The master is having fun with a peasant woman. Mass practice of rape of serf children and women by landowners under tsarism. Eye for an eye

Once, the son of the landowner Izmailov fell in love with the serf beauty Maryana, and for a year he had secretly met with her. He always appeared to her at night and sweetly spent time in embraces and love. Now everything began to crumble, and Arseny could not find a place for himself.

Arseny always took the girl far beyond the Neverov estate and only there made love to her. The girl fell in love with a young master without a memory, but the difference in class forced them to meet secretly so that no one could suspect their relationship. Frequent meetings gradually grew into love, and they could no longer live without each other.

Arseny wanted to buy Maryana from Elizabeth, but he did not dare, and then the master himself arrived. It will be difficult to agree with this - Arseniy understood this from their first meeting. He will not go for it, but he will find out, and he will deal with it himself. Arseniy was afraid of this most of all.

Now he was at a loss and did not know what to do next.

His father's offer to go to Neverov's estate made him happy. There was a chance to once again meet with his beloved and warn her of the danger.

By evening, Arseny began to gather to Neverov. He ordered the wagon to be washed to a shine and the most excellent horses to be harnessed. He himself put on formal clothes, chrome boots and waited for the appointed hour to arrive just in time for dinner.

"I'll go alone," he warned his father. When I'll be back, I don't know.

“You look there, do as you should,” the old man warned, escorting his son out of the gate.

Chapter 4

The arrival of the master was celebrated on a grand scale.

By order of Neverov, the groom Egor gathered the most beautiful girls to serve the guests. The master personally examined the beauties and gave the go-ahead.

“Each one will receive a reward,” Neverov chimed in at the sight of the beauties.

There were ten guests. Here were the landowner Maksimov with his wife and daughter, and Arseny Izmailov, and the constable, and several colleagues who had come from the city at the invitation of the owner.

Old Elizabeth immediately did not like such a company, which foreshadowed a booze, but she did not hide her joy at the arrival of her brother. Now she was reassured only by the fact that her brother would take over the management of the household, and she would go to the long-awaited rest.

Arseny was surprised when he saw Maryana among the girls serving the event. She was among those beauties that Yegor picked up at the direction of the owner.

Maryana imperceptibly smiled at the young master and lowered her eyes guiltily.

Neverov drank a lot with his friends, then he began to yell songs and dance.

Arseniy sat at the edge of the table, only had a snack and watched everyone gradually get drunk. He had a desire to leave Neverov's house, but the owner immediately noticed his intentions.

“Sit where you are,” muttered the half-drunk gentleman. - Sit down if you respect me.

Unexpectedly, the master also remembered Andrei Nikitin, whom he ordered to come that evening.

- Egor! he called to the groom who was standing at the door. - My friend should be waiting for me there. Call here.

Egor went up to the master.

- Who it? asked the groom.

“Well, that kid we met along the way.

- Barin, he's a child.

“You didn’t understand me, Yegor.

My orders must be carried out without discussion or unnecessary talk. The boy is sixteen years old, and you are a child ... It's time for him to flog a woman, and you are telling me here ... Call here, and so that in a minute he will be here! Want to see.

- And if he is not?

“Then jump to his house and bring him here.

Yegor bowed and hurried into the yard.

Arseniy did not like such a company at all. He went out several times to get some air from tobacco smoke and breathe. fresh air. It was impossible to leave home unnoticed, so he held himself, trying not to show displeasure, and waited until the owner was completely drunk.

Neverov constantly talked with the landowner Maximov, as with a neighbor on the estate, and repeatedly tried to start conversations with the young master. Arseny was laconic, answered briefly and clearly.

“We must begin to establish our own rules,” the drunken Neverov repeated. “Tomorrow I’ll gather my serfs and start putting their brains in.” Rumor has it that they are completely out of hand. I will flog publicly for everyone to see. I will arrange a heavenly life for them.

- Yes, I did not notice the case that yours disobeyed, - objected the landowner Maximov. - Everything is working.

- Are you stepping up? It is not good to intercede for the serfs. So they will work even better. He put his arm around his neighbor's shoulders and stared into his eyes. “They’ll all be here for me now. He clenched his big fist and raised it to his face. "Here's where I'll have them!" And look at me, what girls are spinning around here! Okay, bitches! I'll take care of them too. The woman has been gone for a long time. With them, I will have another matter, more serious.

Arseniy heard this conversation well and glanced at Maryana, who put new bottles on the table.

The girl again noticed Arseny's gaze and blushed.

“Come here, beauty,” Neverov grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to him. - I'll take you first. Good girl! Eh!

Mariana hurried to escape and, jumping out into the street, burst into tears.

“Oh, it’s you Arseny,” she whispered.

- Why are you crying?

- The master got drunk and dissolves his hands. Don't you see this? He feels my heart, we will take a sip of grief with him.

“I told you to run to our estate,” Arseny recalled. “Elizabeth wouldn't have found out. She is not up to all of you.

– Yes, how can you? I have an old mother, father. What if everything was revealed? You don't know our officer. This is such a rare bastard, I would have passed right away. We are all copied from him.

“I would hide you. - Arseny pressed the girl to him and began to kiss. - Need to do something. I will try to redeem you.

- Honey, stop, they can see us. – Maryana began to escape from his embrace.

It's nighttime and no one is around. Let's go to me.

- I can't. The master said that tomorrow he would collect everyone and establish his own rules. I'm so afraid of it!

“Leave for Petrushino,” suggested Arseny. - This is the farthest village of your master. He rarely appears there. The village is small, and your grandmother lives there. If you want, I'll take it away right now, and no one will know.

“I don’t even know,” Mariana hesitated.

- While Neverov still does not know who and where lives - this is the surest move.

- And the officer? He knows everything. What about mom and dad? How do I drop them?

- Warn me, and I will take you away immediately.

- Will you come to me there?

- Of course I will.

Mariana looked around.

“Okay,” she agreed. - Let's just go home. I will warn my people, but the police officer may notice my disappearance and report to the master. What will happen then?

- You do not leave the estate of the master, and Elizabeth, as I know, allowed such movements.

“Oh, I take such a sin on my soul,” the girl got worried. - Let's go.

Arseny seated his beloved in a wagon and drove the horses.

Chapter 5

Yegor brought Andrey to the court and led him into the house.

“Your Honor, I delivered the boy,” he reported.

- Let him come in. - Neverov had fun with all his heart.

In a drunken stupor, he sat the young woman on his knees and pawed her with his hands. She squealed, trying to escape, but the master held her tightly to him and did not want to let go.

Bewildered Andrei appeared at the door and bowed low. He looked at the merry gentlemen and did not know what to do.

“Go to the master,” Yegor pushed him.

“Why didn’t you wait at the gates of the estate, as I ordered?” Neverov pounced on young man.

Andrei remained silent and blinked his large eyes.

“Come here, sit down,” the master invited him and pushed the girl aside. - Get out of here, tired. Sit next to me and don't pay attention to anyone. Now I am the owner here.

The bewildered boy sat down beside him and lowered his eyes.

– Eat? - Neverov asked and pushed him a full plate of meat, and poured a full glass of vodka.

The dumbfounded young man could not utter a word.

- This is not for you, - the master noticed the confusion of the guy, he drained the glass in one gulp and put it on the table with a noise. - Do you want to be human? - he leaned towards Andrey's head, put his arm around his shoulders and turned him around. “You took a liking to me right away. I had one young adjutant at the front. Oh, and I loved him.

Andrey was silent, glancing at the tipsy constable, who did not take his piercing gaze off him.

- And what did you hatch? Neverov noticed his gaze. Don't touch this kid, do you understand me?

“Understood, your honor,” the officer bowed his head.

“Tomorrow you will go with me to my villages,” Neverov said loudly so that everyone could hear. “You too, sergeant.” Show me what you have brought my economy to. I will inspect all the possessions and count the serfs. Do you have everything recorded?

Everything, your honor.

- Look at me. If I miss at least one soul, I will flog you like the last goat. Are your lists okay?

