Beauty secrets of Maria Shukshina. Ex-husband of a famous actress: Masha Shukshina took my children away from me! I will sue them

She also talked about her next creative plans.

Maria, you are widely known to the viewer for numerous film and television projects, including the most popular TV program “Wait for me”, the show “Minute of Glory”. What role do you prefer: actress or TV presenter?

It is difficult for me to share, since this is my job, and there, and there I try to remain myself. But, of course, I love many of my roles because I have the opportunity to realize the character of my heroines on the screen.

What are your most memorable on-screen roles?

Of the last roles, I really liked my heroine from the TV series "Snoop". Externally - a beautiful blonde, internally - will give odds to many men. A strong and free woman.

In serials and in movies, you tried on very diverse images. And what are you like in real life?

Family. I love holidays. On New Year's Eve, we will definitely gather in full force - we do not leave the country, only Moscow or the Moscow region. I like to be in the country, I recently appreciated all the delights of gardening - I planted trees, I take care of them. Last summer I mowed the grass, planted flowers: this is the first time for me and, I hope, for a long time. I love spending time with children.

You look wonderful, and you and your eldest daughter are often mistaken for sisters. Tell us about your beauty secrets.

Keeping children close is the secret of not only beauty, but also a healthy lifestyle. And so ... I prefer natural, natural cosmetics, no plastic surgery. I trust products based on herbs and plants, I love herbal and herbal teas, vitamin-based syrups and herbal preparations - this is not only useful for beauty, but also for health. At the same time, I do not adhere to strict rules in food, but I observe fasts. In general, the main thing is a healthy lifestyle. Do not drink, do not smoke, eat organic products and spend more time outdoors. But still, I believe that it is not beauty that makes a woman irresistible, but the mind.

Beauty secrets of Maria Shukshina

What products can you not imagine your makeup bag without?

Sisley products - lipstick and shadows. I have the whole palette of colors. Other perfumes are Chanel and Hermes. For fresher breath - rinse Colgate Altai Herbs, in my schedule there is often not enough time to take a break, so the rinse with extracts of mint, chamomile and sea buckthorn is a real find.

How do you prefer to spend your free time, and do you have it? How do you unwind after a busy day?

Sauna. Of course, you don’t go there every day - it’s harmful. But once a week I go. So bath, sauna, contrast shower. Lately, I've started to like being closer to the ground, even though I never imagined that I would be gardening. But it unloads the head. You work, the body aches - but the whole body and muscles are tightened. Well, in the evening you can go to the bath or sauna.

How often do you manage to relax, and where do you prefer to spend this time: abroad or in Russia? What places do you like to visit?

As I said, lately I prefer the cottage. I have half a century old apple trees growing in my garden. Harvest twice a year - I pick apples and make juice out of them. The main thing is to be closer to the ground. This is the most luxurious vacation for me - both fitness and a healthy lifestyle. But shopping, of course, I prefer abroad. But it doesn't matter: harmony is when you turn off the phone and work. And all the problems begin just when you turn it on.

Always on top, or Why you don't have to worry about "extra" centimeters

Recently we told how ours lives. But what about those whose height is from 180 and above? Read and be surprised!

Ballet dreams (180 cm)

The biggest frustration about their height in Ravshana Kurkova(nee Matchanova) due to the fact that she could not become a ballerina.

I dreamed of pointe shoes and tutus. But in the three studios where I went to see with my mother, I heard only one thing: “With such a height, girl, nothing will work out in ballet,” Ravshana sighs.

"Dylda! Stick!" - such insults were constantly heard in her school years by the now famous 36-year-old actress. Even now, haters write caustic comments to the star under posts on social networks. The actress now, of course, does not react to rudeness.

Photo by Larisa KUDRYAVTSEVA / website

I accept myself for who I am. When I had complexes about my appearance as a child and was worried, especially because the boys were embarrassed to be friends with me, my grandmother uttered the golden words: “It doesn’t matter how long your legs are. There are three things in a woman that men pay attention to: hair, teeth, skin, ”says Kurkova.

