Description of my pet. My pet. Features of education and behavior

For many, pets are not just animals, but real friends who give us positive emotions every day. Our authors decided to remember how pets appeared in their lives and shared their interesting stories.

In January 2011, after the celebration of the New Year, I decided that I urgently need a cat, or rather a kitten. Here's an urgent one. Here and now, what does “here” have to do with it - it was in a rented apartment. All my free time during the New Year holidays, I hung out on the Avito website and looked for a tricolor cat girl. But they were taken apart the fastest. On the third or fourth day, I was ready to take anyone, as long as it was a girl. Why a girl? Cats have always seemed to me more affectionate and kinder. Yes, and all my childhood I lived only cats. At some point, I came across an advertisement for a black and white female kitten. She was the last kitten from that family who had not yet been taken away. Came to see this lump. The baby was the size of my palm, a month and a half old. She resisted very much and tried to break free and bite, sitting right on her hands. But I just couldn't leave her there, my heart melted. They gave the owners 50 rubles and went to buy toiletries and food for the kitten.

They didn’t think about the name for long, they wanted something with the letter Sh, since I read somewhere that cats remember whistling-hissing sounds well. There were two options - Piggy and some other, which has already been forgotten. Then already I had doubts that the cat would be a cat. A couple of days later, they were confirmed at the first visit to the vet.

The name Piggy was decided to be left because it was humorous and because it suited both a girl and a boy. So in our family, instead of a kind girl, a biter boy appeared, who soon, biting, also began to grunt. So the name predetermined fate. And now this is a fluffy healthy handsome man who will turn 6 years old in a month. The most endlessly loved Christmas gift.

Some five years ago, I was sitting and looking at a girl friend's photos with kittens. Babies, as a rule, are all cute and pretty, but when I saw those eyes, “I want, I want” instantly turned on in my head. I showed the photo to my mother, she melted with tenderness, and we went to my grandmother to beg for a kitten. Grandmother was supportive and approved the idea. There was one thing left - I'm in St. Petersburg, a friend in Moscow.

But I was assured that the kittens travel well and there will be no problems. And soon our friend went to St. Petersburg and agreed to be the delivery of seals. And now at the station I meet a small screaming creature, which in the photo is eating its brother's tail.

Now we joke that in our family only a cat rode the Sapsan. And when Luciana plays pranks, we scold her that she came from Moscow, but there are no manners.

Are there creatures in this world that I would love more than dogs? Unlikely. However, in early childhood I was terrified of them. I don’t know why, I don’t remember this feeling at all - only the fact itself.

I was four years old. slammed Entrance door Dad came home from work and I went out to meet him. Joy immediately gave way to fear, and with a wild cry, “Dad brought the dog !!!” I flew to the kitchen to my mother and grandmother and hid under the table.

The shelter ceased to be safe very soon - a minute later dad entered it. With a dog! Sneaking past him, I ran into my room and sprawled on the bed, began to roar.

Meanwhile, something was happening in the kitchen. A few minutes before open door in my room they put a lid from a jar filled with milk, and next to it - the same DOG. A tiny puppy the size of exactly the size of my father's palm.

Everyone left, leaving us alone. Children's curiosity was stronger. Slowly, I began to look out, checking what this furry lump was doing there. Lump lapped milk from the lid, which at that time probably seemed to him a whole bowl. And which of us was more shocked by what was happening is a big question.

He's not so scary, I thought, slowly crawling out of the room to him. She sat down next to him, gently touched her fingers, stroked. Adults were peeping from the kitchen, but I no longer noticed anything around - a small fluffy creature completely captured my attention and endless love.

Timosha was the best dog in the world. I will always remember him, and I certainly will never forget the day he appeared to me.

My cat is already 12 years old. All these 12 years he lives with me. And this is the most beloved, most beautiful creature on earth))) Sometimes I think about some people, whom, for example, I would be the first to run to save in which case, and I hardly prioritize the cat.

