Ford quotes about success. Henry Ford best quotes. About a non-standard approach

Greed for money is the surest way not to get money. But if you serve for the sake of service itself, for the sake of satisfaction, which is given by the consciousness of the rightness of the cause, then money will automatically appear in abundance. - Henry Ford

Business is never as healthy as when, like a chicken, it doesn't constantly itch to keep what it has. - Henry Ford

A business that produces nothing but money is a poor business. - Henry Ford

A business completely dedicated to serving the people will have only one problem with income. They will be extremely high. - Henry Ford

There is perhaps no more worn word these days than "democracy," and those who yell for it the loudest, in my opinion, tend to want it the least. - Henry Ford

There is nothing wrong with profit. If the enterprise is well managed and brings great benefits, then it will also bring good income. Income must be the fruit of useful work, not its basis. - Henry Ford

Great work is our daily work. Work is the cornerstone upon which the world rests. Our self-respect is rooted in it. - Henry Ford

Whether you believe that you are capable of doing something, or whether you believe that you are not capable, you are right either way. - Henry Ford

Attention to simple little trinkets that most neglect makes some rich. - Henry Ford

The air is filled with ideas. They knock on your head all the time. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and go about your business. Suddenly an idea pops up. She has always been there. - Henry Ford

The question "Who should be the boss"? similar to the question "Who should be the tenor in the quartet"? Obviously a person who can sing in a tenor voice. - Henry Ford

Time does not like to be wasted. - Henry Ford

Everything can be done better than before. - Henry Ford

Only two incentives make people work: the desire for wages and the fear of losing it. - Henry Ford

To anyone who thinks first of all about hard work, about the best performance of his work, the path to success is open. - Henry Ford

You can get a Ford T in any color, as long as that color is black. - Henry Ford

You will find people willing to sit on the shoulders of others who think the world owes them. They fail to understand that we must all lift together and pull together. - Henry Ford

You are equally right when you think that you can do something, or you think that you cannot cope with it. - Henry Ford

The highest purpose of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more to improve life. - Henry Ford

Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for the sick. - Henry Ford

The main use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money for the betterment of life. - Henry Ford

The main principle of success is to know what you really want: “I want it. So it will be." - Henry Ford

Much more people surrendered than defeated. - Henry Ford

More often people give up than they fail. - Henry Ford

A handful of people became very rich because these people paid attention to details that most others ignored. - Henry Ford

The crude, simple, primitive force of perseverance is the uncrowned queen of the world of will. - Henry Ford

Money is like an arm or a leg; either you use them or you lose them. - Henry Ford

Money is like legs - they are taken away from those who do not use them. - Henry Ford

Money does not change people, it only removes their masks. If a person is naturally selfish, arrogant or greedy, money only emphasizes these qualities, that's all. - Henry Ford

There is one rule for industrialists, and this is how it is formed: get the highest possible quality of goods at the lowest possible cost and pay the highest possible wages. - Henry Ford

Thinking is the hardest work; that's probably why so few do it. - Henry Ford

If you chop wood yourself, they will warm you twice. - Henry Ford

If there were a way to save time by 10% or increase results by 10%, then not using this tool would mean a ten percent tax on all production. - Henry Ford

Henry Ford played a key role in the rise of America's economic power. His ideas will help you improve your finances in every aspect.

Henry Ford was one of America's most influential businessmen. His idea for the assembly line helped revolutionize manufacturing. In an effort to make the product available to more customers, Ford created Ford Motor (NYSE: ) and made the car an integral part of American culture. However, Ford's influence extended far beyond the industry, and his words showed a deep understanding of both business and more personal issues. Here are the top 10 quotes attributed to Ford and the reasons for their relevance.

1. About forecasts

"Can you do something or are you sure you can't - in both cases you are right."

