Very small dog breeds. Small dog breeds: names and photographs. Australian Silky Terrier

In the photo: King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Lapdog.

Miniature pets have been popular for several centuries. And only at first glance do they seem like toys. Each small dog has its own individual and unique character.

Such “babies” become true friends and life partners for millions of owners. In this material we will tell you about all the advantages of miniature pets. You will find out what the smallest dog in the world is.

The demand for pocket dogs is growing every year. Pets have a beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of children. Tiny creatures are devoted to those who care for them. Despite their size, they are lively and brave. We are always ready to defend ourselves if the owner is in danger.

Friendly, cheerful creatures lift your spirits. Looking at them, only positive emotions appear. Abroad they are considered four-legged doctors.

Positive creatures have an incredible healing effect on humans. Pets don't require a lot of space. They feel comfortable in a small living space, positive aspects a lot of.

The main advantages of mini dogs:

Compact size. Despite his small height and weight, the pet has a big heart. Such a tiny animal will give its owner his love and become a full-fledged member of the family. No fear of heights. Fearless animals bypass their larger counterparts: they are not afraid of heights, and, it seems, are even ready to make a parachute jump.

They eat little. The small pet, although picky about food, eats little. They go to diapers. When there is no time to walk with her, she easily learns to go to the tray or diaper. They love affection. Few people would think of coddling a Great Dane or a Rottweiler.

With small dogs you can afford such familiarity. They love to be in the arms of their owner and are always happy when they are petted. Minimum dirt. There is little smell or fur in the home from a miniature dog.

Portability. The world's tiniest dogs fit in a purse. You can take it with you on a visit or to the store, or transport it in transport without any hassle. Long-lived. Such “babies” have a longer life expectancy than their larger relatives.

Rating of small breeds

We invite you to familiarize yourself with 20 of the cutest miniature creatures and find out which is the smallest dog breed:

20 – Pug

A cheerful animal of the oldest breed. The pug loves to be the center of attention, is active, and will become a faithful companion. It is enough to look into his eyes and understand that he is not only smart, but can also adapt to his owner.

If you like to lie in bed in the morning and watch TV, a pug will not interfere with that. He will be happy to spend time with you or wait for you when you return from work. Weighs up to 10 kg. Height – up to 35 cm.

19 – Chinese Crested

An extremely active and loving pet that strives to accompany its owner everywhere. An ideal option for keeping in a small apartment. Easy to care for.

Chinese Crested dogs love active games and attention to themselves. They love to wear clothes. The average weight is from 4 to 6 kg. Height at withers is from 23 to 33 cm.

18 – Petit Brabançon

The smallest dog breeds, including Petit Brabançon, delight owners positive characteristics. The mini dog is kind, loves to play, and is affectionate. Brabançon is emotional, you can easily read her mood from her face.

Gets along with other pets. Submits to training and follows commands. Weight ranges from 4.5 to 6 kg. Height at withers up to 22 cm.

17 – Japanese dwarf spitz

Cheerful mini dog. Distrustful of strangers, sometimes aggressive. Attached to the owner, does not like loneliness. Excellent for training, can take part in speed competitions. The coat is easy to care for. Weighs from 4.9 to 10 kg. Height – up to 39 cm.

16 – King Charles Spaniel

The ancestors of the breed at the beginning of the 16th century went hunting with the lords. Cheerful, devoted English aristocrats are distinguished by their boundless love for their master. King Charles Spaniel with shiny coat and devoted eyes. Weight ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 kg. Height up to 27 cm.

15 – Bichon Frize

A small animal with a printed curly fur coat. Loves attention to a person. Can take part in the circus and various shows. The Bichon Frize is ideal for people who love an active lifestyle. Weight ranges from 2.5 to 5.5 kg. Height up to 29 cm.

14 – Rabbit dachshund

The dwarf variety of dachshund was originally bred for burrow hunting. The dachshund becomes attached to its owner and loves children. The dog will not miss a mouse or bird that is in its field of view.

Active and energetic, she requires a special approach to education. A small animal with a loyal character. Weighs from 3.4 to 5 kg. Height up to 17 cm.

13 – Shih Tzu

A charming little dog, bred quite a long time ago in Tibet. When you look into the large eyes of a Shih Tzu, you fall in love with the breed forever. A friendly, cheerful baby is glad to all the guests who come to your home.

Domestic, does not like movement, prefers to stay at home rather than go on a hike. Shih Tzu weight ranges from 4.5 to 8 kg. Height at withers up to 27 cm.

12 – Pekingese

Originally from China. Self-confident and independent representatives of toy dog ​​breeds can create difficulties in training.

Difficulties arise with them in the process of education. Pekingese do not get underfoot, they are patient. They are wary of children. Weight – 3.2 to 6.5 kg, height up to 23 cm.

11 – Italian lap dog

Small dogs have a patient nature. They easily learn new things and are trainable. They get along with other pets. The Italian lapdog is discreet and intelligent. Can become a faithful companion for the owner.

Special, simple coat care is required. Height at the withers is up to 30 cm, and the average weight is up to 4 kg.

10 – Beaver York

Sweet, calm and active miniature “baby”. She loves active games and is balanced, so it is easy to carry out hygiene procedures with her (haircut and manipulation of fur). The Biewer York, despite its cheerfulness, is unobtrusive. Height at the withers is up to 27 cm, standard weight is up to 3.5 kg.

