Literary works about spring and their authors. Spring stories for children. Theme: Summer, summer clothes, shoes, hats

L. N. Tolstoy An excerpt describing spring from Anna Karenina

Part Two, Chapter XII.
Spring did not open for a long time. Last weeks the post was clear, frosty weather. During the day it melted in the sun, and at night it reached seven degrees; The crust was such that they drove carts without a road, Easter was in the snow. Then suddenly, on the second day of the Holy, a warm wind blew, clouds moved in, and for three days and three nights it rained stormy and warm rain. On Thursday, the wind died down and a thick gray fog rolled in, as if hiding the secrets of the changes taking place in nature. Water poured in the fog, ice floes crackled and moved, muddy, foaming streams moved faster, and in the evening the fog broke up on Krasnaya Gorka itself, the clouds scattered like white caps, it cleared up, and real spring opened up. The next morning, the bright sun that rose quickly ate the thin ice that covered the waters, and all the warm air trembled from the vapors of the revived earth that filled it. The young grass, old and emerging with needles, turned green, the buds of viburnum, currant and sticky spirit birch puffed out, and on the vine sprinkled with golden color, an exposed flying bee buzzed. Invisible larks flooded over the velvet verdure and icy stubble, lapwings wept over lowlands and marshes filled with brown, unwashed water, and cranes and geese flew high with spring cackling. The bare-footed cattle roared in the pastures, only in places not yet molted, the bow-legged lambs began to play around the bleating mothers losing the wave, the quick-legged children ran along the drying paths, with the prints of bare feet, the cheerful voices of the women with canvases crackled on the pond, and the axes of the peasants, setting up plows and harrows, rattled in the yards. The real spring has come.


Chekhov A. P

The snow has not yet fallen from the ground, but spring is already asking for the soul. If you have ever recovered from a serious illness, then you know the blissful state when you freeze from vague forebodings and smile for no reason. Apparently, nature is now experiencing the same state. The ground is cold, the dirt and snow squelches underfoot, but how merry, affectionate, and affable everything is around! The air is so clear and transparent that if you climb a dovecote or a bell tower, you seem to see the whole universe from end to end. The sun shines brightly, and its rays, playing and smiling, bathe in puddles along with sparrows. The river swells and darkens; she has already woken up and not today, tomorrow she will roar. The trees are bare, but they already live and breathe.

At such a time, it is good to drive dirty water in ditches with a broom or shovel, to launch boats on the water or to hammer stubborn ice with your heels. It is also good to drive pigeons under the very heights of the sky or climb trees and tie birdhouses there. Yes, everything is fine at this happy time of the year, especially if you are young, love nature, and if you are not capricious, not hysterical, and if you are not required to sit within four walls from morning to evening. It’s not good if you are sick, if you languish in the office, if you know the muses…..

Meeting of spring: (Reasoning)

Chekhov A. P

Borea was replaced by marshmallows. A breeze is blowing either from the west or from the south (I recently did not understand enough of the local countries of the world in Moscow), it blows lightly, barely touching the tails ... It’s not cold, and it’s not so cold that you can safely walk in a hat, coat and with a cane. There is no frost even at night. The snow melted, turned into muddy water, running with a murmur from the mountains and hillocks into dirty ditches; it has not melted only in the lanes and small streets, where it rests serenely under a three-inch brown, earthy layer and will rest until May ... In the fields, in the forests and on the boulevards, green grass timidly breaks through ... The trees are still completely bare, but they look somehow more cheerful. The sky is so glorious, clear, bright; only from time to time clouds roll in and let small splashes on the ground ... The sun shines so well, so warmly and so kindly, as if it had a nice drink, a hearty snack and saw an old friend ... It smells of young grass, manure, smoke, mold, all kinds of rubbish, the steppe and something special ... In nature, wherever you look, preparations, chores, endless cooking ... The essence that spring is flying.

The public, which is terribly tired of spending money on firewood, walking around in heavy fur coats and ten-pound galoshes, breathing either hard, cold, or bathhouse, apartment air, joyfully, swiftly and standing on their toes, stretches out their hands towards the flying spring. Spring is a welcome guest, but is it kind? How can you tell? I don't think it's too kind, and it's not too bad either. Whatever it is, they look forward to it.

Poets old and young, the best and the worst, leaving cashiers, bankers, railroad workers and horned men alone for a while, scribble madrigals, dithyrambs, salutatory odes, ballads and other poetic things, singing in them every single spring charm ... They sing, as usual, unsuccessfully (I'm not talking about those present). The moon, air, haze, distance, desires, "she" - they have in the foreground.

Prose writers are also tuned in a poetic way. All feuilletons, curses and praises begin and end with a description of their own feelings, inspired by the approaching spring.

