Sea voyage around the islands presentation. Presentation on the topic "sea voyage to the islands - knowledge". Cleverly fasten ropes

"Sea voyage to the LAND OF KNOWLEDGE"

Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

Dear Guys! Dear parents! So the long-awaited day has come - September 1. I congratulate all those present on this significant day. This day is very important: you guys came to study at school. The school will become your second home, here you will learn to write, read, count, solve problems, love and protect nature, and find many new friends. Good luck, success. And parents - a lot of patience.
On this day and at this hour
I'm glad to see you.
Over the fields, over the mountains
There is a magical land
It has many different tests.
And it is full of miracles.
We will travel through it
A lot of days.
And it's called - "Land of Knowledge"

The country we are going to is special. In it you will receive unusual gifts. But these are not cakes and sweets, but knowledge, and most importantly, get it every day. I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking. Only schoolchildren can travel in this country. And who are the students? Are you ready to become disciples? To do this, you must overcome trials.

Guys, how can you travel? (by plane, by train, by car, on foot).
Guys, I suggest you complete the task.

    Connect the numbers in order and find out on what we will go on a trip.

So Let's go on our first voyage on this wonderful ship. I will be the captain of the ship - your teacher. And what is a ship without a crew? I will need helpers. In swimming, you need to assemble a team. They sit down in their wardrooms. (According to the colors of the flag of Russia)

Conversation about Russia(Why different colors and what they mean together

So, friends, our ship sets sail. We are sailing to the Land of Knowledge.

We are looking at the travel map.

1 sea of ​​trials : What will we take with us to the LAND OF KNOWLEDGE.

you need to pack your luggage to go on a further journey with friends. What to take? I will ask questions, and you will answer in chorus "yes" or "no". Begin!

If you go to school, then you take with you in your briefcase:

In a cell notebook?

New slingshot?

Cleaning broom?

Diary for five?

Album and paint?

Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?

Ripped boots?

Felt pens and a pen?

A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?

Are the mattresses inflatable?

Eraser and ruler?

Is there a canary in a cage?

Album to draw?

Chewing gum to chew?

Cover textbooks?

Plates, forks, spoons?

Sofa to lie down?

Cardboard to cut out?

Well done! You did a great job - you crossed the sea!

And our school ship continues its journey. And ahead I see the earth! This gramoteev island, but first you have to overcome coast of Friendship.

Of course there will be storms and snowstorms

Will cloudy days,

But together we will overcome

All hardships and rains

Because it helps

Friendship is always true

Every cabin boy knows this

If together, no problem.

Turn to each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

School riddles

1 A girl who loves her grandmother very much and often brings her gifts. ( Little Red Riding Hood)

2 A kind doctor who treats animals. ( Dr. Aibolit)

3 An animal that helped its owner become a rich marquis. ( Puss in Boots)

4 A man, moderately well-fed, in the prime of life, loving everything sweet. ( Carlson)

    In the corridor there is a clatter of feet, then it calls us all ... (call);

    Who walks with a bag of books, in the morning to school ... (student);

    The school met you today and a spacious ... (class);

    If you know everything, you will get at school ... (five);

We quickly return to the ship. Clouds appeared. Now it's going to rain! Let's listen to him.

GAME "Rain"

1 row - clapping;
2 row - stomps feet;
3 row - rustles with palms.

We are sailing away from the island. The sun is shining again.

We continue the journey and we sailed on task island

1 Stump has 2 mushrooms

And under the tree - three.

How many mushrooms will there be

Well, tell everyone! (5)

In the meadow, by the stump,

He found another one.

Who has the answer

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3)

The apples are ripe in the orchard.

We managed to taste them:

Five ruddy bulk,

Three with sourness.

How many?

One birch grew

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch? (0)

2 connect the drawing by dots

The ship continues its journey and we have a new island Play.

Fizminutka Chunga-chang

Well, finally we got to the magical land of Knowledge. Now, from this moment on, you are considered students of the 1st grade.


(presentation of MEDALS)

In this magical land there is a wonderful shore of wishes. Everyone's desires and dreams are different. In order for them to be fulfilled, they must be written on a piece of paper, placed in a bottle, sealed and thrown far into the sea. Parents write notes-wishes and an oath is pronounced. Everything is sealed in a bottle.

oath of the first grader.

    To become literate and smart,

    We swear!)

    Oath of parents

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth,

Then my promise baby

Feed daily boiled condensed milk!

Then I'll be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my vow!

The students took an oath, the parents too, now it remains to take an oath to me, your teacher. Here is my teacher's oath:

Teacher's oath:

    This is how I will teach your children,
    So that they can learn a lot.

