Men love funny women. What kind of women do men love? Compliment him with a dance step

All more people are wondering what men love women so that you can become an ideal woman and fall in love with a worthy man. After all, so many still cannot understand exactly what exactly men like in women and whether one should always believe the statistics.

In the article, you will find out what kind of women men love, and whether it is even worth defining the opinions of men as a whole. Of course, there are common qualities of women that all men appreciate, but basically all men have different tastes.


The best answer to the question women are loved men are so caring. Every man wants to hear praise in his direction for the work done, then he will want to do this work even more often and more. Men need and care about you.


No man wants to be around a woman who doesn't understand him. Learn to understand a man and then he will learn to understand you. Take the first step, no need to take risks for the sake of pride happy relationship because selfishness does not bring anything useful.

What women love worthy men



Wise and worthy man not necessarily a beautiful woman is needed, but an attractive one, so that all his male hormones are turned on and he feels at least some attraction and desire for you to fill you. If you are not very attractive, then this is not a problem, since there is exactly the man who is just right for you.


Also, men love wise women, as smart women are enough today. A smart woman, does everything for herself and shows it in plain sight. She is looking for a man so that only she feels good, but the wise one understands that if a man is bad, then she will not be very good either. A man needs wise women more than smart women, and even a man himself does not always understand this, since everything happens naturally.

What kind of women do all men love

Cheerful and sociable

If you are not too beautiful, then this does not mean that guys and men will not want to be with you. Most likely, you will attract men precisely with your sociability and cheerful character. That is why it is impossible to answer exactly what kind of women men love, since some need only beautiful ones, others are smart, others are sociable. Find out: .


All men intuitively look for that woman who will be similar to them. Like tends to like. If a man is busy achieving success, then he will find a woman who also does not sit idly by, develops in order to achieve at least something in this life. That's why men love women , which are similar to them and have at least something in common between them. The more you have in common with a guy, a man, the more likely you are to be together.

What kind of women do successful men like?

Worthy, not affordable

Not a single self-respecting man will be close even to the most beautiful woman if it is readily available. A man will find a woman who is not very attractive, but worthy, and not accessible, who will love, respect herself and a man.

psycho- olog. en

Good morning to my beloved Good night to my beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved For mood Love boyfriend

Nothing is scary in your arms
Your gaze intoxicates me.
Let me be loud or reckless
You pull towards you like a magnet.

How Everest is sometimes adamant,
As if Atlanta is beautiful and strong.
In judgments of himself so modest,
My dear, you are good in everything!

You are an impeccable and exceptional example of uncompromising masculinity, high nobility, boundless cordiality and amazing kindness. You are a true ideal, combining captivating tenderness and steel masculine stamina.

Not typical for men, not typical,
To be so indecently cute!
And for such a gift thank nature,
She mixed everything: beauty, mind and breed!

Sharp mind and strong eyes
Give vivacity charge,
Agility hidden in movements
causes admiration,

Laughter is fun and simple
It drags along
And I will say without embellishment:
You are a man - just class!

You combine masculinity and tenderness, a strong character and a soft kind heart. Your eyes are like clear lakes that do not know how to lie, and your hands are so strong that you cannot be found more reliable in the world!

To be honest, I want you:
With you, any mountains on the shoulder,
With you, even the sea is knee-deep.
There are no better men in the entire universe!

Deep eyes of your open look
Charmed all the girls in a row.
Everyone dreams of touching your lips,
To dissolve with a kiss in them.

Feeling like a goddess with you
They dream of entering the doors of heaven.
You are worthy of immeasurable, passionate love,
And you understand it very well!

You are kind and strong. Your muscles are admirable, and your character is admirable. Being your friend is an enviable reward. Being your girlfriend is the ultimate dream of all beauties.

You, of course, are favored by fate,
She cares for you and cherishes.
Everyone wants to communicate with you
And at the sight of you, the ladies are thrilled.

