Which coconut oil to buy in Thailand. Coconut oil from Thailand: prices, beneficial properties and methods of use. Use on the body

The areas of its use are truly limitless: cosmetology, health, cooking, alternative to household chemicals, pet care... Do you think we are fantasizing? Here are 60 healthy and enjoyable ways to use coconut oil in different areas of human life.

Coconut oil for beauty

In cosmetology, coconut oil can be used all over the body, but it is best suited for hair, facial skin and cuticles.

1. Natural conditioner. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the hair, so it makes an excellent natural balm. You can make a hair mask, but do not apply the oil in its pure form: due to its greasy content, it will be difficult to wash off.

2. Scalp care. Massaging your scalp with coconut oil will get rid of dandruff and prevent it from appearing again.

3. Hair styling. Although Thai women always rub a drop of oil through their hair before leaving the house, it is better to observe moderation.

Victoria Shinal, cosmetologist:

Facial skin is more delicate, so I would recommend using coconut oil more for the body and hair. At the same time, I welcome the presence of coconut oil in professional cosmetics. To nourish the hair structure, I recommend braiding your hair overnight and soaking it in coconut oil, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. It is very good to use massage oil after a shower for dry skin types. I recommend a hand mask: mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of chamomile fatty oil and 5 drops each of lemon and orange essential oils. Massage your hands and nails with the resulting mixture regularly.

4. Care for cuticles and hand skin. Coconut oil will help get rid of dry and flaky hand skin. It will soften the cuticle and make nail care easier.

5. Shaving cream. The oil is a good substitute for shaving cream: it will help the razor glide, soften the skin and is suitable for sensitive skin.

6. Anti-wrinkle product. Natural fats and lauric acid nourish the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles. The oil is perfect for freshening the face in the morning if applied before bed, as well as for the décolleté area.

7. Sunburn remedy. When it is sunny, you can apply a few drops of oil to reddened areas of the skin. This will relieve irritation and help avoid peeling.

8. Lip balm and gloss. If you suffer from dry or chapped lips, try using oil instead of balm.

9. Makeup remover. Apply the oil to the skin, and after five minutes, remove the makeup with a damp cloth.

10. Remedy for eczema. The oil will help soothe the skin during various types of rashes, reduce itching and irritation.

11. To strengthen eyelashes. Apply a couple of drops of oil to your eyelashes before going to bed. This will help strengthen them and quickly regenerate.

12. To remove wax. The oil will help remove wax after. Apply no a large number of on sticky areas and wipe them with a damp cloth.

Photo: Shutterstock

13. Foot cream. The oil will soften the skin of your feet and become an alternative to expensive antiperspirants. To eliminate odor, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the product and use it as a cream.

14. Antiperspirant. Coconut oil can be used as a natural alternative to deodorant (except on days when you exercise or do vigorous physical activity).

16. Oil for home SPA treatments. Add a few drops of your favorite coconut oil essential oil- and get an excellent home spa product.

17. Fight acne. After cleansing your skin, apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the inflamed areas. It will soothe the skin and relieve redness.

18. Bath oil. Add a spoonful of coconut oil to warm water for a muscle-relaxing bath.

19. Body scrub. Mix the oil with brown sugar or salt, add a couple of drops of essential oil - and you get a gentle but effective scrub.

20. Face mask. Coconut oil will help breathe life into dull skin and is a good antibacterial agent.

Photo: Shutterstock 2

Coconut oil for health

It’s not for nothing that we mentioned that coconut oil is sold in pharmacies. ethnoscience Asia and Thailand have long used it in the treatment of various ailments; it is a key component of Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Of course, treatment for serious illnesses must be approved by a doctor, but here are a few safe and useful ways improve your health with coconut oil.

1. Oral hygiene. A paste of oil and soda will make your teeth white, and if you rinse your mouth with oil for 10 minutes, it will help fight germs and freshen your breath.

2. Treatment of colds. Consuming coconut oil will boost your immunity (it increases your white blood cell count), which will help you fight off illness.

3. For diaper rash. If you have chafed skin, coconut oil with calendula can help soothe the irritation. This ointment is also suitable for children.

