The wolf is a wild predatory animal. Description and photo of the common wolf. The wolf is a typical predator that feeds on its own, actively searching for and pursuing victims Who feeds on wolves in the forest

From the Canine family. The length of the body, together with the tail, reaches 160 cm, and the height at the withers is up to 90 cm. The weight of such an animal is about 62 kg. According to scientists who have studied genes and DNA, the wolf is the ancestor of the common dog. There used to be more of these animals than now. The reasons for the decline in numbers are changes in the natural landscape, extermination and urbanization. There are territories where wolves are on the verge of extinction. In the north of the mainland, their population remains stable. Although there are fewer wolves, there are places where these animals pose a danger to livestock and villagers. Therefore, hunting for such animals is still allowed.

Perhaps your child is going to the Boy Scout - then skip the following lines straight. But if he no longer has experience with nature, summer is the perfect time to get him to camp. Go for a walk in the forest, show trees, bushes, mushrooms, animals and forest structures as a hunter or pose. Explain what you do with such trips with you, how to properly dress and dress in the forest. Find out how it lives and grows in the forest and how to behave there so that animals and plants do not suffer from your visit.

Doing what adults do, children enjoy the most. Take advantage of the fact that there are many more options to be able to experience things that are not available in the normal "school" mode. While your grandpa is teaching kids how to carve wood from boats and dad is showing them how to fix or prepare for a bike ride, you can cook with buns or kids to show how their grandparents put handcuffs around their necks. If you dare, paint your t-shirts or bags with textures or glass glasses together.

Ancient predator - wolf

The mating season for an animal comes at the end of winter, around February. Very often, married couples of wolves persist for life. The duration of pregnancy is on average 65 days. A she-wolf gives birth to two to fourteen cubs. On average - five kids. The father feeds the family for the first months. He brings food, regurgitates half-digested food to feed the mother of the family and cubs. At first, of course, babies eat milk, but from 1.5 months. start eating normal food. By August, they weigh about ten kilograms, and since September they go hunting with their parents.

In particular, let your children help as much as possible and try to do what they can. Kasperske Gori will love even children. You can look into the life of a wolf, find out what an American bison looks like in livestock in the Šumava hills, and children will definitely appreciate horse riding and afternoons spent on livestock farm. A completely unique range with wolves and a nature trail has opened up in Srni in Šumava. The trekking trek is three hundred meters long and you can cross the wooden footbridge four to six meters above the ground.


And what do wolves eat? As a rule, they eat animals, both domestic and wild. It can be deer, hares, wild boars, marmots, horses, beavers, as well as moose, muskrats, cows. If he cannot find such food, then the wolf eats frogs and lizards. On average, one such predator eats about two kilograms of meat per day. A very hungry wolf can eat 12 kg of meat in one sitting. Everything that is not finished, he hides in a secluded place. If he gets hungry, he always comes to his hiding place and eats up the leftovers. On the ground, the predator is guided by the sense of smell and hearing, since the wolf has poorly developed eyesight, although at night it sees better than a dog.

You will find plenty of observation shelters, benches and interesting informational signs about the life of the wolf that they have made home to the three hectares of forest below you. These animals were happy to live here in the middle of the century, but the hunters destroyed them. Today you can meet them again and see for yourself - with the whole wolf family with three wolves.

Before heading home, stop at the Visitor Center of the Šumava National Park Administration, which is located in a passive house with energy. Here you will learn a lot about the life of wolves, about the films that they regularly make here.

So what do wolves eat? Their diet depends on the habitat. These can be lemmings, voles, as well as larger animals: deer, wild boars and elks. By the way, predators hunt large prey in groups.

Plant food

What does a wolf eat in the forest, besides meat? This predator eats berries and nuts with pleasure, as well as some plants. Wolves also search for and eat bird eggs.

There are quite a large herd of these hairy giants in the gardens. Quickly, you will create an atmosphere of vast prairies where cowboys and Indians hunted horses, trying to shoot the biggest bison. You can drive by car or take a beautiful walk along the Lishak hill.

In the nearby Javornik at Farm Farm or Mount Quilda you can see Scotting Highland Highland Cattle. You will see how satisfied she is with life in the harsh mountain conditions of the Bohemian Forest.

Since such a predator is well developed, it quickly adapts to any situation.