Everything is subject to you: physical education,
And tricky books in silence ...
And the eyes! And the face! And the figure!
At least write Apollo from you!

You are a wonderful guy: perfect in appearance, you have excellent spiritual qualities! I am always ready to lend my strong hands to help and shoulder someone else's misfortune, and your beautiful eyes will not lose sight of the main thing and make the world kinder and more beautiful.

I admire you again
My dear chosen one, my hero,
Catch compliments from me -
A sign of great and devoted love!

Like a bright moon by the sea
Call me soon to you
With you it's always easy, calm,
You are like a ray in my destiny.

It's nice to brighten up time with you
Embracing, remember the old movie,
Panacea for all sorrows
The only one and I love it!

Your subtle sense of humor endowed you with genuine charm, your sincere desire to put your shoulder in Hard time rewarded with loyal friends, the ability to listen and hear inexorably attracts many admiring eyes to you, and the ability, while maintaining dignity, to get out of a difficult situation conquers and blinds weak female hearts.

Alina Ogonyok

How to compliment a guy? The 100 Best Compliments Every Man Wants To Hear Every Day!

First of all, it should be noted that compliments are made not only to girls and beautiful words are spoken not only to beloved women - they can also and even need to be done by men.

In fact, guys love compliments as much as girls, but gentlemen receive them much less often, at least girls give compliments to their favorite guys many times less often than vice versa.

A good, beautiful compliment significantly raises male self-esteem and strengthens self-confidence, so such a psychological “vitamin” is a necessary condition for a good relationship with a loved one.

Unfortunately, wives (civilian and official), as well as seemingly loving and caring, seemingly affectionate and gentle girls, say kind and beautiful, necessary and important words to their dear life partners extremely rarely and not always accurately.

But to criticize our partners, we, women, are always ready and do it often, a lot, with taste and without reminders. And then the abandoned wives wonder why their husbands left them and left the family for other girls - more joyful, cheerful and positive, who not only know how, but also know how, and really compliment the guys from the bottom of their hearts and souls.

If your beloved young man is still with you, but love and family relationships already leave much to be desired, it's time to resort to the art of complimenting beautifully.

After all, this is not just your boyfriend - this is a brave and brave hero, a caring gentleman, a generous knight or a gallant gentleman who can make you feel like a princess - and all thanks to a skillfully made compliment, a couple of well-timed and beautifully spoken words to your beloved.

In order to cheer up a person with the best compliments in the world, you need to understand that men and women love different types"praise".

For example, a compliment that is guaranteed to please a girl is almost guaranteed to offend or embarrass a guy. Now I will dwell on this in more detail.

The male rule of a great compliment is that if you want to compliment a man, you must emphasize and accentuate his “masculinity” in every possible way.

Men are very sensitive to criticism and very quickly recognize insincerity, flattery and lies, so try to avoid watering your beloved guy with "empty admiration" that is not supported by anything.

That's why only say what you really think, - do not overload your beloved with untruthful words that lead away from a sweet and sweet conversation to dishonest praise, because he will definitely feel it ... And maybe he will take revenge on you, or, even worse, stop trusting you.

How do men react to compliments?

Imagine that you called your loved one a “real gentleman” - and he will begin to open all the doors in front of you and will try to justify such a high trust, will try his best to behave like a really well-mannered and polite young man. Encouraged, by the way, by your beautiful words and your faith in that, he really is such a beautiful knight!

Aphorism about COMPLIMENTS

Compliments to a girl: The ability to accept beautiful compliments from men

If you thank your boyfriend or husband for his kindness and generosity, care and affection, love and good attitude, he will always want to give you more and more in order to be worthy of your kind and gentle words, thanks and high marks.

If you, as a loving woman or dear wife, call your beloved man “talented” and “skillful”, he will want to move mountains and drain the oceans for you, he will try to do everything for you as much as possible and as best as possible.

Therefore, instead of criticizing your loved one, give him a sincere appreciation and say a good, kind compliment from the heart.

