How to spell growth growth rule. The rule for writing the roots rast rasch grew. Municipal educational institution

    Actually, according to the rule in this root with alternating unstressed vowels A it is written before -st- and -sh-: plant, grow, grow, grow. Exceptions: Rostock, Rostov, Rostislav.

    Letter O it is written, if not -st- and -sh-: grew, overgrown, overgrown. Exception: industry.

    Spelling of vowels A and O in roots RAST - RASH and ROS.

    The letter A must be written before the consonants ST and Щ, and before the consonant C we write the letter O.

    For example,

    grown - grown - grown - grown, grown - we grow, etc. (we write the letter A, because before U),

    plant, raised, grown, germinated, age, age, grow up, etc. (we write the letter A, because before ST),

    grew, outgrown, overgrown, undergrowth, undergrowth, etc. (we write the letter O, because before C).

    There are also exception words, the spelling of vowels in which you just need to remember, since they do not obey the rule above (see the picture below):

    Optional: plant, age

    sprouted, grown


    There are a lot of words with alternating vowels for the rule rast - ros - rasch in Russian. Words are known

    plant and age, but sprout.

    The rule is simple, with careful reading and doing a few exercises, it will not be difficult to determine which vowel to write.

    Examples of words with the root RAST:

    We grow, grow, grow, plant, age, grow, growing, grow, increase, vegetation, age.

    Examples of words with the root ROS:

    Thickets, grew, grew, grown, grew together, undergrowth, overgrown, grown.

    Examples of words with the root RASH:

    Splicing, grow, grow, grow, grow, grown.

    In order not to get confused about which vowel to write in the root, remember the rule:

    Vowel A - we write before ST, SH

    Vowel O - we write in other cases

    There are exception words that you need to remember: usurer, branch, sprout, Rostov, Rostislav.

    Root -growth- in such words: plant, age, growth, grow, grow, growing, wild, grow, growing, age, vegetation, grow ..

    Root - grew - in such words: thickets, grown, shoots, undergrowth, grew, grew up, grew up, overgrown ...

    Root - rasch - in such words: build-up, germinate, splice, grow, grow, nurtured ...

    Root -growth-

    Grows, -grows, -grows, -grows-silt, you-grows-silt - all words come from the word plant.

    Root - grew -

    Ros-current, growing-l, you-grew-, -grew-trader, -Ros-tov, -grew-a, s-grew.

    Root - rasch -

    to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow, to grow - all words come from the word grow.

    The roots -rast- and -groves- refer to the rule of alternating vowels from -a-a to -o- and vice versa. The rule says: the letter -o- is written at the root of the word before all consonants, except for -st- and -sh-shch. Before -st-, -sh- the letter -a- is written. From this rule, two similar roots come, bearing the same meaning -ras-, -growth-, -groves-. Example: grow up, grew up.

    Grow: grown, plant, age, grow, growing

    Ros: tall, sprout, teenager, grew up, thickets, overgrown

    Rasch: I will grow, grow, grow, grow, grow

    Here are just some examples of words with these roots. Other words can be found on the Internet

    It is not always possible to check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word. This cannot be done in the case of vowel alternation o//a, as, for example, at the root of rast- / rasch- / ros-.

    Examples of words with a root rast- / rasch-:

    plant, grow, grows, growing, will grow, plant growing, lush vegetation, vegetable oil, grow, grown beard, grow, properly grown, germinate in time, germinate, sprouted grain, grow up, grow up, rising generation, grow up, grown up, grow, build up , growing, grow, grow, incremental, grow together, grow to the shelf, grow, grown.

    Examples of words with the root ros-:

    algae, algae, coppice, coppice, grew, grew, grew, grew, sprouted, grew, grew together, grew to the roof, grew quickly.

    Let's remember the spelling exception words: sprout, branch, Rostov, Rostislav, usurer and derivative words - branch, sprout, sprout, sprout, teenage, usurer, Rostov, etc.

    At the root with spelling Alternating vowels in the root rast-//-ros-//-rasch- before st the letter a is written, before c - the letter o, before u - the letter a.

    Examples of words with a root - rast-

    • rast enie,
    • grow,
    • grow up
    • nurture,
    • increase
    • age.

    Examples of words with a root - grew up-

    • grew up
    • growth,
    • grew up
    • thickets.

    Examples of words with a root - grove-

    • ramp up,
    • grow,
    • nurture.

