What does a stormtrooper look like? Disney showed red stormtroopers from the ninth episode of Star Wars. Racism in Star Wars

Just because I'm black and driving an expensive car doesn't mean I stole it. That is, I stole this car. But not because I'm black!
Agent Jay, Men in Black 3

The trailer for the new episode of Star Wars was liked by many, but the reaction of some commentators was unexpected. They attacked the young actor John Boyega with indignation. Moreover, claims were made not even to his acting, which we have not yet had time to evaluate, but to the color of his skin and to the fact that his hero wears the armor of an imperial stormtrooper. Fantasy World examines the validity of these claims.

Important: We use the word "Negro", not wanting to offend anyone. In Russian, this word has no negative connotation. Не путать с английским ругательством «nigger»!

Claim #1: How tired of these supporters of tolerance! They shove blacks in every Hollywood movie!

Racial segregation was abolished in the United States back in the 1960s, and restriction of rights on a racial basis is punishable by law. But there are no laws requiring film producers to comply with a certain percentage of people of color on film set. It's just that there are a lot of black people in America, some of them work as actors, go to auditions and win them because they are better suited for the role.

Ideally, the skin color of the performer should not matter at all - except in cases where it is important for the script. For example, the main character in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained could not have been played by a white man.

But the problem of racism in the United States has not completely disappeared. Recall the news about the unjustified brutality with which the police detain black violators. In the film business, of course, no one beats the "colored", but racial prejudice plays against blacks here, and not in their favor. According to statistics, films where leading role played by a black man, on average, received more negative reviews from the press and lost several million dollars at the box office.

And are there really so many of them? Of the 100 highest-grossing science fiction films in history, only eight featured a "colored" protagonist. And in six cases, he was played by Will Smith.

Why can Will Smith be a sci-fi action star (and make funny faces) but John Boyega can't?

It's true that sometimes the writers change the race of the characters. Nick Fury from the Marvel world became black - but this happened back in the comics, and it’s a sin to complain about the game of Samuel L. Jackson. Less fortunate was the decision to cast the black Michael B. Jordan as the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four reboot, especially since the role of his sister went to a white actress.

But in the same Hollywood, the opposite happens. For example, in Ridley Scott's Exodus: Gods and Kings, both Egyptians and Jews are played mainly by Anglo-Saxons. In Pan: Journey to Neverland, the role of Indian Tiger Lily went to white actress Rooney Mara. Asians are even less lucky. In The Martian, Korean Mindy Park turned white. The Japanese Keiji from the book by Hiroshi Sakurazaki became an American with the face of Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow. And Major Motoko Kusanagi will soon be played by a completely non-Asian Scarlett Johansson.

So there is no universal conspiracy in Hollywood to promote "colored" to the screens. However, as well as a conspiracy against them.

Laurence Fishburne
Samuel L. Jackson
Morgan Freeman

Halle Berry
Zoe Saldana
Wesley Snipes

A few more black science fiction stars.

Complaint #2: Why did they even add blacks to Star Wars?

They have always been there, God be with you! How can you forget Lando Calrissian and his contribution to defeating the Empire in Return of the Jedi? And in the new trilogy of dark-skinned heroes, there are even more: here are Padme's bodyguards - Tyfo and Panaka, and the senator from Kuat Giddeon Danu. There were also black Jedi - Adi Gallia, Stass Alli and, of course, the incredibly cool master Mace Windu, performed by the magnificent Samuel L. Jackson.

Mace Windu, Lando Kalrissian ... Oh yes, blacks in " star wars" It never happened!

There were even more Negroes in the Expanded Universe - entire planets. In Matthew Stover's novel Vulnerable Point, it is revealed that Mace Windu hails from the planet Haruun-Kal, inhabited by the dark-skinned Corunnai race. In the game Knights of the Old Republic, the black Jedi Jolie Bindu serves as a mentor to the hero. And in the new comics from Marvel, a mysterious black beauty appears who claims that she is married to Han Solo himself!