Optimism is a key trait shared by many successful businessmen. The ability to maintain confidence even in difficult conditions distinguishes such entrepreneurs from others. Staying positive doesn't mean ignoring reality. This means not letting temporary setbacks derail your strategic plan. Ford's optimism has rewarded him a hundredfold, and that same attitude can help you too.

2. About the secret of eternal youth

“Everyone who stops learning gets old, whether at 20 or 80, and anyone else who continues to learn remains young. The most important thing in life is to keep the brain young.”

Experience is a great teacher, but that doesn't mean you can close yourself off from everything new. Given how quickly things change, it's important to always be open to new ideas. By constantly learning about new things, you stay one step ahead of the times. This allows you to anticipate the needs of other people - before they themselves are aware of these needs.

3. About defeats

"Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely."

Many people think that failure is bad. But if you are not ready to fail, then you are not ready to take risks, which means giving up the possibility of ever achieving your true goal. Accept your failures, as well as the fact that in the long run they can bring you success.

4. About non-standard approach

"If I asked people what they want, they would ask for a faster horse."

The secret to success in the consumer sector is to have time to provide an offer before the demand for it has time to form. The idea of ​​horseless transportation seemed uncanny at the time Ford started his business, but it is now firmly embedded in the understanding of transportation. Any significant innovation is born thanks to a non-standard style of thinking.

5. On the execution of plans

"Vision without execution is just a hallucination."

From the point of view of the majority, visionaries are those who have ideas. But for an idea to succeed, someone has to bring it to life. If you want to evaluate a businessman, pay attention not only to his ideas, but also to their implementation. Both of these things are essential to the long-term prosperity of a company.

6. About quality

"Quality is doing something right, even when no one is watching."

Anyone can make an appropriate appearance and make an impression, being in the center of everyone's attention. However, companies often invest too much in marketing, but their product still falls short due to quality fluctuations. When quality is part of a company's culture, it doesn't need to be emphasized, it's just there.

7. About solving complex problems

"There is nothing difficult if you know how to divide the work into parts."

The beauty of an assembly line is how simple steps lead to an impressive product. This works not only for material goods, but also in the case of services. A simple checklist makes the process easier and also helps to educate new people who enter the workplace.

8. About the price of money

“If your hope for independence lies in money, say goodbye to it. Only knowledge, experience and skills can bring confidence in life.”

Ford knew that money is only an intermediary for acquiring what is really needed. For those who do not stop learning new things, money helps to gain experience and knowledge. For those who simply squander money, the money will not bring any benefit and even a sense of security.

9. About the black box of finance

“It’s even good that people don’t understand the principles of work banking system. Otherwise, there would be a revolution tomorrow.”

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. I am writing today's article with particular pleasure, and I will not even hide it. Many of the past publications in the Rules of Business: Tips for Millionaires section have been about modern businessmen, people who have achieved success relatively recently. Today we will talk about the man who created one of the most powerful corporations in the world, about the inventor, entrepreneur and just a genius - Henry Ford. Those who regularly read my articles may have noticed that I quote Ford very often. Whether it's an article about success, about the first steps in business, about failures and defeats, about building working hours, or about something else, Henry Ford always has a well-aimed and wise statement. In one of his phrases, he could put so many smart thoughts, so many tips that they have not lost their relevance even after several decades.

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It can be said that Henry Ford was my first spiritual teacher, a man whose methods of doing business, approach to the organization of production, views on life and business, changed me once and for all. He spoke truths that are deeply embedded in my memory. Perhaps this only person, whose quotes I use every day, whose example I give to many other beginning businessmen.
Get ready for the fact that this article will not be small, but incredibly instructive. I tried to choose the best thoughts, sayings and quotes of Henry Ford, but it is extremely difficult. I decided not to limit either you or myself. As I already said, the article will be voluminous, but I advise you to read it to the end, because the information you receive will be useful to you throughout your life. And these are not empty words, since I was convinced by my own example that Ford's advice is relevant in our time and will be relevant in many decades.