Young ladies and gentlemen of that ... Suffer mortally! Their pulse beats 190 per minute, the temperature is feverish. Hearts are full of the sweetest forebodings... Spring brings love with it, and love brings with it: "How much happiness, how much torment!" In our drawing, spring holds Cupid on a string. And he does well. And in love, discipline is needed, but what would happen if she let Cupid down, gave him, a rascal, freedom? I'm a serious person, but even all kinds of devilry comes into my head due to the grace of spring smells. I am writing, and in front of my eyes there are shady alleys, fountains, birds, “she” and all that. My mother-in-law is already starting to look at me suspiciously, and my wife is constantly sticking out at the window ...

Medical people are very serious people, but even they do not sleep peacefully... They are choked by a nightmare and have the most seductive dreams. The cheeks of doctors, paramedics, pharmacists burn with a feverish blush. And not without reason! There are fetid fogs over the cities, and these fogs consist of microorganisms that produce diseases ... Chests, throats, teeth hurt ... Ancient rheumatisms, gout, neuralgia are played out. Consumptive darkness-darkness. In pharmacies, the crush is terrible. Poor pharmacists have no time to dine or drink tea. Bertolet's salt, Dover's powder, breast spices, iodine and stupid dental products are sold by the pound. As I write, I hear nickels clinking in a nearby pharmacy. My mother-in-law has flux on both sides: freak freak!

Small businessmen, loan savers, practical cannibals, liquids and kulaks dance kachucha for joy. Spring is a benefactor for them too. A thousand fur coats go to the loan offices to be eaten by hungry moths. Everything warm, which has not yet ceased to be valuable, rushes to liquid benefactors. Don't take a fur coat on loan, you will be left without a summer dress, you will flaunt in the country in beavers and raccoons. For my fur coat, which costs a minimum of 100 rubles, they gave me 32 rubles in a loan.

In Berdichev, Zhytomyr, Rostov, Poltava - knee-deep mud. The mud is brown, viscous, smelly... Passers-by sit at home and do not show their noses into the street: just look that you will drown in the devil knows what. You leave in the mud not only galoshes, but even boots with socks. Go out into the street, if necessary, either barefoot or on stilts, or best of all, don't walk at all. In mother Moscow, to be fair, you can’t leave your boots in the mud, but you will certainly pick up in galoshes. You can say goodbye to galoshes forever only in very few places (namely: at the corner of Kuznetsky and Petrovka, on Truba and almost in all squares). From village to village you will not pass, you will not pass.

Everything is going to walk and rejoice, except for the youths and youths. Young people will not see spring beyond the exams. The whole of May will go to getting fives and ones. For individuals, spring is not a welcome guest.

Wait a little, in 5-6 days, in a lot of weeks, the cats will sing louder under the windows, the liquid mud will become thick, the buds on the trees will become fluffy, the grass will look out everywhere, the sun will bake - and the real spring will set in. Wagon trains with furniture, flowers, mattresses and maids will be pulled from Moscow. Gardeners and gardeners will swarm around ... Hunters will start loading their guns.

Wait a week, be patient, but for now, put strong bandages on your chests so that your raging, urgent hearts do not jump out of your chests ...

By the way, how would you like to depict spring on paper? In any form? In the old days, she was depicted as a beautiful maiden pouring flowers on the ground. Flowers are synonymous with joys... Now there are other times, other customs, and another spring. We also depict her as a lady. It does not pour flowers, because there are no flowers and a hand in a muff. We should have portrayed her as skinny, thin, skeletal, with a consumptive blush, but let her be comme il faut! We make this concession to her only because she is a lady.

, about nature, about the weather.

Maria Mochalova
List of works fiction for reading to children lexical topics. Senior preschool age(part 2)

Theme: Winter hut for animals

1. S. Kozlov "How a hedgehog with a bear cub rubbed the stars"

2. N. Sladkov "The Bear and the Sun"

3. A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

4. V. Shulzhik "White Bear"

5. V. Bianchi "Bathing cubs"

6. E. Charushin "Bear"

7. I. Sokolov-Nikitov "Bear family", "Bears"

8. R. n. with "Bear Linden Leg"

9. R. n. With. "The Old Man and the Bear"

10. I. Sokolov-Nikitov "In the lair"

Theme: Trees in winter

1. N. Pavlova "Trees in winter"

2. Kaplan "Trees in a winter dream"

3. Pushkin "Winter Morning"

4. Ostrovsky " Winter forest”, “Trees in winter”

5. M. Prishvin "Aspen is cold"

6. S. Yesenin "Birch"

7. The Brothers Grimm "Three Lucky Men"

8. R. n. With. The Tale of the Rejuvenating Apple Tree and Living Water»

9. S. Voronin. "Blue Spruce", "Bird Pantry"

10. P. Solovyova "Rowan".

Topic: Animals of hot countries. Animals of cold countries.