What else do wolves eat? Usually these predators prey only on wild animals, but due to lack of food they can also attack domestic animals - goats, sheep and calves. If the wolf is already old and sick, then he chooses easier prey. For example, running into the village, he lures local dogs, and then pretends to run away. The dog, of course, runs after him, and he turns around and attacks her.

Children will surely enjoy driving or riding horses from the Pogorski riding school on a beautiful meadow at the edge of the forest. Or you can also ski on the forested slopes of the mighty Zhyashov. Children can practice on the climbing wall or roam in the large garden. Adults can relax on the sun loungers on the terrace and enjoy a Pilates dinner at the gym every Tuesday evening, where they can also play a game of table tennis, badminton or rent an electric school.

A lot of fun awaits us also for lovers of good cuisine, not only in the form of Czech and French cuisine, which are served in our canteen, but especially in the gourmet shop, where they will wait with regular changes for new proven recipes and the quality of the ingredients of the surrounding farms, Sabina concluded Kmekov. The cozy cafe with French charm offers honest homemade desserts, excellent coffee, French cuisine delicacies and authentic Šumava dishes. You can stay in comfortable suites or romantic lofts overlooking the Kašperk castle.

What does a wolf that lives in the steppe eat?

His diet consists mainly of meat, although he also sometimes eats plant foods. But, living in the steppe, these predators make raids on melons and watermelons, satisfying not so much hunger as thirst, since wolves need a regular, and quite plentiful watering place. Of course, such an animal also has a favorite food in the steppes - gazelles and saigas, and in the forest-steppe - roe deer.

This is an adult migratory wolf. Since this great beast has suitable living conditions in the area between Sternberk and Moravian Beroun, it is possible that wolves may settle there if the animal encounters a suitable analogue of this kind. The wolf appeared north of Sternberk in the second half of October. The fact that it exists only confirms the phenomenon that we follow throughout the Czech Republic - the gradual return of wolves to their original homeland and the attempts of migrating individuals to move the landscape intertwined mainly throughout the Czech Republic, he described the ecologist from the Olomouc Rainbow Movement Jiri Beneš.

What does a wolf eat in winter? Note that during this period of the year, such predators become especially bloodthirsty. As a rule, their diet does not change, only it becomes more difficult to get food. In winter, in flocks in the forest, they mainly attack roe deer, wild boars and hares.

Wolves are often found in hunting areas, because here you can always feast on a wounded, but not shot, animal, or even the remains of prey caught by people.

Direct evidence of the presence of the wolf in the hills above Sternberk confirms, according to conservationists, that the wolf does not need untouched wilderness for its life. “The footage from this area proves that the wolf is an adaptable species that works very well in line with human activities in the landscape,” Beneš added.

The video was filmed by a hunter at a location that the defenders do not want to specify. It is not obvious whether it is male or female. “It is probably an adult wolf, but sex cannot be determined,” said the monitoring coordinator in the Olomouc region. The wolf is able to travel 50 kilometers a day, so it cannot be assumed that he is still in one place.

Polar wolf nutrition

This predator lives in the Arctic, except for those places where there is ice. As a rule, such an animal is kept in packs consisting of ten individuals. What does a wolf eat in the tundra? hares and other small animals.

What do red wolves eat?

These animals live in the mountains. They hunt in packs during the daytime. As a rule, they attack large animals, but small ones are also sometimes included in their diet. Their food includes small rodents, antelopes, bulls, deer and lizards.

Throughout the Olomouc Region, conservationists have several records of wolf movements over the past two years. In all cases, these are people. “Of course, the recordings are different, not everything is as good as the one we have now received from the Sternberg region,” said Jiří Beneš.

Hunting for red wolves is prohibited, as they are on the verge of extinction, therefore these predators are listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. The exact cause of their death is unknown. But scientists say that gray wolves are to blame. They live where the red ones, but are much stronger than them. Therefore, the latter could not stand the competition with the former. This is just an assumption, there are no exact facts about this.

On the territory of the Olomouc region, wolves usually hunted in the second half of the century. Very rarely, this animal began to return to the Yeseninsky district after the Second World War. Conservationists as well as conservation authorities appreciate the public's help from which they receive reports of resident signs that may be large animals.

These animals move over a vast territory, they are spatially very demanding, and without the help of the public, we are not able to cover the entire territory of their potential occurrence, said Jiří Beneš. Such reports are also important for sheep and goat farmers. Without hard evidence that a wolf was moving in the area, it would be much more difficult to prove the damage caused by this beast, the ecologist added.

