Wrong choice of profession in the natal chart. Talents in the natal chart. Astrologer-consultant with the syndrome of "adult children of alcoholics"

What to do in life, so that it brings income and joy? What's mine? One of the most important issues, which is asked after the institute, several years of unpromising work, and also after you pass forty. Finding yourself is not an easy task. In this article I will show the main principles of how to find your calling, profession according to the natal chart.

What does success consist of?

Usually, to answer our question, astrologers only consider the tenth house. But this is only a small part of the information. Let's take a look at what is behind a vocation, a career?

  1. System Whatever your wonderful talent is, without a systematic approach, experience, it will not give good results.
  2. Talents Yes, your abilities are what makes you unique. But this is only fuel, a potential that still needs to be nurtured and turned into a result. Planets in the first house, trines, quadratures (need to be worked out).
  3. Event level- a purely astrological moment. Where and how can you apply your skills. Where are you in demand by circumstances? Analysis of the houses of the horoscope. For example, Jupiter in IV- my qualities of an expert, teacher, organizer, someone who is trusted, my authority is in demand in the field of real estate, family, home.
  4. Joy in what I do- a factor that is practically not taken into account. From the series: I will find some work for myself, and then I will endure, fall in love. But in reality, time passes, you do not hate what you do, but there is no energy. When you get joy inspiration from your work, it gives you the strength to develop. The Sun and Ascendant are responsible for this.
  5. Finance- this is the material result of all our thoughts, worldview, plus the circumstances of the outside world. What I like is not the fact that it will bring me profit. I can be an excellent accountant, but a lot of income is written in the horoscope through real estate, or my project. The task is to find something that brings joy, finances and is in demand by the outside world.

As you can see, the tenth house is clearly not enough to determine the profession according to the natal chart. Synthesis, a qualitative analysis of many aspects is needed here.

But what is the tenth house responsible for in astrology?

The middle of the sky, MC, zenith shows how and through what tools you can scale your life, develop a project, achieve goals, success.

Ruler of the tenth house in the 7th- connections, acquaintances, partners, competition, publicity are for me a powerful tool that moves me up.

Consider the planets in the tenth house / in the role of the ruler as a tool for scaling, achieving goals.

  • Pluto- the ability to manipulate, lead, inspire, motivate, remake, transform, work in a rush mode help to achieve heights in society.
  • Neptune- intuition, visualization, creativity, imagination.
  • Uranus- the ability to think globally, outside the box, think about the future, predict, make friends, gather people around him, the talent of a provocateur, brawler, creative.
  • Saturn- the ability of the administrator, coordinator, organizer, boss, the one who checks, controls. Demonstration of experience, results, cases.
  • Jupiter is a strategist, organizer, expert, teacher. Authority, informal respect, spiritual, visionary leadership.
  • Mars- punching walls with your forehead, the skill of a workaholic, protecting your positions, interests.
  • Sun- charisma, leadership, ambitions, declaration of one's uniqueness, desires. Creativity, the ability to ignite, inspire promote advancement in society.
  • Venus- the skill of a diplomat, a peacemaker. Charm, beauty, art. Make a beautiful website, brand.
  • Mercury- the gift of a speaker, mediator, student who grasps on the fly. Information, knowledge, sales, service, writing, blogging, social media activity.
  • Moon- the ability to adapt to the environment, conflict-free. Care, guardianship, emotional participation. Please the boss with homemade pies.

How to find your place in life?

We turn to the realization of personality. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone will be successful in employment. Someone will shoot their own business, someone freelance.

In reality, most people choose an activity, a niche for business about your Moon, South Node and their dispositories. This is what is familiar to a person, comfortable. And it seems to be safe. But often this does not give tangible results, since the full potential of the horoscope is not used.

  • Moon in Gemini– a native can choose a job related to paperwork, communication, provision of services, mediation.
  • Moon in Pisces- especially clearly seen in young people who go to study as actors, designers, creative areas, medicine (helping others).

The first house is responsible for the social mission and its owner, who will show you where you are needed, in demand by circumstances.

Lord of the Ascendant in:

  • I is everywhere if I manifest the qualities of my first house.
  • II - where you need to earn, work, products, things.
  • III - in trade, mediation, information, communication, transport. Contacts, organizer.
  • IV - real estate, family, home environment, traditions, past, homeland.
  • V - creativity, business, children, entertainment, pleasure.
  • VI - hiring, service, caring for others, medicine, health, pets. This position often says: in order for a person to open up, he needs a kick in the form of a boss, mentor, curator, obligations.
  • VII - where you need to communicate, advise, compete, fight (courts, for example). Publicity, connections, partnership in any form.
  • VIII - where there is an emergency, unpredictable situations, risk, where you need to improvise. The sphere of other people's finances, loans, loans, banks, investments, business.
  • IX - abroad, wherever there is an element of foreign. Teach, be smart, be an expert, informal leader, elite, politics.
  • X - where there is a framework of law, rules, hierarchies, structures.
  • XI - in society, among friends, like-minded people, high technology, freedom of opinion, freelancing (one of the additional indicators), esotericism, astrology, everything non-standard.
  • XII - spiritual practices, meditation, creativity, psychotherapy. Wherever you need help. Nature, Foreign. As well as any secret activity. In this position, it is recommended to show yourself to the world under a pseudonym.

What is the result?

I repeat to determine the profession according to the natal chart a synthesis of all aspects is needed.

Where do extraordinary qualities come from? What is present in the horoscope of a recognized beauty, a great artist, a celebrity or a billionaire? Obviously, such people are marked by something special, ... maybe you too? We will reveal the astrological secrets of generous gifts of fate and consider what profession according to the natal chart fell out to famous people.

Artists are found among representatives of all signs. However, recognized geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso form a special subcategory in this environment. Consider a few signs of such a great talent.

  • Sign. Taurus, Libra and Leo are responsible for artistry. Look for the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or Venus in these signs.
  • Planet. Aesthetic feelings and imagination are stimulated by outstanding Venus and Neptune.
  • House. The need for creativity stimulates an active fifth house.
  • Note. A planet is prominent when it is within 8° of the ascendant or midheaven; when it occupies a corner (i.e. is in the first, fourth, seventh or tenth house of your natal chart); when it forms a close aspect with other planets.

A house is said to be active when it has one or more planets, or when the ruling planet is in a prominent position.

Consider the horoscope of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. During her life, she was not as famous as her husband, Diego Rivera. IN last years her pain-filled paintings attract many admirers, and her fame skyrocketed. Let's see how the above signs of talent manifested themselves in her horoscope.

Sign. In Frida's horoscope, two of the above signs are central. Taurus houses the Moon and midheaven, while Leo is the home of her ascendant and Mercury. Only the house of the Virgin is vacant.

Planet. Both Venus and Neptune are prominent. Venus rules the midheaven point, forms a conjunction with Pluto and sextile with the ascendant. Neptune is in close conjunction with the Sun.

House. In the fifth house, in addition to the descending node of the lunar orbit, are Uranus (the planet of originality) and Mars. In addition, Jupiter, the ruler of the fifth house, forms a conjunction with the Sun of Frida in the sign of exaltation.

Throughout her short life, Frida Kahlo struggled with heartbreaking odds, but having a huge artistic talent is clearly among her few successes.

In the horoscopes of athletes, much more often than in ordinary people, there is a strongman Mars - the planet of aggression. At strong people Mars is often near the midheaven (in the ninth house or the first ten degrees of the tenth house) or the ascendant (in the twelfth house or the first ten degrees of the first house). Such Mars can be found in the birth charts of Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods (both Capricorns). Ali has a very strong Mars in Taurus conjunct the Midheaven. Similar education we also find in Tiger's horoscope an impatient Mars in Gemini conjunct the midheaven point.

Prominent Mars can be expressed in another way. For example, I do not know if there is an angular Mars in Lanz Armstrong's natal chart, since the angle is determined by the time of birth, and I do not have this information. However, I know that Armstrong's Mars is in Aquarius and forms aspects with all but one of the other planets, ie. really is very active.

In addition, Mars can dominate in the horoscope and in the opposite situation, when he does not form an aspect with anyone. Such a lonely planet, not weighed down by other planets with similar spheres of influence, operates without interference, and therefore can be the most influential in the horoscope.

I will not claim that Mars is the only planet that gives athletic ability. Vitality, for example, is bestowed by a well-placed Sun. Mercury gives speed. Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto lend strength. Thus athleticism, like other talents, is an amalgamation of many factors.

Finally, although gifted athletes are born in all signs of the Zodiac, among them people of Fire and Earth are more common than Air and Water. Athletes, as well as artists, are marked by the Leo touch, but this is not because Leo enhances athletic ability (as I have noted, Leos can be incredibly clumsy), but because it stimulates a love of spectacle. But this is already an integral part of sports.

If Mars gives athletic ability, then Venus enhances beauty (especially in the cases indicated below).

  • Planet. Venus forms a conjunction with the ascendant, the Sun, the Moon, the midheaven point, or the planet ruling the ascendant.
  • House. She is in the first or tenth house.
  • Sign. She is in Taurus or Libra, the signs she rules.

Brooke Shields, for example, was a recognized beauty even in her younger years, when her modeling career was just beginning. Her Venus is at the very top of the horoscope, conjunct the midheaven. Angelina Jolie, even whose pseudonym speaks of beauty (Jolie (fr.) - sweet), has Venus very close to the ascendant.

I note that the outstanding Venus does not give a beautiful appearance to everyone. In fact, it gives a more valuable property - the power of attraction.

Let's look, for example, at the previous US President Bill Clinton. He is Leo (of course!) with Venus in the first house - sociable Libra. This Venus forms four conjunctions and two sextiles. Thanks to this, Clinton easily attracted fans, on the other hand, Hillary Rodham Clinton has Venus in Scorpio, which is a bad sign for her. When Venus forms a conjunction with the ruling planet Hillary (Mercury), she can be charming. However, at the same time, Hillary's Venus forms a square with Saturn, Pluto and Mars and forms irritable angles (135 °) with the Moon and the ascendant. Not surprisingly, with this configuration, Hillary Clinton has a very difficult time as a public figure.

Known for his stenciled portraits and provocative images of Campbell's soup concentrates and electric chairs, Andy Warhol is also remembered for his prophetic statement: "Everyone is entitled to 15 minutes of fame." It was easy for him to speak! In his horoscope, he had all the ingredients needed to become famous for a long time.

Consider Warhol's horoscope in more detail. His Jupiter and Chiron are in conjunction with the midheaven point, Mars is in the tenth house, the Sun is in close conjunction with the ascendant and two planets in the first house - Venus and Pluto, planets of art. In addition, Andy has four planets and an ascendant in Leo. Yes, fame belonged to him by birthright.

