How to brush your Shih Tzu's teeth. Shih Tzu care. General description of the breed

For quite a long time, people have preferred to choose compact and cute dogs as their companions, who will get along well with the whole family, love their owner and delight with their charming appearance. The Tibetan Shih Tzu dog fits one hundred percent into the image desired throughout the world. And today we will take a closer look at the characteristics and all the features of this extraordinary breed, what care and conditions it needs.

Getting to know the breed

The Shih Tzu is a small, long-haired dog whose appearance combines an arrogant expression, an intelligent look and elegant, smooth movements. Turning to the description of this breed, we can say with confidence that these miniature animals have practically no disadvantages, but they have a lot of undeniable advantages.

Standard and photo

A country: China.

Height: up to 30 cm.

Weight: up to 8 kg.

Lifespan: from 16 to 20 years.

Color: a combination of brown, white, red and black colors. It is extremely rare to find blue or brindle.

Wool: long, silky structure.

Litter: 3-4 puppies.

Did you know? Dog lovers and people who don't like loud barking will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that Shih Tzu dogs are quiet, especially as adults. Only occasionally can you hear some quiet and restrained sound from them.


Despite the very pronounced “toy” appearance, Shih Tzu dogs cannot be called decorative, but on the contrary – social, loving the company of people and other animals. But some character traits still Please note:

  • It's quite difficult to toilet train. Therefore, you need to be patient and not let the acquired puppy break the rules until he gets used to it.
  • During the hot summer period, it is not only undesirable to walk your dog at the hottest time of the day, but also be sure to keep it in an apartment with air conditioning. This is directly related to the special shape of the skull, due to which these dogs have increased sensitivity to heat and heat stroke.
  • Puppies of this breed are very fragile, they can suffer from too active children's handling and play.
  • They get along well with other animals and are not wary of strangers.

In addition, tame Shih Tzus are absolute extroverts who will delight their owners throughout their lives with an optimistic mood, mischief and an easy-going, balanced temperament.

History of the Shih Tzu

The homeland of miniature Shih Tzu dogs is Tibet, where they appeared in the 7th century by crossing the Lhan Apso and the Chinese. But a little later, documents were found indicating that unusual four-toed animals originally appeared in Byzantium, and came to Tibet from there.

Several individuals followed to China, as a gift to the then ruler from the Dalai Lama, and for a long time after that they were distributed only in the imperial family or among large Chinese officials. There was a categorical ban on the export of unusual puppies.

In 1911, during the Xinhai Revolution, the breed was in danger of extinction, only after that it reappeared in Europe in the 30s of the 20th century, again as a gift, but this time to the Norwegian Ambassador to China. The Ambassador appreciated it so much original gift, that he then acquired two more Shih Tzu males, and already in his homeland he became seriously involved in breeding what were at that time outlandish animals.

There is also information that, in addition to the ambassador, purebred puppies were exported to England by a certain General Douglas Brownrigg. And already in 1933, a breed club was created in England, where 15 years later the first standard was drawn up. Today, the breed's popularity has spread to the USA, Australia, Great Britain and Japan. In Russia, cute dogs became famous in 1994, when, after the program “In the Animal World,” it turned out that they were brought to the country in the post-war years from Mongolia, India, Japan and the USA.

Choosing a puppy (price)

It is not difficult to choose your best friend among the Shih Tzu puppies, but when visiting several nurseries for this purpose, you should be sure to initially observe the kids and their parents. Healthy in all respects The puppy is determined by the following criteria:

  • curiosity (trying to sniff, wagging tail);
  • not aggressive or timid;
  • eyes are clean, without any discharge;
  • the eyelids are not turned out;
  • the coat is shiny and without bald spots;
  • there are no manifestations of any diseases on the skin (scratching, rash, redness);
  • the ears are clean and have no foreign odor;
  • the stomach is not bloated;
  • good appetite and moderate thirst.
Many dog ​​breeders sometimes advise not to choose the oldest puppy from the litter or the youngest, explaining this by the fact that the older ones have a too domineering and stubborn character, and the latter differ from other babies in their weakness. But true animal lovers, as a rule, choose four-toed friends for themselves based on personal sympathies, without paying attention to outside assumptions.

