Yoda Star Wars Chronicles. Yoda (Star Wars) - photo, biography, quotes How old is Master Yoda

Hardly anyone associates a small green old man leaning on a staff with a great warrior. But this is exactly what Jedi Master Yoda looks like from the space saga “.” Having raised a galaxy of capable students, a knight of the Order turns into a fearless warrior at the first signals of danger. The elderly Jedi's agility and speed are admirable. May the Force be with you, wise Yoda!

History of creation

Introduce the film " star Wars“It’s impossible without one of the main characters – Master Yoda. A short Jedi of an unknown race, he is the embodiment of the knowledge and wisdom of a warrior order. It’s all the more surprising that he initially wanted to make Yoda a simple monkey. The director was looking for an animal that could hold a staff in its hands. But over time, the idea no longer seemed so brilliant to the author.

There is a theory that the prototype of Yoda was the founder of the school of jujutsu, Sokaku Takeda. The short man was well versed in martial arts and masterfully wielded a samurai sword.

The second prototype of Yoda is considered to be the great aikido master Shioda Gozo. The short man devoted his childhood to training, and in adulthood moved on to teaching. Shioda Gozo, according to the notes of his contemporaries, had perfect martial arts skills.

George Lucas entrusted the work on the appearance of the mysterious character to British makeup artist Stuart Freeborn. The professional did not spend long working on the sketches. The man combined his own face with characteristic facial wrinkles. A couple of manipulations - and a model of Master Yoda was unfolded in front of the director of the film. This was what Lucas was looking for.

Yoda has a peculiar manner of speaking, which gives the image an eccentricity. This arrangement of words in a sentence is called inversion. This type of speech was prevalent in the Anglo-Saxon dialect used by the people of Great Britain in the 14th century.

The voice of Yoda is American puppeteer and actor Frank Oz. In the original Star Wars trilogy, Yoda was portrayed on screen by a rubber doll. So Frank Oz was responsible, in addition to the voice, for controlling the green creature. Later, with the advent of new technologies, the need for a rubber Jedi disappeared. The doll was replaced with computer animation.


No one knows on what planet Yoda was born. History is also silent about the relatives of the unusual Jedi. It is known for certain that Yoda (and this is the hero’s real name) entered the military Order as an adult.

The man left his home planet in search of work, but Yoda’s ship was attacked. Having lost control of the spaceship, the future master landed on an unknown planet. There, in the wreckage of the ship, Yoda was discovered by Jedi Master N'kata Del Gormo.

The snake-like creature revealed the truth to the hero: Yoda is endowed with the Force and will become a great Jedi, you just need to study patiently. N'kata Del Gormo taught the student the basics of using the Force for several years, after which Yoda went to Coruscant, where he continued his training as a junior Jedi.

The man’s further biography developed rapidly. First official rank of Jedi Knight, first apprentice (whose name has not been preserved), first appointment to the High Council.

Sensitive to the Force and changes around him, at the age of 100 Yoda creates holographic recordings containing all the secrets and techniques of the Jedi. A wise knight gives the archive to a friend, predicting that in the future these records will help the chosen one train a new army of knights. After 200 years, the records will fall into the hands of .

At the same time, Yoda takes under the wing of a new student named Count Dooku. Officially, the master was not the teacher of the future Sith, but he had a special interest in the young man. Yoda trained Dooku to wield a lightsaber, which brought the young Jedi to a new level in the Order.

Everything changed when the name was first heard at the Supreme Council. Qui-Gon Jinn spent a long time convincing the masters that the boy was full of the Force and needed a teacher. It is Yoda who refuses Qui-Gon’s request, explaining that the boy’s future is unclear. But after Qui-Gon's death, the sage allows him to take on the role of teacher. Succumbing to his feelings, Yoda makes an irreparable mistake.

Years later, fate again pits the wise Jedi against Count Dooku. Now the teacher and the student serve different purposes and ideals. Already an elderly Yoda shows incredible dexterity in battle. No matter how well Count Dooku studies, Yoda is much better with a sword.

Tension around the Order is growing. Yoda, sensing fluctuations in the Force, denies the matured Anakin a position on the High Council. The wise old man does not trust the capable Jedi, although he does not realize the danger posed by Skywalker.

