A story about the coming of spring. Essay on the topic “Spring. S. Kozlov “Spring Tale”

Spring came. Warm days have arrived. nature has awakened from winter hibernation. The buds on the trees are swelling, young grass is breaking through, and the first flowers are blooming. The birds began to sing more cheerfully, their songs became affectionate, warming and giving us a good mood.

March may still be cold, but spring still fights hard against winter. Make way for spring! It's spring!

Tell your children about spring

Go out for walks with your child more often, make different discoveries in the spring. Let the child fall in love with spring, feel the spring breeze, the smell of herbs and flowers, and admire the first sticky leaves.

In spring, changes occur in nature. Tell the children about this. Please note that the sun has already risen higher, is shining dazzlingly, and the day is lengthening. Look at the sky. Ask your child what the sky was like in winter and what it is like now. The sky was gray in winter, but now it is blue. You can see clouds in the sky, which are sometimes driven by the wind. Consider the clouds. Find similarities with animals with your child: what the clouds look like. This is a very exciting activity.

If you still have snow, watch how it melts and small streams run. Listen with your baby to how he murmurs. Look where the stream runs? Children love to play near streams: they float paper boats, nut shells, and tree bark. It's very fun and interesting!

See how the buds swell on the trees. We cut a branch of cherry and lilac and watched the buds open. Admire the first snowdrops with your children. You can tell them the legend about Spring and the snowdrop. .)

A. N. Tolstoy “Spring has come”

MM. Prishvin "Spring miniatures"

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring”

V. Suteev "Spring"

“How spring overcame winter” - Russian folk tale

L.F. Voronkov’s “New Galoshes”, as well as stories by Bianki, N. Sladkov, G. Skrebitsky about nature and animals. Yulia and I read a little stories about animals. She really likes it. He listens with great pleasure.

Spring stories. L. Pestin


The air is still and cool. Light frost. There are grains of ice on last year's leaf, and thin ice glistens in the ruts. It seems that spring has stopped at the threshold, and winter does not want to go away - it would be nice to walk across the earth with blizzards as a farewell!

I'm walking through the grove. Quiet. Suddenly a starling flew from a tree straight onto the road. He shook himself, ruffled his feathers, and quickly jumped up and down on the frost-bound ground, as if he wanted to say:

Here we are!


He was born in the morning. He parted last year's leaves, looked out and froze, surprised: there was snow all around.

It’s cold here,” the willow said to the snowdrop. “I should sit in the ground, it’s warmer there.” Upstart!

And the snowdrop spread its petals and stretched upward. He was the first. He went on reconnaissance.


In the forest, in the copses and groves, snow is still hidden here and there. Snowdrops appeared in the thawed areas. And some broke through a thin layer of snow, looked out, turned blue: there was no time, life goes on.


The stream was born in the forest. He broke out into a spacious meadow and, joyfully. Murmuring like spring, he ran to the river. Young grass began to turn green around her. Every day it became thicker. Then the dandelions sparkled in it with golden splashes.

The waters have receded. The stream has dried up. But in the place where he once fled, life continued. Flowers bloomed and grass grew.


There are sunny spring bunnies on the windowsill. The girl catches them with her hand.

Vasya, why is the sun running away? - she asks her brother.

Because the sun is for everyone,” the boy answers.


There are three oak trees in the grove through which I walk: two of them support the third. He was broken by the wind and fell onto the branches of neighboring oak trees, and remained standing, leaning on them. I look at the oak trees and think: “This happens to people too.”


The spring sun is shining and smiling. And as if responding to a smile, everything around sparkles. Trees drop diamond drops.

This is dew, grandson.

No, grandpa, it’s the trees that are crying. From happiness. “It’s spring,” says the grandson, sitting down next to his grandfather.

Watch the videos and listen to the sounds of nature in spring. They are very calming.

Read works about spring to children, enjoy the beauty of nature with them, love and respect your loved ones. I wish you health and spring mood!

