How to conceive twin girls 100 percent. How to conceive twins and is it possible to influence it at all? IVF as a family planning tool

Amazing and mysterious twins attract the attention of many future parents, but alas, the chances of such a conception are slim. According to statistics, conceiving twins naturally occurs in one out of 80 pregnancies. In this case, genetic predisposition to this phenomenon plays an important role.

Today, twins are born more often. This is due to taking hormonal drugs, as well as drugs for treating infertility or stimulating the functioning of the ovaries. There are several theories according to which the chance of getting pregnant with twins increases.

so different twins

There are two types of Geminis:

  1. Monozygotic, which develops from one egg after fertilization by one sperm. They are also called identical. After conception, the zygote divides in two, that is, 2 embryos develop from one egg. To date, medical science has not been able to explain this phenomenon. Monozygotic twins are born with the same appearance and are identical to others. This type is quite rare. If the division of the egg occurs after the zygote stage, then Siamese twins appear.
  2. Dizygotic or twins, pregnancy occurs when a woman matures two eggs in one cycle and is fertilized by two sperm. Twins in this case are born with a similar appearance, but not identical. Dizygotic twins can be of different sexes, as well as with different blood groups.

The female body is designed to bear one child, so multiple pregnancies are considered abnormal from a medical point of view.

Factors influencing the conception of twins

The chance of conceiving twins increases through the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. If there have been cases of twin births in the family, then the woman’s chance of giving birth to twins increases. Moreover, this probability increases with each subsequent pregnancy.
  • Lactation period. Even without a genetic predisposition and the absence of hormonal therapy, a woman who is breastfeeding has an increased chance of conceiving twins. Lactation directly affects ovulation.
  • The age of the expectant mother is from 30 to 40 years. In a large number of women at this age, the amount of hormones responsible for egg maturation increases. This directly increases the chance of conceiving twins.
  • Duration of the menstrual cycle. The likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins increases in women with a cycle of 21-22 days.
  • Slight excess body weight. According to statistics, the chances of conceiving twins are higher in women who are slightly overweight. This is explained by the fact that as body weight increases, the production of the female hormone estrogen increases, which promotes the development of follicles with more than one egg.
  • Taking hormonal drugs increases the chances of simultaneous maturation of several eggs. According to doctors' statistics, the production of female hormones also increases in spring and summer.
  • Quite often, the conception of twins is due to the abnormal structure of a woman’s uterus. Multiple pregnancy is facilitated by a uterus with a septum, or as it is also called “bicornuate”. With this structure, the formation of eggs is enhanced.
  • Artificial insemination or IVF. Many couples diagnosed with infertility know about this procedure. During artificial conception, several fertilized eggs are implanted into a woman's uterus. It often happens that several embryos survive at once, as a result of which a woman manages to give birth to twins or even triplets.

Before the age of 30, a woman has a 3% chance of conceiving twins; after 30, it increases to 6%.

Nutrition for conceiving twins

Scientists believe that proteins can act as a catalyst for increasing the production of female hormones. Therefore, to increase the likelihood of having twins, you need to eat more proteins, which are found in the following foods:

  1. meat ingredients with the exception of sausages and smoked meats;
  2. poultry and game meat;
  3. any types of fish and seafood;
  4. dairy and fermented milk products;
  5. any types of cheese with a protein content of at least 5%;
  6. some fruits: pears, apples, mango, kiwi, lychee, pineapple and passion fruit;
  7. yams or sweet potatoes, which, according to scientists, contain a substance similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen.

How to conceive twins: table

According to scientific research, the simultaneous maturation of two eggs ready for conception occurs once in 200 menstrual cycles. If fertilization occurs during this period, then the woman can conceive twins. This cyclicality also applies to the maturation of the egg, which can split in two. Therefore, in theory, it is possible to track a cycle with the release of two eggs. After this, conceiving twins will be much easier.

The following is a table showing favorable days for conceiving twins or predicting the gender of the unborn baby. This method does not give a 100% result, but it can be used as one of the comprehensive measures for conceiving twins.

Folk ways to get pregnant with twins

Traditional methods for conceiving twins are based on normalizing a woman’s hormonal levels and increasing the vitality of both partners. Herbalists claim that specially selected herbal infusions will help for this. They must be taken only on certain lunar days and under the supervision of a specialist.

The following plants are used for this:

  • Sea buckthorn, the berries of which contain vitamin E, which stimulates ovarian function. You need to eat 100 g of sea buckthorn berries per day. In addition, they increase immunity, which is also important for pregnancy.
  • Borovaya uterus helps get rid of infertility, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and adhesions.
  • Sage improves the movement of sperm to the egg.

Traditional medicine also provides herbal remedies for men. To stimulate sexual function, plantain decoction, tincture of eleutherococcus and ginseng, as well as plants containing vitamin E (sea buckthorn, raspberry leaves, dandelion) are suitable.

How to conceive twins. Stimulation of multiple births

If future parents turn to a doctor with a question about wanting to get pregnant with twins, the first thing he will prescribe for them is to take hormonal contraceptives. Such tablets must be taken strictly according to the schedule for a year, after which they must be abruptly discontinued.