9 – Japanese Chin

The friendly baby is able to get along with all family members. Favorable towards other pets. Energetic, but also considered a reliable companion.

Thanks to its face, thick padded coat and high-set tail, the Japanese Chin is attractive. The average height is approximately 25 cm, and weight is up to 4 kg.

8 – Papillon

This decorative miniature dog gets its name from the French word papillon (translated from French as butterfly). Funny, artistic and active animals, few will leave anyone indifferent.

They love to run after the ball and scare away rodents. You won't be bored with these animals in your house. Height is up to 28 cm, and weight is up to 4.5 kg.

7 – Yorkshire Terrier

The miniature pet is distinguished by its positive behavior. The terrier is affectionate and loyal. It is ideal for keeping both in a city apartment and in a country house.

Smart, quickly follows commands, easy to train. Yorkie weight is up to 3.2 kg, and height is no more than 23 cm.

6 – Pomeranian Spitz

The loud, restless dog will not let its owner get bored. An energetic Pomeranian with a funny face and a stuffed coat will become a family pet.

The dog's fox ears and funny habits make it one of the most popular breeds among miniature dogs. Suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and do not sit still. Height is up to 22 cm, and weight is up to 3.% kg.

5 – Russian Toy Terrier

Small dogs have been known since the 19th century, at that time they were in demand among fashionistas. Today, many society ladies choose this breed for its pretty face and modest size. This terrier does not have an explosive character; they are calm and loyal. Height at the withers is up to 25 cm, and weight is about 3 kg.

4 – Affenpinscher

A rare specimen among the smallest dogs, it captivates its owners with its cheerfulness and interesting appearance. The flattened face is similar to a griffin, but there is a difference. The Affenpinscher's eyes are deep-set.

Special care for the coat is required. The pet will become a loyal friend and protector. Height is from 20 to 28 cm, and weight is 4.5 kg.

3 – Brussels Griffon

Mischievous “little ones”, with bright character. Energetic and at the same time calm, balanced. Get along with other pets. They love walks fresh air. Loyal and kind.

Show patience with small children. The height at the withers of the Brussels Griffon is up to 28 cm, and its weight is 4.5 kg.

2 – Toy Fox Terrier

Positive and funny animals can lift your spirits. By nature, they are hunters who catch rodents. Restless and energetic people love constant attention. Unpretentious in care.

Smart, involved in sports competitions. The fox terrier weighs 3.5 kg and height up to 25 cm.

1 – Chihuahua

The smallest dog breed in the world originated in Mexico. Chihuahuas love to be carried. Enjoy incredible popularity in all corners globe. Kind, not capricious and patient little ones, with the habits of a real watchdog.

The smallest dog does not like to be punished. Chihuahua is a reliable guard for a lady's handbag. A breed with long and short hair, different colors. Height varies from 15 to 23 cm, and weight ranges from 500 g to 5.5 kg.

What is the smallest dog breed in the world?

The world's smallest Chihuahua dog, whose results are included in the book of records. The little one named Millie is only 6.53 cm tall. The weight of the smallest dog in the world is 170 grams.

Caring for baby Millie is not easy, but the owners, a married couple from Puerto Rico, dote on her. The main difficulty for them is losing their baby in the garden or at home. Most of the chicks, despite their tiny size, are aggressive towards strangers.

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. Are you choosing a pet, a watchdog or a companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind important nuance: Males and females require different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, bitches cause a lot of trouble to their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancies. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

There are pros and cons to purchasing a puppy or an adult dog. The baby needs to be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures and the toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, mature dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for its previous owners, refuse to eat and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. So, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings towards all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

They do an excellent job of securing the apartment:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose a four-legged friend for hunting together, then choose a pet of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept both in a large house and in a city apartment. Since they are hyperactive, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Pets of decorative breeds are ideal for living in an apartment. Most dogs are small in size and friendly in nature. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dog, need training. They need to instill basic behavioral skills.

Choosing pet study the characteristics of a particular breed, rules for caring for puppies, and susceptibility to diseases. Treat this issue wisely and then you will gain a devoted and loving friend.

The main reasons why dog ​​lovers cannot have a pet at home are the lack of living space, lack of time to walk, and the inability to look after the dog due to frequent departures from home, for example on a business trip. In such cases, experts suggest paying attention to dwarf dog breeds.

Miniature dogs

You can often see a lady with a tiny dog ​​in her arms in a cute suit. Such cuties belong to a separate group of decorative breeds, the representatives of which are not intended to perform any work - guard duty or hunting. They are used as pets and companions. These are the Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, Belgian Griffon, Maltese and others. However, this group does not exhaust the list of breeds that can be classified as miniature, and not every breed can be entirely classified as dwarf or large dogs. For example, Spitz, terriers or dachshunds can be small, medium or even large. Therefore, of all existing classifications, the following distribution is optimal for determining the decorativeness of a dog:

  • Toy breeds are “toy” dogs (from the English toy - toy). Their height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm, they weigh no more than 3-3.5 kg.
  • dwarf breeds - the animal does not grow higher than 35 cm, weighs no more than 5 kg.
  • Small - grow up to 10 cm at the withers, weigh 8-10 kg.