    It is necessary to remember about exceptions: sprout, outgrowth, usurer, Rostov, Rostislav, industry.

    height - age,

    growth - increase,

    rast - grow,

    growing - growing.

    grew - thickets,

    grew up, grew up

    grew - growth,

    grew up, grew up

    grew up.

    rasch - extension,

    rasch - germinate,

    rasch - to splice,

    There are roots in which the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

    1. Roots with letters a and o.

    gar - mountains. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter o is written, although under stress - a, for example: to burn, to burn up, to burn out, to burn out, tanned; But: fumes, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions (gar without accent): scorch, scorch, scorch, cinder(along with the cinder variant).

    zar - zor. In place of an unstressed vowel, a is written: dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, robin(bird), robin; under stress - a and o, cf .: glow, radiant, luminous and dawns(plural words dawn), dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn(military signal, usually in the expression beat or play zoryu).

    kas - kos. In this root, a is written if after the root follows a; in other cases, it is written about: cf. touch, touching, touching, touching, concerning, but touching, touching, touching, inviolable(the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

    clan - clone. In place of an unstressed vowel, it is written about, for example: bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down; under stress - o and a: cf. bow, bow, lean, inclined, inflexible And to bow, to bow, to bow.

    krop - krop. The letter o is written without stress in words with the meaning "to cover with drops, splashes": sprinkle, sprinkling(from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle; letter a - in words with the meaning "to cover with small spots, dots": speckled, speckled(from speckled in the meaning of "speckled, speckled"), interspersed. Under stress - only a: speckled, speckled, speckled, speckled, interspersed, speckled.

    lag - log - lies. In place of an unstressed vowel, before g, it is written a, before w - o, for example: expound, levy, suppose, apply, decompose, urgent, postponement, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, But: lay down, lay down, postpone, lay down, offer, attach. The emphasis is always on: tax, pledge, forgery, false, put, put. In the word canopy, where the root is log- in modern language no longer stands out, without stress before r it is written o.

    poppy - mok - moch. In place of an unstressed vowel, the letter a is written before k in words with the meaning "dip, immerse in liquid": dip, dip, dip; letter o - in words with the meaning "to become wet": get wet, get wet, get wet, get wet(in the rain), in words derived from wet (e.g., wet, phlegm, phlegm, woodlice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet etc.), and in words with the meaning "to dry with something that absorbs moisture": get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h - always the letter o, for example: wet, wet, wet, soaked(cf. under stress: wet, wet; about verbs in -iva type to wet, soak see § 34, note 2).

    pay - sing (in the verb to solder and cognate words). Without stress it is written a: solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron etc. Under stress - a and o: cf. soldered, soldered, soldered, soldered and soldered, soldered.

    plov - plov. Without stress it is written a: floating, fin, float, floating(grass; beetle; water possum), swimmer (beetle), phalarope (bird), float, floatable, afloat, floating; but: swimmer and swimmer with the letter o. Under stress - only a: swim, rafting.

    Note. In a word quicksand(ground) a letter is written s, as in other words derived from the verb swim - swim: float, swim, blur and so on.

    equal - equal. The letter a is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal "same", e.g. ), equate, equate, equate, compare, equate(in something), equalize (account), straighten out, straighten out(e.g., lines - "make equal in length"), equate, equation, equalization, equal, equivalent, equivalent, balance, equinox, equal, equal.

    The letter o is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal "smooth, straight, without bumps", for example: to level (bed, road surface), straighten out, straighten out, straighten out, straighten out(make it even, smooth, straight).

    However, in the words equally, peer, associated by value with equal , the letter o is written; in the word plain, related in meaning to even, - the letter a. In words with unclear correlation, the letter a is written in the verb to equal (in a line, during construction) and words derived from it equalize, align, align(in service); the letter o - in combination, the hour is not even, in the word level.

    different - different . In numerous compound words with the first part heterogeneous (diverse, versatile, discordant etc.) the letter a is written without stress, in the word separately - the letter o Under stress - a ( different, difference, differ) and about ( strife, scatter, scattered).

    dew (t) - race (t) - rush. In place of an unstressed vowel, it is written: a) before c (without a subsequent t) - the letter o: grew, grew, grew up, grew up, thicket, growth, algae, undergrowth; the exception is the industry and its derivatives ( sectoral, intersectoral, diversified); b) before st - letter a, for example: grow, grow, grow up, grow up, grow up, grow up, grow up, grow up, sprout; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, sprouting, teenage(along with the teenage option); c) before u always a, for example: I grow, grow up, grown up, increment.

    Under stress before s (with subsequent t and without it) - only o, for example: growth, outgrowth, process, adolescent, overgrowth; grew up, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.

    jump - jump - jump - jump. If the root ends in k, then the letter a is written in place of the unstressed vowel, for example: jump, gallop, gallop, gallop, skipping rope, galloping, although under stress - o, for example: jump, jump, jump, jump, jump(for verbs to na-ivat like jump in, see § 34, note 2).

