Universities included in the Shanghai ranking. What places do Russian universities occupy in international rankings

Immediately 12 Russian universities entered the Shanghai ranking of universities Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ARWU). The highest place in it went to Lomonosov Moscow State University

Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS

According to the RIA Novosti agency, this year for the first time 12 Russian universities were included in the ARWU. These are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk and Novosibirsk State Universities, Tomsk poly Technical University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI, MISiS, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Ufa State Aviation Technical University and Belgorod State National Research University.

In accordance with the ARWU methodology, ranking is carried out according to 52 subject ratings. MSU, which turned out to be higher than others, this year leads in the number of subjects (14), as well as in places - the highest result of the university was 43rd place in physics.

The largest number of Russian universities was included in the subject category "Physics". HSE entered the top 100 in the Sociology ranking, MISiS became one of the best Russian universities in metallurgy.

For comparison, in 2015, the ARWU subject rating included the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - only one university - a participant in the 5-100 project, in 2016 the ARWU released a specialized rating in engineering sciences, which included the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

The Shanghai Ranking is the world's most famous ranking of universities. The 5-100 program is aimed at him, as well as at the ranking of the best universities in the world according to the version. One of the objectives of the project is five Russian universities in each of these lists.

As Irina Karelina, director of the HSE Development Program, noted to RBC, ARWU is considered the most “strict” rating, since it uses only bibliometric indicators and indicators of outstanding awards in various fields received by employees during their work at the university. “The publication of new ARWU subject rankings demonstrates the stable presence of universities participating in the 5-100 project in global rankings in high positions and in a wide range of subjects. For the first time, there are eight participants in the 5-100 project in the ARWU subject ratings at once, of which six appeared this year for the first time, demonstrating the results of implementing their development strategies since 2013,” she noted.

Karelina noted that, on the one hand, advancement in subject rankings still reflects the sectoral specifics of Russian universities. But the presence of several subjects at each university suggests that Russian universities are confidently approaching the Comprehensive University model, which is inherent in world-class universities. “This demonstrates the serious backlog of our universities and ensures their sustainable entry into the world subject rankings, contributes to their advancement in the overall rankings,” she stressed.


Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2017 (The Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017)

The Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017 is prepared by the Academy's World Class University Research Center higher education Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov took 93rd place. Compared to last year, the Moscow university dropped by six positions. The top 500 includes St. Petersburg State University and Novosibirsk State University. The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is located in the 501−600 group.

The ARWU Global Ranking has been published since 2003. Among the criteria are the citation index, the international cooperation, the number of publications in leading scientific journals and the number of graduates of a particular university Nobel laureates. ARWU is the world's leading ranking along with THE (Times Higher Education World University Rankings) and QS (Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings). The rating, among other things, affects the popularity of Russian universities among Chinese applicants. According to TASS

PlaceinstitutionA countryNational RankOverall result
1 Harvard University USA 1 100.0
2 Stanford University USA 2 76.5
3 University of Cambridge Great Britain 1 70.9
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USA 3 70.4
5 University of California, Berkeley USA 4 69.1
6 Princeton University USA 5 61.1
7 University of Oxford Great Britain 2 60.1
8 Columbia University USA 6 58.8
9 California Institute of Technology USA 7 57.3
10 University of Chicago USA 8 53.9

Positions of Russian universities

93 Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Russia 1 26,8
301-400 Saint Petersburg State University Russia 2 26,4
401-500 Novosibirsk State University Russia 3 13,4
501-600 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russia - 20,9

On this topic

Interview with curator distance learning multidisciplinary educational center "Profi-Career", a certified specialist in the field of Learning and knowledge management, the author of articles in professional journals Sosnova Anna Vladimirovna.

  • alumni winners of the Nobel or Fields Prizes (10 percent),
  • Nobel or Fields Prize-winning employees (20 percent),
  • "frequently cited researchers in 21 categories" (20 percent),
  • articles published in the journals Nature or Science (20 percent),
  • citation indices for natural and humanities(English) Institute for Scientific Information, ISI) Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index, as well as indexes of the leading journals Arts and Humanities Citation Index (20 percent),
  • the cumulative result of the previous indicators in relation to the number of university staff (10 percent).

