Tales about animals, plants and folk legends about the origin of the name of a natural object. Stories about animals B. Zhitkova Traditions about the origin of plant names

The fish Zosya got ready to spend the winter: she found a comfortable place and lay down on the bottom.
After the turbulent events of the past year, she finally closed her eyes and dozed off.
Pictures of her travels, common holidays, seminar meetings and various other fish parties flashed through her memory.
Here are the pictures from the conference: a whale is speaking, outlining the theory of the blue ocean.
Here comes Shark, President of the newly formed Fish Association, and talks about how to learn to be a shark in a chosen area of ​​the ocean. After an elegant hint that only she can teach incredible shark success, the pikes looked at each other excitedly and lined up in a friendly line at the stand that read “Enroll in the shark training course “Most Successful Fish”.
Murena gave a stunning presentation that true success lies only outside the comfort zone. All the small fish believed and hurried to capture on their mobile cameras all the demonstrated schemes of comfortable and uncomfortable zones, as well as the exact exit routes drawn with arrows.
And then, very opportunely, a swordfish made a report on how to get out of uncomfortable states if you suddenly got into them. As a radical remedy, she proposed to eliminate fish depressions by jumping from a high waterfall into a foaming abyss. Guaranteed complete mental liberation and indescribable sensations.
Hammerfish shared a whole list of methods for cleansing themselves of toxins and techniques for bringing themselves into a state of royal fish perfection. Everyone was especially struck by the methods of tapping internal deposits shown on daredevils and the method of their effective coughing up after massage with a hammer.
The octopus talked about the fact that it’s enough to hide, that you need to boldly declare yourself so that the whole ocean can know about your wonderful abilities. The sprats were very inspired and immediately signed up for courses on creating their own websites and promoting in social networks. And the sardines immediately signed up for a course on creating their own online schools, answering the brazenly grinning cod: “What? Do you think it's weak? Let's just pull it!"
Sterlet fish spoke about the importance of professional photo shoots and showed her photos as an example. On one she was in a luxurious royal setting, in a long ball gown and a pretty hat, with a coquettish smile. On the other - with a royal staff in his hand, sitting in a gilded shell-carriage drawn by sea horses. The participants nodded, confirming that they were using this element of the demonstration of success, that they already had similar photos with a luxurious atmosphere.
Then a dolphin spoke without a word: he showed a film about interaction with the soul of the planet, about sacred dolphin round dances, about friendship, about rescuing sailors and animals that fell from the deck, about unprecedented abilities, about the possibilities of tail dancing and about something else, most people don’t very understandable...

Oh, how long will these memories roam in me? What to do with this information overload? - Fish Zosya exhaled and redirected her attention inward, to the region of the heart.
She didn't want to draw any conclusions. I didn't want to make plans for the future.
I was swimming, learning other people's success algorithms, trying out marketing novelties, playing enough in participating in legendary projects.
She listened to herself and realized that she wanted to take a break from this hectic running around for success. Just fall asleep and then wake up like a blank slate. And start living not the way it was usually accepted, and not the way it is now fashionable in the ocean, but the way she herself wants.
Maybe it will come to her mind to switch to food sea ​​kale. Maybe you want to learn belly dancing or start experimenting with the sideline - your sixth sense. Or maybe you want to master the movement of somersaults over your head or walking along the bottom on your tail. Or maybe open your own mobile school of blowing bubbles and teach it to sea anemones and hermit crabs? Jokes, of course.
Zosia did not notice how she fell asleep. And she dreamed of a sea creature of extraordinary beauty, covered with silvery scales that radiate light. Each time he moved, the water was colored with iridescent radiance. The creature gracefully danced with its fins, creating swirls in the water that flowed and formed into incredible patterns and patterns. It was some the new kind fish art. Zosia watched with admiration in a dream this creature, who seemed to be teaching her a magical dance that creates voluminous water paintings.
“I am you, only in the highest reality,” the creature's thoughts sounded. - You can be me. But first, become like a clean slate. And then create yourself the way you want to be.
- I am a blank slate, - Zosya whispered in a dream, - I am a blank slate.
The silvery creature danced its sacred dance with its fins, and curls of water swirls began to line up around Zosia, growing into incredible three-dimensional sculptures. From the unexpectedness of new sensations Zosya woke up.
- Wow! What was it? And why did I repeat there: “I am a clean slate”?
After a second: “Oh, I got it! A clean slate means that you first need to free your mind, wash away everything that you knew before. Turn the page and start writing a new chapter. To start listening only to myself after a winter sleep and create such curls of waves that will begin to show my new architecture. What will be my new reality - I do not know yet. But she will be mine. And it will be something that I absolutely love!”
With these thoughts, Zosia again fell into a dream. Into the long winter sleep. Sleep-reboot.

