Through the eyes of a man: how to survive with a creative woman? How to survive with a creative woman? Creative woman and wealthy man

Ancient traditions say that it is the woman who is the creative energy of the Universe, inspiring and filling the man. And a man, receiving this energy, turns it into abundance. A man is given the ability to structure female energy, transforming it into material wealth and financial flows.

It is believed that without female energy, a man cannot realize his full potential, earn enough money, and achieve the desired position. And therefore, the more a woman has a capacity of female energy, the more successful the man next to her is. A woman is naturally given the ability to make a man successful and prosperous. And if everything in a woman’s life does not turn out the way she would like, and next to her the wrong man or her husband has not yet achieved success, then first you need to look at yourself. Ask yourself a frank question - have I done everything to ensure that my man is successful and rich? Maybe this is not the fault of the husband, but the insufficient capacity of female energy, which helps to attract the desired financial flows.

It is also important that the man who receives this energy knows how to appreciate it and wants to become more successful. The success of a man is at least 50% the merit of a woman. There is no such thing that a man does not strive for success. This is his nature. Due to improper upbringing, constant criticism, a series of major failures, it may seem that a man has lost this potential. However, it is not. Every man has potential, and he does not disappear while the man is alive.

A woman contributes to the success of her beloved man. With warmth, care and love, acceptance, sex, a woman fills a man with her energy, sets a vector, and a man turns this energy into the energy of prosperity, success and wealth. A woman is destined by nature to BE, LIVE, JOY, LOVE. For a man - ACT, ACHIEVE, WIN.

What exactly should a woman do to inspire a man to success:

1. Accept it the way it is. Don't remake it!

By accepting him, you recognize his right to be himself. You need to get rid of the idea that you know something better than a man, you understand something, that you are smarter than him. Give him the freedom to be himself. Don't try to perfect it. Acceptance means that you recognize him as a man, like you, with his strengths and weaknesses, you understand that he has flaws, like any other man. You accept a person as a whole with all his valuable qualities and with all his human weaknesses.

2. Appreciate him the best sides what he does for you.

Appreciating a man means respecting his dignity and being grateful to him for what he is and for what he does for you. Think about what you can appreciate in your man? Character traits, qualities, abilities, interests.

If you cannot find something to appreciate in your husband at the present time, look to past experiences. Remember how you met, why you liked him, what attracted you to him for the first time, some events of your life together, which aroused your admiration and appreciation, or difficult circumstances, which he courageously coped with.

3. Admire his masculinity.

Deep in his soul, every man wants to see in a woman admiration for his masculine virtues, namely, the abilities inherent in men, talents, achievements, ideas, dreams and the male body, its masculinity. He needs admiration like bread. As a woman needs love, so a man needs admiration.

Admiration is very important for men, they have nowhere to take it from if others do not admire them. Admiration A man is ready to receive it from any source, but admiration from the lips of his beloved woman will be especially valuable.

4. Follow your husband, accept his authority. Trust and trust him, his leadership. It’s difficult when we, in the position of a mother, know everything better than him and can still tell him what he needs to do. Trust a man that he is able to make the right decision. His decision and vision will hardly coincide with yours, but this does not mean that it is not correct.

5. Let him be the leader, the breadwinner, the protector.

The role of leader, protector and breadwinner is a male role, this is his right and his advantage. When you have 100% confidence inside that a man should feed the family, he will start feeding her. You just stop doing it. By taking this position, you will not only give the man his role, but also satisfy his need to be needed.

If you start to increase a man's masculinity, he automatically starts to move forward, grow, everything starts to work out for him, he starts to earn good money, become successful. In order for you to increase the masculinity of a man, you yourself need to increase your femininity.

6. Let him manage the finances. The husband is responsible for providing for the family. If a man stops earning money and does not want or cannot find a job for a long time, this is an alarming sign that the woman has the responsibility for providing for the family and the leading role. We start fussing, helping our husband look for a job, we start making decisions for him, sawing him until we take on this responsibility ourselves and go “plow”. What should a woman really do? - "she must have the courage to sit next to her husband and not make any more gestures" - to accept him with love and trust that he can handle it, trust him, and wait for him to take on this responsibility.

7 Allow yourself to want and have. If next to a man is a woman who is not indifferent to him, and she has desires, then he will try to satisfy her desires. Men are so arranged, they like to make a woman happy. But if a woman herself suppresses her desires or does not allow herself to have what she wants, a man cannot do anything about it. It will only mirror our attitude towards ourselves. And we will be offended that he is such a miser.

