Jeremy Renner: It's great to be a shooter and have a huge selection. Scarlett Johansson Receives a Star on the Walk of Fame Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson Dating

0 May 3, 2012, 09:27

She got her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Relatives volunteered to support the actress on such an exciting day for her - grandmother, mother and sister, as well as a colleague in the film "The Avengers" Jeremy Renner.

The blond beauty appeared before the fans in the image of a diva that suits her so much - the girl chose a top, a knee-length printed Preen skirt, scarlet Christian Louboutin sandals, retro styling and makeup with the obligatory red lipstick.

Rising to the impromptu stage, Scarlett remarked:

When I found out about the name star, then, of course, I was terribly excited! This is a wonderful tradition, and the first thing I exclaimed was: "I did it!". And I also thought: “I have been acting in films for 20 years, and I started working as a very young child; it seems to have come a long way. I feel like the happiest woman in the world, because I am doing what I love most in Johannson's partner in the latest film project, whom the actress called "a knight in shining armor", joked that working with her was "terrible":

Filming with her for six months ... Yes, it was a nightmare! She constantly humiliated me, beat me, threw me on the floor and wiped it with my self-respect and self-esteem - and all this with a smile on her face!

Then the actor, of course, laughed and gave his girlfriend hugs, kisses and warm words of congratulations, to which we join!

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson with her grandmother, mother and sister

Scarlett Johansson with colleague and friend Jeremy Renner

Together with Robert Downey Jr., the Hollywood film star flew to Moscow

Together with Robert Downey Jr., the Hollywood film star flew to Moscow

A whole landing force of selected "Avengers" landed in Moscow: the team of one of the most anticipated blockbusters of the year came to Russia to present New film about superheroes almost in its entirety.

In the new film, the heroes of Marvel comics - Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye have teamed up to tear the villain Loki to shreds and once again save the planet from imminent death. The leading actors came to the capital to present the blockbuster Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner And Tom Hiddleston, as well as the producers of the picture Kevin Feige And Jeremy Latcham. Before the premiere, the actors talked to reporters.

Handsome Robert Downey Jr., flashing a charming smile, demonstrated to the press his knowledge of the most common stereotypes about our country.

“I came here hoping to get political asylum from my capitalist oppressors,” the actor immediately blurted out, and later added. - We grew up with different ideas about Russia, but when we were asked which of the film markets is the most important for us, we answered that it was Russian. Russia is changing, and this is very good.

Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hamsworth play mythical characters in the film, so they approached the roles with all responsibility.

We were cast for the role 6-7 months before the start of filming, and we had a lot of time to thoroughly prepare, - says Hiddleston. - We studied legends, collected the most Interesting Facts from comics and myths. All the characters in the Marvel universe are voluminous, with a rich history.

Scarlett Johansson boasted that she performed most of the stunts in the film herself. In the film, the beauty played the Russian super agent Natasha Romanoff, nicknamed the Black Widow, and according to the plot, the actress had to speak Russian. Scarlett admitted that she honestly learned the necessary phrases, but now she does not remember a word of this.

You will be very disappointed by my Russian, - says the actress. - In the film, I speak Russian, but now I can’t remember anything. We had a wonderful teacher, and phonetically I learned the language in just a couple of days. It was important for me that the character speaks Russian, but that it does not look like memorized phrases.

The only actor who was in the Russian capital not for the first time was Tom Hiddleston. The actor came to Moscow five years ago with a play.

We played Shakespeare, I think it was in the theater. Pushkin, - says the actor. - I usually eat a banana before going on stage, I remember back then I couldn't find bananas anywhere. Russia has the most diverse culture in the world. I was struck by the huge number of theaters in Moscow, they are literally at every step. You have more theaters than cinemas in London.

In the evening, Hollywood stars will present the film at a closed premiere at the Oktyabr cinema.


Before The Hurt Locker, for which Katherine Bigelow received an Oscar, few people remembered Jeremy Renner and few could recognize it right away. Now Jeremy Renner is everywhere - becoming right hand Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible, and hitting anything that moves with a bow in The Avengers. Arriving at the Moscow premiere of The Avengers, Renner admitted that in two films he didn’t really understand his character, but he was ready to play him further. Olga Grinkrug was interested in the plans of the actor for the future.