In my life, he appeared quite prosaically: a classmate had a beautiful semi-Persian fluffy gray cat, who became pregnant from a Persian cat. There was only one kitten in the litter of the same gray color as her. Naturally, I chose him. I remember well how I came first to choose, then to pick up, when the kitten learned to lap up milk. They say that for a long life, even taking something alive for free, you need to give yellow coins. I remembered this already at the elevator and just blindly poured all the change from my pocket into the hand of a classmate. While I was walking home (it was April - my cat was born on March 22, 2004), he squeaked plaintively in the bag. Then I put him under my jacket, where he warmed up and stopped crying.

She chose an eccentric name for the cat - originally he was Singapore. Just by sound associations - something soft, fluffy. Naturally, no one wants to pronounce so many letters, and he became just Senya.

His childhood was funny. I got up for school at 8 and at the same time with my breakfast warmed up the kitten with warm milk, because he did not drink cold milk. On weekends, when I didn’t have to go anywhere, I still got up at the same time so that the cat could drink warm milk. By the way, despite the fact that he was taken away from the cat already able to lap on his own, he still tried to suck something for quite a long time, then a blanket, then my ear, then he crawled under the covers and poked his nose into my sides - he was looking. As a child, he was cool - a bluish-gray moving lump, unusually beautiful. Whoever came, they tried to stroke him, cuddle him, because this fluffy toy just begged for his hands.

Senya is far from perfect, but nevertheless, here she is - my eternal feline love!

I was deceived. I remember this with a smile, but the fact remains. The daughter was getting stronger and no longer very subtly hinting that she would be glad if we had a pet, and my husband and I were not very against it, only I was sure that this would happen sometime later, that at first we we will discuss everything, think it over (maybe a few months ... or a year). In general, I thought that this would not happen so soon.

I remember very well the moment when the word "chinchilla" was first heard. It was a wonderful warm day, I, husband and daughter, were walking in the forest, fooling around, chatting about all sorts of things, and my daughter (well, of course, she caught the moment so well) again sighed about her own. And the husband, scratching his head, muttered thoughtfully: “But there are such small, fluffy ones, like squirrels, they look like hamsters, only bigger and more beautiful” (in fact, the phrase was more bizarre, but with such a meaning). I didn’t immediately realize who he meant, I thought about it, and my daughter immediately picked it up: “Yes, exactly, chinchillas! They are so cute...". Both looked at me, but I didn’t smell the catch, and waved it off: “Yeah, honey. Oh, look, we have almost reached our clearing. I didn't know then that they had a great conspiracy...

Further, as if by chance, the word “chinchilla” began to slip more often in conversations ... there were some other tricks (stories, pictures), I won’t describe for a long time. And then the daughter said that she saw “the very same chinchilla” in the pet store, fell in love, and now looks in there from time to time, and notices that no one takes the animal. She spoke with such emotions ... And in the end she said directly: “Mom, let's take it. He is alone, he is sad. But we all have already decided that we will get a chinchilla, right?

By that moment, in fact, everyone was more or less mentally prepared, and, as it seemed to us, they imagined what to expect (oh, how wrong I was, but that's another story), and it was just a matter of making a decision.

And then it turned out that it was the husband who “prompted”.
In general, it was like this: when the daughter once again started a conversation on the topic “how great it would be if someone else lived with us,” and she and her husband argued who could be taken (without thinking seriously, but just like that), he called the chinchilla ... And my daughter liked this idea so much that she first convinced her father that we just needed such an animal, and then they carefully, in roundabout ways, began to "process" me.

They probably understood that my husband is often on business trips, my daughter is studying, and they hoped that I myself would take the initiative (hence, I would accept obligations). They did not wait for this very initiative, in the end, they assured me that all responsibility would be on them, that they understood what they were doing, but I believed, of course (oh, how wrong I was - 2).
And Mars has been living with us for about two years, and we all love him very much.