Be persistent

One day it may seem to you that the whole world is turned against you. At such moments it is not easy, but it is worth remembering that the plane also takes off against the wind.

Who better than Henry Ford to know that in one moment everything can turn against him. During his life, he also faced competitors, went through several major lawsuits, where some tried to prove that Ford had stolen their car designs, experienced moments of decline, but never gave up. This is what helped old Ford build the incredible corporation that became the world leader in the production of automobiles, the corporation that first put on the assembly line the production of such rather complex technological mechanisms.

Starting your own business, you must also understand that the path will not be easy. In moments when everything will seem lost, do not hang your nose and do not give up. I like one saying - "To see a rainbow, you need to survive the rain." Remember that hard work, faith in yourself and what you are doing will definitely allow you to “see the rainbow”.

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Work with clients

Remember that the employer does not give the salary, he only distributes the money. The client pays.

A very deep thought that every novice businessman must memorize and repeat himself every day. The main message is that you have to work with clients. Many young entrepreneurs are very fixated on the development of the site, its design, the selection of a place for the store, the choice of the best suppliers, and much more, but not on working with clients.

I often say in my trainings that it is necessary to analyze the needs of customers, conduct various surveys from time to time, monitor the market, arrange sales and promotions, and attract customers in every possible way. But lying down is half the battle, the main thing is to be able to keep it, to convince you that you are the best and you should contact you more than once. Quite recently, a study was conducted, the results of which did not surprise me, but only confirmed the correctness of the judgment. More than 70% of respondents (and this is about 10,000 men and women aged 21 to 50) noted that they are ready to slightly overpay for the goods, if only they were satisfied with the service and maintenance (fast delivery, convenient form of payment, prompt technical support, etc.). e). As you can see, it is imperative to work with the client, to know what he wants, because this can become an advantage over your competitors.

Invest in yourself

Old people teach us that we need to save money, save money for better times. This is very bad advice and not worth listening to. Do not save nickels in the bank. Invest in your development. Until the age of forty, I did not save a single dollar, everything was invested in further development.

Probably one of the most popular and famous quotes from Henry Ford. Personally, I read it one of the first, when I was 15 years old. Then the understanding came that money should work, you don’t need to save it, you don’t need to collect and save it. There is a profit - invest in business development, in your education, in obtaining valuable and necessary information. You must constantly go ahead, constantly improve, be one step ahead of all competitors. This is the only way to achieve true success.

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Set big goals for yourself

Try to think about the future, think about how to do more, achieve better. This gives rise to an incredible state of mind in which you no longer see barriers and any desire seems feasible.

Do not be afraid to dream, but not just dream, but set goals for yourself. I am upset by people who say, they say, why think about it, because I still won’t achieve it. If you have such a promise, then nothing can really be achieved. Do you think that those people who today own millions and billions of dollars in their youth could imagine such a success? I am sure that many of them are still surprised by such success. If you read my other articles from the Business Rules: Millionaire Tips series, you will understand that many successful people dreamed and set themselves grandiose goals. If you really want something, you will definitely get it.

Live today but think about the future

Everywhere is strange people who wake up every morning with incomprehensible thoughts in their heads. They do not understand that yesterday is yesterday, and nothing can be returned. Living in the past is only making things worse for yourself.

In business, you need to think about the future, but live for today. Everything that happened yesterday should stay there. Made a mistake, a problem arose or something else - all this should not worry you much. Henry Ford was well aware that if you solve yesterday's problems, you will completely lose reality and will always live in the past. It is not worth talking about development here, because a person is not only not looking into the future, he cannot perceive today normally.

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draw conclusions

Failure should not be a reason to quit. You can start all over again, but given the experience gained.