The blow for Yoda was the sudden return to the Jedi temple. Arriving on Coruscant, the old teacher finds the bodies of young students and brothers in arms. Each death sends a sharp pang of pain through Yoda's heart. The Great Master blames himself for what happened, because he did not sense Anakin's Dark Side.

Devastated, Yoda orders Obi-Wan to kill his former student, and he himself goes to battle the great evil - Emperor Palpatine. Alas, the pain of loss and disappointment in Skywalker weakened the master. The Jedi Knight survives the fight with the Sith, but is unable to kill his opponent. The only thing left for the wise teacher is to escape to a distant planet to wait for a new student filled with the Force.

22 years later, on the abandoned planet of the Dagobah system, the master is found by Luke Skywalker. The young man longs to become a Jedi and, on the advice of Obi-Wan, asks Yoda to teach him the skill. The knight, tired of life, does not want to take on such responsibility, but the persistent young man does not give up.

Luke Skywalker becomes the new and final student of the great Yoda. The master invests in the guy the skills and abilities that he himself possesses. But Luke, without completing his training, leaves the teacher and goes to save his friends. Returning, Skywalker finds a sad picture - old Yoda is dying.

The great Jedi, who trained 20,000 students, peacefully merges with the Force. Yoda's death, like the Master's life, is special. Unlike his brothers, the man leaves the world in a calm environment, and not during another battle. At 900 years of age, Yoda quietly dissolves into the universe.

  • Yoda's height is 66 cm.
  • Initially, the word "Yoda" was the character's surname, the name sounded like "Minch". By the way, Yoda means “warrior” in Sanskrit.
  • For Star Wars fans, writer Muriel Bozes-Pierce has released the book Jedi Master Yoda Asks Riddles. A collection of mathematical problems presented in the character's language.

  • Even the scale of the epic film did not allow all the secrets of the Galaxy to be revealed to the audience. Therefore, with the permission of Lucas, books have been published that touch on individual events of the saga. You can learn more about the relationship between the wise teacher and Count Dooku in the novel Yoda: Rendezvous with Darkness.
  • In the movie “Star Wars. Episode VIII: The Last Jedi will not only appear, but also Yoda. This news spread around the world before the premiere of the film. The culprits of the spoiler were the film studio's lighting staff, who posted a loud statement on Twitter.


“Taught the Jedi for eight hundred years. I will decide for myself who to take for training.”
“I got sick. Old and weak. When you are 900 years old, you won’t look good, huh?”
“You rely on weapons, but you cannot win a battle with weapons. Your mind is the strongest."
“Death is a natural part of life, rejoice for your loved ones who have been transformed into Power, do not mourn them, and do not grieve for them, because attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is the shadow of greed...”

Yoda was one of the most famous and powerful Jedi Masters in the history of the galaxy. He was 66 centimeters tall and was a male of unknown species. He was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force, and skills in lightsaber combat. Loyal to the Republic and the Force, Grand Master Yoda trained the Jedi for eight centuries. He served on the Jedi High Council in last years Galactic Republic and led the Jedi Order before, during and after the devastation of the Clone Wars. Following Order 66, Yoda went into exile and later trained Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force. Some time later, the old master died, but, thanks to the knowledge of the Priestesses of Power, he retained his identity even after death.

Yoda himself enters into a titanic battle with Palpatine in the Galactic Senate building. The forces of the parties seem equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle; one cannot defeat the other. In an attempt to end this duel, Palpatine moves to a higher position and uses the Force to throw heavy Senate stocks at Yoda, who easily dodges and sends one back to Palpatine, forcing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level as Palpatine, Yoda uses his acrobatic abilities and activates his lightsaber. Palpatine calls upon a surge of the Force and fires a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Without his weapons, Yoda uses his palms to absorb dark energy, and even sends some of it back at a rather surprised Palpatine.

It would seem that Yoda has gained some advantage in the battle, but the fight ends in a draw, since an explosion of clashing energies was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate rostrum, where only Palpatine barely managed to hold on. Yoda, unable to hold on, falls to the floor of the Senate chamber. After being killed by clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realizes that he cannot defeat Palpatine. Yoda then goes into exile to hide from the Empire and wait for another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

Yoda - Grand Master Jedi from an unknown race of green humanoids.