Tale of the plant of your land: plantain

Long ago, there lived a forester with a little daughter. They lived together, never got bored. But one spring, trouble came to their house. At that time, the forester had a lot of work. From morning until late evening he disappeared in the forest. Spring warmth is deceptive. The sun will warm - it's hot, and if you undress - then it's cold and you'll get it.
The forester caught a cold and fell ill in earnest. In the heat, he rushes about, coughs. The little daughter lost her feet, caring for her father, but the disease does not let go, and there is no one to ask for advice. It takes three days to walk to the nearest village, but you won’t get through the spring abyss even in a week. The girl sat down on the porch and became sad. And a raven was sitting on the wattle fence. He looked at her and asked:
- Why are you crying?

The girl told him about her grief, the raven thought and said:
- good man need to help. There is a cure for your father. In the very thicket of the dense forest lives an old woman of centuries. She has a well with water - not simple, healing. It's just not easy to get to. Cunning old woman, skillfully confuses the paths.

It is scary to go into the thicket, but there is nothing to do. The forester's daughter went for healing water. She reached a fork: one path was straight, clean, and the other was overgrown with weeds and thorns. Thought, thought the girl and chose the path, which is worse. If the age-old woman hides her house, then it is unlikely that a straight path will lead to it. How long, how short, the little traveler walked, tore her hands on thorns, knocked her legs on snags, but still she reached the hut. She knocked on the door, the witch looked out: a morel face, a hooked nose. The girl bowed to her.

Hello grandma. I came to you with a request. They say you have a well with healing water. Can you give me some for my father?

“What a smart girl, she found a hut, didn’t get lost in the forest, hurt her arms and legs, and doesn’t complain,” the witch was surprised and says:
- You can give some water, but first serve the service. Clean up the hut, spin the wool and cook dinner.
The girl is small in stature, but she is accustomed to work. Everything is in her hands. In an instant, she cleaned the house, set the dough, and while the dough was coming up, she strained the wool. The age-old woman looked at how deftly the guest managed the household, and decided to leave her at home. Meanwhile, the girl has finished her work and asks:
- Will you give me healing water now?

The witch would be glad to refuse, but she cannot: if a person has completed three tasks, his request must be fulfilled, otherwise the witchcraft will go away and the water will turn from magic to simple.
- So be it, take it, - replies the century. - Only, chur, an agreement. If you come to me another time for water, then, do not blame me, you will stay with me.
And she herself holds out a jug to the girl. It looks good, strong, but it has an inconspicuous crack in the bottom.
The girl was delighted, thanked the old woman, filled the jug and ran home. He runs as fast as he can and does not see that water is dripping from the jug drop by drop. She caught herself when the jug was half empty.

"It can be seen that she spilled it on the road," the girl was upset. Slowed down. Carefully carry the burden, and the water is decreasing. Until I got to the edge, where their hut stands, - and the bottom became visible. Only then did the girl notice that the jug was thin. The poor thing cried with burning tears, sank to the ground without strength and saw: where the last drop fell, grass grew with round, shiny, dark green leaves. I looked around, and this grass rose along the entire path.

"Maybe the power of living water passed to them?" - thought the girl. She tore off a piece of paper, put it on her wounded hand, and the pain went away.
The girl was delighted that she did not need to return to the witch. She began to give her father a decoction of medicinal leaves to drink. The forester got better. They still lived on. And since then, this herb has been treating coughs and healing wounds. It always grows along paths and paths. So her name is - plantain.

In my early childhood, I read Boris Zhitkov's story "On the Ice Floe" and remembered it for a long time. Few people pay attention to the author in childhood. I didn't know for a long time either.

Creativity B.S. Zhitkov

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov occupies a special place among children's writers. His stories are taken from real life. Therefore, they are read easily and remembered for a long time. The most popular among young (and adult) readers are: "Stories about animals", "What I saw" and "What happened"

From the series "Stories about animals" we have chosen short stories. They are perfect for preschoolers. Zhitkov's stories are interesting to listen to and easy to retell. Reading preschoolers and students primary school read it yourself.