Most modern millionaires are in solidarity with Henry Ford. In one of my articles, I already wrote that you need to change your thinking and perceive failures as a lesson, as new opportunity. It didn’t work out now, draw conclusions, analyze the situation, find all your weaknesses and start again, but taking into account the experience gained.
Another great phrase: “More often than not, people capitulate rather than crash.”. And the way it is, because the majority give up, stop believing in their own strength even before they try all possible options for getting out of this situation. More often than not, we give up ourselves, and this is very sad. Just imagine that Steve Jobs gave up after being fired from Apple. What would be? Perhaps we would never have seen the animated Toy Story cartoon produced by Pixar, which Jobs bought after being fired. Perhaps now they did not use the iPad, iPhone and other miracle gadgets, the world would not have seen the brilliant manager and businessman Steve Jobs. Never give up, never capitulate, always go to the end, to the victorious end.

Think for yourself, decide themselves

Perhaps the hardest job for every person is to think with your own head and make decisions. That's why so few people do it.

Henry Ford knew what he was talking about. Only those who learn to soberly assess the situation, think independently and make strong-willed decisions, who can earn money using their mental potential, will achieve success in many endeavors.
Very often people choose the easy way - to work for someone, because there is no need to think. They know that they are guaranteed to receive some amount, there are no risks, they came, worked 8 hours and went home. So from day to day. Quiet, calm, and no need to strain. But is this how you make good money? I think the answer is obvious. I am sure that 99.9% of my readers do not dream of such a job, each of you wants to have a business, provide for yourself and your family, and not refuse anything. But for this you already need to strain and think, work, analyze.

Enjoy your work

The best job is a hobby that pays you well.

This phrase is the truth of all the truths of the beginning entrepreneur. In the previous article “Business Ideas: How to start your own business?” I have already talked about the fact that first of all there should be an idea, but one that will please you. You can't succeed in business if you don't enjoy your work. Reading various business books, listening to speeches and lectures of millionaires, I realized that they all do what they love. It is not possible to devote 12-15 hours to work that you want to run away from, which is boring and does not bring satisfaction.

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Henry Ford - best quotes

Every thought, every quote of Henry Ford can be deeply analyzed and analyzed, because they all carry an incredible meaning. It will be very difficult to do this within the framework of one article, so I analyzed the best quotes from Henry Ford, made small conclusions and clarifications, and gave my vision of this thought. There will be a dozen more below wise sayings Ford. I am sure that each of you will be able to draw certain conclusions for yourself that will help in solving the tasks set.

It's even good that people do not understand the principles of the banking system. Otherwise, tomorrow there would be a revolution.

Everyone is looking for an easy way to money, but at the same time they bypass the shortest one, which goes through work.

There are two incentives that make people work day in and day out: the thirst for money, and the fear of losing it.

There are a lot of ideas around us, and very often they come to mind. You must clearly understand what you want in this life, then set a goal and confidently go towards it. It is very important to do what you love. It is at such moments that ideas come suddenly. So it has always been and always will be.

I want it so, so it will be.

Having enthusiasm, you are subject to any tasks.

Failure can be much more instructive than luck

There is nothing difficult if you know how to divide the work into parts.

Time is a very strict teacher who does not like to be simply wasted.

Failure is a great incentive to start all over again, but already taking into account the experience gained. There is nothing shameful in honest failure. Much worse than being afraid to make a mistake.

A person has two motives for his behavior - the real one, and the one that sounds convincing.

The ability to accept the point of view of other people is a great trait of a successful entrepreneur.

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You can buy a Ford T in any color, but on one condition that this color be black.

An idealist is a person who helps others earn money.

I never said, "I want you to do this." Be smarter, stimulate the employee, say: “I wonder if you can do this?”.

With only $4, I'm sure $3 of that would have been spent on advertising.

Quality is doing your job right even when no one is in control of the process.

He will never succeed who does not do what he is advised and does no more than what he is told.

The main purpose of capital is not that you can make a lot of money, but that you make money to improve life.

A business in which there is nothing but money is a bad business.

Life is motion. Even when someone thinks that he has stopped to rest, it is not so. It looks like it's going downhill.