General overview of representatives of ornamental breeds

Dwarf dog breeds are small in height and weight. They are all very affectionate and trusting towards close people, but are suspicious of strangers. They bark loudly at strangers, growl, expressing their displeasure, and can attack and even bite.

Kids are smart and easy to train. Almost all small, dwarf dog breeds have hunting roots and therefore require constant physical activity.

Small dogs live on average 5 years longer than medium and large dogs. The record was set by Yorkshire Billy from Great Britain. This long-lived canine passed away at the age of 22, which by human standards is 154 years.

Basic content rules

All dwarf dog breeds are characterized by poor health. Their nervous system and digestive tract are especially vulnerable. Babies should not be hit or scolded loudly, otherwise they may have a heart attack. Their nutrition should be balanced and correct. It is very undesirable to feed miniature dogs sausage, raw meat, cake or pasta. This can not only harm their health, but even kill them.

Owners often dress dwarf dog breeds in various overalls and blouses. The price for such things is quite high, but it’s not worth saving on it. Clothes are necessary for small dogs, especially in cold weather, as they get very cold and catch colds easily.

The little ones don't have to be walked. They are great at potty training or diaper training. This makes life much easier for the owners, especially when there is nasty autumn dampness outside.

Name of dwarf dog breeds

Among all the small dogs, our favorites are:

  • Italian Greyhound,
  • toy poodle,
  • Toy Terrier,
  • lap dogs,
  • shih tzu,
  • Chinese Crested,
  • miniature pinscher,
  • King Charles Spaniel.

The most dwarf dog breeds are the Chihuahua, Tibetan Spaniel, Rabbit Dachshund, Havanese Bichon, Pekingese, Brussels Griffon, Papillon, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian. Their height at the withers on average does not exceed 25 cm.

"Toy" terriers

The dwarf terrier, or Yorkshire terrier, has become a very fashionable dog breed today. The dogs were bred in England at the end of the 19th century. Their ancestors were huge Russian black terriers, so at the genetic level, Yorkies, despite their cute faces, are distinguished by a stoic character, moderate aggression and high self-esteem. They are brave and tireless, curious, playful and very friendly in their circle. However, they do not like strangers.

In Russia, the first Yorkies appeared only in the early 90s of the twentieth century. Today the dog is very common and is rightfully considered a women's favorite.

Outwardly he looks very cute. The baby, weighing 3-3.5 kg, has a cute face, a silky soft coat of long hair that falls evenly on the sides, and sparkling mischievous eyes. Its peculiarity is that it does not shed, so allergy sufferers can safely have this little four-legged friend at home. Dog groomers love the long hair of Yorkies - they braid them, knit ponytails, and attach bows to them.

The main thing you need when caring for this dog is to provide proper nutrition, protect from cold and drafts, wipe the eyes daily, provide the opportunity to run and play.

Miniature Pinscher

Among lovers of miniature four-legged friends, the miniature pinscher dog is popular. Their price ranges from 500-700 US dollars. These cuties, up to 30 cm tall and weighing up to 4.5-5 kg, are an exact copy of the German Pinscher. Fearless, they are ready to protect their owner, even if the enemy is many times larger than them in size and strength.

This breed is classified as a rat catcher. Miniature pinschers are excellent at hunting small rodents and can even catch a mole.

They are graceful, healthy looking, mischievous and cheerful, very active. They have a pronounced guard instinct - they bark at strangers for a long time and persistently. They do not like training and can be obstinate. They enjoy being the center of attention.

Like Yorkies, miniature pinschers should be protected from the cold. Apart from a cold, they are not afraid of anything else. Although the breed is smooth-haired, it should still be brushed with a thick brush from time to time.

Pomeranian Spitz

The dog of the dwarf Spitz breed causes tenderness and delight to everyone around him. Their price is high - up to 1.5 thousand US dollars. This is due not only to the uniqueness of the breed, but also to low fertility - bitches bring no more than 2-3 puppies at a time.

The dogs are truly smart and are among the twenty smartest breeds. But their training will require patience from the owners, since Spitz dogs are stubborn and wayward, preferring to dominate rather than follow commands. Lively, active, they get along well with children, but are jealous of their owners towards other pets. They delve into all household matters with curiosity. Spitz dogs become very attached to all family members and are very sad when parting.

Possessing acute hearing, they, like bells, inform their owners about the approach of strangers. They do not like familiarity and will not allow themselves to be stroked by a stranger.

The Dwarf Spitz dog breed requires careful care. Caring for their thick coat is especially labor-intensive. In addition, their nails are periodically trimmed, their ears are cleaned, and they are provided with daily exercise. The Pomeranian (dwarf) Spitz cannot be called a sofa dog. The baby wants to run and play all the time; trainers say that, despite its diminutive size, the dog craves exploits.

Rabbit dachshund

A very interesting breed of dog is the dwarf dachshund, or rabbit dachshund. Having a height at the withers of only 16-18 cm, she is a hunting dog. Initially bred to hunt hares, rabbits and other small animals. This purpose determined the constitution and character of the four-legged friend. The dwarf dachshund has strong bones, strong muscles, good hearing, vision and scent, and a quick reaction. Dogs are brave, energetic and independent, so they should be trained by a professional.

They can be smooth or long-haired and have virtually no restrictions on color. Caring for them is easy, since these animals have good health, sustainable nervous system and adapt well to new conditions. Ideal for keeping in a city apartment and for busy owners.