Read, leave your comments, share your experience.

With the arrival of spring in kindergartens and schools, the time comes when children listen to stories from teachers on the topic “Spring” and observe changes in nature outside. It is best to present a story about spring to children by going to the park or going to nature in the countryside, where spring appears in all its glory. Unfortunately, in the spring the city is not very cozy, and it is difficult for children to understand the full significance

  • melting snow
  • return of migratory birds,
  • the appearance of the first leaves on the trees,
  • the first snowdrops.

Therefore, it is better if a teacher or parent conducts his story on the topic “Spring has come” in a forest or forest plantation. All great teachers did this.

What to tell children about with the onset of spring?

For preschoolers, such a story about spring can be quite simple and short. For children who go to grades 2-3, you can create a more extensive and detailed story on the theme “Spring has come.”
The basis can be based on stories of famous writers:

  1. Chekhov,
  2. Prishvina,
  3. Ushinsky and others.

What should children know?

What should children in grades 2-3 know about spring? Why is the story about spring so important for them?

What happens in nature?

In spring, the days become much longer.
The sun heats up more, the snow begins to melt, and the first thawed patches appear on the ground. On the river you can see how the ice cracks, individual ice floes float with a crashing sound, sometimes rivers overflow and cover the banks with water. A story about spring will help children imagine a holistic picture of the arrival of this time of year.
The sky takes on a blue tint and becomes warmer. The snow melts most lately in those places where the sun does not shine: in ravines, dense thickets, in the forest. As the snow melts, the first grass breaks through the ground, followed by snowdrops and violets, which large quantities can be found in the forest, then dandelions show their yellow caps. Linden and birch begin to bloom, followed by linden, alder, oak, and maple. If you cut the bark of a birch tree in the forest at this time, bitter sap will flow out of it. By May, the fragrant lily of the valley blooms, and the trees include apricot, cherry, apple, and pear. A story about spring will allow children to pay more attention to such changes.

Which birds arrive first?

The first birds to arrive are the rooks: they herald the arrival of spring. Beautiful pictures and posters about birds you can look at.
They fly after the rooks:

  1. larks,
  2. blackbirds,
  3. cuckoos,
  4. wild pigeons,
  5. cranes.

For the little ones, you can use the book from the Karapuz publishing house “Freckle-Spring”:

Information for children about each month

A Tale of Spring:

Short works of classics, as well as excerpts and excerpts on the topic

Riddles and poems

Thematic lesson with stories, riddles, poems and questions:

Spring has come... Happy Spring to you, friends!!! I love spring very much... Yes, all seasons are good, and each is beautiful in its own way. But here is an amazing magic, a beautiful awakening from sleep of everything and everyone around, this miracle exists only in spring... In the “” section we will talk today about it, about spring, which gives hope, awakens in us the most wonderful feelings and makes us believe in the most incredible!

Children about spring

Spring is a very interesting and amazing time of the year. It is in the spring that it is so fresh and easy to breathe, the sun appears, which we all yearned for so much during the winter. In spring you can find so many unusual things around, the main thing is to look around, and spring will seem like a fairy tale to you and your baby, no worse than a snowy winter. Spring is very beautiful and bright. No wonder there is an interesting legend about her arrival.

The Legend of the Origin of Spring

One day the Sun descended to earth in the form beautiful girl. The sun wanted to have fun, rejoice with people. The Evil Serpent stole and locked the Sun in his palace. The birds stopped singing, all people, especially children, forgot what cheerful laughter, friendly smiles, and kind looks are. The world plunged into sadness and despondency. One brave young man volunteered to save the Sun. For a whole year he searched for the Serpent's palace. Still, I found him and challenged him to a fight.

He fought all day and night. A sharp and cold wind blew on Earth. It started snowing in large flakes. It seemed like there would be no end to the bad weather.

