New era: Saturn in Capricorn (2018–2020) - forecast by zodiac sign. New era: Saturn in Capricorn (2018–2020) - forecast by zodiac sign Saturn's transition into Capricorn

Another astrological event is approaching, important and tangible for everyone. On October 26, 2017, Saturn moves into the sign of Sagittarius. He will stay here until January 23, 2020.

It is very important how Saturn will feel here and what mood it will convey to us.

So, the soil for Saturn is Sagittarius - a fire sign, in the Sattva guna, its owner is Jupiter. The relationship between Jupiter and Saturn is neutral. The relationships manifested for each will need to be taken into account individually in the horoscope. It is important that for Saturn Jupiter is an assistant, bringing his affairs to the goal, and the goal itself is completely unimportant for him. It’s just that Saturn’s wishes will be fulfilled, it’s possible that the method will be softer, since Jupiter is still a noble Teacher. The fiery nature of Sagittarius will heat up the airy nature of Saturn. From this we can conclude that Saturn in Sagittarius is quite comfortable, he has strength and desires, inspiration to act, to influence our destinies.

The main message of Saturn is to teach us to be wise, humble, able to accept fate, but not sit idly by in despondency and depression. As the book “The Greatness of Saturn” teaches us, he is merciful to those who do not have pride and arrogance. Sagittarius is the 9th house of the main horoscope, and this is the house of spirituality and long-distance travel, so it is likely that interest in these topics will increase. Asceticism, piety, justice, silence - such qualities can manifest themselves due to transit. How strong, and what exactly will depend on which house of your horoscope Sagittarius occupies.

No one will have any influence on Saturn until March 7, 2019, except for the transits of fast Planets.

But on March 7, 2019, Ketu will move into Sagittarius, and Rahu will move into Gemini, and they and Saturn will be under mutual influence. But, since the strength of Rahu and Ketu in these signs is higher, they have a greater impact on Saturn than Saturn on them.

The conjunction of Saturn and Ketu and the aspect of Rahu is very karmic as all these Planets especially represent Karma. There is that karma that is unchangeable, and that which can be changed by improving your character, thoughts, and aspirations. And now there will come a period when the influence of Saturn and Ketu will be very strong. Many people will experience the influence of karma (although every day is subject to its influence), when events will be inevitable, and it will be very difficult to alleviate or somehow change them. It is important to be prepared for this and, perhaps, knowing your weak spots, try to change the character or attitude towards events in advance. Read spiritual literature, work with a psychologist, understand yourself. This period will last until the end of Saturn’s stay in Sagittarius on January 23, 2020.

But relief can come from the entry of the sign’s owner, Jupiter, into Sagittarius. This will happen:

  • from March 29, 2019 to April 22, 2019 and
  • from November 6, 2019 to March 29, 2020.

Although we remember that Jupiter helps bring Saturn’s desires to the goal, so we will drink the cup of our lessons to the bottom, maybe not so bitter.

The most difficult periods will be from March 7 to March 29, 2019, from April 23 to November 7, 2019, and especially from April 30 to September 17, 2019 - this time will coincide with the retrograde of Saturn.

It will be difficult for those who are going through the Sade-Sati period: Lunar Scorpios, Sagittarius, Capricorns. The degree of severity will depend on the strength of Saturn and on the strength of the houses where Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn are located in the individual horoscope.

Saturn and Jupiter show the opportunity for important events in life, such as marriage and the birth of children.

Rising Libra, Leo, Aquarius can hope to have children. There is a possibility for Gemini, since Jupiter and Saturn aspect the 9th house of the horoscope.

Leos and Sagittarius can count on a wedding.

This does not mean that other signs will not be lucky in starting a family or having a child, since Saturn and Jupiter can aspect the lords of the houses responsible for these events, but this is visible only when considering an individual horoscope.

Saturn can also affect issues of career, income and expenses.

As a result, we can say that you cannot be afraid of the Transit of any Planet, including Saturn.

Firstly, each transit will be affected individually, and it is possible that this transit will be successful for you.

Secondly, in Jyotish the value of transit is less than the value of Dasha, that is, the period of the Planet or Sign.

And thirdly, the card itself must promise events, and transit only confirms or does not confirm them.

Saturn moved through the zodiac and constellations, passing on its wisdom so that we could gain a deeper understanding of who we really are.