Do not forget that representatives of millions live in a distant galaxy. different types often completely unhuman. In a world filled with hairy Wookiees, giant Hutts, and tail-headed Twi'leks, do you think anyone cares about the slight difference in skin tone among homo sapiens?

By the way, Darth Vader is in some way black, and it's not about the color of the suit. He was voiced by the black James Earl Jones.

Racism in Star Wars

According to the Expanded Universe, the Empire was a racist state that oppressed non-human races, for which there was a special designation - exotics. They were rarely accepted into the service of Imperial organizations, and some races were completely exterminated or enslaved by the Empire. Officially, the fact that it was the Exotics who created the Confederacy of Independent Systems was called the reason for such a policy, although Count Dooku always remained formally the leader of the CIS. Due to xenophobic policies, many peoples, such as Bothans and Mon Calamari, joined the Rebellion.

Complaint #3: Negroes can't be stormtroopers!

Why not? Many people think that all stormtroopers are clones of Jango Fett, but this is a misconception. About fifty years elapsed between the appearance of the clones and the events of The Force Awakens. Here, ordinary people will grow old, and even more so the clones, who grew rapidly and became adults at the age of ten. The first stormtroopers turned into old men even before the start of the Rebellion, which was clearly shown by the second season of the animated series "Rebels". And these are still those of the fighters who survived - and how many of them died in the Clone Wars?

This is what Jango Fett clones looked like in Rebels. Thirty years before The Force Awakens!

Of course, retired fighters can be replaced with new ones - if a suitable donor of genetic material is found. But Jango Fett, from whom the clones were copied, died at the beginning of the war. George Lucas did not elaborate on how cloning works in a distant galaxy. But the order for the creation of the army of clones came ten years before the war, and all this time Fett lived at the laboratory. So, regular donation is necessary to create soldiers.

With the death of Fett, the Kaminoans had to curtail production - they ran out of genetic material. In the Clone Wars animated series, Kamino's representatives mention that they need a new donor, and the Republic never provided one.

Let's note one more important thing: the Republic received a two-million-strong army without spending a dime. Everything was paid for either by Master Sifo-Dyas or by the Sith. New batches of clones would cost the budget a tidy sum. And the economy of the Republic was already seriously undermined by the pre-war crises and the war itself.

Finally, with all the advantages of cloning, new fighters get into service only after ten years. And the barely formed Empire needed an army right away. Not surprisingly, the Emperor soon began to recruit recruits from ordinary people. Remember, even Luke Skywalker, at the beginning of A New Hope, dreams of entering the Imperial Flight Academy!

Luke's example shows that there were enough young naive fools in the galaxy who dreamed of becoming famous and looking at other worlds. Service in the Imperial Army was an opportunity for them to escape from their hateful home. It's not hard to imagine that Finn, the hero of John Boyega, will turn out to be a conscript or volunteer who bought into the romance of military service.

Zar Leonis (TV series "Rebels"), a black cadet in the service of the Empire. During the Rebellion, by the way!

Clones and the Expanded Universe

In the old Star Wars canon, the history of stormtroopers was detailed. According to Karen Traviss' novel Republic Commandos: Order 66 and the game Star Wars Battlefront II, during the Clone Wars, Palpatine secretly built a factory that used new technology to grow clones in just a year. True, the quality of these clones was quite low.

A few years after the war, the Kaminoans decided to overthrow the Emperor and created their own army using the remnants of Jango Fett's DNA. Imperial troops crushed the rebellion, but the Emperor, having lost faith in the "army of one man", decided to use more different donors. In addition, ordinary people began to be taken to attack aircraft.

By the beginning of the Rise of the Jango clones in the ranks of the Imperial army, there were almost no left, and the quality of new recruits left much to be desired. What is there to be surprised that they could not hit the enemy even from ten steps!


Perhaps the only complaint that can be made against Boyega is that in most of the frames shown, his character has a very stupid expression on his face. But before you say that Boyega is a bad actor, ask yourself: how many films with him have you seen? Willing to bet none. You can’t draw conclusions about the actor’s performance from a couple of frames from the trailer. If desired, with any Star Wars character, you can make a selection of the same funny faces.