4. For cough and sore throat. A teaspoon of oil or tea with it will relieve sore throat and reduce cough.

5. Strengthening bones. Coconut oil improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body, therefore has a beneficial effect on bones.

6. As an intimate lubricant. Please note: oil softens latex and is therefore incompatible with condoms!

7. For nursing mothers. The oil will help prevent the nipple skin from drying out and cracking.

8. Stress relief. Coconut oil is used in aromatherapy. Take some oil on your fingertips and massage your scalp and temples. This will help relieve stress and relax.

9. Against herpes. The oil will stop cold sores if you apply it to your lips as soon as you feel a tingling or burning sensation.

10. Help with bites. Coconut oil reduces itching from mosquito and other insect bites.

11. Disinfection of small wounds. The oil will prevent dirt and bacteria from getting into cuts and scrapes. This is a good temporary barrier to infection.

12. Treating yeast infections. Coconut oil can be used as an additional treatment for fungus.

13. Acceleration of metabolism. The oil improves metabolism and stimulates the body to burn fat.

14. Insect repellent. To repel insects, add a couple of drops of peppermint, tea tree or rosemary essential oil to coconut oil and apply it to your skin. A restful sleep is guaranteed to you!

15. Easier breathing. To relieve congestion in your respiratory tract, mix coconut oil with tea tree oil and rosemary oil and apply it under your nose and on your chest.

Photo: Shutterstock

16. Regulation of cholesterol levels. Lauric acid increases the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood and thereby reduces the load on the heart and blood vessels.

17. Help with nosebleeds. Often the cause is dry skin. Lubricate your nostrils with oil or insert oil swabs into them.

18. Lice remedy. To get rid of lice, you need to wash your hair with apple cider vinegar and apply coconut oil to damp hair. After 24 hours, the oil can be washed off - and the problem is solved.

Coconut oil in cooking

1. Popcorn! Pop your popped corn in coconut oil instead of sunflower oil and enjoy a naturally sweet, mild flavored treat.

2. Vegetarian baked goods. The butter can be used in cakes, cookies, baked goods and vegetarian recipes.

3. Oil will prevent food from burning. Grease the pan with it before baking.

Photo: Shutterstock

4. New taste of tea and coffee. You can refresh the taste of your morning tea or coffee by adding a couple of drops of coconut oil. Its natural sweetness and aroma will give you a very pleasant start to your morning.

5. For salads. Try replacing olive oil coconut Just heat the dish before serving, otherwise the dressing will thicken.

6. For toast. It will be very tasty if you grease sweet toast with butter. You can sprinkle them with cinnamon or vanilla sugar on top.

7. For energy smoothies. A spoonful of butter in your smoothie will make the drink a natural super energy drink!

8. Nut butter base. If you mix coconut oil with nuts in a blender, you get a homemade treat with a rich aroma and a lot of beneficial properties.

Maxim Danko, chef:

In fact, you still need to be able to combine coconut oil in salads; for us, olive oil is a more common dressing. But I always advocate experiments. Where butter will be ideal is in baking. It gives a pleasant coconut aroma, which we associate with heavenly pleasure. They can even replace vanilla in recipes.

9. Frying. Oil will help enhance the taste of vegetables; it is good for cooking omelettes or fried eggs.

Oil in everyday life

1. Lighting a fire. Instead of chemicals, you can use cotton swabs with coconut oil.

2. Removing chewing gum. The oil will remove gum residue from fabric, carpet or hair.

3. For leather products. Rub the treated leather with coconut oil to restore its shine.

4. Tree care. Wipe wood products (furniture, cutting boards, spoons) with coconut oil to protect them from drying out and germs.

5. Cleaning the bathroom. Chemical cleaners can be replaced with coconut oil. It will remove dirt and disinfect the surface.

6. Lubricant for hinges. Lubricate the hinges with coconut oil to eliminate squeaking.

7. Caring for metal objects. Oil will restore shine to tarnished metal and remove rust.

8. Solution for stuck zipper. Apply a little coconut oil to the zipper and the problem will quickly be solved.

9. Caring for guitar strings. Coconut oil will also be useful for lubricating strings.

Pet care

1. For wool. The oil will make your coat healthy and shiny.

2. Prevention of hairballs. For long-haired cats, lubricate the paw pads with coconut oil.

Photo: Shutterstock

3. Relieving itching. If your cat or dog is itchy, apply coconut oil to the affected area to relieve irritation. Of course, after consulting with your veterinarian first.