Creature from another planet (180 cm)

Olesya Zheleznyak from its growth has only bonuses. For example, she got into the movies thanks to her long legs and somewhat awkward appearance.

It was such a funny dylda and aunt that was needed Tigran Keosayan for the title role in Silver Lily of the Valley. He saw me in the corridor of Mosfilm and immediately stopped looking for the heroine, - said the 42-year-old actress. - And husband ( with an actor Spartak Sumchenko Olesya has been married for 18 years and has four children; Spartak's height - 185 cm. - K. B.) first of all drew attention to my height. “You seemed to me a creature from another planet, an alien - it was impossible to take your eyes off,” he later admitted to me.

The actress with her husband and children - Agafya, Prokhor and Savely

She did not suffer from her great height at school either. Vice versa. Olesya was seated at the last desk so that her head would not interfere with anyone.

Write off and mind your own business - there it is!

Beauty is not in long eyelashes (180 cm)

As a teenager, everything annoyed me: from the nose and eyebrows to the knees, - recalls the 50-year-old Maria Shukshina. - And when I began to stand first in the line at physical education, it seemed that life did not work out at all. But as I got older, I realized that size doesn't matter. Neither short nor tall will make you happier. And the beauty of a woman is not in long eyelashes, thin waist and large breasts, but in the mind. If everything is in order with the head, then even the most ugly (by some completely stupid standards, invented, I don’t know who) will be able to present herself in such a way that not a single man will pass by without looking back.


The TV presenter is convinced that the main thing is to find YOUR man:

And it doesn't matter what your height difference will be. If you look in one direction, then all these little things will not matter.

Say no to black

Strict - 182 cm Stefanenko - 185 cm

“It makes no sense to dream of becoming a miniature brunette: it will never happen anyway” - the TV presenter lives with this motto Tasha Strict(according to the passport - Natalia Frolova). There were periods when she was complex and envious of girls with standard height: they say that young men want to take care of such people, and if you are far from a baby, then to you - as "your boyfriend."

After a while, I realized that such an attitude is much more valuable than short-term tenderness, - says 43-year-old Tasha. - There were problems with clothes before. Now they sew taking into account the maximum growth. Yes, I am a designer myself. When I became a mother at the age of 37, Strict gave birth to twin boys. - K. B.) and suddenly at some point she looked back, it became funny from her worries about her appearance. I want to appeal to all the girls who are embarrassed because of the "extra" centimeters. It's such little things! Natasha Stefanenko (co-host of Tasha on the program "Take it off immediately!". - K. B.), which is three centimeters taller than me, walks freely and in heels. He says: “It’s men who have to worry about how to reach me!” Be confident. In no case do not slouch and do not hide behind caps with large peaks. Say no! black and shapeless. And women's happiness will surely overtake you!

Kissing is nice (180 cm)

If you believe the rumors, then the novel of the participant "Comedy Woman" Catherine Barnabas And Dmitry Khrustalev began with Katya's phrase: "Aren't you too small to whip me?" It is no wonder - Khrustalev is 14 centimeters lower than Barnabas. At the same time, many considered this couple harmonious and sweet.

Katya and dancer Kostya MYAKINKOV got married in early June. We went to Rome for our honeymoon

A small man and a tall girl are very erotic, don't you think? - smiles 32-year-old Barnabas. - Here is Dima Khrustalev - our one and only man. What do you think Mitya was doing in Comedy Woman among so many women? He is small, tenacious and funny - a real conqueror of women's hearts! In general, I noticed that short men are much more talented and successful than those whose height exceeds the mark of 190 - 195. In general, of course, it is more difficult for people with small stature, because they have been looking at the world all their lives, slightly raising their heads - your neck hurts. But we, tall, and kissing is always nice.