    Do not offend your students
    Boys, girls - help everyone.

    Do not have favorites in the class
    Children equally, equally love.

on the trip, all the guys get a chocolate bar. Gifts from sponsors.


draw a smiley face on a starfish and stick it on your sheet.

Dear children, I hope you enjoyed our trip. You are students, I want to make the school become your second home: kind, smart, warm.

oath of the first grader.

    Always come to class for the first lesson
    Even before the bell rings.

    Be active and relevant in class
    Memorize and learn everything you need.

    To become literate and smart,
    Let's learn to read and write.

    Textbooks, books, pencil case and notebooks
    Always keep in perfect order.

    Good friends, faithful to become,
    To each other in everything and always help. ( We swear!)

"Sea voyage to the LAND OF KNOWLEDGE"

Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

Dear Guys! Dear parents! So the long-awaited day has come - September 1. I congratulate all those present on this significant day. This day is very important: you guys came to study at school. The school will become your second home, here you will learn to write, read, count, solve problems, love and protect nature, and find many new friends. Good luck, success. And parents - a lot of patience.
On this day and at this hour
I'm glad to see you.
Over the fields, over the mountains
There is a magical land
It has many different tests.
And it is full of miracles.
We will travel through it
A lot of days.
And it's called - "Land of Knowledge"

The country we are going to is special. In it you will receive unusual gifts. But these are not cakes and sweets, but knowledge, and most importantly, get it every day. I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking.Only schoolchildren can travel in this country. And who are the students?Are you ready to become disciples? To do this, you must overcome trials.

Guys, how can you travel? (by plane, by train, by car, on foot).
Guys, I suggest you complete the task.

    Connect the numbers in order and find out on what we will go on a trip.

So Let's go on our first voyage on this wonderful ship. I will be the captain of the ship - your teacher. And what is a ship without a crew? I will need helpers. In swimming, you need to assemble a team. They sit down in their wardrooms. (According to the colors of the flag of Russia)

Conversation about Russia (why different colors and what they mean together)

So, friends, our ship sets sail. We are sailing to the Land of Knowledge.

We are looking at the travel map.

1 sea of ​​trials : What will we take with us to the LAND OF KNOWLEDGE.

you need to pack your luggage to go on a further journey with friends. What to take? I will ask questions, and you will answer in chorus "yes" or "no". Begin!

If you go to school, then you take with you in your briefcase:

In a cell notebook?

New slingshot?

Cleaning broom?

Diary for five?

Album and paint?

Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?

Ripped boots?

Felt pens and a pen?

A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?

Are the mattresses inflatable?

Eraser and ruler?

Is there a canary in a cage?

Album to draw?

Chewing gum to chew?

Cover textbooks?

Plates, forks, spoons?

Sofa to lie down?

Cardboard to cut out?

Well done! You did a great job - you crossed the sea!

And our school ship continues its journey. And ahead I see the earth! Thisgramoteev island, but first you have to overcomecoast of Friendship.

Of course there will be storms and snowstorms

There will be cloudy days

But together we will overcome

All hardships and rains

Because it helps

Friendship is always true

Every cabin boy knows this

If together, no problem.

Turn to each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

School riddles

1 A girl who loves her grandmother very much and often brings her gifts. (Little Red Riding Hood )

2 A kind doctor who treats animals. (Dr. Aibolit )

3 An animal that helped its owner become a rich marquis. (Puss in Boots )

4 A man, moderately well-fed, in the prime of life, loving everything sweet. (Carlson )

    In the corridor there is a clatter of feet, then it calls us all ... (call);

    Who walks with a bag of books, in the morning to school ... (student);

    The school met you today and a spacious ... (class);

    If you know everything, you will get at school ... (five);

We quickly return to the ship. Clouds appeared. Now it's going to rain! Let's listen to him.

GAME "Rain"

1 row - clapping;
2 row - stomps feet;
3 row - rustles with palms.

We are sailing away from the island. The sun is shining again.

We continue the journey and we sailed ontask island

1 Stump has 2 mushrooms

And under the tree - three.

How many mushrooms will there be

Well, tell everyone! (5)

In the meadow, by the stump,

The hedgehog saw two mushrooms,

He found another one.

Who has the answer

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3)

The apples are ripe in the orchard.

We managed to taste them:

Five ruddy bulk,

Three with sourness.

How many?

One birch grew

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch? (0)

2 connect the drawing by dots

The ship continues its journey and we have a newisland Play.

