Two nails on a black thread outside the window. Lining - damage to items: What to do if they try to harm you. Found at the front door, found under a rug, found in a pillow, thrown up in wallpaper, thrown in a wall, put in clothes, found in a pocket, found

Found at the front door, found under the rug, found in the pillow, thrown in the wallpaper, thrown in the wall, put in the clothes, found in the pocket, found in the lining, thrown in the leg of the trousers, thrown under the door, poured under the threshold, sprinkled at the door, scattered under the door

Found in the door, found under the door, found at the front door, stuck in the door...
tossed in the desktop drawer, tossed in the table, found on the desktop...
planted a needle in the wall, found a needle under the carpet, found needles in the apartment...
This is insidious strong damage through the lining

If you found at home Houses or at work lining, You need to urgently contact a good specialist for removal of spoilage(until it starts working) and protection settings- to no more occult attack did not have a negative destructive effect on you.

It happened that you found under the door poured powder, spilled water or needles, wool, fluff, garbage, earth, sand, chicken feet etc. never touch them with your bare hand. Take lining through a piece of paper, a rag and throw it away with a piece of paper or a rag. You can sweep it with a broom on a newspaper and throw it away with a broom and a newspaper. If nail or needle kicked in the door frame and you can’t pull them out with your bare hands, then wrap the tip with newspaper, then pull out the lining pliers and throw it away with the paper. Throwing away lining preferably away from home and where people rarely go, or into a garbage chute. And immediately look for a good master And put up a defense.

If you signed up for a session or diagnostics with a specialist and for some reason did not come, this indicates that you have severe damage that completely controls you (you are already a puppet of dark forces). In this case, the reason can be very different: the banal "forgot (a)", everyday household chores, a work routine, problems that suddenly arose, and even unexpected cash receipts. All these "reasons" are very dangerous for your soul.

If this happened to you, then you need to immediately put all your affairs aside and URGENTLY remove the damage, otherwise it will be too late to do anything. Your damage will turn into a karmic problem - i.e. will negatively affect not only your life, but also the life of your relatives and friends, being passed on from generation to generation (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.), similar to a family curse. And because of your "busyness" innocent people - your relatives and friends - will suffer. Think about it!

if you damage done to the whole family and you have become permanent in your house scandals And disease, necessary remove damage And put up a defense for all family members.

There is also such type of damage How " Apples at the threshold". If you discovered on the doorstep your home green apples(less often ripe apples) - This You have been damaged. There are methods that allow green apple take away youth or life from one person and pass them on to another.

Therefore, if, God forbid, you accidentally met some on road or near your door beautiful green apples don't pick them up! Do not under any circumstances touch or do not cross foot through them.

Such lining carefully picked up with a broom, paper or rag and taken out away from Houses. And these are the best apples burn on the spot sprinkled salt. Then it is necessary urgently remove damage And put up a defense, because if you again will put some lining - remove damage will be much harder, tk. Your energy immunity resistance to spoilage will be negligible. Bury in earth found under the threshold apples it is forbidden.

If the seeds accidentally germinate, a so-called "tree of evil" will grow, which will destroy health and good luck to all who sit under its canopy.

Broom, rag or paper- what you picked up witch fruits - are thrown together with apples.

It is believed that if one day you discovered at your door, at the threshold or on the door black feathers, needles, pieces of thread, sewing pin(For example, in the room, stuck directly in the corner doorway inside or outside) chicken paw, pieces of land or salt- you became a victim someone's witchcraft manipulation. Such things among people are called lining (masonry). What is lining And how do people act in such situations? Need to install protection against damage and then don't be afraid pads, which enclose People to damage you.

Lining- it's not just what you can see at your front door. Lining can be any thing, which was found V unexpected place at home house or apartment. But lining maybe item, which is not directly related to the person and his home, it can be item found by man on the street. In any case, for a full happy life Do you need protection against damage, to pads had no effect on you.

First of all, for pads use metal objects - needles And pins, and sometimes nails. Charmed needles And pins stuck in the door, doorways, there are times when pins secretly stuck in clothes. Nails may kick in the door, Just toss. More sophisticated - wrapping needles and pins with thread, slandering on them. It is believed that needles And pins - the worst cover. According to esotericists, this is done by people who are especially initiated into the rituals of magic, or acting under the guidance of a stronger sorcerer; usually the impact of such pads very strong ( damage through the lining works whether you believe in magic or not). In this case, only saving good protection against damage.

