How to see the good in a person. Interesting facts about a person. How to see the human biofield - exercises

Many people, out of curiosity, are wondering - how to see a person's aura? In fact, it is possible to see the biofield of an individual, but for this it is necessary to regularly perform special courses of exercises and make every effort.

How to see a person's aura and what does it look like?

Surely many people know what an aura is, a human biofield. But do you know what an aura looks like and have you ever seen a picture of it?

In esotericism, the aura is the area that surrounds the human body, and it consists of several layers that have different colors. In religious legends and historical traditions, as well as mystical literature, this is an invisible appearance that envelops the body of a living being.

In the philosophy of Hinduism, there are several shells that make up the aura. The most commonly distinguished are: the etheric, emotional, mental, causal, buddhic and atmic bodies. Some people believe that individuals who have extrasensory perception can see the biofield.

The person helping you should sit in front of a light background. The light in the room where the manipulations are carried out should not be bright, as this will bother you. You need to position yourself at a distance of 2-3 meters from the subject, concentrate, relax and slowly defocus your eyes. Your task is to look through the person. It is believed that if you have the ability, then after about ten minutes of such a practice (as soon as your eyes get tired, stop the exercises and start it again in a couple of minutes) you will be able to notice some kind of haze located along the contour of the body. Its shape can be different, just like the color. In addition, in some individuals, the aura is generally barely noticeable and it is extremely problematic to see it. The more often you carry out such an exercise, the more likely it is that you will learn to see the biofields more clearly and you will not need long-term concentration.

How to see the human biofield - exercises

Some practitioners advise using another exercise. In order to conduct it, you need to look at a living organism with a defocused look. But in this case, it is important that there is a dark background behind it.

Position yourself at a distance of 50 centimeters from the object and peer into it. From time to time, the object can be approached or moved away from it. In this case, it is important to look not so much at the object as at the background behind it, through the assistant. If everything is done correctly, after a while you will notice a faint glow around the edges of the object. This will be the aura.

On the first day, choose a convenient location for the class. It can be either a secluded place in nature or your room. It is important that no one interferes with you during the manipulations.

The exercise can be carried out both lying down and standing. You should raise your palms and clench their fists. After that, straighten any one finger on each hand. For example, you can draw out the index. Place your hands so that your fingertips are at eye level.

The distance between the fingers should be no more than 15 centimeters. Now look at your hands so that your left eye is looking at your left finger and your right eye is looking at your right. Focus.

Your task is to “tie” your eyes to your fingers. Now start moving your hands smoothly. The right one should move forward and the left one should move backward. It is very important at this moment to continue to watch your fingers with your eyes. It's not easy, but you can't let your vision get out of focus. When the distance between you and your hands is about 10 centimeters, stop.

Continue looking at your hands in this position for a minute. After that, return to the starting position and repeat the task again. Remember, you don't have to change hands. If you initially chose the movement option right hand forward, and the left back, then you need to work like this, and not constantly change hands.

Manipulations are carried out for 10 minutes at least 5 times a day. Of course, it will be very difficult to clearly see the fingers. However, you need to learn to see not just two fingertips, but teach your consciousness to notice what is between these two points. When you have mastered this exercise to perfection, you can replace your fingers with two burning candles.

Exercise 2

This exercise is performed immediately after waking up. You should stretch out one hand and place it in front of you. Distance should be comfortable.

The palms should also be clenched into a fist, and one finger should be extended. Imagine that you have two dots that are around your finger. One is behind him, the other is in front of him. Your task is not to attach these points to some physical objects, but simply to represent them.

Keep your eyes on different points. At the same moment, you need to notice everything that is within 1 centimeter around the finger itself. If you believe the reviews of practitioners, then on average in a minute you will begin to notice something that is around this object. Perhaps it will be a kind of glow, a colored stripe.

At that moment, try to see the object completely, as it is in reality, forget about how it usually looks in everyday life. This will help you finally get rid of the stereotypes of physical vision. This exercise is practiced from 10 to 20

This exercise must be done outdoors. This is done so that you can put your skills into practice. It is desirable that the place be crowded.