The results were published in The Economist magazine.

The methodology is presented in an academic paper by Liu Niancai and Cheng Ying. They explained that the original purpose of this ranking was to "clarify the gap between Chinese universities and world-class universities, in particular in terms of academic and research activities."

Rating results for 2003-2015 available on Wikipedia at the English-language Academic Ranking of World Universities page.

Russian universities in the ranking

Criticism of ratings

College and university rankings are often controversial (see Criticism of College and University Rankings (North America) and Criticism of College and University Rankings (2007, United States of America) ), and ARWU rating is no exception. A paper published in 2007 in the journal Scientometrics, shows that the results of this ranking cannot be reproduced from the original data using the method described by Liu and Cheng. Other authors claim that ranking results are reproducible.

see also



  • Academic Ranking of World Universities(English) . Retrieved September 13, 2017. Archived from the original on October 19, 2012.
  • "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov took 112th place in the ranking of world universities in 2011/12"

The oldest of the generally recognized "troika" of university rankings, also known as "Shanghai". Rating operator: Center for World - Class Universities as part of the School of Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2003, the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University for the first time published a ranking of the world's top 500 universities (Academic Ranking of World Universities, ARWU-500).

Initially, the ranking began to be positioned as a tool for assessing the position of Chinese higher education in the global system. Subsequently, representatives of other countries also began to use this Shanghai rating in determining the results of their activities. This rating is compiled on the basis of six indicators (criteria). The number of universities that meet these criteria is only 1000 in the world, and the top 500 of them make up the Shanghai ranking - ARWU-500.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities includes educational institutions that have: graduates and employees who are Nobel or Fields Prize winners; a large number of frequently cited researchers; articles published in the journals Nature and Science over the past 10 years; as well as a large number of articles included in the Science Citation Index - Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). More than 2,000 universities participated in the selection, but the actual ranking includes 1,200 educational institutions, and the top 500 universities in the world are published.

The academic ranking of world universities is compiled on the basis of six objective indicators, namely: the equivalent number of university graduates who have received the Nobel or Fields Prize (briefly - Alumni), the equivalent number of university teachers who are Nobel or Fields Prize laureates (briefly - Award), the number most often cited researchers in all fields of science and technology (briefly - HiCi), the equivalent number of articles published in the journals "Nature" and "Science" (briefly - N&S), the number of articles included in the Science Citation Index - Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) (briefly "PUB"), as well as the average performance indicator for all previous indicators per member of the teaching staff (briefly - PCP).

When compiling a rating, an educational institution that has shown the highest result in all indicators of Alumni, Award, HiCi, N&S, PUB and PCP is assigned 100 points. The ranking of all other universities is calculated as a percentage of the highest score. If the scatter of data for any indicator is significantly outside the norm, a standard method is used to process such data. statistical method. The final score is a weighted average of the results obtained by the university in all six indicators. The university with the highest score is assigned 100 points, and the ratings of other institutions are calculated as a percentage of the highest score.

First level indicators Second level indicators code name Significance factor
Quality of education Equivalent number of Nobel or Fields Prize graduates Alumni 10%
The quality of the teaching staff Equivalent number of faculty members who have won a Nobel Prize or a Fields Prize Award 20%
Number of most frequently cited researchers in all fields of science and technology HiCi 20%
Research Achievements Equivalent number of articles published in Nature and Science* N&S 20%
Number of articles included in Science Citation Index - Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index PUB 20%
Average performance per faculty member The average value of the cumulative result for all previous indicators per one member of the teaching staff PCP 10%
Total: 100%

* When evaluating a university with an exclusively humanitarian orientation, the N&S indicator is not taken into account, and its significance coefficient is proportionally distributed among other criteria.