Stories about Zhitkov's animals

Brave duck

Every morning, the hostess brought the ducklings a full plate of chopped eggs. She put the plate near the bush, and she left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After that, the ducklings did not approach the plate for a whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again. In the evening, the hostess cleaned the plate and said: "Our ducklings must be sick, they don't eat anything." She did not know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

Once, their neighbor, a little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

Well, the brave ones! - he said. - I alone will drive this dragonfly away. Here you will see tomorrow.

You boast, - said the ducklings, - tomorrow you will be the first to be scared and run.

The next morning the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

Well, look, - said the brave Alyosha, - now I will fight with your dragonfly.

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly suddenly buzzed. Right on top, she flew onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid. No sooner had the dragonfly landed on the plate than Alyosha grabbed it by the wing with his beak. She pulled away with force and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden, and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

Hunter and dogs

The hunter got up early in the morning, took a gun, cartridges, a bag, called his two dogs and went to shoot hares.

Was hard frost but there was no wind at all. The hunter was skiing and warmed up from walking. He was warm.

The dogs ran ahead and chased the hares at the hunter. The hunter deftly shot and filled five pieces. Then he noticed that he had gone too far.

"It's time to go home," the hunter thought. "There are traces of my skis, and before it gets dark, I'll follow the tracks home. I'll cross the ravine, and it's not far there."

He went downstairs and saw that the ravine was black with jackdaws. They sat right on the snow. The hunter realized that something was wrong.

And it is true: he had just left the ravine, when the wind blew, it began to snow, and a snowstorm began. There was nothing to be seen ahead, the tracks were covered with snow. The hunter whistled to the dogs.

"If the dogs don't lead me out onto the road," he thought, "I'm lost. Where to go, I don't know, I'll get lost, I'll be covered in snow, and I'll freeze."

He let the dogs go forward, and the dogs would run back five steps - and the hunter could not see where to go after them. Then he took off his belt, untied all the straps and ropes that were on it, tied the dogs by the collar and let them go forward. The dogs dragged him, and on skis, as if on a sleigh, he came to his village.

He gave each dog a whole hare, then took off his shoes and lay down on the stove. And he kept thinking:

"If it wasn't for the dogs, I'd be lost today."


In Siberia, in a dense forest, in the taiga, a Tungus hunter lived with his whole family in a leather tent. Once he went out of the house to break firewood, he sees: on the ground there are traces of an elk. The hunter was delighted, ran home, took his gun and knife and said to his wife:

Don't wait back soon - I'll go for the elk.

So he followed the footsteps, suddenly he sees more footprints - bearish ones. And where the elk footprints lead, the bear footprints lead there.

"Hey," the hunter thought, "I'm not following the elk alone, the elk bear is chasing me ahead of me. I can't catch up with them. The bear will catch the elk before me."

Still, the hunter followed in the footsteps. He walked for a long time, he already ate the entire supply, which he took with him from home, but everything goes on and on. The tracks began to rise uphill, but the forest does not thin out, it is still just as dense.

The hunter is hungry, exhausted, but he goes on and looks under his feet, so as not to lose traces. And along the way pines lie, piled up by a storm, stones overgrown with grass. The hunter is tired, stumbles, barely pulls his legs. And everything looks: where is the grass crushed, where is the earth crushed by a deer hoof?

“I have already climbed high,” the hunter thinks, “where is the end of this mountain.”

Suddenly he hears: someone champs. The hunter hid and crawled quietly. And I forgot that I was tired, where did my strength come from. The hunter crawled, crawled, and now he sees: very rarely there are trees, and here the end of the mountain - it converges at an angle - and on the right is a cliff, and on the left is a cliff. And in the very corner lies a huge bear, eating the elk, grumbling, chomping and not smelling the hunter.

"Aha," thought the hunter, "you drove the elk here, into the very corner, and then he got stuck. Stop!"

The hunter got up, knelt down and began to aim at the bear.

Then the bear saw him, got scared, wanted to run, ran to the edge, and there was a cliff. The bear roared. Then the hunter fired at him with a gun and killed him.

The hunter tore off the skin from the bear, and cut the meat and hung it on a tree so that the wolves would not get it. The hunter ate bear meat and hurry home.

I put down the tent and went with the whole family, where I left the bear meat.

Here, - the hunter said to his wife, - eat, and I will rest.