Important! Shih Tzu dogs are sold at a fairly high price, which directly depends on their category. For example: an economy class baby will cost you from 20 to 200 dollars, a Standard class puppy - from 300 dollars, and a luxury class puppy, which, in addition to all veterinary passports and pedigree, has high prospects in a show career and in breeding - from 1100 up to $3400.

The best conditions for a dog

Before placing your chosen pet in your house or apartment, try to create the most comfortable conditions for its maintenance so that it is easier and faster for it to get used to the new place. To do this you should select the most comfortable corner of the room with good lighting, where you need to put a special house or a comfortable wicker basket.

The place must be located away from any heat sources and drafts. For this purpose, it is strictly not recommended to choose: a bathroom, a kitchen and a corridor.

How to care for a dog

Caring for an unusual and loving puppy of this breed must be carried out in a timely manner and in accordance with all the rules, including the following necessary procedures: combing, bathing, eye, ear and teeth care, walks. To correctly perform all of the above manipulations, It is advisable to acquire the following items:

  • bowls for food and water (preferably made of stainless steel);
  • collar (preferably nylon);
  • roulette leash;
  • tray for special filler;
  • comb;
  • cutting scissors;
  • nail clipper;
  • special shampoo and conditioner;
  • various elastic bands;
  • several toys.

Special care (wool)

The fur of Shih Tzu dogs is perhaps their main asset, but in addition to being long, soft and shiny, it still causes a lot of trouble for the owner, requiring special care. The first thing to do is to accustom the puppy to brushing in a lying position, always after bath procedures.

Over time, when the dog reaches mature age, and its fur will become fully long and thick, combing will take much more time, then you will praise yourself for having timely taught your grown pet to calmly, even with pleasure, accept this manipulation.

In order to adapt as best and quickly as possible to the correct implementation of caring procedures for dog fur, You need to learn a few more important rules:

  • Buy a special table for your home; brushing on it will be much more convenient for you and safer for the dog. Just remember that you should not leave your dog on the table unattended, as he may get distracted, jump off and get injured.
  • You should not comb dry hair, firstly, its ends may break off, and secondly, a much larger amount of it will be combed out.
  • When combing, it is better to use a special aerosol or regular water from a spray bottle.
  • Immediately before the procedure, give your dog a chance to relieve himself to make him feel more comfortable.
  • Learn to tie a small ponytail on top of your dog's head to keep his eyes and whiskers clean. Start doing this as early as 5 months of age.
  • Tangled hair around the eyes must be removed as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally pull out even a small piece.
  • The fur on the ears should only be combed from top to bottom.
  • Tangled and thin hairs behind the ears cannot be trimmed; they also need to be combed regularly (preferably with a brush).
  • Abundant vegetation in the ears must be removed in time with tweezers, but not with scissors. It is better to get rid of only 2-3 hairs at a time, then everything will be painless.

The combing procedure itself is carried out in this way: the dog lies on its side on the table, and the owner begins to comb its fur - layer by layer, constantly dividing it into strands. Always comb in the direction of hair growth, but try not to pull out too many hairs. You need to reach with the brush deep, right up to the undercoat, so that it doesn’t get tangled either.

In order to simplify as much as possible the very lengthy procedure of everyday brushing, you can periodically give your dog a simple “puppy” haircut. It will not only give the Shih Tzu a special charm, but will also relieve him of additional weight.

Did you know? Translated from Chinese, Shih Tzu means lion cub, and there is an interesting legend associated with this. During his wanderings around the world, Buddha was accompanied by a small dog that could turn into a huge lion - it is believed that this was the ancestor of the modern Shih Tzu.


Tibetan puppies need to be bathed approximately once every 2-3 weeks, adult dogs – once every 3 months. This is not at all difficult to do, provided that the training (to stand still in the bathroom) began in early childhood.