4. Healthy eating. Including oil in your animal’s diet will help against arthritis, relieve ligament problems, and regulate weight. But be sure to talk to your veterinarian first!

It is impossible to list all the wonderful properties of coconut oil! We recommend ordering this souvenir, useful in every sense, from Thailand. Better yet, fly for it yourself. Have a nice trip!

Good day, dear readers!

​I have already written reviews about all sorts of Thai things, and today I would like to talk about the most important souvenir for hair maniacs and lovers healthy eating, which can be brought from Thailand. This is 100% natural coconut oil. In Pattaya, I bought unrefined oil from Parisut for my beloved.

Volume 500 ml

Price in a Thai supermarket it was about 300 baht (600 rubles at the current exchange rate). Especially for this review, I looked at how much this oil costs in IM. It turned out that from 1000 rubles for such a volume. You can buy, for example, .

In the photo you see frozen oil. It hardens at temperatures below 25 degrees. This is completely normal for him, and even good, because it speaks of his naturalness. There is a small sediment in the oil - these are coconut shavings, like in a Bounty chocolate bar.


Oh, this scent! It smells very gently of coconut. This is a completely natural coconut oil scent.

And now about how and why do I use it.

1. Hair

​I love taking care of my hair, even though it hasn’t made me happy lately.

A little about my hair

Just below the shoulder blades

The roots have their own, streaked somewhere from the ears

Dry lengths and oily ends

They are getting fluffy from this dryness

They break down

They fall out.

In general, a complete set

In the evening, before going to bed, I apply coconut oil to the length of my hair. I apply it so that nothing drips or flows. Then I braid my hair and go to bed. Just in case, I put a towel on the pillow. The one that you don't mind :) But the hair doesn't really get it dirty. The main thing is not to overdo it with oil. This is how I sleep all night. In the morning I wash off the oil with shampoo. Two lathers of shampoo with sulfates are enough for me to do this. I dry it naturally with a hairdryer on a cold setting if I’m late, and... Voila!

This is a very good result for my hair. The hair lies smoothly, it is straight, moisturized, shiny and flowing. Yes, there is fluffiness, but it is not as strong as usual.

By the way, so far no remedy has been able to overcome it. Neither this professional mask, nor this natural coconut mask.

I read that coconut oil dries out the hair for some people. I don't. And I'm very happy about it :)

2. Leather

Now I'm expecting a baby. He should be born in a month or a month and a half :)

My belly is already big. I myself am thin, my hips are not wide, so my belly began to appear early and grow forward. Of course, prevention of stretch marks is important for me. Every night before bed I apply this oil to my stomach, chest, buttocks and thighs, and so far I have not had any stretch marks. The oil moisturizes the skin well. It is not absorbed very quickly, so it is better to wear a robe first, which is also not too bad, and then go to bed. As I already said, coconut oil has a pleasant natural aroma, so applying it to the skin is a pleasure.

3. Food

I have a doctor friend who has a very interesting and unusual method treatment. He believes that all our diseases can be cured by nutrition (well... maybe not completely cured, but certainly prevented!). He strictly forbade me to buy sunflower oil in stores and advised me to switch to high-quality olive oil. He considers coconut to be the best. It was on his advice that I bought such a large bottle of this oil in Thailand. I walked around the supermarket looking for it, and when I found it, the first thing I did was see if it was safe to eat. Yes, it says on the bottle that you can. "Great, then let's take it!" - I thought and went with him to the checkout. And I didn’t regret it.

I don’t use this oil for frying; I fry with special olive oil. I'm sorry about coconut :) But in salads... This is probably best oil, which can be refilled fresh salad. The oil has a specific sweetish taste, the taste of coconut. It perfectly complements the taste of crispy lettuce leaves, tomatoes and juicy bell pepper. But there is one "but". Vegetables should be out of the refrigerator, otherwise the butter will harden in one lump.

So, you need to let the vegetables warm up, and immediately after you dress the salad, you need to stir it, just in case. Then the oil will give your dish a unique flavor.