It is during this period that the chances of conceiving twins will be highest. This is due to the fact that after these drugs are discontinued, the female body actively begins to produce hormones, which contributes to the simultaneous maturation of several eggs. But this method also has the opposite side. It lies in the fact that after long-term use of hormonal drugs, the ovaries temporarily stop working, and ovulation does not occur for several cycles.

Another way to artificially stimulate multiple pregnancies is IVF. But it does not give a 100% guarantee, since the embryos may take root partially or even die. But if at least two take root, the woman will be able to give birth to twins.

How to increase your chance of conceiving twins naturally

If a woman does not want to resort to stimulating a multiple pregnancy, then she can try the following recommendations:

  1. 3 months before the planned conception, start taking folic acid.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits.
  3. Self-hypnosis also plays an important role in this matter. A woman should constantly visualize herself as a mother of twins.
  4. Find a man who has twins in his family.
  5. Eat more proteins.
  6. Plan conception for spring or summer. During this period, the work of the appendages is activated, therefore, in some areas with high humidity, long daylight hours and a natural radioactive background, a greater number of multiple pregnancies are recorded.

Someone dreams of giving birth to a worthy heir and defender for the Fatherland, someone with all their hearts strives to give birth to a little princess and thereby bring a little beauty into the world, but there are also those who live with dreams of having two children at once. Of course, such couples are in the minority, and conceiving twins will not be easy. According to the pike's command, according to my desire, your tummy will not be occupied by twins. To become happy parents of twins, you need to put in a lot of knowledge and effort. Of course, the maximum effort made depends only on you, but we will provide you with the necessary knowledge.

What is the probability of conceiving twins

If you and your spouse are really planning to conceive twins, then you need to know: how high are your chances of achieving your plans? Let's start with statistics, and they, as they say, are a rather stubborn thing. So, the birth of a pair of babies at once occurs in 1 case out of 80. Agree - this is not enough, but no one said that it is impossible.

So, which women have a higher chance of giving birth to twins:

  1. those women who have had twins or twins in their family are more likely to conceive twins;
  2. It is believed that the race of the expectant mother plays an important role when conceiving a child of a certain gender. For example, it has been scientifically proven that the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins is higher in women of the Mongoloid and Negroid races;
  3. ladies who take hormonal drugs for a certain time before conception, for example, the same contraceptive pills, are more likely to become pregnant with twins than those who did not use hormones and used any other means as contraception;
  4. women who have already given birth to a child, and whose age ranges from 30 to 40 years, are more likely to conceive twins than those who have not given birth before the age of 30;
  5. There is an opinion that those representatives of the fair sex who are slightly overweight are more capable of becoming pregnant with two babies at once. It will be more difficult for thin young ladies to conceive twins.

How to conceive twins or twins

Before you find out all the possible ways to conceive twins, it’s worth figuring out which one is which. Not all future parents can draw a fine line between twins and twins, but they are not exactly the same thing. If you want to know exactly who you are planning on, then it’s still worth finding out about the difference between future children.

So, what is the difference between twins and twins? In order not to confuse you with complex medical concepts, we will explain it simply. In general, in medicine there is no such thing as “twins”, there is only the term “twins”. Twins can be identical (identical) or fraternal (dizygotic). The latter are popularly called twins.

Identical twins are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod and they appear as a result of fertilization of one egg, which subsequently divides into 2 independent embryos. The formation of twins is not associated with the subsequent division of the fertilized egg. When conceiving non-identical embryos, fertilization of 2 eggs occurs at once, with two different sperm. Twins are always born of the same gender, but twins can have different genders.

How to conceive twins naturally

In itself, conceiving two children at the same time is rare. Not every couple is given such a chance - to become parents of two children at once. However, many women plan to conceive twins in order to “suffer themselves,” as they say, once and no longer think about how to successfully become pregnant, carry them to term and give birth to healthy children.

It will not be possible to find methods that can 100% help you conceive identical or fraternal twins, but you can try your luck and try, at least to prepare your body psychologically and physically for conceiving twins. Perhaps one of the methods will be effective.

So, what can you do to conceive twins:

  • determine ovulation and, taking into account the moment of its occurrence, calculate the most suitable days for conceiving twins;
  • during sexual intercourse, the position in which you will conceive a child can play a big role;
  • calculate days for conception using the blood renewal method;
  • follow a special diet that can help you conceive children of one sex or another, for example, twin girls or twins boys;
  • use traditional medicine to conceive twins.

We’ll talk about all these methods in more detail in order to maximize the naturally illusory chances of successfully conceiving twins.

How to conceive twin girls by ovulation

Ovulation is a special and fairly reliable (but not 100%) way to conceive a child of a certain gender. Taking into account the onset of ovulation, you can calculate favorable days for conceiving a girl or boy.

If your goal is the birth of two little princesses, then unprotected intercourse should be performed no later than 2-3 days before ovulation. That is, in those days when a woman’s vagina still retains a sufficiently acidic environment, which allows the female X chromosomes found in a man’s sperm not only to “survive”, but also to successfully fertilize eggs. Y-chromosomes (male) contained in spermatozoa will not be able to “survive” in the acidic vaginal environment; they will die the first time they enter the vagina.