Why is Paris Hilton famous? I don't think it's because of the sex video (I saw it, but it didn't impress me). Also, this is hardly due to her wealth (although her second house, the house of wealth, is filled with planets). Here's something else, she's astrologically marked as a celebrity. Planets forming a midheaven conjunction? She has two of them, including her ruling planet, Jupiter. In addition, there is also Pluto in the tenth house. Planets conjunct ascendant? Glamorous Neptune. Well, Leo did not let us down either: the Moon and the ascending node of the lunar orbit are in the eighth house - the house of sex and other people's money. Popularity is visible to the naked eye.

Healing talent in the natal chart

Doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, kind-hearted dentists, and other medical professionals have a number of common characteristics in their horoscopes.

  • Sign. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are Water signs that promote empathy. Virgo encourages intellectual curiosity about health issues and treatments. Aquarius enhances the humane attitude towards people.
  • Planet. Research has shown that in physicians' horoscopes, Saturn is often conjunct or in opposition to the ascendant or midheaven. In addition, Pluto, the planet of transformations, and Mars are strongly manifested in the horoscopes of doctors.
  • House. Most involved in health are the sixth house (house of health and work); the eighth house (house of surgery, research, death and rebirth) and the twelfth house (medical institutions).

A house is considered influential if it contains one or more planets, but even empty houses can have great importance. If the ruling planet forms a conjunction with the Sun, Moon, ascendant or midheaven, that house also becomes significant.

Talent CEO or leader in the natal chart

How are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies different from mere mortals (other than flying in private jets)? Consider the characteristics of an outstanding leader.

  • Sign. The main business signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. In addition, Scorpio is important, the sign of powerful politicians, covert operations and self-control. In addition, in business, as in other areas, you can sometimes meet Leo. This is because Leos want to be at the top, but their path to it can take many years.
  • Planet. Organizational abilities are given by Saturn, which occupies a good position in the sign and house and forms good aspects; Mercury is responsible for communication; Mars gives the spirit of competition.
  • House. Examine the planets in the tenth house (reputation), the sixth house (work), the second house (money) and the eighth house (investment). For a good leader, these houses are very important. In addition, planets in the first house can increase charisma, which does not interfere with business at all.

Jack Welch, who served for 20 years as chairman of the board of directors and CEO of General Electric, has many of these characteristics.

Sign. With planets in all three Earth signs, the Ascendant in Capricorn and the Sun in Scorpio, Jack is clearly endowed with strong organizational skills.

Planet. Saturn rules Welch's Ascendant and is therefore his ruling planet. Mercury forms a conjunction with the midheaven. But the most prominent planet in Jack's horoscope is his commanding, ambitious Mars. It is angular (located in the first house), forms a connection with the ascendant, forms good aspects and is located in a reinforcing sign, i.e. gives Jack a strong competitive spirit and aggressiveness.

There are generally accepted indicators that mark the ability to attract money and material values, either through one's own efforts or through good old luck:

  • Planets in the second and eighth houses. Strong, forming good aspects of the planet, ruling the second and eighth houses.
  • Well placed Jupiter. If you are lucky, he will connect the second and eighth houses.

Examining Jack Welch's natal chart, we see what we expected: four planets in the second and eighth houses, including Saturn, the planet that rules his ascendant. The ruling planet of the second house, Neptune, conjunct the Moon in the eighth house. The planet ruling the eighth house, Mercury, forms a conjunction with the midheaven. As for Jupiter, he is powerful both by sign (Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Saturn) and by house (tenth house, house of reputation) and aspect (forms conjunction with the Sun).

Whether you call them extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, sixth sense, or good old-fashioned intuition, psychic abilities are not as rare as they might seem. Consider the signs of their presence.

  • Sign. Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer enhance psychic abilities. Sagittarius can also have abilities in this area.
  • Planet. Channels of perception open Neptune and Mars (especially if they form a conjunction). Prominent Uranus can give glimpses of insight and understanding. Pluto also enhances perception, especially if it forms an aspect with the Sun, Moon, Mercury or the ascendant.
  • House. The most important are the twelfth, eighth and fourth houses.

The classic illustration of psychic ability is the famous physician Edgar Cayce, who worked in the field of "psychic diagnostics" (his own term), he went into a trance and offered treatment to patients whom he had never seen.

In the horoscope of Edgar, we see all the signs of mental abilities. The sun and three planets are in Pisces, three planets are in the eighth house, the Moon-Neptune conjunction is in the tenth house and, in addition, we observe ascending Uranus.

Astrological talent in the natal chart

First of all, we note that the makings of an astrologer and psychic abilities have nothing in common. Astrology is an accumulated body of knowledge, not a mystical ability to intercept messages from the spirit world. Anyone can master astrology. However, people who are seriously interested in astrology, more often than others, have the following features in their horoscopes.

Activity in Aquarius and/or active eleventh house. When I first began to study astrology, I was told that in the horoscopes of astrologers, two special degrees appear more often than others - 25 ° Aquarius and 25 ° Leo. I don't know if this is worth believing.

Activity in Scorpio and/or the eighth house. Scorpio is reputed to be sophisticated and sharp. He is on a short footing with contradictions and ulterior motives, he loves to solve riddles, and for a successful astrology practice, this is exactly what you need.

Let's study the horoscope Isabelle M. Hickey, whose book Astrology: A Cosmic Science, 1992 - inspired several generations of astrologers. We have: ascending Uranus in the first house; Saturn in Aquarius; ascendant in Scorpio; Sun in Leo (25° - "astrological" degree); and a sensitive Moon-Neptune conjunction in the eighth house.

The number of people who at least once in their lives thought about "writing something" is simply amazing. What is needed for this idea to succeed?

  • Sign. Great writers are born under all signs of the zodiac, but the desire to write more often than others occurs in Gemini. Therefore, the presence of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, the ascendant or the midheaven point in Gemini is only welcome.
  • Planet. Success in writing requires a strong Mercury. Mercury is strong if it rules the ascendant or midheaven, is in Gemini or Virgo, forms close aspects with other planets, and is placed in the third, sixth, ninth or tenth house. Don't despair if your Mercury is retrograde. This happens so often among authors that it seems to me that this is almost an advantage.

Also important is Saturn, the planet of self-organization. If you are going to devote yourself to poetry, fantasy or love poetry, Neptune, who has a rich imagination, can help you.

According to Michel Gauquelin, the most important planet is the Moon. He found that creative people or writers are much more likely than others to have the Moon in one of the so-called "zones of influence": in the upper (i.e., in the ninth house or in conjunction with the midheaven point in the tenth house) or in the ascending (i.e., in the middle of the sky). e. in the first house, forming a connection with the ascendant, or in the twelfth house of secrets and loneliness).

  • House. Examine activity in the third house (communication), the ninth house (publishing), and the fifth house (creativity).

To see how the above is realized in real life, study the horoscope of Toni Morrison. She does not have any of the above characteristics. To be honest, I can't even imagine that they could all get together in one horoscope. However, Toni's Mercury forms a conjunction with her midheaven; Venus ruling her ascendant is in the ninth house of publication and conjunct Saturn; in the third house there are two planets (and one more "knocks on the door" of this house); Neptune, the planet of imagination, is in the fifth house of creativity.

Becoming a writer, Toni fully realized the potential inherent in her stars.

One of the most FAQ asked an astrologer is a question regarding finances and a source of income.

Finances and material security look at the 2nd house of natal. The planets located in the 2nd astrological house, and the rulers of the signs that enter it, show the general financial situation of a person. The sources from which material wealth will come will show the aspects of the planets located in the 2nd house, the aspects of the rulers of the 2nd house, the location of the rulers of the 2nd house in other houses of the horoscope.

Now about how to look at it in the natal chart.

So, you are interested in two questions: financial situation and sources of income.

Let us first consider the financial situation in general.
For this we look at the 2nd house.

First of all, we pay attention to the planets located in it. In the second place - to the planets that control the cusp of the 2nd house. Then we look at all the other planets that control the signs occupying the 2nd house.

A planet in the 2nd house is its main significator. It is she who will show us the material support of the native, how he receives money, how he earns it and how he spends it.

The planet - the ruler of the 2nd house (its cusp) - is the second most powerful significator, and in the absence of planets in the house, then the first. The planet is the co-ruler, if any, the third strongest significator of the house.

The 4th strongest significator of the house is the planet that controls the second sign of this house. The 5th most powerful significator is the planet - the co-ruler of the 2nd sign. The 6th strongest significator is the planet that rules the third sign of this house. The 7th most powerful significator is the planet - the co-ruler of the third sign. Well, and so on for each next sign that occupies this house.

I refer household planets to the rulers of the sign, and the higher planets that control the same sign of the Zodiac as co-rulers. For example, Aries will be ruled by Mars and co-ruled by Pluto, Sagittarius will be ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by Neptune. The ruler acts more often and stronger, but where he cannot act, the qualities of a co-ruler come into force. Sometimes it happens that the ruler and co-ruler act simultaneously.

The 2nd house cusp of Placidus and Koch may be in different signs.
For reference:
For Placidus and Koch, only the axis of the horizon (Sunrise Asc - Sunset Dsc) and the vertical Midday - Midnight (Noon MC - Midnight IS) coincide.
MC - the point of the upper climax of the Sun, the point at which the Sun is at Noon, it is also called "True Noon".
IC is the point at which the Sun is at the moment of Midnight, it is also called "True Midnight". Sun conjunct IS from 3rd house will be for those born minutes or seconds before midnight. Sun conjunct IS from 4th house for those born minutes or seconds after midnight.
Asc is the point on the horizon at which the sun rises.
Dsc is the point on the horizon where the Sun is at sunset.

And here is the next point: even if the planet occupies the 2nd house either only according to Placidus, or only according to Koch, it will still be its main significator. Why this happens - I do not know, but both systems of houses affect at the same time. For us, this is a plus, because. thanks to this, we can choose the most successful option for us. In the same way, we can consider the signs, which in both cases occupy the 2nd house, and its rulers and co-rulers.

How to choose the optimal and most favorable way of enrichment? For this we look at the 2nd house. We study each of its significators in terms of aspects and merits according to the sign in which it is located. The house in which he fell is not taken into account here as the strength of the significator, but as a source of income.

For example, Venus in Gemini in the 6th house is often referred to as "in the mine" because the 6th house corresponds to the sign of Virgo, in which Venus is debilitated. Thus, looking at Venus in general and seeing her in Gemini and in the 6th house, her strength is diminished. But, considering the 6th house as a source of income, we see Venus there as a profession. This does not mean at all that the profession according to Venus will be wrong - on the contrary, it is the profession according to Venus and Gemini that will be chosen by the native under the influence of necessity. But will it bring material enrichment, show the relationship of Venus from the 6th house with any significator of the 2nd house, and what this relationship is, will tell you what the material and monetary result of such work will be. If Venus is not damaged and has a favorable aspect to any, but rather several significators of the 2nd house, then money and income will necessarily come from work. If instead it is damaged, then there will be waste and problems due to work. But if an unfavorable planet, being the significator of the 2nd house, is itself damaged by another unfavorable planet, and at the same time harms Venus from the 6th house, then work on the 6th house and Gemini is contraindicated for the native, just as and in the spheres of these evil planets and their signs of the Zodiac.

