Thematic shifts and days. Game program for the summer camp “Sea Wonders” Map of a sea voyage in the camp

Game program for children 6-11 years old “With love for the sea.” Scenario

Blinova Maria Anatolyevna, music director, MDOAU “Kindergarten No. 3 “Dandelion” of a combined type, Orenburg region, Novotroitsk.
Description of material: I present to your attention a game program for children of preschool and primary school age, this material is intended for music directors, preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and additional education teachers.

Target: the importance of the sea in the life of every person and child, an atmosphere of joy and play, expanding the horizons of children.
1. Give children pleasure in competitions, games and competitions.
2. Development of environmental education, respect for the nature of the sea, guessing riddles, performing dances, reading poetry.
3. Creating emotional well-being, communication skills with other children, the joy of meeting the beautiful music of the sea and its inhabitants.
4. Tell about the history of the sea, give children educational information, develop the intellectual and thinking abilities of children.
Sport equipment: 2 hoops, 4 children's buckets of the same capacity, 2 with water, 2 spoons, 2 long synthetic ropes, a disk with sea songs of the sounds of the sea, sports modules for building a ship, 2 tables,
limiter cubes, rope, sea bottle with riddles, modules for building ships.
Decor: sports flags, painted seagulls, an anchor, jellyfish figures, homemade palm trees from plastic bottles, large shells, team emblems, certificates and medals for the winners.

Children gather on the playground and sports ground. Sounds music by Paul Mauriat "In the Animal World".
Leading: The history of the sea: three quarters of the earth's surface is a huge mass of salty ocean water, the sea is part of the World Ocean, the origin of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans is associated with the breakup and movement of continents, a large amount of salts accumulate in the sea, giving sea water a salty taste.
“A lot has been said about the sea,
But what is there to say for a long time,
Who has never been there before,
We invite you to sail with us."

1 child:
Sea, morning wave,
He will bring it to the shore
And leave it for the children
A lot of things they need:
The stones are smooth like soap
(The sea waves soap them);
Tina, like a strand of hair
The rock was shaken off the scallop;
And princesses of sea toys -
Real seashells.
N. Belostotskaya
2nd child:

I'm running to you!
I'm already on the shore!
I'm running to your wave
and the wave
running towards me!...
E. Moshkovskaya
3rd child:

What a sea it is!
Multicolored blue
Noisy with waves,
screaming seagulls,
clean, salty,
warm, corrugated
Embraces the sky
The sun smiles!..
L. Zubanenko

4th child:
An octopus lives at the bottom of the ocean,
His father and mother live there,
A large sea family lives there -
Father of the Octopuses and sons.
They live in a cave between the reefs,
They have a home and family comfort there,
There mom loves and takes care of them,
So that the big sperm whale does not offend them,
So that the shark does not take them by surprise,
When they lead a big round dance,
When they come out for a walk,
Play football with sea urchins.
They are children too, even if they live in the sea,
They both appreciate and love the comfort of home.
A. Slonikov
5th child:

We celebrated the New Year.
And coral, like a Christmas tree,
They dressed up together.
Just no toys
In the sea underwater.
And they had to branch
Decorate with yourself.
I. Sudareva
6th child:

Under the water
In transparent blouses
Jellyfish swim important.
Slowly, leisurely,
To look beautiful.
These are the fashionistas
Fashionistas are submariners.
I. Makhonina
7th child:

Everyone knows about dolphins -
There are no more interesting animals:
Sharp mind, dexterous movements
And easy to train.
8th child:
What are the boats sad about?
Far from land?
The ships are sad, sad
About the shallows on the river,
Where can I take a minute?
Sit down and relax
And where there is absolutely nothing
It's not scary to drown.
V. Lunin
Leading: Today, unusual lifeguards are working on our sea beach - these are two teams, and now they will introduce themselves to us. We will hold various competitions and games-competitions, and a jury will evaluate you. Let's start our game program “With love for the sea”.
Sounds Factory “The sea is calling, the wave is singing” the teams fall into place.
Team presentation.