In second place in terms of frequency of use - land from the cemetery And salt. Earth is taken from the cemetery And sleeps for a quick death the one who gets drunk. Salt- a powerful accumulator of any energy. Usually add salt to discord in the family, disease. earth And salt Can discover How on the doorstep, and in your apartment - behind the rug, For example. There are cases sophisticated lining - cemetery land rubbed into doorways And cracks. If lining victim won't install protection against damage, then she (in this case) has only one way - at the cemetery (graveyard land will pull along).

Other method of inflicting damage lining are feathers And dead midges, dead butterflies, dead flies and others insects. They are usually do not lay in the apartment, they are poured at the threshold, hoping that sacrifice will come on them. Feathers enclose on bad dream . Moshek And insects - for illness. The most terrible lining for people is egg, because an egg is laid for death. It is believed that the one who touches such eggs, will die after seven days. If you found in my house (in the apartment) or near the front door egg (or eggs) - urgently look for a good master and put up protection, otherwise it will be too late to do anything later.

People don't touch lining with bare hands. If lining found at the door, to the house it is not included. Usually put on gloves, take piece of paper and carefully sweep away the "bad gift" on leaflet and take it far away from the house. Moreover, everything that came into contact lined, disposed of along with lining. Ideally the lining is burned.

There is another type of pads that are not targeted at anyone in particular. Such pads may be ownerless money or jewelry, found on the street. leaving their money(or even things) on the street, the witches carry their disease on other people. Superstitious people never pick up found in the street money. It is believed that taking a bill, a person takes with him and diseases left with a bill. But if you have protection against damage, then you are not afraid of any pads.

Except money, on the roads(usually crossroads) build piles of stones, leave boots or knots of thread. Such things of course no one lift up will not, but one step is enough to take the disease with you.

Be considerate of the homeless things and do not step on suspicious items! Take care of yourself!

If you picked up pennies or big money, some jewelry or handkerchief (handkerchief), cross (pectoral cross) or brooch...return lining in place.

Needle or pin in the lining clothes, which means found sewing needle (needle, pin) in lining jackets, bags, in coat pocket, in the trouser leg, in a skirt etc.

Everyone knows the way protection from the evil eye pinning to clothing lining(or simply from within not to be seen) safety pin. Use for these purposes safety pin invented not so long ago, because it was invented not earlier early XIX century. This, you see, is convenient, because English pin won't budge on its own.

For protection from "evil eye"used to use the usual sewing needle (a pin with a head), pinning on the lining tip down. It's hard to say how effective this is. I suppose a little unintended impact can sometimes help out. However, with intentional professional offense- will not help. I can say this in all seriousness.

Nowadays we wear pin on lining- useless job. Since it is known from practice that unintentional negative becomes (purely statistically) less and less, and purposeful and deliberate - more and more.

So, as for the cases detection on the lining of clothes, jacket lining, in the pocket coat, in a trouser leg trousers, in a skirt etc. sewing needles And pins, we can say that there are several options for the origin of these objects. And all of them - occult and dangerous.

1. Often needle "forgets" pull out seamstress on sewing factory to reset your heavy burden life on buyers. We all know that work seamstresses heavy and low-paid, and personal life leaves much to be desired. One day I had to deal with a situation where thing, wherein found a needle, was sewn in a women's colony, while the needle was stuck in the stitch intentionally, for the purpose occult reset.

2. This is a safe case, with no reason to believe that there was energy attack. Mom shoved or grandmother young man to him in a jacket a charmed needle to protect the son (grandson) from girlish love spells. There is every reason for this. IN Lately there is widespread bewitching bacchanalia, you should have seen what girls are looking for on the Internet now - you would be horrified. For a young man such a needle from mother or grandmother is harmless. Will this help way of protection young man from a love spell- unknown. To be honest, I doubt it. However, better some kind of protection than none.

3. Attack for the purpose of love spell. Can be dangerous, especially if made by non-amateurs conspiracies, but at the instigation of a specialist and with his preliminary " charging"pre-prepared safety pins or sewing needles, accompanying all this with instructions, they often hand mistresses. The main goal is usually love spell as such, but bringing discord into relationship with wife. By the intention of the doers, pin sooner or later it will discovered by wife and unhooked, which will entail a series of specified events. In rare cases, prepared by a specialist pin (needle) attach with the expectation that it unhooked (pricked) myself enchanted. This is a fairly common case, although this is also common: if the attacker has access to to clothes bewitched, then they try pour or drip anything in pocket.