For many centuries, the coconut palm has been a part of the daily life of Thais; mentions of it can be found even in very ancient documents. The first mention of its use was that coconut was used to make fuel for ceramic lamps. These lamps were used in ancient capital Sukhothai, which was founded more than 700 years ago. Coconut oil has never gone out of use and is still used today. For example, coconut oil has been used in medicine since ancient times - it was mixed with herbs and then eaten or used for therapeutic massage.

Coconut oil in cosmetology

Coconut oil is not only consumed as food, but is also used for cosmetic purposes. Hair creams and shampoos are made from coconut oil, and coconut oil is used in after-sun moisturizers. If you apply coconut oil and go to the beach, you will get an even and beautiful tan - just don’t overdo it, you can get sunburned very quickly. It is recommended to use coconut oil for skin not 100%, but specially prepared, i.e. use coconut oil based creams.

Be sure to look for soap with coconut oil at cosmetic stores! This soap does not dry out the skin, but rather moisturizes it.

Coconut oil is a cosmetic product that is recommended to be exported from Thailand without fail.

How to choose coconut oil?

Take a bottle of coconut oil, place a bottle of water next to it, high-quality coconut oil should be the same in transparency. 100% coconut oil begins to freeze at temperatures below +24 C, and flakes first appear (no need to throw it away - it has not spoiled!) then the oil becomes completely white and hard.

The photo shows that the bottle on the far left is still transparent, the bottles to the right contain frozen coconut oil. The price for 0.5 liters of 100% coconut oil in Tesco Lotus is 325 baht.

How is coconut oil obtained?

Previously, in cooking, white coconut meat (copra) was crushed to extract thick and fragrant coconut oil for cooking. This practice is believed to reflect the influence of India and the Malay Peninsula. A food poem written 200 years ago during the reign of King Rama II mentions Kaeng pla thaypo and Kaeng pla thaypo, which were prepared using coconut oil.

Another proof of the ancient use of coconut is a tool called “kratai khut mafrao”. It was used to separate the "coconut meat" from the shell, which was then crushed to produce coconut oil. Many of these ancient "kratai" can be seen in the south of Thailand. There is a collection of these tools in a museum on the island of Koh Yo in Songkhla, most of which have a history of more than a century. Kratai were considered essential tools for any kitchen, and some skilled craftsmen created beautiful kratai in their own style.

IN modern world coconut oil is obtained in two ways - by cold pressing, in this case only 10% of the possible yield of coconut oil is obtained, therefore this oil is the most expensive. This oil retains its beneficial features and vitamins, it can be eaten.

Hot pressing produces the cheapest oil, which can be used as a moisturizer for hair and skin.

There is a third method - artisanal, it is used in Thai villages and handicraft industries. The method is as follows: First, you get coconut shavings using special devices. Coconut flakes dried in the sun are sent to a large frying pan, where coconut oil is obtained under high temperature. This oil is not useful and it is not recommended to buy it. This method of obtaining can be seen on the River Kwai excursion, provided that there is a Coconut Farm stop on the program.

Using coconut oil in food

Since its first appearance in Thai cuisine two centuries ago in the dishes Keng Massaman and Keng Khua, the use of coconut oil has rapidly grown and become more varied. Over time, it becomes an integral part of Thai cuisine, as well as an ingredient in dishes of all kinds. IN last years In Thai cuisine, they began to replace coconut oil with other ingredients, even though the oil is excellent for these dishes.

An important part of traditional Thai culture was both the technique of using coconut oil and the technique of extracting it from coconuts. This was done in a certain way and using specific methods. By harvesting coconuts, farmers could tell which ones were fully ripe, so they knew exactly how many coconuts they would need.

Using the kratai to separate the copra from the shell, the chefs took their time and carefully cut it into small pieces. They were then mixed with warm water to extract as much oil as possible. Dishes made from coconut oil were left on the fire for so long that the water began to boil and all the ingredients were cooked. But not for very long, just long enough for the oil to separate from the coconut.

Uses of coconut oil in Thai cuisine

One of these dishes that everyone knows about today is called “Tom kha kai” ( chicken soup with coconut oil, galangal and lime juice). In the past, it was made together with "pla chon" (the name given to the snakehead fish), since chicken was unpopular and people preferred to eat fish.