    If the root ends in h, then they write: the letter a in the forms of the verb to jump and its derivatives of verbs (for example: jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump), as well as in the elephant jump (the forms of the same verbs serve as a check - for example, jump, let's jump, and derivatives jump, jump); the letter o - in prefixed verbs on -jump (for example: jump up, jump up, jump up, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump up) and in the word upstart (check - forms of the same verbs, except pop out: jump up, jump off and so on.).

    Wed: I'll skip (one hundred miles), ride(verb forms jump, jump) And skip, skip(verb forms slip through, slip through); jump up, jump up(verb forms jump up, jump up come closer") and jump up, jump up(verb forms jump up, jump up"with a quick movement to approach someone or something or rise sharply").

    creation - creature. In words create, creation, creator, created, create etc. without stress, the letter o is written; under stress - not only about ( creative, creativity), but also a ( creature, creature). In the word utvar, where the root -creature- in the modern language is no longer distinguished, without stress is written a.

    2. Roots with letters and and e.

    shine (k, t) - shine - shine. In place of an unstressed vowel, letters and and e are written: and - before st with the subsequent stressed a, for example: to shine, to shine, to shine, to shine; e - in other cases, for example: gleam, gleam, gleam, gleam, gleam, gleam, gleam, lure, gleam, gleam, gleam, gleam, gleam. Under stress - e and e: shine, shine, shining; to glisten, to gleam, to gleam, to sparkle.

    vis - weight. In place of an unstressed vowel, a letter is written and in the verb hang (hanging, hanging) and its derivatives ( hang up, hang down etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with a common part - hang: to hang, to hang, to hang etc. (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang); letter e - in words hang out, signboard, hanging, mounted, hanging(cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang).

    lip - lep. In the words stick, stick, etc., the letter and is written in an unstressed position (cf. under stress: sticky, sticky), and in words to stick, to stick, to stick etc. - the letter e (cf. under stress: molds, sticks, molding).

    sid - se (d). In place of an unstressed vowel, they write: the letter and - before the soft consonant d - in the verb sit (sit, sit) and its derivatives ( sit, sit, sit, nurse, gatherings and so on.); letter e - before a solid d: rider, saddle (in the latter in the forms of plural - e: saddles), saddle, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit down, sit down, assessor, chairman, and also - before soft d - in derivatives of the word saddle ( saddle, saddle, cross-saddle, saddle). Under stress - and and e, for example: sitting, serving time, assiduous; sit down, sit down, sat down, homebody, fidget, mother hen, squat; in the forms of the verb sit down and prefixes - also a (in the letter i): sit down, sit down, sit down.

    Note 1. About writing vowels And And e in verbal roots with a fluent vowel, see § 36.

    Note 2. In verbs with a common part - take(e.g. to occupy, to pester, to embrace, to take away, to raise, to take off, to understand, to appease), which correspond to perfective verbs in - take (take, take, raise, understand, appease etc.), is written after n in place of an unstressed vowel letter And; same in verb take out(cf. modern view take out). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked by a stressed And in forms like take away, lift up, take down(these are verb forms in -take), rarely - in derivative words: picture, hugging.

    Note 3. Letter And in place of an unstressed vowel, it is also written in the root of verbs conjure And curse. In the corresponding perfective verbs and other cognate words, the letter is written (both in an unstressed position and under stress) l: curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, curse and so on.

    The topic is considered in the 5th grade of the school. However, one can often find the erroneous use of roots with. What is the reason that it is difficult to write, for example, the roots -zar-/-zor- or -rast-/-rasch-/-ros-? The rule that is offered in the school spelling course is aimed more at memorizing information than at its logical and etymological explanation. The matter becomes more complicated if the rule contains exceptions - words without explanations for memorization. The usurer Rostislav from Rostov in a coat for growth is an almost complete list of exception words from the rule considered below.

    formal rule. Roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-

    The rule succinctly makes it clear that the spelling -o- is used with the final -s- in the root, while the choice of the spelling -a- is responsible for two options: - st and - u. Right choice the vowel in this case is the basis for the successful development of the Russian language, since the question affects a morpheme of paramount importance - the root. The word is based on it - the first building element of the language.

    Why is it difficult to choose the right spelling? The reason is that the vowel being changed is in an unstressed position, and therefore it becomes necessary to formulate a rule for the roots (-rast-, -rasch-, -ros-). However, mere memorization of the norms of the language will not always be successful, in contrast to the logical explanation, which is easier to remember.