- All right, sir. All one to one.

- Take it with you. Yegor, get the horses ready for the morning, better. - Neverov looked at the young man. - What are you wearing? Some rags.

Andrew lowered his eyes and blushed.

“You will have a camisole and boots,” Neverov promised. - My man must look decent. He pulled the young man close to him and kissed his forehead.

Why such mercy on your part? Andrey asked quietly.

- For what? Yes, you liked me right away, that's why. I need a young man, handsome, tall, like you. Let you a few years - it does not matter. The main thing is that the head cooks. Does she cook for you?

“I don’t know,” Andrey was confused.

So it will cook. Understood?

“Understood,” Andrew replied.

- Do you want a drink? - Neverov poured half a glass of vodka and moved Andrei.

“I never drank,” the young man admitted.

- Drink and eat. - The master moved a plate to Andrey. - Eat well. I don't want hungry people.

Andrei did not dare to disobey and drank vodka; grimaced, began to eat meat.

“I rarely drink,” Neverov began to explain for some reason, “but when I drink, it’s a lot.” Today is a good opportunity to do so.

Can I take some food home later? Andrey said, looking at the abundance of food on the table. “My mother is starving.

Neverov looked sternly at the constable.

“Well, are you a son of a bitch, starving my peasants?” Tomorrow you will present all the lists of the dead, the births, children and adults. Do you understand me? Do you have such an account?

“Of course, your honor.

"Tomorrow I'll see what you've been doing here without me." - Neverov slapped Andrei on the shoulder. - Everyone walk, - ordered the master. - Drink, eat and walk .... I so want! Let's go, let's go.

Andrei followed the master into the yard.

- What, scared of my speeches? Neverov asked in a completely sober voice.

Andrei looked at the master and said nothing.

- Do you want to be a man, not a slave?

“I’m already a man, your honor,” Andrey answered.

You are half human. You are a fortress. I give you the right to choose. I don't want to force you. Decide for yourself. I need an assistant. A person with whom you can do business, relax, go hunting and everything else ....

“I’m still young for such things and I don’t understand anything. And why me?

“Yes, you blossomed here without me,” the master sighed. - You all need to be beaten. I'll start with you. You are a fool, brother. You can assume that we did not have a conversation. Get away from here. Don't see me again.

Neverov spat and went to the house to the guests.

- What time will you be here tomorrow? He heard Andrew's voice.

The bartender turned around.

“In the morning,” Neverov answered and grinned.

Chapter 6

Early in the morning Andrei was at the gates of the Neverov estate. He looked through the crack in the fence and saw the groom Yegor, who was saddling three horses. Andrei whistled loudly, and Yegor went to the gate.

- Why did you whistle? Barin hasn't woken up yet. Why so early?

Andrew shrugged and smiled.

- If you want, I'll help you.

You can't, you're still young. The master likes everything to be reliable.

Andrew shrugged.

- All right, come in, just be quiet. The master still cannot leave after yesterday.

- What is the master's horse? Andrey asked, looking with envy at the good horses.

- Barina is this one. He looked after him yesterday.

- Good, - Andrey patted the horse on the back. - And your?

- I don't care. They are all good. I picked the best ones, - Yegor answered.

"Then can I take it?" - The young man stroked the other horse on the muzzle, and he grunted loudly, snorted.

- Can you drive?

- Can. - Andrei jumped into the saddle and, spurring his horse, spun around the yard.

- You liked our master, - said Yegor. - Do not refuse anything, fool, if he paid attention to you. Maybe you will be lucky in life. Not all the same back in the field to bend.

“Tell me about the owner,” Andrey asked.

“I don’t know anything about him yet. He had not been in these parts for a long time: he was busy with the service all his life, rose to the rank of general, went through the war.

Is he a real general?

– Yes, what did you think? He is from the military.

Andrew scratched the back of his head.

- Wow!

- for all my adulthood the gentleman only came to the estate a couple of times. At the funeral of his father - and then passing through. It was a long time ago. Elizabeth was in charge of everything. Now he will be the master here. Hold him close. They say he is very strict and does not forgive betrayals. And since he liked you, it means that he has something in relation to you. He is alone here and he needs a faithful assistant.

- I? What am I? I'm already old, so little will be asked of me. And you are young, tall, beautiful. Apparently, he loves beautiful people. Here he will dress you up, and you will be handsome. I heard he promised you that.

“But I am quite young. I am only sixteen years old.

- It doesn't matter to the master.

Does he have no wife and children?

- So it turns out. Apparently, he didn't have time to do it.

Andrei jumped off his horse and stroked his muzzle again.

A maid came out of the house and called Andrei into the house.

- Go, be the owner. So he ordered yesterday,” she said.

Andrei was taken aback, looked at the groom and went into the house.

The maid led him through several ornate rooms and stopped at a large carved door.

"Go," she urged him.

Andrei crossed himself and knocked.

- Come in and don't knock. It's time for him to get up. The maid opened the door for him.

Andrei entered and found himself in a large spacious bedroom. In the middle stood a wide bed, next to it on the floor lay a pillow and a bottle of wine. On the bed, covered with his head, the gentleman slept.

Andrei stood and did not know what to do.

He slowly moved forward and extended his hand to wake the master. The young man was so excited that his mouth was dry. He blinked his large eyes and trembled all over. Touching the blanket, he gently patted the master on the back, and he stirred.

“Get up, your honor,” Andrey whispered. It's morning already and we have to go.

Neverov looked out from under the covers and rubbed his eyes.

- And it's you? Why come so early? He took Andrew's hand and pulled him towards him.

The young man sat down on a chair next to the bed and did not take his eyes off the sleepy face of the owner.

- How bad I feel, my head is cracking after yesterday, - complained Neverov. - Went through a bit. Look, is there any wine left?

Andrew picked up the bottle from the floor.

- Empty.

“Come to me,” Neverov again pulled the guy towards him. “Today I will order that you take measurements and immediately sew good clothes. If you are with me, then you should look decent.

Neverov threw back the covers and stood up.

- Wait for me in the yard, I'll be there soon.

Andrei went out into the yard, pale with fear.

- Did you wake up the master? Yegor asked.

- Coming out soon.

- Well, okay.

After a while, Neverov came out in full dress. He wore a red frock coat, riding breeches tucked into chrome boots, and a military cap. He looked around at the horses.

Andrey, sit on this one. - The master pointed to the horse, which Andrei did not like at all.

“He chose another, your honor,” said Yegor.

- Why is this bad? - the barin was surprised.

Andrei blushed and was about to jump into the saddle, but Neverov made concessions.

If you like this one, take it. She will be yours,” he said.

Andrei smiled and jumped into the saddle.

“We’re going to Petrushino,” the master ordered. - On the way, a police officer will join us. I took him by surprise yesterday. Will keep a full report on the serfs.

Egor ran to open the gate.

Neverov spurred his horse and rushed forward. Andrei did not lag behind him. Yegor soon overtook them.

- Where did you learn to ride like that? the master asked the young man.

- Yegor once taught. I always helped him clean up after the horses, so he taught me.

- Well done! Come back, let's go to the bath. I ordered it to be heated for our return.

– Have you been to Petrushino for a long time? asked the groom Neverov.

“For a long time,” Yegor admitted. - The officer often visits there.

- And you, Andrey, were you there?

– I have never been there. For some time now we have been forbidden to leave our places. So the officer ordered.

“Now you will go there often. Although the village is small, but, they say, nimble - we'll see. The constable should wait for us there and arrange a meeting. I'll see what he can do. He is an expert in drinking vodka, but in reality ... They say that there are the most rebels there, they live on the outskirts and allow themselves the unlawful. That's what the officer told me. It is necessary to straighten their brains, but to show themselves, so that they know their master by sight. - Neverov waved his whip and added speed.

The village of Petrushino stood three versts from the master's estate and was separated from it by meadows and fields where potatoes, onions and cabbage grew. Cattle grazed in the meadows, and the serfs mowed the grass, harvesting it for the winter.

The police officer gathered everyone, young and old, who lived in the village, and waited for the appearance of the master.