Cooking galangal with fish gave the soup a delicious aroma, and also masked the smell of the fish. The result was a dish that combined the sweet and savory taste of coconut oil, the saltiness of the Nam Pla sauce and the aromas of fish and seasonings. Some old recipes for making snakehead fish soup used the same seasoning as the famous tom yum soup, so the dishes were sour, salty and hot.

This dish later became "tom yum nam khon" (complicated tom yum with coconut oil). Today there are many variations of this dish, such as "tom yam nam khon pla haeng" (cooked with dried fish) or "tom kloang pla salit yang in nam khon" (cooked with a little freshwater fish and tender tamarind sprouts).

Coconut oil is also added to some hot and sour salad-like dishes called yam, in enough quantity to enrich the dish without making it greasy. Recipes of this kind include yam tua plu (winged bean salad), yam pla salit (fish dish) and yam tawai (cooked with various vegetables), in which boiled vegetables are poured sweet sauce chili called "nam prik".

The above are examples of how coconut oil has been used in Thai cuisine in the past. Much has changed today, but not better side. Nowadays, coconut milk is used instead of coconut oil to prepare almost all coconut oil dishes served in restaurants. And anyone who is familiar with the dish in its traditional form will quickly notice that milk is not suitable here, so the peculiarity of the recipe is lost.

The popular dishes "tom kha kai" and "tom yum", which are traditionally prepared with coconut oil, are now often prepared without this important ingredient. This is a consequence of a number of simplifications in the preparation of these dishes. In the past, the cook used a hand tool to crush coconut oil right in his kitchen and add it to the dish. Nowadays no one does this, because... Coconut oil can be bought in Thailand in industrial packaging, already purified and specially prepared, but chefs began to notice that the effect of such oil was not at all the same and therefore many abandoned such an important component. There are still chefs who follow the traditions of preparing dishes according to ancient recipes, but unfortunately there are fewer and fewer of them...

Some legends and misconceptions associated with coconut oil

If you bought coconut oil and it didn't freeze, you bought a fake. No, this is not a fake, in the cosmetic industry they often use coconut oil mixed with jojoba oil, vitamin E and others useful components. This oil does not freeze at a temperature of 25 degrees. But... They often sell not 100% natural coconut oil, but diluted with mineral oil. It is also completely transparent, but the label says in small letters that it contains White Mineral Oil. This “coconut oil” is very cheap and not worth buying.

The normal cost of one liter of 100% coconut oil is 550-600 baht

In addition to coconut oil, palm sugar is obtained from the coconut palm.

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Coconut oil

One of the oldest medicines from plant materials in the world.

Four thousand years ago, Ayurveda practitioners knew about the health benefits of coconut oil. In Thailand, it was used for internal and external use, for massage, to strengthen hair and improve facial skin.

Currently, scientists continue to explore the beneficial properties of coconut oil and find out how it can help improve human health.

Maintaining optimal cholesterol levels in the human body.

The ability of natural coconut oil to reduce cholesterol in the human body is achieved due to the lauric acid it contains. Analysis of 60 published results scientific research showed that, unlike saturated fatty acids, lauric acid in coconut oil is ideal for maintaining cholesterol concentrations in the normal range, which was confirmed by the results of ratio measurements general level cholesterol and the so-called “good” (useful) HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.

*Mensink R.P. et al. “Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled studies.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 77(5): 1146-1155, May 2003

Strengthening the immune system.

Breast milk contains lauric acid and some monoglycerides, which support and strengthen the immune system of the newborn baby. T e The same monoglycerides and lauric acid are found in natural coconut oil, due to which it helps strengthen the immune system of an adult.

Normalization of the physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Free fatty acids and monoglycerides contained in natural coconut oil help to improve and maintain the physiological function of the gastrointestinal tract by strengthening the beneficial intestinal microflora.

Pure, natural coconut oil contains no trans fatty acids and is one of the most harmless and safest officially recognized food additives, has no hitherto known side effects.

Natural coconut oil highest quality does not require preservatives. It itself has unique antioxidant properties that allow it to stay fresh for a longer period of time compared to other vegetable oils.