On this I will finish the 1st part of this topic (“sources of income in Natal”). But I will make one wish.

I don't like listing. Therefore, usually, when I am asked to advise on this topic, I calculate in a person’s natal the most optimal way of enrichment for him according to the planet (sometimes the planets) and the sign of the Zodiac (sometimes the signs of the Zodiac), and I suggest typing in the search engine, for example, “Jupiter’s profession ”, “Professions of Capricorn” or “Professions of Aries”. Detailed articles have already been written on these topics by other astrologers, and I do not consider it necessary to repeat other people's good research. After reading such an article, a person will get a complete picture of this topic, and will be able to choose for himself the most acceptable professions that are closest to him.

In order to understand in practice all the nuances of how to choose a planet and a house for which there will be material enrichment, and to exclude those for which it will not be, real examples are needed. This requires, respectively, horoscopes of real people, which will be considered from this point of view in this topic in the order of discussion. Again, you need the personal permission of those people who give their data. This is first. And secondly, it is necessary that such people understand: in this example, specific professions and areas will not be listed, because. on these matters there is already freely available information from other astrologers. In this example, the point of optimal application of efforts will be calculated. Those. this will be an example of how a planet and a zodiac sign are calculated in real natal, according to which a successful outcome is most likely, and a person will already look at the list of which areas of activity belong to them.

Those who are satisfied with such conditions can leave their data in the comments here and it is in this vein that their natal will be considered in the order in which questions are received and when I have free time. And for other questions, then, gradually, I will create other topics.

Nowadays, many people are interested in astrology. For some, interest turns into love. A person begins to devote more and more time to astrology, accumulates a significant amount of knowledge. At some point, the practice of astrology becomes an integral part of life. And sooner or later the question arises: “But should I change my profession and become astrologer

The profession of an astrologer in our society usually means astrologer-consultant profession who makes a living by interpreting horoscopes for clients. But along with this aspect of professional astrology, there are others: professionally engaged in astrology and writers who write books on the theory of astrology, but do not give consultations; and translators of astrological texts, and teachers of astrology, and developers of astrological computer programs. If you intend to make money from astrological practice, you need to be aware of which aspect of professional astrological activity you are most interested in: scientific research, philosophy, improving the methods of practical astrology, developing astrological computer programs, working with people as a consultant. Many astrologers successfully combine in their practice most of the facets of this profession, but many are limited to only a few.

An important question is whether it is possible, professionally engaged in astrology, to earn as much as I currently earn in my main profession. Can I confidently leave my main job, devote myself completely to astrology and live off these studies? In a word, can I realize myself in profession of an astrologer?

If you already know enough about astrology that you can independently interpret your own chart, this article will help determine to what extent the profession of an astrologer-consultant is right for you.

For professional astrology in any case a certain cultural level is required, including deep knowledge in the field of religion, mythology, philosophy, history, literature and art, cultural studies, psychology.

Directly for practicing astrology you need the following qualities:

Rational thinking, clarity of mind, logic, the ability to analyze and verify the correctness of the judgment with facts (Mercury is in a strong position in the house and in a favorable aspect with Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, and the latter should have a strong position in the chart).

The ability to clearly express one's thoughts (Mercury in a strong position in the house, in a favorable aspect with Mars, Jupiter or Uranus).

Interest in scientific and psychological research (strong Uranus and Pluto in major aspects with personal planets or pronounced Scorpio and Aquarius in the chart).

Ability to synthesize (strong Sun favorably aspected by Jupiter; Leo or Sagittarius expressed in the chart; Jupiter in a strong position has aspects to personal planets).

Caution, prudence, lack of arrogance and unreasonable optimism (undesirable is the square of Jupiter with the Sun or Mercury, as well as any aspects indicating a strong thirst for power, for example, the conjunction or square of the Sun with Pluto, the conjunction or square of the Moon with Pluto).

Points to be considered in the analysis of suitability for the profession of an astrologer-consultant.

The Moon and the Leading Need

More than a hundred years ago, Noel Thiel, one of the most prominent astrologers in the United States, formulated a general approach to integrating the theory of psychological needs and astrological data.

He claims that the sign of the Zodiac in which the Moon is located in a person's birth chart describes " the leading need" of the individual. The moon in the sign symbolizes motivation: "What do I want?" And the position of the Moon in the house symbolizes the circumstances in which it will be comfortable for a person to realize his motivation: “Where do I want to?”. The symbolism of the sign in which the Sun is located in the chart indicates the style in which a person will show his creative abilities, his vitality in order to satisfy the leading need of the Moon. The symbolism of the house of the Sun will indicate the circumstances in which the vitality of a person will manifest itself most actively. The symbolism of the position of the Sun speaks of the driving force of all human development. The planets, on the other hand, reflect various aspects, or tendencies, of behavior corresponding to certain secondary needs, which are in a subordinate position in relation to the satisfaction of the leading need. The characteristics of the sign and the house in which Mercury is located show in what style and under what circumstances our thought process should proceed in order to be as effective as possible. Venus - in what kind of relationships with other people do we need to be in order to feel included in social life. Mars - what kind of energy do we need to be able to operate at the peak of our practical abilities.

Jupiter and Saturn are macro-social planets. Not all people have personal achievements that are significant for the whole society. And not all people who managed to do something significant in terms of the development of society can take advantage of his gratitude or achieve a high social position, officially recognized status and honors. Therefore, we consider these planets as an opportunity to interact with society at a level that goes beyond narrow personal interests only when they have connections in the birth chart with the personal planets of the horoscope - the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars.

The planets of the transpersonal level - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - operate at the level of a generation of people. Without major aspects with personal planets in the chart, a person may not feel their influence on his destiny. If they have aspects to personal planets in the birth chart, they greatly complicate personal life, make you look for unusual, unconventional ways in life. Such people are personally deeply involved in the fate of the world, feel their special vocation. This vocation is not always possible to realize in a more or less harmonious form. Especially at the age of 40-45 years.

Since we spend most of our wakefulness, about 60% (as well as many hours of sleep) at work, it should be assumed that, firstly, the atmosphere, pace, energy, growth stimuli and imaginative surroundings of our work should make it possible to satisfy our leading motivation, expressed in the symbolism of the position of the Moon in the sign. Secondly, it is natural that the position of the Moon in the house shows the focus of the strongest need of our life on a certain area of ​​experience, and this position of the Moon in the house significantly affects the experience. job satisfaction.

We, first of all, in choosing a profession, take care of satisfying the lunar need (although we also take into account other symbols of motivation). We string on the lunar need, as on a pivot, the rest of our needs, which are indicated by other indicators of the horoscope.

For example, if a forty-year-old bank employee decides to become a family psychologist using astrology in her practice, we first look at the position of her Moon in the chart. Having discovered that the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, in the 4th house, in opposition to Uranus, it is necessary to ask her a personal question: is she married, have children, what are the relations with her parents, does she have her own housing, does she like it, etc. If these personal questions are answered in the negative, one can speak of an attempt to find comfort and a sense of security in the profession of a psychologist, since it was not possible to find them in the sphere of family life. This is a dangerous situation, because in this case a person is trying to compensate for his dissatisfaction with life as a whole by a local action - a change of profession. She wants to deal with other people's similar problems without solving her own. Naturally, her astropsychological practice, if she were to deal with it, based on personal experience in the sphere of family relations, will be destructive for the client. Uranus in the 10th house - the "terrible" figure of one of the parents (or both), prevented you from establishing your own family life. If you deal with your problems with your parents, most likely, the need to change your profession will disappear. Another thing is if this woman gives positive answers to the above questions of a personal nature. Of course, she should change her profession (provided that there are astrological indications in the chart that she can earn a decent income by doing astrological business).

Obstacles on the way to such a seemingly simple solution - to solve personal problems first, and then engage in an unusual profession - are due to the fact that the Moon, aspected by a transpersonal planet, refuses to recognize the importance for itself of "simple human happiness", universal basic needs as the main ones. A person is attracted to solve problems of a planetary nature, bypassing personal, everyday problems. Ordinary everyday worries disgust him, they are boring and unimportant. Often such a person is simply crazy, and people with intact instincts intuitively avoid contact with him. But for the rest, attracted by his originality, unearthly charm and magical power over the world around him, he can become a real black teacher in life.

Therefore, indicators for the professions of an astrologer, psychotherapist, healer in the birth horoscope are of a dual nature. On the one hand, only one whose transpersonal planets aspect personal ones can become an effective professional in this field; on the other hand, these same aspects indicate a person's propensity for wild behavior, absurd antics, isolation from the real world, a desire to remake the world in their own way, and difficulties with empathy. Therefore, all professions of this kind are a highly individualized art in which the personality of a professional plays decisive role. A person of such a profession will be as effective in it as he is effective in his own life. Therefore, when choosing an astrologer, psychotherapist, healer, look at how much you like his lifestyle. Ask yourself if you would like to live like this. Look at his relationship with close people, with society as a whole, with the state; whether he is free enough within his financial situation.

Dear potential astrologers, psychotherapists and healers! Direct your genius, parapsychological abilities, magical gift, first of all, to solving your own everyday and family problems, first improve your health, learn to secure material wealth for yourself, take care of the mental and physical health of those who live next to you, and when the level your personal life will be comfortable enough not only for you, but also for your loved ones, go to people. And before that, do not try to solve your personal problems at someone else's expense and at a different level and earn money by selling raw low-quality dubious goods to naive townsfolk. By doing this, you harm not only yourself, but undermine the authority of the esoteric and human sciences.

Position of the Moon in the sign

The most general indications for leading need, symbolized by the position of the Moon in the sign, may sound like this:

Moon in Aries- the need for personal significance, to be most important ego. It can manifest itself openly or hide behind fantasies and secret disappointments. The need to act on one's own discretion, to be a pioneer.

Moon in Taurus- this is a deep need for material prosperity, well-being, comfort, up to resistance to change as a threat to the usual state of affairs.

Moon in Gemini- the need for diversity, communication, the need to be heard.

Moon in Cancer- a huge need for personal security and safety, a very great value for a person - personal space, a native corner, a house where he lives.

Moon in Leo- the need to shine and magnanimously reign, to be in the spotlight, to enjoy life, to have fun, to have fun, to create by and large.

Moon in Virgo- the need to observe correctness, to be accurate, hygienic, healthy.

Moon in Libra- the need for beauty, harmony, peace, equal partnership, strategic efficiency.