Noticing the approaching riders, the officer rode towards them.

Did you get everyone? Neverov asked.

- All as one, here, your honor.

- Are there rebels? You told me something yesterday.

The constable looked at Andrey with disbelief.

“Say everything as it is,” Neverov ordered.

- There are two, the people are making a fuss.

- Show me. I will personally flog in front of everyone, so that it would be disrespectful.

Andrei flinched at these words and looked away.

Chapter 7

The peasants huddled together, and when the master drove up, they fell to their knees.

“Get up, get up,” he ordered. - You will bow later.

Neverov went around the serfs and carefully peered into their faces.

The police officer lined up all the men, women and children in one line and accompanied the master.

- Where are the lists of serfs? Neverov asked. – How many are available and on the list?

“One hundred and ninety-seven souls, Your Excellency, along with children and old people.

- Fine. He jabbed the handle of the whip at the boy. - Come out. You come out too.

Neverov chose five guys of about the same age and height.

“These are to my estate, to work,” he said and, turning his horse around, rode back, began to put girls of the same age out of the general ranks.

Andrey rode beside him, his head down, and he felt how the peasants were looking at him warily. Suddenly, he noticed Maryana among the serfs, who covered her face with a scarf and hid her eyes, but Neverov could not be deceived.

He stopped his horse in front of her and asked sternly:

“Weren’t you at my house yesterday?”

Mariana looked frightened first at the master, then at Andrey.

Who am I asking? How did you get here? Run away from me? Come out too. I will have a special conversation with you. The master chose five girls. - These, too, on the estate. Sergeant, did you tell me something about rebels? Where are they, show me.

The constable called names and surnames.

“Come out, whom he called,” Neverov demanded.

Two peasants stepped forward and fell on their knees before the master.

“Something about you there are bad rumors,” said the master and drove closer. - What do you do? Wrecking? I will not allow chaos to be created on my estate! - he already shouted and, brandishing his whip, began to beat the peasants in cold blood.

The men collapsed onto the dusty road, wriggling under the well-aimed blows of the master, who mercilessly brandished his whip and whipped them with pleasure.

“I’ll show you what a gentleman’s caress is,” he said. - You will remember me for a long time when you wash your bloody faces.

Neverov beat mercilessly. Andrei drove aside and watched this terrible picture with fear in his eyes. He caught the frightened glance of Maryana, who did not take her eyes off him and was shaking all over with fear.

The flogging of the guilty continued for a long time, until the two unfortunates, having lost consciousness, were not flattened on the ground. Only then Neverov stopped his ardor and looked at the hushed peasants who were kneeling before him.

“So it will be with anyone who even says a word against,” he announced. “I don’t need to feel sorry for anyone, but I won’t allow my estate to be dishonored. Everyone will dance under my whip until I stop. He looked at the serfs with hatred, then turned his gaze to Andrei and grinned. – In you I see a worthy assistant and I will be glad if you begin to understand me.

The master looked at the young people he had selected and ordered the constable to drive them to the estate.

“Yegor, help the sergeant escort this herd to my house,” the master ordered. - Step left or right - hit mercilessly. They should be in the yard and wait for me until I arrive. - Neverov looked at Andrei. - What, scared? Nothing, you'll get used to it. We are going to the landowner Maximov. He let me know yesterday that he has good dogs. It interested me very much.

They spurred their horses and rushed towards the Maksimov estate.

- Why are you silent? Unusual to get involved in such cases? - Neverov glanced at the pale face of the young man.

“Unusual, sir,” Andrey squeezed out, trying to hide his excitement. “These are living people.

- You're kind of pitiful. What are these people? If they are ready to betray at any moment, then they are your enemies. And you have to be cruel with your enemies. There is nothing for me to ruin the estate. Do you know those who fell under the whip?

In the evening we reached N-ska. I took a room with two beds at the postal hotel. The hostess of the hotel, looking askance at Anya and the boy. Is Anty with you too?
- With me. Is there a bath?
- No. I can heat water.
- Maybe there is in the neighborhood? - I took out a nickel and played with it
I'll go and ask Simon. They seem to have been drowning at their place today.

Semyon seemed like an old man to me. Although brisk. He says something all the time.
- I have a good bathhouse. Small but hot. Are you like there - will you bathe together, or will they drink tea?
Anya lowered her eyes.
- Together, together.
- Well, what. Okay. Let's go Ali ... how?
- Let's go.

Semyon's hut was not far away. Immediately from the street you could smell the smoky aroma of a black bathhouse steamed with a coniferous broom.
- Maybe, but in the house, a seagull?
- Not really. Already drank.
- Well, that's fine. OK.

We went straight to the bathroom.
- Here's a tub of warm water. The tuta on the stones is a cast iron with hot, which means. Look - don't get burned. Cold here. Tuta in the tub and can be diluted. Soap is here. Ladle. There is sour water here. Well, in general, everything seems to be.
Giving away a heavy lamp with a candle. The old man bowed and, promising a hot samovar, left.

The black walls of the bathhouse swallowed a faint trembling light and breathed heat on the figures who missed the warmth. In the semi-darkness quickly undressed. Anya, without looking at me, covering her chest with one hand, quickly diluted water in the basin and, squatting down, pulling the boy closer to her, began to wash him. I climbed onto the bed with a broom and began to slowly slap myself, looking down.

Nothing was really visible in the darkness and the steam that was creeping along the floor, but the rounded female outlines of Anya's silhouette made a favorable impression on me. The boy, apparently taking Anya by the chest, pulling her by the neck, whispered something. Anya burst out, quickly looking up at me, - You're already big, what kind of milk do you need?

- And Aunt Varya fed Sonya with milk and Petya, and he is already big.
- Stand straight, why are you spinning? Petya hasn't grown up yet, but you're already big.
- I'm still small.
Anna laughed again.
- Stay well. What are you saying then? Barry what will you think?
The boy looked back at me.
- What will he think?
- And then he thinks. That you are still small, you will laugh.
- Anya, will you wash him, maybe you will take him to the house?

Anya lowered her head. She began to rub the boy harder, who began to whimper, - It's hot!
I thought: “She’s shy, it’s like I’m in charge of her, but is it worth it?”
- Well, if you want, wash yourself and go with him yourself.
Anya looked at me quickly. Eyes seemed to twinkle out of the darkness.
- And then, can you steam it? Are you steaming yourself? I'll go out for now, but then I'll wash.

He went out the door, holding the household with his hand. The dressing room smelled of juniper and smoke, the cool air pleasantly caressed the heated skin. The moon shone through a large rectangular hole above the door, finally peeking out from under the clouds. The lantern in the waiting room shone even dimmer than the bathhouse. A thick candle with a frail wick rather resembled with its light a lamp in front of an icon.

From within it was heard, - Here is a ladle with some water. Breathe into it...
“Mom, can I have a drink?”
- Cold, sore throat. Drink tea at home.
Something barely audible in a whisper and in response, - Kind, kind. Turn back.

After a while, I entered. Anyutka's wet back, strong ass and legs, it seemed to me, turned pink in a very inviting way in the weak light of a candle.
- Well, Andrey, did your mother give you a steam?
- Steamed.

I, pretending not to look much, began to make water in the basin, then went into the middle, sat on the floor, pulling the basin towards me with my back to the floor, and began to lather. Anyutka lowered Andryushka to the floor, climbed up herself, splashed on the stones.
- Aren't you hot, sir?
- Steam steam. Andrey and I will pour some cool water. Yes Andryusha?
He began to water himself and the boy, it became really hot.
- Let me beat you up.

She turned her stomach down. I came up and, putting my hand on my hot back, began to run my hand along my back and whip my back with a whisk. A pleasant languor went down my arm. The head was hot. He ran his hand over his buttocks and legs without ceasing to spank with a broom. The candle illuminated only the side and the hand pressed to the chest. Feeling a rise between his legs, he turned away from the boy so that he could not see.