Now, 28 years later, Saturn is preparing to return home, moving into the sign of Capricorn on December 21, 2017, where it will remain until March 23, 2020. As Saturn prepares to return home, we will all feel profound changes within ourselves, and a cosmic energy will reign in our lives to enable us to return to our roots and find a new sense of belonging and grounding in who we are and why we came here. And in the constellation Capricorn, Saturn will help you express all your best qualities and materialize them for all of us, which will greatly contribute to learning and growth.

Saturn symbolizes boundaries, foundation and responsibility. In fact, Saturn is often perceived as a strict teacher in astrology. Saturn can give tough lessons and demand that everyone homework has been done, but once you accept the lessons and work hard, Saturn will always reward you.

Now that Saturn is preparing to leave Sagittarius, where it has been since December 2014, if you pay attention and see where you have been forced to work a little harder and face more challenges in your life since 2014, you may gain an intuitive understanding that lessons have been prepared especially for you.

As we approach December 21st, we all begin to feel a sense of completion when it comes to... final stage these lessons, and, of course, you will feel stronger, wiser and more confident in the specific area of ​​your life that the planetary teacher helped to work through. As mentioned, Saturn always rewards its students for their hard work, so pay attention and see what gifts the Universe brings your way.

As Saturn exits Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn, we will all be feeling a shift for ourselves. After all, this is a fairly large planet; it can easily create cosmic waves and vibrations in the Universe. While Saturn is in Capricorn, the feeling of order and structure will not leave you. Situations will become more grounded and organized, in other words, as if everything fell into place. To learn the lessons of Saturn, we must approach that edge of transition and take responsibility for our lives, act in accordance with personal beliefs and true essence, in other words, without betraying ourselves.

Saturn in Capricorn will encourage us to look at life realistically and look for realistic and practical ways, so we can make changes and create boundaries in order to get what we want. Of course, sometimes we ourselves will be limited in some ways, but this is only in order to reconsider what we really want and what we are willing to do to get what we want. At times, this energy may seem a little harsh, but we must remember that Saturn always has our best interests at heart. He pushes us into difficulties and unusual situations not because he wants us to, but so that we reach our full potential. He doesn't spare us and allows us a couple of hard blows because he knows we will come out stronger and more determined.

Saturn helps us take our dreams and turn them into tangible reality. It gives us the motivation to work hard and get results, and the more we can embrace that energy, the more we can use it in a productive and thoughtful manner. This energy is suitable for getting a big boost in productivity and motivation, especially when it comes to any career goals.

At the same time, the energy of Saturn in Capricorn can also push you to return to your “roots” and connect with your family. Long-standing family conflicts will also surface and finally be resolved safely.

On a global level, Saturn in Capricorn will shine its shining light on authority figures. People in power, or people who have power over others, will really have to make sure that they act ethically and for the greater good, or Saturn may have to step in and show them the right path. Saturn moves into the sign of the Earth, Mother Earth will also be in the spotlight and we all must think about the environment and take measures to protect the planet, even at our micro level, plant trees and flowers, remove garbage, at least for ourselves, so that this lesson will be with you was learned. In fact, ignoring the Earth during this transit may have serious consequences, so it’s very important for us all to unite and start supporting our planet and all its inhabitants.

Saturn in Capricorn is a powerful planetary phenomenon and to make the most of it, we will have to become practical and hardworking. In their native constellation, Saturn, they certainly feel more comfortable and more confident; here the soil is fertile and ready for us to begin building according to the desire of our hearts. However, since Saturn is practical and wants us to look at things more realistically, we must really evaluate and find reasons for what we want and why we chose to get things moving.

Saturn wants to make sure that our motives are pure and that we are reconnecting with our higher purpose, not straying from our destined path.

For those born between 1988-1990 and 1959-1961, Saturn in Capricorn will be even more noticeable, and various questions will periodically pop up in front of you:

  • Why do you do what you do?
  • Is this what you should do?
  • What do you want for your life?
  • What do you want for your future?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next 30 years?
  • Are you living up to your potential?

These are the types of tough questions that Saturn will force you to answer. You will have to come to terms with some decisions along the way. Before you make a decision, always make sure you choose wisely.