Walk down the street, select the individual who is moving in front of you and "turn on" your "new vision". That is, the right eye should look a little further than this person, and the left eye should look at a point that is a little closer to you. Thus, with three-dimensional vision, you observe the entire figure of a person. Watch everything that happens at a distance of 1-2 centimeters around the figure.

It is very good that the person will move, as you will immediately notice the changing space around him. Focus on it. It is believed that the more you train, the more clearly you will notice the cocoon enveloping a person. You may not immediately learn to distinguish the color of the aura, but this skill will come with time.

Have you ever heard the expression "you should only see the good in people"? Or "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? Surely you heard. Have you ever wondered what it even means? For example, I sit and think: "Masha is actually a bitch and a fool, but she has a good figure, she embroiders well with a cross, and yesterday she fed a homeless kitten." Something is wrong here, don't you think? This superficial reasoning is hardly able to really change our attitude towards a person.

The other day I was at the satsang of the spiritual master Om Baba. I really liked what he said. I will retell it briefly in my own words.

People are very different. Some are thin and some are fat, some have a big nose or stick out ears, some behave well, while others are outrageous. We love some people and hate others. For example, we love polite and sociable people, we dislike gloomy and reserved people. We love slim people and hate fat people. We do not like bald people, but we love it when people have beautiful hair.

But the appearance and behavior of a person is always imperfect. We all have flaws, starting with ourselves. Look at this world - you will not find a person with a perfect appearance or a perfect behavior. Why do we pay so much attention to what is initially imperfect, why do we attach so much importance to it?

And at the same time, inside each of us there is something perfect and beautiful. This is the soul, or the light of the heart, or a piece of the divine - call it what you want. But we do not see this, our attention is riveted to the external, to what is imperfect. And so we lose the opportunity to love. It's like looking at a beautiful flower, but only seeing a fly perched on the edge of a leaf. And if we saw in people that which is perfect, we could love them all.

I will leave the lecture of Om Baba on this and continue from myself.

Well, okay, you say. But how can you love everyone?

Here Petya is sitting in front of me, his face is unshaven, he smells of yesterday's fumes, his trousers are wrinkled, his eyes are cloudy, and how can I see a beautiful soul in him?

Or is the director, his face red, yelling with a good obscenity, so that your head itself is drawn into your shoulders up to the very top of your head?
And where is his soul if he does not pay his salary on time, but makes him work overtime?

Once there was a post in the top, in which one young man shared that he terribly dislikes when a girl has short nail plates. Yes, even if she herself is Angelina Jolie, but if her nails are short, that’s all, she will never be honored with his precious attention in her life.

And under this post there were several hundred comments. And each proudly declared what he could not stand. Someone does not like crooked legs, someone turns back from a mole on his cheek, someone disgustedly cannot stand a single hair in the wrong place.
In fact, each of them signed their own self-restraint. Everyone talked about how many wonderful people he would not be able to love because of a minor, insignificant flaw, how many interesting opportunities he would lose. This is not something to be proud of. This is something to work on. But neither logic, nor self-persuasion, nor an attempt to appear good and "loving everyone" in one's own eyes will help here. It will only get worse.

How then to be, how to learn to see the soul in a person? How does it even happen?

Have you ever looked into the eyes of an enlightened master? I have watched. pouring out of them pure love. He is sincerely glad to see everyone he meets on his way. This joy, this love flows from him in a pure, free flow. And you feel the way you felt only in your distant childhood. As if next to you - the closest, dearest, most loving person who protects you so that nothing bad can happen to you. And you don’t even know yet that something bad can happen in life. You are standing in the hall, there are three hundred people next to you, and each of them feels the same. You don't have to be anyone or anything, you don't have to earn this love, you don't have to pay for it, it just wraps around you, that's all. You are just happy to be. It cannot be explained or conveyed, it can only be felt.

I will never forget the day when I swam in the lake for the first time in winter. One girl got sick and did not swim with us. She then said: "You were all so beautiful when you came out of the water..."

