Russian scientists have found that the common ancestor of man had tentacles. Tentacles See what "Tentacles" are in other dictionaries

There are doubts about how to write the word "tentacles" or "tentacles". With the help of a simple and understandable rule, we can remember this spelling once and for all.

Correct spelling

The norm allows the use of the words "tentacles" and "tentacles" depending on the style of speech.

What rule

Nouns plural V nominative case used with endings -а (-я): meadows, fields, or -и (ы): apples, boots. At the same time, there is a group of words in which both options are allowed: horns and horns, years and years. The use of such forms of words is due to stylistic coloring.

"Tentacles" and "tentacles" - these plural forms are also allowed in Russian. But the shape of the "tentacle" is stylistically neutral, and the "tentacle" indicates belonging to colloquial speech. To avoid mistakes, it is better to use the "tentacle" option. "Tentacles" in singular spell "tentacles" correctly.

Sentence examples

  • Tentacles are limbs found in invertebrates.
  • Get your tentacles off me.

spelled wrong

  • A student read in a textbook that octopuses have tentacles.

Allows you to visually see the "canonical proportions" of a person. However, mirror reflection symmetry, called bilateral (two-sided) symmetry, did not appear in humans immediately. There are two main points of view regarding common ancestor bilaterally symmetrical animals - how it looked, how it was, and how evolution proceeded. The ancestor of Bilateria appeared, most likely, at the end of the Vendian, the last geological period of the Neoproterozoic, immediately before the Cambrian, which lasted from about 635 million to 541 ± 1 million years BC. The organisms that inhabited the Vendian Sea were mostly radially symmetrical creatures. Some of them swam in the water column, others led an attached lifestyle, and others crawled along the bottom.

The first point of view is that the ancestor of bilaterally symmetrical animals was a non-coelomic worm, that is, it did not have a body cavity. Supporters of this theory are sure that in addition to the coelom, the common ancestor of bilaterally symmetrical animals was devoid of any appendages, and also had a simply arranged nervous system. According to the first point of view, to which researchers outside of Russia are inclined, the whole - the body cavity - appeared independently in different groups of bilaterally symmetrical animals.

The second point of view, which is followed by the Russian zoological school, says that the common ancestor of bilaterally symmetrical animals was a rather complex coelomic creature, had appendages for movement and food gathering, and also had a complex nervous system.

The hypothesis of the origin of bilaterally symmetrical animals from a common intestinal ancestor, which had multipath symmetry and numerous chambers of the gastric cavity, which gave rise to the whole, for the first time was expressed English zoologist Adam Sedgwick, this idea developed in his work Head of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Professor, Corresponding Member.

To find new evidence supporting the second point of view, Dr. biological sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University Elena Temereva, lead author of an article co-authored with Evgeny Tsitrin from the Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE.

She managed to do this when studying a representative of the lockless brachiopods - Lingula anatina. Lingula is one of the oldest brachiopods that have survived to this day. They have been known since the early Ordovician (about 500 million years ago). Lingul fossils have been found all over the world, especially in Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America.

“Our study shows that in one of the trunks of the bilaterally symmetrical Bilateria animals, Lophotrochozoa, which includes the greatest variety of types of living organisms, a group of lophophoric animals stands out,” said Elena Temereva. - Lophophore - a special part of the body that carries tentacles. Representatives of three types of the animal kingdom have lophophores: phoronids, brachiopods, and bryozoans. It was the special structure of the lophophora that allowed researchers to combine these three types into a single group - Lophophorata. However, numerous data of molecular phylogenetics indicate that there is no single group of lophophorous animals.”

According to Temereva, within the framework of studies that were carried out using the methods of immunocytochemistry, laser confocal microscopy, 3D reconstruction and transmission electron microscopy, it was possible to prove the opposite - a group of lophophore animals exists, and it descended from a single ancestor that had a lophophore with tentacles.

This is confirmed by the similar structure nervous system lophophore in different groups of lophophore animals, which was first shown in the work of Elena Temereva.

“Due to the fact that tentacles are in the two main trunks of bilaterally symmetrical animals, it is logical to assume that they were also in a common ancestor. The common ancestor of chordates, including humans, also had tentacles,” Elena Temereva specified.

Thus, the common ancestor of bilaterally symmetrical animals had tentacle-like appendages, which is consistent with the ideas of the Russian zoological school and contradicts the ideas of foreign zoology.

Elena Temereva is confident that the results of this work will help in building a natural system of the animal kingdom, thanks to which the classification of species will become more specific.

Tentacles Tentacles is a name applied to a very diverse appendage of various animals (tentacula), as well as to appendages of the oral parts of arthropods (palpi), but unlike the former, they are also called palps (mainly in insects). Sh. are very common in intestinal cavities (except for sponges) and are in the form of simple, club-shaped, pinnate, and generally branched appendages, sitting either around the mouth (adoral corolla) or closer to the opposite end of the individual (aboral corolla), for example. on the edge of the disk of medusoid forms, on the basal part of polypoids. Shields are sometimes hollow, sometimes dense, and in the latter case they contain an axial row of endoderm cells. their number is different. Ugrebnevikov - two and, moreover, they are drawn into special vaginas; in medusoid forms it can be 4 or a multiple of 4, in subypoids 6 or a multiple of 6 or 8, or finally the number is indefinite and increases with age (hydroids). Shields are an organ of grasping, touching, and at the same time are supplied in abundance with stinging cells and, therefore, are organs of attack and defense. Perioral corolla characteristic of many worm-like (Vermidea), moreover, Sh. can sit on special ledges or even appendages (hands). They sit near the mouth, are usually covered with ciliated epithelium and serve to drive prey to the mouth. They are characteristic of either sedentary forms or leading a sedentary lifestyle, for example. burrowing into silt. In polychaete worms (Polychaeta) - there are shchiles on the head (paired and unpaired). The shield or palps of arthropods can sit on the mandibles (paipus mandibularis of crustaceans), on the first and second pair of maxillas (paipus maxillaris), attacks as 2 pairs of maxillas form the lower lip in insects, then they get the name labials (p. labialis). Shch. are a jointed appendage, which plays a mainly tactile role. V. Sh.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what "Tentacles" is in other dictionaries:

    - (tentaculi), mobile outgrowths of the body in coelenterates, molluscs, polychaete worms, bryozoans, brachiopods, pogonophores, wing gills, and other invertebrates. They are usually located at the front end of the body and perform the function of capturing food, ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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    Mobile outgrowths of the body in many invertebrates. They serve to capture food, breathe, touch, smell and move (in molluscs) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TENTACLES, lets and tsev, units. face, a, cf. In many invertebrates: the organ of touch, respiration, movement, grasping in the form of a mobile elongated outgrowth. | adj. tentacled, oh, oh. Type of tentacles (n.). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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    tentacles- Tentacles, mobile outgrowths of the body in many invertebrates. They serve to capture food, breathe, touch, smell and move (in mollusks). The length of the largest tentacles (in giant squids) can reach 13 m. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • KGB today. Invisible Tentacles, John Barron. 1992 edition. The safety is good. With facts in hand, John Barron argues in his book that this fantastic situation (the diabolical, destructive influence of the Soviet...