“Zha-arko.” The boy was sitting on the floor, raising a ladle and pouring water on his head from it.
- Come on, now I'm going to climb.
Without taking her hand off her chest, Anya got off, flashing in the light of the candle with her open tummy and legs with rounded knees.
I quickly jumped up, bending my legs so that my rebellious flesh could not be seen, began to clobber myself with a broom, without looking down. Anya quickly lathered herself. Andreika began to whimper and asked to come out. Having calmed down, I quickly jumped out to inhale the air and cool down.

Anya slightly opened the door to cool the bath a little. “Uff, it's good how... Yeah. Girl what you need. How cool!” Suddenly I remembered Silantius. “Nda. They probably bury? ... It's not good like that. And I'm here ... ” Sad thoughts again brought me back from heaven. I went. Anna, after rinsing her hair with sour water, quickly dressed herself and, having dressed the boy, asked: - Shall we go?
“Go, go, I’m here a little longer.” I'll sit.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
to the next chapter -

Having completed the execution and, in the course of it, having established order of attractiveness girls, Alexander Pavlovich punished the housekeeper, so that in the evening they sent Tanya to the bedchamber to fluff the master's feather bed. Tanya came in when Alexander Pavlovich had already changed into a new-fashioned nightgown and was smoking his last pipe. The agile girl began fluffing up the featherbed on the bed, so wide that five guardsmen of the Semyonovsky regiment could lie down on it. When Tanka leaned forward strongly to get to the opposite end of the bed, Alexander Pavlovich approached her from behind and threw a sundress and shirt over the girl's head. Tanka froze in this splayed pose, with her head and hands sunk in a pulled up sundress. This gave the master the opportunity to survey her body from the heels to the very shoulders.

Being a great aesthete, the master slowly admired the surprisingly thin waist of the courtyard girl. I dare to assure you that noble ladies are not able to achieve such a waist with the help of corsets and new-fangled dress cuts. Then Alexander Pavlovich put his hand on the white bifurcated backside, which made him recall the verses in a long-forgotten book:

... hills of cool foam.

Tanka's ass was like hills - soft, but resilient, with such cool skin.

And indeed, Tanka had hills - soft, but elastic, with such cool skin. It remained to take a closer look at the girl's boobs.

The quick-witted Tanka, at the first movement of the lord's hand, unbent, turned around and, holding the simple clothes at her throat, allowed the master to study her facade. And from the facade, Tanka was much better! Is the same thin waist, poured breasts, flat stomach. And an attractive triangle of hair between the warningly parted thighs. Nobody taught the girl how to attract a man with her body, she acted instinctively.

Tanka perfectly understood that extraordinary happiness had come to her - now her master is "spoiling" or, speaking in literary language, will make a woman out of a girl. The yard girl could only dream of such luck. Instead of sewing and knitting, the day-to-day caress of the gentleman, independence from the evil housekeeper and, even, the birth of the master's child. And, help the Mother of God, perhaps the master recognizes him as free and his heir. There have been many such cases in Russian history. The poet Zhukovsky, the writer Sologub, the painter Kiprensky, the "ruler of thoughts" Herzen were conceived by serfs Tanki on a master's bed. I'm not talking about the actor Zhemchugova, the serf concubine of Sheremetyev, whose son became the legitimate heir to this count's family.

Many years later, the Russian piit sighed that "... young maidens bloom here for the whim of a depraved villain," which did not prevent him from enthusiastically "spoiling" the serf girls. But our Tanya knew well which side of her bread was smeared with honey. For this reason, she tried with all her might to please Alexander Pavlovich. She knew that if she did not please, then they would not be returned to the maiden's, but sent to a distant farm and married to the most eager little man!

When Alexander Pavlovich gently pushed her, Tanya fell on the bed. The color of embarrassment filled up only after the lord's hand penetrated the wet hollow between the legs. Even having lost her virginity under the master, Tanka did not dare to scream, but only squealed slightly. What gave Alexander Pavlovich special pleasure. As I have already noted, he was an aesthete.

In the morning it was indicated that the yard girl Tanka would come in the evenings in kind fluff up the master's feather bed. And every evening she went naked in the girl's room and proudly walked naked to the master's half, shaking her ass. I walked past the butler counting silverware, past the ceremonial portraits of the Irtenevs, associates of Peter the Great.

From her position, Tanka also derived other benefits - she begged, cajoled her master, and he indicated that her father should be given a forest for a new hut. And this is in the sparsely forested Tambov region! In addition, the headman gave the blacksmith a month of bread - a sack per eater per month (!). Tell me, how should a peasant family react to the arrival of a fallen daughter? You are wrong, gentlemen. Her father called her Tatyana Gerasimovna and seated her at the table next to him - in the front corner under the icons.

So Tanka became the first, but not the only concubine of Alexander Pavlovich Irtenyev.

At that time, when Alexander Pavlovich had just begun to master his maiden, he became famous for having kidnapped the daughter of a neighbor of a single palace. Natasha's papa served out personal nobility, being command line. With his few savings, he gave his daughter some education and lived with her on a farm. Constantly remembering their origin from the officials of the lower classes of the table of ranks, Natasha and her father were jealous of their nobility. That is why Natasha preferred to be called Natalie.

Poverty was extreme, Natalie had only one decent dress and a set of underwear. She attended church in them, but even in festive attire she looked more like a poor bourgeois than a noblewoman.

On that unfortunate day, Natalie and her father were returning to the farm from the church. They were only three miles away. But, to their misfortune, Alexander Pavlovich soon left the same church in his carriage. As usual, he stayed in melancholy, which promised a particularly cruel flogging to any delinquent. With Proshka and Minyay on the goats, the master rode, accompanied by a horse-drawn arriving Pakhom. Out of boredom, he drew attention to the father and daughter walking along the road and asked Proshka:

- Who are they?

Proshka, who knew a few French words and therefore despised all peasants and philistines, shrugged his shoulders and answered:

- Yes, a small beggar. Not serious people at all.

It was enough for Alexander Pavlovich to just nod to Pakhom for him to grab Natalie and throw her belly over his saddle. When Natalie began to call for help, Pahom gave her a couple of hard slaps on the bottom. The girl gasped and fell silent. The father looked dumbfounded at the rider who had sped off his daughter and at the carriage of a noble neighbor.

The former official rushed to his service brethren, wrote petitions to the bailiff, to the court, to the mayor. Nothing helped. Soon, the inconsolable father disappeared ... His farm passed to the official, who closed the case "About the girl Natalya, who ran away with an unknown groom." Coincidentally, after that, the chief of police and the city judge received from Alexander Pavlovich lamb in paper for the construction of new uniforms.

And Natalie herself was taken to the landowner's court of Alexander Pavlovich and transferred to the reliable hands of Marya and Daria.

These two peasant women got into the household in an unusual way. Once, the headman turned to the master with a request to flog two unlucky women. It turned out that Marya and Daria had beaten their drinking husbands hard. From the peasant point of view, everything should be exactly the opposite. The gathering sentenced the guilty to be whipped in public, but the women insisted that they were ashamed to show off in front of their neighbors and tearfully asked to be whipped on the estate from the master's own hands. Peasant judges and executors feared that they would not be able to slay these Amazons. Given the strength of Marya and Daria, these fears were far from unfounded.

The peasant women who came to the massacre entered the dressing room together. Together they got naked and waited for a spanking. Alexander Pavlovich, who this time was without an executor, examined the bodies of the peasant women and made sure that they would withstand any flogging.

Then he told them a lesson on the topic: “Let a woman be afraid of her husband.” The women listened in silence, but remained of their opinion that such worthless husbands should be beaten. Then they asked not to be tied to the bench - they, de, will lie under the rods anyway worthy.

The master believed them and, indeed, Marya and Daria did not twitch and did not try to jump up. Alexander Pavlovich painted their behinds with a rod into one salty rod, which was considered a very severe flogging. Then he thought, and the flogged Darya and Marya stood naked against the wall, leaving the master to survey their articles.