Lose Weight with Lemon Rice (181 cm)

"Long-legged heron" - that was the name of the singer Barbarian(real name - Ateena tutanova) classmates from Gnesinka. And at school, the future artist was dubbed the Ostankino Tower. Therefore, Varvara had a habit of walking hunched over. But in the basketball section, Alena was a great success. Finally, complexes regarding growth disappeared while working as a model in the Fashion House Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

It's profitable to be high on the stage, but in life... I can't afford to put on shoes with beautiful, elegant heels - I'll just knock down all the ceilings! - says the 43-year-old singer. - Weight must be carefully monitored. If, with such growth, to be also a pampushka ... Once a week I arrange a fasting day: kefir, buckwheat or apple. I recently tried a new diet: boiled rice sprinkled with lemon juice and grapefruit with egg white.

TV presenter and actress Maria Shukshina, in her 50s, looks young beyond her years and keeps her figure in great shape. Maria became a mother four times, but despite her natural tendency to be overweight, she never gained a large number of extra pounds. Many even note that with age she only lost weight.

Maria's data as of 2019:

  • Height: 180 centimeters
  • Weight: 65 kilograms
  • Foot size: 42
  • Figure options: 97-71-98 cm
  • Official Instagram: @shukshina_maria– has more than 126 thousand subscribers

Fans of Maria Shukshina are wondering what rules the actress follows to preserve the youth and beauty of her figure, and whether there is any special diet.

To answer these questions, let's take a look at all the nutrition tips she shared with the public:

  • Exclusion from the diet of harmful products. This applies to all kinds of sweets, flour, fried, smoked, fatty and, of course, alcohol. The diet of the actress is dominated by those that not only support the figure, but also strengthen our health: greens, cereals, lean meat, nuts.
  • Refusal of invigorating drinks - tea and coffee. Maria is of the opinion that they have a negative impact on the health, youth and beauty of the skin, and can also give the teeth an unpleasant yellowish tint. The star found them an excellent replacement - chicory, cocoa, fruit drinks, jelly and.
  • , which helps to cleanse the skin, reduce appetite and get rid of toxins and toxins.


The artist's approach to nutrition, being simple to follow and not requiring radical measures, can hardly be called a diet. Her approximate diet looks like this:

  • For breakfast, Maria prefers, sometimes adding dried fruits or frozen berries to them, and when there is not enough time for cooking, she eats ordinary muesli poured. The actress usually drinks her morning meal.
  • Between breakfast and lunch, she makes a mandatory healthy snack. Often these are fruits, nuts, whole grain breads.
  • Considering that lunch is the main meal, Maria tries to include protein and carbohydrate foods in approximately the same proportions. Her favorite lunch options are boiled with, boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad, low-fat fish or meat in combination with vegetable stew, or vegetable soup in low-fat broth.
  • She considers yogurt to be the best example of an afternoon snack, or, which contains - the basis of beautiful hair, elastic skin and strong nails. Here Maria goes for a little trick - she eats these foods slowly, sometimes even with the help of a teaspoon, so that with a small consumption, the feeling of fullness comes faster.
  • In the evening, dietary protein products definitely dominate in the nutrition of the star. Her dinner may consist of a cottage cheese casserole, baked fish or chicken breast salad, a light chicken broth soup and seafood.

The formula of the diet is that you need to eat often, but in small portions. This will reduce the feeling of hunger between meals and minimize the possibility of breakdowns.

Of course, it is quite difficult to completely abandon high-calorie foods, especially with such a busy schedule as the actress, when there is not enough time to cook diet meals. Also, sometimes she can enjoy her favorite sweets in small quantities. However, you should not abuse it during a diet.

With regards to physical activity, which will make any diet more productive, the artist prefers, as well as a visit. Which is not surprising, because the benefits of swimming, which involves almost all muscle groups, are greater than from most aerobic workouts. As Maria notes, after the pool, you can visit the sauna, which will only increase the effectiveness of losing weight.

Thanks to Instagram, where the TV presenter regularly posts her photos, it became known that she is also interested in activities that not only increase the productivity of the diet, but also relieve stress.