Our 100% pure premium coconut oil is proven to be the purest in the world: every step of the process, from the cultivation of the coconut trees to the transport of the freshly prepared oil, strictly adheres to the requirements set by the Ministry Agriculture Thailand. Absolutely no chemicals are used in the process of growing palm trees and processing coconuts.

Coconuts are harvested at their optimum ripening time by experienced harvesters, without the use of any mechanical or electrical equipment to avoid damage to the fruit.

Removing the shell. The outer layer of the shell is smooth and waterproof. The next layer is fibrous, which allows the coconuts not to sink in water. To remove these two layers, a special device is required, consisting of a flat knife blade mounted on a steel pole. The worker presses the peel onto the blade and peels the skin to the side three times, turning the nut 120 degrees each time in order to free the brown “nut” from its shell.

Peeling the nut. Using tools like a potato peeler, the women remove the last remaining thin brown layer, revealing a moist white ball of fresh, flavorful pulp. coconut.

Oil extraction. Before extraction begins, the ball of coconut pulp is washed in purified water, dried and crushed into small fibers. The macerated pulp is then placed in a cylinder, inside which a piston-like plunger forces the mass through a perforated plate, releasing pure, natural coconut oil. Extraction occurs within a few hours of harvesting the coconuts. Raw, unfiltered natural oil retains taste, smell, and healing properties fresh, white coconut flesh. It truly is the purest, most natural, premium coconut oil in the world.

It should be emphasized that our oil does not contain dyes or preservatives. Additionally, it does not contain caustic soda, which may be used by other manufacturers to extend the shelf life of coconut oil made from copra, thereby destroying the health-promoting fatty acids.

  • 100% pure natural coconut oil produced in Thailand using ancient traditional technology
  • Unrefined, undiluted, natural, virgin
  • Highly purified, suitable for internal consumption
  • Processed within a few hours of harvesting coconuts
  • No preservatives
  • Available in both glass and plastic bottles.
  • Longer shelf life compared to other vegetable oils. Has no known side effects
  • Contains no trans fatty acids
  • Contains no hydrogenated (combined with hydrogen) or partially hydrogenated fats
  • Does not contain caustic soda

Fatty acid composition:

  • Lauric acid - 39-54%
  • Myristic acid - 15-23%
  • Oleic acid - 4-11%
  • Caprylic acid - 5-10%
  • Capric acid - 4.5-9.7%
  • Palmitic acid - 7.5-10.5%
  • Caproic acid - 0.2-0.5%
  • Stearic acid - 1.0-3.2%

Cosmetic effect: Coconut oil belongs to the group of lauric oils. This group of oils is characterized by the content of a large amount of saturated fatty acids with carbon atoms 12 and 14 (lauric and myristic), which determines their solid consistency. Consists of triglycerides of short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids. This determines its property of being quickly absorbed into the skin. With direct massage, it makes the skin “velvety” in just seconds. Has high biological activity and pronounced occlusive properties (forms a protective film on the surface of the skin); protects, softens, smoothes the skin. It has a moisturizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory effect, and is a wonderful softener. Also valued for its cleansing and foaming properties. Thanks to its complete absorption by cells, the skin becomes soft, tender, tightened, small wrinkles disappear. This oil nourishes the skin and protects it from harmful influences. environment. The oil is suitable for all skin types. The consistency of the oil is not greasy and does not clog pores.

American scientists studied the effect of mineral, sunflower and coconut oil on hair condition. Only coconut oil was found to significantly reduce protein loss from hair during shampooing. The oil worked best if used before and after washing, during combing. The effect of coconut oil is explained by the fact that of all the oils studied, it spread most evenly over the hair, preventing the penetration of water and shampoo into it. A layer of oil on the hair protects the hair fibers from swelling and damage during toweling and combing.Regular use of coconut oil makes hair silky, shiny and thick.

Therapeutic effect:
Coconut oil has a lipid-lowering effect. Its antimicrobial and antiviral activity is known (against influenza, measles, and herpes viruses).The absorption of this oil begins right in the mouth, which serves as a direct source of energy. Coconut oil reduces risk infectious diseases, including influenza. And the biggest plus is that this oil does not deposit fatty deposits. Recommended for those who are on a diet.It is also effective for dry and flaky skin, cracks, and burns. Protects against the formation of cracks on the hands and heels. Used to treat wounds. Coconut oil dissolved in warm water is used externally to treat lichen planus.