But the brave young man, of course, won evil snake. The bad weather immediately stopped: the wind calmed down, the snow began to melt... And the sun rose into the sky, illuminating the whole world. Nature began to come to life, people were happy, but only the brave young man did not have time to see spring. His warm blood flowed onto the snow. The last straw has fallen. A brave young man has died. Where the snow melted, white flowers grew - snowdrops, the harbingers of spring. ()

Observations of nature in spring

With the arrival of spring, general rejoicing and awakening begins. Everything around is gradually changing. Nature changes slowly, but with each new day you can notice something completely new and wonderful.

With the arrival of spring, the sun shines more and more and rises higher, the days become longer. The snow begins to melt, spring streams are running with might and main, spring drops are dripping cheerfully and cheerfully. The ice that bound the lakes and rivers cannot stand it either; it becomes covered with cracks and gradually breaks, beginning to drift. At this moment the flood is in full swing, the lowlands are flooded with melt water. The weather is very changeable, sometimes the sun is shining brightly, sometimes a strong wind suddenly starts blowing.

How animals, birds and insects live

Sensing the sun and approaching warmth, insects crawl out after a long winter hibernation. Migratory birds return from the south to their native lands. Rooks are among the first to be seen, followed by starlings, larks and wagtails. The animals also wake up after winter, a bear with cubs crawls out of its den, a badger crawls out of its hole. Animals change their fur, molt in the spring, hares and squirrels also change the color of their fur coat to a summer version.

How plants grow

Plants also feel the warmth of the spring sun and begin to come to life. Juice rises from the roots to the about-to-swell buds, and leaves will soon begin to appear.

The willow is the first to bloom - the first harbinger of spring. Soon the alder and hazel will dress up in fluffy buds.

Everywhere, the first flowers of spring - coltsfoot and lungwort - are making their way out from under the ground towards the sun. The gardens are also filled with bright colors, where fruit trees bloom at the end of spring.

Features of human activity in spring

With the arrival of spring, not only animals and plants wake up. The person also feels a surge of strength. There is quite a lot of work at this time, especially outside the city. After all, it is necessary to cultivate the land, and then sow millet, barley and rye. Also at this time, greens, onions, and carrots are sown.

What about sports in the spring?

You can play sports at any time of the year. However, in the spring it is doubly pleasant to do this. On the street optimal temperature, Fresh air, and my soul is in a great mood. In the spring, when the days are long and bright, when everything around is starting to dry out, you can start running in the park. For the more active, you can offer roller skating or cycling. Also, many parks now offer exercises and dance master classes.

Spring in literature

Tales of spring

Perhaps the most famous fairy tale about spring is the Russian folk tale “,” which tells about the confrontation between Winter and Spring, in which the warm and gentle spring still wins, legally coming into its own.

It is noteworthy that Japanese culture also has an interesting fairy tale about spring. It's called "Nightingale House". It tells about a lumberjack who did not listen to his wife and looked out the treasured window.

The fairy tale by S. Prokofieva “” is interesting and educational. Little Freckle looks for and protects freckled children.

And don’t forget our favorite heroes E. Uspensky by reading the fairy tale “”.

Stories about spring

Many authors at one time dedicated their creations to the beautiful spring and her ringing melodic drops. After all, writing about spring is a pleasure!! The outstanding writer A. N. Tolstoy wrote about spring in the story “Spring Has Come.”

If you want to know how a spring day begins in the steppe, then you can read “The Steppe in Spring” by the talented writer A.I. Kuprina. To get an idea of ​​spring in general, you can read more short story"Spring miniatures".

All these small works will definitely add to the mood and help you and your baby better understand spring and all the changes associated with its onset. An extremely educational and exciting journey into spring.

Proverbs about spring

  • April with water, May with grass.
  • May, may, don’t take off your fur coat.
  • Whoever does not start sowing in March forgets about his wealth.
  • Spring is our father and mother; whoever does not sow will not reap.
  • Spring is red during the day.
  • Spring will show everything.
  • Martok - put on two trousers.
  • March sets the frost on the nose.
  • No matter how angry the blizzard is, everything feels like spring.
  • Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.
  • Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
  • If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
  • A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you harvest.
  • If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.
  • He who sows early does not lose seeds.
  • He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.
  • In the spring, if you fall behind for an hour, you won’t catch up during the day.
  • Spring is red during the day.