1. B. Zakhoder "Turtle", "Giraffe".

2. Tajik fairy tale "tiger and fox"

3. K. Chukovsky "Turtle"

4. J.R. Kipling stories from The Jungle Book

5. B. Zhitkov "About the elephant".

6. N. Sladkov "In the ice".

7. E. Charushin "Elephant", Monkeys".

8. L. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog".

9. L. Rozhkovsky "In the menagerie", "Three crocodiles", "Long neck".

10. V. Stepanov "Tiger".

11. D. Rodovich "Crocodile".

12. M. Moskvina "What happened to the crocodile."

13. Yu. Dmitriev "Camel and donkey".

14. A. I. Kuprin "Elephant"

15. S. Baruzdin "Camel".

16. Khmelnytsky "The caterpillar and the crocodile"

17. B. S. Zhitkov “How the elephant saved the owner from the tiger.”

Theme: Tools

1. "Bad hammer and naughty nails."

2. Marshak, "What are the hammers."

1. 3. S. Black "Screwdriver".

2. M. Shapiro "Needle and thread".

3. Fairy tale "About a needle and a naughty thread."

4. Fairy tale "How the fingers argued over who should wear the thimble."

5. R. Boyko "Our Army dear"

6. And Shamov "At the far frontier"

7. A. Zharov "Border Guard"

8. Fairy tale "Porridge from an ax."

Theme: End of winter 1. I. Nikitin "Wizard the Winter". S. Ivanov "What is the snow."

2. R. Snegirev "Overnight in winter".

3. V. Sukhomlinsky "Bird Pantry", "How the Squirrel Grazed the Woodpecker", "Curious Woodpecker", What woodpeckers are.

4. Sokolov-Mikitov "Capercaillie".

5. F. Tyutchev "The Enchanting Winter".

6. S. Kozlov "Winter's Tale"

7. K. D. Ushinsky "Wind and Sun".

8. N. Nekrasov Not the wind rages over the forest "Winter fun".

9. S. Marshak "12 months" fairy tale.

10. I. Surikov "Winter"

11. V. Dal "Old man year old"

12. A. S. Pushkin “For the spring of the beauty of nature” (times

13. B. Grimm "White and Rose"

Subject: My family. Human.

1. G. Brailovskaya "Our mothers, our fathers."

2. V. Oseeva "Just an old woman."

3. I Segel "How I was a mom."

4. P. Voronko "Boy Help"

5. D. Gabe "My family".

6. And Barto "Vovka - a kind soul"

7. R. n. With. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

8. L. N. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughters."

9. E. Blaginina "Alyonushka".

Subject: House and its parts. Furniture.

1. Yu. Tuvim "Table".

2. S. Marshak "Where did the table come from?".

4. Tale in the processing of A. Tolstoy "Three fat men".

5. A. Lindgren "Carlson, who lives on the roof" (first chapter)

Theme: Fish

1. A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish."

2. N. Nosov "Karasik"

3. R. n. With. “At the command of a pike”, “Sister-chanterelle and a gray wolf”.

4. G.-H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".

5. E. Permyak "The First Fish".

6. L. N. Tolstoy "Shark".

7. V. Danko "Tadpole".

8. O. Grigoriev "Catfish"

9. B. Zakhoder "The Whale and the Cat".

Theme: Toys. Russian folk toy.

1. B. Zhitkov "What I saw."

2. With Marshak "Ball"

3. A. Barto "Rope", "Toys".

4. V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower"

5. E. Serova "Bad story".

6. V. Dragunsky "Friend of childhood"

Theme: Professions.

1. J. Rodari "What color is the craft?" What do crafts smell like?

2. I am Akim "Neumeyka".

3. A. Shibarev "Mailbox".

4. V. V. Mayakovsky "Who to be"

5. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

6. K Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

7. R. n. With. Seven Semeons - seven workers"

8. C. Pierro "Cinderella"

9. G. H. Anderson "Swineherd"

10. G. Srebitsky "Four Artists"

Theme: Defenders of the Fatherland. military professions.

1. O. Vysotskaya “My brother went to the border”, “At the TV”.

2. A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale".

3. Alexandrov "Watch".

4. L. Kassil "Your defenders."

Subject: Indoor plants.

1. V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"

2. S. T. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower".

3. G.-H. Andersen "Thumbelina".

1. M. Motherland "Mmina's hands".

2. E. Blaginina "Mother's Day", "Let's sit in silence", "Dandelion", "Spring"

3. J. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?"

4. E. Permyak "Mom's work"

5. V. Sukhomlinsky “My mother smells like bread”, “Forest in spring”

6. L. Kvitko "Grandma's hands".

7. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?".