Perhaps we had the right to expect greater restraint from a fighter of the elite imperial units. But, firstly, Finn in the trailer is clearly shown at a moment of serious stress - he is under fire running away from his pursuers on an unfamiliar planet. And secondly, do you think how many experienced instructors survived in the Imperial Army during half a century of incessant star wars?

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Hello Galaxy!

In this post, I would like to tell you about the popular and not popular types of attack aircraft!

P.S. There WILL NOT be non-canonical stormtroopers in this post, only from canon!

:loudspeaker: WARNING:loudspeaker:

You might know about all these types, but this post has been made in an informative way to study these types of attack aircraft!


Imperial stormtroopers (Later there will be First Order stormtroopers)


Strike force of the Galactic Empire,

wore white armor over a black tight-fitting suit, which, in addition to an impressive appearance, had a wide range of equipment for survival and temperature control, the main weapon was the F-11D.

Scout stormtroopers

Worn over light armor and used jetbikes to patrol the perimeters of the Imperial garrisons they were assigned to. They were equipped with long-range blasters and smoke grenades.

Scout Snipers

Were special unit scout troopers using deadly E-11s long-range blasters and gray armor.

Imperial Combat Driver

Who piloted many of the Imperial Army's ground vehicles, such as the AT-DP. Among the combat drivers of the Empire there was also a specialization, according to which the AT-ST drivers drove the AT-ST walkers, and another division was responsible for piloting the AT-Tos. The latter considered themselves an elite among the elite.

Stormtrooper sniper

(I understand that this is unlikely, but it helped a lot and corresponds to the description of the armor)

Specialized attack aircraft, armed sniper rifles. These stormtroopers wore blue pauldrons and had visors on their helmets. They also had black bandoliers criss-crossed across their chest plates.


they wore an improved version of the armor, which ensured survival on such desert planets as Tatooine. Of the weapons they wore - DLT-19 or T-21.

snow troopers

Specialized attack aircraft equipped with breathing heaters located under face masks. Snowtroopers were self-sufficient mobile combat units. They were able to survive for two weeks in severe frosts on the power of the power supply alone. Snow troopers underwent rigorous selective training, as they had to survive and fight in very difficult combat conditions. Of the weapons were -

1) For a regular snowtrooper, there was an E-11 blaster rifle, an SE-14r blaster pistol, two stun and frag grenades.

2) For the elite, there was a blaster rifle DLT-20a and two stun grenades.

Coastal defense attack aircraft

Stormtroopers have been trained and equipped to operate in tropical and coastal environments such as the planet Scarif.

The shoretroopers based on Scarif were armed with both standard E-11 blaster rifles and upgraded E-22 blaster rifles.

Dark Soldiers Phase II

They wore heavy armor and were armed with assault guns. Such soldiers were used to attack enemy fortifications.

Shadow Stormtroopers

They were armed with T-21 light automatic blasters and wore armor that, in addition to the awesome black coloring, had cloaking devices.

Death Troopers

They were the elite fighters of the Imperial Army, whose specialization included operations in the interests of the Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Navy. Usually they acted as bodyguards for high-ranking officials of the Empire. They were often armed with SE-14r light automatic blasters.

Lava Troopers

They were equipped for operations in extremely high temperatures and trained to fight on volcanic planets. Of the weapons were - T-21 or DLT-19.

water attack aircraft

They were trained in water combat to uphold the rules in the undersea worlds of the Empire. Weapons are unknown, but it is certain that they had TIE Boats.

space stormtroopers

Specialized attack aircraft trained to operate in conditions open space and lack of gravity. They wore a special version of stormtrooper armor, additionally equipped with a breathing apparatus. From weapons - is unknown.


Stormtroopers high class, from the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire. They served in the elite front-line units of the Empire, as well as as bodyguards of the Emperor. They were successors to the shock clones that served in the Grand Army of the Republic.

They had a heavy blaster DLT-19 or a powerful rocket launcher in their arsenal.