Diet of maned wolves

These predators are the largest of the Canidae family. They live in Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil and Bolivia. Such predators do not live in packs, but in pairs. They also hunt in pairs. Their diet consists not only of food of animal origin, they also consume various plants. Most often, reptiles, small rodents and insects become their victims.

Wolves Originally, the wolf lived in almost all of Eurasia and North America from the northern tuner to the southern hemisphere. However, now its area is significantly reduced due to persecution. Faces appear in the Beskids, North Bohemia and Jesenik. Their food is mainly deer and wild pigs, to a lesser extent also deer and other small animals. Sometimes they also take sheep if they are not well provided for. Under the Nature and Landscape Protection Act, the wolf is a protected species and is classified as endangered.

In Bednari, a woman noticed five wolves. There will be more and more such meetings. Experts say there is no need to worry. But the predators are getting closer and closer. Antonin, Cherneevo, Serakov, Oborniki, and more recently, Bednor Wolves have been regularly appearing in these places over the past few months. Encounters with them are more common, and this will not change. There are more and more wolves in the Wielkopolskie forests. One of them was even killed under the wheels of a car. There was an accident in Groyce two months ago.

They also feed on snails, birds and bird eggs. In addition, maned wolves eat guava and bananas. By the way, there were cases when these predators attacked domestic animals (sheep, pigs and others).

Red wolf and wildlife

These wolves are the rarest of all canines. They are listed in the International Red Book. Their way of life is similar to the way of life of ordinary wolves. They live in the prairies, wetlands and mountainous areas in the eastern part of the United States. They live in packs somewhat smaller than packs of gray wolves. Their diet also consists not only of food of animal origin, but also of plant origin. As a rule, such animals as rabbits, raccoons, rodents, occasionally deer become their victims. In addition, they feed on carrion and various fruits. Note that these predators themselves can become prey or alligators.

The animal was killed and the car was only fit for cassation. close encounters. My mother recently left Bednar for Vroncin. Suddenly, five wolves ran out on the road. She stopped, but ran into the forest. There are wolves in Bednara, not the first time they meet them, says Maciej, a resident of Bednara, near Pobedyski.

Officially, no such reports have been received, including to the village administrator, but it is certain that wolves are getting closer to farms. Our interlocutors do not panic. They argue that the wolf does not treat humans as a threat. - We will be glad that we are lucky that we are associated with such a rare species. Let's not run away, but let's also remember not to get too close. We keep the dogs tethered because they are endangered if they scare away the wolf, explains Jaroslav Kasprzyk from the Regional Forest Inspectorate in Poznań.

In the article, we described in detail what the wolf eats in the forest and other habitats. The more we know about the world around us, the more carefully we treat it.

The wolf is an amazingly sensitive and attentive predator. Possessing an excellent sense of smell and sharp hearing, it is surprisingly well oriented in any terrain. Although vision is less developed, it is significantly superior to that of domestic dogs. Developed the ability to adapt. For example, wolves easily distinguish a hunter (danger) from a mushroom picker.

However, a bad sign, he says, is that wolves are increasingly approaching households in search of "easy" food. Therefore, it is necessary to close the fence if we have animals. Events involving these animals are actually quite a few, especially in Lately. It also happens that these animals attack farm animals if they are not properly protected, confirms Dr. Sabina Novak from the Association for Nature: Wilk. And therefore their victims are sheep, cows, goats, and lately also fallow deer.

wolf food

There is no need to guess what the wolf eats. This has been studied for a long time. The wolf is a typical carnivorous predator. Traditionally, its menu includes deer, elk, livestock, partridges, hares and black grouse. Because of hunger and desperation, wolves may dare to attack a bear sleeping in a den. In times of famine, in the absence of live prey, they can eat carrion or plant foods - berries, fruits, and even mushrooms. More than two weeks the wolf is able to do without food.

Once a wolf can bite them up to a dozen or so. Experts also note that crossing is much more dangerous than a wolf, for example, a wolf with a dog. Such people are unpredictable and should be killed immediately. Of these, about 6 watts have territories that lie entirely within the province, and the rest are partially located on it, explains Dr. Sabina Nowak.