8. N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares."

9. I. Tyutchev "Winter is angry for a reason"

10. S. Marshak "All year round"

11. G. Skrebitsky "April", "March".

12. V. Bianchi "Three Springs", "April"

13. "The Story of the Snowman"

14. G. Ladonshchikov "Helpers of spring

15. I. Sokolov-Mikitov Early Spring, Forest Pictures, Spring in the Forest

16. M. Prishvin “Spring in the forest”, “What color is spring?”, “Trees in captivity”

17. N. Sladkov "The Bear and the Sun", "Spring Streams", "Lover of Flowers", "Flight of Flowers"

18. W. Stuart "Snowdrop"

19. I. Lopukhina "Helper"

20. G. Armand - Tkachenko "The Beginning of Spring"

21. P. Radimov "March"

22. N. Plavinovshchikov "Drops, thawed patches"

23. O. Vysotskaya "Conversation with Spring", "Mimosa"

24. "Twelve months" (Slavic fairy tale)

25. fairy tale "Spring song"

26. E. Shim "Stone, stream, icicle and sun"

27. I. Tokmakova "Spring"

28. V. Bianchi How animals and birds meet spring»

29. “Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again” (abbreviated chapters, translated from the Swedish L. Lungina

30. Russian folk tale"Zayushkina's hut"

31. S. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

32. P. Solovyova "Snowdrop"

Theme: Arrival of birds

1. I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Over the swamp", "Heron"

2. N. Sladkov “Birds brought spring”, “Serious bird”, “Cuckoo years”

3. V. Chaplin "Rooks have arrived", "Birds in our forest"

4. V. Bianchi "Masters without an ax", "Rooks opened the spring"

5. M. Prishvin "The Talking Rook"

6. V. A. Sukhomlinsky “Like sparrows were waiting for the sun”

7. K. Bed "Cranes", "Sterkh", "Oriole"

8. A. Prokofiev "Spring telegram", "Rooks"

9. A. Krylov "The Cuckoo and the Rooster"

10. N. Batsanova "Cuckoo"

12. Army Grimm "King Drozdovik"

13. R. n. With. Tricky Science"

14. Fairy tale "Spring of white and blue"

15. B. Asanalis "Colors of Spring"

16. W. Stewart "Spring has come"

17. V. Flint. "Birds"

18. V. Permyak "Bird houses"

19. V. Chaplin "Birds in our forest"

20. "Cuckoo" Nenets fairy tale

21. I. Akim "Spring"

22. A. A. Pleshcheev "Swallow", "Spring"

23. G. Glukhov "Bird Trouble".

24. Slovak fairy tale "Visiting the sun"

25. S. Yesenin White birch

26. S. Osipov "Bird's Dining Room".

27. Arranged by S. Marshak "Nimble Swallow"

28. N. Nosov "Knock-knock-knock"

29. N. Romanova "Kotka and bird".

30. "Geese Swans" p. n. With

Subject: Mail.

1. S. Marshak "Mail".

2. J. Rodari "What color is the craft?"

3. “What do crafts smell like?”

4. I am Akim "Neumeyka".

5. A. Shibarev "Mailbox".

Subject: Construction. Professions, machines and mechanisms.

1. S. Baruzdin "Who built this house?"

3. M. Pozharova "Malyars"

4. G. Lyushnin "Builders"

5. E. Permyak "Mom's work".

Theme: Tableware

1. A. Gaidar "Blue Cup".

2. K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Moydodyr"

3. Br. Grimm "Pot of Porridge".

4. R. n. With. "fox and crane".

5. L. Berg "Pete and the Sparrow"

6. R. n. With. "Three Bears"

7. "The Tale of the Cup"

8. "How Alenka broke the cup"

9. G. Gorbovsky "Dinner", "Wooden Spoon".

10. Z. Alexandrova "About the Saucepan", "Big Spoon"

Theme: Space. Cosmonautics Day.

1. A. Barto "Rope".

2. S. Ya. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero".

3. Yu. A. Gagarin "I see the earth."

Subject: Insects.

1. V. Bianchi "Ant's Adventure".

2. I. A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant".

3. K. Ushinsky "Cabbage"

4. Yu. Arakcheev "The story of a green country."

5. Yu. Moritz "Lucky bug".

6. V. Lunin "Beetle"

7. V. Bryusov "Green worm".

8. N. Sladkov "Home Butterfly"

9. I. Maznin "Spider".

Subject: Food.

1. I. Tokmakova "Porridge"

2. Z. Aleksandrova "Delicious porridge".

3. E. Moshkovskaya "Masha and porridge"

4. M. Plyatskovsky "Who likes what."

5. V. Oseeva "Cookies".

6. R. n. With. "Pot of porridge"

Theme: Victory Day.

1. S. Alekseev "The first night ram", "House"

2. M Isakovsky "A Red Army soldier is buried here."

3. A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale".

4. A. Mityaev "A bag of oatmeal", "Victory Day"

5. M. Isakovsky "Forever remember."

6. S. Baruzdin "Glory".

7. K. Simonov "The Son of an Artilleryman".

8. L. Serova "Grandfather's galosh"

9. B. Zakhoder Gray Star"

10. V. Oseeva "Taran", "Forest partisans", "What is easier", Direct fire"

11. V. Stepanov "Holiday"

12. A. Smirnov "Who was at war"

13. V. Lebedev - Kumach "We are brave people"

Theme: Our Motherland Russia. Moscow is capital of Russia.