The story of the appearance of the handsome Timon in our house is very prosaic: his mother, the black panther Fisa, already lived with us. Due to the inexperience and oversight of the owners, she went on a spree, and the result was the appearance of four tiny babies two months later. This is the first time I've seen these babies! What is interesting: Fisa, black as night, had three of the same blackies and one - completely white. He turned out to be the smallest and most frail. Friends who came to visit were surprised at this little white lump, vying with each other expressing their desire to take it for themselves. But no! We have already decided to keep it. :)

Despite the fact that the cat was not the most the best mom she nursed the kittens. But I haven't started toilet training yet. And she stopped licking. At that time, only two kittens remained in the house - two more were given to new owners. And then the white baby surprised us immensely. In a few days, he found a tray and went there himself! Mom-cat "scored" on education, so Timon decided to take care of his upbringing himself :) Since then (from the very first day!) He has not had a single misfire. I've never heard of this before - where have you seen a kitten find its own toilet?
By the way, when Timon grew up, his color changed: his ears, muzzle, and then all his hair darkened, besides, he turned out to be long-haired, unlike his mother .. It became clear that his father had "blue" blood.

Now Timon is a hefty two-year-old cat who loves to play pranks: climb on a shelf and take everything off it, drive the remote / keys / rattle around the house and stuff like that. He is also very kind and friendly. Only person he's hiding from is our little daughter. :)

My loved one died in February 2014 a pet- cat Barsik. He spent all my childhood and youth with me. He accompanied me to school and joyfully met me from it. Then he saw me off early in the morning to the university, and when I came home tired, he gave me a cat massage. Barsik was always there when I felt bad, he amused me and made me happy. He was a very smart cat. But unfortunately, time does not spare anyone.

I did not want to get a new pet, but everyone said that a new cat would help me get over the loss. Not hoping for anything, I went to Avito. Just out of curiosity, just to see how much they charge for British Fold cats. And on the very first page I saw an ad that they give in good hands kittens. Ordinary such kittens, striped, of which hundreds are distributed free of charge on Avito and of which thousands run through the streets. At that moment, something jumped in my chest and I realized that I wanted one of them.

A nice woman picked up the phone and said that the kittens were in the furniture industry. I was a little upset, because it was very far from my house, but the woman offered to take me in her car, and I agreed.

I chose the plumpest and cutest cat of all (because I really love fat cats). On the way home, the woman stopped at the pet store and bought my kitten dry food and flea and worm medication. For my money, without taking a penny from me.
So in our house, almost spontaneously, the cat Syoma appeared. And I'm very glad that it happened.

My little cat came to me very spontaneously. One fine January day, I decided to blow up Avito in order to see the kittens. I don’t know why I decided so, perhaps it was fate. At the same time, I was not really going to buy a kitten, of course. At that time, Fedya, a Scot, who was a full-fledged owner of the apartment, was already living with us at that time, so bringing a new “tenant” was quite risky.

However, I saw one sad announcement and my heart sank. It was written there that one kitten remained from the litter of December 2010 - a girl, that the cat has a passport, mom and dad are thoroughbred, but no one wants to buy it. The reason is tearful eyes. Since I already had a Scot, I was aware that the tear ducts of this breed are special, and that their eyes need to be cleaned regularly. In general, I decided to write to the breeder. A day later, she already brought this little miracle, shaking with cold and fear, right behind the collar of her sheepskin coat to my metro station. The eyes really flowed a lot in the first days, but we talked to the veterinarian and gave her something - after which the eyes began to look like they normally look in this breed.

It was written in the passport that the litter in which the cat was born begins with the letter G. Therefore, the cat must be given an official name with this letter if I plan to get more serious documents in the cattery in order to breed and sell kittens in the future. So I came up with the name Gracie for her. Graycie or Gray C (gray cat). In Russia, you rarely see such a nickname, and people constantly ask her name several times over.

This kitten has become very special to me. First, this is my personal cat. Those who say that cats do not like people are lying. My cat is very affectionate, she chose me as her mistress and constantly spends time with me: she sleeps next to me, she doesn’t mind watching TV shows with me or just sitting next to me. I always dreamed of such a cat - a kind, purring lump. I always feel like calling her a kitty instead of a cat, because Gracie is quite small - she looks like a kitten who has a couple more months to grow up. And secondly, she never bit or scratched me or anyone else - there is no aggression towards a person in her. Isn't this the perfect kitten?