Team "Dolphins".
Dolphins love to swim and dive
And drowning people can be saved.
Team "Rusalka".
We love to sing and have fun,
Frolic in the foam of the sea.
"Dolphins and mermaids."
We dolphins and mermaids are bosom friends.
Dear jury, you are not our jury.
We will try to make our way to medals.
We will show you all our knowledge and skills,
How we love the sea, in all its beauty.
Leading: What wonderful, cheerful, dexterous teams we have gathered - rescuers of children, girls and boys, dolphins and mermaids.
Warm-up “Water Safety”.
Leading: how to behave on the beach, because not all children know how to swim, so they need what to have with them?
The commands respond in turn:
1. Life vest.
2. Lifebuoy.
3. Sun hat.
4. Fins, air mattress.
2. How to behave on the water.
Leading: the second part of the task, what rules must be followed?
The commands respond in turn:
1. You need to swim or swim in specially equipped places, under the supervision of adults.
2. You cannot swim beyond the buoys or drink dirty water.
3. If you start to drown, immediately shout “Save me, I’m drowning!”
4. Capturing games cannot be played underwater.
5. Do not throw bottles and garbage on the beach and into the water, polluting the sea and harming marine inhabitants, as well as yourself.
Leading: Dear jury, we ask you to evaluate the results of the children’s answers and give high points for correct answers.
Competition No. 1 “Your ship”.
Leading: I suggest that while the music is playing, the teams build their own ships from modules, whoever is faster and better.
Sounds Gazmanov's song “You are a sailor, I am a sailor.”
Jury evaluation of results. The teams have good reliable ships, captains get 5 points.
Leading: Dear jury, we ask you to evaluate the results of the children’s answers and give 5 points for the correct answer, while the jury is counting the points, let’s play.

Game "The Wind Blows in the Sails"
The children in the circle, at the signal from the leader, all take a deep breath so that the stomach becomes “inflated”, bend one leg, lean forward a little and begin to count to eight, until the stomach “goes down” - exhale. Use air gradually.
The game is repeated several times, allowing you to train your breathing.
The jury announces the results of the competition.
The teams board the ship and sail, the song “Ah, the White Ship” by Yuri Antonov sounds. A sea bottle floated to us, it contained a strange code asking us to guess sea riddles for the teams.
Competition No. 2: riddles about the sea and marine life.
4 riddles for each team.
1. Playing and frolicking again
In front of the bow of the ship.
Backs flash above the water,
- The nimble ones rush... ( Dolphins)
2. Long-haired beauty sitting
He doesn’t walk on land, but starts dancing under water.
Yes, it makes waves with its scaly tail. (Mermaid)

3. In calm weather
We are nowhere
How the wind blows -
We run on water.
4. Here, where we don’t glance -
Water blue expanse.
In it the wave rises like a wall,
White crest above the wave.
And sometimes it’s quiet and quiet here.
Was everyone able to recognize him?

5. This is the largest animal
Like a multi-ton liner.
And he eats, believe me!
Only small things - plankton.
Floats here and there
Across the Arctic seas.
6. He is the king of the sea,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the ruler of the mermaids.
7. Everyone who has been to the sea
I'm familiar with the bright umbrella.
From water and salt
It consists entirely.
Don't touch him in the water -
Burns like fire.
8. It contains salt water.
Ships sail on the water,
Waves, wind in the open air,
Seagulls are circling over...( By sea)

Competition No. 3 “Lifebuoy”.
Leading: What will we do if a ship passenger is overboard? Children: to save, let's throw a life preserver on him.
In the competition, one participant moves a short distance, the children must take turns throwing a hoop over him, that is, putting on a life preserver. Each successful hit is a point for the team, the jury counts it, summing up the results after the competition.
Jury: Five points for everyone.

Leading: in front of you is a reproduction "The Ninth Wave" famous artist, name him?
Children: Ivan Aivazovsky.
I suggest you name the paintings of this artist and not confuse them with paintings by other artists. His paintings “Frigate”, “Seascape”, “Sea”. Game "Find paintings about the sea." To the music, the teams choose one reproduction of the artist Aivazovsky. Music sounds like the sounds of the sea.

Jury: Five points for everyone.
Competition No. 4 “Draw the sea yourself.”

According to the template, a team of children must take turns drawing fragments of the sea in stages, it turns out to be a collective work or a picture can be drawn by the captains, the teams support them.
The music of the sea sounds. Sounds of dolphins, sea and piano.
I suggest the teams relax and watch their opponents' sea dances.
Dance of the Dolphins, dance of the Mermaids.
Jury: Five points for everyone.
Competition No. 5 “Who can remember the most sayings and proverbs about the sea.”
Children talk about the sea: proverbs and sayings.
The sea does not like the weak.
If you're afraid of sharks, don't go into the sea.
You can't swim across the sea.
There are many roads in the sea.
The sea is a fishing field.
It is not the sea that sinks ships, but the winds.
You don't have to drink the whole sea to know that the water is salty.
Once you've been at sea, you'll never forget it.

