education. Getting carried away...
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    (Count Alexey Konstantinovich) - famous poet and playwright. Born on August 24, 1817 in St. Petersburg. His mother, the beautiful Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya, ...
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  • TOLSTOY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TOLSTOY Al. Const. (1817-75), count, Russian. writer, c.-k. Petersburg AN (1873). Ballads, satirical. poetry, history rum "Prince Silver" (1863), drama. ...
  • PETROVICH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PETROVICH (Petrovici) Emil (1899-1968), rum. linguist. Tr. in dialectology, linguistics. geography, history, onomastics, phonetics and phonology of rum. language, in the area...
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    (Petrovics) ? real name of the Hungarian (Magyar) poet Petofi...
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    Alexey Konstantinovich (1817-75), count, Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1873). Ballads, satirical poems, historical novel “Prince Silver” (published in ...
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    (Petrovici) Emil (1899-1968), Romanian linguist. Works on dialectology, linguistic geography, history, onomastics, phonetics and phonology of the Romanian language and Slavic ...
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Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy

Fyodor TOLSTOY (02/10/1783-04/13/1873), count, Russian medalist, sculptor, artist. Participated in the design of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Drawings for I. F. Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling”. One of the leaders of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy was one of the most famous figures of Russian art. Like many representatives of this family, he was an exceptionally gifted person and from early childhood demonstrated amazing abilities and a penchant for painting.

However, he began his career as a military man. At first he served as a cadet in the naval corps. Soon Tolstoy, apparently, realized that he was doing something wrong, and in 1804, already with the rank of midshipman, he retired. He decided to make painting his profession and began attending classes at the Academy of Arts. His works attracted the attention of the highest circles, and Emperor Alexander 1 appointed him to serve in the Hermitage, and later in the coin department, where Tolstoy worked as a medalist.

Then he entered the Service at the Academy of Arts. Having started working here as a teacher in 1825, Tolstoy held the position of vice-president three years later. Over the years of activity at the academy, Fyodor Petrovich earned the title of professor of medal art and sculpture. He was a great authority in his field. In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Tolstoy’s work in the field of Russian art, a medal with his image was stamped.

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy left a remarkable mark on the history of the Fatherland. This exceptionally gifted artist contributed in every possible way to the development of young talents. Among his creations are a huge number of real masterpieces belonging to the classics of world painting. Tolstoy participated in the design of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. His works include many magnificent illustrations for collected works of famous authors. The Tolstoy count family, which gave Russia more than one worthy representative, has not been extinguished to this day.

Surmina I.O., Usova Yu.V. The most famous dynasties of Russia. Moscow, "Veche", 2001

TOLSTOY Fedor Petrovich, gr. (10.2.1783 - 13.4.1873). Court councilor, medal-winning artist.
Father - Major General gr. Pyotr Andreevich Tolstoy, mother - Elizaveta Egorovna Barbeau de Maria. He was educated at the Polotsk Jesuit College and the Naval Cadet Corps, where he entered on June 26, 1798, midshipman - May 26, 1800, midshipman of the rowing fleet - June 28, 1802, adjutant to the Comrade Minister of Naval Forces, Vice Admiral P.V. Chichagova - 6/23/1804, dismissed from service as a lieutenant - 10/13/1804 and decided to become a professional artist. Appointed to serve at the Hermitage - 1806, and then at the Mint as a medalist - 1810, honorary member of the Academy of Arts - 1809, teacher of the Academy's medal class - 1825. Honorary member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature - 6.5.1818.
Member of the Union of Salvation and the Union of Welfare (member and chairman of the Root Council, participant in the St. Petersburg meeting of 1820). It was ordered by the Highest to be ignored.
Vice-President of the Academy of Arts - November 28, 1828, acquaintance of A.S. Pushkin, who mentioned him in “Eugene Onegin”, professor of medal art - 1842, sculpture - 1843, privy councilor - 12/5/1846. Memoirist. He was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.
Wives: first - from 1810 Anna Fedorovna Dudina (1792 - 1835); daughters: Elizabeth (1811-1836) and Maria (October 3, 1817 - July 22, 1898), writer, wife of the fiction writer P.P. Kamensky; second - Anastasia Ivanovna Ivanova; daughters: Ekaterina (1843-1913), wife of Dr. E.A. Junge, and Olga, wife of State Councilor A.A. Dmitrieva. Maria and Catherine left memories.