Fizminutka Chunga-chang

Well, finally we got to the magical land of Knowledge.Now, from this moment on, you are considered students of the 1st grade.


(presentation of MEDALS)

In this magical land there is a wonderfulshore of wishes . Everyone's desires and dreams are different. In order for them to be fulfilled, they must be written on a piece of paper, placed in a bottle, sealed and thrown far into the sea. Parents write notes-wishes and an oath is pronounced. Everything is sealed in a bottle.

oath of the first grader.

    To become literate and smart,

    We swear! )

    Oath of parents

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth,

Then my promise baby

Feed daily boiled condensed milk!

Then I'll be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my vow!

    I swear!

The students took an oath, the parents too, now it remains to take an oath to me, your teacher. Here is my teacher's oath:

Teacher's oath:

    This is how I will teach your children,
    So that they can learn a lot.

    Do not offend your students
    Boys, girls - help everyone.

    Do not have favorites in the class
    Children equally, equally love.

on the trip, all the guys get a chocolate bar. Gifts from sponsors.


draw a smiley face on a starfish and stick it on your sheet.

Dear children, I hope you enjoyed our trip. You are students, I want to make the school become your second home: kind, smart, warm.

oath of the first grader.

    Always come to class for the first lesson
    Even before the bell rings.

    Be active and relevant in class
    Memorize and learn everything you need.

    To become literate and smart,
    Let's learn to read and write.

    Textbooks, books, pencil case and notebooks
    Always keep in perfect order.

    Good friends, faithful to become,
    To each other in everything and always help. (We swear! )


- Dear Guys! Today is your solemn day. This day is important for you, you came to study at school. Today we are announcing you as members of one big ship crew called "School". Our voyage starts today and will end in 4 years.

SLIDE 2(4 winters…)

– We will be together 4 winters, 4 springs, 4 autumns, 816 days, 32 thousand lessons, 50 thousand hours. Yes, that is how long we will sail together on the ocean of knowledge, survive storms and storms, joys and good luck.
We are our entire class, in which 13 girls and 13 boys study. And I'm your teacher. My name is Valentina Nikolaevna.

SLIDE 3(heart)

- I have HEART, it knows how to make friends with other hearts. Now it is talking to someone's little heart. Knock Knock! And here's another one to add to the conversation. And one more thing... Look around, these are all your classmates.

SLIDE 4(icon)

- Let's get acquainted. I will now approach each of you. Whoever I put my hand on my shoulder, he will say his name. And to the one who says it loudly and beautifully, I will give it like this ICON, which proves that you are now a student of "NSOSH No. 2".

Well, now we've all got to know each other. I am glad to see you. And today at this hour I will lead you with me.

Beyond the fields, beyond the mountains, there is a magical COUNTRY.
Many trials await you in it, and it is full of miracles.
We will travel over it for many, many days.

“So let’s set off on our journey to this magical land.”

SLIDE 5(ship)

Imagine that the school is our SHIP. Our office is a cabin. I am the captain and you are the cabin crew. Each ship follows a specific route. Each captain has a map on which the travel route is indicated. Here she is.

SLIDE 6(cards)

- This MAP our journey. Are you ready to go on a trip?

SLIDE 7(Knowledge Island)

Our first stop is Knowledge Island.

- Guys, why do you think the island has such a name? Our friends live here. Who are they?

SLIDE 8(textbooks)

- There are a lot of textbooks on my stand, I’m ready to make riddles about them.

1) In this book on parade
The numbers lined up:
One two three four five,
To teach you how to count
Add and subtract
And solve all the problems. (Mathematics)

2) Why do streams flow?
Why do flowers grow?
Where did the sparrow eat?
We need to find out soon!
This is a book about nature
About animals, about the weather,
About trees and flowers
About animals and beetles. (The world)

– Look how beautiful and bright our textbooks are. And how should they be treated so that they remain so?
- What book does schooling begin with? What textbook was presented by Pope Carlo Pinocchio? (ABC)
- Right. So on this wonderful holiday, your first textbook, the ABC Book, is being handed to you.

To the music, the teacher distributes the ABC to the children.

SLIDE 9(Island of Mysteries)

- Let's hit the road. Before us is the next island - Mystery Island. What do you think we will do here?

SLIDE 10(training supplies

1. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on them,
You can also draw.
I am called... (notebook)

2. I love directness,
I am straight.
Make a straight line
I help everyone. (Ruler)

3. Not like a little man,
But he has a heart.
and work all year round he gives his heart.
He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws
And tonight
He will color the album for me. (Pencil)

4. You are colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful... (eraser)

5. I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am... (pencil case)

SLIDE 11(screen saver)

Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly. And to relax, I invite you to play GAME What will you take to school?