When applied to the skin, coconut oil quickly melts and creates a thin, almost invisible protective layer on its surface. Under the rays of the hot sun, this layer protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and in a modern city it protects it from the effects of an aggressive environment. Has moisturizing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for dry and flaky skin, cracks, burns. Very valuable as a natural cleanser. A massage with coconut oil cools the body, relaxes muscles, calms nerves and makes the skin soft as velvet. Before going to the beach, apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your skin and you will get a beautiful, even tan without a trace of skin burn. Coconut oil is used in the fight against eczema and skin cancer. The oil is effective for joint problems.

Coconut oil is an excellent hair care product. By lightly massaging your scalp with coconut oil, you will achieve amazing results. Hair growth accelerates, hair receives adequate nutrition, and hair loss is prevented. Regular use of coconut oil makes hair silky, shiny and thick. Coconut oil helps prevent dandruff. A head massage with coconut oil calms a tense mind and gives a sound, restful sleep.

Coconut oil almost does not react with air and therefore remains usable for several years even without refrigeration. Natural coconut oil does not require preservatives and has a unique antioxidant effect.

- For dry, irritated, sensitive skin, stiff skin.
- Refined oil is used to treat wounds.
- Effective for dry and flaky skin, cracks, burns.
- Protects against the formation of cracks on the hands and heels.
- Before and after sunbathing - it creates a stable protective layer
- For hair care (perfectly moisturizes hair and scalp).Coconut oil is recommended for washing hair. It washes off very easily, and the hair becomes shiny and silky.

Polynesian women have always been famous for their beautiful, tanned, glowing skin. The secret to their attractiveness is simple: they use coconut oil as a skin care product. Coconut oil is suitable for mixing with ready-made sunscreen and liquid creams, emulsions, as well as for use in its pure form before and after sunbathing - it creates a stable protective layer. Apply before and after sunbathing.

Coconut oil is very beneficial for sunburned skin. It can be applied topically, like an ointment for burns. Coconut oil helps restore the disturbed water balance of the skin.

Coconut oil is hypoallergenic. Has no contraindications. Safe for the care of children's skin and the skin of newborns.

And coconut oil is delicious and smells nice of overseas islands!

Store in a tightly closed dark container. Coconut oil almost does not react with air and therefore remains usable for several years even without refrigeration. At temperatures below +25 degrees the oil hardens. It immediately melts upon contact with the skin.

The company supplies natural coconut oil from Thailand Superbank.

Phone: +66 868618833

E-mail address:

Skype: inter_superbank

You can always order Coconut oildirectly from Thailand with delivery by mail to your address.

Coconut oil is one of the most popular products in Thailand. It is used everywhere: added to food, applied to the face and hair, and also used as a cure for many diseases. It contains a number of useful acids that every body really needs. Perhaps this is why Thai women have such good smooth skin and gorgeous hair. How to choose it correctly and use it to get only benefits from it?

The oil is widely used in cosmetology. It contains many substances that can improve skin, hair and nails. Don't skimp on this product. A quality product cannot cost less than 600 baht per liter. Otherwise, you risk purchasing not the highest quality coconut oil, but a cheap fake that is only suitable for massage. Only real oil has not only nourishing and moisturizing properties, but also acts as an antiseptic. By the way, it can also be used internally.

Useful properties of coconut oil:

  • has nourishing, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties;
  • Perfect for hair that lacks shine and thickness, and also eliminates dandruff;
  • used as a wound healing elixir;
  • has a bactericidal and antifungal effect.

Types of coconut oil in Thailand, which brand to choose

Coconut oil comes in two types:

  • Hot pressed. To do this, ripe fruits are collected and the white pulp is removed from them. Next, I turn it into shavings, fill it with water and put it on fire. As soon as the oil boils, a yellow film appears on its surface. This is oil. It is collected and then the coconut is put back on the fire and so on. This oil is most often used for food; meat and vegetables are fried in it. Although it can be used in cosmetology, the effect will not be great.
  • Cold pressed. Coconut fruits are collected, the core is cut out and shavings are made from it. Next, this entire mass is placed under a press. Thanks to this action, very healthy coconut oil is obtained. This oil is much more valuable, since it preserves all nutrients and microelements. It is used both in cooking and in cosmetology.