How to conceive twin boys by ovulation

By nature, male Y chromosomes contained in male sperm are faster and stronger than female X chromosomes, which is why they always reach the egg faster and fertilize it. But the only weakness of male Y chromosomes is their “fear” of an acidic environment. They die in it, initially having no chance of “survival.”

The most optimal environment for the life of male sperm is considered to be the alkaline microflora of the vagina, which forms immediately before ovulation and lasts throughout all ovulation days (remember that ovulation lasts no more than 24-48 hours).

Therefore, if you want to conceive two beautiful children, then you should try to throw all your energy into such a labor-intensive process directly on the day of ovulation and the day after it. Then your chances of conceiving boys can be considered quite high.

Poses for conceiving twins

There is an opinion that the successful conception of a child of a certain gender is influenced by the position during lovemaking. How effective this method is can only be understood in practice, but from a medical point of view there is a logical explanation for this. For example, for conceiving twins, the best positions are those that involve deep penetration, because then sperm have a better chance of reaching the egg and fertilizing it.

And then it’s up to nature. If the egg begins to divide after fertilization, you can expect identical twins to be born. But if two eggs are released during ovulation (which is extremely rare), then you will have a huge chance to give birth to two beautiful twins.

If you want to plan not only the number of children born at the same time, but also their gender, then posture can also play an important role. For example, to conceive twin girls, it is necessary to give up deep penetration. The missionary position is best. But to conceive two boys, deep penetration is extremely necessary, due to the fact that male Y chromosomes “live” less. Therefore, in order to shorten the path of male sperm to the egg and prevent them from dying prematurely, it is necessary to use “deep” poses.

How to conceive twins by blood

One of the reliable ways to conceive a child of a certain gender is to calculate the blood renewal of the future parents. Of course, it is impossible to provoke the conception of twins in this way, but with its help you can try to influence the gender of the unborn child. Make this method of conception additional, that is, one that will accompany the main method of planning a double pregnancy; this method will be discussed a little further in the article.

So, how to calculate the sex of a child using the blood method? In fact, everything is quite simple. You just need to calculate - whoever in your couple had the last blood renewed, of that gender, will most likely have children. Calculations, as a rule, are carried out from the date of birth of each spouse, taking into account the fact that in women blood is renewed once every 3 years, and in men - once every 4. However, if you or your partner have experienced large blood losses, for example, childbirth, major operations, etc., then you need to keep an update report not from the moment of birth of the one who lost a lot of blood, but directly from the day of blood loss.

How to conceive twins on a special diet

Nutrition plays a special role in any situation. But can a properly formulated diet affect the gender planning of a child? Theoretically, yes, but doctors do not place much bet on a favorable outcome of such a food experiment. But you can still increase your chances of conceiving twins of a certain sex with the help of nutrition, especially since this will not harm your health in any way.

What does an expectant mother need to eat to get twin girls?

  • fragrant herbs;
  • jam;
  • fruits (oranges, pears, etc.);
  • spices;
  • sugar;
  • all types of fish;
  • baked goods without yeast and salt;
  • various vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, eggplants, etc.);
  • berries (strawberries, raspberries) and many other healthy products.

The diet of an expectant mother planning to conceive twin boys will be significantly different. It should not include:

  • sweet;
  • dairy products;
  • raw cabbage, dill, green salad, green beans;
  • crabs, caviar, shrimp;
  • bread and other baked goods;
  • waffles, cocoa, etc.

The best option for proper nutrition at the stage of planning the conception of twin boys would be to consume foods such as: fruit juices, tea, coffee, mushrooms, peas, lentils, sausages, canned food, semolina, rice, potatoes, etc. And most importantly, try eat more dishes containing yeast and high levels of salinity.

If the gender of your children does not play a special role for you, and you just want to give birth to healthy twins, then feel free to lean on bee products, sprouted wheat, walnuts, chicken and quail eggs, soybeans, dairy products and yams (tuber crop, much like potatoes). According to many specialists in traditional and folk medicine, it is these products that contribute to the conception of twins.

How to conceive twins: folk remedies

From time immemorial, women trusted many of their problems to traditional medicine. After all, where traditional, folk cannot help, sometimes it works incredible miracles. Since conceiving twins in itself is a real miracle, why not try to seek help from folk remedies that will have the best effect on planning twins.

So, what do traditional healers advise future mothers of twins:

  1. Healthy food.

    According to traditional healers, the diet of women planning to conceive twins should be enriched with protein.

    After all, it is this substance that stimulates the work of the ovaries, and accordingly, promotes the production of female sex hormones. Thanks to such coordinated work of nutrition and the body, a woman can release two or more eggs during one ovulation, which will directly affect the birth of two embryos at once. Products containing protein include: poultry, cheese, shrimp, mussels, veal, pork, milk, rapana, etc.;

  2. the conception process must be postponed until the summer. It is believed that the most favorable period for conceiving two babies is summer. In the summer, the female body is more filled with beneficial vitamins and minerals, and the activity of female sex hormones in the summer is much higher compared to other time periods;
  3. Sometimes, herbalists advise women to take certain infusions and decoctions that will provoke the appearance of twins. However, the use of such natural medicines is purely individual and should not be uncontrolled. You should definitely find out what, in addition to conception, the drug affects, and it would be advisable if you were examined in advance and found out whether you have any contraindications, individual intolerance to the components of the drug and a tendency to allergic reactions.