It would seem that all stories are somewhat similar and at the same time each of them is unique in its own way. It doesn't matter what it was - fate, a matter of chance, or we ourselves decided so, but as a result, we all found true friends in the form of these fluffy darlings.

Do you have pets? How did they get into your house?

My cat's name is Sima, she is 5 years old. She is a mixture of an ordinary cat and the Maine Coon breed, so she is very large and fluffy, she is incredibly pleasant to stroke.

She spends most of her life on the couch in my room. She loves to sleep very much. Moreover, Sima sleeps rather strangely - lying on his back, which is very rare for cats.

Her other favorite pastime is begging for food. We feed her special cat food, but sometimes we pamper her and ordinary food from the table. Pet care manuals don't recommend doing this, but my mom doesn't agree. She likes to cut the sausage into small cubes and throw it to her, Sima likes it very much. She likes it when they throw these pieces high, and she jumps after them.

In addition, the cat loves to play with the ball. We bought her a special, small ball, and she can roll it for hours. She throws him up, rolls him over, rolls over with him, it's all very funny to watch.

Naturally, Sima loves to be stroked. Once a day, she will definitely climb onto my stomach so that I can stroke her. At the same time, she begins to purr loudly and try to rub against my face. It can be seen that such caresses give her great pleasure.

My cat is not very hospitable, especially does not like children. At the sight of children, she immediately begins to hiss and may scratch them. One day we were leaving, and we had to give it to our friends. Unfortunately, all week she sat under the sofa. I felt very sorry for her.

I really like my cat, I'm glad that she is the way she is. I always miss when I part with her, and she is always glad to see me too.

I like animals very much, that's why I'd like tell about my home pet. This is a small cat, her name is Penny and she has no breed. She was presented to me by my friends and it was the most adorable gift I've ever had.

She is not fat and grand, she`s just 4 months old. She is gray and white with a black spot on the chin, which looks like a small beard. Her eyes are green, her ears, paws and nose are rose. My cat is cute and fluffy, so it`s very pleasant to touch her. When Penny is in a good mood she always purrs.

Penny doesn`t like to stay alone. She misses me and when I come she runs up, wags with the tail and asks me to take her in my arms. She always follows me from one room to another: we cook, clean, wash the dishes, play computer games and sleep together. She likes to sleep. Usually she finds soft, warm and clean place and lies down there. She is very sociable and likes guests. When I invite somebody to my flat, Penny usually greets and welcomes them.

My cat has some favorite toys: a rubber ball, a scratching post and a mouse-toy. Penny likes running, jumping on sofas, tables, chairs and window sills and sometimes she can be very noisy. She is mad about fish and meat, that's why when she sees the food she cries loudly and asks to treat her aggressively. She likes sitting in my bag and gnawing my headphones when I do my work. Now I buy the cheapest analogues to avoid any wastes.

Some cats walk outdoors, but I don't let my cat to walk down the streets, because it is very dangerous. Penny could be attacked by dogs, other cats, cars or people. There are many people who don't like animals (they kick, poison or even kill animals) and I want my cat to be safe and alive.

I love my cat and I hope she loves me too. In my opinion, she is my best friend and she can keep secrets.

I love animals very much, and therefore I would like to tell you about my pet. This is a small cat, her name is Penny, she has no breed. My friends gave it to me, and it was the most beautiful gift I have ever received.

She is not big and not fat, she is only 4 months old. She is gray and white with a black spot on her chin that looks like a small beard. She has green eyes, pink ears, nose and paws. She is cute and fluffy, so it is very pleasant to touch her. When Penny's good mood She's constantly purring.

Penny doesn't like to be alone. She misses me, and when I arrive, she runs out to me, wags her tail and asks for my arms. She always follows me from one room to another: we cook together, clean up, wash dishes, play computer games and sleep. She loves to sleep. Usually she finds a soft, warm, clean place and lies down there. She is very sociable and loves guests. When I invite someone to my place, Penny usually meets and greets the guest or guest.