Toy poodle

Miniature Poodle dogs look like a wonderful toy. They grow no higher than 25-25 cm, weigh up to 3-3.5 kg. Very mobile and cheerful, active and playful. Smart, they amaze even experienced dog handlers with their training abilities. They are sometimes called promiscuous for being too friendly towards strangers.

The toy poodle is affectionate and jealous. If he tolerates other family members, then the owner’s attention to other animals greatly irritates him. The toy poodle will get underfoot, bark, even play mischief, in general, do everything to attract the attention of the owner.

Requires good care - regular haircuts at least once every 2 months, weekly bathing, cleaning of ears and teeth. Your dog should visit the veterinarian periodically.

There is no less

The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of toy dwarf dog. Often it does not grow higher than 15 cm and weighs only 2.5-3 kg. The smallest Chihuahua was Millie, 10 cm tall and weighing 600 grams. If the dog's height at the withers exceeds 20 cm, this is considered a breed defect.

These are “portable” dogs. They can be carried in a handbag or coat pocket.

Such a pet needs to be handled more carefully than expensive Chinese porcelain. Dog food must be special and of high quality; it can only be taken in very small portions. At home you need to be very careful not to step on it. Take him outside only on a leash. Walking areas should be away from crowded places and roadways. The dog is nervous, so you should protect it from any stress. From children, especially younger age, it’s better to protect the baby.

Representatives of this decorative breed do not tolerate strong odors, such as perfumes, air fresheners, tobacco, alcohol, paint.

Despite such fragility, Chihuahuas are mostly aggressive, capable of easily grabbing the hand of someone they don’t like.

The most "dear" companion

For a luxury Shih Tzu puppy you will have to pay from 5 to 7 thousand US dollars. Dogs of this decorative breed are among the most expensive.

The Shih Tzu is an ancient breed originally from China. These are self-confident animals, they have high intelligence, but are difficult to train due to their arrogant and proud disposition. Calm, balanced and friendly, they know their worth. A Shih Tzu will only run after a ball when it is a puppy; an adult dog will order the owner to fetch the ball with his eyes...

However, in minutes Have a good mood they can vigorously express devotion and love to their owner. Shih Tzus behave more reservedly with other family members.

The dog requires a lot of attention, especially careful care should be taken to care for its beautiful silky coat.

How to choose a small dog

When choosing a pet, you should keep in mind that dwarf dog breeds are intended only for home keeping. Such dogs cannot be kept in a kennel in the yard, where they will quickly die.

What points to consider? First of all, your employment. How much time will the dog need to devote to ensuring a comfortable and safe existence and will the future owner have such an opportunity? If you are very busy, it is better to pay attention to a smooth-haired healthy dwarf dachshund or other similar decorative dogs. Caring for them is less labor-intensive, and you can pay more attention to direct communication with your pet. If you have enough free time, then you can choose a furry companion.

It should be remembered that decorative breeds are an expensive pleasure. Their maintenance requires considerable financial investment. Will the owner be able to afford to buy the baby good food, clothes, and take him to the dog groomer and veterinarian?

In a house where there are small children, you can only get a dwarf dog with strong nerves.

Where can I find a puppy? Of course, you can look for an ad in the newspaper like: “Dogs for sale, Orenburg, miniature pinscher breed.” But it is best to contact professional breeders or a nursery, since dwarf breeds are specific and require competent breeding and care.

We have collected the TOP breeds of small dogs with photos and names of the most popular in our country. It is known that among dog lovers there are those who get dogs to protect themselves and their home from ill-wishers, so their choice is serious service dogs, others are avid hunters, prefer hunting breeds, and some love small breeds of dogs, with who don’t have to go out for a walk three times a day, despite the snow and dirt outside the window.

“Pocket” dogs are very popular among city residents, fortunately the choice now allows you to find a friend for every taste. This article presents the most popular breeds of small dogs with photographs, names and links to detailed reviews about each breed. If you are interested in everything, we recommend visiting the corresponding section on our website.

Considered the smallest dog, weighing up to 2.7 kg: a Chihuahua puppy can fit into a wine glass. The Chihuahua dog comes from South America, from where it was brought through Mexico to the USA in 1898, and later conquered Europe. There are two varieties of the breed: smooth and long-haired.

A small graceful head, large, round, widely spaced eyes, graceful paws and a high-set tail, which is usually raised above the back - these are the main characteristics of the breed. Despite its modest size, the Chihuahua will not be afraid of even a large dog, however, it will be more comfortable in the company of dogs of its own kind.

Yorkshire Terrier

The breed was developed from the Maltese, Skye and Manchester Terriers in late XIX century in Yorkshire (hence the interesting name).

Yorkies are a miniature breed. Their height does not exceed 18-20 cm, and their weight ranges from 3-6 kg. As in the case of other breeds, there are also significantly larger individuals (not the standard), so you should only take a mini puppy for exhibitions from trusted breeders.

The breed is valued for its cheerful, sociable character, ability to get along well with children and other animals living in the house, as well as its unique coat, which is close in structure to human hair. Due to the lack of undercoat, Yorkies practically do not shed, which minimizes the likelihood of allergies. For the same reason, in cold weather for these dogs, clothing is not a fashion statement, but a necessity. Domestic Yorkies are often given stylish haircuts. With proper care, the fur of show animals can grow very long (to the floor). But be prepared for the fact that such a representative of the breed will delight you with its luxurious exterior only on exhibition days. The rest of the time, the extra long hair is wound on soft bobbins to ensure the animal’s comfort and to avoid the formation of tangles.