4. Needle in lining may represent damage-lining. Besides, sewing needle may toss up into the car, poke in an armchair, throw under the threshold or rug, stick V doorjamb or lintel, throw behind the closet, plinth etc. In case of lining such needle represents great danger. Necessary find a needle and neutralize. take hands needle-lining cannot be categorically.

Anyway upon discovery in the lining needles or pins it is recommended to consult with a specialist identifying potential danger And protection settings. Better once put up a defense than live a lifetime in fear and doubt.

Lining is something that was specially slandered to the detriment To you. Linings are for harm, and there are those when, together with him, they give you their disease, failures, lack of money and even death my.

Cast lining absolutely anyone can perform thing, but most often needles, threads, hair, graveyard land, rubbish, seed husk, wool, salt, glass, feathers, pins, brooches And expensive jewelry- on the latter they reduce their disease, death to be taken by the one who appropriated expensive thing...

If you are anything else find in the middle of the street- do not lift! Found something at the door his apartments- do not bring it into the house and do not touch it with your hands or feet. Better take Houses paper or broom with a scoop, collect everything and take away outside. There burn with prayers "Our Father" and "Life-Giving Cross".

If something else discovered in the apartment- do not take it in hand! take paper and deal with it immediately.

When you under the door poured earth, A on the doorknob hung doll red fabric, wrapped in black thread, and whistling cloth or children's toy- Your case clearly indicates an attempt to damage. And, quite serious. Any occult items, discovered at the threshold, on the door and in close proximity to them is signs of an occult attack. If this occurs, all possible actions must be taken without delay to protection.

If you are going to live with your partner and find under the door needles with thread, cards, and the partner in pockets seeds etc. Everything in the relationship is normal, then he starts avoiding you, changing and suddenly one day ends relationship with you. A month later, he starts calling, asking for forgiveness and starts all over again. That must be defended. What else is left? It is necessary to outline the circle of acquaintances from both sides (at least approximately), who benefit (personally or material reason) make a break. seeds, For example, in pocket not everyone can put. But only those who can approach at a sufficient distance or have access to hanging on a hanger clothes. If rite of passage takes place - necessary remove the negative, be sure to have a good specialist. The one who does when removing get a fair amount back. Often one or two magical rollbacks sometimes it is quite enough for the doer (especially the amateur entertainer) to understand what he is dealing with and fall behind. Only in this case one should be careful - you can easily ruin the next of kin. It is not known for sure - who does it. First - reconnaissance, then - military operations.

A good way of resistance, which works not at the magical level, but at the level of psychology, is to notify everyone who can intervene of their readiness to enter into an imposed war by contacting a specialist. Often this is enough. The attacker gets scared and tucks his tail. But if your friends who make you break enjoy services of a professional kolodun then, in this case, you are at great risk lose all the most valuable things in life- a double-edged sword. Therefore, it is better to quietly contact a specialist, remove damage And put up a defense.

Lining on fish bones. Sometimes people buy new furniture. When disassembling old furniture find fish bones And fish vertebrae(less often fish head, fish fins, fish tail, fish scales). It leads to serious problems health and not infrequently to the inability to have children, as practice shows.

The question of negative pads(in Old Church Slavonic - poklady) is very large and deserves separate careful consideration. WITH fish bones as a lining I had to deal with often.

On fish bones do, For example, at the wedding, to " the bride was cold as a fish"with all the ensuing consequences for the future family. The author of such a" gift "is often next of kin or " best friend" brides. It must be understood that in order to make this lining, you must have at least access to the bedroom. None of the extraneous ill-wishers will climb into someone else's to the apartment.

At all upon discovery in a strange place strange objects first you need to consider whether these objects could have got into this unsuitable place in a natural way. If there is absolute certainty that this beds never eaten fish, then it is most likely true lining. Wherein no children And health problems are not surprising.

Upon detection strange objects in an inappropriate place for them, should (without touching with hands) collect them in paper bag or plastic bag and take it to a specialist to determine their degree of danger. It's better anyway remove damage(which is not yet fully operational) and put up a defense than later suffer all their lives.