He points out that it is difficult to calculate the exact number of the wolf, because for many years there was no inventory of this species. Adults leave the pack in search of a wolf with whom they will form their own groups. The longest trips are performed by males. And many of their migration routes pass through Wielkopolska. - Wolves come to us from the Baltic countries, and our wanderers come to Germany or Denmark. Many trips are also within the country. Animals in Western Poland most often come from the northeast, says Dr. Nowak.

Hunting and trophies

The "working day" of a predator begins at dusk and ends in the morning. If the night went well, then the wolves sleep, otherwise the hunt does not stop during the day. At one time, an adult wolf is able to eat 2-6 kg of flesh, while a hungry one - twice as much - up to 10 kg. The current belief that wolves kill more than they can eat is unfair. Leftovers are never wasted, but buried for the next meal. Everything that the wolf eats will be placed in the "natural refrigerator" and will be perfectly preserved.

Seasons Features

With the onset of spring, the share of domestic animals in the diet of wolves increases. The peak of growth occurs after the middle of summer, when the ever-good brood grows up in wolves. The liver, heart and lungs are considered a delicacy. They go to the "beater" - the strongest wolf in the pack. This is the leader. Contrary to existing stereotypes that wolves eat people, there is no documented case when a wolf of its own free will attacked a person.

In winter, a hunting pack of wolves reaches 15 individuals: young animals from the last two broods are attracted. Sometimes the flock meets resistance from large forest animals. It happens that the skirmish ends with the death of one of the wolves and the retreat of the survivors. In search of prey, they are able to walk in deep snow up to 50 kilometers. At the same time, it is impossible to determine the number of individuals in a flock by the trail, since predators follow each other.

Feeding puppies

Up to eight weeks, the female feeds the puppies with milk every three hours for 1-4 minutes. Starting from three weeks, the whole flock takes part in this process, bringing meat from the hunt and burping the puppies. At eight months of age, puppies see the sun for the first time. At the age of five or six months, they follow the pack to hunt and eat fresh meat. Wolf cubs have natural enemies, but today there is simply no unequivocal answer to the question of whether they eat wolves.

Nowadays, attempts to tame wild animals are no longer surprising with the novelty, so the long-standing progenitor of the domestic wolf is no exception. In addition, breeding work in animal husbandry is being actively carried out today, aimed at breeding wolf-dog hybrids by crossing both. Until recently, wolves were kept and bred in state zoos and menageries, but now it seems possible even for individuals at home.

Food at will

The wolf is one of the largest animals in the canine family: its body length reaches one and a half meters, and its tail is 50 centimeters.

In terms of height at the withers, the highest height that he can reach ranges from 90-100 centimeters, and body weight can reach up to 80 kilograms (but this is already rare, on average - 50-60 kilograms).

Important! The color of the wool of wolves depends on the main area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir distribution. For example, desert and tundra inhabitants have a reddish and snow-white color, respectively; forest dwellers can be recognized by the basic gray color with varying shades from ash gray to dark brown. And the black color is not at all characteristic of real wolves, so this appearance can serve as evidence of a hybrid mutation.

The original range of wolves was the entire northern hemisphere of the Earth. But later long time the total population of this species predatory mammals significantly decreased due to changes in the landscapes of nature by people, an increase in the number of cities, as well as the mass extermination of the animals themselves.

Today, the wolf population stably exists in the northern part of Eurasia and America, in other regions of the world, animals are on the verge of extinction.

Despite the traditional fear of him, the wolf is a very cautious animal, so he is used to staying away from people.

And even after centuries, during which a person hunted a wolf and exterminated it by various means, the instinct of aggression towards people does not manifest itself in the beast, since it is very smart. Wolves do not attack people, and cases that indicate the opposite are rare and have certain reasons.

Ideal habitat for them:

  • forests in temperate latitudes the globe;
  • tundra;
  • coniferous forests;
  • plains overgrown with grassy vegetation;
  • territorial associations of mountains.

This animal belongs to the order of predators, and, according to its lifestyle, provides for itself by hunting.
The basic basis of wolf nutrition is ungulates, and in different parts of the world it can be different representatives of the fauna: reindeer (in the tundra), elk, roe deer, wild boar (in the forest), antelope (in the steppe and desert zones).

Also, in the natural ecosystem, the prey of wolves that hunt alone are mainly weak, sick or already killed animals: hares, gophers, foxes, mice, beavers and others.