There are standard and exotic colors of Yorkies. But it is difficult for an inexperienced person to assess what the baby will be like, since the shade of the coat changes dramatically in the first months of life.

Toy poodle

Unlike its rather large counterpart, the toy poodle is miniature in size. Height at the withers is approximately 23-25 ​​cm, weight – up to 5 kg.

The breed is relatively young, because miniature poodles were bred in the 20th century, but today interest in it is no less than in Yorkies or Spitz dogs. The poodle's coat is voluminous, soft and long, so when getting such a pet you need to prepare for regular visits to the groomer. But with spectacular haircut mini poodles are simply irresistible!

Breeders note the following advantages of the breed:

  • excellent learning ability;
  • cheerful disposition and friendliness;
  • the wool lacks a distinct odor.
  • wide variety of colors.

The standard specifies the following shades of wool: white, black, apricot, silver (ash), red (rich fiery red).

Representatives of this breed surprise not only with their extravagant name, but also with their very unusual exterior. Look crested dogs very impressive and majestic. Most of their body is hairless, and long silky fur grows on the scruff of the neck, paws and tail. But, this most common description is relevant only for one, the most exotic variety, although in fact there are three of them:

  • hairless (the dog’s body is completely naked, or with very sparse hair in the head and tail area);
  • pony (the most common description given above);
  • powder-puff (long-haired, the body of which is completely covered with sparse, long, silky fur).

The color of such babies can be almost any color, which gives each representative of the breed a bright personality.

Crested cats are excellent companions, able to easily adapt to the rhythm of their owner’s life. But at the same time, naked varieties require especially careful care, especially in the cold months.

Bichon Frize

Snow-white soft curly wool is the calling card of the French lap dog, as this breed is commonly called. The height of an adult dog at the withers is from 15 to 30 cm, weight up to 6 kg. This breed is suitable for those who like playful, cheerful dogs that get along well with children.

The main advantage of this breed is its hypoallergenic coat, which has no undercoat, so asthmatics and allergy sufferers can safely adopt a Bichon Frize without fear of health problems.

The only problem that may arise with a Bichon is also related to its coat: in the absence of an undercoat, the coat can become clogged, matted, and tangles may form on it, so it is necessary to brush your pet regularly. If you do not do this, then the matted fur will have to be cut with a clipper or seek the help of professional groomers.

There is no need to take your Bichon Frize for walks; he gets by with a litter box. In addition, during long walks he gets tired quickly, so you have to return home with your pet in your arms.


A very interesting breed in its qualities and at the same time quite an ancient breed, the history of which goes back more than 2000 years. It is known that cute and charming pugs were bred in Ancient China during the Han Dynasty. For many centuries, these dogs occupied a privileged position in imperial palaces. They were entitled not only to their own apartments, but also to their own servants.

Today the breed is very popular, because in addition to their cheerful character and spectacular appearance, pugs are an excellent option for keeping in an apartment. They belong to the short-haired breeds, but the hard hair of the profusely shedding pug sometimes causes a lot of trouble for the owners.

The height at the withers of a standard representative of the breed is about 25-28 cm, weight – from 5 to 8 kg. But if you don’t limit lovers of treats, a pug will easily cross the 10-kilogram mark.

Brussels Griffon

Remember the funny dog ​​that imitated Jack Nicholson's character in the movie As Good As It Gets? This is a Brussels Griffon: smart, lively, playful, with a touching expression on his shaggy face. The standard size of the breed is from 3.5 to 6 kg, while the griffon is a small guard dog and an excellent companion. This is a wire-haired dog of a red color, black strands are allowed in the mustache and beard.

Coarse wool is called by its structure: long outer coat with short undercoat. In fact, this is a fairly soft to the touch, wavy coat that does not require special care and almost does not shed. Several times a year, the griffon's coat needs to be trimmed, i.e. plucking: learning this is simple; any specialist or breeder will teach anyone who wants to own a griffon how to trim a pet correctly.

The Brussels Griffon gets along well with other animals in the house, including cats. Affectionate, curious, funny, friendly dog. Despite the short face, the griffon does not sniffle or wheeze, which is typical, for example, of pugs or bulldogs. This is another advantage of this breed, along with simple care and easy training.

Italian Greyhound

When you hear the name “greyhound”, you imagine a large, graceful dog with a characteristically arched back. And yet, there is one representative of greyhounds that is not distinguished by its large size. This is the Italian greyhound, or Italian greyhound, the first breed of dog bred specifically for keeping in the house. The graceful, sophisticated breed was the favorite dog of crowned heads and nobility for many centuries, and gained particular popularity in Europe in the 16th-18th centuries. In the paintings of Dutch masters of that time, you can see European kings surrounded by these dogs, for example, “Anna of Denmark” by Paul van Somer, 1617.

The small breed of dog, weighing from 3.5 kg, is known for being used for baiting hares and rabbits, hence the name of the dog: in French “lievre” - hare. Brave dogs are not currently used for hunting; they are smart, playful, cheerful creatures, a sense of tact is inherent in them from birth, and are ideal pets. An Italian Greyhound is suitable for a family with children - the dog will be an excellent companion for games, and will not create problems if it is owned by an elderly person.