How an elephant saved its owner from a tiger

Hindus have tame elephants. One Hindu went with an elephant to the forest for firewood.

The forest was deaf and wild. The elephant paved the way for the owner and helped to fell the trees, and the owner loaded them onto the elephant.

Suddenly, the elephant stopped obeying the owner, began to look around, shake his ears, and then raised his trunk and roared.

The owner also looked around, but did not notice anything.

He became angry with the elephant and beat him on the ears with a branch.

And the elephant bent the trunk with a hook to lift the owner on his back. The owner thought: "I will sit on his neck - so it will be even more convenient for me to rule him."

He sat on the elephant and began to whip the elephant on the ears with a branch. And the elephant backed away, stomped and twirled his trunk. Then he froze and became worried.

The owner raised a branch to hit the elephant with all his might, but suddenly a huge tiger jumped out of the bushes. He wanted to attack the elephant from behind and jump on its back.

But he hit the firewood with his paws, the firewood fell down. The tiger wanted to jump another time, but the elephant had already turned around, grabbed the tiger across the stomach with its trunk, and squeezed it like a thick rope. The tiger opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue and shook its paws.

And the elephant already lifted him up, then slammed to the ground and began to stomp his feet.

And the elephant's legs are like pillars. And the elephant trampled the tiger into a cake. When the owner came to his senses from fear, he said:

What a fool I am for beating an elephant! And he saved my life.

The owner took out the bread that he had prepared for himself from the bag and gave it all to the elephant.


My brother and sister had a hand jackdaw. She ate from the hands, was given to stroke, flew away into the wild and flew back.

That time the sister began to wash. She took the ring off her hand, put it on the washbasin, and lathered her face with soap. And when she rinsed the soap, she looked: where is the ring? And there is no ring.

She called out to her brother:

Give me the ring, don't tease! Why did you take it?

I didn't take anything, - answered the brother.

His sister quarreled with him and wept.

Grandma heard.

What do you have here? - speaks. - Give me glasses, now I will find this ring.

Rushed to look for points - no points.

I just put them on the table, - the grandmother is crying. - Where do they go? How can I thread a needle now?

And screamed at the boy.

This is your business! Why are you teasing grandma?

The boy got offended and ran out of the house. He looks - and a jackdaw flies over the roof, and something glitters under her beak. I looked closer - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to look. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone could see, and began to push glasses on the roof with her beak into the crack.

Grandma came out onto the porch, says to the boy:

Tell me, where are my glasses?

On the roof! - said the boy.

Grandma was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out his grandmother's glasses from the crack. Then he pulled out the ring. And then he took out glasses, and then a lot of different money pieces.

The grandmother was delighted with the glasses, and the sister gave the ring and said to her brother:

Forgive me, I thought of you, and this is a jackdaw thief.

And reconciled with my brother.

Grandma said:

That's all they are, jackdaws and magpies. What glitters, everything is dragged.


One collective farmer woke up early in the morning, looked out the window at the yard, and there was a wolf in his yard. The wolf stood near the barn and scraped the door with his paw. And there were sheep in the barn.

The collective farmer grabbed a shovel - and into the yard. He wanted to hit the wolf on the head from behind. But the wolf instantly turned and caught the shovel by the handle with his teeth.

The collective farmer began to snatch the shovel from the wolf. It wasn't there! The wolf clung so tightly with his teeth that he couldn't tear it out.

The collective farmer began to call for help, but at home they sleep, they do not hear.

“Well,” the collective farmer thinks, “the wolf will not hold a shovel for a century; but when he releases it, I will break his head with a shovel.”

And the wolf began to sort out the handle with his teeth and closer and closer to the collective farmer ...

“Let the shovel go?” the collective farmer thinks. “The wolf will also throw a shovel at me. I won’t have time to run away.”

And the wolf is getting closer and closer. The collective farmer sees: things are bad - that way the wolf will soon grab the hand.

The collective farmer gathered with all his strength and how he would throw the wolf along with the shovel over the fence, but rather into the hut.

The wolf ran away. And the collective farmer at home woke everyone up.

After all, - he says, - a wolf nearly got stuck under your window. Eco sleep!

How, - asks the wife, - did you manage?

And I, - says the collective farmer, - threw him over the fence.

The wife looked, and behind the fence there was a shovel; all gnawed by wolf teeth


The cow Masha goes to look for her son, the calf Alyoshka. Don't see him anywhere. Where did he disappear to? It's time to go home.