And the most important rule of how to give a compliment to a man so that he will remember it for the rest of his life: your words must be sincere and you need to praise for a specific thing - say who the author of the compliment is (you or someone else), for what exactly you are praising, why, note how exactly he did something cool.

Make a compliment from the heart so that your laudatory phrase is heartfelt, sincere, honest and well-deserved.

Speak words affectionately and gently, in a pleasant sweet voice, talk about your love and how you appreciate your beloved man as often as possible.

And if you still have to express your dissatisfaction with your husband or boyfriend, then instead of criticizing and swearing, it’s better to first tell him what is already good (give psychological candy), then just say what could be improved (offer changes in his behavior for the better ), and then say again that it’s already good (give me candy again).

And now, let's get acquainted with the list of 100 compliments for a man.

100 best and most beautiful words to the guy you love and with which you can decorate his life, making it more pleasant, easy and inspirational:

You're so clever!

You have such big muscles - just iron cans!

You are a very kind person.

No one has ever understood me and does not understand me like you.

Yes, dear. Of course, beloved.

My dear, I'm sure you can handle it!

I am sure you will find the best solution.

Only you understand me!

You will succeed - I believe in it, I just know it.

You are so handsome!

Wow! What a bicep!

You are a very powerful person.

My favorite !

You are the strongest.

Thank you for your kindness, tenderness and care, my dear.

Gentle lion.


Passionate tiger!

Smart, kind, strong - you are the perfect man.

I love you.

You are my hero!

Medieval knights rest next to you 🙂

There is no beast stronger than the husband!

You are the best lover in the world! I have never been so good with any man.

I adore you.

What beautiful eyes you have.

A real man!

You are so kind, gentle, affectionate - I just melt in your arms, become sticky and wet, like chocolate ice cream ...

You are the best of the best !

Just my ideal!

I don’t know if there are guys cooler than you, but if they exist, then there is definitely no cooler and cooler than you!

Thank you for being able to rely on you.

Next to you, I can relax and feel like a weak woman.

You are very reliable - I feel good with you.

A reliable strong male shoulder is yours.

You are my wall, fortress and stronghold! I'm behind you - like behind a stone wall.

Just my fearless hero!

Well, you are brave!


You are so charming.

Your charm is irresistible.

The embodiment of all my ideals.


You have a very endearing smile.

Thoroughbred appearance, very aristocratic. Did you have any of your ancestors a nobleman?

Who can match your sense of humor?

Mine and only mine...

You have an amazing sense of humor.

Next to you, I always feel calm and protected.

You are a bright and versatile person.

Next to you, I can be myself, real.

Your charm is impossible to resist.

You are the coolest lover in the world.

Only you can give me such deep pleasure...

You are a very bright and non-trivial person, I always have something to talk about with you, you always touch on such important and necessary, interesting topics.

You are an excellent conversationalist.

Only with you I constantly laugh, you probably know which buttons to press to make me laugh.

Sometimes I feel like you know me better than I know myself.

You dressed so beautifully to seduce me and (again) fall in love with yourself!

With you my dreams of happy love come true!

With you, I feel at home everywhere.

Your smile... it's something! Simply charming.

You are so funny!

You look very healthy and courageous.

This suit (t-shirt, shirt) is very to your face.

You are the most attractive man not only on Earth, but in the entire Universe!

I love your eyes, your forehead, ears, nose, lips, cheeks, fingers, hands, feet... I love you all - thank you for choosing me... You made me the happiest woman on earth.

My love! I am a very lucky girl - I am very lucky that it is me next to you.

You are so groovy!

A more energetic and enchanting guy than you still needs to be looked for.

You have a big kind heart.

My amazing.

Brave, courageous, courageous - and at the same time a caring and gallant gentleman.

It's amazing how quickly you got through this!

It's amazing how quickly you reacted to this difficult situation on the road - I would definitely be confused if I were you.

You are the best programmer in the world!

There is no more successful businessman in the world!

The most talented.


How sexy are you!

Hot stallion!