There are no greedy men - there are women with very low self-esteem. There are no monster men, there are wives who have forgotten about themselves.

As far as a woman has plans, tasks, intentions and desires that have some potential, they fill a man to such an extent. It's like a man's success engine. When a woman has no desires, she will destroy the success of a man, there is no forward movement. A man needs little, they are ascetic by nature.

8. Develop feminine qualities in yourself. To be in the female pole. For a woman, condition is important! this is its value and its strength. When she is in her female state, she is a sorceress. Then, next to her, a man becomes courageous, calm, confident, makes decisions, acts, implements his plans, takes responsibility.

If there is a woman nearby who talks about the past all the time, complains all the time, condemns someone, is touchy, indecisive, not adapted to anything and does not make herself happy, depressed, then the man nearby becomes irritable, pretentious, aggressive, insecure and unwilling to take responsibility. Therefore, it is important for us:

When a woman nourishes a man, she gives him energy to realize him in the outside world. A woman is a well from which a man drinks and the quality of this water is very good. important. This is the work of a woman on herself. An unhappy woman who does not love herself cannot make anyone happy, she cannot give what she herself does not have. Women are the foundation of a man's success and relationships in the family.
The power of a woman is enormous. The problem is that women do not understand their power and the possibilities of their influence on their husbands.

10. Support his ideas and believe in his abilities, that he can!

If a wife supports her husband's ideas, even the most “crazy” ones with trust and faith in him, this is something valuable that a woman can do for a man. The story of Henry Ford, with his idea in the engineering industry, in which few people believed. But his wife, believing in her husband, helped him every evening in the garage - she held the lamp when he worked in the garage after a hard day's work. She supported him and believed in his idea!

Men are not biorobots who have to solve all our problems, earn money, buy apartments, give us children and help around the house. Realize our dreams. Men are the same people. And they want love just like we do. To be loved, not used. To be seen, not sawn. To get it inner world was someone interesting and pleasant.

And then the stingy become generous. Bartenders begin to restore order. Workaholics pay attention to loved ones. Insensitive - show love, and vulnerable and infantile - grow up. Only love can bring about such transformations. Only love when you see more. Not only qualities and properties, not only the size of housing and cars. When you see his soul, his personality, his strengths, his potential. See for yourself - and help him see them.

Butsovskaya Tatyana Sergeevna

Director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relationships Elena Kuznetsova named nine types of men, living with whom a woman loses her human appearance and turns, as a rule, into a nervous and downtrodden creature.

1. Quiet alcoholic

No, this is not yet a drunken type who takes things out of the house in order to sell them and buy a check “for a hangover”, and not who beats his wife in a drunken stupor. This is an "amateur alcoholic" who drinks every day, or every other day, "his norm", increasing from time to time. If such behavior does not seem normal to a woman, she begins to deal with her partner’s everyday drinking and pretty soon turns into a Friendship saw. She endlessly itches about "it's time to stop", slanders the man when they drink together in the company, and snatches the glasses from his hands. Another option is to start drinking with the chosen one and, as a rule, drink too much much earlier than he does.

“It’s difficult to treat exactly what your man drinks every day or every other day. If only you have,” states Kuznetsova.

2. Egocentric

Terry egoists who think only of themselves, women with an extremely soft and accommodating character. Such ladies initially accept the egocentric behavior of a man and his leadership, which eventually comes out sideways. Excessive pliability and tractability of a woman leads to the fact that she quickly turns into a free application of a male narcissist. He exalts himself more and more, and more and more, suggesting how lucky she, a gray mouse, was to be next to such a handsome man. As a result, a woman becomes a slave of a man - both physically and psychologically.

“If such a woman got a normal man, she would be a calm, loving, caring wife, and there would be a wonderful parity relationship. And here a man is a petty tyrant who is “sharpened” exclusively for himself and does not pay attention to the desires and feelings of his partner, ”the psychologist sums up.

3. Always dissatisfied

An eternally dissatisfied man is able to quickly turn his woman into a mentally unbalanced lady. At the same time, it does not matter at all how the representative of the opposite sex shows his dissatisfaction - endlessly grumbling, or furiously hysterical. What matters is what the behavior is. The partner becomes a neurasthenic who breaks down on loved ones, often on children.