If predators settled near human dwellings, their prey can be poultry (geese, chickens), livestock (cows, horses, sheep) or, no matter how strange it may seem, (apparently, the feeling of hunger is more important for them than the feeling of kinship) .

Winter food is more varied: it can be deer, roe deer, elk, wild boar, bison, or even bears. Wolves are omnivorous creatures and, to diversify their diet, they can eat eggs, chicks, fruits, berries, mushrooms, carrion, and insects.
The method of hunting wolves often consists in the technique of attacking in a pack: they surround the victim, and, pouncing on it, grab the neck, paws, sides until the latter, exhausted from wounds, weakens and falls.

Animals never leave their “leftovers” just like that: most often they bury them or hide them under fallen leaves, remember the place, and when they get hungry again, they look for their own food stores.

Also, wolves are called "orderlies of the forest", since it is they who cleanse the "kingdom of animals" from sick representatives of the fauna, preventing diseases from spreading further.

According to the theory of evolution, the strongest survive: by destroying some of the herbivores that cannot defend themselves or escape, wolves thereby enable others to eat and not die of hunger.

Diet at home

Those who wonder: is it possible to keep a wolf at home, you should know that there are Various types his upbringing in captivity:

  • zoos;
  • large wildlife parks;
  • built at home.

Taking into account the living conditions, a special food system is also selected. For example, a wildlife park is a place that most closely resembles the natural habitat of a wolf.

Did you know?According to observations, if the body of a shot wolf is not taken from the hunt, then soon other members of the pack will literally eat it..

In a zoo or menagerie, nutritional conditions are somewhat different: here, six days a week, the wolf is fed daily, and on the seventh the animal is starving. For one adult head, 2-3 kilograms of fresh carcass is calculated on the bone with the possible presence of skin and wool.

To strengthen the musculoskeletal system, this diet includes fish oil, protein-mineral feed (meat and bone meal), as well as dry and ground fish leftovers.
Several times a month, animals can be given meat or poultry; vegetables and herbs also play an important role in maintaining immunity.

Did you know? Distinctive feature of these animals is their unique ability to "adjust to the local diet": for example, the inhabitants of the northern parts of the hemisphere can catch river salmon, and the inhabitants of the southern regions canThere is even gourds (watermelon, melon, pumpkin).

And finally, let's figure out what the wolf eats when he lives in an aviary. It can be dry food intended for, as well as a variety of cereals and meat delicacies.

In the first option, it is best to choose feeds that contain a high level of fat and protein (the main material for protein synthesis in the animal body). This is due to the constant presence on the street, as well as the excessive activity of the beast.

The interval between feedings should be observed taking into account the weight of the animal, the norm is twice a day, while it is necessary to monitor the constant presence clean water for drinking.

As for the second option, the domestic wolf can also be fed with porridge made from processed durum wheat, unpolished particles of barley kernel, buckwheat, crushed and polished corn grains. You can also diversify the diet by adding eggs and fermented milk products. Game is well suited as meat, especially venison.

Vitamin-mineral complexes (preferably with the presence of calcium and vitamin D3) can be purchased at stores that sell dog food, or you can add the same fish oil, meat and bone and fish meal to your diet.

Domesticated wolves are quite unpretentious animals; as we have already said, they easily adapt to the conditions of the local diet, so they are unlikely to become capricious and will eat what you give them.

But still, it is necessary to carefully monitor their well-being and general health, since this is not exactly what a wild wolf eats in the forest.
With any symptoms of malaise, decreased activity, lethargy and other factors indicating some kind of violation, the animal should be taken to an appointment with a veterinary clinic.

A timely visit to a doctor who diagnoses diseases and deviations in the normal life of the animal will help to avoid bad consequences and adjust the care plan for the animal in time.

What is prohibited

  • a real wild wolf cub;
  • a hybrid of a wolf with a dog: a wolfdog or a breed of domestic wolf.

Important! If we talk about the done breeding and hybrid work, then n A real wolf is one who has this wild animal in his family no more than five generations ago.

In the first case, the animal can be taken from the nursery, after consulting with a specialist.

As for the second, there are such types of this exotic mixture:

  • low content of wolf breed (1-49%) - these are not quite our usual friends, but not quite predators either (suitable for beginners); good companions, give in, but show traits inherent in wolves (stubbornness and independence);
  • the average level of wolf origin (50-74%);
  • a high standard of wolf breed content (75-100%), which is almost impossible to distinguish from wild wolves; they have a very weak temperament characteristic of dogs.