GARF, f. 48, op. 1, no. 232.

Materials used from Anna Samal's website "Virtual Encyclopedia of the Decembrists" -

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy, one of the most interesting and original artists of the first half of the 19th century, was born in 1783 in St. Petersburg into the family of the head of the Kriegs Commissariat and, according to the customs of that time, was immediately enrolled as a sergeant in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The parents, dreaming of seeing their son in the military, sent the boy to the Polotsk Jesuit School, and then to the Naval Corps. The young man's artistic abilities were revealed very early. While studying in the corps, F. P. Tolstoy began attending the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts as a volunteer student. Gradually, the desire to become a professional artist matured, but for this it was necessary to resign, abandon a military career, prepare for the anger of parents, family, and a break with relatives and acquaintances. Only boundless love for art and courage made it possible to decide on such an act. In 1804 he resigned. For the young artist, a life full of hardships and difficulties began.

At the Academy of Arts, Tolstoy studied sculpture with Professor I. P. Prokofiev, and here he became friends with O. A. Kiprensky, whose advice he followed in drawing plaster.

The artist enthusiastically copies ancient statues, studies ancient history, morals and customs of people of the distant past. A sincere and deep love for ancient art, which arose in his youth, would later pass through his entire creative path. With exceptional talent and hard work, Tolstoy quickly achieves success. The artist's first works were drawings and bas-reliefs on ancient themes. Thus, in 1806 he executed the drawings “Alexander the Great’s Confidence in the Doctor Philip,” “The Judgment of Paris,” “The Struggle of Hercules” and others (Russian Museum). For the wax bas-relief “The Triumphal Entry of Alexander the Great into Babylon” (1809, State Hermitage), F. P. Tolstoy was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Arts.

Medal making, sculpture and graphics, and later painting and decorative art - this original and brilliant master showed himself in almost every field of artistic creativity. His early works, high reliefs made of pink wax - “Boy under a Blanket”, “Bathing Children” (both 1808-1809, Kalinin Regional Art Gallery), “Darling” (1808-1809, State Hermitage) - indicate great professionalism. The beauty of the lines, the smoothness of the outlines, the softness and expressiveness of the sculpting is distinguished by the figure of Dushenka. His knowledge of nature and excellent mastery of the secrets of wax technique were noted by his contemporaries in his high reliefs.

A very special place in the work of the early period is occupied by wax portraits - small-sized profile images made in low relief from light, yellow and pink wax on a black board or glass. If in the early portrait bas-reliefs the sculptor strives to express the intense inner life of his characters (portrait of A. F. Dudina, portraits of the brothers), then in the later ones he follows the line of generalization and typification of images, showing greater freedom in the use of artistic means (portraits of K. A Leberecht, P. A. Tolstoy, etc.).

The beginning of the artist’s work as a medalist is connected entirely with the St. Petersburg Mint, where in 1810 he received an appointment. The medal, in his opinion, should be clear and intelligible, “so that everyone can immediately understand for what reason it was struck.”

“I intended to create the medals entrusted to me,” wrote F. P. Tolstoy, “in the ancient Greek form, as the best in the fine arts, strictly observing the fidelity to the customs, costumes, locality and country of that time and those persons under whom the deed was accomplished.” depicted on the medal is a famous event...”

In 1809, the first medal “In memory of Chatsky’s educational activities” appeared, executed in the best traditions of classicism, and in 1813-1817 - medals, including an award medal for students of the Academy of Arts. All of them are distinguished by the classical rigor of the composition, the beauty of the contours, the smoothness of the rhythms and the accuracy of the drawing. Working long and hard in the field of medal art, Tolstoy created a doctrine about “what and how someone who wants to be an artist-medalist, and not a medalist-craftsman, should learn.”