And the calf Alyoshka ran, got tired, lay down in the grass. The grass is tall - you can't see Alyoshka.

The cow Masha was frightened that her son Alyoshka was gone, and how she hums with all her strength:

Masha was milked at home, a whole bucket of fresh milk was milked. They poured Alyoshka into a bowl:

Here, drink, Alyoshka.

Alyoshka was delighted - he had wanted milk for a long time - he drank everything to the bottom and licked the bowl with his tongue.

Alyoshka got drunk, he wanted to run around the yard. As soon as he ran, suddenly a puppy jumped out of the booth - and bark at Alyoshka. Alyoshka got scared: it's true, scary beast when it barks so loudly. And he started to run.

Alyoshka ran away, and the puppy did not bark anymore. Quiet became a circle. Alyoshka looked - there was no one, everyone went to sleep. And I wanted to sleep. I lay down and fell asleep in the yard.

The cow Masha also fell asleep on the soft grass.

The puppy also fell asleep at his booth - he was tired, he barked all day.

The boy Petya also fell asleep in his bed - he was tired, he ran all day.

The bird has long since fallen asleep.

She fell asleep on a branch and hid her head under the wing so that it would be warmer to sleep. Also tired. She flew all day, catching midges.

Everyone is asleep, everyone is sleeping.

Only the night wind does not sleep.

It rustles in the grass and rustles in the bushes.

stray cat

I lived by the sea and fished. I had a boat, nets and different rods. There was a booth in front of the house, and a huge dog on a chain. Shaggy, all in black spots - Ryabka. He guarded the house. I fed him fish. I worked with the boy, and there was no one around for three miles. Ryabka was so used to it that we talked to him, and he understood very simple things. You ask him: “Ryabka, where is Volodya?” Ryabka wags her tail and turns her muzzle where Volodya has gone. The air is pulled by the nose, and always true. It used to happen that you would come from the sea with nothing, and Ryabka was waiting for the fish. Stretches out on a chain, squeals.

Turn to him and say angrily:

Our deeds are bad, Ryabka! Here's how...

He sighs, lies down and puts his head on his paws. He doesn't even ask, he understands.

When I went to sea for a long time, I always patted Ryabka on the back and persuaded her to take good care of her. And now I want to move away from him, and he will stand on his hind legs, pull the chain and wrap his paws around me. Yes, so hard - does not let. He does not want to stay alone for a long time: he is both bored and hungry.

It was a good dog!

But I didn’t have a cat, and the mice overcame. You hang the nets, so they climb into the nets, get tangled and gnaw through the threads, screw up. I found them in nets - another gets confused and gets caught. And at home they steal everything, whatever you put it.

So I went to the city. I’ll get myself, I think, a cheerful kitty, she will catch all the mice for me, and in the evening she will sit on her knees and purr. Came to the city. I walked around all the yards - not a single cat. Well, nowhere!

I started asking people:

Does anyone have a cat? I'll even pay money, just give me.

And they began to get angry with me:

Is it up to cats now? There is hunger everywhere, there is nothing to eat, but here you feed the cats.

And one said:

I would have eaten the cat myself, and not what to feed him, the parasite!

Here are those on! Where have all the cats gone? The cat is accustomed to living on a prepared meal: he got drunk, stole, and in the evening stretched out on a warm stove. And suddenly such trouble! The stoves are not heated, the owners themselves suck the stale crust. And there is nothing to steal. And you won't find mice in a hungry house either.

Cats have disappeared in the city ... And what, maybe, hungry people have arrived. So I didn't get a single cat.

Winter has come and the sea is frozen. It became impossible to fish. And I had a gun. So I loaded my gun and went along the shore. I'll shoot someone: wild rabbits lived in holes on the shore.

Suddenly, I look, in the place of the rabbit hole, a large hole has been dug out, as if a passage for a large beast. I'm more likely to go there.

I sat down and looked into the hole. Dark. And when I looked closely, I see: there are two eyes shining in the depths.

What, I think, for such a beast wound up?

I plucked a twig - and into the hole. And how it will hiss from there!

I stepped back. Fu you! Yes, it's a cat!

So that's where the cats from the city moved!

I began to call:

Kitty Kitty! Kitty! - and stuck his hand into the hole.

And the kitty purred like such a beast that I jerked my hand away.

I began to think about how to lure the cat into my house.