Moon in Scorpio- the need to experience intense deep experiences, explore hidden things, dive into the unknown, get rid of a heavy emotional burden, change deeply and irreversibly, overcome marginal states, be reborn to life on a new level.

Moon in Sagittarius- the need to find meaning in life, to expand their horizons, to have more opportunities.

Moon in Capricorn- the need to be resilient and patient. spend resources sparingly by participating in long-term difficult programs in order to adequately complete what you started. The need to do one's duty.

Moon in Aquarius- the need for freedom, independence, the preservation of one's individuality in a team, among friends and like-minded people.

Moon in Pisces- the need to dive into the depths of the collective unconscious, to dream, to fantasize.

The sign in which the Sun is located, will show what kind of energy a person uses to satisfy his leading need, i.e. in what style he will express his creativity in order to achieve the satisfaction of deep motivation.

When choosing a profession, when performing everyday work, the leading deep motivation should not be deprived of attention. Our working environment must accept this need in us and treat it with respect, otherwise we will quickly become unbearably frustrated.

In an instant, one can understand the symbolism of the Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Cancer in the horoscope of the United States: there is a need for the progressive freedom-loving aspirations of the state to be realized at the expense of concern for the safety and security of citizens. The Statue of Liberty perfectly reflects the peculiar humanistic warehouse of the state and its sensitivity to emotional experiences and fear of losing security: "All who suffer, come to me, under protection, here you can breathe freely."

Having understood the leading human need, it is possible to foresee the forms of behavior that serve to satisfy it. And observations of people in this case will not be estimates, but only the results of astrological analysis. You can remember Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis with her Moon in Aries, using the energy of the Sun in Leo: she was the "first lady" all her life. Think for a moment about the Fish Moons of Edgar Allan Poe, who died an alcoholic before he could be recognized for his refined creative gifts; Martin Luther King, whose life work was dedicated to saving a tortured dream.

Thus, the qualities that an astrologer-consultant will strive to realize in accordance with sign of the position of the moon:

Aries - waywardness and selfishness, a tendency to voluntarism, aggressiveness, irascibility, courage, riskiness.

Taurus - peasant practicality, practicality, earthiness, material orientation.

Gemini - curiosity, talkativeness, awareness.

Cancer - susceptibility, sensitivity and sentimentality, caring, pity, maternal feelings.

Leo - cheerfulness, pride, gaiety, enthusiasm, nobility and generosity.

Virgo - pedantry, analyticity, cleanliness, accuracy, the desire to streamline everything.

Libra - tolerance, politeness, good manners, peacefulness, diplomacy, strategic efficiency, a sense of harmony and style.

Scorpio - insight, corrosiveness, squeamishness, love of science.

Sagittarius - optimism, sublimity, idealism, generosity, charity.

Capricorn - wisdom in approaching difficulties, reliability, a sense of duty, a desire to achieve the final result.

Aquarius - scientific knowledge of the world, love of freedom, originality, independence, genius, wildness, ingenuity, passion for abstract ideas.

Pisces - mysticism, mercy, the need to save, fantasy, daydreaming.

The position of the moon in the house

In 1 house: When the Moon is located in the 1st house, this emphasizes the importance of individuality for a person, his desire to "do everything his own way." And in the work of a person, the position, as a rule, is more individualistic than oriented towards partnership and cooperation. All experience by a person is interpreted as referring directly to his personality. His reactions are also highly individualistic.

In the 2nd house: with the Moon in the 2nd house, a person usually needs a work situation in which to highlight their own importance, value, personal worth, talents and abilities. A man needs to be his work often appreciated.

In the 3rd house: The Moon in the 3rd house emphasizes the importance of communication: a person seeks to satisfy the need to be an intermediary, to realize his ability to convince and advertise. A person has a need to collect information, share it and receive feedback.

In the 4th house: The Moon in the 4th house appreciates a work environment reminiscent of a home environment and a family spirit in a team: everyone cares about each other, supports, sympathizes, and is dedicated to each other's personal affairs. Or a person needs work simply at home, at home.

In the 5th house: It is important for a person with such a Moon to satisfy his need for strong dramatic experiences. He is drawn to children, attracts creativity in any form. It is important for him that there is an element of adventurism, excitement, games, entertainment in the work.

In the 6th house: The Moon in the 6th house suggests a deep immersion in work, which easily becomes an all-consuming activity and an end in itself. If one job is not enough to fill the time entirely, there may be two or more. Workaholics often come from here.

In the 7th house: When the moon rises above the horizon, relationships with other people begin to figure in its symbolism. With the Moon in the 7th house, the professional situation should usually involve being in public, with partnerships, with a clear awareness of the expectations of others. Marriage often enhances the sense of security in a work situation.

In the 8th house: The Moon in the 8th house encourages professional activities associated with dependence on the resources of other people - this can be the work of a broker, consultant, restorer, reformer. Additional features: the connection of the profession with mysticism; With research activities; with sexuality; with religiosity.

In the 9th house: with the Moon in the 9th house, the individuality is ready to dissolve into work. The "I" seeks to identify itself with philosophical systems; with the ideas and programs of educational institutions; with currents coming from abroad; Finally, with the big picture. This helps the individual feel comfortable in the professional world.

In the 10th house: here the Moon symbolizes the need to take a position of leadership of a long-term difficult process from the beginning to the final result. A free schedule is most suitable when time is working to achieve a goal, when there is nothing in the work that would be perceived as a formality that does not affect anything. Individualism is accentuated to such an extent that it is difficult for a person to endure a subordinate position in work.

In the 11th house: with the Moon in the 11th house, the circle of friends is significant for a person in the sense that through the participation of friends a person can get a job, enjoy it, stay on it and appreciate it. This is the need to be in a team united by an interest in some abstract idea.

In the 12th house: in the 12th house, the Moon shows that the person will feel comfortable being "behind the scenes". On the stage - someone else. The position of the “gray eminence”, when, due to professional activities, many things have to be kept secret.

Naturally, Alfred Hitchcock, who directed the performing skills of other people towards the presentation of mystical dramas, had the Moon in the 8th house; that Greta Garbo, striving for loneliness, almost never giving an interview in her long career as a “star”, had the Moon in the 12th house; that John F. Kennedy had it in the 11th house, Bobby Kennedy had it in the 10th, like the United States.

Eastern planet.

I mean the planet rising above the horizon directly in front of the Sun. No matter how far apart they are, the main thing is that there are no other planets between them.
The Eastern planet allows you to quickly make a hypothesis about the style of action that a person adheres to, striving to satisfy the leading need in work and in life in general. Venus and Mercury, which are always relatively close to the Sun, are more likely to be in the position of an eastern planet, which then drops in value compared to if any other planet is eastern. Mercury is especially uninformative in this sense.

Mercury can contribute to the need to dot the i's, to make corrections and clean up, to pay great attention to detail. There is also a need to follow well-defined expectations and procedures in work.

If the eastern planet is Venus, we can say that a person needs his professional function to be somehow personified. For him, the assessment of his work is an assessment of his personality, with which a person may find it difficult to agree or difficult to accept. Often, eastern Venus is conducive to working with valuables, such as jewelry or high fashion items. This is a frequent signature in the maps of movie stars, whose screen image for the viewer is identified with their personal persona, as well as artists (Van Gogh, Picasso, Gauguin, Dali, Modigliani).

If the eastern planet turns out to be any other than Mercury and Venus, it becomes of great importance in the astrological analysis of professional abilities.

The Eastern Moon indicates a team coach, teacher, manager; perhaps even a prophet. A person feels the need to tell others a lot about what is happening or what people should do. Causes a propensity to preach, and ideally the work should give such an opportunity. The Eastern Moon has Frank Sinatra, Arthur Schlesinger, Dick Clark, Norman Rockwell.

Eastern Mars, due to its speed, often makes itself felt as an eastern planet. This position gives a person a strong desire to promote himself, to declare himself noisily enough; it gives the ability to loudly praise their work. A person is very prone to advertising himself or anything related to his activities. Vivid examples of eastern Mars: John Carson, Dinah Shore, Lyndon Johnson, Evel Knievel, Liberas.

East Jupiter calls to enter on easy ways in work. A person likes to do his job quickly - this draws the attention of others to how wonderfully he controls the situation. Good examples are John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, USA, Bob Hope.

East Saturn speaks of patience. These are internal constancy, mature approaches, a high internal rating of long-term efforts, as well as the ability to be in an isolated position. Examples: Ralph Nader, Martin Luther King.

Eastern Uranus gives a style of work characterized by the desire for ventures that are risky, innovative, doubtful in terms of outcome, experimental. Variety and even danger are attractive to humans. Work should serve as a valve for the release of nervous tension. If it is not such, it is highly likely that the desire to have an excited state will make itself felt in some side activity, hobby, leisure activities. Eastern Uranus is featured in the charts of El Cordobes, Jimmy Hoff, Orville Wright, Lorna Greene, and Ronald Reagan.

East Neptune gives a person the desire for excellence in work. Dreams and images play an important role in finding and organizing work. Julie Andrews became famous for her film roles, which were in harmony with her manner of expression, due to the eastern Neptune; Wilbur Wright pioneered aeronautics; science fiction writer Immanuel Velikovsky and Julia Child also became pioneers in their fields.

East Pluto brings an interesting stimulus to professional situations that needs to be taken into account: a person is attracted by opportunities to increase their importance through joining someone, especially outstanding personalities. Therefore, he needs a professional environment that would give him power and personal status. If the work does not provide such opportunities, that is, it does not bring together famous people and therefore does not allow you to intensely feel your own significance through communication with significant people (or participation in solving significant problems), then the need for some important life style for a person is not satisfied.

Merv Griffin is a great example of an eastern Pluto. This performer became extremely rich and famous thanks to other celebrities. He "collected" them for his talk shows. Thanks to his outstanding insight, he skillfully used every chance to increase fame and gain benefits.

In the lifestyles of ordinary people, the manifestation of eastern Pluto often looks like pride in their significant acquaintances. These people even draw some sense of self-realization from acquaintances with local people. politicians, famous athletes; some even collect celebrity memorabilia. Behind all of this is the need to elevate personal status through affiliation. If she's satisfied with her work, great. If not, the person will try to find another job or arrange his social life in such a way as to achieve what he wants.

In the profession of an astrologer-consultant, it is important that the desire for personal self-affirmation does not turn the client into an object of such self-affirmation. All positions of the Eastern planet, except for Mercury or Venus, will require additional efforts from the astrologer-consultant to monitor and prevent possible attempts at personal self-affirmation on the client.