    Historical features

    The fact is that the alternation of roots was the result of a mixture of two languages: Old Russian, the pre-literate language of Rus', and Old Slavonic, the language of church books. The first includes words with the root c -o- (teenager, tall, undergrowth), the second - with -a (plant, grow, grow).

    In modern linguistics, there is a tendency to unify the root by creating a common semantic nest with the main spelling -a-. In this case, the basis for mastering the spelling will be a formal rule. However, there is an assumption that words with different orthograms at the root are derived from different, albeit the same root words.

    Words with the root -ros- are closest to the past tense form of the verb "grow", for example "he grew". If you carefully look at the entire semantic nest of these words, then an abundance of past participles and nouns with the meaning of an action that has already taken place catches your eye (adult - who has already grown up, overgrowth - has already grown up).

    For roots with the phoneme -a-, the word-producer will be the verb “grow”: age, plant.


    However, not everything is so simple with the roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-: the rule does not affect all words with an unstressed spelling at the root, since there are exceptions. They are not very difficult to remember if you understand them in more detail. Rostov and Rostislav belong to the category of proper names that do not obey the general laws for common nouns.

    More exceptions to -growth-, which can be explained logically and through the relationship with the word “growth”: usurer (one who gives money at interest, that is, “for growth”), for growth (that is, for future greater growth) and sprout (a young plant that has just started growing).

    It is worth remembering when memorizing not only the spelling -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-: the rule is suitable from the formal side. Only a more detailed and detailed study of the problem will give a chance to find an adequate explanation of the rule of interest. Provided that the memorized material is logically and historically justified, it will be easier to perceive and store in memory.

    MOU Saraninskaya secondary school

    Russian language lesson in grade 5

    using ICT

    on the topic " Spelling roots rast / rasch / grew.

    Type of lesson: learning a new topic.

    1. Teach students to apply the mode of action when choosing vowels

    o - and in the roots rast / rasch / grew.

    2. To form the cognitive interest of students through a variety of forms of learning activities.

    I. Organizational stage.

    Words with missing vowels are written on the board (it is possible on the interactive one) for the spelling of the roots lag / lodges: adj..gat,, next..gained,, region..lived, cash..gat. suggest..

    Task: write the words in two columns. Column check.

    What morphemes are spellings?

    - Tell the rule for spelling the roots of lag / lodges.

    III. Exploring a new topic.

    Today we will continue our acquaintance with the most important morpheme of the word - the root.

    The topic of our lesson Spelling roots rast / rasch / ros ". Think about the problem we are facing.

    As always, Princess Spelling, who lives in the country of Linguistics, is in a hurry to help us. The princess invites us on a difficult journey of discovery, during which we will be able to uncover one of the many secrets of the Russian language.

    Well, do you agree to become pioneers?

    So, Spelling gave us an encrypted letter. If we manage to unravel it, then the secret of alternating vowels in the roots rast / rasch / ros will be revealed to us. Here is the letter. Let's consider it carefully:

    RA ST and vyra SCH for ROS Lee No. 13

    Exceptions: branch, sprout

    Questions and tasks for students:

    What morpheme is the spelling in?

    What vowels are written in roots?

    - Pick up words with such roots (written on the board).

    - Who guessed in which case the vowel a is written, in which - o?

    How can we check if we have deciphered the letter correctly?

    We open textbooks and read the rule on page 178.

    The table on the rule is hung out.

    - What can be the conclusion?

    IV . Identifying the purpose of the lesson.

    We are familiar with the rule.

    What is the problem we are facing now?

    What goal should we achieve in the lesson?

    v. Training exercises.

    1. Teamwork.

    Each student goes to the blackboard, writes down a word under the dictation of the teacher, selects the spelling according to the model in the table and explains the spelling of the vowel in the root: plant, grown, grows, branch, growing, grown, grew, grow, thickets, growth, overgrown, grown, overgrow, fusion, will sprout.

    Conclusion: what determines the spelling of alternating vowels o-a in the roots of words?

    2. Exercise 437 on your own.

    Checking with signal cards.

    Conclusion: what rule did you use when performing the exercise?

    3. The exercise is performed on the computer. Princess Spelling offers us this task: insert the desired version of the root, highlight the alternating vowel.

    Trees quickly you. if.

    Vz. yonny flower.

    Children for the summer under. whether.

    Under. there is fresh grass.

    You are in the rose greenhouse.

    Small green...ok.

    (Checked by the teacher after the lesson or during the test work)

    Conclusion: in which roots is the vowel a, in which - o?

    Tell the rule according to the table.