Born on a distant planet in 896 BBY. From an early age, Yoda did not know that he was Force-sensitive. Even when he left his home planet with a friend in search of work, no one had any idea about his abilities. When the ship Yoda was flying on was hit by an asteroid, he drifted in space for several days, having exhausted almost all his supplies. Yoda managed to survive and land the broken ship in the swamps of an unknown planet. A few days later he was found by a strange creature who turned out to be Jedi Master Gormo. Gormo revealed to Yoda and his friend the fact that they were both very Force-sensitive. He took both of them to his training and after some time the Ship of the Republic took the already aspiring Jedi Yoda from the planet.

Yoda earned the title of Jedi Knight at the age of 50, and was awarded the rank of Master by 800 BBY. According to Yoda's teachings, he was tasked with going into self-imposed exile to gain higher levels of understanding of the Force. He was one of the Jedi Masters who established a traveling academy aboard the interstellar starship Chu'unthor in 200 BBY; then in the on-board computer data there was a record that he went in search of one of the missing passengers of the ship when it crashed on Dathomir.

In 482 BBY, Yoda traveled to Kushibah in search of a Padawan. There he discovered young Ikrit, who became the first Jedi student.

Fear opens access to the Dark Side. Fear gives rise to anger, anger gives rise to hatred, hatred is the key to suffering.

In 200 BBY, along with other Jedi Supreme Council, which Yoda now entered, he began to feel that an unknown dark side had appeared in the force. In long meditation, Yoda made sure that the dark force was growing. The Jedi suggested that the appearance of the Chosen One was not far off, who, according to legend, was supposed to bring balance to the Force.

Around 171 BBY, Yoda saved the X'Ting race from disaster. The X'Ting revered Yoda as a God. A statue of the Jedi, almost 70 meters high, was erected in the Hall of Heroes.

In 102 BBY, an infant Count named Dooku was discovered on the planet Serenno. Yoda took an interest in the young, growing Padawan and tried to mentor and teach him.

In 44 BBY, Yoda was nearly killed when a bomb was planted on him. The assassination plan failed, but this story showed that Yoda had become a symbol of the Order.

Yoda was drawn into combat—a cause they hated—during the Yinchorri Rebellion in 33 BBY. Leading the Council members into battle against the meddling Yinchorri warriors, Yoda proved that, despite his advanced age, he was still the Strongest Member of the Council.

Not all Jedi loved Yoda. The little students who had not yet become Padawans believed that he was the strictest teacher in the Temple. While training his charges in physical exercises and mental control skills, Yoda showed extreme conservatism. Yoda taught the art of using lightsabers to even the smallest Jedi - a class humorously called the "Clan of the Great Bear." Only after leaving the Temple did many students begin to realize how much they had learned from Yoda.

In 32 BBY, the Galactic Senate passed legislation to tax trade routes in outlying systems, in an attempt to weaken the expanding Trade Federation. In response, the Federation began building battle droids to invade the small planet of Naboo, where a queen ruled. The Supreme Chancellor asked Yoda to send two Jedi to negotiate with the Federation.

The Council sent Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice. However, upon the arrival of the Jedi, the Federation tried to kill them, the Jedi were able to escape death, arrive on Naboo in time and save the queen. However, due to a breakdown, the ship was forced to land on the planet Tatooine. When the ship was repaired, Qui-Gon discovered young Anakin, a force-sensitive boy, on the planet. Arriving again on Naboo, the Jedi and young Anakin were forced to fight for the planet.

In 32 BBY, after the incident on Naboo, upon returning to Coruscant, Qui-Gon Jinn brought a young slave boy he had found on Tatooine named , claiming that the boy was the Chosen One, capable of bringing balance to the Force, and asked to be taken into Padawans, as soon as he has passed all the necessary tests to receive the rank of Jedi Knight. Yoda, as the most experienced teacher on the council and the most respected and honored Jedi Master, played a key role in the initial solution to this problem and rejected the request. Yoda believed that the years of slavery had not passed unnoticed for the young boy and his too close attachment to his mother would interfere with successful studies and training. Yoda thought that this boy's future was uncertain.

Qui-Gon also reported that the Sith had returned, which further worried the Council, who did not know whether Qui-Gon had seen the student on Tatooine, where he found the boy, or the teacher.