For example, Mrs. Pozdnyakova, a St. Petersburg landowner, organized something like a boarding house for noble maidens on her estate. She took a dozen beautiful and slender peasant girls to her estate, where teachers taught them to read and write, manners, dances and everything that a noble girl should know. Only now the future of these girls was not entirely noble, as were the thoughts of Madame Pozdnyakova: at the age of fifteen she sold girls. Reasonable - to decent houses as maids, and beautiful - to decent gentlemen for pleasure. They say the landowner made good money.

As for the landowners, many eyewitnesses report that the harem of yard girls was a certain indicator of the master's status, like a good kennel. For example, the Ryazan landowner Gagarin just loved dog hunting and young peasant women. In a separate room he kept up to ten girls and two gypsies who taught these same girls songs and dances: apparently, Gagarin also loved amateur art. Am I the only one who thinks that no one asked the yard girls about their preferences in love and music?

There were, of course, cases that attracted the attention of the public and the investigating authorities. For example, the well-known general Lev Dmitrievich Izmailov not only got himself a harem of thirty girls, but also quite willingly shared them with his high-ranking guests. The girls were kept under lock and key so as not to run away, only occasionally taking them out for a walk. Such, you know, the padishah of the middle lane.

But it looked even wilder that the drunken guests of Izmailov, not finding what they wanted in his harem, broke into peasant huts and easily took away girls and married women. The peasants in one Izmailovo village had the audacity to refuse uninvited guests and without exception were flogged.

Izmailov was charged not only in the case of the girls, but also in the case of ill-treatment of serfs. And what do you think he was? - nothing: the estate was taken under guardianship, and Izmailov remained to live in it.

The impunity of the landlords gave rise to arbitrariness. Another high-profile case was connected with the name of the landowner Strashinsky. This daring man did not leave any of his peasant serfs chaste. Some cases were so egregious that today they would be given a life sentence. But Strashinsky was punished not for this, but for the fact that he gave perjury evidence about a young peasant woman who had run away from a neighbor's landowner, whom he sheltered in his bedroom. And in other cases, he was "left in suspicion." It was decided to take away his estate from Strashinsky, but not all of them were recorded on him, so the master did not remain without his corner.