That's when I met a cat on the shore. Big, grey, muzzled. When she saw me, she jumped aside and sat down. He looks at me with evil eyes. Everything tensed up, froze, only the tail shuddered. Looking forward to what I will do.

And I took a crust of bread out of my pocket and threw it to her. The cat looked where the crust had fallen, but she didn't move. Stared at me again. I walked around and looked around: the cat jumped, grabbed the crust and ran to her home, into the hole.

So we often met with her, but the cat never let me near her. Once at dusk I mistook her for a rabbit and wanted to shoot.

In the spring I started fishing, and there was a smell of fish near my house. Suddenly I hear - my hazel grouse barks. And somehow it barks funny: stupidly, in different voices, and squeals. I went out and saw: a large gray cat was slowly walking along the spring grass towards my house. I recognized her immediately. She was not in the least afraid of Ryabchik, she did not even look at him, but only chose where she would step on dry land. The cat saw me, sat down and began to look and lick. I rather ran into the house, got the fish and threw it away.

She grabbed the fish and jumped into the grass. From the porch I could see how she began to eat greedily. Yeah, I think I haven't eaten fish in a long time.

And since then the cat has been visiting me.

I coaxed her and persuaded her to come live with me. And the cat kept getting shy and wouldn't let me get close to her. Eat the fish and run away. Like a beast.

Finally, I managed to stroke her, and the beast purred. Hazel grouse did not bark at her, but only stretched on the chains, whining: he really wanted to get to know the cat.

Now the cat hovered around the house all day long, but did not want to go into the house to live.

Once she did not go to spend the night in her hole, but stayed overnight at Ryabchik's booth. The hazel grouse completely shrunk into a ball to make room.

The hazel grouse was so bored that he was glad to have a cat.

Once it was raining. I look out the window - Ryabka is lying in a puddle near the booth, all wet, but he won’t climb into the booth.

I went out and shouted:

Ryabka! To the booth!

He stood up, wagging his tail in embarrassment. He twists his muzzle, tramples, but does not climb into the booth.

I walked over and looked into the booth. A cat sprawled importantly across the floor. Hazel grouse did not want to climb, so as not to wake the cat, and got wet in the rain.

He loved it so much when a cat came to visit him that he tried to lick her like a puppy. The cat was bristling and shaking.

I saw how Hazel paws held the cat when she, having slept, went about her business.

And this is what she had to do.

I hear it like a baby is crying. I jumped out, I look: Murka is rolling off a cliff. There is something in her teeth. I ran up, I look - in the teeth of Murka is a rabbit. The rabbit jerked its paws and screamed, just like Small child. I took it from the cat. I traded it for fish. The rabbit came out and then lived in my house. Another time I caught Murka when she was already finishing her big rabbit. Ryabka on a chain licked his lips from a distance.

Opposite the house was a hole half an arshin deep. I see from the window: Murka is sitting in a hole, all shrunk into a ball, his eyes are wild, but there is no one around. I began to follow.

Suddenly Murka jumped up - I did not have time to blink, and she was already tearing up a swallow. It was about to rain, and the swallows soared close to the ground. And in the pit, a cat was waiting in ambush. For hours she sat all cocked, like a cock: she waited for the swallow to strike over the very pit. Hap! - and bites with his paw on the fly.

Another time I caught her at sea. The storm threw shells ashore. Murka carefully walked over the wet stones and raked the shells with her paw into a dry place. She gnawed them like nuts, grimaced and ate the slug.

But here comes the trouble. Stray dogs appeared on the shore. They ran along the shore in a flock, hungry, brutalized. With a bark, with a screech, they rushed past our house. The hazel grouse bristled all over, tensed up. He muttered muffledly and glared evilly. Volodya grabbed a stick, and I rushed into the house for a gun. But the dogs rushed past, and soon they were no longer heard.

Hazel grouse could not calm down for a long time: he kept grumbling and looking where the dogs had run off. And Murka, at least that: she sat in the sun and importantly washed her muzzle.

I told Volodya:

Look, Murka is not afraid of anything. Dogs will come running - she jumped onto the pole and along the pole to the roof.

Volodya says:

And Ryabchik will climb into the booth and bite off every dog ​​through the hole. And I'm going to the house.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

I left for the city.