The artist gained true fame and fame after creating a series of medallions on the themes of the Patriotic War of 1812. “I am Russian and I am proud of this name,” wrote F. P. Tolstoy during the days of the Patriotic War, “wanting to participate in the glory of my compatriots, wanting to share it... I dared to undertake an enterprise that would complicate even the greatest artist. But the hitherto unheard of glory of our days... can even mediocre talent so inspire that it will enter the gates of future times... I decided to pass on to my descendants the faint shades of feelings that filled me, I wanted to tell them that in our time everyone thought like I and everyone were happy, bearing the name of a Russian.”

It is important to note that the artist did this work, which lasted more than twenty years, not by order or request of high-ranking officials, but solely out of sincere patriotic motives. He immortalized the most famous military actions not with portraits of generals, but with figures symbolically representing the Russian army and the people's militia. He carefully studied the details of the battles, read the notes of military experts, and talked with war veterans. The surviving drawings and sketches are given. the opportunity to trace the creative process of working on each composition and convince us that the laconicism and expressiveness of artistic language was achieved by the artist at the cost of great research, persistent and hard work. He managed to ensure that “anyone, looking at the finished medal, could find out, without resorting to a signature, for what occasion it was stamped.”

Tolstoy's medallions are very diverse in their subjects and solutions. The main place in them is occupied by the largest battles and battles of the Patriotic War. Reality itself determined the nature of the subjects and compositions of the medallions and gave direction to the artist’s creative thought. A deep and close connection with real life filled Tolstoy's works with an excited and sincere feeling.

Tolstoy's medallions became widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. He was elected a member of almost all European art academies. The flowering of the artist’s work coincided with the period of his most intense political and civic activity. Like many progressive people of his time, Tolstoy dreamed of broad reforms, of changing social orders. In 1816, he was involved in the Freemason movement, and later participated in the organization of the so-called “Lancaster Schools”, the purpose of which was to spread literacy among the population.

Social activities prepared Tolstoy to join a secret society in 1818 - the Union of Welfare, where he was not an ordinary participant, but one of the leaders - the chairman of the Root Council. Tolstoy did not follow the Decembrists to the end, but retained his convictions, courage and breadth of views. This is evidenced by two notes from Tolstoy submitted to Nicholas 1 in 1826, in which he courageously defends the dignity of the human person, sharply criticizes the senseless drill and cane discipline in the army, angrily condemns serfdom and bureaucratic tyranny. The artist took an active part in the release of T. G. Shevchenko, seeking his amnesty.

Intense social activities did not prevent the artist from pursuing his favorite art. In 1816, he made four bas-reliefs in wax for Homer's Odyssey (Tretyakov Gallery). These bas-reliefs represent the most valuable part of the artist's sculptural heritage. A subtle understanding and knowledge of antiquity, a deep penetration into the world of ancient Greek life that captivated him, helped the artist resurrect the pages of distant history in all its poetic charm and vital persuasiveness.

In addition to medallions and bas-reliefs, Tolstoy created several sculptures. In 1822, the master made “Head of Morpheus” (terracotta, Russian Museum), in 1839 “Bust of Nicholas I” (marble, Russian Museum), in 1848 “Head of Christ” (plaster, Russian Museum; marble, Tretyakov Gallery). In 1849, for his services in the field of sculpture, the Council of the Academy of Arts approved him as a professor.

Illustrations for I. F. Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling” also occupy a large place in the artist’s creative heritage. Work on the drawings continued for thirteen years (1820-1833, Tretyakov Gallery), from which engravings were subsequently created. These sheets revealed Tolstoy's brilliant mastery of line, characteristic of all the artist's work. Line and contour were for him the main means of artistic expression. In his hands, the line is elastic, precise, it intensifies, then approaches and disappears, creating a complete feeling of volume, materiality of figures and objects. The different nature of the lines gives the artist the opportunity to solve plastic and spatial problems with the utmost laconicism.

F. P. Tolstoy’s illustrations for “Darling” are the crown of the artist’s graphic skill. They reflected the best aspects of his drawing art - virtuosity and precision of drawing, lightness of linear rhythms and their musicality, beauty of contours.