Saturn has a strong masculine energy and if there are any wounds around male attitude in your life, they can also be highlighted in this moment. The most important relationship is the relationship with the father. Typically, Saturn energies bring a lot of healing related to the father and you may find that this is the ideal time to resolve any differences with men.

Saturn in Capricorn will also feel strong for those with their sun, moon or rising sign in Capricorn.

Accept the lessons of this wise planet and your wisdom and hard work will definitely be royally rewarded, because Saturn is not only harsh and fair, but also generous.


In mythology, Saturn is Chronos, the lord of time, the guardian of the threshold between life and death, time and eternity, who sets strict limits to everything that is available to his power and ensures that everything comes to an end sooner or later.

Saturn is the farthest of the septenary planets, and its orbit, as it were, outlines the boundaries of visible reality (that is, reality accessible to the perception of most people), and organizes this reality within certain limits. And this determines the main functions of Saturn - to set boundaries and limits, to structure, to organize all life processes within specific boundaries.

The main principles of Saturn - limitation, order, hierarchy, design within strict limits, concentration, responsibility, long-termism - are absolutely neutral. When we learn to accept and implement these principles in our reality as they are, without dividing into good and bad, life ceases to be a series of harsh Saturnian lessons and takes on meaning and direction.

Automatically, we, as a rule, deny the fact of limitation - both our own, associated with embodiment in a material body, and life in the world of material forms and social structures, built according to certain laws. Where we do not recognize this principle, it actually comes into our lives as a result of difficult circumstances, tough lessons and losses. That is why the influence of Saturn is perceived by most people as heavy, and medieval astrologers even called Saturn “the great evil.”

But this same principle - restrictions and frameworks - allows us, within the framework of earthly life, to give concrete outlines to our ideas and plans, to embody them in specific forms, to build our life in the material world in a certain order, to give it structure.

The reality outlined by the boundaries of Saturn and accessible to the perception of the majority is the reality of the material world and society with all its generally accepted principles, laws, hierarchy, mechanisms that help keep any manifestations of life within certain boundaries.

Beyond this reality (and beyond the framework of Saturn) is the region of existence - higher meanings, extraordinary possibilities, eternity. But according to the order of planetary orbits, before we can move to existential levels, we must become accustomed to the Saturnian social and earthly framework, develop respect for the boundaries and laws of earthly life.

Saturn changing the sign of its presence means a change in the circumstances, ways and conditions for the implementation of its principles in our lives for a period of about two and a half years. The sign of transit Saturn will indicate how during this period we will achieve our most long-term goals, build long-term life structures, how and in connection with what we will solve our most difficult life tasks, what limitations we may encounter.

Saturn in Capricorn: Rising to the Top of the Mountain

December 20, 2017 Saturn, the farthest and slowest visible planet of ours solar system, will move into the sign of Capricorn, which it will leave completely only in December 2020.

Since September 2015, while Saturn was moving through the sign of Sagittarius, our most serious projects were related to the topics of the development of ideas and concepts, education, distant countries, or directly depended on them. The main tasks of Saturn in Sagittarius - gaining wisdom, expanding life prospects and horizons, acquiring knowledge - at this time could be realized either through our own efforts, or as a result of severe crises and forced circumstances.

From December 2017, when Saturn moves into the sign of its abode, Capricorn, we will have to translate emerging prospects into concrete forms, use accumulated knowledge to achieve long-term goals, to determine our place in the hierarchical structures of society, or, according to by and large- to determine your place in the world.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis in the Zodiac symbolically corresponds to the path of direct vertical ascent, and Capricorn is the guardian of the Mountain - a symbol of our claims, ambitions, highest achievements, but also a symbol of our most difficult tasks, the most difficult section of the path, where we will be asked the most strictly , and mistakes will cost us as much as possible.

The period of Saturn’s stay in the sign of Capricorn is a very serious time, which for us will be associated either with climbing to the top of the Mountain of our achievements, or with painful falls.

Time for achievements and creation of serious life structures

On the one hand, Saturn, as the farthest visible planet, symbolizes our most distant and long-term goals, the possibility of achieving the highest results in the development of material and social reality. During the period of stay in the sign of its abode, Saturn can provide us with the conditions for obtaining the most significant results in business and for approaching our personal peaks.

True, at this time we are unlikely to be able to count on quick and easy results or random luck - we will have to cope with the most difficult tasks in our lives, with the largest amount of work, and take on maximum responsibility and obligations.