Leading: Neptune is clearly in a quarrel with someone,
If the sea is so stormy!
Waves of various shapes...
What about the sea? In the sea …

Competition No. 6 “Storm at Sea”.
Participants stand in two lines facing each other. The leader gives the first person in the line a long synthetic rope. After the presenter whistles, you need to thread it through some part of the wardrobe - a hole for a button, a strap for a belt, sandal, bracelet or something similar.
Competition No. 7 “Leak on the ship.”
At some distance from the participants there are two tables on them, 2 small-sized children's buckets of water next to them, empty buckets to scoop out the water from the hold, the same in volume, the competitors run, run up and fill the empty capacity of the bucket with one small ladle at a time.
The task is to save the ship - a sinking ship. The competition continues until one of the teams completes the task.
Final competition No. 8 to sing a song about the sea.
Children sing songs: “The sea begins with a small river”, “You hear the sea.”
Jury: Five points for everyone.
Leading: All teams did an excellent job, Friendship and love for the sea won.
Jury: We reward everyone with medals, certificates and incentive prizes in the books “Sea Stories”.
Leading: Let's finish the game program friendly motto: “Sea, sun and water are our best friends.”

The day camp of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 118" operates according to the program of the plot-role-playing game "Sea Voyage". Every year it gathers about 150 schoolchildren studying at the municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 118". The joy of communication, creative discoveries, original ideas - all this gives our students life in the camp.

1. Explanatory note.

The day camp for children is organized on the basis of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 118”. The participants of the camp shift are the teaching staff and students of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 118”. The age of children is from 7 to 15 years. Shift duration is 18 days. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the camp is the use of the educational potential of the game. The maintenance of the camp is a big game of “Sea Voyage”. The game gives an emotional coloring to everything that happens, creates an atmosphere of co-creation, teaches, and helps to communicate.

The shift is due to the need:

  • continuation of the educational process in summer conditions;
  • creating a single team;
  • improving the health of children vacationing in the camp.

The camp program is based on the following principles:

  • expediency - compliance of pedagogical tasks with the personal goals of children;
  • voluntary participation in camp affairs;
  • openness in the activities of the units;
  • taking into account the age characteristics of children, the availability of the proposed forms of work;
  • individual approach to the child’s personality.

2. The purpose of organizing the camp:

Goal: promoting the physical, mental, intellectual, moral development of children; creation of a pedagogical educational environment that promotes the strengthening of children's health as a vital value and a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and the development of their creative potential.


  • wide exposure of children to diverse social experiences, creation in the camp of a style of relations of genuine cooperation, community, co-creation;
  • support and provision of methodological and practical assistance to squad leaders and children's groups in organizing and conducting events;
  • identifying and developing the child’s creative potential, including him in developmental collective and individual activities;
  • developing children's skills to work in a group and participate in the management of a children's health camp.

3. The main content of the camp.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of the shift is carried out according to the “Sea Voyage” program in the form of a role-playing game. Traditionally, the program participants form squads representing various ships of the Sea Voyage. Each team has its own work plan. All units have a library, a games room, a sports ground, and additional education clubs. Each detachment is a ship of a sea voyage. Maintaining interest in the game is facilitated by game materials, costume making, game vocabulary, and design.

5 detachments - ships - are formed in the camp. One of the teams is specialized (information). The computer science teacher developed a training program for the squad ( Annex 1 ) , which resulted in the publication of the newspaper “Flight Journal”.

Children take an active part in playing programs and concerts. Participate in large collective activities of the camp. Specialized teams are organized on the basis of the camp:

Sports school squad.

They organize thematic days and sports events according to the camp plan, educational and training sessions, and passing control standards.

Labor squad.

They organize cleaning of the school site, conduct daily labor raids, and monitor the cleanliness of school premises.

A squad of counselors.

Take part in leisure activities of the camp.

The preparation and conduct of general camp affairs are discussed by the captains and the admiral. All information about the conditions for participation in a particular case is presented on the information stand. The results of competitions and competitions are reflected on the sea travel competition screen.

Shift dictionary:

The camp is a big regatta.

The squad is a ship.

All the children in the camp are crew.

Counselors are navigators.

Additional education teachers – boatswains.

The senior counselor (deputy camp director) is a rear admiral.

The camp teachers are ship captains.

The head of the camp is a naval general.

Meetings of navigators, rear admiral, and general of the fleet are held daily, at which issues regarding the organization of health and leisure for the crew of ships are resolved.

The following tasks are offered at the meetings:

  • sports;
  • creative;
  • intellectual;
  • inventive;
  • socially useful.

System for stimulating success and personal growth:

There is a monetary system in the camp - “shells”. For successful work, the guys receive these awards. The crews of the ships, having earned a certain amount of money, can buy some goods at the fair, which takes place at the end of the camp shift.

Each ship's crew can receive awards every day for active participation in the life of their ship and the sea voyage as a whole (in competitions and public travel events).

Each ship's navigator receives a gift on the last day of camp - a surprise and a letter of gratitude.

Each ship has its own flag and anthem; they are determined on a competitive basis at the beginning of the season separately on each ship. The entire crew of the ship participates in the competition. Each ship has its own detachment corner, which contains:

  1. Ship's flag;
  2. Ship name;
  3. The ship's motto;
  4. Ship achievements;
  5. Congratulations;
  6. Crew size (detachment list).