4. Creative nature

These unrecognized geniuses, who are unable to earn money or help their wife with everyday issues, spoil their partner's nerves with endless complaints that no one understands them. Tired of lack of money and everyday life, ladies, if they continue to live with such men, turn into bores who constantly “kick” their partners - they remind you a hundred times a day that you need to nail a shelf in the bathroom, fix a faucet in the kitchen, or deal with deuces son. The second option is to take the reins of government into their own hands, and "herself-herself". Pretty soon, those capable of giving odds to any member of the stronger sex. This line of behavior is more often chosen by ladies who were brought up by their mother and did not see the actions of their father - it is easier for them to come to terms with male parasitism and take the initiative.

5. Careerist

This is a rather tough, two-faced type,. On the one hand, he is a sycophant. On the other hand, - an unprincipled person - for the sake of the cherished position, he will shove like a tank and go over the corpses. In relations with his wife, he will also behave tough - first of all, he will look after his own interests. If a woman is a status woman, a careerist will more or less reckon with her, because she is. If a partner does not meet the necessary standards and the level of the career ladder, which is important, since everywhere there is a “dress code”, she will not be considered a person at all: “give-bring” - this is her status.

Living with a careerist, a woman often withdraws into herself. Since she is constantly reminded that she is nobody and nothing, the lady resigns herself to this and perceives herself as a faceless creature. This is the first scenario. Second - . At least in order to remember that she is a woman. Adultery, however, is often overshadowed by fear of her husband and his harsh nature. It only happens to “benefit” if a woman finds herself.

6. Workaholic

There are two kinds of workaholics: those who work for the sake of their wife and family, or miser who spend everything they earn on themselves.

The wives of the first type of workaholics, whom men “put a crown on their heads”, eventually turn into capricious spoiled ladies who do not know the value of money and perceive their partner as an animated ATM.

In the second type - on the contrary, often too much. If a wealthy man is satisfied with his quiet, "crushed" wife, who behaves quieter than water, lower than grass, he will never let her go.

“If a woman starts to rock the boat, a man who earns and rows money exclusively for himself, he simply shuts off all the“ taps ”for his wife: he intimidates, hires lawyers who arrange everything in such a way that after a divorce the wife is left with nothing, and so on. Such a man is able to break even a strong woman, ”says Kuznetsova.

7. Despot, tyrant, dictator

These are tough men who. If after the first assault the partner does not leave the chosen one, she should be prepared for the situation to repeat itself. And it will happen more and more over time. Life will become torture. The lady becomes a miserable shadow of herself. The same story if a woman lives with a man who suppresses her morally.

8. Womanizer

Usually a woman, even before the wedding, knows what she is going to, however, flatters herself with the hope that all his adventures are in the past, he will improve with her. Self-deception is fraught with mental disorder. If, in the process of living together, a lady begins to understand that her partner does not disdain novels on the side, she turns into one that tracks her husband’s movements, eavesdrops on his telephone conversations and checks correspondence.

9. Good for everyone

This is the same type of man who wants to be good for everyone at once, and therefore cannot refuse anyone, except, of course, his wife. Even friends of friends are a higher priority for him than the interests of his own family. Such a man will lend money to friends for a trip to the sea, although at the same time there is an empty refrigerator near the house, he will not refuse hospitality to friends if they have nowhere to drink, and so on. The opinion of the legal wife will not be taken into account. It is not surprising that women with such men become shrews who do not like their friends, hide money from the chosen one and do not particularly choose expressions when communicating with the missus and his friends.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to email address editions of "AiF-Vladimir": [email protected] .

Every woman dreams of meeting her prince on a white horse. Many want the prince to have an expensive car, a good income and a position in society.

But some want, they believe that they deserve more and the person next to them should be just a magician, a jack of all trades. I do not mean a plumber, I mean a creative unit, talented ... and, as practice shows, quite whimsical.

Writers, musicians, artists... At first glance, their life does not seem so complicated. It would seem - create for yourself, do what your mind and heart tell you. However, it is these people who are often overwhelmed by the storms of their internal conflicts, contradictions, forcing them to suffer and even turn away from reality along with those around them.

Do not immediately panic, and even more so into hysterics. Some people are arranged in such a way that it is easier for them to just leave without trying to decide for themselves what is more important - their personal life or their favorite business. And in the end, a creative person will choose exactly his own business, we should not forget about it.