Have you ever seen people doing extreme practices, austerities? For example, do they read mantras all night long, or swim in an ice hole in winter, or douse themselves with ice-cold water after a bath in the cold, and then meditate? These people are beautiful. They are unimaginably beautiful. And where does that go - the tummy is there, or the stoop, or the scar, or cellulite. No, that's all, of course, remains. But such a light emanates from a person that you stop paying attention to everything else. And these are not enlightened masters, not monks, not yoga teachers. Ordinary people who go to work, solve everyday problems, raise children. Ordinary and wonderful.

Because beauty is a natural state of a person. But this beauty is hidden under so many layers of masks that it cannot be seen. And in front of the beholder - a veil.

To see it, you must first see this light within yourself. And then to feel that this light is absolutely in everyone. This experience is beyond the mind. It can neither be described nor logically explained, it can only be experienced. This is the state in which everything changes. The world becomes immensely large and extraordinarily beautiful. This is the acquisition of true freedom - when your internal state does not depend on what is happening outside.

And it leads to this awesome long way - the way of working on yourself.
This is the way to always have beauty in your eyes.

Would you like to tell me how yoga helps in this work, and why austerities work this way?
I have my own theory, because writers have a rich imagination :)

We see ourselves in people. Usually unconscious. And not only "negative", but also "positive". We can see others as beautiful, talented, kind, masculine/feminine... And not suspect that these are our qualities. To distinguish between "this is mine or his", you need to know yourself well.

Why we perceive and see people distortedly and how to change it

  • Projections.
  • Transfer.
  • Beliefs.
  • Black and white filter or splitting into good and bad.
  • The context of the situation, our state and mood

1. Projections.

We see ourselves in people. Usually unconscious. And not only "negative", but also "positive". We can see others as beautiful, talented, kind, masculine/feminine... And not suspect that these are our qualities.

To distinguish between "this is mine or his", you need to know yourself well.

To know yourself, you must allow yourself to see yourself.

And this is usually prevented by the fear of being bad and being left without love. And the fear of being a "fool". And again, both in the case of "negative" and in the case of "positive" qualities.

Suddenly I find out that it is actually me who is "irresponsible", and not the neighbor whom I call that. Then I'm bad. Then I can't be loved.

Suddenly I think that I am kind and smart (that's how a colleague whom I see as such). And in fact, it turns out that I'm not like that. I will be made a laughing stock as a fool.

What if I really turn out to be kind and smart? Then I again “like a fool” - for thirty years I thought badly of myself and allowed myself to be treated badly, I missed so much and allowed so much. "Like a fool."

What to do: work with your value, with unconditional self-acceptance, with centering to finally see yourself, gradually, step by step, to know yourself and accept yourself.

2. Transfer.

We see people as our parents and other significant adults. I would say that there are two categories here: "fears" and "hopes".

On the one hand, it’s scary that now he’ll scream at me, devalue me, won’t hear me, won’t understand (like mom, like dad).

On the other hand, it seems that he is kind, he will love me, will not reject me, will take care of me (like mom, like dad - no, not in reality, but in the image that I have in my dreams).

"Positive" projections and "positive" transferences ("hopes") give rise to falling in love and a cocoon of illusions around the beloved.

What to do: work with your stability, support, with growing up, with self-awareness. If I am an adult and realize this - I no longer care that there was bad or there was no good in childhood - I can already love myself (to fill in those deficits that, being active, created “hopes”), and protect myself, if someone decides to yell at me or devalue me.

3. Beliefs.

  • Own. The conception of the other as of oneself. If I go on vacation to the dacha, then I also think about something else, that he goes to the dacha (“Where else?”).
  • Family. What they did, or what they said in the family. "All bosses are thieves."
  • Associative. If I see a person who looks like my friend, then I think that he is the same as my friend.
  • "Scientific". What came from popular psychology and others like it. Determination of character traits by face, state by posture, etc. "The smart ones have a high forehead."
  • Stereotypes."All Russians are sincere and with balalaikas."
  • Fashionable. If photography is fashionable now, I think that a new acquaintance is also interested in photography.
  • Ligaments.“If…then…” If a person has some quality or property, then another property is attributed to him. "Smart means honest."