Complete and correct process Bathing is divided into several stages:

  • Preparation. It is better to place a pre-purchased rubber mat on the slippery bottom of the bath to prevent slipping and maintain peace of mind. The shower needs to be secured comfortably and firmly, and you also need to check whether the drain is open - the water should leave the bathroom with dirt and dust. You should have professional shampoo and conditioner on hand to care for long-haired dogs.
  • Bathing. Be sure to speak kindly to the animal during water procedures, this will help strengthen friendly relations with him, and will also position him towards this manipulation in the future. Having wetted the dog’s fur well, you need to apply the prepared product to it with stroking movements and gently lather it according to its growth; then the product is thoroughly washed off. The restorer is applied in the same way as shampoo, left on the coat for the time specified in the instructions, then the coat is thoroughly rinsed with clean water.
  • Drying. It is better to purchase a professional pet hair dryer in advance. It is convenient and easy to operate, and various drying modes will allow you to create the most comfortable temperature. It is necessary to dry the dog's coat until it is completely dry, this will allow it to avoid colds and prevent the appearance of curls on the coat.

Eyes, ears, teeth

The eyes, ears and teeth of Shih Tzu dogs also require periodic and good care. The eyes should be carefully examined for discharge, which may be a symptom of incipient diseases, and it is better to treat the folds under them every day with boric acid powder.

Ears should be cleaned once every 2 weeks in this way: first, long hairs that have grown in the ear canal are removed with tweezers, and then the inside of the shell is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. After this, a couple of drops of peroxide are instilled into each ear and massaged from the base for about a minute to drain excess liquid.

Caring for teeth and gums includes not only cleaning with special dog pastes, but also preventive measures that prevent a common ailment of this breed - tartar deposits. To do this, the following actions are usually taken: periodically give the dog solid food, such as crackers or tomato juice (1 or 2 times a week). Cleaning the jaw should be done every week using a children's toothbrush or cotton pad.


Dogs of this breed do not need physical education, so walks should be short. Regular and short-term ones, with occasional runs without a leash, are quite suitable. IN autumn-winter period It is better to wear insulated overalls on your dog. The very first exit to the street should take place no earlier than two weeks after revaccination.

Proper feeding

The food of a Shih Tzu dog must be carried out according to a certain established regimen, but the owner must decide which one should be chosen for this purpose.

If you choose dry, balanced diet, You must follow some rules:
  • Economy-class food has a negative impact not only on the health of the Shih Tzu, but also on all other breeds, so do not risk feeding your four-toed friend with such food.
  • The space near the food bowl should always be occupied by a container of clean water.
  • Food should be chosen taking into account the age of the pet; today absolutely all brands have distinctions: “for puppies” or “for adult or elderly dogs.”
  • The daily food intake should be calculated individually, based not on the pet’s appetite, but on fluctuations in its weight.
  • You cannot suddenly change one brand of food to another, as this can lead to gastrointestinal diseases. The transition should be carried out within 5-8 days.
  • Vitamins cannot be given additionally with this type of diet.

Natural food is usually more expensive and somewhat more troublesome for dog owners; it must be complete and balanced. This should include: fresh raw meat, offal, vegetables and fruits. The frequency of feeding directly depends on the age of the dog:

  • from 1.5 to 3 months – 5 times a day;
  • from 3 to 6 months – 4 times a day;
  • from 6 months to 1 year – 3 times a day;
  • from 1 year – 2 times a day.

Shih Tzu training

This breed is significantly different from the training of other dogs, but the Shih Tzu needs daily training, which consists of an ordinary basic set of commands. The learning process will not be difficult; these dogs are very smart and after literally 3 repetitions they will fully understand the essence of the proposed commands.

Training must be carried out in a playful way, the owner’s tone must be cheerful and quiet: even if the dog initially does not follow commands, there can be no talk of any punishment at all.

Diseases of the breed

The Shih Tzu's health is naturally good and strong, but some common ailments can still affect them:

  • chronic heart disease;
  • pathology of intervertebral discs;
  • allergic reactions;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • adenoma of the paraanal glands;
  • distichiasis (growth of additional eyelashes);
  • urolithiasis disease.

Important! In Shih Tzu dogs, the eyes on the side are not protected by bone, like in other animals, but only by muscles. Therefore, any blow to the temple area can cause the eyeball to fall out.