Imperial heavy soldiers

They were clad in heavy combat armor and armed with electric staves, making them look like Imperial pacifier soldiers.

Heavily armed stormtroopers

They were equipped with bulky spinning blaster cannons. Heavy troopers were armed with the Z-6 spinning blaster cannon or the DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle.

Stormtrooper Grenadier

Armed with grenade launchers and wearing a red pauldron and a black bandolier slung across their chests, this type of stormtrooper was notable for its particular ferocity towards its enemies.


They were a type of attack aircraft equipped with flamethrower weapons.




Imperial Stormtroopers are the spearhead of any Imperial invasion. They support the imperial army and naval infantry and are always in the thick of the battle. They are everywhere where there is a Galactic Empire, becoming one of the symbols of this state.

The history of the assault corps begins with the early days of the Galactic Empire, the successor of the Old Republic. At that time, the GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) consisted of only a few million clones and tens of millions of non-cloned soldiers, the so-called "militia". The need to control a huge territory, suppress local rebellions, the remaining separatist enclaves and smash pirate bases forced the use of a huge number of well-trained soldiers. Due to the losses suffered during the years of the Clone Wars and the small number of the GAR itself, at first the emperor was severely lacking in soldiers. This led to the formation imperial army from non-clones and a sharp increase in its numbers. Simultaneously, with the use of spaarti spheres, the accelerated cultivation of new clones began, however, their level of training was much lower than that of their Kaminoan brethren. The only way the new clones were superior to ordinary soldiers was the speed of maturation and the utmost loyalty to the emperor and the New Order. Over time, thanks to the active use of cloning technology, the Empire managed to significantly increase the size of the assault corps, but the stormtroopers were still lacking and many of the tasks of maintaining peace and order fell on the shoulders of the imperial army.

Only in 9 BBY, when military leadership finally convinced of the futility of growing clones in the current conditions, and most of the opponents of the Empire were defeated, they made a long-awaited decision - they allowed ordinary people to serve in elite units. This decision, in a short time, made it possible to significantly increase the size of the assault corps. At the same time, the level of professionalism of the soldiers remained at a high level, which was facilitated by a long and exhausting training program. At the same time, the loyalty of the soldiers to the ideals of the New Order was ensured not by genetic programming, but by competent ideological training. The fighters of the assault corps believed and knew what they were fighting for. The attack aircraft was almost impossible to bribe, and the number of deserters in the assault corps, numbering hundreds of millions of soldiers, tended to absolute zero.

An important consequence of the recruitment ordinary people there was a change in the image of the attack aircraft in the eyes of the layman. Now they were perceived not as faceless clones "without family and tribe", but as defenders of the state. Despite the anonymity attached to the armor, the vocoder built into the helmet, which hid the features of the fighter's dialect, and the use personal numbers instead of names (a tradition left over from the time of the VAR), the layman could be sure that under the helmet there was a citizen like himself, who had a family, children and a house that he must and wants to protect at any cost.

Soon after the adoption of ordinary people in the assault corps, the cultivation of clones was abandoned, completely switching to a contract basis. As a result, by the time of the Battle of Yavin, the Imperial assault corps was only a third made up of clones. And by the time of the Battle of Endor, there were practically no cloned soldiers left in the assault troops. A separate topic is the service of women in the assault corps. Traditionally, female soldiers in the Empire were treated with thinly disguised disdain. Only a few especially determined ladies managed to get into the elite imperial troops after passing through a rigorous combat training program.

During the Dawn of the Empire and the Galactic civil war attack aircraft could be found as part of the garrisons of all strategically important planets, as well as on trade and military space stations under the control of the Empire. It was the stormtroopers who guarded the prisons where they were kept especially dangerous criminals, thousands of plants and factories. And, of course, military operations. Without the participation of attack aircraft, not a single more or less large-scale operation carried out by the fleet and army could do.