If you have adopted a real wolf cub or a wolf cub with the highest or average content of a wolf breed, remember: in no case should you shout at small animals, treat them rudely, beat them for disobedience or for biting.
Wild wolves are very calm parents and never punish their babies.

Be that as it may, the psychological instincts of wild animals do not go away, and in order not to harm either yourself or your loved ones, before getting such an animal, study the special literature, talk to experts and then make the right decision.

Remember: treat an animal whose relatives are wild forest dwellers with extreme caution. Statistics show that rarely anyone managed to make a close friend out of a wolf.

Nevertheless, it is real, but it requires a lot of effort, patience, time and a full understanding of biological and psychological features this animal.

And one more thing: do not try to tame a wild wolf cub who was left without a mother or father after hunting. It's true wild animal, and if at first he will seem sweet and kind to you, then in a couple of years this “sweet” creature will try to “crush” you with his authority.
Predators do not tolerate submission, equal relations, excessive manifestation of feelings; moreover, it can be life-threatening.

Important! It is unlikely that the wolf will have warm feelings for all family members; for you, as a master, he will have a share of respect, but at the same time provoke you to one day obey him.

You can get a wolf at home by taking it in a nursery or by buying a wolf hybrid.

Content conditions:

Important! Today, wolves and dogs are sold for a price that is equal to the cost of a good thoroughbred dog. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to check the pedigree of an animal, and according to statistics, more than half of the hybrids do not have wolf genes.

This is not for you, so if you do not have animal training skills, do not buy a wolf or mestizo.
Basic rules for training a wolf cub:

  • It will take a lot of effort, patience and time to work with him.
  • become his alpha: already at a young age, the wolf cub must understand who is in charge in the family, and if you stop his attempts to dominate in time, but very carefully, sooner or later he will agree;
  • as we have already said, when training, do not shout, do not beat, do not humiliate him, do not be rude towards the animal;
  • it is necessary to prevent the wolf cub from becoming bored: it is necessary to build all sorts of obstacles for him to overcome, and then give rewards in the form of various delicacies;
  • build more structures in the yard, you can also make sandboxes and play pits, a pond or a small pool;
  • from childhood, teach your domesticated animal to a leash, it must be a social animal.
Unpredictability, cunning and intelligence are those traits of a wolf that can manifest itself when trying to train him.

In addition to the fact that the wolf is a representative of the wild world of animals, accustomed to independence, authority, the rules of the pack, and not equality in relations, the behavioral features are also differences from dogs in the manifestation of friendliness.

When wolves are happy, they can bite you or your children, try to drag you somewhere, grabbing your limbs, which is often perceived as an attack.

Did you know? Although we all consider our best friends - dogs - the most intelligent animals, compared to them, the brain mass of wolves is 30 percent heavier. Scientists at the Veterinary University of Vienna set up an experiment: 15 yard puppies and 14 six-month-old wolf cubs watched how a specially trained dog independently opened a wooden box with food using its paws and teeth. A test for the ability to memorize and repeat what they saw showed that all the wolf cubs coped with this task, repeating the actions of the trained animal with accuracy. As for the mutts, only 4 of the 15 present managed to complete the task.

The manifestation of affection in this animal is similar to signs of aggression. They greet each other by biting each other on the muzzle, so imagine this situation: your dear friend will come up to you, touch your cheek with his muzzle and lick his teeth.

Naturally, when you see such a picture, you will be frightened, because the grin is not perceived by people as a sign of greeting. However, by making an attempt to move away, you can bring trouble on yourself: wolves do not understand when they do not want to greet them - this is a sign of disrespect and disgust.

Therefore, he may bite you on the face, making an attempt to still make contact. Despite the conservation status of wolves, it is worth saying that these are truly “unbroken” animals: not a single representative of predators has been destroyed for so long and purposefully, so hatefully and mercilessly.

Today, these noble animals are the heroes of many fairy tales and poems, legends and myths, cartoons and films. They are feared, legends are written about them, scripts for fantastic films are written, and even attempts are made to tame them.

Well, if you have good intentions You can try, but remember: you need to approach this issue very seriously and responsibly.
If in the future you refuse to raise a wolf cub, to some extent the already tamed beast will not be able to live full life neither in the "freedom", which for him is no longer such, nor in the nursery, where everyone will already be strangers to him.