    VI. Verification work using matrices. The words are written on the board.

    Task: write only the letter a under the corresponding numbers

    Spelling of the roots -lag-, -loose-, rast-, -rasch-, -ros-

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    KSU School - Gymnasium No. 103

    In Russian

    "Spelling of alternating vowels O-A

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    school-gymnasium No. 103

    Open lesson in Russian in the 5th grade

    Theme of the lesson: "Spelling of alternating vowels a-o in the roots -lag-, -loose-,-rast-(-rasch-), -ros-"

    1. Introduce students to the spelling of alternating vowels A / / O in the roots -lag- -loose-rast- (- rasch-) -ros-;

    2. To form the ability to reason when choosing an alternating vowel in the root

    3. Be able to correctly write words with the specified spelling.

    Before the start of the lesson, students are divided into two groups, in each group a coordinator is selected.

    Students are graded after completing each task in the form of a chamomile petal: 5 - red, 4 - yellow, 3 - green. At the end of the lesson, the results are summarized. What color is more, the team receives that rating.

    Introduction by the teacher.

    Vocabulary - spelling work: "Guess the word"

    In ... t ... wounds, in ... trine, those ... itoria, mi ... ion, hello ... tvuyte, in ... n ... warm, profession ... ia, r ... masha, p ... stukh.

    2. Insert missing letters, explain spelling.

    How are words divided into two columns?

    3. Working with the table

    Guys, what types of roots with an unstressed vowel do you know. Fill the table.

    Write a sentence and find the main members of the sentence

    The tourist camp was located in a beautiful forest.

    Find in the sentence a word with an alternating vowel (located)

    Disassemble the word located by composition

    Change the word so that the root is -false- (located)

    What are we going to talk about in class today?

    4. Watching: what does writing depend on? group work )

    Offer - offer grow - grow

    Term - add up a plant - charge if

    Adjective - application to express - grew

    The students and the teacher formulate the rule.

    After that, the coordinators of each group move to another group and explain the rule.

    5. Application. Formation of skills and abilities.

    (Work is carried out in groups)

    Insert missing letters, explain spelling.

    Rewrite the text. Insert missing letters, explain spelling.

    Years to a hundred r ... sti us without old age. 2. Shadows l ... lived along a dusty road. 3. Before going to bed, he goes to brush his teeth. 4. Porters offered their services to passengers. 5. Vyr…sla I am, sticky, thin and flexible. 6. In gardens and orchards, cultivated plants ... grow. 7. Express your thoughts clearly and distinctly.

    1. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word. What groups are divided into?

    2. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed checked vowels at the root of the word.

    3. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed unchecked vowels at the root of the word.

    4. Tell us about the spelling of unstressed alternating vowels at the root of the word:

    - Spelling LAG - FALSE.

    - Spelling RAST - RASH - ROS.

    Giving ratings to teams.

    7. Stage of reflection

    Guys, and now I will ask you to create a “chamomile of mood”. If you are in a great mood and you really liked the lesson, then attach green petal, if the mood has not changed during this time, then attach blue petal, if the mood got worse, then red, and if you find it difficult then white.

    Thank you for the lesson.

    This development has been prepared taking into account the age characteristics of children. Tasks are selected in such a way that the teacher only guides his students. Students independently conduct research work, make up a concept - a map according to this orthogram. All this contributes to the development of students' critical thinking, mutual assessment, self-assessment and mutual learning.

    • Dorofeychik Oksana Ivanovna
    • 17.05.2015
    • Material number: 286302

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      The letters "O and A" in the roots with the alternation -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-

      Goals and objectives:

      • to fix the spelling rule of the roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-; repeat the spelling of the roots -lag-, -false-; spelling of roots with checked and unchecked unstressed vowel; develop the ability to find words with the studied spelling, the skill of writing words with the indicated roots;
      • develop the memory and thinking of students, coherent speech skills;
      • to cultivate love for nature, interest in the Russian language.
      • Equipment:

        • Laptop.
        • Multimedia projector.
        • Microsoft PowerPoint presentation ( Annex 1)
        • Textbook “Russian language grade 5” T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others.
        • Individual cards with multi-level task.
        • During the classes

          1. Organizational moment.

          “The snow will soon melt, the rivers will be free of ice, it will be possible to launch boats. Today we will again go to the country of Words to visit the well-known Sovunya and together with her we will make a river trip. During the trip, we will repeat the roots with an alternating vowel and the spelling of the roots with an unstressed vowel. (slide 1)

          2. Checking homework.

          “Before we leave, let’s check if we have done everything at home.

          Homework is checked at various levels.

          • 1 group students performs independent work on a card according to words from homework: write in columns words with an alternating vowel in the root and words with an unstressed vowel in the root.
          • 2 group students on the card inserts the missing vowels in the same roots.
          • Then a joint check is carried out.