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All subsequent days at the Kirsanov estate, there was only talk about the future marriage of Varya. Nikolai Petrovich and Agafya Semyonovna, as reasonable people, decided not to dwell only on considering the candidacy for the husband of the daughter of the neighboring landowner Ivan Snegiryov, but to think about other possible options, of which, I must say, there were not so many. Prince Pyotr Elizarovich Kalachev, a widower and an ancient old man, was not suitable for the role of Varenka's spouse. The fact that he was fabulously rich did not save the situation either. During rare visits to the Kirsanovs, the prince constantly forgot where he was, besides, he was deaf in his ear, so he endlessly asked his interlocutors. The next candidate also did not like the Kirsanovs. It was Count Nevolin - a man, as it seemed, dishonest. It was rumored that he was an avid card player and a frequent visitor to taverns. So this candidacy was rejected immediately. Another party also did not take place. A close friend of Agafya Semyonovna, the same lady as she, wooed Varvara her young son. But the matter arose because the young man himself was still green and did not show interest in the bride, and the initiative to marry him came solely from a caring mother. That was the end of the short list of contenders for Varya's hand. Only Ivan Ivanovich Snegiryov remained. He was given preference, since he is an economic man, not too old, but already has sufficient life experience, and is quite rich. An important criterion in choosing a future husband was the fact that the estates of the Kirsanovs and Snegirev were in the neighborhood. After all, Varvara did not want to go far from home, otherwise she could see her family at least every day. Agafya Semyonovna most of all insisted on the marriage of her daughter with a neighbor. In the district, all her acquaintances vied with each other that Varenka's alliance with Ivan Ivanovich would be a profitable match. Barbara will not know troubles and troubles and, in the opinion of a prudent mother, she will be behind him, like behind a stone wall, which means she will be happy. After much hesitation and doubt, it was decided to give Snegiryov's consent to a quick wedding with Varvara. * * * Vladimir hurried to Snegiryov's estate, deciding to get to know his sister's future husband better. He did not know Ivan Ivanovich at all, since he himself had not been in Kirsanov for a long time, and Snegiryov had settled in these parts not so long ago. Vladimir conceived this visit for a reason. His main goal was, among other things, to see Alice at least out of the corner of his eye, although he unsuccessfully hid this circumstance even from himself ... Kirsanov quickly reached the neighboring estate: fortunately, it was located nearby. By heart, he remembered these places, since all his childhood he ran to this yard - to play pranks with the neighbor's children, and most importantly - to see the blond serf girl with nice name Alice. Here is the bar house. It was about the same as the Kirsanovs' house, only a little larger - the same architectural design, the same two floors with high windows. The same small veranda, decorated with stucco, as they have. Around the estate there was a small garden with apple, cherry and pear trees, which in this winter time stood completely bare, and their branches bent under the weight of snow. The door was opened for him by the owner of the house in a long striped robe, tied at the waist with a belt with golden tassels. They were both silent for a few moments, looking at each other appraisingly. Vladimir noted that Snegirev was a middle-aged man, tall and stout. His round face with a large nose was framed greasy hair indeterminate color, divided into a straight parting. Small dark eyes looked attentively and studying. Snegiryov was smoking a pipe. He had the air of a man pleased with himself, important and respectable. Ivan Ivanovich also examined the guest. In front of him stood a handsome, self-confident young man, dressed in the latest metropolitan fashion, on whose face a bright, inquisitive mind was clearly visible. “Hello, dear sir,” Snegiryov drawled with a bow. - Glad to see you, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Well, what are you standing in the hallway? Come in, let's have some tea. Vladimir proceeded to the living room, where the serf maid was gathering at the table. He looked around: the large spacious room was rather richly furnished, but Kirsanov did not notice the presence of taste in the interior. Lurid pictures of still-lifes and rural landscapes hung here and there on the walls with colorful wallpaper; Pillows scattered randomly on sofas and armchairs different forms , colors and sizes; at the head of the table was a huge samovar with a copper belly polished to a shine. Vladimir had visited the Snegirev estate before, when the late Margarita Nikolaevna, Ivan Ivanovich's mother, ruled here. At that time, everything here was different: in the decoration of the house one could feel a craving for luxury, the impeccable taste of the hostess, a former St. Petersburg lady of state. Now everything has literally changed in the environment, and, as it seemed to Vladimir, not for the better. “Eat my jam, dear Vladimir Nikolaevich,” Snegiryov said in a singsong voice, when Vladimir settled down at the table in one of the spacious armchairs. - This year such a noble raspberry was born! Already they were collecting, collecting ... Here Ivan Ivanovich drew attention to the ring of an old work, which flaunted on the ring finger of Vladimir's left hand. - What a lovely little thing, - he could not help exclaiming, looking at the facets of a large emerald. - Thank you. This is a family heirloom,” Kirsanov said rather dryly. At first glance, for some reason, he did not like Snegiryov, but since the decision to give Varya for him was made, Vladimir had no choice but to voice him. - And I'm on business with you. - Did Varenkin come to tell me the answer? - Neighbor screwed up his eyes. - You guessed it, Ivan Ivanovich. Father and mother thought for a long time and decided to marry Varia to you. She agrees to be your wife. - What happiness! sang Snegirev. - Now we will be born in the near future. Let me hug you, dear! - he hugged Vladimir and kissed him on the cheeks. For some reason, Kirsanov felt disgusted, because Snegiryov seemed to him somehow fake. There was something ingratiating in his manner. - Vladimir! Do you mind if I call you that? Kirsanov nodded reluctantly. - Varenka will move in with me right after the wedding, and my estate needs a major overhaul. What if you could kindly help me fix the roof and add an outbuilding? The barn is completely leaky - it also needs to be patched up ... Kirsanov frowned. This man began to irritate him. - Let's do this, - continued the practical neighbor, - send your serfs to me. Let them do the repairs now, so that when Varya moved in with me, everything was already ready for us. Okay, cousin? - Snegiryov disgustingly winked at his future brother-in-law. At this point, it became completely unbearable for Vladimir to talk to this man, who had only practical benefit in mind. But he still held back. "We'll think about it some more," he replied dryly. - I do not decide this - ask your mother and father. - And what about the dowry? - This is also not for me, - the young prince cut him off. "Very well," Ivan Ivanovich hastened to change the subject. - A that this we all tea yes tea? Let's better on this occasion of my plum liqueur grunt? Alice! he shouted in an unexpectedly commanding tone. "Where the hell are you, slob?! – and immediately smiled guiltily at Vladimir. - Such a girl is awkward, everything falls out of her hands. And all the dead mother is to blame - she divorced the accustomers! ... Alice ... Vladimir, as soon as he heard this name, almost choked on his tea. Then Alice entered the room with a tray in her hands, not daring to raise her eyes to the gentlemen. In a simple rough dress and a white apron, she was still beautiful as an angel. Her blonde wavy hair, braided in tight braids, was collected at the back of her head. Curls curled beautifully at the temples, which got out of the hair. She began to arrange on the table a decanter of brandy, two faceted glasses, and plates of appetizers. Vladimir almost suffocated from the rising feelings, but continued to remain calm. Suddenly Alice recognized him, blushed with embarrassment, her hands began to tremble. - What are you doing, girl, got up on the wrong foot ?! The day has just set, and your hands are already shaking! Ivan Ivanovich shouted menacingly at her. - Trouble with these serfs! Mother dismissed them, the kingdom of heaven to her! This one, for example, like a god in her bosom, lived with her! She imagines herself to be a mistress, shameless! Alice began pouring liqueur into Kirsanov's glass, and then their eyes met. She gasped and knocked over the full glass. The red liquid splashed right on Vladimir's coat. - Oh, you wretch! - Snegiryov boiled, roughly grabbing her by the thin wrist. “Nothing, nothing,” said Prince Kirsanov, taking off his coat and hanging it on the back of an armchair. Alice took up her coat and clumsily began to rub the stain with her hands. - Oh, you chicken! Porky, or what, wanted?! roared Snegiryov, completely forgetting in his anger about the guest. - Yashka! Get over here, dumbass! Our friend Yashka Fedotov, like a bayonet, stretched out in front of the formidable master. - Come on, take her to the yard, but pour her hot on the first number! - Snegiryov pointed to Alice, who turned pale and could hardly stand on her feet from fear. - What are you, sir? - Vladimir was amazed, starting to boil. - Smack for such a petty offense ?! Let it go! - Why not smack? A whip is sometimes useful! - Snegiryov lied. - A pretty thing - to stain guests with wine! Ten lashes to her, clumsy fool, so that she would be more attentive in the future! Did you hear Jacob? ! The execution began immediately - right in front of the guest. Snegiryov was not at all embarrassed by the presence of Vladimir during the flogging of the serf. Yashka had no choice but to lead Alice into the yard, but everything inside him was raging from hatred for the petty tyrant. Snegiryov also went out into the yard to enjoy how Yashka would flog the poor girl. Vladimir hurried after them. By order, Yashka took a whip, but did not want to beat Alice. "No," he said firmly. - Better flog me, but not her! - Look, the hero turned up, - Snegiryov laughed evilly. - Hey, Prokhor, Semyon! Take this holy fool away and lock him up in the barn. I will deal with him later - I will order him to be torn out for disobedience. Two hefty men came up and took the escaping Yashka away, who, forgetting about himself, wanted to protect Alice at all costs. Vladimir looked at all this with a shudder. It was unbearable for him to endure this performance any longer. He simply could not allow Alice, his beloved, sweet and the best in the world, to be beaten and humiliated by some rude village bumpkin. And Snegiryov, mad with rage, set to work himself. He grabbed the rod and already lifted it over the trembling Alice ... Then Vladimir's patience reached its limit. He snatched the rod from the bastard's hand. - Oh, you're nothing! Vladimir shouted to Snegiryov, turning white with anger. Don't you dare touch her! Otherwise you will taste my fists yourself! - What-o-o????? - Snegiryov, rather surprised, hissed, terribly bulging bull's eyes at Vladimir. - I want and I will beat! Even though I'll beat her to death like cattle. She is my property! And you, puppy, are