Definitions of indicators and description of the statistical method

Alumni. The number of university graduates who have won a Nobel or Fields Prize. Graduates are those who have received a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree from a particular university. For the most objective reflection of the academic achievements of the university, the significance coefficient this indicator varies depending on the year in which the graduates received the mentioned awards. Every decade the ratio decreases by 10%. So, if the laureate received the award in the period from 2001 to 2010, the coefficient of significance of this indicator is 100%, in the period from 1991 to 2000 - 90%, etc. If the prize was awarded in 1911-1920, the significance of the indicator is only 10% of the original coefficient. As a result, the equivalent number of prize winners since 1911 is calculated. If any graduate received two or more scientific degrees at this university, he is taken into account in the calculation only once.

award. The number of faculty members at the university who have won the Nobel Prize (in physics, chemistry, biology, or medicine and economics) and the Fields Prize (in mathematics). For the most objective reflection of the academic achievements of the university, the coefficient of significance of this indicator varies depending on the receipt of the mentioned awards by the teachers. Every decade the ratio decreases by 10%. So, if the teacher received the award in the period from 2011 to the present day, the coefficient of significance of this indicator is 100%, in the period from 2001 to 2010. - 90%, from 1991 to 2000 - 80%, etc. If the prize was awarded in 1921-1930, the significance of the indicator is only 10% of the original coefficient. As a result, the equivalent number of prize winners since 1921 is calculated. If the prize winner is simultaneously listed as an employee of two different institutions, each of them receives 0.5 final points. If any Nobel Prize is awarded simultaneously to several laureates, when determining the significance coefficient, the share of the university employee in the total amount of the award is taken into account.

HiCi. Total number of frequently cited researchers according to Thomas Reuters. Thomas Reuters at various times published two lists of frequently cited world researchers: the first version of such a list was published in 2001 and included more than 6,000 researchers. The number of frequently cited researchers from each institution was used to calculate the HiCi score in the Academic Ranking of World Universities between 2003 and 2013. In 2014, Thomas Reuters developed a new list of more than 3,000 scientists. In order to avoid unusual fluctuations in ranking results when moving from the old list to the new one, in the transition year 2014, both lists were used simultaneously when compiling the ranking. The scores of each institution in different lists were calculated separately, and the HiCi score for the 2014 ranking was the average of two scores (click to see the process of calculating the HiCi score for a particular institution). It should be noted that according to the recommendations of some universities and scientists, among whom were frequently cited researchers, when calculating the points of specialists included in the new list, only their first place of work is taken into account.

N&S. Equivalent number of articles published in Nature and Science in the past five years (2009 to 2013). When calculating this indicator, only research articles (Article), reviews (Review) or news reports (Letter) are not taken into account. For the most objective reflection of the academic achievements of the university, the coefficient of significance of this indicator varies depending on the degree of the author's belonging to any particular institution. A significance coefficient of 100% is assigned to the institution that is the main one for the author (through which correspondence with the author is carried out), the first institution of the author (if the first is the same as the main one, then the second) is assigned 50% of the original coefficient, the next - 25%, all other institutions - according to 10%.

PUB. Total scientific works and articles included in the SCIE and SSCI indices last year (2013). When calculating this indicator, only research articles (Article), reviews (Review) or news reports (Letter) are not taken into account. Given the fact that social scientists often publish the results of their research in the form of scientific papers, based on evidence-based data, a double factor of significance is assigned to papers included in the SSCI index.

PCP. The average indicator of the academic activity of the university per one member of the teaching staff. The value of this indicator is obtained by adding the scores of all five previous indicators and dividing the result by the number of teachers in the equivalent of a full-time equivalent (full time equivalent). When compiling the 2014 ranking, the list of countries with educational institutions with members of the teaching staff in the equivalent of a full-time unit included: USA, UK, France, Canada, Japan, Italy, China, Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, South Korea, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Austria, Norway, etc. For other countries or regions, PCP was calculated as a weighted average of the sum of the scores obtained for the five previous indicators.


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