Proper maintenance and careful care are the key to the health and beauty of your four-legged companion, as well as friendly relations with him for many years.

Shih Tzus are considered the best companion dogs among toy breeds. They are cheerful, unobtrusive, subtly capture the mood of the owner and adopt his lifestyle.

However, before you get a pet, you need to learn how to properly care for a Shih Tzu, because keeping and caring for it at home is quite complicated.

Shih Tzu is a decorative breed, considered one of the oldest. Their height does not exceed 27 cm at the withers, and their weight is 8 kg.

The breed is called a chrysanthemum dog because the fur on its face resembles the flower of the same name. The pets were also nicknamed “lion cub” (translation of the word “Shih Tzu” from Chinese) and “Buddha’s dog.” Allegedly, the dogs accompanied him during his travels.

Shih Tzus have long, luxurious fur. On the muzzle it forms a “beard” and “mustache”. Folded proportionally. The dogs are lean, muscular, with well-developed bones.

Having a chrysanthemum dog is almost the same as bringing a ray of sunshine into your home. Some owners believe that their pets understand human speech. This is how they detect the slightest changes in people’s moods.

Dogs love to be the center of attention. At the same time, they are unobtrusive. If there is no time for them now, they will simply sit nearby and wait for the owner to sort things out.

Shih Tzus are gentle, affectionate and loving creatures. In puppyhood they are extremely active, curious, and playful. After a year they become more seasoned, but remain lively until old age.

How to care for a baby Shih Tzu: basic rules and recommendations

All about hair care

Long, thick, luxurious hair is the main advantage of a dog. This is where the most problems arise, since caring for a Shih Tzu's coat is quite complicated.


Your Shih Tzu should be bathed every week and a half. Clean wool is less tangled.

The pet must be placed in a bathtub or a wide basin. Place a rubber mat on the bottom to prevent the paws from slipping. The water temperature should be 37-38°C.

Bathe your pet with a special shampoo for long-haired breeds. Thoroughly wash the paws, stomach, back, and genital area. The foam is washed off several times. For easy combing, it is recommended to use conditioner.

Before bathing and after drying, the dog is combed to prevent tangling of the hair. To keep the dog from freezing and drying faster, wrap it in 2 bath towels and use a hairdryer.


Your Shih Tzu needs to be brushed daily, for an average of half an hour. Otherwise, tangles will form.

Puppies begin to be accustomed to the procedure at 6 weeks of age. Use special brushes: a wide-toothed comb and a massage brush.

If you get completely tired of combing, you can cut the dog “puppy style.” This haircut is especially important in the fall and spring, when the Shih Tzu literally collects all the dirt in its path. However, this way the dog loses some of its charm.

Before the procedure, the dog is placed on the table. It is advisable to place a rubber mat for stability.

They start scratching from the hind legs. First - with a comb, and then with a massage comb. On the back, the fur is divided into two parts.

You should not comb a pet with dry hair. Be sure to use a spray conditioner or moisten the comb with a spray bottle. Tangles that cannot be combed out are carefully removed with a tangle cutter.

Hygienic haircut

Dogs should be trimmed as their fur grows back. To maintain hygiene and a neat appearance, it is advisable to trim your hair at least once a month. But at least once every 3 months, otherwise the dog will become very overgrown.

To get a monthly hygienic haircut, you don’t have to take your dog to the groomers.

The procedure itself is simple, accessible to any owner at home. As a rule, the paws are trimmed, groin area, the base of the tail - there are no difficulties with this. Before grooming, your pet must be bathed and combed.

Dogs participating in exhibitions are not cut. The Shih Tzu standard requires a long and thick coat. But in such cases, the coat requires special care, regular trimming and combing.

Exhibition “specimens” are usually trusted only by professional groomers.

Taking care of your eyes: removing hair and nitrous oxides

The Shih Tzu's eyes tend to become sour. To prevent wool from getting into them, it is collected on the top of the head in a ponytail. This will provide ventilation.

Tear ducts are checked daily. Oxide is removed with a sponge dipped in lotion or distilled water.

Ear care: clean and remove excess hair

Shih Tzu teeth: properly clean and remove plaque

Teeth should be cleaned of plaque once a week with a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs.