Note: The article is based on quotes from the collection of articles edited by Noel Thiel “How to use astrology for success in business and a successful choice of profession”, Editorial Board of Urania magazine, Moscow, 1998. Translated from English by T. S. Drabkina. In Volume 1, Noel Thiel's "Special Indicators for Professional Counseling," on page 69, Frank Sinatra's example is given as an example of the Moon rising just before the Sun. And on page 68, as an example of Mars rising directly in front of the Sun, Lyndon Johnson's example. Frank Sinatra's Eastern Planet (December 12, 1915) on Mercury itself, not the Moon as written in this textbook: Sun 20 Sagittarius, Mercury 18 Sagittarius, Moon in Pisces. There is a mistake in the textbook if it is about this Frank Sinatra, and not about some other. Lyndon Johnson (Eng. Lyndon Baines Johnson) August 27, 1908, Stonewall, Gillespie County, Texas - January 22, 1973, ibid) - 36th President of the United States from the Democratic Party from November 22, 1963 to January 20, 1969: Sun 4 Virgo, Mars 2 Virgo, Jupiter 27 Leo. There is no mistake in the textbook: Mars is indeed the eastern planet in this chart.

A planet that has no aspects.

The old astrological term "peregnation", which refers to a planet with no aspects, comes from the Latin word for "foreigner". An adjective derived from this noun denotes a tendency to wander. In astrology, an unaspected or peregrine planet is a planet that does not have major aspects (which include conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition) with any other planet in the chart. It is believed that an unaspected planet tends to drag the rest of the horoscope with it. For example, Jonathan Winters, an extremely creative entertainer with a penchant for comedy and sound effects and a painter at the same time, has unaspected Mercury in Sagittarius. The relentless intensity of his communication is something outstanding.

So, the lack of aspect indicates that the planet is not connected with the rest of the elements of the horoscope and can freely, without restrictions, manifest itself. At the same time, there is evidence that unaspected planets do often manifest themselves in people's lives. However, a fundamental question arises: how did it happen that in the definition of non-aspected we take into account only the so-called major aspects? And if the planet forms a semi-square, one and a half square, semi-sextile or quincunx with another planet? And if it has undoubted aspects to the Ascendant, or Zenith, or both? We do not yet know the answers to all these questions, but planets that are not aspected in the classical sense - that do not have major aspects - do play a special role in the chart. Their symbolism stands out noticeably in behavior, in the individual warehouse of needs, in life style, and, of course, should be taken into account when choosing a profession.

It is interesting that very often, with the unaspected Sun, the above-mentioned tendency to drag the entire horoscope along with it is not manifested at all; rather, one gets the impression that, professionally, a person cannot “resonate” with himself in any way. The classic exception to this rule has always been considered Louis 14, nicknamed in history the Sun King (regardless of astrology), who ruled France for 72 years. His birth chart was accurately calculated by Maureen de Villefranche, court astrologer. The sun of Louis 14 in the sign of Virgo in the 10th house has no aspects. According to his characteristics, Louis was Virgo from head to toe, to this was added the arrogance of the Sun in the 10th house, which reached an incredible degree (Venus with the Moon in Leo in opposition to Saturn and square to ascending Jupiter in Scorpio, and that's not all). Date of Birth: September 5, 1638, 11:11 local mean time, Saint-Germain. After the discovery of the planet Neptune in the 19th century, the Sun of Louis 14 is aspected by a sextile to Neptune, which probably explains the previously incomprehensible exclusivity of the unaspected Sun of Louis.

An unaspected planet will indicate some need that will dominate the person along with his deepest motivating need, indicated by the position of the Moon. The sign in which the unaspected planet is located will dictate the style of manifestation of its qualities, and the house - the sphere of life in which it will strive to be realized.

If the Moon turns out to be unaspected, then this will only increase its significance as a motivating need in a person's life.

Unaspected Venus gives a person the desire to be beautiful in the sense that he himself puts into the concept of beauty. It is important for a person to know the price of everything from different points of view. For a person, his secular, social life and involvement in the world of beauty is of great importance: art, show business, high fashion, jewelry and accessories, jewelry. It is very important for him to be highly appreciated in certain circles as an expert in the above areas and a person with good taste. A person loves compliments, especially subtle flattery. He will try to surround himself with prestigious things against which he will look attractive.

Unaspected Mars gives striving for perfection in some practice. A person wants to do something that will allow him to stand out. These are all areas of activity related to energy, except nuclear. The whole range of energetic influences on something is presented here - from the subtle manipulations of a surgeon and a jeweler to the satisfaction of bringing down a sledgehammer on a crutch.

Unaspected Jupiter makes a person seek rewards and recognition - both in work and in life in general. It is very important for him to feel that he has wide opportunities, prospects, that he can afford to be generous and magnanimous, because. behind his back is the powerful force of tradition, religion, philosophy, on which he relies in his activities. Here we are not talking about world fame and fame. It is important for a person to be adored by at least one person and have a feeling of sincere gratitude and respect for him.

Unaspected Saturn makes it important for a person to have a constant sense of duty. This person needs to feel part of some well-organized structure, which includes many responsible people doing important things. At the political level, this may be the profession of a diplomat. In the field of economics, a person can be the head of the largest enterprise or be a member of the board of directors of an international corporation. For an ordinary person, this aspect can manifest itself in his increased attention to everything that, from his point of view, requires a responsible approach and long-term systematic efforts.

Unaspected Uranus will give a person an irresistible craving for everything original, including in their own manifestations. A person is interested in advanced technologies and all sorts of inexplicable phenomena. Most often it happens that at the age when a person needs to decide on the choice of a profession, such a profession that he would like to master does not yet exist. A person will, perhaps, up to forty years (opposition of Uranus) experiment with professions until he finds a job to his liking. If a person does not find a suitable profession for himself, then he may have an unusual hobby and hobby in which he can find satisfaction with his strange needs in the eyes of those around him.
Unaspected Neptune gives the person the need to experience unusual emotional states. A person all the time strives to go into a fantasy world, where he really feels good. Hues and nuances, riddles and secrets are of great importance for a person. Of the modern professions that can satisfy this need, one can name professions related to the film industry, the production of perfumes, painting, writing, and music. But not all people with an unaspected Neptune become great musicians or artists. They have to find points of application in ordinary routine professions for the realization of their refined inspiration.

Unaspected Pluto gives a person the need to be famous all over the world, or at least to be associated with celebrities. It is important for a person to feel his power over something: he is the one who solves problems.


In some charts, there is such a phenomenon when two planets have an aspect between themselves, but neither of them has any more aspects with other planets. Such a pair of planets is called a "duet". Its symbolism is close to the symbolism of an unaspected planet: the energy, which is the result of the synthesis of the principles of the planets interacting with each other, exists in the horoscope, as it were, as a separate energy center, isolated from the energies of the entire horoscope. The duet also creates tension, stimulating a person to satisfy the needs expressed by the symbolism of the planets of the duet. To represent the motivations hidden in a duet, one should refer to the symbolism of the planets that make it up as if they were unaspected.

Additional characteristics in the symbolism of the duet are introduced by the quality of the aspect that connects the planets to each other.

Connection: the planets act like Siamese twins - as soon as the principle of one planet is turned on, the principle of the other is immediately turned on. For example, the duet of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction: as soon as a person finds himself in a situation where he is lucky, he is loved and given protection and patronage, he immediately begins to feel that the patron is behaving rudely and impudently towards him. Naturally, a person becomes ungrateful towards his patron and tries to hurt him, punish him. The fact that the situation at the same time does not contribute to the satisfaction of other needs does not bother a person at this moment. With this constellation in the sign of Gemini in the 4th house, a person can work as a philosophical writer without leaving home and caring little about his other needs. At the same time, he does not set himself the goal of publishing a book and earning a fee, he even cares little about whether he will have readers. Writing here is an end in itself.

Sextile: as soon as the principle of one planet is turned on, it turns out that another planet, which at first glance has little to do with the matter, unobtrusively offers to master those principles that a person has not yet encountered, as if saying to a person: if you learn this, then you will succeed and what you are striving for now. For example, Saturn-Jupiter sextile: a person is very attracted to a certain area of ​​​​knowledge that a person wants to master as soon as possible, but then a situation arises that shows a person that he lacks such qualities of character as concentration, perseverance, responsible attitude for successful learning to learning. A person does not really want to deal with his character, he wants to learn a foreign language, but, in the end, he has to deal with problems of his character in parallel with learning. This occupation can captivate a person so much that he will forget about why he needed knowledge of a foreign language, and will treat learning as an end in itself.

Square: the inclusion of the principle of one planet is accompanied by an unfriendly invasion of the principle of another planet, which in every possible way interferes with the satisfaction of the need. For example, the square of the Moon with Venus: a woman strives to be beautiful, to have a high social position, to marry well, but as soon as a suitable partner is found, he begins to demand that she take care of the kitchen, housework, serve him and satisfy his sexual needs, which by no means they don't look pretty to her. After the birth of a child, a woman completely turns into a cook-nanny-washerwoman. When she understands this, she seeks to regain her former beauty, social status and beautiful love, but this desire of hers runs into an obstacle in the form of household duties and children who cannot be put in the mezzanine. A woman can be so carried away by her desire to resolve the conflict between her family and social life that this problem will swallow her whole: so all her life she will be engaged in family affairs at work, and at home - public.

Opposition: the principles of the planets turn on at the same time and, as it were, tear a person in different directions, requiring attention from him, simultaneously directed to opposite positions. For example, the opposition of Mars with Saturn: as soon as a person decides to retire and plan the implementation of important programs for himself, having built a strategy and tactics for long-term actions, he is attacked by a company of friends who have come from afar and demand to immediately take some action in relation to them. Or a person finally decides to concentrate and do the work that has accumulated and does not tolerate delay, when he suddenly finds himself stricken with an unexpected fever, after which he ends up in a hospital bed, where he has to deal with piercing and cutting medical instruments. The opposition acts like a swing of the scales - now one side outweighs, then the other. And a person can struggle all his life with restrictions for the sake of the struggle itself, forgetting why he initially had to remove the restrictions.

Thus, as you can see, for astrological counseling it is important that a person is not obsessed with some kind of fixed idea, which is reflected in the presence of an unaspected planet (except the Sun) or a duet in a birth chart, and is able to maintain absent-mindedness in order to adequately perceive client and be open-minded about finding a solution to his difficult situation. The presence of an unaspected planet in the horoscope of an astrologer-consultant will create difficulties for him in communicating with a client.

Synthesis sign.

The sign of synthesis is determined by the predominance of planets in the elements and crosses. He describes general style human behavior in most situations. Each sign of the Zodiac is traditionally associated with one of the professions. The sign of synthesis shows a number of professions, the occupation of which will most organically correspond to the temperament of a person.
The profession of consulting astrologer requires inquisitiveness and research, and it corresponds to the sign of Scorpio, in which Uranus, the ruler of astrology, culminates. Also, the profession of an astrologer-consultant involves human communication and psychological assistance, and is also associated with all scientific discoveries, with progress and the future, and, of course, it corresponds to the sign Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus.