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Wolves, which have long lived in the neighborhood of man, have at all times been attributed a lot of "bad things." For example, in the Middle Ages, it was believed that the flesh of the wolf was poisoned, since it feeds on insects and snakes, and its poisonous breath can deprive a person of his voice.

Alas, one should not think that with the development of science, the myths about wolves have sunk into oblivion. And today our ideas about these animals are often far from the truth.

Top five misconceptions about wolves.

Fallacy 1.

Many are convinced that, in accordance with the status of a hardened predator, the wolf only does what he slaughters poor sheep, and in case of extreme need, catches hares. In reality, everything is not so clear. Of course, wolves are naturally carnivorous, but at the same time they eat both fish and purely vegetarian food. In the southern steppe regions of Russia in the summer, wolves are frequenters of melons, where they eat watermelons and melons. Moreover, they eat far from everything that falls under the paw. Sometimes the wolf gnaws more than a dozen watermelons until he finds the most delicious one. Wolves also consume pears and apples.

Interestingly, most of the diet of polar white wolves, which are traditionally attributed to feeding almost exclusively on reindeer, are, oddly enough, voles and lemmings.

Seasoned predators do not pay attention to reindeer as long as they hope to swallow the mouse, which makes up 90% of their menu from spring to autumn.

It is known that in England, France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and a number of other countries, wolves were completely exterminated. So maybe we should lime the "gray attack"? ( Delusion 2) No, it's not worth it! Nature itself gives many arguments in favor of the existence of wolves. The main one is that wolves prey mainly on the sick and weak and animals. Destroying them, the wolf "works for the good of nature" and it is not for nothing that he is called the "orderly of the forest." Where wolves hunt, there are also many dexterous, fast and strong animals and birds. Otherwise, too many living creatures will breed in the forests, which simply will not have enough food. It turns out that the wolf, without knowing it, saves the fauna from hunger, disease and degeneration.

Other misconceptions about wolves

And a few other misconceptions about wolves. In all fairy tales, the relationship between the wolf and the fox, as a rule, is more or less friendly ( Fallacy 3). And although, being a godfather to a wolf, the fox often plays an evil joke on him, yet remains his “strategic ally”. Therefore, many children, and adults too, think that in real life the fox and the wolf, in any case, do not quarrel. But this is a myth. In nature, there is antagonism between these animals. Moreover, wolves kill foxes quite often, but they eat them very rarely. This feature of the behavior of wolves is scientifically called interspecific competition, and hunters have a sign: where there are many wolves, foxes disappear.

I must say that the foxes, if possible, "pay the wolves in the same coin." If a fox comes across a brood of wolves and there is no adult wolf nearby, then she will immediately take the opportunity to destroy the enemies.

Misconception 4. Wolves and the full moon

But perhaps the most common misconception is about howling wolves on a moonlit night. In reality, wolves howl mainly at dawn, less often at night, and sometimes, especially after the death of one of the members of the pack, during the day. Experts consider the howl of a wolf to be a fairly developed means of communication and distinguish between threat, melancholy, despair, sadness, a message about a caught or found prey, love calls, and much more.

Distinguish between single and group howl. Each of them has its own functions. So, a single howl is a means of communication between family members, warns about the occupation of the territory, invites the female to mate, is a signal of prey, alarm, etc. Group howling is necessary to maintain the motivation of consolidation, the desire for unification in the family-flock.

Fallacy 5.

And finally, the fifth misconception about wolves. For some reason, it is believed that wolves hunt in packs. But is it necessary to flock in order to catch a mouse, a rabbit, or eat a watermelon or an apple. In flocks, they hunt only in winter, when fodder sets in and there are not enough mice. But even these packs are rarely large (most often it is one wolf family. Wolves never get together in large packs at all, but live only in families, and if necessary they can live alone).

Of course, the appearance of this animal does not require a detailed description, I think that almost all people know what a wolf looks like. In most zoos in our country, there will definitely be an aviary where at least one wolf lives. The image and habits of these animals often confuse people.

I have seen wolves in wild nature as well as in the zoo. Wolves are very proud and majestic animals. Well, now I'll tell you what they eat.

What does the wolf eat

The wolf is a predator and belongs to the canine family. These are quite large animals that can weigh up to eighty kilograms.