After Qui-Gon's death by hand, the council nevertheless revoked its previous solution, although it is unknown for what reasons. Yoda himself was somewhat conflicted about his decisions. There is only one possible
The explanation for this denial is that Yoda's trust in Kenobi was much greater than it could be between a simple student and teacher. Another reason was that after Anakin showed such skill in using the Force in destroying the droid control station, the council felt some embarrassment and even shame in not making such an outstanding Force user a Jedi. Despite the fact that Qui-Gon also asked for Anakin's training, after his death Obi-Wan asked that his training be entrusted to him regardless of past events, and the council finally agreed, noting to themselves that the training of this young man would be great risk for Obi-Wan.

You are self-willed, just like Qui-Gon... There is no point in this at all. The Council gives you its permission. Let Skywalker be your student.

Six years later, Yoda travels to Mawan with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Their goal was to finish civil war among local gangs. Despite the losses, the Jedi managed to bring peace to the planet.

At 24 BBY. When the reform law came into force, many planets began to secede from the Republic and form an alliance of separatists. Yoda was very disappointed that his former student Count Dooku left the Jedi and became the leader of the rebels.

In 22 BBY, the Senate called for the creation of an army that could fight for the Republic, but many were against it, including the former Queen of Naboo, now a Senator. On Coruscant, an attempt was made on her life and the council assigned Anakin and Obi-Wan to the senator.

Soon, while investigating the case of the assassination attempt on the senator, Obi-Wan Kenobi contacted the Council; he was on the planet Kamino and reported that there, in full swing, the creation of an army of clones for the Republic was underway, the template for which was the bounty hunter Jango Fett, responsible for the assassination attempt. on the senator. However, neither Yoda nor Mace Windu, the leading Jedi masters knew anything about this.

After the message, Yoda was meditating when he suddenly heard Qui-Gon's voice and felt terrible pain coming from Anakin Skywalker. He informed Windu about this.

When Obi-Wan followed the bounty hunter to the planet Geonosis and discovered the Confederate army there, his message was interrupted as the Jedi was captured. Also following Obi-Wan, Anakin and Amidala were captured. The council decided to go to the rescue. Windu created a strike force of Jedi, and Yoda went to Kamino to learn more about the clone army.

On Geonosis, Windu and the Jedi encountered a huge army of droids led by Dooku; Yoda arrived with an army of clones and practically saved the survivors from complete extermination.

At the height of the battle, Yoda engaged in a lightsaber battle with the Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku, who was once his apprentice. Yoda demonstrated unprecedented skill with a lightsaber. This confrontation ended when Count Dooku, deciding to flee, put the lives of the wounded Obi-Wan and Anakin in danger.

Victory? Victory - you say? Master Obi-Wan, this is not a victory. Our world is shrouded in the networks of the Dark Side. The clonic war has begun

Although the Republic won the battle for Geonosis, Yoda believed that the Clone Wars would drag on. A difficult time will come for the Republic and the Order. Yoda, like many Masters, became a Supreme General, he participated in many battles on different worlds for the Republic.

At the beginning of the War, Yoda commanded the action on Axion, leading the clones into battle on his horse. He saved Commander Brolis and defeated the Fire Droid in battle. During the battle on Muunilinst, Yoda saved the lives of Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee. He pulled them out of the cave of crystals destroyed by the Chameleons. Yoda soon learned that the destruction of the cave was planned personally by Count Dooku.

Yoda lost a Padawan before the War, but he lost a friend during the War. The King of Trusta, Alaric, wanted to annex his planet to the Separatists. Yoda flew to the planet to talk with his old friend, but he was adamant. As a result, Trust was drawn into the War. Not wanting to answer to the citizens of the planet, Alaric decided to die by firing a blaster at Yoda, knowing that his friend would be forced to defend himself. With no other choice, Yoda deflected the shot at Alaric. Yoda realized that the longer the War went on, the more creatures would die.

At the end of the War, Yoda traveled to Vyun after receiving a message from Dooku. Although Yoda knew that the Sith could not deceive him, he hoped that his former student would still take the right path. He took four Jedi with him and secretly went to Vyun. Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, tracked down the Jedi. She sent her assassin droids onto the Knights' ships and killed two. Yoda was able to destroy the droids and escape Ventress. He met with Dooku on Vyuna, and the Sith suggested that Yoda turn to the Dark Side. In response, Yoda invited his former student to return to the Order. The Jedi almost succeeded, but Obi-Wan and Anakin intervened. Yoda had to fight Count Dooku again. Both survived.

“The darkness is growing. I fear the power of the Sith."