And you are also creative, it turns out!

You look amazing in this suit.

You have a calm, reserved, laconic masculine style.

How romantic are you?

You understand me so!

A real gentleman!

The best dad in the world!

I am sure that my husband is the most wonderful in the world.

I love you so much!

Next to you, I feel like a real Lady or even a Queen.

You cook better than me! Your omelet is the best.

You are a born driver from God.

I'm so proud of you.

You earn my sincere respect!

You amaze me!

You inspire me!

You are my favorite cup of tea that I'm craving to drink!

So, now you know how to compliment your beloved man, and I hope that now you will often practice the art of saying beautiful words, delights, admiration and gratitude.

And a few more tips from a psychologist on how to correctly pour honey into men's ears so that he listens and asks for more sweets.

Both women and men need compliments to feel important and needed, to feel loved and appreciated. Even those people who say they don't care about other people's opinions still shine when they hear that someone praised them for a job well done or recognized them for their accomplishments.

In our modern society, it is generally accepted that women need compliments more than men, that only girls need to give love through affectionate words and beautiful compliments, but this is actually not entirely true. For men, a kind word and thanks that are pleasant to their ears are sometimes no less important than women.

Let's now get acquainted with the basic rules of affectionate and beautiful words to a guy and pleasant, gentle compliments to men. So, for what and how to praise a man.

1. Compliment his sense of humor

Compliments to a man - Beautiful words to a guy

Something as simple as "You're the funniest man I've ever known" can really elevate you in his eyes. Men love to be funny, they love it when their sense of humor is appreciated, and they feel great when a girl laughs at his jokes. If your lover is really good at humor, be sure to note his great sense of humor - leave a positive comment or a witty review on it.

2. Ask your loved one for advice or ask for help

Thus, you will raise his self-esteem - by asking for advice, you admit that he is smart and you need intellectual help from him. And men are really great at making decisions and solving a number of problems. And if the advice or help is really wonderful and effective, thank you!

3. His appearance

Rate his appearance. Praise your loved one, if he really looks cool, make a comment on this topic out loud.

“I love your green eyes” or “I love your strong, powerful legs, you are a great runner” - such simple beautiful words about the appearance of the second half will make him feel like a Winner.

In fact, many outwardly confident business men have major doubts about their attractiveness, physique or behavior. Therefore, well-deserved boasting will certainly increase his self-esteem and elevate him to heaven.

4. Compliment a man for his real achievements.

The secret is that if you share the success of your man, then he wants you to recognize his achievements and appreciate them in verbal and non-verbal forms. Even if your boyfriend is modest and does not seem to like high-flown words and odes addressed to him, he still wants you to notice, appreciate and celebrate his triumph with him.

If your knight got a promotion, won a race, made a million, or even drunk his friends - use this as an occasion for approval, a good word, a compliment.

5. Admire his strength

Yes, it may sound primitive, but guys still like to carry heavy bags instead of their girlfriend and change the wheel of her car. At the same time, young people like it when their power and strength are noticed, their courage and generosity of a real gentleman are noted.

6. Adore his charm, charm

Guys like to hear and know that your family and friends respect, love and appreciate him. If you are a wise wife, a smart girl, then with the help of a compliment to your beloved, you can cheer him up and inspire that he is the very best.

Just a broken phrase:

“You made a huge impression on my parents - just blew them away, in a good way!”

“All my girlfriends are jealous of what a cool guy I have, everyone would like to be in my place”

can turn an ordinary boy into a national superstar.

7. Praise his exploits in bed!

It's no secret that men often identify with their male power. If your knight is beautiful in bed - just tell him about it, because this is the best compliment for a guy. Having done something nice for you once and received great feedback from you on this occasion, he will want to please you again and again ...

8. Praise his intelligence

Compliment his knowledge of politics, economics, business, pay tribute to his professionalism, ask him questions on topics that he is well versed in, let him share what worries him. When your loved one sees your interest in what is interesting to him, it will strengthen your relationship and improve mutual understanding between you.