1. A. Prokofiev "Motherland".

2. Z. Alexandrova "Motherland".

3. M. Yu. Lermontov "Motherland"

4. S. Baruzdin "For the Motherland".

Subject: School. School supplies.

1. V. Berestov "Reader".

2. L. Voronkova "Girlfriends go to school."

3. S. Ya. Marshak "The first day of the calendar."

4. V. Oseeva "The Magic Word".

5. L. N. Tolstoy "Phillipok".

Subject: Electrical Appliances

1. "The tale of how the electrical appliances in the store quarreled"

2. "The story of the sun and the electric lamp"

3. Fairy tale "Iron and dress"

4. Cat Barsik and washing machine.

5. "Burnt Cookie"

6. "Chandelier is a smartass"

7. A. Maslennikova "Vacuum cleaner"

8. "I'm a teapot - a grumbler"

9. N. Nosov "Telephone"

Theme: Summer, summer clothes, shoes, hats.

1. K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes".

2. A. Pleshcheev "The Old Man"

3. E. Blaginina "Dandelion".

4. Z. Alexandrova "Sarafan".

5. V. A. Zhukovsky "Summer Evening".

Theme: Musical instruments

1. The Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians"

2. "How many pipes are there"

3. "Flute and wind"

4. Edie Fireflower "Dudka" "Tambourine", Cymbals" "Skipka"

5. In Semerin "Music lives everywhere"

6. Yu. V. Gurin "Musical cat"

Music section publications

Spring playlist

We got up early today.
We can't sleep tonight!
They say the starlings are back!
They say it's spring!

Guide Lagzdyn. March

The spring inspired many talented people. Poets sang of her beauty with words, artists tried to capture the riot of her colors with a brush, and musicians tried to convey her gentle sound more than once. Kultura.RF remembers Russian composers who dedicated their works to spring.

Pyotr Tchaikovsky, The Seasons. Spring"

Konstantin Yuon. March sun. 1915. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Spring performed by the outstanding Russian composer is revealed in three of the twelve scenes of the piano cycle "The Seasons".

The idea of ​​creating musical seasons was not new. Long before Pyotr Tchaikovsky, such sketches were created by the Italian maestro Antonio Vivaldi and the Austrian composer Joseph Haydn. But if the European masters created a seasonal picture of nature, then Tchaikovsky devoted a separate theme to each month.

Touching musical sketches were not originally a spontaneous manifestation of Tchaikovsky's love for nature. The idea of ​​the cycle belonged to Nicholas Bernard, editor of the Nuvellist magazine. It was he who commissioned it to the composer for a collection in which musical works were accompanied by poems - including those of Apollo Maykov and Afanasy Fet. spring months were presented with the paintings “March. Song of the Lark”, “April. Snowdrop" and "May. White Nights".

Tchaikovsky's spring turned out to be lyrical and at the same time bright in sound. Exactly the same as the author once wrote about her in a letter to Nadezhda von Meck: “I love our winter, long, stubborn. You can’t wait until fasting comes, and with it the first signs of spring. But what a magic our spring is with its suddenness, its magnificent strength!.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, The Snow Maiden

Isaac Levitan. March. 1895. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

A story familiar to many since childhood spring fairy tale found musical form thanks to an interesting set of circumstances. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov got acquainted with Alexander Ostrovsky's fairy tale in 1874, but it made a "strange" impression on the composer.

Only five years later, as the author himself recalled in his memoirs "Chronicles to my musical life", he "saw the sight of her amazing beauty." Having received Ostrovsky's permission to use the plot of his play, the composer wrote his famous opera in three summer months.

In 1882, the opera The Snow Maiden in four acts premiered at the Mariinsky Theatre. Ostrovsky highly appreciated the work of Rimsky-Korsakov, noting that he could never imagine "more appropriate and vividly expressing all the poetry of the pagan cult" music for his work. The images of the young daughter of Frost and Spring, the shepherd Lel and Tsar Berendey turned out so vivid that the composer himself called The Snow Maiden "his best work."

To understand how Rimsky-Korsakov saw spring, one should listen to the beginning of the Prologue and the Fourth Act of his opera.

Sergei Rachmaninov, "Spring Waters"

Arkhip Kuindzhi. Early spring. 1890–1895 Kharkov Art Museum.

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And water
already in the spring they make noise -
and wake up the sleepy shore,
and they shine and they say ...
they all say:
it's coming, spring is coming!
We are young
spring messengers,
sent us ahead!

Fedor Tyutchev

It was these lines of Fyodor Tyutchev that formed the basis of the romance of the same name by Sergei Rachmaninov "Spring Waters". Written in 1896, the romance completed the early period of the composer's work, still filled with romantic traditions and lightness of content.

The impetuous and seething sound of Rachmaninov's spring corresponded to the mood of the era: to late XIX century, after the domination of critical realism and censorship of the second half of the century, society was awakening, a revolutionary movement was growing in it, and in the public consciousness there was anxiety associated with the imminent entry into new era.