At a key moment in the movie, your character, Hawkeye, remarks to the Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson's character, that the scene is reminiscent of Budapest. What happened between them in Budapest? Will this scene be in the promised 170 minute director's cut on DVD?

Can not say. Hawkeye is a mysterious character, neither Thor nor The Avengers had much time to go into his past. I would love to understand him better if fans of Marvel comics decide that they like Hawkeye and he will appear in another movie. And in the mysterious relationship that connects him with the spy Black Widow, not everything is clear either. In general, the most important thing for me is that it is interesting with the character, that he leaves room for research. In this sense, the Marvel universe gives a great chance: the heroes appear little by little, in episodes, as was the case with the same Black Widow in the second Iron Man, and then they appear in all their glory.

Hawkeye is the only member of the Avengers team who did not get any supernatural powers, or even a spectacular costume.

That's good. It was very comfortable for me to play in normal clothes. And my weapon was excellent: a bow - much cooler than, for example, a hammer, like Thor's. But I really asked the scriptwriters and the director for quite a long time why Hawkeye got into the team, why he is so wonderful. And then Kevin Feige, who runs the Marvel world, explained that my hero's arrows are not easy. Some have tranquilizer tips to bring the Hulk to life, some with explosives, some with suction cups to fly over chasms. It's great to be a shooter and have such a huge selection.

- Did you have to train a lot for this?

I was lucky: The Avengers was the third action film in a row, it all started with Mission: Impossible, and then I smoothly moved on to The Bourne Evolution. It wasn't easy, it's true, but how do you get paid to look like a tough, broad-shouldered guy?

– What did you have in “Bourne”?

It was the best entertainment in my life. It took serious preparation, not only physical, but also mental. This is a huge responsibility: the franchise has a huge following, and I myself have always been one of them. Matt Damon is an amazing actor, I would love to work with him in this franchise or anywhere else, whatever it is. But in "The Bourne Evolution" this time all the actors are new - me, Rachel Weisz, Ed Norton. We all tried to breathe into the franchise new life, rotate it in a slightly new direction, insert several new elements into the puzzle. It's very interesting what happens with Tony Gilroy, our director.

- Will you still be filming? The news is very vague.

We talked about it with Ridley Scott. Nothing's been decided for sure, but he's an amazing director and I'm willing to do whatever he asks.

For less than a day, a detachment flew into Moscow "Avengers"- a pantheon of famous comic book characters from Marvel. The program was obligatory for all foreign stars: communication with the press, a quick walk through the Kremlin, the red carpet and the presentation of the film to the first Russian audience.

Adventure thriller "The Avengers" was the continuation of several films at once: "Iron Man", "The Incredible Hulk", "Thor" and "The First Avenger". Therefore, it is not surprising that, in order to fight the world's evil, Iron Man, aka Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) ), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow Natalie Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson).

It must be admitted that not everyone made it to Moscow, but the list of superhero guests was still impressive. As a result, the actors dared to communicate with Russian journalists and the public Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston And Scarlett Johansson. As well as the producers of the project Kevin Feige And Jeremy Latcham.

“Dare” in this case is an appropriate verb, because according to Robert Downey Jr., who honestly admitted for all superheroes, “we grew up and were brought up with a completely different feeling from Russia, from the USSR. And it is very important that we came here today .This is a symbol of the fact that the world is changing, that Russia is changing."

Despite being brought up with prejudice, a very friendly atmosphere immediately arose at the press conference. And during the conversation, two duets were formed: the brothers from the Scandinavian epic Thor-Locky (Chris Hamsworth and Tom Hiddleston) and the Black Widow-Hawkeye (Scarlett Johansson and Jeremmy Renner). They harmoniously exchanged jokes and easily parried friendly jokes. Otherwise, the guests calmly, in detail and frankly answered all questions, including the crown number from those who have nothing to ask: "How did you like Moscow?". And this despite the fact that Mark Ruffalo literally 5 minutes before this significant question said that "I only saw my number, because I arrived at 5 in the morning." And he noted that at this time of day "there are no traffic jams in Moscow - it's nice."