And when he returned, Volodka told me:

As you left, an hour had not passed, wild dogs returned. Pieces eight. Rushed to Murka. But Murka did not run away. She has a pantry under the wall, in the corner, you know. She buries food in there. She's got a lot in there. Murka rushed into a corner, hissed, got up on her hind legs and prepared her claws. The dogs poked their heads in, three at once. Murka worked so hard with her paws - the hair only flew from the dogs. And they squeal, howl, and climb one over the other, they all climb from above to Murka, to Murka!

What were you watching?

Yes, I didn't look. I quickly went to the house, grabbed a gun and began to thrash with all my might at the dogs with the butt, butt. Everything got mixed up. I thought only shreds would remain from Murka. I already hit on anything here. Here, look, the whole butt was beaten. You won't scold?

Well, what about Murka, Murka?

And now she is with Ryabka. Ryabka licks her. They are in the booth.

And so it turned out. Ryabka curled up in a ring, and Murka lay in the middle. Ryabka licked it and looked angrily at me. Apparently, he was afraid that I would interfere - I would take Murka away.

A week later, Murka completely recovered and began to hunt.

Suddenly at night we woke up from a terrible barking and screeching.

Volodya jumped out, shouting:

Dogs, dogs!

I grabbed the gun and, as I was, jumped out onto the porch.

A whole bunch of dogs were busy in the corner. They roared so much that they didn't hear me come out.

I fired into the air. The whole flock rushed and rushed away without memory. I fired back again. Ryabka was torn on the chains, twitched with a running start, was furious, but could not break the chains: he wanted to rush after the dogs.

I began to call Murka. She rumbled and put the pantry in order: she dug in a dug hole with her paw.

In the room, by the light, I examined the cat. She was badly bitten by dogs, but the wounds were harmless.

I noticed that Murka had grown fat - she was soon to have kittens.

I tried to leave her overnight in the hut, but she meowed and scratched, so I had to let her out.

The stray cat was used to living in the wild and did not want to go into the house for anything.

It was impossible to leave the cat like that. Apparently, wild dogs got into the habit of running towards us. They will come running when Volodya and I are at sea, and they will completely kill Murka. And so we decided to take Murka away and leave to live with familiar fishermen. We put a cat in the boat with us and went by sea.

Far away, fifty versts from us, we took Murka away. The dogs won't run there. Many fishermen lived there. They had a net. Every morning and every evening they brought a seine into the sea and pulled it ashore. They always had a lot of fish. They were very happy when we brought them Murka. Now they fed her fish to satiety. I said that the cat would not go to live in the house and that it was necessary to make a hole for her - this is not an ordinary cat, she is one of the homeless and loves freedom. They made a house out of reeds for her, and Murka remained to guard the seine from mice.

And we returned home. Ryabka howled for a long time and barked whiningly; barked at us: where did we put the cat?

We were not on the seine for a long time and only in the autumn we gathered to Murka.

We arrived in the morning when the seine was being drawn. The sea was very calm, like water in a saucer. The seine was already coming to an end, and a whole gang of sea crayfish - crabs was dragged ashore along with the fish. They are like large spiders, dexterous, run fast and angry. They rear up and click their claws above their heads: they scare. And if they grab your finger, so hold on: until the blood. Suddenly I look: in the midst of all this mess, our Murka is calmly walking. She deftly threw the crabs out of the way. Pick it up with its paw from behind, where it can't reach it, and throw it away. The crab rears up, puffs up, clanks its claws like a dog's teeth, but Murka doesn't even pay attention, it will throw it away like a pebble.

Four adult kittens followed her from a distance, but they themselves were afraid to come close to the net. And Murka climbed into the water, entered up to the neck, only one head sticks out of the water. It goes along the bottom, and the water parted from the head.

The cat with its paws groped at the bottom for a small fish that was leaving the seine. These fish hide at the bottom, burrow into the sand - that's where Murka caught them. He gropes with his paw, picks it up with his claws and throws it ashore to his children. And they were really big cats, but they were afraid to step on the wet. Murka brought live fish to them on dry sand, and then they ate and rumbled angrily. Think what hunters!

The fishermen could not praise Murka:

Hey cat! Fighting cat! Well, the children did not go to their mother. Goonies and loafers. They will sit down like gentlemen, and put everything in their mouths. Look, sit down! Pure pigs. Look, they fell apart. Get out, you bastards!

The fisherman swung, but the cats did not move.

That's just because of the mother and endure. They should be kicked out.

The cats were so lazy that they were too lazy to play with the mouse.