The camp shift lasts 18 days, during which the program is expected to be implemented in blocks:


  1. Operation “Comfort”.
  2. Opening of the “Hello Summer” shift.
  3. “Underwater Odyssey” (introducing children to the territory, laws and traditions of the camp).
  4. “Full speed ahead!” (introducing children to camp staff).
  5. “In search of Captain Flint’s treasure” (summarizing the results of the organizational period).


  1. Conducting thematic games and quizzes in the school library and the library named after. O. Koshevoy.
  2. Quiz dedicated to the anniversary of the JSC.
  3. Traffic rules quiz.


  1. “Big emergency.”
  2. Fun starts.
  3. Sports relay races.
  4. Team sports games.


  1. Writing notes about the life of your ship and the journey in general for the newspaper “Onboard Journal” ( appendix 2 ) . The Flight Magazine newspaper includes:
    1. competition screen (screen for maintaining cleanliness, performing exercises while exercising, behavior during quiet time on the ship);
    2. menu;
    3. plan of events for the entire season of the camp shift “Sea Voyage”.
  2. Opening of the marine gallery “Underwater Kingdom” (drawings, crafts, poems).
  3. Beauty and talent competitions (“Queen of the Sea”, “King of the Sea”, “You are a sailor, I am a sailor”).
  4. Closing the shift “Earth! Earth! Earth!"

Conditions for the program

1. Staffing

Teachers, senior counselors, and squad leaders participate in the implementation of the program. The selection and placement of personnel is carried out by the administration of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 118”. Before the start of the camp, an orientation seminar is held for teachers and squad leaders. Teaching staff:

Senior counselor: is responsible for maintaining the daily routine, organizing and maintaining health, educational and leisure activities, the work of self-government bodies and conducting leisure activities within the framework of the program, analyzes the activities of the units.

Special personnel (librarian, physical education teacher, computer science teacher): carry out specialized pedagogical activities within the framework of functional duties, and can be involved in pedagogical support for the work of self-government bodies and for organizing leisure activities.

Additional education teachers: are responsible for the content of the activities of their clubs, the effectiveness of their work and the involvement of children in activities, and participate in the preparation of public events.

Educators: are responsible for the life and health of children, implementation of the plan of educational work, carrying out detachment and general camp affairs.

Squad leaders: Organize and support the work of squads, ensure the safety of children.

2. Pedagogical conditions:

  1. Voluntary inclusion of children in the development, preparation of common affairs, and organization of camp life.
  2. A combination of individual and collective inclusion of children in various types of activities (creative, developmental, intellectual).
  3. Systematic information about the results of competitions, competitions, and the conditions for participation in a particular activity.
  4. Organization of various types of stimulation for children and adults, variety of proposed activities (the right to choose feasible participation in the activity).
  5. Selection of pedagogical means taking into account age and individual characteristics that contribute to ensuring the child’s successful self-realization;
  6. Creating a situation of success in the child’s chosen activities, individual and public encouragement for what has been achieved.
  7. Creating the ability to switch from one type of activity to another.

3. Methodological support for the shift

  1. Availability of a camp program, plans for the work of units, a description of the model of the game plot, plan - grid;
  2. Job descriptions, order on organizing a camp on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 118”;
  3. Conducting an orientation seminar for squad leaders before the start of the camp shift;
  4. Selection of methodological material in accordance with the camp program;
  5. Selection of props for conducting business.
  6. Development of a system for tracking the results of teaching activities and the activities of camp students, summing up the results, ensuring publicity of the achieved successes and results.

Program effectiveness criteria

  1. Setting realistic goals and planning the outcome of the program.
  2. Teachers' interest in implementing the program.
  3. Favorable psychological climate in children's and adult groups.
  4. Children's satisfaction with the various types of activities and forms of work offered.
  5. Creative cooperation between teachers and children.
  6. Desire to participate in the camp next year.

Expected results of the program.

With the active participation of children and adults in the implementation of the program, children will be motivated to get to know other children's groups.

Successful performance of children in events and competitions will increase social activity, which should manifest itself during the school year through initiatives to organize life at school. Children will become a friendly, united, creative team, setting new goals for themselves.


  1. “ZDV” magazine
  2. Book with camp programs
  3. Training manual “I am a counselor”

Marine wonders


Today everyone is surprised
We're starting the show!
We'll show you a sea fairy tale
Let's sing, dance and tell stories.

Let's start a fairy tale, we invite everyone to clap!
A fairy tale, a fairy tale, not simple, but magical, sea.

Since we need to prepare for a long journey at sea, we need to prepare thoroughly. Let's start with brain training.
pirates exit

Leading . Who are you?

    I am Julico Bandito.

    I am De La Voro Gangsterito.

    We won't let you travel.

    We'll rob you.