If we are ready for this, then the next almost 3 years can become the time for creating the most serious and durable structures of our lives, implementing important and long-term projects, translating our most significant ideas into concrete forms.

By and large, in the period from December 2017 to December 2020, the “construction” and design processes that began in 1996 reach their peak.

The most important goals and most significant achievements of this period for us can be associated with professional fulfillment, issues of status, position, career, with determining one’s place in the social hierarchy, with the creation of business and social structures, and building one’s own business.

Time to determine your Big Path and Place in the Big World

Of course, as the farthest visible planet, Saturn symbolizes the main tasks of our lives, and the sign of Capricorn, corresponding to the symbolic 10th house, is associated with how we determine our place in this world in the grand scheme of things. Being in Capricorn, Saturn invites us to answer questions - what am I doing here, where am I going, what are my main life goals, to determine our Place in Big World and connect the direction of your Great Path with it. Moreover, over the next three years we will have to confirm our choice with concrete actions and practical results. In this case, all circumstances will contribute to the purposeful building of our life as the most important project aimed at realizing a big goal, and the principles of boundaries, responsibility, order and obligations will be built into it naturally. In this case, the outside world will provide us with every opportunity for growth, progress and consolidation of our position in its structures.

The false paths and foreign roads we have followed will crumble at this time, forcing us to re-search ourselves and determine the direction of our lives. In such cases, we may lose interest in previous goals, experience periods of collapse of previous guidelines, find ourselves unnecessary where we spent years of our lives, and think about changing our profession.

A time of restrictions, losses and painful falls

As the planet whose orbit limits visible reality and separates us from eternity, Saturn is associated with our most serious internal barriers, with those areas where we are most vulnerable, most afraid of being left without protection, what we hold on to with all our might, what we are most afraid of lose.

And if in our perception of Saturnian principles the focus is not on opportunities, but on limitations and fears, it is these that will be maximally intensified under the influence of a planet with a strong status.

External objects, categories and structures of the material world, with the help of which we create illusions of security for ourselves and free ourselves from responsibility, can be destroyed during the passage of Saturn through the sign of Capricorn.

If at this time we cannot take responsibility for our lives, are not ready to seriously work on our long-term goals, are not able to confirm our position in this world with concrete results, we will have to face painful restrictions.

The rigid framework in which we may find ourselves in this case may be associated with the influence of state, political, economic crises, superior or older people, external circumstances - all those categories and objects that we are accustomed to placing “above ourselves”, which serve us to shift responsibility. Crises of this period can also be associated with career, status, position, stability, as well as with those people who provided us with all of the above.

For example, in 1929-32, when Saturn passed through the sign of Capricorn, under the influence of the “Great Depression” and the global economic crisis, a huge number of people lost their jobs and stability. About the same thing happened in 1988-91, when Saturn again passed through the sign of Capricorn, but in addition to work and stability, at that time, for many, plans for the future and prospects collapsed.

Destroying everything external, on which the illusions of our security and stability are based, Saturn in Capricorn forces us to serious work where we were not ready for it, and teaches us to accept the fact that no objects of the material (and external) world are eternal and can provide us with guarantees of security.

How to prevent losses and crises

From the point of view of astrotransformation (the direction in which I synthesized astrology, psychology and modern ideas about the world, and where astrology is a tool not only for diagnosis, but also for managing one’s life), no astrological factors should bring destructive or exclusively Negative influence.

Each planet represents a universal principle that we have to adapt to our internal reality, manifest in ourselves and reproduce in external reality. If we do not do this of our own free will, this principle manifests itself forcefully and in the most severe forms - that is, in those that we simply cannot ignore.

Saturn in Capricorn offers us:

  • Learn to rely on yourself, achieve your goals on your own, developing an inner core, those qualities, skills and abilities that will support us in any situation;
  • Learn to take responsibility for your own life, as a result of your own decisions and choices;
  • Learn to take responsibility for what is within our control and give up claims to control what is outside of it;
  • Learn to bring your affairs to their logical conclusion, obtain specific practical results, measure your effectiveness and progress in specific and subject-specific indicators;
  • Learn to structure and organize your life, highlighting the main and secondary, building connections between the various elements of our life;
  • Deal with your fears and limiting beliefs;
  • Determine your main and long-term life goals, your Big Path, find your Place in the Big World, confirm all this with specific work and deeds;
  • Work on big projects, long-term goals, for the future;
  • Make part of your inner reality such categories as discipline, patience, the ability to plan your life in the long term, and fulfill your obligations;
  • Raise both the bar of your aspirations and the level of your capabilities, constantly improving.