Clap your hands - if a school thing, sit down - if not


- Well done!

SLIDE 12(Island of Fairytale Heroes)

Well, now we're off to the next one. Island Fairy tale heroes.
– Who lives here? Yes, and they prepared congratulations for you. I will read them, and you guess who it is from.

SLIDE 13(fairy-tale heroes)

1. If you walk across the field and find money, then do not rush to buy a samovar, as I did. Better buy a new interesting book. (Fly Tsokotukha)
2. We, all three cheerful brothers, are in a hurry to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Learn better, and then you will be able to build the same solid stone house as our brother Naf-Naf! (Three piglets)
3. Do not run around the classroom during breaks, otherwise you may accidentally break a vase or drop a golden egg. And then I will have to incubate a new egg, not a golden one, but a simple one. (Hen Ryaba)
4. Congratulations to all first graders! I want to be smart and be sure to learn to read. And then when dad Carlo gave me the alphabet, I exchanged it for a ticket to the puppet theater, which I am very sorry about. Take care of your textbooks! (Pinocchio)
5. Study as hard as you can at school, and not only in the sciences, but also in politeness. And then one day a girl Masha came to visit us. She ate our porridge, broke Mishutka's chair and even lay on our beds! (Three Bears)
6. I also dream of going to school like you! If I had studied at school, I would have learned that the Wolf is a cunning predator, and you should never talk to him and, moreover, say where my grandmother lives. (Little Red Riding Hood)
7. Congratulations on your admission to school. I have, by the way, achieved amazing success both in my studies at Hogwarts School of Magical Sciences and in the game of Quidditch. (Harry Potter)
8. We, six young fairies, congratulate you on the start of the school year and hope that you will study perfectly, as we do at the Alfea school of the magic dimension Magix. (Tekna, Flora, Layla, Muse, Stela, Bloom, are the fairies of the Winx Club)

SLIDE 14(Island of Creativity)

- Well done! We will meet with these heroes more than once in our lessons. They will help us learn new things. Our journey continues. On our way another island - Creativity Island

The guys have chamomile on their desks

Put a chamomile in front of you. In the middle, write your name, who knows how and how. Draw your dream on the chamomile petals. And now we will decorate the island with our daisies. (board) Look how beautiful it has become.

SLIDE 15(land of knowledge)

“Look, here we quietly swam to a magical land. It is called… (read together)LAND OF KNOWLEDGE. How many cities!

- I congratulate everyone on this significant event. Guys, you have become students. I really want the school to become your second home. We have a long way to go through the Land of Knowledge. Good luck and patience to you and your parents!

SLIDE 16 Happy new school year!

Ludmila Shishova
Graduation script "Sea voyage to the Land of Knowledge"

"Sea Voyage to the Land of Knowledge"

Speech therapy group "BEES"

VED: The hall was solemnly and beautifully cleaned.

Today is the graduation party!

What a beautiful, and a little sad holiday

Today we are gathered in this hall.

Beautiful, because the children have matured,

They are in a hurry to go on a big voyage.

And sad, because the years have flown by

And we can not avoid parting.

Let's admire the graduates

Our release is the best - 2015!

VED: Today, the ship - "Happy Childhood" is sailing from the pier "Kindergarten" and is heading to the "Land of Knowledge". The passengers of the ship are graduates of our kindergarten. We ask all those who see off to prepare for the meeting with the graduates. Graduates of 2015 arrive at the port.

Children enter with balloons to the song "BAL + I"

Children read poetry

1. The holiday is very important for us today,

Graduation day is coming.

It is a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,

School is waiting for us in autumn

2. Our garden is a magical ocean,

For five years we went swimming,

We know that it is given for happiness,

And we have always loved him!

Use common song "Goodbye, KINDERGARTEN"(m. S. Randa, lyrics by A. Kasatkina)

VED: Attention! The departure of the ship "Happy Childhood" to the "Land of Knowledge" is canceled!


VED: It is impossible to go on such a journey without a captain!

Dev: Where's our captain?

Boy: I'll be the Captain! (puts on cap)

Boy: And I'll be the Boatswain! (puts on binoculars)

Use song "CAPTAIN" Andrey and Dima (m. and lyric. Z. Root)

Captain: Fair winds, rise quickly

And all sails rather develop

Attention, crew, raise anchor!

The ship is ready to sail

Everybody get in place!