Your feedback on the article:

For the fourth year, actress Masha Shukshina has been leading the ORT along with the people's
artist Igor Kvasha program "Wait for me", which is looking for
missing people. This program is very popular, it is already out
beyond the Russian and acquired an international status. Masha is an actress
second generation, she is the daughter of the famous actress Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina and
actor, film director and writer Vasily Shukshin.

- Masha, how did you become the host of the “Wait for me” program?
- Suddenly. My son was two years old, and I was already thinking about starting to work again. There were also thoughts about television, it is a more stable job compared to cinema. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of my father, the writer Vasily Shukshin, my mother and I, among a large delegation of artists and public figures, went to his homeland, Altai.
There was also a producer from ORT Sergey Shumakov. He came up and said that he had been eyeing me for a long time and wanted to propose some kind of project. And a week later I was invited to television. Initially, I did not even imagine what scale this program would have, I was just happy that I was offered the job. The first experience was more or less successful.
- Masha, it is now impossible to imagine this program without your face. You are always so calm, beautiful, and passions are seething around. How do you manage not to cry when everyone in the audience is crying and it's just impossible to resist?
– It was very difficult at the beginning. Once I burst into tears so much that I even had to stop filming. A grandmother from Guryanov Street was looking for her missing grandson. She told this terrible story without tears, and it affected me even more. I burst into tears, because I have children myself, and I had to go backstage. Barely calmed down, a huge effort of will. Then I didn’t allow myself to do this anymore, I can’t cry.
- As an actress, what have you gained by working on such a rare program in its subject matter?
- As an actress, I rather bring something to the program, but I also learned a lot, for example, I learned how to work with people. After all, I don’t have an acting education, I graduated from a foreign language, and when I started my acting career, I couldn’t overcome my fear of the public.
For example, when they began to ask me to speak at a creative evening dedicated to the memory of my father, I refused with all my might, because it was torture for me to stand on the stage in front of the hall. I was afraid of the hall. Now there is no fear. Now I can keep the audience's attention as long as I want, I'm not afraid of it and I can even joke and make jokes if necessary. I also learned to sensitively respond to someone else's grief and show participation. As dad once said, he could not get past human grief, and he wrote about this.
- Masha, you must admit that it is not easy to be at the epicenter of human misfortunes all the time. You must be very tired. How do you relax?
- I get tired, of course, very much, but I can’t quit this program anymore, it would be a betrayal on my part. Children, first of all, relieve stress. I have two of them: Anya is 14 years old, Makar is 5. I go to the pool - this is a good physical and emotional unloading.
- On the street, probably every passer-by recognizes you?
- Yes, recognition has become very strong, and people turn directly to me for help. Just recently, I drive up to a gas station, a woman runs out to meet her and says that her cousin has disappeared, asking for help.
At first, when they began to contact me, I tried to explain to everyone that Igor Vladimirovich and I were not engaged in search, that we were only leaders, but people, knowing us by sight, expected help from us, so I stopped explaining this to them, I understand that, except for me, they have no one to turn to. Of course, I had to get used to my unusual popularity. I go through passport control at the customs, and the customs woman smiles at me, takes the passport and says jokingly: “Well, you could do without a passport.”
These are, so to speak, pleasant moments of recognition. But people are all different, it happens that they don’t recognize me right away and start looking at me from all sides and discussing loudly: Shukshina, they say, is this Shukshina or not? Moreover, when I am in public places, I try to somehow disguise myself - with glasses, with some kind of headgear, in order to avoid such unpleasant moments. In general, the actor should be recognizable. If he is not recognized on the street, then he is out of luck.
- But fame came to you earlier, even before the program “Wait for me”?
- After the film "American Daughter" the next day, as they say, I woke up famous. And so far, this film and Wait for Me are the two things that made me famous, although I have other film roles.
- Masha, how do you combine work in film and television with household chores, what is your routine?
– My mode depends on work. When there is no filming, I allow myself to sleep even until one in the afternoon. The daughter is already completely independent, and a nanny is looking after Makar. When I have filming, it happens that I send Makar to live with a nanny. Although the nanny has her own family, she loves our Makar very much and he loves her too. We were so lucky with the nanny, it's a rarity when the nanny is like a native.
- Do you easily endure the regime change?