If a stone appears, you need to contact a veterinarian. The doctor will remove hard deposits. You cannot do this yourself - you can damage the enamel.

How to care for paws and trim claws

The paws are inspected and dirt is cleaned between the toes after each walk. Excess hair is cut off.

The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper as they grow. It is better to do this after swimming, when the nail plate is soft. Only the upper third is cut - then there is the “living part” with nerves and blood vessels.

Features of walking puppies and adult dogs

They start walking the puppy at 3.5 – 4 months. The first walks last no more than 15 minutes.

Babies can be taken outside up to 5 times a day. Gradually, the number of walks is reduced and their duration is increased.

Adult pets do not need long, intense walks. It will be enough to take the dog out once a day for an hour.

The Shih Tzu's flattened face makes it difficult to breathe. Therefore, the dog should not be walked in the sun.

And for the autumn-winter period you will need warm clothes.

Upon arrival home, the paws, ears, eyes, skin and fur are carefully examined. It is necessary to clean out the trapped dirt, make sure that the organs are not injured and there are no mites.

Shih Tzus are unpretentious in their maintenance. They easily adapt to life in country house and a bustling metropolis. They get along perfectly in multi-storey buildings - even a one-room studio apartment will seem like a luxury apartment to the dog.

The chrysanthemum dog is primarily a companion. She must constantly be with people. Putting her in an enclosure is a crime.

The place is arranged in a cozy place, but in such a way that the pet can monitor everything that is happening in the house. It should not be in a draft, near heating appliances or air conditioners.

Decorative dogs can be trained to go to the toilet on a cat tray or a special diaper.

Nutrition is the basis of a pet’s health and activity

An important aspect of proper care is proper feeding. Natural nutrition is considered ideal.

A natural food diet should include:

  • raw meat and offal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • additional ingredients - eggs, nuts, vegetable oils.

You can choose high-quality premium food. The most popular among owners are Royal Canin, Acana, Origin e, Eukubana. Select products from a special line for small breeds and taking into account the age of the pet.

The dog should not be overfed. She is prone to obesity. On a natural basis, vitamin-mineral complexes will not be superfluous.

A few words about education

Raising a Shih Tzu is a pleasure. They are obedient and quickly understand what is wanted from them. Although this is not a working breed, the dogs easily remember basic commands. With due diligence, they can perform small tricks: bring slippers, newspapers, ask, overcome obstacles.

Additionally, you can do agility or freestyle.

Chrysanthemum dogs are sensitive. Harsh upbringing is not acceptable.
A reprimand in a menacing voice will be sufficient as punishment.

Taking care of your health: how to avoid diseases and prolong your life

The Shih Tzu is a strong breed. Some representatives lived up to 20 years. With proper care, the pet will delight its owners for 15–16 years.


The owner of the nursery must be asked for documents confirming vaccination. If the puppy has not yet had vaccinations, they are given according to the scheme:

  • 1st course – at 8 – 9 weeks;
  • 2nd course – at 10 – 12 weeks;
  • subsequently – annually.

Shih Tzus are vaccinated against:

  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • parovirus enteritis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis;
  • Lyme disease.

After vaccination they are quarantined for 2 - 3 weeks. During this period, walks and contact with other animals, especially stray ones, are prohibited.

Possible diseases and their prevention

Shih Tzus are prone to certain diseases:

  • Eye pathologies. The most common cases are distichiasis, entropion, cataracts, and corneal ulceration. The first two diseases cannot be prevented. To avoid the rest, you need to wash your eyes daily, remove oxides and dirt, and include foods containing vitamin A or vitamin complexes in your diet.
  • Urolithiasis. Most often found in males. It develops against a background of low mobility, excess protein and lack of water in the diet.
  • Disorders of the digestive system. For prevention, you should not overfeed your Shih Tzu, give fatty meat, or unhealthy treats: sweets, baked goods, bones.
  • Allergies. If itching, rash, or hair loss occurs, it is necessary to identify the allergen. As a rule, this is something from food or grooming products. The provoking factor must be eliminated.
  • Heart disease and tracheal collapse. Genetically determined diseases. Before buying a puppy, you need to make sure that its parents do not have such pathologies. However, this will only reduce the likelihood of getting a sick puppy, but will not reduce the risk to zero.
  • Intervertebral disc diseases. To avoid problems with bones and joints, the dog is prohibited from climbing onto high surfaces and jumping off beds, sofas, and tables.