This is necessary in order not to harm your body, which, if you conceive twins, will require great physical and mental costs from you.

How to conceive twins: reliable methods

Do you want to conceive twins and are looking for methods that will give, albeit not 100%, but a high probability that twins will be conceived? Then you need to know everything about two methods, by resorting to which you increase your chances of becoming pregnant with twins.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

The IVF method is currently considered the most reliable way to conceive twins. However, this procedure is not a natural, but an artificial process of conception. The essence of IVF is that pre-fertilized eggs are implanted into a woman’s uterus. The children given to a woman will be biologically hers and her spouse’s.

It’s just that the process of fertilization will not occur naturally, but with the help of special technologies in specialized laboratories of a reproductive clinic. This method is usually used by couples who are unable to get pregnant on their own.

Why are twins most often born with IVF? Everything is explained quite simply. For safety reasons, a woman is implanted with several embryos at once, and if one dies, the other may have a good chance of intrauterine survival. However, it often happens that two embryos survive, in which case we can safely talk about the birth of the long-awaited twins. But a significant disadvantage of this procedure is its cost, and not all couples can afford to resort to this method.

Taking birth control pills

This method is less cheap, and therefore more accessible to average couples. The essence of this method is that a woman, taking birth control pills for a long time, suppresses ovulation, which allows the ovaries to “take a break” and not release eggs for some time.

But as soon as a woman abruptly stops taking such hormonal pills, the ovaries begin to work in double mode, and accordingly, the release of eggs also doubles. Here is a real chance that at the first ovulation, after taking the pills, two eggs will be released at once, which, when fertilized with sperm, can give you the long-awaited twins.

However, you need to be careful when taking contraceptives. After all, these are, as a rule, hormonal drugs that can harm your hormonal levels, menstrual cycle, ovulation, and also give many more unwanted side effects. Therefore, try to consult with a specialist about what is the best contraceptive for protection to use so as not to harm your health.

If you take other hormonal drugs, for example, for the treatment of infertility, such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston, then your chance of conceiving twins is also higher than for ordinary women.

In general, conceiving twins is a difficult task that only a select few can cope with. Nature has not endowed all women with the ability to give the world two babies at once. However, this does not mean your failure or inability to achieve your desired goal. It’s just that nature takes pity on you and protects you from excessive stress, rationally dividing the severity of one pregnancy into two simpler ones.

It has been scientifically proven that women pregnant with twins have a much harder time tolerating toxicosis, they are more likely to develop varicose veins, and labor usually begins earlier than 40 weeks; in addition, a cesarean section helps many people give birth. Twin babies are often born weak and with underdeveloped lungs, so they still need to be nursed for a certain period of time.

How to conceive twins

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The article talks about how to plan for twins and what is needed for twins to be conceived.

The arrival of twins in a family, along with doubled expenses, also brings obvious advantages. From early childhood, children have a partner to play with. Parents won’t have to rack their brains about how to entertain their restless children the same age.

Twin teenagers will trust their secrets to the closest person - their brother or sister. Women whose pregnancy is difficult or late have the opportunity to raise two children at once. With two playful kids there is more noise and fun in the house!

How to plan for twins?

Some women are afraid to hear the news of twins at the first ultrasound examination. And this is understandable: multiple pregnancies are more difficult for women to bear. Two babies, if you don’t immediately find an approach to them, can ruin all the joy of motherhood for a new mother.

A constant feeling of fatigue, the need to calm and feed two screaming babies at the same time, nerves, and even tears appear in the first months of a baby’s life. But there are women who simply dream of twins. In this article, we will consider whether it is possible to artificially plan the conception of twins and how the stars must align for this.

Video: about multiple pregnancy

According to popular wisdom, the appearance of twins in a family is preceded by the coincidence of certain factors. A woman is considered to be pregnant with twins if she:

  • takes complex vitamins that have a positive effect on the formation of the inner lining of the uterus and increase the likelihood of conception
    drinks a decoction of common twig, after which a larger number of eggs mature (a decoction of the plant has long been used by women to restore the menstrual cycle)
  • takes hormonal contraceptives (after a hormonal “attack” on reproductive functions, the body strives to multiply intensively). Taking hormonal pills for several months increases the chances of having twins
  • takes other hormonal medications, treats infertility with the help of medications that stimulate the ovaries;
  • adds foods to the menu that stimulate ovarian activity (porridge, eggs, whole grain bread)
    does not adhere to diets (“the body, crushed” by various diets, cannot realize its reproductive function)
  • reaches the age of 30 to 36 years, when eggs begin to divide during pregnancy
  • is slightly overweight or is breastfeeding during lactation;
  • plans conception in the spring, when daylight hours increase

How do you conceive twins?

Before you start planning for twins, you need to know the difference between twins and twins. Identical twins, or twins, are born exactly alike.

One fertilized egg becomes the site of development of two babies at once. One sperm is involved in conceiving twins. But at some stage the egg divides in two. This is why identical twins are same-sex. They have the same identical set of genes. But the birth of twins is associated with heredity. It is impossible to plan their conception.