not my order! Vladimir could hardly restrain himself from grabbing the scoundrel by the chest, but he understood that this was not the act of an adult man. Therefore, he said the following: - Listen, sell the girl to me. Snegiryov narrowed his eyes. Something is wrong here, he thought. - Yes, what is she to you? He was genuinely surprised. - This stupid can't do anything around the house. He starts washing the dishes, so he will kill half the plates. He can't even put it on the table like a human being. One loss from her. The gift that is cute. Here he looked attentively at Vladimir, then at Alice, and suddenly it dawned on Ivan Ivanovich. He realized that the young Kirsanov treated this serf in a special way, and with a trained eye he caught that Vladimir had fallen in love with this beautiful girl. “Hee-hee-hee, yes, it turns out you are a prankster, Vladimir Nikolaevich,” Snegiryov jokingly shook his plump finger at him. - I understand you, if I were younger, I would not have missed such a cutie either! - Shut up, scum! - Kirsanov gritted through his teeth. - Don't sweat it, you brat! Soon we will be relatives, we don’t need unnecessary disputes. Be your way - I'll sell you this doll. Snegirev realized that Vladimir was ready to pay any money for Alice, and therefore set an exorbitant price for her. Vladimir took out a bundle of banknotes from his coat pocket and, grimacing, handed them to Snegiryov. He eagerly rushed to count them. After counting the money, he raised an inquiring look at Vladimir. - This is not enough. I see, for you, Mr. Kirsanov, this girl costs twice as much! If you added your wonderful ring to the price ... But I just don’t understand everything, why did she give you such a gift ?! I suppose they decided to make her a mistress?! - How dare you, pig! Here, take it and choke! - with these words, Vladimir removed from his finger an expensive ring with a large emerald, which cost fabulous money and for which one could buy almost half a village of serf souls, and threw it to Snegiryov. - Take the girl, - the villain was delighted, immediately putting the ring on his plump finger. Already leaving, Kirsanov threw: - Yes, here's another thing: you won't see Varvara as your own ears! Judging by the way you treat the courtyards, I can imagine what a “sweet” life awaits my sister with you! - But let me! Do you have the right to decide what is and what is not? In the end, your father has the last word. - Farewell! - Wait, get excited, youngster! Let's better agree: you will not interfere with my marriage with Varvara Nikolaevna, and I, in turn, will keep my mouth shut. Then your respectable parents will not know that their beloved son is getting mixed up with yard girls. - I have the honor! Vladimir said. “Let's go,” he said to Alice, tearful and shaken to the core. She followed him slowly. * * * On the way to the Kirsanov estate, both Vladimir and Alice were silent at first. Vladimir was embarrassed by the fact that he unwittingly showed his true attitude towards Alice. He reproached himself for not being able to contain his feelings, and his love, which he had so carefully hidden, burst out in a whirlwind. He felt that Alice understood this. After all, it was clear even to the blind that the young prince could not defend the girl who was indifferent to him so reverently, forgetting about everything in the world. Alice, who had already somewhat recovered from what had happened, looked at Vladimir as a hero, her savior. She regarded his act as the height of nobility. He gave prohibitively large money for her, for which one could buy a whole village of serfs like her ... He quarreled to the nines with Snegiryov, but he almost became his relative. .. But most importantly, Alice again felt that he was dear to him, that he was still burning with love and passion for her. She read this in his eyes, words, in all the behavior of Vladimir in Snegirev's house ... But why, why then there, by the river, was he so cruel? ... - Vladimir, I am so grateful to you ... - then she corrected herself, - to you…. Kirsanov again put on a mask of coldness and indifference. - Don't, - he interrupted her somewhat rudely, - just look, don't think that I protected you out of love. This is not true at all. I felt sorry for you as a human being. I couldn't let that monster beat you like a dog. Alice was hurt by his last words, spoken in such an arrogant tone. But she understood what it was. Yes, Vladimir still loves her ... And he loves, as it were, not stronger than before separation! Everything in him spoke of this ... - And Yashka? Would you stand up for him so fervently? Would they even give a family ring for him? Alice looked slyly into the eyes of her new master. There was a challenge in her quiet but firm voice. Vladimir was confused. He could not admit that his act was due not so much to the noble qualities of the soul as to love, although this was obvious. - Yashka? And what? I will also buy Yashka! Really, why is he worse than you?! Tomorrow I'll go and buy it! Alice understood that Yashka, having disobeyed the petty tyrant master, fell into his disfavor, which brought trouble on himself. - Oh, that would be just fine! she exclaimed happily, forgetting for a moment her disagreements with Kirsanov. - Vladimir, you are so kind ... - She almost threw herself on his neck. - For you - Vladimir Nikolaevich, - Kirsanov made her instantly descend to the ground. Alice lowered her eyes in annoyance, but remained silent. They didn't say a word the rest of the way home. * * * Vladimir's parents and sister were waiting for him at home. They sat in the living room, silent and agitated. Agafya Semyonovna wrapped herself in a new shawl that Volodenka had brought her from Petersburg, and kept looking out the window. Nikolai Petrovich pretended to be carried away by the book, but in fact all his thoughts were only about the fate of Varya. Varvara herself seemed a little pale, only her cheeks glowed with a blush, betraying confusion of feelings. Finally, Vladimir appeared. Alice followed him modestly. - Come in, - Vladimir threw Alice deliberately unceremoniously. Nikolai Petrovich and Agafya Semyonovna looked at their son questioningly. They remembered that it was in this fragile neighboring serf girl that their son was in love with unconsciousness before leaving for St. Petersburg. Varya was also puzzled. Her eyes widened. - What is it, mon cher? Why did you bring Ivan Ivanovich's serf to us? - Agafya Semyonovna could not restrain herself. Misunderstanding and hidden fear were read in her loving eyes. “Now she will be a servant in our house,” Vladimir announced to his parents and sister, pointing to Alice, who hesitated timidly at the door, modestly looking down. - I bought it from Snegiryov. By the way, I don't think Varya should marry this disgusting man. Alice was hiding behind Vladimir all this time. "Wait in the corridor," he commanded her. Nodding obediently, the girl left. Here Vladimir told the whole story with Snegiryov to his relatives, but kept silent about some details and his emotions. He did not say that he gave Snegiryov a family ring of extraordinary value. - What a surprise, - the elder Kirsanov was amazed when Vladimir finished speaking. - And we thought to entrust the fate of our daughter to this man ... You are right, son, Varvara would have sipped grief with him. Snegiryov seemed to us the sweetest person, but turned out to be mercenary, and even a tyrant ... - Well, Varenka, then it’s not destiny. Don't worry, - said Princess Kirsanova, referring to her daughter, on whom Vladimir's story made a strong impression. - And I, mother, to confess, do not regret this turn of events at all. And in general, - she announced, - I do not want to get married yet. - on the face of a young girl read childish joy. Nikolai Petrovich approvingly stroked his daughter on the head. Speaking frankly, he himself did not want such a fate for Varvara - to sit for a century in the wilderness, while away his days embroidering and idle conversations with the neighboring ladies. Varenka, with her spirituality, penchant for art, dreaminess, will soon wither in the village with her boring husband. The old prince wanted something else for the children. Petersburg - that's where real life! There, balls are given more often, and opera, and theaters, and interesting acquaintances can be made. Not like in Kirsanov - balls are given once a season (and even then at best), all around are the same faces - all neighboring landowners. Either the Kirsanovs go to visit the Martynovs, or the Martynovs go on a return visit to the Kirsanovs. Boredom ... Therefore, unlike his wife, who did not even want to think about Varenka and Volodya leaving for a long time Father's house , protected them, cherished them in every possible way and protected them from the harsh truth of life, Nikolai Petrovich wanted the children to move to St. Petersburg, and saw their future there. - You should not be upset because of this Snegiryov. Whatever is done is for the best, - said the father of the family. “But I’m still racking my brains with this new serf, whom Volodya bought out today,” Agafya Semyonovna said thoughtfully, referring to Alice. Where should I define it? I remember that from childhood this girl was under the special care of the late Margarita Nikolaevna, may God rest her. In the kitchen, she won’t pull, in the field, too, there will be no sense from her ... - Father, mother, Volodya, - Varvara suddenly turned to her family. Her eyes shone. - Can Alice become my maid? She could help me choose dresses for the evening, clean my room, pick up my hair, jewelry. I'm bored with Anisya and Tatiana, who can't even read - there's absolutely nothing to talk to them about. Yes, and with the old governess, Madame Julien, who, although very dear to me, sometimes does not understand me at all. And Alice is educated, albeit a serf. I would be happier with her. - As you wish, dear. Indeed, this is not a bad idea, ”the princess agreed. - Then I'll go show her her new duties, explain everything and bring it up to date. Please excuse me. Agafya Semyonovna got up, rustling her dress, and went out into the corridor, where Alice was still standing timidly, fiddling with her starched apron. “Varenka, go to your room, too,” said Nikolai Petrovich. There was a certain wariness in his eyes. Vladimir immediately noticed this and realized that his father wanted to talk with him alone, and this conversation would most likely concern Alice ... And his fears were confirmed. As soon as Varvara easily followed, stepping on soft slippers on the parquet, up the stairs to her bedroom, Nikolai Petrovich gestured to his son to understand that he would remain in place and not go anywhere - there would be a serious conversation. Vladimir, to his surprise, realized that he was rather worried. You need to collect your thoughts and in no case give the father the opportunity to understand what he really feels. No, he is no longer the naive youth that he was before, and he will not show his weakness to anyone. And even more so for his father ... Vladimir felt the heat rush to his face. Is he afraid? After all, this is his father - the one who always shared his interests, indulged all his boyish games and amusements, the one whom he loved and whom he tried to imitate. Oh, how many such hours of conversation with Nikolai Petrovich passed in this cozy old drawing room! How many laughter and cheerful conversations were remembered by these walls covered with golden wallpaper with a green pattern, these grandfather clocks with heavy weights, the marble bust of Caesar on the mantelpiece ... How he loved to play chess with his father