Places, Where patients found pads, masonry, throws, tosses- recommendations, where to look for lining in an apartment, in a house:

- Entrance door, rug: under the rug front door, on the door mat, near rug front door;

- threshold: at the threshold, at the threshold, on the doorstep, near the threshold;

- door: at the door, in the door frame, in the hatch of the door, in the doorway, under the threshold, bedroom door, kitchen door, room door, bathroom door, living room door, nursery door, under the door, above the door, Behind the door, at the door, near the door;

- wall, wall: in the wall, on the wall, in wallpaper wall, behind the wall, in the plinth by the Wall, in the corner of the wall, on the wall;

- window: cornice, curtain, windowsill, in the window, on the window, under the window, outside the window, in the curtain, in curtains, on the curtain, stuck in a curtain, stuck in curtains, on the ledge, under the eaves, behind the eaves, in the windowsill, on the windowsill, under the windowsill, near the windowsill;

- Job, cabinet office: shelf, workplace , desktop drawer, Desktop, flowerpot, flower pot, shelf, bookshelf, in the regiment, behind the shelf, on the shelf, on desktop, at work, in a desktop drawer, under the desk, near the desktop, near the desktop (in the table, on the table, under the table, near the table, at the table, in the inner drawer of the desk, in the bookshelf, behind the bookshelf, on the bookshelf, in a flower pot, under the flower pot, next to the flower pot);

- chair, high chair: on the chair, under the chair, in the chair, in the upholstery of a chair, in the chair, under the chair, on a chair;

- in the bedroom, in the nursery: bedroom, children's, toy, closet, ironing board, pillow, blanket, mattress, pillowcase, duvet cover, bed, bed, battery, in bed, in toys, in a toy box, among children's toys, in the linen closet, behind the closet, under the cabinet, near the closet, in the wall of the linen closet, in underwear, between linen, among the linen, in battery, near the battery, near the battery, on the ironing board, at the ironing board, under the ironing board, In the bed, on the bed, under the bed, near the bed, on the bed, by the bed, in the pillow, under the pillow, in a pillowcase, in a blanket, under the blanket, in a sheet, under the sheet, on the sheet, in the mattress, under the mattress, on the mattress;

- in the room, In a living room: room, living room, armchair, carpet, carpet, sofa, In the armchair, behind the chair, under the armchair, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the carpet, on the carpet, under the carpet, in the sofa, behind the sofa, under the sofa, near the sofa, floor, on the floor, in a crack in the floor, plinth, behind the plinth, under the plinth, near the plinth, parquet, in parquet, on the parquet, under parquet;

- in the hall, in the corridor, in clothes: hallway, corridor, mezzanine, cloth, blazer, trousers, dress, coat, jacket, skirt, trousers, in the mezzanine, behind the closet, V outerwear , in the pocket, in pockets, in a coat, in a jacket, in a raincoat, in a jacket, in the collar, behind the collar, in the lining of the bag, behind the lining, lining, in the lining of a bag, in the lining of clothes, in the lining, in trousers, pants pockets, in a dress, in the sleeve of a garment, in a trouser, on the trouser leg, behind the lining, in a skirt, sleeve, pocket, trouser leg, skirt, trousers, trousers, cloth;

- in the bathroom room: bath, sink, under the bath, in the bathroom, behind the bath, on the sink, under the sink, behind the sink, near the sink, water dispenser, behind the washstand;

- in the toilet: behind the toilet, under the toilet, in the toilet bowl, in the closet above the toilet bowl;

- in the kitchen: kitchen, plate, fridge, bedside table for dishes, dishes, in a bowl, at the stove, behind the stove, under the stove, at the stove, near the stove, in the stove, in a refrigerator, behind the refrigerator, under the fridge, near the refrigerator, cabinet for dishes, in the nightstand, behind the bedside table, in the wall of the cabinet for dishes, behind the back wall;

- in a private house: yard, garden, barn, garage, summer cuisine, cellar, in the courtyard, in the garden, at the entrance gate, near the barn, near the barn, behind the barn, gates, near the cellar, near the cellar, behind the cellar, summer cuisine - makeshift, behind the summer kitchen, near the temporary house, near the makeshift, in the summer kitchen, by the garage, in the garage, behind the garage, near the garage;

- in car, in the car: car, automobile, salon, hood, trunk, seat, in the trunk, in the cabin, in the seat, under the seats, in seat upholstery, in cases, under the cover, padding, threshold, plastic lining, hood, under the hood, wheel nuts, wheel bolts, glove boxes, pockets, under the torpedo, behind the back of the seat, in the seat back, under the car mats in the car.