            Oral survey:

            What spelling did you work on?

            - What determines the spelling of vowels in the roots -lag-, -lozh-? In the roots - grow-, -grow-, -grow-?

            - How to check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word?

            Is it possible to check roots with alternating vowel stress? Why?

            3. Fixing.

            1) -We are going on a trip along the Grammar River. Please note which clear water. What plants can be seen at the bottom? (slide 2)

            What roots are found in this word?

            Insert the letters and explain their spelling (on the interactive whiteboard).

            - Make up and write a sentence with this word.

            (IN clean water you can see algae.)

            What grows along the banks of the river? (slide 3)

            - Pay attention to how the word is spelled. cattail. Explain the spelling of the word reeds.

            (A tall reed grows near the shore.)

            - What root with an alternating vowel did we meet? Explain its spelling.

            2) - After we looked into the depths of the river, examined the banks, now let's look around.

            What grows on the shore? (slide 4)

            Look what a beautiful apple tree has grown. The sun warms it, and the apples ripen on it. And how they keep up, we will read about this in the poem “Apple tree” (slide 5).

            The student reads the poem.

            R_sti, R_sti apple tree
            Give it a go!
            Blossom, blossom apple tree
            golden sun,
            Hotter gray!
            Vy_stayte apples
            R_sla, R_sla apple tree
            Blossom, blossom apple tree
            Rejected the apple tree
            your outfit,
            And the apples ripened
            For guys.

            - Insert the missing letters and commas, explain the spelling.

            Write down only those sentences where roots with an alternating vowel occur. Highlight them, mark the spelling.

            3) - We admired the apple tree, now we can swim further. The sun shines brightly. What is it that glitters on the shore in the waves? (slide 6)

            And there is a letter hidden in the bottle. I wonder what is in this letter? (slide 7)

            This is a letter from the guys. Let's read it.

            We have a garden in our yard. He was raised by the guys of our house. At first the yard was bad. Only a barely noticeable grass grew near the fence. Then we planted trees, flowers and began to grow them.

            The first shoots have appeared. We protected every plant. Flowers grew before our eyes. The trees grew noticeably. Our yard has become green, and the garden is growing and prettier.

            Indeed, to grow a good garden, you have to work hard. And in order to remember how to do this, we will work with the text.

            - Where was the garden? Who raised him?

            What did the yard look like at first?

            — What did the guys do to change the yard?

            How did the garden grow?

            Find words that have roots with an alternating vowel. Name the roots.

            (grown, grew, grow, sprouts, plant, grew, grew up, grows)

            - Read the text again and retell, remembering where the word is.

            “But these are not simple stones, but grammatical ones. Under each stone is a word.

            - Divide these words into 2 columns: roots with an alternating vowel and roots with an unstressed vowel.

            (berezhok, put, flow, river, grows, settle down, garden, grew up)

            Let's check if we have correctly distributed the words.

            5) The stones are removed, you can go home. Look, Sovunya is meeting us. (slide 9). She wants to ask something.

            4. The result of the lesson.

            - What barriers-spellings did you meet today? Is it possible to check an alternating vowel in the root of a word with an accent?


            Lesson topic: Spelling roots rast, rasch, ros

            Lesson topic: Spelling of the roots RAST, RASH, ROS

            Purpose: 1. the formation of the spelling skill of the roots -rast, - rosch, -ros

            2. development research competence students;

            3. education of respect for nature;

    1. Today in the lesson we will continue to work on the spelling of roots with the alternation of vowels O - A. Let's try to determine the topic of the lesson together.

    Look at the screen and tell me what the question marks on the diagram mean?

    (Unstressed vowels are fundamentally divided into 3 groups: 1-checked, 2-unchecked, 3-alternating)

    ^ What do you need to remember in order to correctly write unstressed vowels of groups 1,2,3?

    2. Read the text expressively:

    All the attractiveness of the earth lies in the animal and flora. Fresh grass on the lawns, a poplar tree under the window, a flock of jackdaws climbing from TV antennas above the roofs of houses - is this a background or a part of our life? Attention to the birds that have arrived, to the flowering meadow, to the sprouts of the planted grove 2 , to the reeds growing along the lake - a source 2 interest and love for them, a pledge of mutual joy of nature and man.

    Determine the topic of the text. Title the text. During the lesson we will refer to the text.

    3. - And now, using punch cards, write out words with unstressed vowels from the text, distributing them into 3 columns

    4. - So, let's turn to words with alternating vowels O-A. Look carefully at the words in this column and say, what spelling of the roots will we talk about today in the lesson?

    ^ What are these roots called and why?