Leading. And we are not afraid of you. Really, guys? (whispers) To be honest, guys, I know how to re-educate them. We will invite them to the game.

Warm-up "Z"riddles with a trick."

A point for the team whose player gives the correct answer. Pirates say the wrong answer every time.

For lunch for son Vanya
Mom cooks soup in... in a glass
(in a saucepan)

Dad tells us in a deep voice:
“I love candy with... with meat
(with nut)

Grandmother asks Arkasha
Eat radishes... porridge

Mom asked Yulia
Pour some tea into her... pan
(in a cup)

And in Voronezh and Tula,
Children sleep on... on a chair at night
(on the bed)

I was able to choose for myself
a pair of mittens for... for feet
(for hands)

The frost is crackling in the yard -

You put your hat on...on your nose
(on the head)

Birthday is around the corner -

we baked...sausage

Always wearing rompers
Sleeping in the garden with a pacifier... grandfather

And capricious and stubborn,
Doesn't want to go to kindergarten... mom

Dresses and pants for dolls
Boys always love to sew...

Longest rope competition .

Even in difficult situations, the team must be able to quickly navigate and cope with the difficulties that arise. If ropes are lost during the fight against the elements, the team must be able to restore the necessary equipment. In a short amount of time, teams need, with the help of fans, to collect as many different clothes as possible and weave the longest rope out of it.

The pirates are trying to help and, as if by accident, unobtrusively interfere with the teams.
Knot .

Surely everyone has heard about strong sea knots. But we will not weave them from ropes or ropes. Team captains are asked to leave the room one by one for a while. The team stands in a circle and holds hands tightly. The captain of the opposing team must thoroughly “confuse” this circle by turning someone around him, asking someone to step over their closed hands, etc. The main condition of the competition is that clasped hands cannot be separated. When the “sea knot” is ready, you can invite the team captain, who will have the difficult task of unraveling this “knot.” Then the same thing happens to the opposing team.
Woman on a ship.

The well-known sign that a woman on a ship means trouble, to put it mildly, is nothing more than an ordinary superstition. A woman is joy always and everywhere! And at our holiday, of course, too. It will be wonderful if your friendly group of women shows a dance. What could it be? A touching song with a guitar or poems specially written for this day about each man from your team. Or maybe it will be a funny skit or an incendiary dance - everything is in your hands, the main thing is that the prepared performance is sincere and spontaneous.

Happy song.

Nothing lifts your spirits more than a happy song, or at least part of it. Teams must sing as many sea-themed songs as possible. They sing one by one. The most important thing is that the songs “ignite”.

Crab racing.

Everyone knows cockroach races and cockfights. But where can you find rooster cockroaches in the sea? They can be successfully replaced by crabs. After all, crab races are also spectacular and exciting. The most important thing is to convey the style of a crab, walking sideways on all fours in reverse.

Sea bowling .

How to pass the time in a cramped vessel among the sea? Of course, a game of bowling. Difficult - sea. And the usual equipment will be: skittles and balls. Everyone knows the rules. Play and have fun.


And the competition program ends with the most sea and fun dance “Apple”. It is not at all necessary to follow the canons; the more interesting and cheerful the performance, the better!

Leading . Guys, what happened to our bandits? They fight, push, and cry.

    He came up with it all. And distract the guys and steal your candies.

    Not true. He came up with all this.

    No you! (waves his fists)

    No. It's you! (tries to fight back)

Leading. What do I hear? Where are the gifts for the kids?

    We took them.

    And they hid it.

Leading. Give it back now, guys.

    Yes, these are gifts.

    But we don’t have them!

Leading. Don't worry, you will get gifts.


    Thank you! I won't be a bandit anymore.

    And I won't do it anymore.

Leading. Well, fine! And the journey ended, and the bandits were re-educated.

"I affirm"

School director Sazonova G.P.



children's health camp "Solnyshko"

on the basis of MKOU "Varnavinskaya S(K)SHI"

in the form of a role-playing game


1. Explanatory note

The summer period is an active time for the socialization of schoolchildren.
With the onset of summer holidays, most parents are faced with the question of how to organize their children's summer holidays. Day camps for children play a special role. While attending a school camp, the child is not separated from his family, is under the supervision of teachers, is fed on time, is busy with interesting things, and is with his family in the evenings and on weekends.
Another important point is the opportunity for the child to communicate with his usual circle of friends.

Every year, a health camp “Solnyshko” is opened on the basis of the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution “Varnavinskaya S(K)SHI”.

The program is intended for school students from 8 to 16 years old. It has a goal and objectives, it indicates the principles on which it is based, and describes the expected results.

This program is comprehensive in its focus, i.e. includes diverse activities, combines various areas of health improvement, recreation and education of children in a health camp.

The duration of the program is short-term, i.e. implemented during 1 camp shift.