Important : Having twins in your family increases your chances of having twins.

Video: Gemini

Separating the generation of twins further in time reduces the likelihood of twins being born. There are no special methods that would influence the process of egg division. This phenomenon has not been sufficiently studied.

How do you conceive twins?

Twins develop in two eggs. Two sperm take part in fertilization. Twins can have a different set of chromosomes and be of different sexes. The similarity between them remains as between ordinary brothers and sisters, but they are not the same.

The appearance of twins is preceded by the maturation of two eggs in one cycle. This rarely happens in nature. But you can increase your chances by taking hormonal medications.

The pills stimulate a woman’s body to ripen more than one egg.

Hormonal therapy should be carried out under the supervision of doctors. But no doctor will prescribe you hormones just to conceive twins. After all, no one can guarantee a multiple pregnancy. And horse doses of hormones will become a big burden for the expectant mother’s body.

Poses for conceiving twins

  • Placing their hopes on folk wisdom, couples try to control every little detail. The matter is not limited to the nutrition of future parents, because myths and superstitions in the process of conception are amazing in their diversity
  • Those who want to become happy parents of twins sometimes wonder whether the position affects the conception of twins
  • But scientific research has not been conducted on the effect of position on the conception of twins. But some experts claim that deep penetration by a man helps conceive twins
  • This will ensure that Y-type sperm penetrate the egg. Such sperm quickly lose viability. But once they enter the egg, they contribute to multiple conceptions

Video: How to conceive twins?

Probability of conceiving twins

By turning to a specialist, a woman increases her chances of giving birth to twins. An experienced gynecologist will eliminate unnecessary misconceptions and help you find out whether a woman can plan for twins.

The main factor in multiple pregnancies is genetics and the ability of a woman’s egg to divide in two.

A woman who has not had multiple pregnancies on her mother's side should look for a partner with twins in her family.

After undergoing fertility treatment, the likelihood of multiple pregnancies increases. This is because ovulation abnormalities are treated with follicle-stimulating hormone. The hormone stimulates the development of follicles in the ovary and the appearance of two eggs at once.

The scientific approach to planning twins

  1. Carrying out hormonal stimulation that promotes the production of several viable eggs simultaneously
  2. Carrying out an IVF procedure, in which eggs are fertilized in a test tube and transferred to the uterus

Conceiving twins calendar

  • A woman who is planning a pregnancy begins to keep a conception calendar at least six months before the planned pregnancy.
  • The duration of the menstrual cycle also influences the conception of twins: with a short cycle of 20-21 days, the probability of multiple pregnancy doubles
  • Abnormalities in the development of the uterus contribute to twin pregnancy. This may be a bifurcation, the presence of a septum in the uterine cavity

Twins after stimulation

  • Hormonal contraceptives put the ovaries into a state of rest for three months. The cycle is controlled artificially. After the functioning of one ovary and the passage of ovulation in it, the other begins to work. Withdrawal of the hormonal drug leads to the fact that both appendages “turn on” and two eggs are formed. This phenomenon in medicine is called the Rebound effect.
  • The occurrence of the Rebound effect cannot be influenced, but drug stimulation of ovulation helps several follicles mature at the same time. But either both mature eggs will be fertilized, or only one
  • The IVF procedure is carried out after artificial stimulation of the ovaries and obtaining two or more female germ cells. At least four eggs will be fertilized, but how many will take root is unknown
  • All embryos can take root, or only two of them can. Regardless of how many embryos implant, two are left. Therefore, IVF is considered the main method that guarantees the birth of twins. Fraternal. Or it doesn’t guarantee, depending on how the cards fall
  • Even a successfully fertilized female reproductive cell may not survive the “artificial replanting” and may not take root

Will sage help you conceive twins?

  • Sage is popularly known as a natural remedy for conception. Women still decide to use it according to their grandmother’s recipes. There is an opinion that healing herbs sometimes work wonders. And the benefits of herbal treatment are sometimes greater than those of pill treatment
  • Due to the presence of substances similar to the female hormones estrogens, sage promotes conception. Estrogens play an important role in the formation of follicles and conception. Sage also increases the cervical reflex, for which it received the “honorary title” of phytohormone among the people.
  • It is important to use sage strictly according to the plan and stop as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Otherwise, the level of the hormone progesterone will increase, which stops the development of the fetus. An overdose of sage decoction is also dangerous: allergies may develop or poisoning may occur.

You have to really want twins

One of the most effective methods to help you get pregnant with twins is self-hypnosis and great desire. Visualize a picture where you are 40 years old: at this age, the probability of conceiving two babies at once is 6% (for 20-year-olds this probability is only 3%).

Video: How to maintain a multiple pregnancy?

In this article:

Pregnancy with two babies at once is a real happiness for every woman. Of course, there are certain problems with care and education, but this happens only at the initial stage. But then the children will become true friends for each other and they will be interested in spending time together. But unfortunately, not every woman can give birth to twins, and this is due not so much to childbirth as to problems with conception. According to statistics, for every 80 pregnancies there is only one multiple pregnancy and the chances that you will be lucky are not so many, but they exist.