What to do: be aware of your beliefs, develop flexibility of thinking, the ability to accept something else, a neutral position from which you can see "as is" and not "as you want."

4. Black and white filter or splitting into good and bad.

Idealization of the image or demonization. If it seems that “he is good”, then the whole bundle of “good” qualities is immediately assigned to a person. And vice versa.

What to do: work with inner ambivalence, connect opposite poles into a coherent reality.

5. The context of the situation, our state and mood, the state and mood of the person we perceive also affect.

May be influenced by information we already know about the person from third parties or other sources, which served as the starting point for the above phenomena. Social phenomena can take place: primacy effect, novelty effect, halo effect, etc. published .

Images: Pablo Picasso

Elena Ivanova

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Good afternoon my dear friends. Again I invite you to reflect on life, on issues of healing and spiritual growth. And today I want to talk about my problem - addiction to negative thinking. Sometimes it really seems to me that I am obsessed with negativity, with anger, hatred and resentment towards other people. They tell me, very good man, and I immediately say something negative about him, humiliating him in my eyes and in the eyes of others.

It is so easy for me to humiliate a person aloud and mentally, it is so easy to remember all the insults and pain that he caused me. And I can scroll through these discontents of mine for hours, remember the quarrel with him and mentally win this quarrel, pin the enemy to the floor, humiliate him and prove that he is wrong ...

And at the same time, it is so difficult for me to see something positive, good in a person. It is difficult for me to love him, treat him with compassion, understanding, tenderness. As if love, warmth, understanding and care are atrophied in me, I just don’t know how to do it.

And I understand very well where the roots of this problem come from. Yes, my stepfather was a very angry and aggressive person, he often hated and despised me, humiliated me and threatened to kill me… I myself was often insulted and humiliated in the garden, at school, in society. And I absorbed so much of this humiliation, anger and hatred. And plus there is also low self-esteem, self-doubt and a bunch of fears. I do not believe in my worth, so I really want to raise my self-esteem by humiliating other people, emphasizing their mistakes.

And I’m already so tired of this… I really want to just live, love people and appreciate them, I want to see in every person the image of God, His reflection. And enjoy this image. I want to have compassion and appreciation for those who hurt me, who reject me, or yell at me. I want to cry that people choose to sin instead of striving for love and understanding. And instead, I am again angry, indignant, persecuting and punishing those who offended me, angry with them ... Lord, how tired I am of this, how hard it is for me.

Yes, I know, they told me - pray more, and God will deliver you. And I prayed, and I still pray, for many years. But I still do not see even small changes in this regard. Nothing changes, nothing gets better. Even just a little. A sea of ​​hatred, contempt and fear. And it seems to me that I can no longer get out of this sea. I don't know how to swim and again I'm drowning in this sea...

I know that the Lord has already delivered me from several serious problems and sins. He saved me from the desire to eat meat, from the desire to watch TV, from lust too, from swearing, even “decent”. But out of anger and fear? Lord, free me from this sin too, I'm too tired of it. And may my life be a reflection of Your character, so that at least one person, seeing my life, wants to come to You.

Just interesting and entertaining, but completely useless facts about a person, his life and body.

This material is for entertainment purposes only and does not claim to be a scientific article.

Read interesting facts about a person and get enlightened!