The development of children's creative potential is facilitated by the inclusion of clubs in the work program. Thematic days are planned, specialists from other departments and organizations are involved: a local inspector, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, a traffic police inspector, and a medical worker. Excursions to the museum, library, and a trip to the Bogatyr sports and recreation center are planned.”

Every year, 15 students from our school plunge into the vibrant life of creativity and friendship. Our camp “Sun” provides an opportunity to discover the creative abilities of children with disabilities and promotes psychological comfort in communication. In addition, properly organized activities, rest, leisure, and health promotion contribute to the spiritual and physical growth of children and have a real outlet in life.

The Sea Voyage program is based on the following principles:


Openness in the activities of crews (detachments),

Taking into account the age and individual abilities and interests of children;

The availability of the proposed forms of work to the capabilities of each child;



Development in every child of the desire to become better, to know more;

Development of his creative abilities; collectivity.

2. Goal setting

General pedagogical goal of the program: creating a system of interesting recreation, varied in form and content, and improving the health of children in a camp setting.


  • attracting children to actively participate in events within the program;
  • organization of the daily routine in accordance with age characteristics;
  • organization of proper rest and health improvement for children;
  • revealing the creative and communicative abilities of students;
  • creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the camp.

Ask the guys which of them doesn’t want to go on a trip, and a forest of hands will grow, eyes will sparkle, smiles will flash - the wind of travel is dear to everyone.
And that’s why we at the camp also decided to organize a trip for the guys.
The main guide in them is a role-playing game.

5. Game model

The guys in our camp are very restless, they strive to learn and see as much as possible. They compiled their travel map along the “Footsteps of Sinbad the Sailor.”
The card is posted on the first day of the shift in a visible place in the lobby. The path traveled is marked on it with flags. Each crew keeps their own travel diary - the “Flight Log”, where they enter, sketch, and paste in all the most interesting things they encounter along the way.
The introduction to the game begins from the moment you meet the children on the first day of camp. On this day, the camp-wide game “Whistle all up!” is held.
The game takes place in two stages: individual and team.

All life activities in the “Solnyshko” children's recreation centerimbued with a marine theme. In this regard, many camp objects have been renamed in accordance with naval terms:

Dining room - galley;
Meeting room of the Council of Captains - captain's cabin;
The location of the line is the captain's bridge;
The crew muster area is the wardroom;
Crew rooms – cockpits and cabins;
Squad - crew;
Team educators - navigators;
Camp administration - organizing committee for the regatta;
Information stand – travel diary;
Children are sailors.

Every day new words and terms are added to the game from the marine dictionary, which is aesthetically designed and displayed in a prominent place called"Marine Glossary" All participants embark on a journey full of adventures, challenges and difficulties across 7 unknown islands. Each island has its own secret. The children are invited to explore these islands and discover their secrets. During the trip, children and adults will take part in various competitions, competitions, and quizzes. The game ends at the end of the shift, and then the secrets of all 7 islands will be revealed and understood.

6. Stages of the game

  • Organizational: “In the footsteps of Sinbad the Sailor.”
  • Main: “On the path of adventure and discovery.”
  • Final: “Treasure Island.”

7. Incentive system

After the start of the regatta “Full speed ahead!” Each squad (crew) receives a squad flag, onto which they make and strengthen an emblem. For victory in various matters, the crew can receive a sign of success on their flag in the form of an anchor.

Each anchor has its own color and meaning:

  • Red anchor – 1st place and 15 miles;
  • Blue anchor – 2nd place and 10 miles;
  • Green anchor - 3rd place and 5 miles.
  • For special merits - a golden anchor.

The task of each crew is to collect as many anchors as possible, which can reveal the best crew in the following categories:

  • "The most friendly"
  • "The most creative"
  • "The most intelligent"

For an individual growth system, each crew has its own signs of success.

Having collected 5 distinctive signs of success, a participant in the game receives the title “ yoongi" and a distinctive sign - a blue ribbon, which is attached to clothing with a small pin.

Those who earn a total of 10 marks of success are awarded the title “ sailor" and is given a green ribbon.

The title of "sea wolf" and those guys who type 20 characters during a shift receive a red ribbon.

Once every 3 days, the Council of Captains is convened, which adjusts the routes of ships by drawing lots, because during the regatta the ship can:

1. Run aground. To move the ship from its place, physical forces must be applied. To do this, the crew can hold a sports event “In Search of Captain Flint’s Treasures” or a water-land competition. There may be your own option.

2. Get caught in a storm.Everything fell on the sailors at once: water, wind, etc. The squad must cope with 5 tasks of different nature within 3 days.

3. The ship was attacked by pirates.This unit received a black mark. And between the two squads there should be a competition “Fire, water and copper pipes”. If the pirates win, they take 5 miles from their opponents towards their victory.