9. Speak words of admiration for his professionalism

As much as we wives sometimes hate to believe it, many men identify with what they do and how they make a living. Compliment the guy on his work, say that you are amazed at his professionalism, note what a responsible position he has, that he makes a great contribution to an important and what people need case.

10. Get a little jealous

If a girl is quite a bit jealous of her life partner, then this increases his self-esteem, shows what a popular and sought-after comrade he is. A little bit of jealousy in the most moderate amounts will make him feel like a consummate man.

11. Want to give a really cool compliment to a man? Praise him in public!

You should not say beautiful words to your loved one only in especially personal moments tete-a-tete - tell all your friends, dad and mom, talk about how good he is for you, list his virtues. This will not only flatter him, but also prove that you really love him.

12. Compliment him with a dance step.

Men are divided into 2 groups - those who dance and those who do not dance. Those who do not dance are courageous boys who do not change for trifles - they dance beautifully with their bodies in bed. And those who dance at a disco in a nightclub should know that they move best of all.

13. Believe in him and his successful future

Guys are big dreamers and love it when their girlfriend believes in him and supports his dreams, believes that he will really achieve everything, that he can achieve even his most daring goals.

Encourage your loved one to dream - listen carefully to him, ask clarifying questions, measure out a couple of compliments about his plans and future projects.

Men love those who believe in them.

14. Notice his gorgeous smile

Of course, he has the most charming and attractive smile in the world. Of course, he has the most open and inviting smile. With him you can giggle, and neigh, and intelligently humor.

15. And the best compliment to a man is never to put up with his absence as it should be.

No need to be imposed and be intrusive, you should not control your lover with authority. But if a loved one is not around, send him love SMS, they say, I miss you, I feel bad without you. Sometimes call, remind about yourself. Ask more often: “How will I be without you?”, “What will I do without you?”, “Thank you for being in my life.”

Every man wants to know that he plays the most important role in the life of his beloved and dearly loving woman.

I hope that now you not only know how to praise a guy with affectionate and gentle, pleasant words, but you will really use them in daily communication.

A compliment is life-giving water for the flower of your relationship: the more you water, the more beautiful the flower of your love!

Molchanova Tatiana

Of course, there are many opinions about what kind of women men like, and creating a single image of an ideal companion is not easy. But still, in all descriptions there are common points.

To please a man, a woman must be attractive. And this means the ability to attract attention, and not put a ton of different cosmetics on your face.

Men love natural, natural. And not at all a plastered face, silicone lips and too revealing clothes.

Make-up should not be too bright and catchy. Otherwise, a man may initially form an opinion about a girl as not quite decent or as ready and willing to do anything. And then it will not be easy to prove that war paint meant something completely different.

As for the hairstyle, the main thing is that the hair is clean, well-groomed and without a huge amount of bonding varnish. They should cause a desire to touch, and not disgust and rejection.

Long nails extended on the hands are also unlikely to cause delight among the male part of the population. Yes, it is aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, but excessive length can scare a partner. After all, such nails are very similar to the claws of a predator, and who knows what big scratches they can leave.

A girl with a beautiful manicure tries to avoid household chores, and therefore creates the impression of herself as a very bad housewife.

Equally important is natural sexuality. Moreover, it manifests itself not in overly open clothes, but in the ability to present oneself, to demonstrate one's exclusivity. And the main element of sexuality is a straight posture. A stooped, insecure woman is unlikely to arouse strong interest from a man. Whereas those who can walk with their heads held high attract a lot of intrigued looks.

It is also important for any girl to be able to be feminine, to recognize and respect her nature.

If a woman is dressed in jeans, sneakers, she has a haircut “like a boy”, a swift jerky gait and masculine habits, then men perceive her as their “on the board”. Such a woman is a friend, but not an object of desire.

But it is femininity that can lure any man. To do this, you need a little: just show yourself weak, give a man the opportunity to protect and protect.