- Easily. My adaptability is high. It happened that she lived in such terrible hotels, where there is no water, no amenities, but a person can adapt to everything. I adapted too.
- How were you raised in the family, also according to the regime?
- Mom was always on business trips, and my stepfather and my sister Olya raised me, because my father died when I was 7 years old. I don’t remember my father well, he was also on business trips all the time or all day at the film studio, he worked at night.
The stepfather, the famous cameraman Mikhail Leonidovich Agranovich, was wonderful. He was for dad, and for mom, and for the nanny, he loved Olga and me very much, it’s a pity that then they parted with mom. But all my conscious school life he was there. My sister and I were not spoiled, there were no frills. If something extra was asked from my mother, then more often there was a refusal, she did not follow the lead. They asked for a dog - no, a kitten - also no. We were dressed modestly, we mostly wore school uniforms.
Sometimes my mother brought something from abroad, but these were single things. And I was happy. I was so disciplined, with such high responsibility, timid, somewhere in a crowded place, I always held tight to my mother's skirt.
- It is strange to hear from such a secular beauty a confession of excessive modesty and timidity.
- In my youth, I didn’t love myself terribly, it seemed to me that my lips were thick, my eyebrows were too wide, my nose was not like that. This was aggravated by the fact that the boys did not pay any attention to me at all, because until the age of 16 I was taller than everyone else, I have a height of 180 centimeters.
But in the tenth grade, everything suddenly changed: on the first of September we came to school and it turned out that the guys had grown so big over the summer that they caught up with me and overtook me in height. Here the boys began to run after me, and they began to tell me that I was beautiful. With this, I entered adulthood.
- Masha, on the program you are always dressed in classic cut suits. Does this style match your lifestyle?
- I really like pants. My favorite suit is a jacket and trousers. The color of the host's suit should be bright, but not black or white, so the suits are blue, yellow, peach, red, but the style does not change. I follow the same style in my life.
- Why? Mom is an actress, you too, because your lifestyle is such that you can afford to wear any fashionable and elegant things?
Mom always dressed fashionably, and I saw what good taste she had. She used the services of a dressmaker. I wanted to change things just as often, but there was no such opportunity, and I dreamed of growing up as soon as possible to wear my mother's costumes.
Although they were three sizes larger, my mother reluctantly, however, later allowed me. There was a time when I was growing up that I didn't have to dress up. Everyone had an average level, no one stood out. My mother once brought me jeans, clogs, a jacket and a hat from Poland, I put them all on, and we went to the station to meet my grandmother. How embarrassing I was in this outfit, it seemed to me that everyone was just looking at me and how I showed off!
At the institute, I walked with a gray mouse so as not to annoy the teachers. I had a conflict with one of the teachers, a woman, and women can be very picky. From all this came the classic style. I won’t put on too fashionable or I’ll move on to this quite smoothly.
Favorite color is black. All my women's need for dressing up is met by cinema. For example, in the last picture in which I starred - "The Adventures of a Magician", in each new scene there was a new make-up, a different hairstyle, a different costume.
- And the hairstyle - a Russian beauty with a scythe - did you borrow it from your mother?
- At first, on the TV show, they wanted to come up with a new look for me, but they didn’t find anything better than smoothly combed hair in a straight parting, gathered in a braid. Sometimes I myself want to change something in my hairstyle, for example, to wear bangs, but I quickly get bored with it. I don't like having hair on my face.
- Your temples are so stylishly shaved ...
- With temples just a comedy. Everyone likes them very much, everyone pays attention, everyone asks. Girls in the provinces imitate me, they also make themselves such temples. But the whole secret is that in the eighth grade I foolishly cut off these strands for myself, and now I have to keep in shape all the time. I do it myself with scissors, and everyone thinks that I go to the hairdresser.
- You have gorgeous hair. Is it from nature or special care for them?
- I had a problem with my hair, I almost lost it, because they were wound on thermal rollers too often when I was acting in films. I saved myself with a Japanese mineral hair mask and shampoos, one goat milk shampoo, the other nettle. The hair has stopped falling. After the first birth, they began to darken, and in order to preserve their light brown color, I do highlighting.
- It often happens that after childbirth a woman changes not only externally, but also internally. She becomes more relaxed, aware of her strength. Has this metamorphosis happened to you?
- After the first birth, I didn’t change at all, probably because I was too young, still a student, but after the birth of my son, yes. I wanted so badly to have a son. When Makar was born, my female dream came true, it seems that I don’t need anything else. He grows up so fast, every day something new. I was absent for a month, he suddenly began to address me in a new way: “You are my beauty, princess, beauty.” It's so funny to hear that from a five year old and at the same time it's so masculine.