Despite the growing power of the Darkness, Yoda remained mainly on Coruscant, from there he controlled the actions of the Jedi. During the Second Battle of Coruscant, Yoda once again led the clones into battle on his horse, supporting Commander Fordo and demonstrating brilliant sword fighting techniques. A little later, he sent his horse back to the Temple, and he continued to fight alongside Mace Windu on foot.

Despite the Jedi's efforts, they were unable to prevent Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from being kidnapped by General Grievous. Anakin and Obi-Wan rescued the Chancellor and killed Dooku. Since Yoda was unable to return his student to the path of Light, he ordered the Jedi to find the last Sith.

Death is a natural part of life, rejoice for your loved ones who have been transformed into strength, do not mourn them, and do not grieve for them, because attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is the shadow of greed...

In 19 BBY, Chancellor Palpatine, who was now closer than ever to absolute power over the Galactic Senate, appointed Anakin to the Jedi Council as his own representative. After which the Council, wary of this, reluctantly agreed to this decision. However, Yoda and Mace Windu, who still commanded respect from the young Jedi, did not want to disrupt the order of Jedi development and did not give him the title of Master, suggesting that it would give him the opportunity to vote in all Council meetings. And this would mean the same thing as if this vote was given to Palpatine, which they did not want to allow.

Just at this time, Yoda is holding a council about the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Yoda, using his incredible sensitivity and mastery of the Force, senses the presence of the Sith Lord and finally comes to the conclusion that Sidious is one of Palpatine's close associates. But, even with all his skill, Yoda nevertheless did not see Anakin's fall to the dark side of the force.

When Palpatine, now the self-proclaimed Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ordered the execution of Order 66, Yoda was on Kashyyyk observing the battle between Separatist forces and a mixed army of clone troopers and Wookiees. He felt the death of every Jedi who fell at the hands of their own squads. Sensing a certain warning in this, Yoda killed the clones sent to him with lightning speed, and then, with the help of the Wookiee leader Tarfull and Chewbacca, went to Coruscant. There, he fought his way through the ranks of clones to the Jedi Temple to neutralize the trap for every Jedi who had not already fallen victim to Order 66. Upon discovering a holographic recording showing Anakin as a brutal killer, Yoda tasked Kenobi with killing his last apprentice. Kenobi told Yoda that he could not fight Anakin, and that he would like to kill Sidious instead. But Yoda insisted.

Young Skywalker succumbed to the corruption of the Dark Side. The boy you taught is no longer there. Darth Vader devoured him.

Subsequently, Yoda entered into a titanic battle with Palpatine, which practically destroyed the Senate building. The forces of the parties seemed equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle, and neither could defeat the other. In an attempt to end the duel, Palpatine moved to a higher position and used the Force to throw heavy Senate stocks at Yoda, who easily dodged them and even sent one back to Palpatine, forcing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level as Palpatine, Yoda used his acrobatic abilities and activated his lightsaber. Palpatine called upon a surge of the Force and fired a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Left without his weapon, Yoda began using his palms to absorb dark energy, even sending some of it back at a rather surprised Palpatine. It would seem that Yoda had gained some advantage in the battle, but the fight ended in a draw, as an explosion of clashing energies was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate rostrum, and only Palpatine managed to hold on. Yoda fell to the floor of the Senate chamber. After being killed by clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realized that he could not defeat Palpatine. Yoda then went into self-imposed exile to hide from the Empire and await another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

At the same time, Anakin lost almost all of his limbs and was burned in the flames following the outcome of the battle with Obi-Wan - these injuries cost him much of his potential to use the Force, and the cybernetic implants installed with Palpatine's consent to keep him alive rendered him little than similar to a person. His transformation into a terrible machine became a terrible personification of the fateful words spoken by Yoda to Obi-Wan, who did not believe that his student had gone over to the dark side of the force.

Yoda, being in contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon, transferred this knowledge to Obi-Wan.

He played a key role in resolving the issue of the Skywalker children after Padmé died in childbirth, advising that Luke and Leia be hidden from the Emperor where the Sith would not sense their presence. In addition to the elderly Jedi Master, Bail Organa, Owen Lars and Obi-Wan knew about the whereabouts of the children. Initially, Obi-Wan wanted to take the children with him to, like Yoda, teach them the Jedi arts, but Yoda realized that in addition to the ability of the Force, it was necessary to teach them something else if they were going to destroy the Empire. Moreover, it was necessary to keep the names of the twins secret in order to be able to protect them in case the Sith suddenly discovered the remaining Jedi before Luke and Leia grew up.