The training program in the assault corps was very diverse. There were many specializations; desert infantry, combat swimmers, scouts, etc. The training of an attack aircraft of a specific specialization was distinguished by combat tactics, the use of a certain type of equipment and weapons designed for battles in specific natural conditions. In the course of training within the framework of the standard program (all attack aircraft took the basic course), the soldiers were trained in handling all types of manual small arms which was in service with the army and the assault corps, hand-to-hand combat, piloting ground combat and civilian equipment. In addition, stormtroopers took a course in the study of spacecraft design and had basic skills in piloting starships, from transport to fighter. An additional course to the basic training program could include the study of languages ​​of non-human races, the repair and maintenance of military equipment, interrogation and negotiation skills ... etc.

The training of attack aircraft took place in specialized academies. At the time of dawn, several academies were operating simultaneously on the territory of the Empire. The most famous of them was on the planet Karida. This planet was ideally suited for the role of a giant training center. On its surface one could meet a variety of climatic zones; hot deserts, cold tundra, deep and shallow seas and lakes, tropical forests…

The organizational structure of the assault corps differed from that of the imperial army. The stormtroopers had their own command, the highest ranks of which had a direct connection with the emperor.

The stormtrooper's armor is made up of 18 pieces of a material called Impervium, providing good protection against blaster fire.

The armor material itself consists of four layers: 1. Impervium. (Impervium is a trademark of Plasteel) 2. Anti-blaster layer 3. Magnetic protection layer 4. Internal insulator

The armored suit contains a special identification IFF circuit, giving stormtroopers the ability to identify each other from a distance in combat.

The helmet contains breathing filters (protecting against chemical and biological weapons), an intercom (comlink) with the ability to change the language (model SoroSuub DH77 or Herzfall Corporation DH107). For fast communication with other units, the comlink also has various frequency selections (the black band that is on the slits of the eye is an omnidirectional antenna). Within a fireteam, encrypted messages can be transmitted using a comlink, and every few seconds the encryption sequence will change, making it impossible to decrypt the transmission. If the helmet was not removed from the attack aircraft by the attack aircraft, the encoding frequency is automatically removed from the helmet, thereby preventing the enemy from listening to the messages of other attack aircraft.

Automatically polarized lenses protect the wearer from intense bright light, the lenses are supplemented with a special holographic processor and allow you to see clearly through smoke, dust, night twilight, fire ... The helmet is equipped with a night vision device. There is an external speaker (Vocoder) for communicating with strangers.

The compartment on the back contains an emergency supply of oxygen for 20 minutes, which allows the attack aircraft to breathe freely in space or under water. Also in the compartment is the power supply unit of the suit. The compartment has mounts for mounting additional equipment, such as: field radios, mortars, heavy beamers, ammunition and equipment for setting up security perimeters around the camp.

Stormtrooper boots have magnetic grips for movement in low gravity environments. Standardized service belts contain blaster ammo, concentrated food rations, a compact toolbox, a spare handheld intercom, and a thermal detonator. The belt can be supplemented with other equipment: specialized or basic survival kit, handcuffs, electronic binoculars (only for an officer or scout), conventional and high destructive power grenades.

It is possible to install additional special equipment on the armor, such as a built-in holo-camera or a flashlight.

The armor's automatic climate control system allows the attack aircraft to be in great shape regardless of climatic conditions.

The armor of the Imperial stormtroopers was created similarly to the armor of the mercenary Jango Fett (but from a different material). This armor is very reliable, and difficult to destroy, and to this day it can be found on the battlefields that died down decades ago. Assault armor can cost up to 10,000 credits on the black market. Parts of this armor, and sometimes a complete set, can sometimes be seen in use by pirates, smugglers or mercenaries throughout the galaxy. The rebels did not disdain to use this armor. For example, a special forces group is known New Republic under the command of the Devaronian Kapp Dendo (Kapp Dendo), which actively used the captured armor of attack aircraft.


  • Of. StarWars.com website (an encyclopedia of the old website)
  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
  • Series "X-wing Rogue Squadron". In the Empire's Service (in the service of the Empire) (comic)
  • Death Star Technical Companion, Second Edition
  • Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition, Art. 41 and 50
  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Behind The Magic, electronic encyclopedia
  • Star Wars Technical Journal Vol 2

IN The Force awakens(2015) and The Last Jedi(2017), upgraded stormtroopers serve as First Order, under Supreme Leader Snoke and his commanders, most notably Kylo Ren, General Hux and Captain Phasma.