We increase the chances of success

What is the probability of having twins? There are several tips that increase this indicator, and there are also certain conditions under which a woman is capable of this. I propose to consider them in more detail.

  • Most often, women who have undergone in vitro fertilization give birth to twins. This is due to the fact that several fertilized eggs are implanted into the uterus at once. Therefore, if you really want to give birth to twins, then after consulting with a specialist, you can decide on this step.
  • It is possible to conceive twins even after stopping the use of contraceptives, which blocked the functioning of the ovaries for a long time. It is at this point that they begin to produce many eggs, which significantly increases the likelihood of conceiving and giving birth to twins.
  • Some claim that long-term abstinence helps, but this has not been scientifically proven. It is believed that after a long period of absence of ejaculation, sperm become more active, which increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies.
  • Tall women are more likely to conceive twins. This may be due to the structural features of the body.
  • The ability to get pregnant with twins increases with regular consumption of milk, as it increases the levels of insulin-producing hormones in the blood, which increases the productivity of eggs.
  • There is also a high chance of becoming pregnant with twins if a man is of Middle Eastern or African descent, as this is part of their genetics.
  • Women have the opportunity to conceive twins if there have already been similar precedents in the family. This feature is passed on through generations and only through the maternal line.
  • 40 years is the best age for the birth of twins, since the blood contains a large amount of the necessary hormone.
  • The best time of year to conceive twins is spring, as the sun promotes the production of gonadotropin.
  • In addition, the chances increase with each subsequent child. Most often, twins occur in women who already have at least two children.
  • Do not get carried away with diets, as this significantly reduces the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins.
  • And as a last resort, you can try to visit places where many twins are born. They say that the earth and water there have some mysterious power.

How is pregnancy progressing?

So you found out that you will soon become a happy mother of twins. And besides joy, anxiety immediately crept into my heart. How will the pregnancy proceed? What to expect from childbirth? Who will help you care for your children? In fact, there is no need to worry too much. Already at a period of several weeks, if there is a predisposition to the birth of twins, you need to contact a gynecologist. Because the most important thing is to constantly be under the supervision of a specialist and follow all his recommendations.

Even if everything is going normally, a woman at 24-26 weeks begins to get very tired. She begins to feel short of breath and her heart rate increases. This is due to fetal pressure on internal organs, displacement of the diaphragm, and increased blood pressure. Therefore, when preparing to give birth to twins, you should not perform strenuous physical exercises or lift heavy things, especially during the last weeks. Instead, doctors recommend breathing fresh air more often or going swimming. Pay attention to special body care products that prevent stretch marks.

Toxicosis in a pregnant woman with twins is quite difficult. But besides this, carrying twins can be accompanied by a complication such as gestosis. This condition is very dangerous for both mother and fetus. It is manifested by edema, the presence of protein in the urine, and increased blood pressure. This disease is typical in the last weeks of pregnancy and can cause premature birth. In addition, the process of bearing twins is often accompanied by heartburn and constipation.

But the biggest threat is posed by such a complication as the risk of miscarriage. The fact is that under heavy load the uterus begins to open ahead of time and sometimes, in order to wait at least until 36 weeks, the doctor even has to apply a temporary suture in order to delay the onset of labor as long as possible. Sometimes the mother can be placed in storage so that she is constantly under observation.

Despite everything, most multiple pregnancies proceed quite well until 37-38 weeks, after which the expectant mother goes to the maternity hospital, where she is examined, the final due date is set and the appropriate method of delivery is chosen.

How long should I expect to give birth?

When carrying twins, labor is likely to begin earlier than during a normal pregnancy. Most often at 36-38 weeks. At first, everything happens as usual: contractions begin, the bubble bursts, water pours out, the first baby is born. After this, the woman can rest a little (about 10-15 minutes) and contractions resume with renewed vigor to push out the second baby, the second bubble bursts and another child is born. After which 2 afterbirths come out.

Premature birth is considered to be at 32 weeks. At this stage, doctors are trying very hard to maintain the pregnancy, since the twins are not yet ready enough to meet the world. But if this fails, they make every effort to make the children stronger, since modern opportunities allow this.

Natural birth or caesarean section

According to statistics, more than half of twins are born by caesarean section. Indications for it are usually weak contractions and insufficient labor. Other reasons may be malpresentation of one of the fetuses or premature placental abruption. In these cases, surgery cannot be avoided. But what are the chances of giving birth to twins naturally?

Today, medicine has come a long way and giving birth to twins naturally is quite possible. The main thing is that the woman is in fairly good health and that the pregnancy proceeds without complications until the very last weeks. You should meet the doctor who will deliver the baby in advance. Since if any problems arise, he will be able to solve most of them at the gestation stage. The gynecologist should familiarize yourself with the medical history of the expectant mother in order to identify possible problems of the reproductive system, which will help avoid a cesarean section. They can occur if pregnancy occurs after infertility treatment, since certain hormonal drugs that stimulate ovarian activity were used.

But even in the absence of evidence, the woman is mentally prepared for the fact that her consent to the operation may be required at any moment. Most often, the need for a cesarean section arises urgently, during childbirth. This occurs when there is a threat to the health and life of one of the twins or the mother. And you need to be aware that in order to save the lives of yourself and your children, you should decide to take this step.