My cat has favorite toys: a rubber ball, a claw scratcher and a toy mouse. Penny likes to run, jump on sofas, tables, chairs and window sills and can be very noisy at times. She is crazy about fish and meat, and therefore, when she sees food, she makes loud noises and very aggressively demands to be treated. She likes to sit in my bag when I'm busy with my work and nibble on my headphones. Now I buy the cheapest models so as not to waste money.

Some cats love to walk in nature, but I don't let my cat walk in the streets because it's very dangerous. Penny can be attacked by dogs, other cats, people, or she can get hit by a car. There are many people who don't like animals (they kick them, poison them and even kill them) and I want my cat to be safe.

I love my cat and I hope she loves me too. I think she is my best friend and knows how to keep secrets.

Natalia Zyurkalova

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a project for younger students, which we prepared with our daughter Valeria.

Valeria is in the second grade, and this year those who wished from the class were preparing projects for scientific and practical conference. I propose to get acquainted with our project and evaluate our work.

Project theme:

"My favorite cat Manya"

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My project is called "My favorite cat".

I like animals a lot. I have a cat at home - Manya, a turtle Totti and fish in an aquarium. But most of all I love cats. And I decided to learn more about her and tell about my cat.

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The purpose of my work: Find out what breed my cat is


Find out who cats are, how a cat became domestic

learn about cat breeds

Find out what role the cat plays in human life

Take care of your pet

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There is a cat in our family. Her name is Mania. She's 7. I remember her from my earliest childhood. She was brought into our family as a small kitten when I was only a few months old. She is an affectionate cat. Manya loves to be where the whole family is.

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Many years ago, all cats were feral. It is difficult to determine when a person first started keeping a cat at home. There is an opinion that this animal was domesticated about 6 thousand years ago, when people, in addition to hunting and gathering, began to master cattle breeding and agriculture. For people, there was a need to save the harvest until next year. For this purpose, a person had premises designed to store grain and other products that had to be protected from rodents, which caused great damage to the economy. The best way to do this job was to wild cat. However, scientists are still arguing who, in fact, who tamed - a man a cat or a cat of a man. It is possible that the cat "domesticated" itself, hunting rodents and following people who quickly adopted these animals into their lives.

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I learned that there are many breeds of cats. For example, Persian cat . Cats of this breed are fluffy and their nose is depressed. The nature of these cats is kind. I also found out Siamese cat breed . These cats are light, and the muzzle and paws are dark. These are very smart cats, jealous and very fond of their owner. Eat simple russian blue cat . She was named so because her coat is blue.

There is also sphinx - This is a breed of hairless cats. They, like people, like to sleep under the covers, because they freeze.

There is also cat breeds that look like dogs . This is a dachshund cat and a cat poodle. A cat poodle is as curly as a poodle.

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A cat is a graceful, affectionate, cunning, but at the same time the most charming pet. She feels like a mistress in our home. Sometimes playful, calm, but still remains a predator.

Cats can communicate in the language of smells. A small, blind kitten will always find its mother thanks to its nose.

They mark their own territory and keep outsiders out. Cats are independent, but very attached to the person and the place of residence in which they live.

They help people get rid of rodents, thereby saving granaries, warehouses, barns and their own place of residence. These are the only animals that nailed to people of their own free will.

The role of a cat in human life is very great importance. It takes on all the negative impulses and clears the energy. When we stroke a cat, its hairs have a positive effect on nervous system person.

A cat can calm a crying child, cheer him up, play with him. When a child or adult is sleeping, the cat will warm him with her warmth.

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Having studied the literature, I found out that my cat is an ordinary Russian breed. Smooth-haired, black. She likes to eat fish, Whiskas, Kitikat and drink water. Manya loves to ride in a doll stroller, she sleeps with me or with dad, or on an armchair.

Manka has a favorite rubber band game. She brings it in her teeth and puts it on the floor, and I or dad throws an elastic band and Manka runs after her, takes her and carries her again. Manya is a very cheerful, playful cat. I love her so much.

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While doing my research, I found out Interesting Facts from the life of cats.