(bell ringing)

Children get up to dance

Use dance "Naughty Sailors"

Captain: We'll go around the whole planet,

We will find the Land of Knowledge.

And if you want with us -

Then join our team.

Let's all get on board

And the ship will sail.

All hands on deck!

Boatswain: There is a whistle upstairs! ( blows the whistle)

CAPTAIN Raise anchor! Full speed ahead!

Time does not wait.

And to make it more fun

Sing more friendly.

Use common song "OUR SHIP IS FLAVING"(m, lyrics by L. Olifirova)

(seagull cry)

Captain: Boatswain! What's ahead?

Boatswain: Everything is calm! Complete calm!

1 child Guys, can you hear the seagulls screaming?

2 children This is a good omen.

So the island is close somewhere.

3 children White-winged bird proudly flies over the sea

She is not afraid of borders

Feel free to argue with the wind.

4 children Seagull is a beautiful bird

Very nice flight

I wish I could learn

Also love the sky.

5 children Free birds fly over the sea

Maybe they know the cherished road?

6 children Let's follow them forward

And we will find the island of Knowledge faster.

Captain: For the seagulls - full speed ahead!

Boatswain: Yes - full speed ahead!

Use dance "CHAIKA"(M. A. Varlamova, lyrics by R. Panina)

Captain: Here we are on the island.

Reb. : But, it doesn't look like the Land of Knowledge at all

Vedas: Our ship moored to Island of the Littles.

This is where the little ones live.

That's very, very recently

You were babies

And by the hand, with tears,

Moms took you to kindergarten.

VED: Our dear graduates, the children of the Teremok group came to congratulate you

Greet them with applause.

(to the music, the kids enter the hall with a train)

Children read poetry

1 BABY: Hi you guys,

Girls and boys!

2BABY: We all gathered for your graduation,

But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

3 BABY: They put on costumes and washed their cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

4 BABY: We are the guys, the kids of all came to congratulate you.

5BABY: To become big, we must eat porridge.

6BABY: We looked at you now, have you already eaten a lot of porridge?

7BABY: But we also grew up, our mothers didn’t carry us here,

We ourselves, legs came!

8BABY: We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to study like this at school,

To you kindergarten was always pleased.

9BABY: And we also ask you - Do not forget us,

Visit your favorite kindergarten more often!


Use dance "Plates"

go away

Captain: The blue sea is waiting for us.

In places! Full speed ahead!

Boatswain, what do you see?

Boatswain: I see some island right ahead! (looks through binoculars)

In the distance, someone gives signs. Maybe you need our help?

Captain: Okay, let's take a look now. Moor!

Boatswain: There is mooring.

(2 pirates enter the music - One and Two)

Pirates sing:

1. They say that there are pirates only in children's books,

You see, guys, they tell you lies,

PR: Olya-la-ola-la, we are pirates from the ship,

Olya-la-ola-la, uh-huh!

Deuce: This thin, like a knitting needle, our one-eyed pirate,

It is called the unit and scares everyone in a row.

Unit: Oh-lu-lu, oh-lu-lu, I love kids,

Oh-lu-lu, oh-lu-lu, uh-ha!

Two: We live steadfastly among the people and cannot do without us,

10 years, go, without a deuce, you try, study.

Unit: Oh-ra-ra, oh-ra-ra, kids love deuces,

Oh-ra-ra, oh-ra-ra, uh-ha!

1st Pirate: Everyone stay put! This is a robbery!

All the little ones, sailed away!

VED: Wait, wait! Let's figure it out. You must have confused us with someone else. ?We are sailing to the island of Knowledge!

2nd Pirate:-Oh-oh, dreaming. The journey is over. And no talking! You will not sail anywhere until you solve our difficult puzzles. All eyes on the screen:

(A video appears on the screen - a presentation of tasks, and the Pirates accompany it with words.)

Task 1: Once a pirate neighbor ran into a pirate for lunch.

They sat down behind the barrel, and ate 5 herrings each,

Task 2: Sailors lived together here on the river bank

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

Task 3: Seryozhka plunged into the water, followed by Alyoshka, followed by Marinka, followed by Irinka, and then Marat dived. How many kids are swimming?

1 Pirate: Well, you did it with this task. And now a new challenge:

School Riddles:

1-Every student should take with him to school ....

2-Letters are all from "A" to "Z" on the pages ....

3-To write with pens, we will prepare ...

4-Who will color our album? Of course….

5-So that suddenly it does not disappear, we will remove it in ...

2 Pirate: Well, can you sing songs?

VED: Of course we can! Listen to a song about a fun score.