Riddles about spring

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming...
When does this happen? ( in spring)

Maples, lindens and oak trees
I give new leaves,
I invite you dear birds
Return from the south
And I’ll see you off to the north
Winter friend. ( Spring)

I water the crops
There is a lot of movement.
My name is...( spring)

A huge collection of riddles about spring is in the article “”.

Spring in painting

It's amazing how differently different people see spring. We can verify this by looking at some spring paintings by famous artists. For example, the painting “Early Spring” by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. It is amazingly bright and positive, apparently spring is already in full swing.

Let's look at another painting by the famous Russian artist A. Savrasov, “The Rooks Have Arrived,” here the landscape is grayer, as if winter had not yet completely given way to spring, and if it weren’t for the rooks, it could easily be confused.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan also painted paintings on a spring theme. For example, this is “March”

and “Spring. Big water."

Landscape painters enjoy painting what they see around them in the spring, because it is at this time that they are literally overwhelmed by a wave of inspiration. Look at the amazing paintings by K. F. Yuon “March Sun”

and “Spring sunny day.”

They are amazingly bright, lively and perfectly lift your spirits. It immediately becomes clear why artists love to depict life in spring.

And if many paint the first days, still very early spring, then in I. S. Ostroukhov’s “First Greenery” spring already feels like a full-fledged mistress, the leaves and the first grass are blooming with might and main.

To all of the above and what we have seen, let’s add the children’s favorite animation and watch the cartoon “What is Spring”:

You can watch many more wonderful cartoons about spring.

Spring is a magical island of joy in nature. Everything in it is wonderful - amazing metamorphoses, the awakening of nature and not only, and the mood, and the growing sunny day, giving us such the right vitamin D...

This is the story we have about spring. And here are more spring themes in my articles from previous years. Click on the links below:

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Description of spring in artistic style for children will help to write their own essays about spring.

Description of spring in artistic style

Spring is a delightful time of year! Nature wakes up and is filled with energy and life. The bright sun becomes warmer every day, thanks to which the snow melts, turning into icicles on the roofs of houses and trees. Large puddles appear that children love to walk through. Birds fly in from distant lands, their chirping can be heard everywhere. The day is lengthening! As soon as the puddles dry up, grass sprouts from the ground, and later buds swell on the trees, which will turn into leaves. Never forget the first rain of the new year, it seems so cheerful, perky, warm and friendly! And the weak breeze, the same light one, like spring?! With the arrival of spring, the whole world is filled with colors, sounds, smells and inspiration!

Description of spring

Nature in spring is a special world that amazes with its unusualness. In three short spring months nature manages to survive enormous metamorphoses. No other time of the year can boast of such changes that occur in spring. At first she wakes up from her winter sleep and at first looks a little sleepy and unsure. However, every day it begins to come into its own and gain strength.

The sun's rays are becoming warmer, the snow is also becoming less and less, he is still trying to outwit the spring and hide in the forest, under the trees, but the sun finds him there too, leaving him no chance.

The arrival of spring is also announced by sounds characteristic only of this time of year: the ringing murmur of streams, the cheerful chirping of birds. The first snowdrops peek out from under the freshly melted snow. And now they, like snow, cover the forest clearings with a delicate carpet.

Then the buds on the trees begin to swell, and tiny green leaves appear, the gardens are buried in flowers, foreshadowing good fruit harvests. And then one morning we discover how all the trees suddenly turned green. For some reason this always happens unexpectedly. It seems like just yesterday the leaves on the trees and bushes were very small, but today the trees are already completely covered in green foliage - bright and young.