In ancient times, when the planet Uranus was not yet discovered, Saturn ruled the sign of Aquarius, as well as the sign of Capricorn. Saturn symbolizes the Wise Man. Astrologers of antiquity were called the Wise Men. The sign of Capricorn corresponds to professions that require the greatest rigor and accuracy: research scientist, mathematician. In ancient times, astrologers served emperors and kings, they did not need to delve into the psychological conflicts of their counselors - they gave the ruler the results of their research dryly and impartially, and these facts had great power over the rulers, helping to manage the state and build cities, the glory of which survived the centuries. Therefore, the profession of an astrologer fully corresponded to the sign of Capricorn, under which the profession of an architect is also located: the ideal cities of medieval Europe were planned according to a special plan, the construction of the city was laid at a certain time calculated by astrologers.

Saturn culminates in Libra: the ancient astrologer served nobles, politicians and intriguers in power, so he made sure that his interpretations were tactful, loyal and at the same time fair. Such an astrologer had to be a diplomat and often be able to serve two masters at the same time.

Thus, the signs of the synthesis of Scorpio or Aquarius, or both of these signs, are important for an astrologer-consultant on personal problems, who will equally attentively treat all clients, regardless of their social and financial situation. Also, these signs of synthesis contribute to a scientific approach to the world, scientific research, discoveries, independence from generally accepted postulates and authoritative opinions.

The synthesis sign Capricorn is characteristic of the consulting astrologer working with politicians and collectives. As a rule, such an astrologer himself is a member of the team of astrologers, because. prefers collective research and collective responsibility. This is a characteristic sign of synthesis for a specialist in the field of mundane astrology.

The synthesis sign of Libra is characteristic of an astrologer who is interested in giving advice to representatives of various privileged strata of society: he knows how to say just enough to satisfy the client's need, without saying anything superfluous that could spoil the relationship that is important for the astrologer. This position is typical for popularizers of astrology and writers - for effective counseling on personal problems, they lack the independence of the sign of Aquarius - the feeling of their own elitism interferes, and they lack self-confidence of the sign of Scorpio - snobbery and dependence on public opinion interfere.

The remaining signs in the role of the sign of synthesis represent a neutral position in the profession of an astrologer-consultant.

Zenith is the leading figure.

Zenith indicators (MC - medium of purpose, cusp of the Tenth house of the horoscope) - extremely reliable indicators professional inclinations. They make our search more focused, limiting it to perceived needs, environmental demands, and a style of personal expression in relation to our own goals.

Astrological schools of the 20th century are unanimous that a planet within about five degrees of the MC is especially strong, even if it falls in the 9th house. Michel Gauquelin proved this statistically in his amazing study, which was carried out in the late 50s and 60s. The full data and results of Gauquelin's research in the field of astrological statistics, specifically focused on professions and temperament, character and success, took up 13 volumes! As research material, Gauquelin used about 27,000 carefully analyzed data on the birth of various professionals, of which approximately 60% are famous and very successful people, and 40% belonged to the same professions, but did not achieve particularly outstanding success in their professional expression. Mostly featured professions such as sports, acting, science and literature. Gauquelin described the previously known traits of character and temperament of all his "subjects" in carefully compiled tables. The main goal was to identify correlations between major professional success, temperament and astrology.

Gauquelin's data, obtained at the cost of incredible research efforts, make one think about a non-trivial fact: especially sensitive zones directly above the Ascendant (12th house) and Zenith (9th house) indicate success and a strong influence of temperament on behavior in accordance with the planet involved. Unfortunately, Gauquelin did not determine the size of these zones, but among astrologers for a number of years it has been practiced to allocate 10 degrees to them.

Such significance of cadent houses for success in the profession is explained by the fact that the key planet of the natal chart located in these houses during the early years of life, fundamentally important for the formation of a person, will make a progression (symbolic direction 1 degree = 1 year) through the point of the Angle. Psychological research has vividly demonstrated the importance of the early years of development, and our astrology does not lag behind them.

Gauquelin's presentation of material on the topic of success, collected mainly by Alain Gerard, is extremely interesting: most successful people in life came from socially privileged families. According to studies in France and the United States, two-thirds of famous personalities come from five percent of the population, which consists predominantly of the richest and most intelligent members of society. These facts additionally emphasize the importance of the MC axis as the parent axis and the Ascendant axis as a derivative of the parent MC axis.

Gauquelin presented data from which a second success factor is derived: inner drive. These are the psychological bonds that bind us to the hour of our birth and the positions of key planets in or out of special zones. He showed that in order to achieve anything, we must "fully mobilize our personality" and that it is precisely the "difference of character" that stands between, for example, successful and not successful athletes. And it is connected with a planetary position, of course, a special one - a dramatic emphasis on key planets in key positions!

So we have moved from statistics to holism - to a person mobilizing his whole self in order to become all that he can become. As we grow to our potential, everything in us turns on to accomplish the task. Astrology shows this process.

The profession of an astrologer is ruled by the planet Uranus. It would be logical to assume that in order for a person at a tender age, when his personality is being formed, to awaken an interest in science in general and in everything that will ultimately lead him to a professional occupation in the science of the stars, Uranus would have to located in the 9th or 12th house of the birth chart.

Planets aspecting Zenith.

The exact major aspects of the planet to the MC will show the ways in which a person will resort to achieve a high position and make a career. The nature of these planets will show exactly what qualities of his character he will show at the same time and with what people he will interact along the way. If the MC does not have major aspects, you should look at minor aspects, but take into account that they will only matter if there are major aspects of other planets or luminaries to this planet. So, for example, the square of Pluto to the MC shows a strong desire to become famous, realizing oneself in the field of a career, for example, a healer; for this, a person will seek to enlist the support of celebrities, although due to the conflict nature of the relationship with them, they will always be in danger of breaking. And the angle of the MC to Mars, along with a one and a half square to Saturn, indicates that a person will stubbornly and persistently move towards realization in a career, for example, an entrepreneur, constantly balancing on the verge of patience and activity, although this will not be obvious to an outside observer.

Sign on Cusp 10 houses

The sign on the MC indicates the need that a person will be aware of, wondering what, by and large, he needs to make a career for.

In Aries: desire to act independently. It is important to be able to take initiative and make independent decisions. Subconsciously implies a good material reward. He hides that he does not take responsibility.

In Taurus: striving for material well-being, stability of income. The need to have a home, family, comfort. Subconsciously hopes that all the hard work will have to be done by someone else. He hides his tendency to wild antics and fits of rage.

In Gemini: curiosity, desire for awareness, mobility, ease. Subconsciously counts on luck, good luck, patronage and new opportunities.

In Cancer: works in order to feel protected, to experience certain emotions that he needs. Likes praise and rewards. Subconsciously feels that his work is fraught with great responsibility. He hides that he does not like physical labor and generally does not like to work in the truest sense of the word.

In Leo: the desire to demonstrate their personal merits. I would like to be famous. Subconsciously feels that in work he may encounter unpleasant surprises and restrictions. He hides that he does not know how to structure work and does not like to think at all.

In Virgo: strives to be aware latest news. He likes order and cleanliness, put the details on the shelves, systematize the working material. Subconsciously hopes that everything will somehow unite into a single whole with God's help and intervention Higher powers, luck and luck. He hides that he is poorly versed in art, beauty and finance.

In Libra: strives for recognition in society, needs a beautiful frame and surroundings. It is important to conduct responsible programs, to take responsibility for the management of serious projects. Subconsciously understands what cannot be avoided practical activities. He hides that he is not sure of the correctness of his independent decisions and is not at all confident in himself.

In Scorpio: strives to influence and be famous. It is important to be able to show your originality and implement cutting-edge ideas. Subconsciously understands that he needs material resources. Hides his emotional vulnerability and instability.

In Sagittarius: seeks to constantly expand horizons and explore new opportunities. Subconsciously feels that he must constantly be aware of the news and must not lose sight of the details and particulars.

In Capricorn: seeks to take responsibility. Needs to be able to practically act. Subconsciously feels the importance of family and home environment. Hides a love of boasting, disbelief in success and luck, secret fears.

In Aquarius: strives for responsibility, but wants it to be realized with the help of advanced technologies and informal relationships. Subconsciously understands the limited possibilities of his personality. He hides his dependence on the powers that be and craving for celebrities.

In Pisces: seeks to feel the breadth of their capabilities and a state of euphoria. The need to have a good material base. Subconsciously understands that his disadvantage is the content of tools in a mess and a chaotic way of thinking.

The position of the ruling planet of the 10th house

The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 10th house is called the ruling planet of the MC. Her character will show the role of a person that he will play in order to achieve career results. A sign is a style of behavior of a person in a given role. The position in the house is an area of ​​\u200b\u200blife where this role will be appropriate. The aspects of this planet will show the nature of relationships with other people and the role that these people will play in the development of a person's career. For example, the 10th house ruler Mercury in Libra in the 1st house sextile Mars and trine Saturn: in order to achieve career fulfillment, this person will act as an information gatherer and analyst. Other people are very important to his career. He will communicate with people in the style that is accepted in the social stratum of which they are representatives, observing all the rules of cultural behavior characteristic of this stratum, and at the same time remaining independent of the influence of the behavioral style of his opponents and partners. However, most likely, he will not be among people with whom he will have nothing to talk about at the level of communication that is characteristic of himself. He will go to communication only if it affects the sphere of his personal interests. His interlocutors will be people, on the one hand, endowed with some kind of authority associated with responsibility, on the other, energetic and active. He prefers not to communicate with people who are inconsistent, who do not keep their word and who do not know how to complete the work they have begun. A person's speech will be expressive, with pressure, energetic. He loves topics related to history and antiquity, allowing him to draw from past experience something practically useful for today. In the implementation of a career, he is helped by a successful combination of intelligence with wisdom and the ability to constantly learn practical skills, the need for which arises as his career grows.

The position of the ruler of the 10th house in the sign:

In Aries: the person is energetic. The source of his success in his career is his willingness to take risks, his determination. He is impatient in his pursuit of a career and is vain. Selfishness and voluntarism interfere.

In Taurus: a person behaves with restraint, traditionally. Prefers stability in climbing the career ladder, chooses familiar, beaten paths. It interferes with sluggishness, slow-wittedness.

In Gemini: a person behaves like an intellectual who relies on knowledge and awareness. Climbing in a career occurs along an intricate curve, replete with unexpected turns and pirouettes. It interferes with superficiality, the desire to do several things at the same time.

In Cancer: a person behaves with others carefully, sympathetically. In order to achieve a high position in his career, he enlists the support of his family, relies on the traditions of his homeland. It interferes with an overly emotional attitude to work, the desire to establish close personal relationships with colleagues and superiors.

In Leo: a person behaves demonstratively, defiantly, tries to be noble and bright. The source of his advancement in his career is irrepressible ambitions, dreams of greatness, glory and honors. It interferes with the desire to please everyone without exception, to participate simultaneously in all the shows.