The helmet and armor were redesigned for the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force awakens costume design by Michael Kaplan with director JJ Abrams.

Legion 501

The 501st Legion Elite Stormtrooper Unit, or "Vader's Fist", is a stormtrooper unit from Star Wars films and Star Wars Legends continuity. Commanded by the ruthlessly cunning General Maximilian Wiers and comprised of the most trained soldiers in Star Wars Galaxy, the Legion has gained a brutal reputation, performing missions considered suicidal or impossible to defeat. The 501st serves as Darth Vader's personal death squad, which leads the 501st in the destruction of the Jedi. The 501st lead an attack on the Tantive IV consular ship and capture Princess Leia. During the Battle of Hoth, the 501st played a major role in the destruction of the Rebel Alliance base, and nearly managed to capture millennium falcon. Most of the background history associated with the 501st comes from star wars novels and games Star Wars: Battlefront II And Star Wars The Force Unleashed .

Elite 501st designation resurrected by Grand Admiral Thrawn who in Thrawn trilogy is accused of defending the "Hand of the Empire" Empire forces. The 501st Thrawn is made up of foreigners, normal people and Jango Fett clones.

501 First Order units wear striking white armor derived from that worn by Republic clones and Empire stormtroopers. Members of this new generation of stormtroopers are trained from birth, growing up with singular designations instead of names, and fed a constant diet of first-order propaganda to ensure absolute loyalty. Where the Empire has chosen a numbing routine, First Order Simulation training and live-fire drills encourage improvisation on the battlefield, making these stormtroopers more dangerous than their Imperial predecessors.

The Legion's name is based on the fan organization of the same name; their inclusion in the official succession was based on allegiance world organization V Star Wars fandom.


In the original Star Wars trilogy, several types of "military occupation specialist" attack aircraft units are considered. These include:

Imperial variants

  • Sandtroopers see on the desert planet Tatooine during star Wars(1977). Sandtroopers can be distinguished by their large, black, white, or orange shoulder pads, slightly different markings on the back of their helmets, diamond-shaped knee plates, and stomach armor different from regular stormtroopers.
  • shocktroopers whether the red version of stormtroopers. Sometimes they carry long rifles or electrostaffs.
  • snowtroopers seen in the attack on Echo's bases The Empire Strikes Back(1980) on Hoth and in video games Star Wars: Empire at War , Star Wars: Battlefront , Star Wars: Battlefront II , Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy And Shadows of the empire on the Nintendo 64 (as well as Lego Star Wars II And Star Wars(2015) are regular stormtroopers wearing minus armor. Their helmets and armor are different, with goggles and a breathing hood.
  • Scout paratroopers first seen in Return of the Jedi(1983). They are trained in advanced reconnaissance and survival skills for all terrains and are also seen in Star Wars: Battlefront , Star Wars: Battlefront II , Star Wars: The Force Unleashed And Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II like shooter and scout snipers.
  • Deadly paratroopers elite soldiers of the Imperial Intelligence, encased in specialized armor with a dark, sinister sheen. These soldiers serve as bodyguards and enforcement officers for VIP Imperial individuals, such as Director Krennic and Grand Admiral Thrawn. Their name comes from the legend of the new Death Troopers, and, in canon, these soldiers are so named due to rumors that they are like zombie fighters.
  • Shoretroopers, or simply Scarif Stormtroopers, stormtrooper specialists stationed at top-secret Imperial military headquarters on Scarif, where soldiers patrol the planetary facility's beaches and bunkers.
  • Combat pilots of an assault tank And commanders, or tank soldiers, operate the Empire's arsenal of armored repulsor vehicles, from a squadron of heavily armored hovertanks. Combat drivers are lightly armored, relying instead on the thick skin of their vehicles to protect them in combat. The commander is in contact with his command and with headquarters to keep up to date with changing combat conditions.
  • Shadow Troopers, also known as Black Hole Troopers, is an elite special-ops type cavalryman only seen in Star Wars Legends material. Assigned to the mysterious Shadow Guard of the Empire, one of the more prominent appearances in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, where they have shiny, reflective black armor that allows them to become invisible. Since the Star Wars Expanded Universe was announced without canon and rebranded as Star Wars Legends, Shadowtroopers has not been seen in any form of media since then.