Use song "FUN COUNT" Danil Drynkin (m, lyrics by K. Makarova)

Use song "GO TO SCHOOL" Natasha and Veronika (m. lyricist K. Makarova)

1 Pirate: Wonderful song. So be it, sail to your Land of Knowledge and have a happy journey!

Captain: And now full speed ahead!

Boatswain: That's right, captain. Full speed ahead!

Captain: Boatswain, what can you see?

Boatswain: I see some island right ahead!

I hear a very infectious laugh! This is the island of Smeshenok

(Loud infectious childish laughter sounds)

Vedas: To the island of smiles, laughter, joys,

I'm inviting all the guys.

Don't linger a minute

And then you miss the miracle - jokes!

1. Joke - "How Cyril spoke"

Leading child: Student Petrov Kirill killed everyone today:

He began to imitate animals - to crow and squeal.

Here comes the teacher to the class.

Teacher: Who will go to the blackboard now?

Leading child: And Kirill Petrov.

Cyril: Ku-ku! Woof woof woof! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Teacher: Who is screaming there, I don’t understand?

Kirill: Moo!

Teacher: Is that you, Kirill Petrov?

Are you not well today?

Maybe you need a doctor?

Leading child: And Cyril on this.

Cyril: Be-e!

Teacher: Give me your diary!

Leading child: And Kirill.

Cyril: Chirp-chirp! Meow! Meow! Qua! Qua! Qua!

Teacher: Everyone!

Leading child: The teacher said.

Teacher: Two!

Cyril: Oh! For what?

Leading child: Kirill cried out.

CHILDREN. Again he spoke!

2. Joke - "Omen"

We rested on the sea

And then thrown into the wave

Before leaving home

On a coin for the whole family.

My mother explained to me:

“There is one sign, dear!

To come back one more time

Let's treat the sea now!

I remember that sign!

And I'll tell you a secret:

Put the candy in the locker

To return to this group!

What kind of kindergarten to treat me,

To stay in it?

"Oh, son," said the mother,

Well, how stubborn are you!

At least put a kilo of sweets,

But you are already 7 years old.

Gotta go to school

Break up with kindergarten.

Okay, okay, I understand

I'm slowly getting used to it.

There is candy in the cupboard.

Will the omen work?

Use song "WE WILL GO TO SCHOOL" Polina Zataeva

Use common song "SASHKA AND NATASHKA"(author M. Tarakanova-Semelik, N. Mironenko)

VED: In our group there is a boy, not a fighter, not a rascal.

He respects girls - he never offends.

He has a car of virtues, there are almost no shortcomings,

It doesn't cost him anything to bring you a smile

All the girls say - "This boy is just a treasure!"

And so we will sing a song about him now.

Use Song "Pretty Boy"(Snezhana)

Captain. We can’t swim past the big island,

After all, the sounds of music come from there, friends.

This musical island, song and dance.

Melodious sounds live here, and children dance and sing here!

Use song "Ding-ding kindergarten"(Polina Butorina)

VED: We all love to dance,

We know a lot of dances!

And now a fun dance

Let's start together!

Use common dance "POLKA"

REB: Parents keep their eyes on us:

We are not only singers and dancers!

The whole evening we surprise you:

And the orchestra will play for you now,

We are musicians, orchestra players!

What is there? - solid talents!


Vedas: The vastness of the sea,

I notice an island in the sea.

Getting here wasn't easy.

Friends, it's the same Knowledge Island

Who is waiting for us there, friends?

The Queen of Knowledge comes out

Queen of Knowledge: Hello, dear children and guests! I carefully watched your adventures and I see that you have grown up as kind, brave, smart and well-mannered children and you deserve to become schoolchildren. And for you, future schoolchildren and excellent students, I have prepared gifts. Here is my magic briefcase - a chest, but a lock hangs on it.

It will open when you can compose and guess my words.

Host: Can we guys? You have already managed to make sure that the children are ready to go to school, because how much they have shown their talents and skills today! But are our parents ready to go to grade 1 with their children? Let's check, ask parents to help the Queen of Knowledge, and the children will carefully observe and check their parents.