“I must go into exile. I failed."

Yoda then traveled to Dagobah, a desert and swampy planet, where he patiently waited for new hope to emerge. On the way, he was attacked by three squads of TIE interceptors, shooting down his ship, but Yoda escaped in a capsule, and rumors spread throughout the Empire about his death.

22 years after Yoda's exile, in 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker traveled to Dagobah with the goal of finding Yoda and undergoing Jedi training, as he was told by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who died in a battle with Darth Vader aboard the Death Star. A little stubborn, Yoda finally agreed to teach him the ways of the Force. Before completing his training, Luke was nevertheless faced with a choice: continue his training or leave Dagobah and go save his friends from Darth Vader and the Empire. After making a promise to Yoda to return and complete his preparations, he set off.

“Luke, don’t underestimate the Emperor’s power. Then you will fall like your father. I will be the last of the Jedi."

Returning to Dagobah in 4 ABY, Luke found Yoda sick and severely weakened by old age. Yoda told Luke that he had completed his training but would not become a Jedi until he "met his father," Darth Vader. Yoda then died at the age of 900 and finally became fully fused with the Force.

In the end, Luke heeded all of Yoda's teachings, which saved him from anger and falling to the dark side: he controlled his emotions even when he was one step away from killing Darth Vader and becoming the Emperor's new apprentice. When the Emperor attempted to kill Luke with lightning bolts, Vader returned to the light side and became Anakin Skywalker again, killing his master to save his son. Anakin died from damage to his suit in the surrounding collapse of the Empire. Later that night, Luke looked at Anakin with pride and gratitude, surrounded by Obi-Wan and their eternal mentor, Yoda.

“Size doesn't matter. You judge me by my height, huh?”

Master Yoda- a small green creature with long ears, Master of the Jedi Order from the Star Wars saga. Yoda is the wisest of the Jedi and often gives them useful tips. He also uses in speech reverse order words Both of these techniques are used in Master Yoda memes.


Master Yoda is 66 centimeters tall, a member of the Jedi Council and a great teacher. George Lucas specifically decided that he would not indicate the character's home planet, and would not show other members of the race. He first appeared in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), where he became Luke Skywalker's teacher.

Yoda is a little strange, but very respected in his community. He speaks in inversion and often gives advice, and is considered a sage.

Yoda's speech became a meme in 2005, after the premiere of Revenge of the Sith. A special website allowed you to change the order of words in a sentence so that you could speak like Yoda. As a result, multiple macros began to spread across the network.

One of the main characters of Star Wars is the wise and most powerful Jedi of his time - Master Yoda. Yoda (in English Yoda, probably from the Sanskrit joddha, “warrior”) was remembered not only for his power and wisdom, but also for his funny manner of speech, as well as his short stature of 66 centimeters.

Pictured: actor Warwick Davis, who played Yoda in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The actor himself is taller than his hero and is 107 centimeters.

The Star Wars character Yoda was created by makeup artists Nick Dudman and Stuart Freeborn from the UK. At first, the Yoda doll was controlled and voiced by Frank Oz, and in episodes I and II, some scenes featured live actors Warwick Davis and Tom Kane as Yoda.

And in this photo, the dwarf actor Verne Troyer, who on March 13 posted a picture on Twitter with the caption: “Freaking Yoda"s taller than me" (“Even Yoda is taller than me”).

Verne Troyer, whose height is 81 cm, is a little disingenuous - yes, the Yoda doll is taller than him, but we already know that Yoda, according to the legend of the film, is 66 cm tall.

By the way, Verne Troyer is best known for his role as Mini-Me from the Austin Powers films.

Roles of dwarf actors in films: Verne Troyer and Warwick Davis

There are, of course, many more famous dwarf actors. Suffice it to recall, for example, 45-year-old Peter Dinklage, who plays the role of Tyrion Lannister in the popular series “Game of Thrones.” But we will only remember the two actors mentioned.

Verne Troyer worked as an understudy and stuntman for a long time, such as in the 1994 film “Baby Walking” (9-month-old baby) or in episodic roles in “Men in Black” (1997) and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” (1998) ), where the actor played the son of an alien and a waiter.