    (Roots are written in words whose meaning is associated with growth, development, i.e. with life)

    - Formulate the topic of the lesson. Grammar. Speech.

    5. - What determines the spelling of vowels O - A in the roots? Prepared for the lesson research project which will answer this question.

    Project "Spelling of roots with alternation of vowels O-A in the root"

    1. We have prepared a research project "Spelling of roots with vowel alternation O - A in the root."

    2. The creative name of the project is "Roots of Life".

    3. The purpose of our project is to learn how to correctly write the roots -RAST-, -RASCH-, -ROS-, in which the vowels O-A alternate.

    4. Put forward a hypothesis. Let us explain the meaning of the word HYPOTHESIS.

    A HYPOTHESIS is an assumption put forward to explain some phenomena. What is our hypothesis?

    • If the spelling is commanded by the consonants ST and Щ, then A is written in the root.
    • If the consonants ST and Щ are absent in the root, then O is written.

    5. We know that roots with vowel alternation O-A can be commanded by:

    • Suffix A (roots KOS-KAS, LAG-LOZH)
    • Emphasis (roots ZOR-ZAR, GOR-GAR)
    • Meaning (roots ROOVN-RAVN, MAK-MOK)
    • And who commands the roots RAST - RASH, -ROS?

      We conducted a study: we selected texts, determined the range of words with which we will work and followed their writing. It turned out that in words with these roots, neither the suffix A, nor the stress, nor the meaning play a role. It remained to pay attention to the consonants in the root.

      6. We know about such a linguistic phenomenon as the alternation of consonants. The combination CT alternates with SH. The proof of this position is presented on the screen:

      So, in the root RASCH, as in the root RAST, it is written A.

      7. To find out if all our classmates can distinguish the RAST root from the RAS prefix and the root starting with the letter T, we selected examples, wrote them down, printed out cards for each student and asked them to distribute the words in two columns.

      In the diagram you can see how you coped with the task:

      • Did not complete the task - 15% or 3 people out of 28
      • Completed the task with 1 mistake - 42% or 11 people
      • Completed the task without errors - 53% or 14 people
      • 8. Where can we find words with the root of life? In nature, in the forest, with human life, these words are also associated. The roots of life are called the roots RAST, RASH, ROS, as they are present in words associated with growth, with life, with development.

        9. The results of our research was the creation of a visiting card of the roots. We give it to each of those present at the lesson, as a reminder, a hint.

        In addition, the school will host a scientific - practical conference where we will present our project.

        6. - Let's check how carefully you listened to the speech and whether you remembered when A is written in the roots, and when O. Here is a crossword puzzle. Insert the missing letters into the words of the crossword puzzle

        Lesson: The spelling of the letters a, o at the root is growing, - growing, - growing.

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        Prepared and hosted:

        DOSH I - III steps No. 88

        Subject : Spelling letters a, o at the root - growing, - growing, - growing.

        Goals: introduce the conditions for choosing the letters a-o in the roots; to form the ability to find and highlight spellings with alternating a-o; develop memory, research skills, cultivate interest in the Russian language

        Lesson type: lesson learning new material

        I am glad to our new meeting,
        I'm interested in you guys!
        Your answers are interesting.
        I listen with pleasure.
        We will watch today
        Draw conclusions and reason.
        And so that the lesson goes to everyone for the future,
        Get active, my friend!

        2.Updating basic knowledge

        - What is the name of the system of rules that establish uniform ways of transmitting speech in writing? (Spelling)

        - What is a spelling? (Writing a word according to spelling rules)

        What spelling did we learn in the last lesson? (Spelling of letters a, o in the roots -cas-, -kos-; -lag-, -log-)

        When to write a letter A, and when O? (at the root with alternation -cas-, -kos-; -lag-, -log- in an unstressed position is written A , if after the root there is a suffix a, and O if there is no suffix)

        2.2 Checking homework

        Two students hand in notebooks for verification, the rest are checked together with the class “in a chain”

        A) Exercise 252 (p. 142)

        What rule helped us to do this exercise correctly? (spelling ь and ъ)

        - When to put b, and when b? (ъ put before e, yo, yu, i after prefixes that end in a consonant; ь is written after consonants, before vowels e, yo, yu, i in other cases)

        Exercise : write off the phrase, inserting the appropriate word in meaning. In the inserted words, highlight the root, explain the spelling of the roots.

        Paste where needed b or b. Graphically explain the use b

        Announce ... announce new ... to the magazine; submit ... to submit to written ... .. serious requirements; time… to clear up mistakes at…. numbers; under… go to…. detachment.