- Masha, how to keep a figure, having given birth to two children?
- To be honest, I have been fighting overweight all my life, because there is someone to be full in, in my mother. I've tried a lot. For example, I did fitness for a year and a half, but it was a burden for me. Each time I decided for myself that today I would not go to the gym, then with an incredible effort of will I forced myself to go, then I had the joy of defeating myself, and everything started all over again. Then I got tired of this torture.
I go to the pool with pleasure, but swimming develops such an appetite that it is impossible to lose weight. Every day I weigh myself, every day the weight is different. I tried to follow a diet according to the hemocode, studied it on my own, from a book. It didn't help either.
But now I have started a new diet, a protein one, which was offered to me at the Aesthetica plastic surgery clinic, whose services I use. I have high hopes for this diet, there are already first results. I am lazy and do not like to limit myself in anything, so a protein diet suits me. This is a pure milk protein that dissolves fat, as a result of which extra pounds go away, but the muscles do not sag, which is very important. The course lasts from two weeks to one and a half months, the initial weight loss is from 4 to 8 kilograms.
What does protein diet mean? Do you eat a set of foods?
- No, this is a powder that is diluted with boiling water. You can cook any dish: pudding, champignon soup, mushroom or chicken. You can make yogurt, you can make an omelet with bacon. What do you like. And all this is very tasty, I have already tried everything.
- And not pulling after that boiled sausages to eat?
– No, it doesn’t pull at all, I feel quite full. What pleases me most of all is that this diet has sweets - I love sweets very much and it’s hard for me to refuse them. Here you can eat sweets, because there is no sugar, but only xylitol, and what is more important for me personally, this diet allows you not only to lose weight, but also to consolidate the result. I need to drop something just a little.
- If the problem is only a few kilograms, is it worth torturing yourself? You can simply develop your diet.
- It's hard for me to do that. I usually don't eat breakfast. I also skip lunch. If I work at the film site, then they will feed me there, if I go about my business all day, of which I have a lot, then I practically don’t eat until six in the evening. The body has already adapted to this regime and does not ask. But in the evening the food itself begins.
For life, my weight would be normal if it were not for the movie, but the screen enlarges, so you need to lose weight all the time. For example, for the role of a magician in The Adventures of a Magician, I didn’t need this, I just needed forms there, but for the role of a circus performer in the Anglo-Russian film Love Island, I needed to lose 10 kilograms. An actress with a great texture is very limited in roles, there are such unwritten laws both in our and in Western cinema.
- But my mother always played textured Russian women. For example, in the film "Stove-shops" or in "Kalina Krasnaya". Did she go on diets and lose weight?
- No, my mother was more fortunate, because she lived and acted at a time when actresses of her texture were in demand. If you look closely, you can see that the fashion in the fifties and sixties was different. I mean fashion for women's beauty. All the heroines of these years with hips, with a bust, are not skinny at all.
And now fashion dictates something completely different and you have to obey. I really love myself having lost weight, then everything suits me, no matter what I put on, and I still love myself after six in the evening, when my face is already so even and there are no shadows under my eyes.
- Masha, how do you cook?
- I don’t like to cook, I don’t like to hang around in the kitchen, if I could, I would eat only semi-finished products. Our stepfather cooked wonderfully and baked wonderful cakes, charlottes, potato cakes. I have all the recipes from him.
- You, too, probably bake, since you are sweet?
- Rarely, but for birthdays and New Year's it is a must. For example, a pie with prunes, dried apricots, raisins and walnuts. It is done simply and quickly. You need to take half a glass of pitted prunes, the same amount of dried apricots and a handful of peeled walnuts and raisins, mix and pour into a mold in which the cake will be baked. Then take 4 full tablespoons of flour, sugar to taste and 5 eggs, beat with a mixer and pour nuts and dried fruits with this mass. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes, the cake should be well browned. Then soak the finished cake with cognac and sprinkle with grated dark chocolate on top. You can put a large strawberry in the center.
- Masha, you have another way to lose weight - the program "Wait for me." After all, after each shooting, you probably lose some money, don't you?
- I drop it, really, but this is an inefficient way, anyway, there will be fluctuations in weight, because as soon as I have a calm moment in my life, I start eating a lot. In my free time I like to lie down, read, and when I read, I have a reflex from school - I have to chew.