The Italian Greyhound is a short-haired dog that is easy to care for. But don’t forget to buy clothes for her, because the heat-loving Italian greyhound will freeze in our climate during walks.

Maltese (Maltese)

As the name suggests, the breed was developed in Malta. It is known that the Roman ruler of Malta had such a dog back in the 1st century. This is one of the oldest breeds: figurines of similar dogs were found in Egyptian tombs of the 13th century. BC. Roman legionnaires brought lap dogs to Great Britain. In the Middle Ages, the breed was a favorite of the European nobility, and its popularity has not yet diminished.

Loving and obedient, yet with a strong character, Maltese dogs make wonderful lap dogs and reliable watchdogs. They are easy to train and love to do funny tricks. The Maltese's calling card is its long, silky coat, which requires careful grooming. Heavy rain and severe frost The Maltese dog is contraindicated: wet fur can lead to pneumonia.

Pomeranian Spitz

Perhaps there is no dog that evokes such affection as the Pomeranian Spitz. Small - weighing only 1 to 3 kg, a fluffy ball with a sly face that looks like a soft toy. But don’t delude yourself: these are fearless dogs; it’s in their nature to attack even a large dog, accompanying their attacks with a loud bark. To prevent your Spitz from causing inconvenience to you, your family and neighbors with its loud barking, it is necessary to properly teach your Spitz good manners while still a puppy.

Due to its small size, the Spitz is perfect for keeping indoors, but it also loves walks in the fresh air. If your pet does not expend energy on long walks, it may give you a session of fussy running around the apartment.

The Spitz's coat requires careful care: brushing every day, regular washing with a mild shampoo, since the dry skin of this breed is prone to flaking and dandruff.


Among indoor decorative dogs, famous for their friendship with the aristocracy and royalty, the Pekingese is a recognized leader. The breed is known for being the sacred animal of the Chinese emperors at one time: these dogs were believed to ward off evil spirits from humans. Dog theft in ancient China punishable by death, the Pekingese of the deceased emperor was sacrificed to the gods of the underworld.

The breed came to Europe after 1860, when the Pekingese was presented to Queen Victoria of England as a trophy obtained by the Royal Guards during the Opium War in Beijing.

Pekingese are brave, pugnacious and loyal dogs to their owners. They can fully be called pocket-sized: the courtiers of the Chinese emperors wore dogs accustomed to luxury in wide sleeves. They were also called lion dogs for their resemblance to lions, and sunny dogs for their sunny red color.

Japanese Chin

Despite the name, these dogs also come from China and owe their origin to the ancient Tibetan spaniels. The history of the breed goes back more than 2,700 years - since the first individuals were brought from China to Japan. At court japanese emperors the dogs were often kept in suspended gilded cages, like rare birds. The dog came to Europe and America in the second half of the 19th century.

The Japanese Chin weighs from 1.8 to 3.2 kg. This is a very active, loyal, funny animal, has excellent manners and loves to be the center of attention. The most popular color option is black and white. An adult Chin has a luxurious tail with abundant, long hair, curled over the back and hanging to one side. The wide-set, somewhat bulging eyes—the breed's most recognizable characteristic—give the Japanese Chin a somewhat puzzled appearance.


This adorable little dog has a French name that means “butterfly.” The breed is so named for its erect ears, similar to the open wings of a day butterfly. The original variety of the breed with floppy ears is called phalene in French - moth. The breed has been known since the 16th century and is considered one of the oldest European breeds.

Papillons are friendly, intelligent dogs, more robust than they might seem at first glance. Although they are perfect for keeping indoors, they love long walks. Some individuals are jealous of their owner and intolerant of strangers, which they announce by loud barking. Dogs get along well with other animals in the house, but their socialization must begin very early. early age, literally from the first days of life.
The Papillon's tail is raised above its back and is called the squirrel spaniel. Another name for the breed is Continental Toy Spaniel.

King Charles Spaniel

Apparently, this is the most “royal” of all breeds. It is known that during the execution of Mary Stuart, one of the executioners saw a dog hiding in the folds of her dress, which could only be driven out by force. The name - King Charles Spaniel - recalls the love of King Charles II for this breed: the king was so passionate about playing with his pets that he could completely abandon state affairs.

The breed originates from China or Japan and came to Europe in the 16th century, first to France, then to Britain. In France, they were used as hunting dogs, but in the process of selection, hunting qualities faded into the background, giving way to decorative properties.

These are loyal, balanced dogs with a height of 26-32 cm and a weight of 3.2 kg. Their coat is long, shiny, silky to the touch, with a slight waviness. They get along well with children and get along with other dogs. In a family, they most often choose one person to whom they become most attached.

Excellent companions for older people. The breed is considered sedentary; long walks and physical activity are not for them: it is a typical “sofa” dog, so this breed is not suitable for people who prefer long walks with dogs.

Alaskan Klee Kai

This small breed of dog is also called a miniature husky. The Klee Kai is one of the top amazing breeds that have been developed over the past 100 years. This little pet has an incredible amount of positive qualities and characteristics that dogs can have. The animal got its name from the Eskimos. In their language, Klee Kai literally means a small dog.