The water in reservoirs in spring is clean and renewed. In it you can see the azure sky and clear sun. The cries of migratory birds returning to their homeland are heard in the sky. With spring comes warm days and new life.

Description of spring essay

If you ask me what season I love most, I will answer - of course, spring.

The severe frosts have ended, and the breath of spring can be felt everywhere. Everything awakens to new life, breathes freshness and youth. There are still islands of snow, but the sun is hot, and the first heralds of spring appear - streams. Streams run and sing their song, cheerfully informing everyone about the arrival of spring.

And although it is still frosty at night, spring is coming into its own. Bird voices sound louder, their chirping outside the window wakes me up in the morning. The buds on the trees that have rested over the winter have swelled.

I love watching nature in the spring, watching how everything around me is renewed. I like to spend weekends at spring forest. You walk through the forest and feel that your soul becomes light and joyful. Here are the sunbeams dancing in the clearing, as if they want to tell all the living things in the forest that it’s time to wake up. Snowdrops appeared between the trees from the first rays of sunlight. They are still very small and fragile, but there is so much tenacity in these delicate flowers: they persistently break through the thick carpet of last year’s snow. Blue petals, as if smiling, reach out to the sun.

You come across a clearing of snowdrops and you can’t take your eyes off it: it seems as if the earth and sky are the same color – bright blue. The flowers are so delicate that it is a pity and even a shame to pick them.

Probably, there is no one wiser than Mother Nature, because how can one explain that one season gives way to another, and the most awaited one certainly comes - spring.

Description of spring for grades 4, 5

Option 1. My favorite time of year is spring! It seems that everything comes to life and begins to move: sparrows rustle, drops drip, the first leaves bloom, grass appears. The days are getting longer and brighter. The sky is blue and clear and the sun is shining brighter. Everyone around is happy about spring, even people smile more often. Soon everything around will be painted in bright green colors! This is what real SPRING is!

Option 2. Spring is the time of year that everyone is waiting for, tired of winter. Spring is often called the long-awaited one. The first signs of spring sometimes appear in winter, in February: the sun shines a little stronger - and the icicles begin to melt, cheerful drops ring, reminding us of the approach of spring. After this, frosts may still strike, it may snow, but everyone understands: spring is about to come and will delight you with its warmth.

Spring has come. The sun begins to appear in the sky more and more often, the sky becomes brighter, deep blue, the snow is melting with all its might and streams are running. The ground is still cold, too damp and bare, and the very first flowers, which are called snowdrops, are breaking through the remnants of snow.

Option 3. Spring is a wonderful time of year! With the arrival of spring, everything around is transformed. Every day is filled with changes that occur before our eyes. The first signs of spring - the sun begins to warm up more strongly, the air becomes warmer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter. Adults and children try to spend more and more time outside. Spring is one of the most wonderful times of the year for many people. During this period, everyone is looking forward to the weekend to go out of town, somewhere into the forest, to enjoy the beauty spring nature. Also in the spring, birds arrive, the first flowers bloom, various insects crawl out, and the bees wake up and begin to do their work. With the arrival of spring, everything around comes to life and sings.

Option 4. Spring in my city. After a long winter, the long-awaited spring has finally come to our city. The snow had melted, and only in places there were puddles of melt water glistening on the asphalt. Tits perched on thin branches, battered by winter frosts, resounding around the area with their ringing voices, welcoming spring.

The air smells of young leaves and freshness, and the sun is already warming up noticeably. Sprouts of young grass emerge from under the damp earth, buds swell on the branches, and everything comes to life everywhere. The sky is clean and clear, without a single cloud, after a long winter it amazes with its blueness. The sun's rays play on the roofs of houses and on the windows of passing cars. With the arrival of spring, the whole city was transformed: everything blossomed everywhere, and the fierce, harsh cold that accompanied the frosty winter was no longer felt.