First order options

  • flametroopers in advance in combination with the standard infantry of the first order. These specialized units flush out entrenched enemies with roaring sheets of flame from their flamethrowers. They wear backpack-style fuel tanks, special helmets with slit-like lenses that reduce glare, and glove-body thermostatic devices underneath their armor.
  • Riot control stormtroopers V Star Wars: The Force Awakening(2015), specializes in riot control and use non-lethal betaplast shields and Z6 batons.
  • snowtroopers assigned to cold planets. They wear special armor and equipment that allow them to work effectively in ice conditions. Snowtroopers wear a backpack-style personal environment unit and wear insulated helmets with glare-reducing slit lenses, gloves, a kama, and a heat-resistant body glove underneath in overalls made from wind-resistant fabric. The Snowtrooper commands the planet's exploration, which was once housed by StarKiller Base, ridding local lifeforms, posing a potential threat.
  • Stormtrooper Executioners are a branch of specialists specifically established to deliver final justice to stormtroopers who are found guilty of treason.


While stormtroopers are performers like Michael Leader Episode IV), Laurie Goode ( Episode IV), Peter Diamond ( Episode IV-VI), Stephen Bailey ( Episode IV), and Bill Weston ( Episode IV) , as a rule, were credits in a series of films, there were a few exceptions.

IN Attack of the Clones(2002), Temuera Morrison plays the bounty hunter Jango Fett and his many clones, who are the first clone army.

IN The Force awakens(2015), Boyega stars as Finn, a former Stormtrooper FN-2187 who defects from the First Order and joins the Resistance, and Gwendoline Christie portrays Captain Phasma, the First Order's stormtrooper commander. Daniel Craig has a small uncredited role as a stormtrooper, whom Rey forces using a Jedi mind trick to let her escape captivity, and director JJ Abrams is also casting Alias And Lost composer Michael Giacchino as FN-3181, and Radiohead producer Godrich as FN-9330. A control riot stormtrooper, who calls the Chuhon a traitor during the Battle of Takodana, portrayed by stuntman Liang Yang and voiced by sound editor David Acord, identified as FN-2199 in the almanac book Star Wars: Before Awakening(2015) by Greg Rucka. The soldier, armed with a "Z6 baton" and dubbed the "TR-8R" by fans, quickly inspired several memes and paintings. Actor/director Kevin Smith also voiced Stormtrooper in the Takodana sequence.

IN Star Wars Rebels, various voice actors provided the voices of Stormtroopers, including David Acord, Dee Bradley Baker, Steven Bloom, Clancy Brown, Robin Atkin Downes, Greg Ellis, Dave Fennoy, Dave Filoni, Tom Kane.

A few days before the April Star Wars Celebration - where the ninth episode of Star Wars was presented - a poster for the film appeared online. As it turned out, he was never included in the number of official promotional materials, although all the images, in general, are the same - except for some red stormtroopers.

Now, Disney has officially revealed the updated stormtroopers - yes, they actually exist and they call them Sith Troopers. They were first shown on The Star Wars Show.

Hot Toys later revealed what its stormtrooper figure would look like:

In the future, several more photos of related products with the symbols of red stormtroopers appeared on the network: from Funko POP! to baseball caps. They will go on sale at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con.

The new attack aircraft received a "more modern and formidable design." Lucasfilm refers to Sith stormtroopers as "the next step in Imperial/First Order troopers". There are no other details about them yet.

Soldiers with a similar name have already appeared in the saga - in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic dilogy, the player fought against combat units of the Sith Empire. Various types of troops acted as opponents, from grenadiers and shooters to attack aircraft. The design of the fighters in the game, of course, was completely different.