Until 3 months of age, care must be taken to ensure that the puppy does not go up or down stairs. This can cause the hind legs to become bent.

Positive and negative aspects of the breed

Cutie Shih Tzus have many advantages, but they also have disadvantages.

The advantages of the breed include:

  • mental stability;
  • good character - dogs get along well with all family members, love children and easily find mutual language with other pets;
  • lack of anger, aggression;
  • good health;
  • there is no need to walk your pet for a long time and often;
  • hardly bark;
  • ease of education and training.

The Buddha dog has much fewer disadvantages:

  • long-term daily grooming is required;
  • lack of guard qualities;
  • does not tolerate loneliness well, even if the owner is in the next room.

Some representatives may be capricious, disobey commands, and overreact even to mild remarks. Usually this behavior appears due to improper upbringing - lack of attention or excessive spoiling.

A Shih Tzu puppy always evokes tenderness and sincere delight. All you have to do is take this fluffy miracle in your arms, look into his devoted and intelligent eyes, and that’s it! You just won't want to let go of this little bundle of happiness and tenderness! However, before you decide to buy a Buddha dog, you first of all need to answer the question for yourself - “Do I have enough patience, desire and strength to provide proper care for a Shih Tzu?”

Caring for a Shih Tzu with long hair involves brushing it at least once every 2-3 days. But some breeders do this daily. You will also have to brush your dog every day during your pet’s first shedding period. The fact is that at this time the dog’s fur becomes matted and tangled especially quickly.

It would seem, what’s wrong! I took a comb and scratched for my health! However, in the case of Shih Tzu, everything is not so simple. First, you need a good comb. And not alone. Most often, a high-quality massage brush and a metal comb with long teeth are used (preferably double-sided, with different tooth frequencies).

It is best to start grooming your Shih Tzu from the hind legs. They do this carefully, strand by strand. First from bottom to top, then in the opposite direction. It will be more convenient if the dog lies on its side. All tangles must be removed by hand. Finally, be sure to go through the wool with a comb. He will help you make sure that the combed area is free of tangles and tangled hair.

Then brush the front paws and belly in the same way. We pay special attention to the armpits. After that, we put the dog down, separate the fur on the back and comb it from top to bottom. Some people get used to doing this when the dog is lying down. Of course, the pet will be more comfortable this way.

The next stage is the head. It is important to comb the fur behind the ears properly because... This is where it often gets tangled. As for the direction of combing, the main guideline for you will be the hollow on the dog’s nose. All the hair located above it is scratched upwards, respectively, everything below it is scratched downwards. Don't forget to part your mustache evenly and comb it down as well.

If your pet has a lot of tangles, then they need to either be sorted out manually or cut off. And what you definitely shouldn’t do is bathe a dog with mats. This will only make the situation worse, and then the only solution will be to cut your Shih Tzu's hair short. But remember that even a haircut does not completely cancel brushing the dog, but makes it simpler and not so long.

Eye and ear care

The short muzzle and large expressive eyes are the highlight of the breed, but at the same time they are an increased risk factor. Therefore, from the first days, make it a rule to examine your ward’s eyes every day. Wipe them with special lotions.

Moderate tear tracks are the norm for Shih Tzus. To make them as small as possible, always remove hair from the eye area, tie tails (top notes) on the head, and possibly on the dog’s whiskers. Also monitor your pet's diet. Increased tearfulness is often a consequence of food allergies or metabolic disorders.

Are your dog's eyes red or cloudy? Does she scratch them with her paw often? Or maybe you found a white dot on the eyeball? – Any of these symptoms requires urgent consultation with a veterinarian. Otherwise, your pet may develop an eye ulcer and then surgery will be necessary.