Story about Spring:

In spring, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become longer.
Snow is melting everywhere, stormy, sonorous streams are running.
The ice on rivers, ponds and lakes becomes covered with cracks, becomes loose, darkens and melts, and ice drift begins. Ice floes float along the river, break with a crash, and melt water floods the meadows and lowlands. The flood begins.
Icicles hang from the roofs; at noon, when the sun gets hotter, the icicles begin to melt, and spring drops ring.
Tree sap, warmed by the spring sun, rises from the roots to the swelling buds. The willow buds have fluffed up, and although there are no leaves yet, the whole tree seems to be shrouded in a delicate yellow-green cloud. Earrings on alder and hazel become lighter and fluffy. In the forests, fields and meadows, spring flowers open: coltsfoot, snowdrop, lungwort.
Insects wake up after a long winter. Migratory birds are returning to their homeland from warm regions. The rooks arrive first, then the starlings, wagtails, and larks.
Ends hibernation animals. Adult animals molt, winter fur is replaced by summer fur, and squirrels and hare change the color of their coats.
A mother bear with her cubs comes out of the den. A badger comes out of a hole. The she-wolf gives birth to cubs.
In spring people have a lot of work. In the field, the soil is prepared for crops and rye, barley, and millet are sown. Early crops are sown in gardens: dill, parsley, carrots, onions.
The gardens are covered with white and pink lace capes - apple trees, cherries, and plums are blooming.

Poems about Spring

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.
And everything started to fuss,
Everything forces Winter to get out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise... .
The evil witch went crazy
And, grab the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child...
Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blusher
Against the enemy.
(F. Tyutchev)

At noon I listen to the drops,
She murmurs like a bird's trill.
The crystal bell rings,
Running from the roof over the porch.
Drops gurgle, ring, sing,
It breaks snow and ice.
She doesn’t care about a big snowdrift,
She runs like a living stream.
I will clear the way for the stream,
So that he can look at the world.

in spring
Spring has a lot of work,
The rays help her:
They drive together on the roads
Talking streams,
They melt the snow, break the ice,
They warm everything around.
From under the pine needles and blades of grass
The first sleepy beetle crawled out.
Flowers on the thawed patch
The golden ones have blossomed
The buds are full and swollen
Bumblebees fly from the nest.
Spring has a lot of worries,
But things are looking up:
The field became emerald
And the gardens are in bloom.

Look, spring is coming,
The cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams in the ravines are noisy.
Soon you will have guests,
Look how many nests they will build!
What sounds, what songs will flow
Day after day from dawn to dawn.
(I. S. Nikitin)

Spring song
The snow is no longer the same -
He darkened in the field.
The ice on the lakes is cracked,
It's like they split it.
The clouds are moving faster
The sky became higher.
The sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.
It's getting darker every day
Stitches and paths
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow.
(S. Marshak)

Spring is coming to us,
With quick steps,
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet.
Black thawed patches
Visible in the fields.
That's right, very warm
Spring has legs.
(I. Tokmakova)

About Spring
They told us about spring
Songs from the birdhouse
And the earrings are yellow
On hazel branches.
They told us about spring
Sparrows are pugnacious,
Hairy willows,
The streams are noisy.
Butterfly hives
In a forest thawed area,
Blue snowdrops
And damp felt boots.
(N. Naydenova)


"Find the extra word."

Explain your choice.

1.March, April, May, November:
2. coltsfoot, lungwort, chamomile, snowdrop;
3.bear, fox, calf, squirrel;
4.butterfly, wagtail, bumblebee, bee;
5.tractor, shovel, rake, pitchfork.

Name the action:
1. What does the sun do in spring?
(It shines, illuminates the earth, warms, warms, pleases, shines...)
2. What does grass do in spring?
(It rises, appears, sprouts, breaks through, turns green, covers the earth with a carpet...)
3. What do birds do in spring?
(They fly in, return to their native lands, build nests, settle in birdhouses, hatch chicks...)
4. What do the buds do in the spring?
(They pour, swell, burst, unfold into green leaves, grow, open; the first leaves appear from the buds - tender, green, fragrant, fragrant...)
5. What can you do with flowers?(Plant, water, look at them, admire them, give them, smell them, cut them, put them in a vase...)