But it also happens that the expectant mother is offered to undergo surgery as planned. If it is necessary to give birth to twins, it is prescribed for a period of 38 weeks, and if pregnant with triplets, it is carried out for a period of 35-36 weeks. But there must be good reasons for this. After a caesarean section, the mother and her children are under observation. This is due to the fact that when the tone of the uterus decreases, bleeding may open, and twins very often need increased attention, and sometimes treatment. Therefore, they usually spend the first days of their lives in the intensive care unit.

The body weight of twins is usually significantly less than that of children born from a singleton pregnancy, but, as a rule, by the age of 3 they catch up with their peers in development. And the risk of pathologies does not depend at all on how many fetuses a woman carries. Therefore, you should not worry too much about the health of your children.

  • When pregnant with twins, it is very important to take care of your health. Remember that there is an additional burden on your body. Toxicosis usually lasts longer and a woman may encounter problems such as varicose veins. Special underwear will help reduce stress on muscles, ease breathing and relieve shortness of breath.
  • Remember that although each baby will weigh less than during a normal pregnancy, their total weight will be quite large, which is fraught with premature birth. Therefore, if you are expecting twins, it is better to go to the hospital a little earlier. And at a later date, you should avoid physical activity, as it can serve as a reason for the onset of contractions.
  • If you lose your appetite mid-term, you shouldn’t give up food completely. The fact is that the uterus greatly increases and squeezes the stomach. But both fruits must receive the required amount of calories. Therefore, try to eat more often, but in small portions.
  • Be sure to take folic acid, as it prevents congenital disorders and defects of the nervous system. This must be done not only before 16 weeks, as in the general case, but throughout the entire pregnancy, since two babies require much more nutrients.

If you are about to give birth to twins in the near future, this is not a reason to worry at all. Today's medicine completely allows a woman to bear and give birth to healthy babies, no matter naturally or by caesarean section. The most important thing is to carefully monitor your health and visit the gynecologist’s office on time. Close relatives will readily help you in caring for your children, and if your financial situation allows, you can simply hire a nanny. But this is a great opportunity to become a mother of two children at once, which many women simply dream of. In addition, parents of twins will be able to receive payments from the state earlier than those who have an age difference of several years.

Useful video about multiple pregnancy

To conceive twins, desire alone is not enough, and achieving this is quite difficult, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible. For this, there are various medications that stimulate the ovaries. Also, taking certain hormonal medications will also help conceive twins.

Many women want to give birth to twins, since subsequently the twins will become inseparable friends, and they will have fun and interesting time together. Of course, at first it will be difficult for a mother to care for two children at once, since caring for babies at the same time will require a lot of effort.

To give birth to twins, you need many favorable factors:

  1. Most often, those women who have undergone the IVF procedure are able to give birth to twins, since doctors inject several already fertilized eggs into the uterus; with this method, you can give birth not only to twins, but also to triplets.
  2. It is possible to give birth to twins to women who have already had similar cases in their family, but this ability is passed on through generations and only through the female line. But despite this, it is not always possible to give birth to twins.
  3. Regular consumption of milk and dairy products contributes to the birth of twins, as this increases the production of certain hormones that affect the ovaries, and there is an increase in the production of eggs.

Twins also occur after a woman has stopped taking oral contraceptives, which previously suppressed the functioning of the ovaries. As a result of this, the ovaries begin to produce a fairly large number of eggs.

The likelihood of having twins in the spring increases, since the sun's rays can promote the production of the hormone gonadotropin, which regulates the functioning of the sex glands.

If a woman already has children and is planning to have another child, then her chance of becoming pregnant with twins increases, especially if her age is approaching 40 years. At this age, a woman’s body contains a large amount of necessary hormones.

How to conceive twins naturally and why it's easy

You can try to conceive twins using certain positions, for example, missionary, which is believed to deposit large amounts of sperm on the walls of the vagina. To get pregnant with twins naturally, without using IVF, you need to use methods and techniques.


  1. A few weeks before the expected conception, alcohol should be excluded from the diet; a large amount of dairy products, walnuts, and chicken eggs should be added to the diet.
  2. Folic acid is also taken; it actively participates in the formation of the placenta and helps cell division.
  3. You can practice self-hypnosis, if every day you imagine that pregnancy is beginning, and at the same time there will definitely be the birth of 2 girls, then the chances of giving birth to twins also increase. The main thing is to really want it and draw clear pictures in your head about being pregnant with twins.

To conceive boys, positions with deep penetration should be used, and when the woman comes, the man should try to penetrate the vagina as deeply as possible.

To conceive twins, a special table is drawn up; it is usually based on the phases of the moon.

It is believed that when the moon passes through the constellation of Gemini and Pisces, there is a chance of conceiving twins. Moreover, if you have sex before the new moon, you may end up with children of the same sex. If you have sex after the full moon, there is a chance of opposite-sex twins. You can use folk remedies, for example, drinking a decoction of sage herbs, which perfectly helps replenish the required amount of hormones.