        Reference words: addition, application, location, presentation

        Announce (set b console about- ends in a consonant b before e, e, yu, i, root -I'm in-)about the new app(root - lie-) to the journal; present (prefix pre- ends in a consonant d before e, yo, yu, i put b) to a written statement (root -false-) serious (set b, prerd e, yo, yu, i because to be at the root of the word seriously-) requirements; explain (set b because console once- ends with acc. before e, yo, yu, i) addition errors (root -false-); drive up (set b; console under- ends in a consonant before e, yo, yu, i) to location(root -false-) detachment

        B) exercise 256

        Write off phrases by inserting missing letters, graphically explain your choice

        Izl O live (-false-) the essence of the matter, this is not for you A saetsya(-cas-), sl O zhi (-false-) two numbers, k O fell asleep (- obliquely) interesting topic, point to A sleigh (-cas-), howl O lived (-lie-) products from the bag, hall O lived (-false-) property, the sum of two sl A played (-lag-), floor O zhi (-lie-) books in place, not the floor A get out (-lag-) in case, easy prik O dream(-kos-), not prik A sai (-kas-) to other people's things, to A to touch (-cas-) the ground with your feet, point of contact O warp(-kos-)

        Write down the number, cool work, leave one line blank to write the topic of the lesson, we will write it down a little later. Two students do the work at the blackboard, the rest in their notebooks.

        Exercise: write down words, highlight the studied spelling

        Assume ... guess, should ... live, attendance, statement ... statement, to ... dream, exposition ... guess, sl... to live, to lie ... to walk, to settle down ... to live, to touch ... to, to ... sanation, adjective.

        - Exchange notebooks, take red paste and let's check together. (One student comments per grade.)

        3. Studying new material

        3.1 Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

        Today we continue our journey to the country of Spelling and get acquainted with a new spelling. Look at the topic of our lesson, (the teacher attaches it to the board, written on separate sheet) write it down in your notebooks.

        What do you think is the purpose of our lesson? (get acquainted with the spelling, use it correctly in writing)

        3.2 Brainstorming (research work )

        The words are written on the board: grow, plant, grow, grown, grown, thickets.

        - Write down these words and highlight the roots in them

        - What are these words? (single root)

        — What phenomenon do we observe in these roots? (alternation of consonants st / w / s)

        - Try to formulate a spelling rule vowels a-o in the roots rast, rosch, grew

        - Let's check our answers with the textbook. (p. 144 one student reads aloud)

        3.3 Words are exceptions

        usurer V Rostov lived

        He sprout bought myself

        Somewhere in the market.

        3.4 Lexical work

        A) Working with an explanatory dictionary

        Industry - a separate area of ​​activity of science, production

        Sprout - 1) the stem of a plant at the very beginning of its development from a seed, rhizome, tuber; 2) a piece of branch with buds for planting; 3) (transfer.zn.) manifestation of the beginning development of something

        A usurer is a person who lends money on interest. Borrowed at high interest

        B) Work in pairs

        Compose and write down with words - exceptions of the sentence.

        4. Consolidation of what has been learned.

        4.1 Working with the textbook.

        A) p.145 ex.262. One student at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks. The first three notebooks for evaluation.

        4.2. Orthoepic minute

        The teacher reads, the students repeat. The best pronunciation is rated. Group work.

        She grew up - she grew a tail, she wore a dark dress. She grew up - she became green, she exchanged her tail for oars.

        The sprouts grew, grew, but the sprouts did not grow with growth.

        4.3. Distributive dictation.

        On the board in ovals are written the roots of rast-, ros-, rasch-

        Task: decorate the oval with petals to make bright and beautiful flowers.

        The words are written on the petals: (on each - one word). Students one at a time (optional or pass the baton to a friend) choose a ray with a word (on the teacher's table) and attach it to the oval.

        R ... stenia, vyr ... sli, splinter ... becomes, r ... growing, dr ... sli, dor ... sti, zar ... sli, r ... stock, perer ... sli, grown, R ... stov.

        5. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

        What spelling did we meet?

        - When do you need to write the letter a, and when does the letter o grow, grow, grow in the roots?

        - What words - exceptions do you know?

        — Today we were the most active…, there were some minor difficulties…, you need to be careful….

        - Where did the difficulties arise?

        6. Homework

        P.37, learn.control.rule.263. write the text by inserting the missing letters. (for grade 3) Write down the words with missing unstressed vowels in the root in two columns: 1- with stress being checked; 2 - with alternating (on 4 and 5). Additional task(optional): compose vocabulary dictation, which we will spend in the next lesson, on the spelling of the root -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-, -bir-, ber-, -kas-, -kos- (15 words, do not forget about the words - exceptions)

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