There are a large number of brands offering coconut oil in Thailand. To choose the best option you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Pay attention to the packaging, it must be good quality, without smudges or cracks. The inscription “Virgin Coconut Oil” indicates that this is coconut oil. premium made by cold pressing.
  2. The oil should have a slightly sweet smell. If it smells strongly, then this indicates the addition of flavors and other additives to it.
  3. Cold-pressed coconut oil has a clear whitish hue. If its color is yellow-brown, it means you have low-quality oil.
  4. The main feature of good oil is that it hardens and turns white at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

The most popular brands of coconut oil are known both in Thailand and far beyond its borders: Samui Nature, Harnn, Tropicana, Siamgarden and ArgiLife, they supply high-quality and natural oil that has a number of beneficial properties for the body.

Where to buy coconut oil in Thailand

It is very easy to purchase coconut oil in Thailand; it is sold here at every turn. First, you need to decide why you are buying it. If you take it for a massage or as an inexpensive souvenir, it will do regular oil hot pressed in any street shop. There is not much benefit from such a product, but it will not do any harm either. If you need a quality product that can be used for food, then supermarkets can help you. Look for the inscription Extra on the packaging. For cosmetic purposes, it is best to purchase coconut oil from pharmacies named Boots or Watsons. You should not buy products from farms or in specialized pharmacies; although the quality of these products is not bad, the prices are three times higher.

Methods of application

For hair

Coconut oil is ideal for any hair type, the only difference is that you need to apply it differently. For example, if you have dry skin, then it is best to use it as a night mask. To do this, apply a thin layer of oil to the scalp, put on a special cap that allows air to pass through, and tie a terry towel on top. If you have oily hair, then in this case, the oil should be applied only to the hair, 2-3 centimeters away from the roots. For better effect You can leave the mask on overnight.

The oil also helps well in the fight against dandruff. We apply it to the roots, put on a special breathable cap, and wait an hour or two. Next, wash it off.

If you add a couple of drops of oil to your shampoo and conditioner, your hair will become soft and silky and gain a healthy shine. It can also be used when styling if you add a couple of drops to a spray bottle and spray your hair with this mixture.

Attention! Before you start using coconut oil, make sure you are not allergic.

For face

Add a few drops of coconut oil to your regular face cream and apply it twice a day with light massaging movements. The oil also makes excellent scrubs that cleanse the skin well without drying it out too much. You can make the scrub yourself. To do this, take a 1:1 ratio of coconut oil and one of the cleansing ingredients (sugar, salt, coffee, honey or dairy products). This composition should be applied to cleansed skin no more than twice a week.

Coconut oil is applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes at night, this procedure makes them grow faster and become healthier.

Twice a week at night you can apply the oil to your facial skin. This procedure is capable of forming a protective film and removing small wrinkles.

For body

Coconut oil perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and retains moisture in the skin, which is why it is often used as a body lotion after a shower.

During the cold season, you can lubricate the skin of your hands with oil, due to which they become softer and receive protection from wind and cold.

For a more even tan, you can apply the oil to the skin, but you should be more careful here, since the oil does not protect from direct sunlight, which means it is not recommended to sunbathe for a long time with it.

Massage with coconut oil, the skin will be soft and velvety after it.

Due to its bactericidal effects, the oil is used for cuts and abrasions. It perfectly heals wounds, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

To remove dry heels, lubricate them with coconut oil and put terry socks on top. This procedure can not only restore the heels to their former softness, but also improve their overall condition.

Is it worth bringing coconut oil as a gift?

Undoubtedly, coconut oil is the most common souvenir that tourists bring from Thailand to their family and friends. To make this gift not only pleasant, but also useful, it is better to purchase it in trusted stores or pharmacies. And so that the price does not “hit your wallet,” it is recommended to take a smaller volume. Such a gift will definitely bring benefits and a good mood to its owner.