What does the wolf eat?

  • musk oxen;
  • deer;
  • wild boars;
  • pheasants;
  • guinea fowl, etc.

When large prey is not available to the wolf, he can feast on lizards, frogs, beetles, and small rodents. There is no need to be picky here.

In summer, wolves can eat berries and mushrooms. Wolves that live near the sea coasts sometimes feed on the carcasses of seals if they are washed ashore. Like most predators, wolves hunt at night and rest during the day. These animals have an excellent sense of smell and excellent hearing.

I will tell you six interesting facts about these animals:

  1. It is very easy to calculate the leader of a pack of wolves, he always goes ahead with his tail up.
  2. The wolf is a fairly fast animal, it can reach speeds of up to sixty-five kilometers per hour.
  3. As a rule, a wolf travels about eighty kilometers per night.
  4. During a harsh winter, wolves may eat weak wolves or dead pack members. This is animal cannibalism.
  5. Some people keep wolves as pets.
  6. Wolves have blue eyes at birth.

Where do wolves live

These animals can live in different landscapes. But they prefer steppes, semi-desert and tundra. dense forest areas these animals try to avoid.

Wolves live in packs. This "gray wanderer" can also be found on the territory of Russia. But in recent decades, the habitat of these animals has narrowed quite a bit, due to technological progress.

The wolf is by nature a predatory animal from the canine family. A wolf is a larger animal than a dog. The length of his body, together with the tail, reaches one hundred and sixty centimeters, and the height is up to ninety centimeters, and the weight is up to sixty-two kilograms. According to the study of DNA and genes, the wolf is the ancestor of the common domestic dog. There are even dogs with the color of wolves, if you see one in the forest by chance, you can get very scared and then tell everyone that you saw a wolf.

Previously, there were much more wolves than now, and all due to the fact that the natural landscape has changed, urbanization and, of course, extermination. There are territories where wolves are on the verge of extinction altogether. On the continents to the north, the wolf population remains more stable. Although there are fewer and fewer wolves, there are places where they pose a danger to villagers and livestock. Therefore, hunting for wolves is still open and also for fun and entertainment.

Wolves usually feed on animals: domestic and wild. It can be wild boars, horses, moose, deer, cows, as well as hares, muskrats, beavers, marmots, mice. If the wolf does not find such food, then he can even eat lizards and frogs. If the wolf is very hungry, he can eat twelve kilograms of meat at one time. If he has not finished his food, he will definitely hide it in a secluded place. And, if he gets hungry, he always comes to his secluded hiding place and finishes the rest of the hidden meat. On the ground, the wolf mainly navigates with the help of hearing and smell, because the eyesight of wolves is poorly developed, but still the wolf sees better at night than the dog. The wolf has well-developed conditioned reflexes, so it adapts well and quickly to the situation.

Usually wolves prey only on wild animals, but from a lack of food they can also prey on domestic animals, even dogs. And so the main food for wolves is mainly sheep, those, calves, roe deer, goats. If the wolf is old or sick, due to injuries and worn teeth, he goes where prey is easy for him. For example, running into the village, he lures the dogs, and then pretends to run away, naturally the dog runs after him, and at that moment he turns around and attacks her.

Both in summer and winter, they stay in hunting areas, where you can constantly feast on caught prey. More active wolves at night. When they attack, they try to cut several animals at once. There are times when wolves are divided into two packs, one sits in ambush, and the other attacks. And when chasing, one flock runs on the heels, and the other runs across or slowly trudges behind, and then, when the flock gets tired, they begin to run after the herd until the prey runs out of steam and they catch it.

Wolves (females) breed after sixty days of pregnancy and at one time bring from three to thirteen blind wolf cubs, which begin to see only on the twelfth or thirteenth day. When the cubs grow up, their parents feed them from the eaten meat with belching, and then with the killed prey. Usually the whole flock takes part in feeding the little wolf cubs. Then, when the cubs grow up, they begin to actively take part in the hunt along with the rest of the adult wolves.

In nature, wolves live up to fifteen years, but at the age of ten or twelve they show the first signs of old age. Wolves go into heat once a year, unlike domestic animals, they go into heat twice a year. Thanks to this, wolf cubs are born warm spring, when food is more than enough. But despite this, little wolf cubs survive, about sixty percent of little wolf cubs do not survive.