In addition, if your prince finds you as his muse, then you must correspond to his ideal, while remaining yourself. many creative of people attract women spiritually not weaker, but stronger their themselves- in this there is a certain freedom and the opportunity to continue to discover a person anew every day. Expand your circle of interests, try to surprise your loved one.

In addition, do not forget about support. Close relationships between people often arise spontaneously, and over time develop into a stronger feeling. However, this is not about love, but about friendship. If you want to be part of your lover's rich world, miniskirts and a painted face are unlikely to help you.

Become his friend, support, try to understand him. In general, this rule works great with all people without exception. On the one hand, the reason is quite simple, but in fact, everything is not so simple. Love, which implies only passion and desire, passes with time (although there are exceptions), but if there was something more between you, this will allow the relationship to develop in a different way.

Many will surely remember drunken sprees and the frequent connection of names. creative people with drug use. And this connection is indeed often present. Certainly, it is possible to find a certain explanation for this - it is the escape from reality that gives many people the strength to create in spite of the cruelty and callousness of the surrounding world. However, it is important not to step over that fine line beyond which the rotten swamp of dependence begins and from a personality a person turns into a nonentity crushed by his own addictions.

Can you yourself influence a person who is rolling into a bottomless abyss? Under certain conditions this is possible. But for this, it is you who must have authority in his eyes, otherwise he will never see the point in listening to your opinion. If you have already managed to earn authority, then talk heart to heart with your loved one, and do not try to put pressure on him or blackmail him. You need to find out the root of the problem and, in your own words, push the person to the fact that there is not one, but many more solutions for any situation.

Of course, all this applies to fairly common cases, and given that there is no genius without an admixture of madness, you yourself will have to go through the thorns of various madness, including your own. But we can say for sure that after you really find mutual language, in your life the very magic that you have dreamed of for so long will be added.

Creative woman. Your talented nightmare

If you already live with a creative woman, then you are unlikely to be able to read this article. For already cried out all his eyes. By blood. If you are only going to live with such a woman, then here is a manual on how to postpone your heart attack for a couple of years. Okay, for a couple of days. Which is also not so small, if you think about it.

On handles

First you need to understand that a creative woman in her soul is an absolute child. At the same time, she can make millions, run in 20 centimeter heels and feed a family of fifteen snouts. It doesn't matter. Inside, there is still a little girl who wants to be held. It is necessary to carefully monitor the mood and have time to pick it up on the hands before the first tear rolls down her cheek. Because then it will be too late - at best, the beloved will simply curl up on an ottoman and dream of throwing herself under a train. At worst, she will turn into a terrible xenomorph that is going to take revenge on the world that rejected him.


If you dreamed about how you would wake up next to your beloved, forget it. Her muse does not care at all that you have to work tomorrow, that you had plans, that you want breakfast, and the muse does not give a damn about other middle-class junk. When he wants, then he comes. It has been empirically established that the Muses are like vampires, they are terribly afraid of sunlight and prefer to appear at night. Therefore, you are terribly lucky if the fierce sound of the keys on which your female writer sculpts another imperishable will bring you out of REM sleep. It could be much worse - you could be brought out of deep sleep by a womb howl, because your female actress is rehearsing Lady Macbeth.

This cruel, cruel world

A creative woman has such a fine spiritual organization that you can watch the news through it. Accordingly, a collision with harsh reality tears this canvas to shreds. She was yelled at at the front desk! She was pushed in a subway car! She will never go outside again. Well, perhaps behind the strong back of a reliable man who will kill anyone who offends her. He will kill, and will not say: “Forget it, why are you slamming out of the blue?”.


Probably, a creative phlegmatic woman lives somewhere in the world. Somewhere on the shore of Loch Ness or nearby. A standard creative woman is certainly a choleric. Moreover, at the stage that looks more like not a type of character, but a manic-depressive psychosis. She just sobbed, and now she laughs? Don't relax, she's about to sob again. It is impossible to predict this, and even more so to stop it. We must grit our teeth and survive.

You're not a prince, are you?