I once saw how Murka dragged a mouse in their teeth. She wanted to teach them how to catch mice. But the cats lazily moved their paws and missed the mouse. Murka rushed after them and brought them again. But they didn’t even want to look: they lay in the sun on the soft sand and waited for dinner, so that they could eat fish heads without any hassle.

Look, mother's sons! - said Volodya and threw sand at them. - Look disgusting. There you are!

The cats shook their ears and rolled over to the other side.

An old man lived with an old woman, and they only had an estate that was one boar. The hog went into the forest to eat acorns, and a wolf comes towards him.

- In the forest, there are acorns.
- Take me with you.
- I would take, - he says, - you with me, but there is a hole deep, wide, you will not jump over.
- Nothing, - he says, - I'll jump over.
Here we go; walked, walked through the forest and came to this pit.
- Well, - says the wolf, - jump.
Borov jumped - jumped. The wolf jumped and straight into the pit. Well, then the boar ate acorns and went home.
The next day the boar goes into the forest again. A bear is facing him.
- Borov, boar, where are you going?
- In the forest, there are acorns.
- Take, - says the bear, - me with you.
- I would take it, but there the pit is deep, wide, you can't jump over it.
I suppose, - he says, I will jump over
Come to this hole. Borov jumped - jumped over; the bear jumped and landed right in the hole. Borov ate acorns and went home.
On the third day, the boar again went into the forest to eat acorns and towards him a slanting hare.
- Hello hog!
- Hello oblique hare!
- Where are you going?
- There are acorns in the forest.
- Take me with you.
No, oblique, there is a hole wide, deep, you will not jump over.
- I won’t jump over, how not to jump over!
Went and came to the pit. Borov jumped jumped over. The hare jumped into the pit Well, the boar ate acorns and went home.
On the fourth day the hog goes to the forest to eat acorns. A fox met him: he also asks to take her hog with him.
No, - says the boar, - there is a deep pit, wide, you can't jump over it!
And-and, says the fox, - I'll jump over!
Well, and she fell into a hole
So there were four of them in the pit, and they began to grieve how they could get food.
Fox and says:
- Let's pull the voice; whoever does not pull him in, we will eat.
So they began to draw a voice, but one hare lagged behind and the fox pulled everyone over. They took a hare, tore it apart and ate it. They got hungry and again began to persuade the voice to pull, who would fall behind to eat.
If, - says the fox, - I lag behind, then there is me, anyway!
Started pulling; only the wolf lagged behind, could not raise his voice. The fox and the bear took it, tore it up and ate it.
Only the fox fooled the bear: she gave him some meat, I hid the rest from him and eats it slowly. Here the bear begins to starve again and says;
- Kuma, kuma, where do you get your food?
- What are you, godfather! You just put your paw in your ribs, hook on the rib - and you will know how it is.
The bear did just that, caught his paw on the rib, and died. The fox was left alone and after that the fox began to starve.
Above this pit stood a tree, on this tree a thrush forked a nest. The fox sat in the pit and kept looking at the thrush and said to him:
- Drozd what are you doing?
- Nest view
- What are you doing for?
- I'll take the kids out
- Drozd, feed me, if you don't feed me, I'll eat your children.
Thrush grieve, thrush yearn for how to feed the fox. He flew to the village and brought her a chicken. The fox removed the chicken and says again:
- Drozd, did you feed me?
- fed
- Well, get me drunk.
Thrush grieve, thrush yearn, how to drink a fox. He flew to the village and brought her water. The fox got drunk and said:
- Drozd, did you feed me?
- fed
- Did you get me drunk?
- got drunk
- Pull me out of the hole
A thrush to grieve, a thrush to yearn, like taking out a fox. So he began to throw sticks into the pit and swept them so that the fox climbed free along these sticks and lay down near the very tree and stretched out.
“Well,” he says, “did you feed me a thrush?”
- fed
- Did you get me drunk?
- got drunk
Did you pull me out of the hole?
- pulled out
- Well, make me laugh now
Thrush grieve, thrush yearn, how to make a fox laugh.
“I,” he says, “I will fly, and you, fox, follow me.”
That's good - the blackbird flew into the village and sat on the gate to a rich peasant, and the fox lay down under the gate. The thrush started screaming.
- Grandma bring me a piece of fat! Grandma bring me a piece of lard!
Dogs jumped out and tore the fox apart ...