on long winter evenings. Everything here has not changed at all, as if time stood still, and there were no these years of separation. Nikolai Petrovich settled comfortably in his favorite armchair, upholstered in dark green velvet, as always, in his invariable dressing gown. The same youthful, fit as before, although, as Vladimir noticed, gray hair was already silvering on the temples. Vladimir chuckled to himself - and yet his father got rid of his old-fashioned Catherine's wig! And how he loved him! I powdered it with flour and curled it, took it off only at night and kept it on a special stand. I thought the century would not part with him! But no - the craving for the progressive in Prince Kirsanov defeated the old habit, which Vladimir was very happy about. “I’ll tell you what, son,” Nikolai Petrovich began in some strange voice. Vladimir felt that the prince was extremely collected and was now choosing every word, and that this conversation was difficult for him, but necessary. “Now that the serf you saved lives with us, you need to control yourself. I remember how you treated her before, before you left. - What are you talking about, dad? - the young barchuk pretended not to understand what was being said and tried to show indifference to what was happening with his whole appearance. - Your escape with this peasant woman is still before my eyes. The prince remembered that foggy early morning, when the fugitives were caught on the old broken road that led through the forest.He will not forget how desperately Vladimir's eyes burned then, his hot speeches, metal in his voice... words. He didn’t even kiss his mother goodbye, but only a mute reproach was read in his eyes ... It was this icy look that the prince was afraid of all the years of Vladimir’s studies; until the very arrival of his son, he was worried that he had lost him forever. But Vladimir returned completely different, as if nothing and it didn't happen... - And what? You think I'm still so stupid that I'll run away again with this rootless girl from home in a crappy carriage without any means of subsistence? - Vladimir chuckled. - No, father, that was a long time ago. Now I'm not the same anymore. - Yes, I see that life in the capital has changed you. - Nikolai Petrovich carefully looked at the matured Vladimir and found that he had really changed: he picked up fashionable words, began to speak fluent French, wore a modern hairstyle and dress. In a word, he acquired the gloss of a true Petersburger. But the prince was embarrassed by the fact that, as it seemed to him, his boy had become very arrogant and even mocking. Yes, father, you are right. Among that wonderful flower garden of roses that surrounded me in the capital, Alice can only be compared with a field chamomile. - Don't tell me, son. This girl is really pretty. And yes, she has bad manners. - For our hinterland - perhaps. But not for Petersburg. Father, I will tell you quite frankly: I bought the girl from Snegiryov only out of pity. I don't feel anything more for her. - That's wonderful, - Nikolai Petrovich got up from his chair. - And don't forget about it. I'm glad we understood each other. Vladimir nodded. Agafya Semyonovna with a nod of her head ordered Alice to follow her. She showed the girl the entire estate and announced that now Alice would have new duties: she would become the servant of Agafya Semyonovna's beloved daughter, seventeen-year-old Varenka. Alice, not without surprise, examined the tastefully decorated rooms of the Kirsanov estate and found their decoration very worthy. She perfectly imagined what the master's house looked like, because she lived on the estate of Snegiryov. But taste, a sense of proportion in everything, a combination of wealth and modesty inherent in intelligent persons, made a pleasant impression on Alice. Alice realized that the master's apartments were on the second floor, reached by a wooden staircase, the railing of which was decorated with large polished balls. The most spacious of them belonged to the prince and princess. Next came the smaller rooms - the bedrooms of Vladimir and Varenka, which were connected by a common balcony. On the ground floor of the mansion, a living room, kitchen and servants' quarters were arranged. It should be noted that a woman's hand was immediately felt in the house, because Agafya Semenovna managed the household chores. The princess was never distinguished by rigidity; she treated the servants with understanding, although she could scold her for a fault, but immediately regret the words spoken in a hurry. Princess Kirsanov showed Alice her new room, where she would now live - not the smallest, but not the largest - exactly the same as that of the other Kirsanov serfs, whose duties included serving the gentlemen around the house. The servants included seven people: two cooks, a laundress, two girls (one with the mistress, the other with Varvara), a stove-maker and a groom. The latter was old and already bad at his job. Also, Varvara had an old governess - a Parisian, who raised the young princess from childhood and taught French. “Here, my dear, this is where you will live now,” said Agafya Semyonovna to Alice. “Thank you very much, I am very grateful to you,” said the girl, bowing. Indeed, the room was quite good. It was clean, bright, and generally very comfortable: near a small window overlooking the courtyard stood a neatly made wooden bed; an old but sturdy closet could accommodate the entire simple wardrobe of a maid. A rough, but at the same time durable table was covered with a colorful tablecloth with floral ornaments. The same curtains decorated the window. Two chairs with slightly wobbly legs stood by the table. Of course, not rich, but you can live. And much better than in a damp and cold hut, where you had to huddle with your grandmother and burn a torch in order to somehow warm up. The greedy Snegiryov didn't even give enough firewood to his yards - it was enough only for half a winter ... And the winters were harsh ... - Make yourself comfortable, - said Agafya Semyonovna and already turned to leave, but suddenly changed her mind. - Yes, here's another thing, - she frowned, - it was all, of course, a long time ago, but forget to dream about my son. And remember your place. Alice bit her lip. - I hope you understand me, my dear. With these words Agafya Semyonovna left. A bitter residue remained in Alice's soul. * * * On the same day, Vladimir hurried to Snegiryov's estate to ransom the groom Yashka. Kirsanov understood that he should not hesitate, because for disobedience, a fierce flogging awaits the guy, and this could not be allowed. The day was fading away; purple twilight descended on the village. Vladimir always loved this hour - he liked the rapid transition of a short winter day to a cold night. Here is the last ray of sunshine gliding over the snowy surface, illuminating everything around with a soft pink caramel light. And then it disappeared, giving way to thick purple shadows that lay on the snow in bizarre patterns. The same massive door, the same garden sleeping under a layer of snow. Vladimir felt that he was gradually boiling over - rage again takes over him. Remembering how this clumsy redneck Snegiryov, who was not even worth Alice's hair, tried to raise his hand against her, young Kirsanov clenched his teeth, and his clenched fists turned white. If only to restrain himself, not to lose his composure... Vladimir unceremoniously burst into Snegiryov's, almost knocking down his servant, who was going to report on the arrival of the young master, but did not have time. Ivan Ivanovich sat lazily in a velvet armchair, in the same long master's dressing gown, finishing his cup of tea with raspberries and eating a huge sugar bun. On the plump finger of his left hand was a large emerald ring. Snegiryov almost choked on his bun and coughed so that his face turned burgundy, and large tears came to his eyes. - What do you need? - finally clearing his throat, he inquired, surprised by such a daring visit from Kirsanov. - I came for the groom, - said Vladimir, hardly suppressing hatred. - I think that's enough. - He handed Snegiryov a hefty bundle of banknotes. Ivan Ivanovich immediately softened, a condescending smile played on his smoothly shaven face again. - Hmm ... Groom? Yashka, right? You, my dear, seem to have thought of buying up all the household from me. But it's up to you. Why not. Snegiryov narrowed his eyes. - Where is he? – Vladimir clearly lost patience. “Yes, he’s been lying around in the stable since lunch,” the scoundrel said with a grin, examining his ring, “it’s clear that Prokhor and Semyon piled on him well - after the spanking, the fool did not rise. Maybe he's already dead like a dog? You, Vladimir Nikolaevich, would not be too lazy and go to the stables yourself and take a look - do you still need such a worker? Having barely finished listening to Snegiryov, Kirsanov rushed into the yard. He unlocked the heavy latch of the wooden stable and just flew inside. Two bay mares silently chewed hay. Yashka was not visible ... When the eyes of the young prince got used to the twilight, he made out that something was moving in the darkness. Yakov lay on the floor covered with frozen straw. Scarlet blood showed through a torn shirt made of coarse cloth ... - Well, this Snegiryov is a monster! Hey you boy! - Vladimir bent over Yashka. Now I am your new master. Forget the old master. You are alive? “Alive,” said the poor fellow, barely audible. - Can you go? - I can. Yashka, groaning, got up, but almost fell. He was greatly weakened after severe beatings with rods. - Let's help, - Vladimir offered his help. - Thank you, Vladimir Nikolaevich, but I myself somehow. - Yashka, with his characteristic modesty, refused help, especially since it was offered by a person of noble blood, which was very embarrassing to him. Staggering, Yakov slowly followed the new master. On their way out, they stumbled upon Snegiryov, who could not deny himself the pleasure of once again mocking Yashka and the unlucky young barchuk, who for some reason decided to buy his yards. A mocking expression froze on Ivan Ivanovich's face. - You, Mr. Kirsanov, can you take the grandmother that lived with the girl Aliska? Why do I need this old one?! What can I do with her? And so I’ll rotten their hut, that it will be freed, at least I’ll take it apart for firewood - and that’s good for the household! - And I'll take it! - even cheerfully responded Vladimir. - The peasants are alone with you. And they are people too! * * * So, Alice began to live in the Kirsanovs' estate. On the same day, grandmother was placed with her to the great joy of both. Praskovya Nikitichna never tired of rejoicing at her new home and repeated that she would pray for Vladimir Nikolayevich, that he had saved her Alice from the wrath of the petty tyrant and had given them warm shelter. She could not imagine how they would have survived this winter in their former hut, which was completely askew from heavy snowfalls and dilapidation and barely stood. And Yakov, a strong and hard-working guy, was hired as a groom. Vladimir's father and mother were delighted with such a valuable worker, because Lukich, their groom, although still strong, was so old that no one could tell how old he really was. As soon as Yashka's wounds healed, which happened quite quickly, thanks to his youth and excellent health, he took up his duties. All three - and Alice, and Praskovya Nikitichna, and Yashka - were very happy with this turn of events. Finally, they breathed a sigh of relief. Because now Cold winter with severe frosts, snowstorms and winds, they are no longer afraid.