All the guests took turns answering the question about what kind of superpower they dream of owning in everyday life. So, Mark Ruffalo admitted that "I would love to know the thoughts of my wife." This idea was enthusiastically supported by Chris Hemsworth. And this would be an excellent way out of the current situation for him, since his wife should give birth any hour. And Scarlett Johansson admitted that she has a terrible superpower - she knows how to "bake muffins." The lucky owner of the supernatural turned out to be Junior, who confidently stated that his strength was that "I can convince everyone to play on the court." And only Jeremy Renner bashfully lowered his eyes: "I have no abilities."

The only superhero girl Scarlett Johansson got both compliments from journalists and the lion's share of questions. Firstly, everyone was interested in what it was like for her to be "in the shoes" of a Russian girl and whether the actress had learned to speak Russian. "As for the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, my mother is from Minsk, and she has been persuading me for a long time to go there. But so far it has not worked out. Maybe one day it will happen." And I’m unlikely to be able to say something, I purely technically learned a few phrases assigned to me by the role. "The loud "Thank you" from Chris Hemsworth sounded so unexpected that it caused laughter both in the audience and among the actors.

In addition, Scarlett was asked if she performed the stunts herself, or if the actress was replaced by an understudy. "I had a wonderful understudy coach. We rehearsed with her for six months to act in harmony, so that it would not be noticeable when she replaces me. But in general there are not many such scenes - it was interesting for me to work on my own." And, of course, there was a question about how she would react to a stand-alone film adaptation of the Black Widow comic: "I would love to play in a film based on this comic. I think that I would be able to go much deeper into this story."

Kevin Feige was asked about new characters, and the producer was adamant: "For the next 10,000 years, we won't be introducing new characters. We want to develop this story."

And, of course, everyone wanted to know how much Robert Downey Jr. feels like his character: "I'm a lot like Tony, and it's great to be in a film that reflects me." But when asked which of the last characters is closer to him, Tony Stark or Sherlock Holmes, the younger laughed it off, saying that he would "leave both of them - suddenly they will be invited to a third franchise in which they will come in handy."

Another question was asked to the entire Avengers team: what personal soundtrack did each of them choose for their character. Hiddleston chose Metallogy, Renner - Muse and Radiohead, Chris Hemsworth - Pink Floyd, and Mark Ruffalo - Clash.

Slight confusion was caused by the question of which of the "Avengers" is the coolest? Tom Hiddleston couldn't decide what to say. "Your brother!" - prompted Chris Hemsworth, but Tom did not agree with the decision of the "relative". "Brother? But we have a difficult relationship with him. What to do - they are all amazing." "Just say Hawkeye," Scarlett can't stand the doubt. "Probably so. He seems to be the only one who can beat me."

And on the last question, the superheroes confused everyone, including themselves, enthusiastically discussing who else they would like to play. Downey started first, deciding he wanted to play Thor with a hammer. Hemsworth supported the joke - he would like to try on the image of the Black Widow, and Scarlett, it turned out, dreams of the role of Ninja Assassin. Here Downey perked up and plunged Renner into embarrassment, inviting him to play the head of Disney Corporation. And only Mark Ruffalo calmly said that he "wants to be an actor with superpowers, and then I could play all the superheroes. But I would still remain an actor to play with everyone else."

The next meeting with journalists (she is also with the audience) took place already during the premiere at the Oktyabr cinema, for which the artists were more than an hour late. Evil tongues said that the superheroes were stuck in the elevator, but no one could say for sure. The stars walked along the red carpet, around which stood, hung, jumped about a couple of thousand fans - even the girls' favorite Daniel Radcliffe could not boast of such a hype. When the pavement in front of the cinema was jam-packed, especially smart fans decided to watch the event from the other side of Novy Arbat. Alas, The Avengers did not cross the road, but proceeded straight to the hall, where the audience was in for a wonderful surprise: it turned out that Robert Downey Jr., whose father has Russian-Jewish roots, took an accelerated course in the Russian language. Moreover, he managed not only to read his welcome speech in Russian, but also to translate it into English for other superheroes.

After that, the lights went out in the hall, and the movie "The Avengers" began. And the team of superheroes went on, towards new adventures.

The continuation of the picture was again shot by Joss Whedon, and from the actors we will see Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Cobie Smulders and others.