The Saturnian principle simply will not need additional accents and manifestations, much less painful and traumatic manifestations, if over the next three years all this becomes part of our realities by our own choice.

Themes and structure of the period

The main areas of life that Saturn will inspect and in which important changes can occur: everything related to career, professional activity, position, status, relationships with higher people and authorities, with hierarchical and social structures, as well as everything related to older relatives, real estate, property, construction.

As a rule, at the beginning (first half) of the sign, Saturn increases the deficit, lack, creates problems in those areas that are subject to it, and forces them to solve them. Thus, the period from December 2017 to early-mid 2019 is the most difficult time, when we take on the most difficult tasks, or they will appear before us as a result of problems, when we will have to make every effort to translate our projects into reality.

In the second half and, especially, closer to the last degrees of the sign, Saturn, as a rule, brings the fruits and results of the work that was done at the previous stage. From mid-2019 to the end of 2020, solutions (constructive or not) to the identified problems will be found, at which time we will get closer to achieving our goals.

Every year, during the period of the Sun's conjunction with Saturn, we will lay down either annual programs of concentration on our most important goals, or annual programs for the implementation of our most difficult problems. The contents of annual subcycles will be laid out near the following dates: December 21, 2017, January 2, 2019, January 13, 2020

Also, every year, during periods of Saturn’s retrograde motion, when it approaches the Earth at a minimum distance, the results of these programs will most significantly influence our practical affairs and be imprinted into the fabric of our realities. During periods of rapprochement between the Earth and Saturn, we will either have access to maximum opportunities for building the most significant structures, obtaining the most important results and getting closer to our goals, or the limiting influence of Saturn will be maximally manifested in the realities of our lives. These are the following periods: April 18 - September 6, 2018, April 30 - September 18, 2019, May 11 - September 29, 2020.

Webinars “The Boundaries of My Reality” and “My Main Life Project”

How is the Saturnian principle of boundaries embodied in our realities - as forced external restrictions, impossibilities and problems, or as a foundation, field, and conditions for the realization of free will and endless possibilities? How to change its manifestations and learn to cooperate with it? How to prepare for a period of concentrated manifestation of the principle of boundaries in our realities? Webinars are devoted to these topics

At the end of 2017, not far from everyone’s favorite and long-awaited holiday New Year, almost at the chime, flavored with the aroma of tangerines, Saturn moves into Capricorn. As a matter of fact, for Saturn, Capricorn is an abode, his home, and therefore here he becomes a strong business executive, a fighter for discipline, order, observance of subordination and, of course, begins to actively teach and edify.

If anyone doubts the effectiveness of Saturn’s work as a strict teacher, and sometimes literally an overseer, then ask Sagittarius, especially those who have many planets in this sign, they will tell you what it was like for them in the period from 2014 to 2017 The year is probably not sweet, but there may be better epithets. Such a Saturn also has a wonderful sense of responsibility for himself and for others, unique performance and endurance, as well as a fairly objective assessment of himself, without illusions.

If we talk about the general trends of Saturn’s ingression through the sign of Capricorn, then for us this will be a time of great work, difficult, hard, but very useful. Saturn does not accept weakness and laziness, so he may dislike those of us who are not at all accustomed to work and constant work stress. We are not talking about immediately gaining powerful ambitions and conquering the world for the sake of such a transit; Saturn does not like upstarts, and in Capricorn he is also a great moralist, a rare dogmatist, he believes that the result, especially great, is necessary deserve it and therefore will not give anything to anyone just like that. It was not for nothing that in ancient times, from December 17 until the day of the winter solstice (5-7 days), the Saturnalia lasted, the days when people paid tribute to Saturn and these were holidays, the meaning of the celebration was that anyone can achieve great heights if will work hard and purposefully develop his talents.