Alexander Glazunov, "Seasons: Spring"

Boris Kustodiev. Spring. 1921. Art Gallery of the Generations Foundation. Khanty-Mansiysk.

In February 1900, the Mariinsky Theater staged the premiere of the allegorical ballet The Seasons, which unfolded the eternal story of the life of Nature - from awakening after a long winter sleep to fading into an autumn waltz of leaves and snow.

The musical accompaniment of the idea of ​​​​Ivan Vsevolozhsky was the work of Alexander Glazunov, who at that time was a famous and respected musician. Together with his teacher Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, he restored and completed Alexander Borodin's opera Prince Igor, made his debut at the World Exhibition in Paris, and wrote the music for the ballet Raymonda.

The plot of The Four Seasons was created by Glazunov based on his own symphonic painting Spring, which he painted nine years earlier. In it, spring turned to the Zephyr wind for help in order to drive away winter and surround everything around with love and warmth.

Symphonic picture "Spring"

Igor Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring

Nicholas Roerich. Set design for the ballet The Rite of Spring. 1910. Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York, USA

Another "spring" ballet belongs to another student of Rimsky-Korsakov - Igor Stravinsky. As the composer wrote in his memoirs “The Chronicle of My Life”, one day a picture of pagan rituals and a girl who sacrificed her beauty and life in the name of awakening the sacred spring suddenly appeared in his imagination.

He shared his idea with stage designer Nicholas Roerich, who was also passionate about Slavic traditions, and entrepreneur Sergei Diaghilev.

It was within the framework of the Russian Seasons of Diaghilev in Paris in May 1913 that the premiere of the ballet took place. The public did not accept pagan dances and condemned "barbarian music". The staging failed.

The composer later described the main idea of ​​the ballet in the article “What I wanted to express in The Rite of Spring”: "The bright Resurrection of nature, which is reborn to a new life, a complete resurrection, a spontaneous resurrection of the conception of the world". And this wildness is really felt in the magical expression of Stravinsky's music, full of primordial human feelings and natural rhythms.

100 years later, in the same theater on the Champs Elysees, where The Rite of Spring was booed, the troupe and orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater performed this opera - this time with a full house.

Part one "Kiss of the Earth". "Spring round dances"

Dmitry Kabalevsky, "Spring"

Igor Grabar. March snow. 1904. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

In the work of Dmitry Kabalevsky, a classic of the Soviet musical school, public figure and teacher, the motives of spring met more than once. For example, spring notes sound throughout the entire operetta "Spring Sings", staged for the first time in November 1957 on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater. The famously twisted plot of the work in three acts was dedicated to the Soviet spring, the symbol of which was the October Revolution. Aria main character"Spring Again" summed up the composer's main idea: happiness is earned only by struggle.

Three years later, Dmitry Kabalevsky dedicated another work to this season - the symphonic poem "Spring", which is centered around the sounds of awakening nature.

Symphonic poem "Spring", op. 65 (1960)

Georgy Sviridov, "Spring Cantata"

Vasily Baksheev. Blue spring. 1930. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The work of Georgy Sviridov is one of the main symbols of the Soviet musical era. His suite "Time Forward" and illustrations for Pushkin's "Snowstorm" have long become classics of world culture.

The composer turned to the theme of spring in 1972: he composed the Spring Cantata, inspired by Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”. This work was a kind of reflection on the choice of the spiritual path of Russia, but Sviridov did not deprive him of Nekrasov's inherent poetic admiration for the beauty of Russian nature. For example, the composer saved the following lines in Cantata:

Spring has begun
The birch blossomed
As we went home...
ok light
In the world of God!
Okay, easy
Clear to the heart.

Nikolai Nekrasov

The instrumental part of the cantata "Bells and Horns" has a special mood:

Spring is coming! The days have become longer, we have the sun again at home, soon the birds will sing. I always look forward to spring. My son and I are waiting for her, so at the end of February we start reading “spring books”. They will be discussed.

I really love "seasonal" books. I have a shelf of autumn books, winter books, a shelf of spring books. I think it's great to tell a child about the seasons, not only by observing the changes in nature, but also by reading certain literature. So, a small review of the "spring literature".

I also really like books that have a small plot, where the main characters perform some "seasonal" actions. For example, the absolutely wonderful book "Spring of the Bear Bruno" Ingves. Main character- Bear Bruno and his dog Lolla, they live in a house near the forest. In the spring, they have a lot to do: they need to have time to plant seedlings, hang a birdhouse, go for a walk in the forest, and at the same time have a picnic. Here are very delicate transparent drawings with many details that are not visible at first glance. Each time you read the book opens up in a new way.

The book is suitable for children from 2 to 4-5 years old.