1. Cats never meow to each other. This is a sound for humans.

2. The average lifespan of a domestic cat is 15-20 years

3. When the tail starts to drop, it means that the mood has changed - you can move away, she will not be offended

4. Cats see in the twilight much better than humans. The pupils of a cat are narrow in bright light, like slits. And with the onset of darkness - expand.

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From all of the above, we can conclude:

Cats are animals. They have excellent hearing and vision. They have curved, razor-sharp claws. The cat's claws catch and hold the prey. The fur covering the toes and soles of the paws helps them to move silently. And my cat: ordinary Russian smooth-haired cat. Black color. Pet, helper and healer.

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And in our city of Tyumen there is an alley of cats, and everyone can visit it.

Thank you for your attention.

My favorite animal is a cat. I wanted to have a cat since childhood. And, finally, my dream came true - a kitten appeared at my house. His name is Timofey, but so far for everyone he is Timosha, Timka, Timulka.

The kitten is thoroughbred and requires special care. He will grow into a huge beautiful cat. In the meantime, he is small and, like all children, very cheerful. My kitten is white with gray spots. He has small paws, with which he steps quite inaudibly, especially if he is sneaking. It has small pink pads on its paws. They help him walk so quietly. In moments of danger, Timosha releases sharp claws and can scratch.

The kitten sits in a special way. He puts his front paws a little forward and so he can sit for a long time and carefully watch everyone.

The head of the kitten is round and also white. Only the whiskers are black and very long. Timka's nose is black, like satin, and at the same time always cold. Ears are pointed and fluffy. Timokha is small, he is not yet two months old. But despite this, he has sharp teeth and claws. The kitten loves to bite, but it doesn't hurt at all when playing. He grabs his finger with his teeth and squeezes it. But when I say that it hurts me, he understands and immediately stops biting.

Timoshka is a big gourmet. Most of all, the kitten loves fish, especially fresh. He immediately pounces on her and eats with great appetite, even growls with pleasure. When he is full, he leaves the fish on his plate to eat later. Hungry, he asks to eat himself. Then Timka starts running around his legs and scratching. He always eats carefully, without pulling pieces out of the plate. He loves warm milk.

If Timoshka wants to sleep, he is naughty, like Small child. He sleeps wonderfully. Putting his head on his paws, he hides his nose in a pillow or covers his tail and closes his eyes. But he has a good dream. Grandmother says that Timoshka is not sleeping, but dozing. It is worth rustling somewhere, as the kitten immediately wakes up. He opens his eyes, raises his ears, ready to rush "at the enemy" at any moment.

Timka's favorite pastime is a game. He, like all children, loves to play. There is no end to his pranks: either he lies on his back and starts playing with my hands, then from around the corner he rushes right under my feet. But most of all, the kitten loves to play with a small ball. He runs after him and tries to bite with his sharp teeth. And when that fails, he gets angry. The kitten begins to meow menacingly and pushes the ball with its paw. Timoshka even knows how to dance. He stands on his hind legs in a very funny way, raises his front legs and starts spinning, trying to reach the piece of paper. Sometimes, without reaching, he falls to the floor and somersaults over his head. Then he gets offended and steps aside. His eyes become sad, sad. In fact, my friend's eyes are very beautiful. When the baby gently rubs at my feet and purrs softly, his eyes are green-green. But as soon as he gets angry, his eyes become completely dark, almost black. The fur on the back rises at such moments, and the tail arches in an arc. Therefore, I always try to calm the kitten, to tell him something affectionate.

Timosha is a very smart kitten. It even sometimes seems to me that he understands human speech, he just can’t speak himself. But he also has his own language. When Timka is satisfied and full, he meows affectionately and rubs against his legs. When angered, he grumbles like a wild animal.

I tried to train a kitten, and now he knows how to give a paw. For this he gets something tasty. Our Timoshka is very clean. Every day he sits down on the rug, licks his paw with a pink tongue and begins to wash his muzzle, head and even ears with it. Just like a human. On Saturdays we bathe him in a small tub. After bathing, the kitten's coat becomes beautiful, clean and shiny. He rejoices at this and purrs gratefully.

I really want our Timoshka to grow up faster and turn into a big beautiful cat Timofey.

Stepanova Elena (grade 9)