Tolstoy is also known as a composer of ballets and operas, as well as a decorative artist. In 1838, he completed scenery, sketches of theatrical costumes and a large number of drawings depicting various dance steps for the ballet “Aeolian Harp”, and in 1848 - for the ballet “Echo”.

Tolstoy considered sculpture, medal making and graphics his most important occupation. He devoted all his creative energy and time to them. In the rare hours free from his main work, the artist cut out various silhouettes from black paper. Independent of official prevailing tastes, not bound by the requirements of customers and the Academy, Tolstoy created silhouettes for himself and his friends. Here his realistic aspirations and interest in the life around him were especially pronounced. Tolstoy also painted several paintings: “Family Portrait” (1830, State Russian Museum), “Sewing. In the Rooms” (Tretyakov Gallery), “Warwick” (1853, not preserved) and “View of the Children of Markoville in Finland” (1855, Tretyakov Gallery).

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy died on April 13, 1873 at the age of ninety. This wonderful artist lived a long life filled with work. He left a vivid memory of himself. His works, created more than a hundred years ago, live on in our time, delighting viewers with their remarkable craftsmanship.

Materials from the book: Dmitrienko A.F., Kuznetsova E.V., Petrova O.F., Fedorova N.A. 50 short biographies of masters of Russian art. Leningrad, 1971

Tolstoy and Pushkin

Tolstoy Fyodor Petrovich (1783-1873). Undertaking the publication of his poems in 1825, Pushkin was going to order a vignette for it and wrote to his brother and P. A. Pletnev: “What if Tolstoy’s magic brush...” At the same time, the poet mentioned in the fourth chapter of “Eugene Onegin” about the “miraculous brush” of the artist.

In the first half of the 19th century, the name of Tolstoy - a sculptor and medalist, painter and draftsman - was very popular in Russian society. His suite of medallions with allegorical images of scenes from the Patriotic War is widely known.

1812 and a series of classical drawings for I. F. Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling”. The suite was known to Pushkin from the publication “Collection of various images from medals representing military actions that took place in 1812, 1813 and 1814” (St. Petersburg, 1818).

Tolstoy sympathized with the Decembrist movement and was even the chairman of the radical Duma of the Union of Welfare. For not belonging to later secret societies, he was “disregarded.”

The artist's circle of acquaintances was wide - it included not only fellow professionals, but also scientists, writers, and public figures.

In the salon of A. N. Olenin, as Tolstoy later recalled, he “met and got along very well with Gnedich, Krylov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin and Pletnev” (1817-1820). He also met with Pushkin in 1831 in Tsarskoye Selo and in 1833 in St. Petersburg at the funeral of Gnedich.

L.A. Chereisky. Contemporaries of Pushkin. Documentary essays. M., 1999, p. 97.

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Participants in the Napoleonic Wars(biographical reference book).


Tolstoy F.P. Drawing from 1859.

Tolstoy F.P. Civil uprising. Medallion. 1816 (Russian Russian Museum).

    - (1783 1873). Russian sculptor, medalist, draftsman and painter. He attended (from 1804) the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied with I. P. Prokofiev; taught there (from 1825; vice president in 1828 59, comrade (deputy) president in 1859 68). IN… … Art encyclopedia

    Tolstoy Fyodor Petrovich (- Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy (17831873), count, sculptor, medalist, draftsman and painter. Graduated from the Naval Corps (1802). In 1804 he left military service; began attending classes at the Academy of Arts, an honorary member of the Academy of Arts from 1809, taught there from 1825 (vice... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    - (1783 1873), count, sculptor, medalist, draftsman and painter. Graduated from the Naval Corps (1802). In 1804 he left military service; began attending classes at the Academy of Arts, an honorary member of the Academy of Arts from 1809, taught there from 1825 (vice president in 1828 59, ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    - (1783 1873), count, medalist, sculptor, painter and graphic artist, vice president (1828 59), comrade of the president (1859 68) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In his works, imbued with a poetic perception of antiquity, the principles of classicism received a new, close... encyclopedic Dictionary

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