In Virgo: a person behaves pedantically, scrupulously approaches work and duties. The source of his high position is the ability to work hard. Here, a career is built with your own hands. Boredom and the habit of criticizing everything interfere.

In Libra: a person behaves like a diplomat, is attentive to the rules of etiquette, tries to be polite and delicate. He understands that his career depends mainly on the environment: partners, allies, clients, open enemies, companions. Hinders arrogance and elitism.

In Scorpio: the style of behavior can be both elegant and outrageous. Man is driven by an unshakable, almost animal desire for independence. Any goals are achieved only in struggle, in confrontation, in denial: this is the classic type of rebel and underground worker. Resentment and vindictiveness interfere in a career.

In Sagittarius: behavior style - luxurious, authoritative, imposing, generous. Career success is associated with higher education, connections with foreigners, knowledge of culture different countries and times. A strong desire for reward and recognition interferes.

In Capricorn: style of behavior - restraint to dryness, strictness, observance of the laws of hierarchy. The engine of social elevation and career growth is boundless vanity, extraordinary will, careerism. Conservatism and closeness to everything new, fixation on the once and for all established order of things interferes with the career.

In Aquarius: style of behavior - strangeness, savagery, a person gives the impression of "not from this world", "on his own wave". The key to its success is innovation, the use of progressive methods of work, attention to original ideas and advanced technologies. The mobility of means of communication is of great importance. A tendency to utopian ideas interferes with a career.

In Pisces: the style of behavior is amorphous, somewhat "frostbitten", dreamy. A person works well if he manages to catch a wave of inspiration and stay on it. Inconstancy interferes, persistent, purposeful efforts are very difficult.

The position of the ruler of the 10th house in the house:

IN 1: the main guarantee of success is to engage in what is within the scope of personal interests. Then the person becomes very active, looks professional, everyone feels the strength of his personality, charm and reliability.

At 2: a person makes a career for money. He should not agree to work with a low salary and, moreover, work without pay.

AT 3: Career paths run through the realm of communication, information processing and transmission, mediation, writing, teaching, short trips, and multiple travels.

AT 4: career growth is ensured if a person has everything in order in family relationships, there is a reliable home. This could be work from home or work related to real estate, land plots, history, national traditions, archeology, family life.

AT 5: for a person, a career will be successful if he has a place in life for creativity in the broad sense of the word, hobbies, entertainment, games, the connection of the profession with art or pedagogy is important. The work also involves contact with children, sports, flirting, financial adventures.

AT 6: to achieve success, a person must be in good health and able to work where the results of his work are visible.

AT 7: You need a partner to be successful in your career. It could be a marriage or a business partner. It could be a sphere public life, litigation, diplomacy, consulting, development of subtle strategies, peacemaking, art.

AT 8: for success in a career, a person must be prepared for the fact that he will face various kinds of critical situations, the way out of which will be associated with the transformation of his personality and lifestyle; you have to take risks and do deep research. This may be a career as a scientist, forensic scientist, detective, intelligence officer, surgeon, resuscitator, bank or insurance worker.

AT 9: in order to succeed in a career, a person will have to master complex training programs and, possibly, travel and have connections with foreign countries. It can be a career of a teacher of a higher educational institution, a publisher, a published writer, a religious figure, a philosopher, a philanthropist, a capitalist.

AT 10 O'CLOCK: the situation is difficult, because success in a career depends on the principles of the planet, its status and aspects.

AT 11: in climbing the career ladder, friends and the team in which a person is located are of great importance. A career is associated with collective projects and collective work. Perhaps with scientific research, advanced technologies, executive power in the state, reformism, modernization.

AT 12: for a successful career, a person needs to be in solitude often, hide something, overcome fear. A career may be associated with staying in a foreign land, with closed institutions such as hospitals, prisons, rehabilitation centers. It can be a career of an undercover agent, a humanistic psychologist, a mystic, a figure in high fashion and art, a cultural scientist, a historian of civilizations, a specialist in the field of mythology.

Features of professional problems of people with higher planets in the 10th house

The most difficult thing is to find a suitable profession for people who have higher planets in the 10th house: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. A person with an emphasis on the higher planets in the 10th house is often forced to limit himself to earning a living from the 2nd house, relying only on the resources and skills associated with this house. In today's Western society, there is no tradition of appreciating and rewarding vocations based on the qualities of the higher planets. While people with higher planets in the 10th house believe that their professional vocation is the realization of a career in exactly what corresponds to the qualities of these planets. They do not choose their profession - it is the profession that chooses them, "calls" them to serve. At the same time, it is known that these vocations, as a rule, are somewhat out of this world, for the most part idealistic and cannot give a person the opportunity to achieve a high position in society and earn a decent wage for their work. These include non-traditional professional paths of adherents of esoteric professions, occult sciences, artists, as well as political and environmental activists - supporters of alternative lifestyles. For these people, standard professional tests, according to which approximately 90% of them would be classified as poets or artists.

In a nutshell, all spheres of art and all innovative professions in science and technology, in the field of computers and other electronic information means can be attributed to Uranian areas of activity; astrology; work with groups and with teenagers; activities in politics and social movements. The Neptunian professions are creative and performing arts; it is a ministry in prisons and hospitals, caring for the chronically ill and pathologically addicted. Plutonian areas include counseling, healing of various kinds; work related to death and the dying; research, investigation, financial services. Within any professional area where the energy of a higher planet can be realized, there are many varieties of work for different levels of professionalism and education.

Thus, if a person does not have indicators for the profession of an astrologer-consultant, which would be evidenced by the Moon and the sign of synthesis, then the position of Uranus in the 10th house is not enough reason to argue that this person will successfully and satisfactorily feel himself in the profession of an astrologer-consultant.

For people with higher planets in the 10th house, straight and fast career paths are not typical. Usually up to the revolution of Saturn (29 years) or even longer, they try to follow the path of false professional choices for themselves. Often they feel like miserable losers and are tormented by the question of why they are not arranged in life like others. The question is not without meaning: the fact is that only a balanced, mature person is able to manage the energies of the higher planets well. Eventually, after years of searching, some kind of transit activates their 6th or 10th house and they find their calling. Often in this case there is a reassessment of life values ​​and interests, as a result of which a person switches to an unconventional professional path.

The position of the higher planets in the 10th house is sometimes accompanied by the most acute problems of relations with official state power, especially when these planets fall into the Gauquelin sector, which occupies 10 degrees on each side of the MC. These problems are completely natural for such people: they arise as a result of living with a sharply dysfunctional or extraordinary parent, or as a result of the loss of a parent. When the higher planets are placed in the 6th house, the directions of professional choice are the same, but if Uranus is not included, the problems of relations with power are less acute. On the other hand, professional difficulties associated with low self-esteem may be more pronounced.

Often the parents of such people also have a relation of higher planets to the 6th or 10th house in their horoscope. It is bad if they did not manage to realize their abilities or ideas. Then, almost certainly, the unfulfilled dream of the parent will play an important role in the professional history of the child. On the one hand, a person is trying with all his might to fulfill his parental dream, so that he, at least through him, "takes place." On the other hand, the child does not have the right to achieve success, so as not to surpass the parent. As a result, such a person simultaneously achieves and does not achieve - for example, becomes an artist, musician or writer, as the parent wanted, but does not allow himself to get a high position in society and does not give himself the right to take high fees for his work, and barely makes ends meet. . Outwardly, the parent is proud of his child, supports him and sympathizes with his aspirations. However, upon careful study of such relations between a parent and a child, it is clear that the parent is jealous of the child for his achievements, secretly envies him, suffers from his own inadequacy, which is obvious against the background of the child's success. In the practice of counseling astrology, the dynamics described above show that it is rare that a child dares to succeed in fulfilling an unfulfilled parental dream.
Naturally, all this is not realized by the person himself - a person is rarely able to cope with the energies of the higher planets without the help of another person: a specialist consultant, psychotherapist, practical spiritual mentor.

Seeing Uranus or Pluto in the 10th house or in a tense aspect to the MC, we have every reason to conclude that it is better for a person to work independently, for himself. However, his unresolved problems of relations with the authorities will not go anywhere, even if he does not have a permanent boss.

An astrologer-consultant with the position of the highest planet in the horoscope will have an attitude towards power during the sessions. Such astrologers are especially in dire need of being perceived by clients as an authority, guru, or something similar. The astrologer works for himself, he has no boss. But any astrologer's client is his boss, at least for the hour or two he hired him for. And the consultant, unexpectedly for himself, can start to fight with the client as with a representative of authority or boss. Of course, in this state of affairs, the scope for psychological games opens up wide. It has nothing to do with the correction of the client's psyche and real help in solving his problems.

For people in whose horoscopes the highest planet is in the 10th house, quite often the internal conflict is projected onto "them" - onto other people. So, an artist with Neptune in the 10th house may feel like a victim of the exhibition hall administration, a musician - that he is being bullied by show business managers. An astrologer with Uranus in the 10th house rebels against social restrictions in general and the astrological community in particular. Sometimes a rather grumpy healer with Pluto in the 10th house can have own accounts with a whole host of "them", but especially with the all-powerful state medical association.

The So-Called "People of the Higher Planets" and the Midlife Crisis

People whose higher planets in the natal chart are located in the 10th house or have major aspects to the luminaries, or ascend, or fall into the Gauquelin sector, or are in an angular position, or are an unaspected planet or are included in a duet configuration - in modern humanitarian astrology are called "people of the higher planets."

It is not news that there is a connection between the cycles of the higher planets and the mid-life crisis. The mid-life crisis is due to the relationship with the following aspects: Uranus opposition to natal Uranus, Neptune square to natal Neptune, Pluto to natal Pluto, and Saturn opposition to natal Saturn. Every person at a certain age goes through this crisis, but the people of the higher planets usually experience it more acutely. Each of us gets a chance in the middle of life to get rid of dysfunctional stereotypes associated with the manifestation of higher planets, and to eliminate the obstacles to personal self-realization caused by them.

In cases where Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are associated with professional houses in the natal chart, a midlife crisis is likely to lead to a change in profession or professional status. Many people with higher planets in these positions fail to find their true calling before this life stage due to the lack of favorable conditions for constructive creative expression of the energy of these planets. It should also be borne in mind that when they entered the professional life society was not yet ready to accept the manifestation of these energies. Naturally, the range of relevant professions was limited; some specialties that use the resources of higher planets are developing only now. It also happens that the inner need to follow the expectations of a parent or family obligations does not allow such people from their youth to devote themselves to their true calling. Many vocations due to the higher planets are, on the one hand, not easy to recognize; on the other hand, it is not easy to achieve true success in them without a certain experience and sophistication in the affairs of the real world.