Another similar book for children from 2 to 4 years old is " Castor's vegetable garden» Cleaning. The book isn't specifically tied to spring, but it makes more sense to plant beans in spring than in fall. Therefore, I attribute it to the "spring" books. After this book, it is also very good to grow something with a baby. Plant beans at least. My son loves this book very much.

If you have already touched on the topic of landings, then without a book « definitely not enough. This book is for older children, ages 3 to 5. The name speaks for itself. The book tells in great detail about vegetables: what they are, how they grow, what animals gardeners meet, what seasonal work needs to be done in the garden. A very useful book. It will especially appeal to children who are familiar with the garden in one way or another, and see vegetables not only on the store counter. And it will be very informative for city children.

Another story book is The Green Book of Spring by Kusharier. Only here it tells about one day in the life of a boy. So many questions are considered, ranging from how we dress in the spring to why the days are getting longer.

Now let's move on to fairy tales. There are fairy tales about spring too. These are, for example, the well-known fairy tales "The Fox and the Hare" and "Snow Maiden". The first - for the age of up to 3.5 years, the second - not earlier than 4 years.

Very interesting fairy tales are written by M. Aromshtam. I like her autumn stories (for example, "Stomach"), but the spring ones are also very good. They are just for the age of 3-4 years.

If the soul asks for something like that, then "Children of Mother Earth" von Olfers is the very thing. This book is from the beginning of the 20th century, that is, it is more than 100 years old. This is a magical story about transformations in nature. Attention, the drawings in the book may seem blurry to many.

Now let's move on to poetry.
The first book that I want to pay attention to is “The Seasons. Poems of Russian poets about nature ». It contains simply wonderful drawings by V. Kanivets. Poems are divided into seasons, the most famous (and unknown) verses are in it. The book will also come in handy at school.

Spring Story:

In spring, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become longer.
Snow melts everywhere, stormy sonorous streams run.
The ice on rivers, ponds and lakes is covered with cracks, becomes loose, darkens and melts, ice drift begins. Ice floes float along the river, break with a crash, and melt water floods the meadows and lowlands. The flood begins.
Icicles hang from the roofs, at noon, when the sun warms more strongly, the icicles begin to melt, spring drops ring.
The sap of the trees, warmed by the spring sun, rises from the roots to the swelling buds. The buds of the willow have fluffed up, and although there are no leaves yet, the whole tree seems to be shrouded in a delicate yellow-green cloud. Earrings on alder and hazel become brighter, fluffy. Spring flowers open in forests, fields and meadows: coltsfoot, snowdrop, lungwort.
Insects wake up after a long winter. Migratory birds return from warm lands to their homeland. Rooks arrive first, then starlings, wagtails, and larks.
Ends hibernation animals. Adult animals shed, winter wool is replaced by summer, and the squirrel and hare also change the color of their coats.
A she-bear comes out of the den with her cubs. A badger comes out of a hole. The she-wolf has cubs.
In the spring people have a lot of work. In the field they prepare the soil for crops and sow rye, barley, and millet. Early crops are sown in vegetable gardens: dill, parsley, carrots, onions.
Gardens are covered with white and pink lace capes - apple trees, cherries, plums bloom.

Poems about Spring

Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything got busy
Everything forces Winter out -
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise...
Wicked witch pissed off
And grab the snow
Let go, run away
To a beautiful child...
Spring and grief is not enough:
Washed up in the snow
And only became blush
Against the enemy.
(F. Tyutchev)

I listen to drops at noon
It murmurs like a bird's chirp.
Ringing with a crystal bell
Escaping from the roof above the porch.
Kapel murmurs, rings, sings,
She breaks snow and ice.
She doesn't care about a big snowdrift,
She runs like a living stream.
I'll clear the way for the stream
So that he can see the world.

Spring has a lot of work
Rays help her:
Together they drive along the roads
talking streams,
Melt the snow, break the ice,
Warm all around.
From under the needles and blades of grass
The first sleepy beetle crawled out.
Flowers on the thaw
golden blossoms,
Poured, swollen kidneys
Bumblebees fly from the nest.
Spring has a lot of worries,
But things are looking up:
Emerald field became
And the gardens are in bloom.

Look, spring is coming
Cranes fly in a caravan
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And streams on ravines rustle.
Soon you will have guests
How many nests will be built, look!
What kind of sounds, for songs will pour
Day-to-day from dawn to dusk.
(I. S. Nikitin)

spring song
The snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field.
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.
Clouds run faster
The sky got higher.
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.
It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.
(S. Marshak)

Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet.
Black thawed patches
visible in the fields.
Yes, very warm
Spring's feet.
(I. Tokmakova)

About Spring
They told us about spring
Songs from the birdhouse
And yellow earrings
On the branches of a hazel.
They told us about spring
Sparrows are pugnacious,
Shaggy willows,
The streams are noisy.
On a forest clearing,
blue snowdrops
And raw boots.
(N. Naydenova)


"Find the extra word."

Explain your choice.