Gynecologist answers: how to get pregnant with twins or twins

Many women try to get pregnant with twins, using not only different positions, a calendar and folk methods, but also seeking advice from a gynecologist. The gynecologist may advise the woman to first take anti-conception drugs for a certain time, and then abruptly stop taking them. After some time, the ovaries will begin to intensively produce eggs, which can contribute to the conception of twins.

You should eat both fruits and natural juices from them, but you should avoid eating a variety of semi-finished products.

You can also, on the advice of a gynecologist, take fertility drugs; in some cases, this can stimulate the release of several eggs from the ovaries at once. But such drugs are prescribed after passing all the necessary tests. It is not recommended to take such drugs uncontrollably.

  • Seafood;
  • Red fish;
  • And also dairy products;
  • Cheese;
  • Natural meat.

But, despite the advice of a gynecologist, giving birth to twins is not so easy, but nevertheless, it is quite possible to use the maximum number of opportunities. For example, active sex life in spring and summer helps to conceive twins.

Cases of the birth of twins, a boy and a girl

Sometimes same-sex twins can be born, a boy and girls are born bisexual when two eggs are fertilized by different sperm, and subsequently each fetus develops in a separate placenta. This can happen in different cases. In some women, during a cycle, two or more eggs can be released into the uterine cavity at the same time, and they are simultaneously fertilized by sperm, which allows you to conceive twins, and if several eggs mature at once, then there is a chance to give birth to triplets.

As some scientists note:

  1. According to statistics, twins appear 2 times more often than twins.
  2. There is also a chance of giving birth to identical twins, while, according to physiology, the fertilized egg is divided into 2 identical parts, from which the further development of children occurs.
  3. The probability of having twins, as doctors have calculated, is 3 times higher than the birth of twins, especially in older women, for example, 30-40 years old.
  4. Also, some doctors have noticed statistics that women who are slightly overweight are more likely to give birth to twins.

The conception of twins is also influenced by a man’s belonging to a certain type; if he is from the Middle East or African, then such a couple has a much higher chance of giving birth to twins.

Tricks: how to conceive twins correctly

The ability to conceive twins or triplets is determined at first glance by generational genetics. If there have already been similar cases of the birth of twins or twins in the female line, then the chances of giving birth to triplets or a double at once increases, since this possibility is genetically transmitted to the woman.

To clarify this possibility, it is best to consult a geneticist, and it is advisable to take medical documents of relatives, first of all, on the female side, before going to him.

The possibility of giving birth to twins is associated with ovulation, this is especially true for older women. Thanks to ovulation, especially multiple ovulation, there is a chance to plan the birth of twins. If you want to give birth to twins 100 percent quickly, you can turn to IVF - artificial implantation of already fertilized eggs. Fertilization of eggs is performed by specialists in a special way in test tubes, while creating optimal conditions for this. Can contribute to the birth of 2 or more children. Such stimulation will guarantee the birth of at least one child.

Secrets: How do twins turn out?

The birth of a child is always a joy, and when 2 children are born at once, we can say that it is doubly joyful. Moreover, twins can be either identical or fraternal. Dizygotic twins have a certain similarity to each other and develop from 2 fertilized eggs.

And identical twins are formed from one fertilized cell, which subsequently divides into 2 embryos.

This behavior of a fertilized egg has so far been little studied by doctors and scientists, and the reasons for this and what it depends on are also still unknown. Twins can also result from the fertilization of 1 egg by 2 sperm at once; such cases sometimes occur, but this issue is also poorly studied by scientists.


  1. The birth of twins depends primarily on the genetic predisposition of the woman, and in the second case, on the predisposition of the man. The chances of giving birth to twins are very high if a woman and a man in the family have already had similar cases.
  2. Taking medications that treat infertility primarily in the woman may contribute to the birth of twins. You just need to correctly calculate the dose and duration of taking these medications, and not use runes. This should be done by a doctor based on tests and taking into account the general condition of the woman’s body.
  3. Some doctors believe that a short monthly cycle, for example, only 20–22 days, contributes to the conception and birth of twins, but this has not yet been definitely proven.
  4. But age plays an important role, since in middle age a woman’s body can contain a large amount of hormones that contribute to more intensive work of the ovaries.

In general, it is believed that it is difficult to give birth to twins naturally, but there are chances. For those who want to have twins, you should plan ahead. Planning begins with a trip to a good doctor, the reviews of which are positive (you can use Google to search for reviews), if possible, you need to undergo tests and, of course, quite a long preparation. This is a certain diet, eating a large amount of certain foods (which can best be checked with your doctor), taking vitamins, calculating the monthly cycle and determining ovulation (you can use an online calculator for this). Using different positions, including those with deep penetration, you need to try to make the woman experience a deep orgasm. It is believed that when a woman squirts, the orgasm is as complete as possible, and sperm is able to penetrate to the maximum depth. If you get pregnant with twins or at least someone doesn’t succeed, they ask you to help, you will need the help of specialists to do IVF, but only this will require a certain amount of effort and time, which only a doctor can determine.

Birth of twins naturally (video)

This material will allow you to get answers on how to plan for twins, as well as what methods are available that facilitate this, and which is best to use to guarantee twins, as well as what is the probability of giving birth to twins in a given case.