With higher planets in professional houses, it is in the middle of life that sometimes there is an urgent need to find one's true calling. As a result, a person begins to think about a new profession. And, as always before big changes, in this case he has to deal with gigantic resistance. The old work naturally seems easier, safer and more stable. But the higher planets accentuate natal aspects for two or more years. During this time, resistance to change becomes so painful that, in the end, a person literally has no choice but to move along a new path. The alternative is complete stagnation - just waiting for the end of life.

By mid-life, a person may well have already fulfilled some obligations, so some of the original barriers are no longer there. Perhaps the children have grown up; a parent who did not approve of change died; juvenile adjustment disorders probably disappeared when a person matured or became more sober in his outlook on life. If this is a woman, it should be borne in mind that now certain professions have become available to women, which before, in the years of their youth, they could not even dream of. Finally, over the years, a person could accumulate the amount necessary to receive an education in the field of a new specialty. Some new professions may be much more suited to the life meaning and abilities of such a person - professions that did not exist when he first entered college. It must be admitted that not only love, but many other things turn out better the second time.

Astrologer-consultant with the syndrome of "adult children of alcoholics".

The presence of a higher planet in the 10th house of the horoscope, as a rule, symbolizes a difficult relationship with one of the parents. Based on the fact that at least 25% of the population is affected by the problem of alcoholism, the difficulties of relations with a parent may be associated with this. Many astrologers and many of their clients are the adult children of alcoholics or come from dysfunctional families. This personal history has a particularly strong influence on professional careers and relationships with the authorities. The specific reaction that developed in childhood to figures endowed with power, associated with the fact that the alcoholic parent (and often both parents) were unpredictable or destructive, is often carried over into adulthood. Since this reaction is formed to a large extent before the age of 5, children of alcoholics tend to build relationships with superiors based on protest, codependency or fear - as they once did with an alcoholic parent.

To understand the mechanisms of career disruption, one must be intimately familiar with the long-term effects of alcohol or other dysfunctional childhood environments. There are a number of family roles specific to children in families of alcoholics: Family Hero, Lost Child, Scapegoat. They often play over and over again. adulthood, including at work, until their awareness and deprogramming occurs. In professional activity, such typical features of alcoholics and their offspring as a sense of their own grandiosity and defiant behavior, manifestations of Neptune and Uranus, respectively, can also appear. By reproducing the dysfunctional behaviors, the weak reality-rootedness inherited from their parents, even completely non-drinking children of alcoholics may be deprived of certain adaptive skills necessary for success.

Astrologers with the "adult children of alcoholics" syndrome tend to become infected with a sense of grandiosity, defiance, lack of realism and inadequate evaluation of their clients suffering from the same "syndrome". This sometimes affects the soundness of recommendations. Such astrologers may, for example, encourage clients to pursue reckless plans, unhealthy financial habits, or unrealistic professional choices. Therefore, astrologers who have come out of a dysfunctional environment are deeply right when they read rehabilitation literature for the sake of their clients, go to groups of adult children of alcoholics, and generally do everything possible to free themselves and them from the consequences of childhood.

The connection of the profession of an astrologer-consultant with the possibility of earning income from this profession.

It's not a secret for anyone that the profession that we love and to which we devote ourselves with enthusiasm does not always bring a lot of income, or at least can provide the possibility of minimally satisfying basic human needs. It's good when a person knows in advance their capabilities material support and has the opportunity to choose between material wealth and a favorite thing. It is bad when a person believes that he can earn money in an area in which he does not have astrological indications for this. This becomes a problem that leads to a sense of failure and disappointment in life.

In order to understand whether a person can earn a living in the field of his career, you need to explore all the connections of the 10th house of career with the 2nd house of personal property. If there are such connections, it can be recommended to boldly engage in career advancement in this area. If there are no connections, the person should be given information on how he can secure a satisfactory financial situation, relying on which he could satisfy his need to realize the 10th house, without counting on income from this business. To this end, the astrologer examines all the data of the horoscope and synthesizes them, on the basis of which he draws conclusions and makes recommendations. For example, a person can live off the money of a marriage partner. He can work for hire, not striving to rise to a high place of official position, and at the same time devote himself to his vocation.


Bob Mulligan. How to find your way in the profession of an astrologer. Collection of articles edited by Noel Thiel. Volume 1. Per. from eng. T.S. Drabkina - M:. Editorial staff of the Urania magazine, 1998
Donna Cunningham. Tradition renewal. Collection of articles edited by Noel Thiel. Volume 1. Per. from eng. T.S. Drabkina - M:. Editorial staff of the Urania magazine, 1998
Noel Thiel. Special indicators for professional consulting. Collection of articles edited by Noel Thiel. Volume 1. Per. from eng. T.S. Drabkina - M:. Editorial staff of the Urania magazine, 1998

2 worms 2008

The master of the profession is determined using two methods: by the Sun and by the culminating sign. Thus, one should observe the planet which, in its morning appearance, is nearest to the Sun, as well as the planet which is in astrology in the Midheaven, especially when it is in the vicinity of the Moon; if both of the above places are occupied by the same star, then it is and only it should be used; in the same way, if one of these places is not occupied by any star, then the one located in the second is used.

How to choose a profession according to astrology

It is necessary to consider the star that appears in the east after the Sun, as well as that which is in the Midheaven or in a friendly aspect to it, especially if it forms an aspect to the Moon; and if the same star is strong in both respects, we consider only that which is asked about.

If we do not find strength in both respects, but only in one, then only this should be taken into account when choosing a profession; if one star appears in front of the Sun, and the other in the middle of the sky and is in friendly aspect with the Moon, both of them must be taken into account, giving preference to the one that is stronger in possession.

If the star does not form aspects and is not located in the Middle of the sky, then the ruler of the MC will indicate to us the position and occupations to which the native is inclined to apply his strength: at least we will know the business that he will have the opportunity to do in life (since the position of the stars in astrology inclines some to idleness). In this way things concerning the master of the profession are recognized.

How to determine the type of profession by the stars

The type of profession becomes known from the properties of three stars - (depending on which one is responsible for the profession), namely:

  • Mars
  • Venus
  • and Mercury
  • and from the signs in which they are found.

Mercury gives writers, entrepreneurs, bookkeepers, schoolteachers, merchants, money changers, theologians, astrologers, and those who live by teaching and explanation, scholarship and gifts from others; and if Saturn in astrology testifies to Mercury, they will either govern others, or become interpreters of dreams, or prophesyers in churches; if Jupiter testifies to Mercury, they will be portrait painters, orators, sophists, acquaintances of prominent people.

If Venus rules over the profession, then those created by her will learn what the smell of flowers and ointments is, get acquainted with wines and paints, tinctures and spices.

These will be pharmacists, chalice makers, vintners, pharmacists, weavers, spice merchants, painters, dyers, clothing sellers; and if Saturn testifies of Venus, she will give birth to dealers in haberdashery and ornaments, sorcerers, poisoners, deceivers and the like; but if Jupiter testifies to Venus, they will become warriors, armor-bearers, whose glory will be brought by the favor of women.

And Mars in astrology, governing the profession, in aspect with the Sun, will create those whose work is connected with fire: cooks, smelters, stokers, crushers, brave men; but when in conjunction with the Sun, it will give birth to shipbuilders, carpenters, tillers, masons, lumberjacks, and other workers.

If Saturn testifies to Mars, then these will be sailors, basement devastators, animal eaters, cooks, butchers. If the testimony comes from Jupiter, then soldiers, servants, publicans, innkeepers, customs collectors, priests will arise when choosing a profession.

When one of the planets is at the point of closest morning appearance to the Sun, and the second is associated in astrology with the Midheaven and the Moon, we should take into account both, giving preference to one of them, which, due to its strength, has more reasons for dominance, according to the scheme given by us earlier.

If there is not a single star rising in the morning, or none of them is located in the Midheaven, then we must take the ruler of the last region, while noting the accidental occupation of a person, for natures with such a birth chart are for the most part very inactive. This is how we will determine the planet that governs the activity.

Cases when several stars influence the choice of profession

Two stars who together turned out to be the rulers of the profession,

  • if it is Mercury and Venus, they will create musicians, composers, and those who deal with musical instruments, songs and poetry, especially if they do not sit still: they will be actors, actors, slave traders, musical instrument makers, dancers, musicians, string instrument players, jumpers, in other words acrobats, wax craftsmen, painters;
  • and if Saturn testifies, then they will be dealers in women's jewelry. And if Jupiter testifies, then they will be lawyers, government officials, teachers, people's rulers.
  • If Mars and Mercury are the lords of skill in astrology, they will give birth to sculptors, gunsmiths, engravers of church utensils, animal trainers, wrestlers, surgeons, prosecutors, adulterers, criminals, people who forge signatures; if there is evidence of Saturn, then they will be murderers, thieves of clothes, greedy thieves, cattle rustlers, sorcerers.
  • If Mars and Venus rule, they will give dyers, pharmacists, craftsmen of tin and lead, silver and gold, dancers with weapons, apothecaries, tillers of the land, physicians who treat with medicines;
  • if Saturn testifies, they will look after the sacred animals, will be, in choosing a profession, sexton, mourners and musicians at funerals, enthusiasts dealing with the sacraments, mourning and blood;
  • if Jupiter gives evidence, then they should be priests, soothsayers, keepers of shrines, rulers of women, interpreters, and those who live in pursuits of this kind.

The signs in which the lord of the profession is located in the horoscope

In addition, the properties of the signs in which the lord of the profession is located determine the type of profession; human promote all sciences and occupations that are connected with people; and quadrupeds 10 incline to metal work, trade, construction, blacksmithing and carpentry; tropical signs and equinoxes - to interpretation, activities related to measurement and exchange, agriculture and clergy; earthly and watermarks- to activities related to water and near water, the collection of medicinal plants and shipbuilding.

On the other hand, if the Moon herself is in charge of the profession, and aspected with Mercury by Mars or the Sun, in Taurus, Capricorn, and Cancer she will give priests and priests; in Sagittarius and Pisces - mourners and possessed by the devil; in Virgo and Scorpio - wizards, astrologers, oracles, soothsayers; in Libra, Aries and Leo - enthusiasts, interpreters of dreams, sorcerers.

In this way, different kinds of professions are recognized; but the degree of inclination to them is determined by the strength of the ruling stars; being east or corner, they will make the profession significant, but being west or away from corners, they will make it secondary.

If positive indicators in the horoscope are strong, then the occupation will be serious, meaningful, sustainable, bringing glory and happy. If the ruler of the profession is dominated by unfavorable indicators, the occupation will be secondary, inglorious, unprofitable and unreliable.

Saturn in astrology counteracts with cold and mixing colors, while Mars - with arrogance and disclosure of secrets; and both are opposed to the excellence of the profession; but the main moment of success or failure in the study depends on the position of the stars that give the corresponding effect, in relation to the eastern and western corners of the horoscope.