Next to such a woman, a man fulfills himself, feels himself to be who he is supposed to be by nature - a protector.

It is believed that men are afraid of smart women, like fire. However, being smart does not mean constantly expressing your opinion, striving to stand out, put a man in his place with his advantage in knowledge. These are the ones the male sex is afraid of.

You can’t teach a man to live - moralizing repels and causes irritation and rejection. An association with parents is triggered.

A truly smart woman will never demonstrate her advantage or try to humiliate a man. She is capable of holding intelligent conversations and knows when to remain silent.

It is equally important for a woman to be self-sufficient. This quality makes her independent, which allows a man to stop straining in a relationship. After all, every second person fears that it is not he who is interesting to a woman, but his status or wallet.

Another important point is cheerfulness. A positively minded woman, easily walking through life, attracts men like a magnet. With such a person, it’s cozy next to you, it’s nice, it seems that all problems recede, and tomorrow will bring only good things.

Men really appreciate the opportunity to relax next to a woman, to forget about problems and difficulties for a while.

And one of the most important qualities - a woman must respect a man, his friends and his interests. This quality allows not only to win over a man, but also to keep him for a long time. After all, it is best where they understand.

And men are very fond of kind, caring, gentle women. Those who know how to create home comfort, those who know how to understand, accept and forgive.

You, my dear, are the strongest
The kindest on earth
The most intelligent and beautiful
I'm lucky to have you!

Nobody else is needed
Better never to be found!
If you, beloved, are near,
I am a happy man!

I want to tell you, my love -
You are the only one for me:
Beautiful and irresistible
Wonderful, sweet and kind.

You are the clear sun that shines
And gives a sensitive warmth
You are a gentle and pleasant wind,
You are calm and easy.

Beloved, with your appearance in my life, my every day turns into a holiday, my soul flies in the clouds of dreams, and my heart beats in the rhythm of happiness. You are the best, the strongest, the most beautiful, the smartest, the bravest, the most wonderful. your charming smile, your alluring look, your strong hands, your confident voice, your rich inner world- all this has become an important part of my life, my heart.

You have the life force
I feel so calm next to you
It's clear right away I'm going with a man,
who took over my soul,
You are gentle, sensitive, but at the same time strong,
You have many elements
Warm in the cold, bring coolness in the heat,
You have all the qualities of a man
I am happy that you are with me.

You are gentle and reliable
You are the best, I will not hide.
I can be with you
I have to be myself.

There is no better person
You are kind and smart
You are my hero forever
I love you madly!

My dear, my incredible man,
You are the best for me
You and support, you are the strength,
You are a secret dream.

You are my joy, you are my support
Your smile drives you crazy
You are the most sensitive, romantic,
You are my happiness forever!

Sweet, sweet, kind, gentle.
How hard it is to find them.
Noble, loving, diligent,
How many golden qualities.

How much cheerfulness, strength,
How much intelligence and joy in the eyes!
Young, good and handsome,
Like a prince on scarlet sails.

My hero from the good old fairy tale.
I finally got it.
And I don't exaggerate a bit,
Because the guy is great!

You are my prince, you are my hero
I always want to be with you.
You are beautiful, flawless.
You are worthy of eternal love.

You are strong, beautifully built.
We can be happy.
Your shoulders are like rocks.
I became happy with you.

There is no more you in the world.
There is no other like it in the world.
I want to trust you with my life
Only you can I trust.

My most affectionate, desired,
Beautiful, smart, long-awaited,
Swift and strong, dear,
My favorite, unique!

We have one heart for two,
Let's keep our feelings magic
Together we strive for cherished dreams,
And let happiness come true together!

Thank you for your kindness
I appreciate her very much.
Thank you for your concern
You are the best, I love you.

You are so brave,
In all smart, skillful.
You shine with intelligence and sharpness,
Always by my side.

I won't hide, baby
Enchanted by you
And believe me, I'm very proud
The fact that you are next to me.

You are the best for me,
My main hero.
I can in fire and in water
Only for you.