Caring for a Shih Tzu also involves regular inspection of the ear, cleaning it and removing hair. Of course, the procedure of plucking hairs from the ear is not the most pleasant, so you need to gradually accustom your dog to it. For a small puppy, remove just a few hairs at a time. Next time a little more, and so on until the dog gets used to it. Special ear powder will also help reduce discomfort.

Shih Tzu ears are cleaned with a clean cotton pad or swab soaked in a special shampoo or chlorhexidine. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe your ears dry with a clean napkin.

Subtleties of bath procedures

Dogs of this oriental breed are bathed as needed, but at least once a month. Dirty hair not only spoils the appearance of the dog, but also significantly complicates the care of the Shih Tzu. Before starting bath procedures, be sure to comb your pet.

You can wash your Shih Tzu in a regular bath, but be sure to place a mat on the bottom so that the dog’s paws do not slip or move apart. Comfortable temperature water + 39 C.

Very often, first-time owners wonder about the best shampoo for Shih Tzu. And they also often come across a lot of different advice on this matter. Why is this happening? The thing is that a dog's fur, like human hair, has its own characteristics and nuances of texture. Breeders usually look for cosmetics that are most comfortable and effective for their dogs. Often by trial and error.

But we can definitely say that shampoo for Shih Tzu should not dry out the coat. It is better if it moisturizes it and protects it from negative impact blow drying. And the main rule of washing is to thoroughly rinse off any remaining detergent. The wool should, as they say, creak in your hands.

You can't do without balm. Especially if you decide not to cut your dog's hair. Better with the addition of mink or coconut oil. It is very important to distribute it well throughout the dog’s entire coat, and not just go over the tops.

After washing, never rub your dog with a towel. Just blot it (you can wring it lightly), and then wrap it in a dry cloth for a few minutes. The final stage Bathing should be followed by blow-drying and combing the dog. The Shih Tzu's coat is very thick and will take an extremely long time to dry on its own, and this is fraught not only with a lot of tangles, but also with hypothermia of the dog.

This breed of dog must have a representative appearance, so caring for it is not only time-consuming, but also terribly difficult. Many Shih Tzu owners prefer professional grooming for their pets to make sure they look great.
If you prefer to groom your dog yourself, it will take a lot of time for you and your dog to get used to the process.
Let's talk about how to care for a Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu puppies do not require much grooming; a short daily brushing is fine. Without proper care, your dog can look untidy, and this is detrimental to its health. A well-groomed Shih Tzu should have a long, straight coat and small bangs that do not obscure his eyes.
Proper Grooming If you prefer to groom your dog yourself instead of entrusting this task to professionals, the most difficult thing for you will be caring for your Shih Tzu's coat. Remember, proper care includes all work on the dog’s appearance. You should also take care of your teeth and claws. One of important points What you need to learn when caring for a dog is to understand that a large number of bathing is not always conducive to good things appearance wool A puppy will only need one or two baths per week. Older puppies require bathing every three days, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the hair will be very short.
An adult Shih Tzu should be bathed approximately once every three weeks, but this depends on the condition of the dog and external influences that may affect the cleanliness of its coat. You will have to comb it at least once a week, but if you do this 3-4 times, you will save yourself from headaches in the long run, since you will be able to get rid of the knots before they become large.
As soon as your Shih Tzu When he reaches 1 year of age, he will have a longer adult coat. Avoid brushing dry hair, it is very easy to damage. Due to static electricity and its effect on the coat, you will need to dampen the coat with a mixture of water and dog coat conditioner. Start at your dog's paws and work your way up to his back. Brush gently if you find the fur tangled. Be careful with knots and comb slowly, it is better to apply more force than to cut the hairs. Be sure to brush deeply, all the way down to your pet's skin. Use a special comb to comb the face. Use the wide side of a double-sided comb; it is best to use it before the dog gets used to constant grooming.
Long hair care
Caring for your Shih Tzu will be very different if you want your dog to look show-like (the Shih Tzu's coat will be long, light, straight and touching the floor). This is achieved with patience, responsibility and careful care to avoid split ends and hair damage. Some owners prefer to dress their dogs to preserve their fur. It's simple and doesn't take much time. It's not really clothing, but a thin, silky fabric that is secured with thick, non-stick rubber belts. Once you get used to wrapping your Shih Tzu, the process will go much faster. However, dogs that are dressed every day should be changed and brushed daily. Be sure to never leave silk fabrics on it for more than 2 days, otherwise the dog will sweat. If everything is done correctly, the coat will become silky and will soon begin to grow rapidly.