Fans of small dog breeds will appreciate the benefits of a small husky. After all, this miniature pet can not only be safely cuddled, but also carried with you, if desired. On top of everything else, it is also a faithful friend who will brighten up the owner’s life in every possible way.

The Alaskan Klee Kai is called a miniature version of a husky for a reason. They are very similar, especially their large eyes, beaming with intelligence. But as much as dogs are similar in appearance, they differ in character. The small representative of the breed has a soft, kind and at the same time playful and perky character.


This dog breed has a long history. The Beagle appeared in the era of the birth of the English aristocracy. The breed was bred for hunting.

Beagle height is about 40 cm, weight rarely exceeds 12 kg. The dog is perfect for living in urban environments. This is a sociable animal that easily establishes contacts with others of all ages, so it is often taken for children.

Despite the fact that the beagle is a small breed, it is a determined and active dog. Therefore, training a pet must necessarily include measures to teach correct behavior. A lonely and/or ill-mannered beagle is a ticking time bomb. Therefore, beagles need early socialization. Life expectancy is up to 15 years.

The Dachshund dog breed comes from Germany. The weight of dwarf dachshunds does not exceed 5 kg, standard individuals - 12 kg. Animals are well suited for apartment living.

This small breed of dog can be said to be gentle, energetic animals. Their behavior can be so bold and proud that it borders on recklessness. But given their cheerfulness, they get away with a lot.

Dachshunds are devoted to their family, get along well with children, and can handle traveling well. Usually dogs live in friendly relationships with other pets, but if you devote little time to the animal, jealousy and irritation about this are inevitable.

Dachshunds are difficult to train, and they also love to bark with or without a reason. Professional dog lovers have noticed that wire-haired dachshunds are more social, while their long-haired counterparts have a calm disposition.

Although the dachshund is small, it will always defend its owner, and the dog does not suffer from lack of intelligence.

Welsh Corgi

Very beautiful and charming dogs with an elongated body like a dachshund, large ears and an original fox color. The height of a standard representative of the breed is 25-30 cm, weight is approximately 12-15 kg.

The history of the corgi goes back more than 3,000 years. Everyone knows the incredible love for the breed of Elizabeth II herself.

Representatives of the breed have a friendly disposition. They are cheerful, playful and get along well with children, because originally they were just shepherd dogs. At the same time, corgis are very trainable, quickly pick up commands and interact with their owner with pleasure.

Today, the following standard corgi colors are distinguished:

  • Pembroke;
  • cardigan;
  • tricolor.

Only solid color is unacceptable for a corgi.

When choosing a mate for your beloved Corgi, keep in mind that different colors cannot be crossed with each other.

This excitable pet is like a perpetual motion machine, he always wants to play and therefore is perfect for active people. Despite its small height - about 40 cm and weight - about 8 kg, you need to be on your guard with a fox terrier. The breed, although small, is inclined to dominate, and if you give the dog free rein, it will become uncontrollable.

The Wire Fox Terrier is a big fan of digging. Moreover, its absence is of little concern to the animal. This character trait, like the desire to dominate, is not to everyone’s liking. A person who decides to get a fox terrier must be patient, and even better, experienced in raising dogs.

Among other things, this small animal loves to bite if something does not suit it. Therefore, despite its playfulness, it is best not to leave the animal alone with small children. The Fox Terrier is also famous for its predisposition to barking. Excessive talkativeness can drive anyone crazy, especially your neighbors.

Considering all these reasons, you need to think carefully before getting a Wire Fox Terrier. Although if the dog is raised according to all the rules, this small animal will become an excellent friend of the whole family.

This native of Central Africa amazes with its grace. People even compare the Basenji to a miniature gazelle. The average weight of a dog is 10-12 kg, height is 40 cm.

The Basenji has beautiful almond-shaped eyes and pointed, high-set ears. Despite the fact that this is a small breed of dog, the pets look athletic, which gives them a deceptively menacing appearance.

The animal is known by different names. There is even an epithet - a creature from the bush or the more acceptable nyam-nyam terrier. This small dog breed has a long history - more than 5,000 years. The Basenji is distinguished by several characteristic features. Firstly, they do not bark, but make special rumbling sounds, and only when they are excited. Secondly, they have a hooked tail.

By nature, this is a mischievous animal, not without humor. Dogs are most often indifferent to strangers, but they become very attached to their owner. This is a clean breed of dog, which is appreciated by lovers of home comfort.

Dwarf dog breeds are those whose height at the withers is up to 35 cm. They are very popular, especially in apartment buildings, because they don’t need much space and food. It is worth listing the main list of breeds that are small in size and therefore are attractive for urban conditions.

White dwarf dogs with a height of 30-35 cm at the withers are Japanese Spitz. They are also distinguished by black soles of their paws, eyes and nose. These are moderately active animals that do not bother with fuss, but they need constant coat care. The cost of a puppy averages from 10 thousand rubles.

Another Japanese breed of dwarf dog is the Chin. The height is up to 18 cm, the weight never exceeds 2 kg - this is a very compact creature that has long hair and a typically flattened muzzle. The dog is good-natured, quite cheerful, and moderately active. You can buy a puppy for about 15 - 20 thousand rubles, choosing the appropriate color.

Looking at photos of dwarf dog breeds with names, you can pay attention to babies with long hair who like to have different hairstyles. These are Shih Tzus, dogs up to 25 cm tall, with long hair that requires constant care. The animals are calm in temperament and behave independently. The cost of a puppy is about 15 thousand rubles or more.