Scarlett Johansson is the Black Widow, also known as the Russian spy Natasha Romanova. Despite the fact that she is not endowed with any superhuman abilities, she, nevertheless, comes into the fight against world evil and protects her home planet from divine invasion.

Mark Ruffalo as Hulk, the green monster in the Avengers. The Hulk is represented as a huge green humanoid creature, into which a modest scientist, Robert Bruce Banner, turns into a fit of anger.

Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo

You both belong to the elite of Hollywood, so you can choose what you want to play. What prompted you to choose the Marvel Universe?

Scarlett Johansson: - Why did we choose the Marvel Universe? Because Mark Ruffalo said yes..

Mark Ruffalo: - You said it before me!

Avengers 2: Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo. Interview before the premiere. Black Widow and Hulk could adopt a baby...

Scarlett Johansson: - I was originally for it!

Mark Ruffalo: - I heard that you agreed, and also agreed ..

Scarlett Johansson: I was totally in love with Iron Man, and I really like these comics in general. I really wanted to work on some big project, and do it right. And I have such an opportunity. And I was very lucky that I was given one of the main roles. This is really a big deal! Because many fans like my character.

Scarlett, from the point of view of an actress, what is the difference between Lucy, which you played in the film of the same name, and Natasha Romanoff - not in biographies, of course, but in psychology?

These are two completely different characters. One is completely closed in on herself, and the second is a heroine who has lost all humanity, in complete discord with herself .. But what is interesting in the image of the Black Widow is that she looks so cold, detached from the world around her, but in fact she is quite concentrated on herself. Of all the Avengers, she knows herself better than anyone, I think.

- Mark, Edward Norton and Eric Banna played the role of the Hulk before you. How is your Hulk different from the previous ones?

Mark Ruffalo: - My character was created using a different technology, I think the actors are strongly involved in this process ... Initially, the viewer feels a certain integrity of the images of Banner and the Hulk, and you can portray some feature of each of them, they interact with each other, and at the same time they are one character. And I also think Joss Whedon did the right thing when he added a little bit of humor to Bruce Banner's character. We see the image of a guy who has to be there, who feels a sense of fear and excitement at the same time when he turns into the Hulk.. There's a lot going on..

Scarlett Johansson: - And you have better pants!

Mark Ruffalo: -Yes, pants are much better! They are tight..

- What do you think, will Natasha and the Hulk be able to form a family in the foreseeable future?

family? I don't think it's possible.. But we could adopt a child.

Cobie Smulders will play agent Maria Hill, acting. the head of the global anti-terrorist organization S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as boss Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson.

Jeremy Renner will play the superhero known as Hawkeye. His weapons are special high-tech bows and rapid-fire crossbows and arrows with various properties. It is known that the actor for the role even had to undergo training and consult with Olympic Champions in archery.

Jeremy Renner and Cobie Smulders

Jeremy, your hero Hawkeye looks like the most human of the Avengers. What is behind this humanity?

There is one word.. But I can't name it because it would be a spoiler. But it's a beautiful thing.

Avengers 2: Jeremy Renner and Cobie Smulders. Interview before the premiere. The actors told how in the new "Avengers" Tony Stark armed "Hawkeye"

- You have a new weapon in this film, invented for you by Tony Stark. Could you tell more about it?

Yes, he does appear to have a lot different types arrows.. You probably already saw in the trailer... A special device with which you can use many arrows at once. In general, a lot of cool things, I like it.

- The creator of the Marvel universe Stan Lee himself became a mythological figure. Did he help you in the work on the images?

Cobie Smulders: - I had the feeling that I knew him. But I didn't actually discuss his ideas and workflow with him... He's a nice person..

Jeremy Renner: - He was on the set, we saw each other a couple of times, but we had very little time ..

What was it like working with director Joss Whedon? How much did he help you both and in what way?

Cobie Smulders: I always admire how much he knows about this universe. It helps a lot when you get lost in it and you need to know some detail, he always helps. He is an excellent guide to the Marvel universe. Explains everything clearly.

Jeremy Renner: I'm connected to him long term relationship.. In this movie, I think I gave it my all. Did a lot. When he watched me play, he smiled and asked: How are you? I said: Good. And he's like, Okay, go ahead. So everything was simple. He knew what I wanted to do, and I knew what he wanted from me.