Proverbs about Spring:

1. April with water, May with grass.
2. May, May, don’t take off your fur coat.
3. Whoever does not start sowing in March forgets about his wealth.
4. Spring is our father and mother; whoever does not sow will not reap.
5. Spring is red during the day.
6. Spring will show everything.
7. Martok - wear two trousers.
8. March sets the frost on the nose.
9. No matter how angry the blizzard is, everything smells like spring.
10. Water flowed from the mountains - it brought spring.
11. Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
12. If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
13. A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you harvest.
14. If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.
15. He who sows early does not lose seeds.
16. He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.
17. In the spring, if you fall behind for an hour, you won’t catch up during the day.
18. Spring is red during the day.

Riddles about Spring:

I water the crops
There is a lot of movement.
My name is... (spring)

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small. (Snowdrop)

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming...
When does this happen? (Spring)

She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die. (Icicle)

If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings. (Lark)

It made a noise, it made a noise,
I washed everything and left.
And gardens and orchards
It watered the whole area. (Storm)

They can't wait for me,
As soon as they see it, they will run away. (Rain)

An arrow flew
Fell into a swan.
I'm looking but I can't find it. (Lightning)

The ox roared
A hundred mountains
For a thousand cities. (Thunder)

Riddles about the month of March:
In warm sunny boots,
With a light on the clasps,
A boy runs through the snow
- The snow is scary, naughty girl:
As soon as he steps, the snow melts,
The ice along the rivers has broken.
He was overcome with excitement.
And this boy is ... (March)

Blowing warm South wind,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
Sparrow is happy about the weather
- Visited us for a month...

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.
And everything started to fuss,
Everything forces Winter to get out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise... .
(F. Tyutchev)

March women's holiday notes
Gives gifts, congratulates
And - in cellophane from the frost -
He gives mimosa sprigs to everyone.

Riddles about the month of April:
The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?
The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky
- He came to visit us...
It's frosty at night,
In the morning - drops,
So, in the yard...
The forest, fields and mountains wake up,
All the meadows and gardens.
He knocks on every hole,
Humming by the water.
"Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile!"
A pipe can be heard far away.
This wakes everyone up...

Snow is melting,
And drops from the roofs,
The birds have returned from the south.
Mischievous boy -
It frolics in all the streams.

The bear woke up
No sadness, no anxiety
The bear was sleeping in his den.
Slept all winter until spring
And he probably had dreams.
Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,
He hears a drip...
What a disaster!
I groped in the dark with my paw
And he jumped up - there was water all around!
The bear hurried outside:
Floods - no time for sleep!
He got out and saw: puddles,
Snow is melting...
Spring came!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads,
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs.
And the snowdrop blossomed.
(S. Marshak)

The king's eyebrows are furrowed,
Said yesterday:
"A storm has struck
Monument to Peter."
He got scared:
"I did not know! Really?
The king laughed:
“First, brother, April...”
(A.S. Pushkin)

Riddles about the month of May:

The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings.
IN White color the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?
The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery
- We are greeted warmly...
A baby is running in bast shoes,
You can hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms,
He laughs and keeps singing.
Hid happiness in petals
On the lilac bushes.
“My lily of the valley, smell sweet!”
- The cheerful one commanded...

Poems :
Nature breathes.
On warm days
They buzzed in the cherries
May beetles.
Seven cherries.
Each contains three beetles.
You'll count the beetles
For sure.
Come on over!

Dear little starling,
Come finally!
For you I built a house,
Not a birdhouse, but a palace!
Come and sing
A song about green May!
Come to our yard soon!
All is ready! Come!
(M. Karim)

The lily of the valley bloomed in May
On the holiday itself - on the first day.
Seeing off May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.
(S. Marshak)
Victory Day

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.
(T. Belozerov)