  1. It turns out that the strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  2. Not one living being in the world, except for man, is not able to draw a straight line.
  3. Note that a person cannot sneeze with their eyes open.
  4. Refuses that women blink 2 times more often than men.
  5. The human heart, in size, is approximately equal to the size of his fist and weighs about 240 grams.
  6. If you add up the weight of all the bacteria living in human body, it will be equal to approximately two kilograms.
  7. An adult person inhales and exhales about 23,000 times a day.
  8. The right lung is larger than the left. And, accordingly, holds a larger volume of air.
  9. There are about two million sweat glands on the human body.
  10. People are born without kneecaps. They appear between the ages of two and six.
  11. The human eye distinguishes about 2,000,000 shades of color.
  12. More than 40,000 different bacteria live and thrive in the human mouth.
  13. Nerve impulses travel through the human body at a speed of 90 meters per second.
  14. There are 206 bones in the adult human body, although at birth there are about 300 of them.
  15. From the fats contained in the human body, you can make about seven bars of soap.
  16. Toenails grow 4 times slower than fingernails.
  17. There are approximately 70 kilometers of nerves in the human body.
  18. The probability of matching fingerprints in different people is about 1/24 million.
  19. Only 30% of the world's population has its own opinion. The remaining 70% are dependent on the opinion of the majority.
  20. Among people, about 1 percent stutters. And a third of them are male.
  21. The surface area of ​​a human lung is equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
  22. Each person's tongue print is as individual as fingerprints.
  23. The older a person gets, the less taste sensations he experiences.
  24. The only part of the human body that does not regenerate is the teeth.
  25. The human head weighs about 3.5 kilograms.
  26. While watching TV, a person burns fewer calories than while sleeping.
  27. The anatomy of the human body does not allow you to lick your own elbow.
  28. The length of all human blood vessels is exactly 100,000 kilometers.
  29. At rest, that is, lying down, a person consumes about 500 liters of oxygen.
  30. The human eye fully adapts to darkness in 60 to 80 minutes.
  31. Hair on a human head grows at a rate of 0.4 millimeters per minute.
  32. The 24,000 taste receptors found on the human tongue work best at 24 degrees Celsius.
  33. Every day, 25,000 babies are born on our planet. Approximately 3 people per second.
  34. There are about 18 percent left-handers on Earth. Of these, 10 percent are men and 8 women.
  35. Of the female names, the most common name in the world is Anna, among male names - Muhamed. Well, the most common surname is Chang.
  36. The human brain processes information transmitted by the eye in just 1/20 of a second.
  37. Today, almost half of the world's population has never spoken on the phone.
  38. Each person blinks, on average, 17,000 times a day.
  39. Food is completely digested by the body in about 12 hours.
  40. Snores more than 40 percent of people.
  41. A person perceives 90 percent of information about the world around him through vision.
  42. In a lifetime, the average person eats about 50 tons of food and drinks 50,000 liters of liquid.
  43. The area of ​​human skin is about two square meters.
  44. On average, in a lifetime, a person sheds up to 18 kilograms of skin.
  45. According to statistics, the most frequently broken bone is the collarbone.
  46. The multi-colored reflections that occur when you rub your eyes are called "Phosphenes".
  47. During a sneeze, a person's heart stops for a moment. With prolonged, continuous sneezing, you can earn serious problems. Even a heart attack.
  48. If you do not shave all your life, a man can grow a beard 9 meters long.
  49. Hair on the human body does not grow only on the palms, soles of the feet and lips.
  50. When frightened, a person turns pale due to the fact that the body, protecting itself from the bite of a potential predator, takes blood into the body.
  51. Lack of sleep affects the ability to remember quite a lot, worsening it.
  52. You can't commit suicide just by stopping your breath. The person, at the same time, will lose consciousness and start breathing again.
  53. Only 2 percent of people can see infrared or ultraviolet radiation.
  54. A hair on a human head lives from 3 to 6 years.
  55. It is generally accepted that the brain works slower during sleep than during activity. But this is absolutely not true. in fact, the opposite is true.
  56. Approximately one in 50 people on the planet is practically indistinguishable from smells.
  57. A person cannot taste food without saliva in the mouth.
  58. The volume of the human bladder is about 500 milliliters.
  59. A person is not able to tickle himself, as the brain recognizes and does not take into account these sensations.
  60. The human jawbone is the strongest in the body.
  61. Out of sixty years, a person sleeps for about twenty.
  62. Chewing gum while cutting onions won't make you cry.
  63. The skeleton of an adult human weighs 8 kilograms.
  64. Every year dies from bee stings more people than snake bites.
  65. If you give a group of people a new pen, 73 percent write their name.
  66. Reduction chewing muscles reaches a strength of 400 kilograms.
  67. Every person living on earth is a relative of another in at least 50 tribes.
  68. Umbilicus - scientific name navel.