4. Reefs. They can ambush unsuspecting crews as they go on their course. If the crew runs into them, then they must create a new route for swimming (playing on the ground using notes).

5. Calm – The squad must make a surprise for the other crews to cheer up.

6. Tailwind.Just like that, it will bring the team 5 miles.

Every day, each crew receives 5 miles on the map plus for winning contests and competitions. The counselor on duty can give 5 miles for the cleanest squad in the mess, cockpit and cabin. The Council of Captains for the regatta can give another 5 miles for an interesting squad case (if it is still described and submitted to the bank of interesting cases).

8. Children's self-government

At the organizational stage, elections are held for captains, boatswains, midshipmen for sports, and radio operators.

Traditionally, 2-3 groups are formed from children. The guys are assistants in organizing themed days and activities.

During the camp shift, all crew members will be able to take part in interesting excursions.

The crews cross seas and oceans and make stops:

· “Port of Wanderings”;

· “Bay of funny jokes”;

· “Bay I want to become an adult”;

· “The Bay of the Strong, the Clever, the Brave”;

· “Island of Impromptu”:

· “Bay “Our Native Places”.

Also, during the shift, the guys can visit any club according to their interests. Classes in circles are conducted by the unit’s teachers and are complete.

1. Sports: football, volleyball, traffic rules “Svetoforchik”
2. Creative: song, dance, soft toy, origami.
3. Intellectual: logic games.

Each unit in the camp has its own unique image. It is expressed in: the name of the crew; motto, symbols and attributes; laws and traditions of squad life; game squad conventions, your special greetings, farewells, wishes for success, design of the squad corner.

10. Information support of the program“Sea voyage” is carried out by the camp’s press center.

11. Staffing

The teaching staff of our camp are school teachers.

Program coordinator: Dvornikova Larisa Aleksandrovna

12.Thematic planning

  • The first day:
  • arrival at the camp, squad game “Vanity of vanities”;
  • general camp game “Whistle all up!”.
  • Squad dating lights.
  • Second day:
  • organizational gatherings in teams; general camp dating hour “Hello Travellers!”
  • Fire safety training
  • Day three:
  • opening line “In the footsteps of Sinbad the Sailor”,
  • "Full speed ahead!"
  • Day four:
  • Ship mess
  • Drawing competition “Chasing sea ghosts”
  • Day five:
  • individual competitions at the Jung School
  • "Brain Ring"
  • general large relay race “In Search of Captain Flint’s Treasure”
  • Day six:
  • show program “Evening at the roadstead”,
  • “Regatta Diary” – watching a videotape.
  • Day seven:
  • intellectual show “Chasing Sea Ghosts”
  • Stop on the island of road signs "Red, yellow, green"
  • Day eight:
  • Reverse day "Bermuda Triangle"
  • competition program “Sardine, sardine, my sardine...”
  • fairy tale “Topsy-turvy”
  • Day nine:
  • creative day “From the ship to the ball”
  • Bay of “Strong, Agile, Brave”
  • Day ten:
  • themed day “Three in one”
  • Peninsula of "Merry Jokes"
  • Day eleven:
  • Team competition "Fire, water and copper pipes"
  • competition program “You are a sailor, I am a sailor”
  • Day twelve:
  • Neptune's holiday
  • island “I want to become an adult”
  • Day thirteen:
  • holiday “Ship mess”,
  • competition program “Leader and his team”
  • Day fourteen
  • preparation for Memorial Day,
  • "Regatta Diary"
  • Day fifteen
  • Day of Remembrance
  • Fair "Treasure Island"
  • Shift Closing Line – Regatta Finish

14. Expected results for the program

The result of the program will be the improvement and recreation of more than 15 boys and girls of our school.
During the implementation of the Sea Voyage program, we intend to consider the expected results of the shift through:

1. Results relevant for the development of the child’s personality:

  • satisfying the need for proper rest,
  • realizing the interests of children, enriching them and encouraging new interests;
  • developing children's ability to self-esteem and reflection;
  • formation in children of a socially significant position in relation to the world around them and to themselves.

2. Results regarding the children's association:

  • creating an emotional attitude in children to work in temporary children's associations.

3. Results that contribute to the development of the educational system of the camp:

  • testing of a new camp shift model;
  • improvement of new methods of mass, group, individual forms of work with children;
  • replenishment of the collection of work forms;
  • development of experience in the activities of the camp press center.

4. Results aimed at the teaching team of educators:

  • increasing the level of teaching skills;
  • approbation of the model of interaction between teachers. detachment with a children's group within the framework of the role-playing game “Sea Voyage”, self-realization of teachers.