Another small dog that has gained immense popularity. The short coat does not require maintenance, and the dog is quite mobile, but not intrusive. This is a brave creature that has good intelligence. You can buy a puppy at a price of 7 thousand rubles, choosing between different colors.

Looking at photos of dwarf dog breeds, you can also recognize the fairly common Tibetan spaniel with a light color and a dark muzzle. This is a calm dog in temperament that requires a moderate amount of attention. The average height is 25 cm with a weight of 4-6 kg. A puppy will cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

An exceptionally beautiful and fluffy dog ​​up to 25 cm tall, which has a typical light tousled coat. She is calm, has a wonderful easy-going character, but requires intensive coat care and attention to this point. The intelligence is quite high, and this dog cannot be called cowardly either. A puppy can cost about 20-25 thousand rubles.

Quite a rare but attractive little dog with a colorful appearance. Reaching a height of 25 cm, this dog has an endless supply of energy and is ready to play at any time. You definitely won’t be bored with such a creature.

Some photos of dwarf dogs are easily recognizable even by non-specialists. This is, in particular, the Pekingese with its long hair and a black mask on its face - however, it may not be there if the dog is an albino. It is not difficult to find a puppy due to the prevalence of the breed; you can purchase one for an amount of 5 thousand rubles. This is a devoted dog that requires special attention only when caring for its coat, but otherwise its character is only pleasing.

Another small dog is the Papillon, which is considered one of the most beautiful. With a height of up to 28 cm, this is a fairly active and very cheerful dog, which, however, barks quite a lot. This is an intelligent animal that does not require complex coat care. You can buy a puppy for 15-20 thousand rubles.

The Chinese Crested has a white color, almost bare skin and long hair on the ears, tail, and tips of the paws. It can reach 33 cm in height. The character of the animal is friendly, it is an extremely cheerful creature that many people like. The cost of a puppy can be from 20 thousand rubles, for this money you can buy yourself a cheerful companion.

The height reaches 25 cm, the coat is not too long, but very fluffy, which makes it require special care. The dog is quite calm, very kind by nature. She fits in well in an apartment with children and does not create unnecessary problems. The cost of a puppy can be about 30 thousand rubles.

With a height of up to 28 cm, this animal has amazing hair that allows you to make various haircuts and hairstyles. The dog is quite impulsive, but one cannot deny its friendliness, as well as its good disposition. A puppy can cost from 15-20 thousand rubles; it looks very cute with its curly hair and beady eyes. In general, the animal is unpretentious to nutrition and physical activity.

An elegant dog with dimensions up to 25 cm can please you with its two-tone color, soft fluffy coat, which does not require special care. This is an affectionate animal that loves its owner and family and gives everyone its good nature. He studies quite well and rarely shows self-will. The cost of a puppy can be about 20-30 thousand rubles, for this money you will get an unpretentious and kind companion.

The height of such a dog will be up to 30 cm; in appearance it resembles a very small Doberman. This is an unpretentious animal in food and handling, but a very active animal with which it is good to go for walks. Gets along with children, constantly looks for opportunities to play, and has courage. Can be purchased for 20-30 thousand rubles.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a common miniature breed; you can easily buy a puppy at a cost of 10 thousand rubles. The height reaches 20 cm, the hair is long and needs care - this is another dog that gets all kinds of hairstyles. This is an intelligent and active animal that needs to be played and walked with in order not to get bored.

The height of the Italian greyhound reaches 25 cm; it is an unusual dog with short hair that behaves very actively. The creature has intelligence and an assertive character; you will never get bored with such a pet. A puppy costs approximately 20-30 thousand rubles, it grows quickly and turns into a beautiful dog with a proud posture, also called an Italian Greyhound.

The Brussels Griffon has a height of up to 20 cm, it is a small shaggy dog ​​of gray or brownish color that loves outdoor games and has an active temperament. The creature does not require special care, but everywhere it declares itself with incessant activity. A puppy for 20-40 thousand rubles will grow into a small, faithful pet who will always be there and cheer you up at any time.

The Bolognese Bichon is a small, beloved fluffy dog ​​that does not exceed 30 cm in height.

The fur of such a pet will require constant attention; it needs to be cut, washed and combed. However, the animal will repay you with a lot of positive energy and bring a lot of joy with its love of life. Besides, distinctive features there will be unpretentiousness in nutrition and some other points.

The small white dog looks like a lapdog and is up to 28 cm tall. This pet also requires constant control over the coat and careful care, but you will be pleased with both the friendliness of the pet and its character - after all, it is a pronounced introvert. A puppy will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

Both Russian and English toy terriers are very popular today. The dog's height is up to 30 cm, its smooth coat does not require any care. This dog is distinguished by a lively mind, activity and mobility, and a considerable amount of courage in behavior. You can walk with her a lot and for a long time, despite her small size. The breed is widespread, and a puppy can be purchased even for 5-10 thousand rubles, considering different color options.

Russian toy terrier

Small dogs really take up little space, but they can be more hassle than regular ones. After all, they need a special diet and exercise, often attention to wool, clothing for the winter. They are also very active and inquisitive. However, despite all this, dwarf dogs are still universally loved, and many people happily care for them.