1. March, April, May, November:
2. coltsfoot, lungwort, chamomile, snowdrop;
3.bear cub, fox cub, calf, squirrel;
4.butterfly, wagtail, bumblebee, bee;
5.tractor, shovel, rake, pitchfork.

Name the action:
1. What does the sun do in spring?
(Shines, illuminates the earth, warms, warms, pleases, shines ...)
2. What does grass do in spring?
(It rises, appears, sprouts, breaks through, turns green, covers the earth with a carpet ...)
3. What do birds do in spring?
(They arrive, return to their native lands, build nests, settle in birdhouses, breed chicks ...)
4. What do buds do in spring?
(They pour, swell, burst, unfold into green leaves, grow, open; the first leaves appear from the buds - tender, green, fragrant, odorous ...)
5. What can you do with flowers?(Plant, water, look at them, admire them, give, smell, cut them, put them in a vase ...)

Proverbs about Spring:

1. April with water, May with grass.
2. May, May, don't take off your coat.
3. Who does not start sowing in March, forgets about his good.
4. Spring - our father and mother, whoever does not sow will not gather.
5. Spring is red during the day.
6. Spring will show everything.
7. Martok - put on two trousers.
8. March sits on the nose with frost.
9. No matter how angry the blizzard is, everything blows in the spring.
10. Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring.
11. Prepare the sleigh from spring, and the wheels from autumn.
12. You will miss a day in spring, you will not return a year.
13. You sow the day before, you harvest the week before.
14. Sow in the weather - more offspring.
15. He who sows early does not lose seeds.
16. Whoever hopes for heaven sits without bread.
17. In the spring you will fall behind for an hour, you will not catch up during the day.
18. Spring is red during the day.

Riddles about Spring:

I water the crops
Full of movement.
My name is... (spring)

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small. (Snowdrop)

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming...
When does it happen? (Spring)

She grows upside down
It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die. (Icicle)

Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings. (Lark)

Noisy, thundered,
I washed everything and left.
And orchards and orchards
I watered the whole area. (Storm)

They won't wait for me
When they see it, they run away. (Rain)

An arrow flew
Fell into a swan.
I'm looking - I can't find it. (Lightning)

The ox roared
On a hundred mountains
For a thousand cities. (Thunder)

Riddles about the month of March:
In warm sunny boots
With a light on the clasps,
A boy runs through the snow
- Snow scares, little rascal:
Just set foot - the snow melted,
The ice on the rivers broke.
Captivated by his passion.
And this boy is ... (March)

blowing warm South wind,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting,
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know?

The streams run faster
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow happy with the weather
- Looked at us for a month ...

Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything got busy
Everything forces Winter out -
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise...
(F. Tyutchev)

March women's holiday notes
Gives gifts, congratulates
And - in cellophane from frost -
Everyone gives sprigs of mimosa.

Riddles about the month of April:
The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?
The bear got out of the den,
Mud and puddles on the road
In the sky the lark trills
- Came to visit us...
In the night - frost
In the morning - drops,
So, in the yard...
Wakes the forest, fields and mountains,
All meadows and gardens.
He knocks on everything,
Sings by the water.
"Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile!"
A flute is heard in the distance.
It wakes everyone...

Snow is melting,
And from the roofs - drops,
The birds returned from the south.
naughty boy -
In all streams frolic.

Bear woke up
No sadness, no anxiety
The bear was sleeping in his lair.
Slept through the winter until spring
And he must have been dreaming.
Suddenly the clubfoot woke up
Hears - caplet ...
Here's the trouble!
Fumbled in the dark with his paw
And jumped up - around the water!
The bear hurried out:
Fills - not to sleep!
He got out and sees: puddles,
Snow is melting...
Spring came!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Streams run through the fields
On the roads - puddles,
Ants coming soon
After the winter cold.
Bear sneaking
Through the woods.
The birds began to sing songs.
And the snowdrop blossomed.
(S. Marshak)

Eyebrows king frown
Said yesterday:
"The storm came down
Monument to Peter.
He got scared:
"I did not know! Really?
The king laughed.
“First, brother, April…”
(A. S. Pushkin)

Riddles about the month of May:

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
IN White color dressed garden,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?
The garden tried on white
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our land is dressed in greenery
We are warmly welcomed...
A baby runs in bast shoes,
You hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms
He laughs - everything sings.
Hid happiness in the petals
At the lilac on the bushes.
"My lily of the valley, fragrant!"
- Commanded cheerful ...

Poems :
Nature breathes.
On warm days
Buzzed in cherries
May beetles.
Seven cherries.
Each has three beetles.
Zhukov count
For sure.
Come on!

Dear starling,
Come, finally!
For you I house built,
Not a birdhouse, but a palace!
Come and sing
Song about green May!
Come to our yard soon!
All is ready! Come fly!
(M. Karim)

Lily of the valley blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.
May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.
(S. Marshak)
Victory Day

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
Grandmothers are watching after them.
(T. Belozerov)