Game with parents "Guess and make up a word"

(call 4 parents, put ribbons with letters on them - forward and backward, explain the task - not only solve riddles, but also build an answer. Letters: N - L; A - O; E - I;

Sh -P. The Queen of Knowledge asks questions - riddles:

1. There is a fish, but there is a tool ... / saw /

2. Little horse ... / pony /

3. Sometimes sea, sometimes for shaving ... / foam /

4. What can't you hide in a bag? /awl/

5. There is football, but there is wheat ... / field /

6. A tree from whose flowers fragrant tea is brewed ... / linden /

7. Wheel rim…/tire/

Host: Well done! The task was completed! We can safely let you go to grade 1 with our children! (parents sit down)

Use song "ONLY TO SCHOOL" Vanya Rogov (m. w. E. Gomonova)

VED: We will dance the parting waltz for you,

And in our dance we will grow up now,

Look, our boys are gentlemen,

And ladies, what manners!

What a pity that the waltz in this hall is farewell,

It is gentle, airy and very sad.


Use common song "WE ALL THANK YOU"(m. I. Smirnova, lyrics by Yu. Sukhova)

1 Vedas: Good luck, good time, kids,

In the brightest lucky hour!

Let from each read book

The clear sun is pouring down for you.

2 Vedas: We wish to learn easily,

Move from class to class

But also a favorite kindergarten ...

Together: We ask you not to forget!

Use common dance "Parting"

Scenario of the holiday "Knowledge Day" in the third grade.

Sea voyage to the Land of Knowledge.

Autumn gently tells us all
What's the time school days comes.
Say goodbye to the sunny summer
Like it or not, but you have to study!

Today we have a joyful holiday - the Day of Knowledge. Congratulations guys on the start of the new school year.

Guys, did you notice anything when you entered our class? (It became nice and cozy in the class.)

While you were resting, your parents worked hard and put things in order and comfort in the classroom, made repairs. Many thanks to all the parents for responding and purchasing beautiful blinds for us. I would especially like to thank those parents who took an active part in the repair of the classroom. These are the parents...

School life is like a ladder of knowledge. You rise higher and higher - from one step to another, more difficult. I hope that we will overcome all difficulties together. We will learn not only sciences, but we will also learn to be friends. After all, the main thing is that each of you become a good, kind, reliable person.

The first of September... On this day, all roads lead to school. Dressed up students, excited parents and teachers all gathered at the school today. This day in our country is a public holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

In Holland, Norway and Sweden, children have been studying for a whole month - they went to school on August 1st.

And yesterday we had the last summer day, autumn is in the yard again, which means we are together again.

- I see how you have matured over the summer, sunbathed, had a good rest, and let's remember how we spent the previous two years: (photo presentation).

1 student. Third year of study!

There is experience and knowledge.

Difficult, no doubt

But it takes effort!

2 student. The third year is harder

The third is an important year!

Soon after him

Everything will be easier!

3 student. Third year of study

Once you master it,

All sciences meaning

You'll get it without any problems.

Today we are starting our third trip to the country "Land of Knowledge".

And we'll go there by ship. Our ship will sail the ocean of Knowledge faster and more successfully if we raise the sails.

But you yourself must choose which sails will help you in your studies. (on the sails of the word: diligence, attention, accuracy, diligence, ingenuity, friendship, kindness, laziness, whims, quarrels, talkativeness, haste)

Let's choose the qualities that will help us go to sea faster and more correctly.

And what qualities will slow down the movement of our ship?

Before us is a plan - a map of our journey. On our way we will meet unusual places, with difficult tasks, but I hope for us they will not be very difficult.

So, let's go!!!

1 stop. "Puzzle Forest"

Guys, who do you think is the boss in this forest? (Old Man Lesovichok).

He has prepared various puzzles for you, but I think you can handle them.

(Telescope) (Family) (Wave) (Rose) (Mustache) (Treasure) (Panama) (Screen)(Thunderstorm)

- Difficult tasks prepared for you by the Old Man Lesovichok? He says goodbye to us and wishes you good luck in academic year. Forward!

2 stop. "Mermaid Bay"

The Little Mermaid has also prepared interesting tasks for you, let's try to complete them.

1. Collect the "crumbled" letters in such a way as to make words. Find the “extra” word, explain why it is “extra”.

Answers: Dog, cow, chicken, cat. The “extra” word is chicken, since

2. The little mermaid will name the words in singular, and you repeat them in chorus in the plural:

Fruit - (fruits);

mole - (moles);

hand - (hands);

3. The little mermaid will name nouns male, and you corresponding to them are feminine.

Cook - (cook);

tailor - (dressmaker);

merchant - (merchant's wife);

brave - (:).

Answer the questions prepared for you by Captain Nemo and Flipp and find out what fairy-tale heroes have hidden from you.

The more rings, the older the tenant. (Tree)

Not tall and stocky.

Decided to look at us

Raising in the morning under the trees,

Leaf with sticky needles. (Mushroom)

Catches the radiant sun, ripening at the edge.