A creative woman would never have become one if she did not have a rich imagination. Therefore, she mentally endows all those around her with the necessary qualities and summarizes with satisfaction: “Wow, what wonderful people surround me.” Of course, a creative woman invents her own man especially carefully. Sometimes she gets carried away, and the resulting copy has very little in common with you. Therefore, it is necessary to bring your beloved out of illusion into reality very carefully, and, ideally, it makes sense to leave everything as it is. And play along. If she is an actress, figure out who she is playing now, and work out a partner. If she's an artist, put on that creepy tie if she thinks it's pretty. And if you are a writer, then just learn when to write “ts” and when to write “ts”. And she probably won't bite you.


Forget this word. No, don't just forget. Put that objectivity in some hole in your body. Forever. If the strange dark spots on the dirty canvas are most reminiscent of a Rorschach test, this is a problem with your eyesight, not her talent. Just remember that she painted a great picture, wrote a brilliant book, or outplayed Sarah Bernhardt. And if you don't think so, then your task is not to lie. Your task is to lie with inspiration, convincingly and verbosely. So that she doesn't suspect anything. And she will suspect, no doubt, because reflection is her middle name.


Obviously, a creative woman needs emotions. Needed for work, not for pampering. And what is the easiest way to get emotions? That's right: an ugly tavern scandal. In order not to go crazy and kill her on the spot, you need to understand that she didn’t just get to the bottom for no reason. She is having a breakfast. Do you have breakfast before work? And so did she. And the fact that she eats your brains for breakfast, so you feel sorry or what?


No, she can clean the toilet and stand in line. But at what cost. Just trust that it will be much cheaper to do it yourself.

A crisis

You need to understand that people of creative professions are constantly being bullied by some stupid people: stupid customers, stupid producers, stupid editors, stupid gallery owners - all the stupid people of the planet gather around your bright sun and let's scold, insult, humiliate and not hire. This critical moment when a lot, if not everything, depends on you. Do not try to psychotherapize your beloved on the topic "Let's think about where you went wrong." She didn't make a mistake anywhere, okay? They are just dumb!!!


But never with her. Never gets bored. In the end, you always have time to hang yourself.

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya

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What kind of men do we love? Do we girls care about love or money? Ah, if only it could all be combined! But this is rare. Therefore, you often have to make a choice between wealthy men and sincere ones.

I don't know which ones you love, but I love the sincere and non-poor. You don’t need to laugh now, by the way, such a man can be brought up. Yes, yes, I'll give you the recipe. Take a man with moral qualities suitable for you, arrange him for Good work(if he cannot) and get 2 in 1.

This can be taken with humor, but that's exactly what I did with my husband. Our relationship was based on love and sincerity, and we added some viability. We tried our best. The main thing is desire!

Wealthy man

Everyone dreams of him. You can't throw a prince on a white horse out of a fairy tale. And we are princesses, after all. But often wealth goes hand in hand with rudeness, greed, harshness, sometimes even cruelty. Not a very pleasant quality for a prince, is it?

We would have more money and affection. But if we were lucky with money here, then with affection - a complete bummer. A prince with a wallet will simply not have time for this. He needs to make contracts, sleep with his phone, travel to symposiums on the development of new ideas, sleep with his secretary, and, unfortunately, time will be sorely lacking for you.

I have a girlfriend, she now lives in Liechtenstein. All her conscious youth she dreamed of becoming a baroness. I don’t know where such a craving for the title came from, but she stubbornly searched for a baron for 5 years. And I found it, by the way, on the Internet. He took excellent care of her. Flowers, gold, diamonds, but it's all for delivery, which was definitely arranged not by him, but by that ill-fated secretary.

A friend of her husband saw once - in the span between summits, he proposed to her. She also married by proxy, but now she is a baroness. During the year, she and her husband had no more than 100 dates. During this time, she realized that our peasant is the best, even if he is poorer than a church mouse. But on the other hand, status, servants and loneliness made her life “beautiful”.

soulful man

It's easier with him. There is nothing to demand, but spiritual impulses cannot be restrained. And for vodka - the best! Of course, I am exaggerating, but for some reason it happens that if a man is sincere, then he is necessarily poor. He lacks strength of character. And without an inner vein, wealth does not go so easily into hands. And you don’t need to count on the lottery, here, too, God will forget about him.

An average income for a sincere man is guaranteed, enough for bread and butter. But we will only dream of caviar.

I have outlined two polarities, but of course there is a golden mean. However, again, I think this is rare. It's hard to be a big business and still give your wife a foot massage every day. Something has to be sacrificed. Or heaven in a hut, or dear - an attache.

If you disagree with me, please comment.

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