It may seem strange that I am writing about the cosmic body as a living and powerful character, but an astrologer works with energies that act on a person, and it is more convenient for him to explain the work of planetary influences through such metaphors. Energy doesn’t just start acting and doesn’t just stop, it always influences, it makes a connection between the events of the past and the events of the future through its influence in the present. Saturn will evaluate what we have done before, whether we have worked diligently, and how ready we are for the new stage of our social development. If our results were so-so, did nothing, floated on the waves, were lacking initiative or too chaotic and did not bring a single task to the end, were optional in their responsibilities and did not value their own achievements, easily exchanging them for something new, ephemeral, then he will definitely give us his feedback, but in Capricorn he is not known for his tactfulness.

In this case, there is no need to wait for progress, everything will happen in order, first we will have to finish everything we started, take on the minimum set of responsibilities that our Saturn considers necessary to give us, and only then will there be at least some progress. So, if you realize that you are stalling, think that you didn’t do something like that, that you missed something important in situations where you want to advance, that you walked away from and didn’t take some important steps.. Because Saturn periods can be very fruitful, with a strong, high-quality result, but they require dedication and a serious, expert approach and our involvement in them.

And that’s just about that same quality result. Saturn is the planet of manifestation, the materialization of our goals. I very rarely see in the forecast a good period for realizing my social aspirations without a working Saturn, because Jupiter gives expansion, faith, inspiration, suitable circumstances, community of ideas and the opportunity to lead others, but Saturn realizes all this, it concretizes the circumstances that create an event, it gives real, practical support to very specific people, it gives stability to the creation process and it contributes to a well-manifested result, because only according to Jupiter the result can be very bright and joyful, but more at the level of ideas than at the level of matter. If only Jupiter works, then we will not be able to take advantage of its benefits after a while, they simply won’t be there, emotions will remain, which is also important, but it would be good if there were also something left that can support us practically in life, but for that we go to Saturn.

We must also remember that Saturn is the planet of social achievements, that is, setting some personal goals during a resonant transit on your map is not entirely effective. Although, it depends on what they concern. For example, during the passage of Capricorn, Saturn will aspect your Sun. If you do not have any business projects and you are generally a homebody for some reason, then you should devote these three years to developing such qualities as discipline, responsibility for yourself and your loved ones, diligence , modesty, decency, the ability to obey circumstances and recognized authority (maybe one’s own spouse...), the ability to give up big things for the sake of small, but important and valuable things, the ability to manage one’s life, the development of skills to administer one’s plans with all the delights of this process.

If you have been waiting for a very long time for the period of achievements to come, real, real, which you can feel and which you can rely on for new goals, then it has come. Let me make a reservation right away that when giving an interpretation of the coming period, I am not making a personal forecast, I am writing about general trends and only about them. Capricorn is a sign of social fulfillment, our career ambitions; it is a very materialistic, consistent sign, a sign of measured actions and limitless, but well-reasoned patience. So our goals must be practical, measurable, feasible (realistic), set in time, have structure, consistency in their implementation, and be sure to create a perspective for a larger goal (goal after goal). Do you recognize? Sounds like SMART? Oh yes, he is the real Saturn in Capricorn. If you have all this, and you undertook to implement your task not now, but the preparation was carried out on Saturn in Sagittarius, then you have a very good chance of realizing it in the upcoming ingression. It is advisable that the goal be ambitious, associated with a new level for you in the social hierarchy, since career plans are a priority for such a Saturn.

The transit of Saturn through Capricorn began on December 20, 2017 and the final exit of Saturn from Capricorn will take place on December 17, 2020.
What can each Zodiac Sign expect from this transit for almost 3 years?

Many Aries, during the period of Saturn's transit through Capricorn, may experience, to one degree or another, certain restrictions or even resignations in their careers, or problems with superiors, government agencies, the law, older family members, as well as difficulties in terms of their social status.
They will have to withstand pressure, restrictions, various kinds of delays and delays that do not allow them to actively act, take initiative, or be a leader.
This is a time of testing patience for Aries. But also an opportunity to develop discipline.

For Taurus, this period can bring good progress in spiritual development and the formation of a mature worldview.
Long-distance trips and travel may be postponed during this period. But mountain climbing will be good. If tourism, then the mountains.
During this period, you should not start lawsuits on your own initiative; there is a possibility that they will drag on and turn out not in your favor.
During this period, Taurus applicants may not be able to obtain admission to a university, with the exception of construction, architecture or mining faculties.