The most famous matchmaker of the country, the host of the Let's Get Married program on Channel One, Rosa Syabitova, has always been frank. She did not hide from the public either her difficult childhood - she talked about how her mother abused alcohol - neither her unsuccessful relationships, nor big losses - the matchmaker was left a widow with two children and she had to fight for her place in the sun.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Rosa easily and simply admits: yes, I did plastic surgery. In total, according to Syabitova, she underwent eight operations. And not only because she wanted to remain young and beautiful. One of the reasons why she went under the surgeon's knife was cardinal weight loss. Three years ago, Syabitova lost 20 kilograms of excess weight in three months. She spoke about this in the program of Maria Shushkina "Visiting in the morning."

// Photo: frame from the program "Visiting in the morning"

“When I was offered to participate in the program, I immediately said - and then the operation. It is clear that if you lose weight, then your chest will sag. I lost 20 kilograms and did a complete tuning - eight operations after losing weight. Do you think that I, like Nastya Volochkova, will say: “I had a busty grandmother?” No, guys, miracles do not happen, ”said Roza Syabitova.

When asked by Shukshina - was it not scary not to recognize herself after plastic surgery, Rosa waved it off. “We do everything in Russian. Who does not take risks does not drink champagne.

By the way, Syabitova has a difficult relationship with alcohol. Her mother abused and, according to Rosa, simply drank. She herself at one time had the idea to save herself with alcohol, but her son Denis helped her. This happened after the death of her first husband, Rosa was left a widow, alone with two small children on the street. According to the matchmaker, her mother-in-law drove her away and Rosa had to return home to her drinking mother.

“I just dropped my hands. And my mother is drunk next to me. I found her port. I think: maybe a drink, maybe it will be easier this way? Deniska comes out and says: "Mom, don't." It felt like cold water was dousing me. In the morning I woke up as warrior Xena,” Rose said.

Syabitova has achieved a lot, made a career, earned money, and is now equipping a country house. As she herself says, she is building a family nest. “Two years ago, the idea of ​​forming a tradition arose. What is a tradition? It is a habit passed down from generation to generation. Everything must be done to accustom children to country life. Now this house has appeared, in which I invest, which I build.

The children of Syabitova Denis and Ksenia are still alone. But the telematchmaker is sure: their life will turn out in the best way. She admitted that she was ready to accept any son-in-law and daughter-in-law, however, with the condition: “I will adapt to any son-in-law to any daughter-in-law, but I need to feel good too. Therefore, we will choose together - with an eye on the family, ”said Rosa.