15. Pedagogical diagnostics and ways to adjust the program

The camp carries out the following types of diagnostics:

  • Preliminary diagnostics - carried out before the start of the shift and during the organizational period in order to identify the individual characteristics of children and adjust the goals and objectives in accordance with them.
  • Current diagnostics - carried out during the main period of the shift in order to determine the degree of success in achieving the set goals and objectives.
  • Final diagnostics
  • Problem diagnostics – carried out in the event of a problem situation arising, relating to the team as a whole, or to an individual child, in order to correct this situation.

16. Laws of travelers

Law of Friendship:

One for all and all for one.

Law of time:

Accuracy - the politeness of kings.

Law of word and deed:

When criticizing, suggest. When you propose, do it.

Law of the Raised Hand:

If your hand is raised,
That means everyone is silent for now.

Law of the house:

Our camp is our common home.
Keep it clean.

Song Law:

Not a day without a song, not a step without a song.
From it we draw creativity, kindness and courage.

Law of nature:

The natural world is a beautiful world. Don't destroy her in vain.

Job title


teacher-psychologist in DOL.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A teacher-psychologist at a children's health camp (hereinafter referred to as an educational psychologist) belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person is hired for the position of educational psychologist:

Having a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of training “Pedagogy and Psychology” without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the field of study “Pedagogy and Psychology” without presenting requirements for work experience;

Not deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Does not have (has not had) a criminal record, has not been (has not been) subject to criminal prosecution (except for cases where criminal prosecution is terminated on rehabilitative grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital , slander and insult), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, as well as against public safety (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Does not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Not recognized as incompetent in the manner prescribed by federal law (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Does not have diseases included in the list approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.3. A teacher-psychologist should know:

Legislative acts, normative documents on issues of education and social protection of children;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Model regulations on children's health camps (Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 14, 2011 N 18-2/10/1-7164) and other regulations on the organization of summer holidays for children, children's health camps;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work and recreation camps for teenagers (SanPiN, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 2011 N 22, Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organizing the operating regime of out-of-town stationary institutions for children's recreation and health (SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2003, other regulations establishing sanitary norms, rules and standards;

Conditions for placement of a children's health camp (hereinafter referred to as the camp);

Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene;

Individual and age characteristics of children;

General psychology, educational psychology and general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child and developmental psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, child neuropsychology, pathopsychology, psychosomatics;

Methods of active learning, socio-psychological communication training;

Fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, mental hygiene, career guidance, vocational studies and occupational psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis;

Methods and ways of using educational technologies, including distance learning;

Modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental education, implementation of a competency-based approach;

Theory and methodology of educational work;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Basics of pre-hospital medical care;

Environmental Regulations;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations of the camp;

Rules and standards of labor, safety and fire protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene;

- ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. A teacher-psychologist in his activities is guided by:

Charter (Regulations) of DOL "Solnyshko"

This job description

1.5. The educational psychologist reports directly to the Head of the camp

1.6. During the absence of a teacher-psychologist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of children during their stay in the camp.

2.2. Ensuring the safety and health of children in the camp.

3. Job responsibilities

The educational psychologist performs the following duties:

3.1. Promotes the harmonization of the social sphere of the camp and carries out preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladjustment.

3.2. Identifies factors that hinder the development of children’s personality and takes measures to provide them with various types of psychological assistance (psychocorrectional, rehabilitation, advisory).

3.3. Conducts psychological diagnostics, psychocorrectional rehabilitation, and advisory work, relying on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies.

3.4. Promotes the development in children of readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self-determination.

3.5. Determines the degree of developmental disorders (mental, physiological, emotional) in children, as well as various types of social development disorders and carries out their psychological and pedagogical correction.

3.6. Participates in the formation of the psychological culture of children, including the culture of sex education.

3.7. Consults camp workers on issues of child development, practical application of psychology to solve pedagogical problems, increasing the socio-psychological competence of children, camp staff, parents (persons replacing them).

3.8. Participates in the preparation and conduct of recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the camp’s work plans and approved programs.

3.9. Ensures the protection of the life and health of children during their stay in the camp.

3.10. Provides advisory assistance to children, their parents (persons replacing them), and camp staff in solving specific problems of a psychological nature.

3.11. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

4. Rights

A teacher-psychologist has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the camp management.

4.2. Initiate and conduct meetings on organizational issues.

4.3. Request and receive necessary information and documents from structural units and specialists.

4.4. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.5. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed by him.

4.6. Demand that the camp management provide assistance in the performance of its official duties and rights.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The teacher-psychologist is held accountable:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality - in the manner established by the current labor, administrative or criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the camp - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed based on

Qualification characteristics of the position "Teacher-psychologist" (Unified

qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists

and employees. Section "Qualification characteristics of employee positions

education", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia from

08/26/2010 N 761n),

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description

carried out upon hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact that the employee has read this job description

confirmed by ___________________________________

With job descriptions); in a copy of the job description,