For Gemini, the period of Saturn's transit through Capricorn promises karmic trials. This is the time of returning debts, both financial and karmic. Time to clear karma.
At this time, it makes sense to refrain from manipulating large capital, from investments, from loans. They may turn out to be unprofitable. Source website
You shouldn’t count on anyone’s financial help; you’ll have to pay back much more.
This is also a bad time for real estate transactions (buildings, land, etc.)
Frivolous and superficial Geminis will have to learn thoroughness and healthy conservatism.

During the years of Saturn's transit through Capricorn, one of the Cancers may formalize their relationship with their partner, that is, register a marriage after testing the relationship with time. This will be a stable and reliable union.
And some of the Cancers, both in the personal sphere and in business and friendship, will be surrounded by people who are older in age,
or by nature very serious and responsible, but also possibly greedy,
or people with high state status or rank.
In any case, Cancers can forget about light, meaningless and commitment-free romances during this period.

a lion
Leos will be overwhelmed with important and responsible work. Not all Leos will like this. For Leo, life is a holiday, it is a stage, an opportunity to present oneself to the public and receive applause and compliments, but not a job, especially a responsible one.
This period will seem difficult and boring for Leos.
One of the important ones may be the topic of health - chronic illnesses can make themselves known. Therefore, prevention healthy image life, hygiene and diet will help Leos stay in shape.

For Virgos, the transit of Saturn through Capricorn can give serious concern to children and the arrangement of their social status.
One of the Virgos will decide, due to certain life circumstances, to separate from their daughter or son. And it’s hard to experience separation and distance.
From a health point of view, it would be nice for Virgos to pay more attention to their heart, strengthening the heart muscle, playing sports or doing feasible physical activity.
In love, Virgos can experience cooling and alienation. And it is even possible to break up with your partner for a while in order to understand how serious and important cordial relationships are.

For Libra, Saturn in Capricorn can bring family and household concerns, the construction of their own home, home.
Alternatively, there may be difficulties in the family, with relatives, parents, devastation of the home to a certain extent, and possible departure from the homeland.
In relationships with family members and relatives, there may be moments of either a very serious relationship, or attempts to keep a distance, to move away.

For Scorpios, this is a time of serious reflection.
There may be difficulties or restrictions in communicating with brothers/sisters, a reluctance to communicate just like that, or blocking some annoying contacts.
During this period, it will not hurt to protect the organs of the respiratory system, ear, nose, throat, hearing and speech from colds. And also the hands. Source website
There may be times when the usual transport will not be available (for example, the car has broken down) and you will have to experience difficulties and restrictions in movements and trips.
Scorpio businessmen may feel that commerce is not as active or is noticeably slowing down. Various types of inspections by the state are possible. structures.
Scorpio pupils and students during this period may feel that studying has become difficult for them, or they are simply tired of it.
But the study of classical disciplines such as mathematics, strength of materials, etc. will be extremely good.

The transit of Saturn through Capricorn for Sagittarius can become a time of financial difficulties, when they will have to save a lot, or spend their previously saved savings.
Income is possible from the sale of real estate or a profitable real estate transaction.
In addition, some Sagittarians may experience a deterioration in their health.
This period is given to Sagittarius so that they show the ability to concentrate and not scatter themselves, so that they are more organized and not reckless optimists.
This time is not suitable for Sagittarius’ favorite pastime - to embrace the immensity.

Capricorns, like no one else, will experience the full “authority” of Saturn.
Some Capricorns may feel depressed and lack physical strength. This can happen for the reason that during the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, a strictly allotted amount of energy is given. And overspending can lead to loss of strength and apathy.
This is a time of asceticism for Capricorns.

Aquarians at this time may feel psychologically quite uncomfortable and gloomy.
Inexplicable phobias, fears, and the feeling that everyone is against you may arise.
There may be a desire to isolate yourself from everyone and be in solitude.

During the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, many Pisces will discover that among their friends and like-minded people there are many people of the older generation, or those who are wise, very practical and responsible.
This category of people surrounded by Pisces can be very useful for them, provide them with assistance, give them a well-thought-out and proven idea, and help in practice, in action.

Here are the general astrological influences for each Zodiac Sign.
But for everyone specific person conclusions can only be drawn based on it natal chart, taking into account the exact time and place of birth.