Among decorative dogs, the Shih Tzu breed especially stands out. Such a pet will not only become a tailed decoration of your home, but will also turn into a friendly companion. Competent care and maintenance of a Shih Tzu, training and pregnancy, estrus and childbirth - we will consider all these points in detail.

Some owners prefer to buy miniature houses for their pets. But if space in the apartment is limited, a regular sun lounger will do. It is recommended to place a tray (aka toilet), as well as bowls for food and water, not far from your Shih Tzu dog’s sleeping place. Be sure to organize a full-fledged sleeping area for your pet.

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Caring for a representative of the Shih Tzu breed at home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to take into account the basic recommendations. In this case, you can provide a comfortable stay for your four-legged friend. Caring for such a miniature dog includes several basic provisions.

Hygiene procedures

It is advisable to accustom your dog to regular hygiene procedures as early as possible. In this case, the pet will treat them calmly, and it will be easier for you to provide proper care for it over time.

First of all, make sure your ears are clean. If necessary, try to pluck hairs that grow in the ear canal. It is very important to treat the tweezers with boric acid immediately before the procedure to avoid any infection. Another key point: Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to a cotton swab from time to time and then wipe the animal's ears.

In order for your Shih Tzu puppy to grow up healthy, it is recommended to take care of clean teeth. Use a special one at least once a week toothpaste for animals and brush your four-legged friend's teeth. Representatives of this breed often suffer from the formation of tartar. If such problems arise, contact your veterinarian, but do not remove hard growths yourself.

After each walk, it is necessary to inspect the animal’s paws and remove any dirt that accumulates in them. The claws are cut off using a nail cutter after the next bath - then the plate becomes more pliable and the claws can be cut much faster.

The Shih Tzu's eyes tend to become sour, so the hair on the head is usually kept in a bun to provide proper ventilation to the eyes.

Animal nutrition

For the normal development of a puppy of this breed, it is necessary to provide him with a balanced daily diet. You can give preference to both dry industrial food and natural products. The main thing is not to mix these two types.

Please remember that industrial feed formulations High Quality- This is not only a balanced food for a pet, but also a whole complex of vitamins. As for the frequency of feeding the dog, puppies are given food in small portions up to 6 times a day. When the dog is about a year old or more, he can be safely transferred to twice feeding.

Organization of walking

As soon as your tailed creature is about 3.5–4 months old, you can start taking him out for walks. But do not forget that the first such walks last no more than 15 minutes.

Small pets can be bred Fresh air often (up to 5 times a day), but for short periods of time. In the future, the frequency of walks is reduced, but their duration increases significantly.

As for adult pets, the best option for them is to walk them once a day for no more than an hour.

Education and training

Shih Tzu training and education is another key point. This process is aimed at establishing interpersonal contact, socializing the pet, as well as mastering basic commands. At first, you can train the dog through regular walks (this way, he slowly gets used to society).

How to train a small Shih Tzu to use a litter box is one of the first stages of education that is worth paying attention to. By the way, you can put a small piece of diaper soaked in the smell of urine in the dog’s toilet, and soon your pet will not need to be forced to go to the litter box.

In the future, take on more serious tasks: master basic commands, do it in a playful way.

Features of breeding

Since the weight and size of an adult Shih Tzu are not the largest, there is no need to rush into mating. You can decide to mate for the first time when the dog is about 1.5–2 years old. Estrus begins at the age of 7–8 months. Be sure to enter all the data in a special notebook - this way you can accurately calculate the suitable days for mating the animal.

As for pregnancy, it lasts about 60–63 days for Shih Tzus. Monitor the condition of your mother in labor, and at the right time, arrange a special corner for her, and be there to help her if necessary.

Raise your Shih Tzu and care for it competently.

Video "Shih Tzu breed"

From this video you will learn everything about the care and rules of keeping a Shih Tzu.