It turns red - and the fragrant one falls into mugs. (Strawberry)

Grow on the branches in clusters, covered with shells. (Nuts)

He does not spoil the children, he dresses without fuss:

Everyone in his family wears skullcaps. (Acorns)

Spruce paws every spring

Old lamps are replaced with new ones.

What are these lamps? (bumps)

- You have done a great job. But it's time for us to go.

Ahead of us is the Mysterious Castle. Who do you think its owners are? Look, we are greeted by ghosts. But you should not be afraid of them, because they are our old friend Casper and his friends. But even though they are kind, they do not want to let us go until we complete their tasks. How do you think we'll manage?

Behind the colorful shreds, the heroes of a well-known fairy tale hid. Guess what color we are talking about, the shred will disappear, you can see the heroes of the fairy tale.

1. What traffic signal prohibits movement? (red)

2. What color is the most in the forest during the period of "golden autumn"? (yellow)

3. What color of the traffic light opens, allows traffic? (green)

4. What color is present in the name of the sea of ​​our region? (black)

5. What color is the sky on a clear day? (blue)

6. What color is hidden in the name of a beautiful flower - a rose? (pink)

7. What color does winter give us? (white)

(Russian folk tale"Ryaba Hen")

Cunning Casper has prepared another task for you. Think about what fairy-tale heroes could lose this or that thing.

Golden key (Pinocchio).

Basket with pies (Little Red Riding Hood).

Shoe (Cinderella).

Big hat (Dunno).

Boots (Puss in Boots).

Scarlet flower (Nastenka).

Well done, you did a very good job. Let's go further.

Guys, look in front of us "Island of Mysteries". You know, I'm already scared to swim there after all the adventures. What do you think, maybe we'll pass by?

Look, as I expected, they are already waiting for us. They are evil pirates. Now you have to complete their tasks. You are ready? So, the first task from Captain Flimm. 1. When the boy can be named female name? (Sonya) 2. 7 ducks flew, three were shot. How much is left? (3) 3. In which bird is it enough to change the first letter to make a doctor? How do we call a doctor differently? (rook - doctor). 4. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay). 5. Why does a hunter carry a gun? (behind back) 7. How did Emelya travel? (On the stove)
8. Who did you turn into? ugly duck? (Into the swan)
9. The character of a Russian fairy tale who caught a pike with a bucket? 10. An armchair for a king? (Throne)
12. Did the writer Nosov send him to the moon? (Dunno)
13. Favorite animal of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Rat) 14. Who was the prince from the fairy tale about Cipollino? (Lemon)
- Well done, they did a good job with the tasks of the old pirate. But his harmful parrot has also prepared tasks for you. - The names of the birds (guesses) are written on the board:
1. Rook 2. Cuckoo 3. Swift 4. Lark 5. Starling.

1. He builds his nest in the field,
Where plants grow.
His and song and flight
Went into poetry. (lark - 4)

2. What kind of spring black bird
The tractor almost sits on the nose. (rook - 1)

3. This bird never
Don't build nests for yourself
Leaves eggs for neighbors
And he does not remember the chicks. (cuckoo - 2)

4. What bird flies at the speed of a car? (swift 3)
- Well, now guess the riddles from the monkey:

1. He is not a deer and not a bull,

Used to live in hot countries.

Has a horn on the nose

And it's called ... (Rhino)

2. Among the animals is reputed to be a king,

His name is fearless.... (Lion)

3.Can swim all day long

In ice water ... (Seal)

Well done boys! We have completed all the tasks, and they will have to let us go. It's time to go back.

Look, we are welcomed by dolphins. They want to give you tips for further successful sailing on the Ocean of Knowledge:

1. Wake up early in the morning,

Wash well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

2. Dress neatly

To be pleasant to look at

Stroke the form yourself, check -

You are big now.

3. Accustom yourself to order,

Don't play hide and seek with things

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean.

4. Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth

respect the teacher

And don't bother your neighbor.

5. Do not tease, do not be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school

Do not frown in vain, be bold

And you will find your friends.

6.That's all our tips,

They are wiser and easier,

You, my friend, do not forget them.

Be the best in the Land of Knowledge!

Thanks dolphins. So we sailed back to our native school. Today we started our long journey to the Land of Knowledge. On this path, we will encounter various difficulties, but we will overcome them all as easily as you did today.

Holidays are over
Lots of rest days...
Friends meet again
At the school doorstep.
Strong, healthy,
Shiny eyes all around!
I congratulate you
With new knowledge!
Good luck third grade!!!