The following is a list of the most common pads (poladov, masonry, podkidov, tosses):

  • damage to the lining - watermelon;
  • damage lining - orange, orange peel;
  • damage lining - aluminum, aluminum product;
  • damage lining - alcoholic beverages;
  • damage lining - alabaster items, piece of alabaster;
  • damage lining - apricot, apricots;
  • damage lining - bottle, bottles;
  • damage lining - beads, beads;
  • damage lining - paper money, money, bills;
  • damage lining - piece of paper, newspaper, cut paper, shredded paper, papers;
  • damage lining - dry bun;
  • damage lining - pancake, pancakes;
  • damage to the lining - tree leaves;
  • damage lining - branches;
  • damage lining - wool, animal hair;
  • damage lining - bow, bow;
  • damage lining - jar, banks;
  • damage lining - banana, bananas;
  • damage to the lining - butterfly, butterflies, dried butterfly, dead butterflies;
  • damage lining - veil;
  • damage lining - wax, wax candles;
  • damage lining - crow, crow killed, crow dead, dried crow;
  • damage lining - hair, hair;
  • damage lining - cherry, dried cherries;
  • damage lining - grape, bunch of grapes, grape berries, grape seeds;
  • damage lining - thing, things;
  • damage lining - branch, branches, twig;
  • damage lining - willow, willow, willow;
  • damage lining - wreath, wreaths, wreath, whisk;
  • damage lining - broom, brooms;
  • damage lining - cotton wool, fleece;
  • damage lining - boots, felt boots;
  • damage lining - sponge;
  • damage lining - pear, pears;
  • damage lining - fungus, mushrooms;
  • damage lining - pot broken;
  • damage lining - mustard, seeds;
  • damage lining - beef, pork;
  • damage lining - nest, bird's nest, hornet's nest;
  • damage lining - clay;
  • damage lining - nail, rusty nails, graveyard nail;
  • damage lining - tie;
  • damage lining - screw, nuts, washer, bolt, bolt, screw;
  • damage lining - crumpled newspaper, torn newspaper;
  • damage lining - melon, dried melon;
  • damage lining - piece of wood, plank, sliver, ash, shavings;
  • damage lining - copper money (coins, trifle, pennies);
  • damage lining - hedgehog dead, dead hedgehog;
  • damage lining - bug, beetles, colorado potato beetle and any different beetles, bugs, insects, midges;
  • damage lining - tooth, animal teeth;
  • damage lining - Earth, land from the cemetery, pieces of land from the cemetery, ash, ash;
  • damage lining - lock;
  • damage lining - toy, soft toy, children's toy, toys;
  • damage lining - needle, needles, needle and thread, needles with thread, sewing needles, sewing needle, sewing needle, needle, needles, pin, sewing pin, safety pin;
  • damage lining - groats;
  • damage lining - cross, pectoral cross;
  • damage lining - ribbon, Red ribbon;
  • damage lining - scull, animal skull, bones, bone, bone, bones;
  • damage lining - envelope;
  • damage lining - spikelet, ears of corn, ear, spikelets;
  • damage lining - leather, skin;
  • damage lining - key, keys;
  • damage lining - cell;
  • damage lining - potato, potato;
  • damage lining - stone, stones, pebbles;
  • damage lining - onion, bulb;
  • damage lining - sheet, sheets, leaflet, leaves, sheet;
  • damage lining - lemon, lemon peel;
  • damage lining - bat , bat dead, dead bats;
  • damage lining - cake, cakes;
  • damage lining - ice;
  • damage lining - bast shoes, sandals, slippers, slippers, slippers, slippers;
  • damage lining - meat;
  • damage lining - mouse, mice, dead mice, dead mice;
  • damage lining - soap;
  • damage lining - fly dead, dried flies, midges, insects, insects;
  • damage lining - garbage;
  • damage lining - flour;
  • damage lining - fur, animal fur, fur products;
  • damage lining - chalk;
  • damage lining - copper, copper products, copper coins, copper products;
  • damage lining - oil: machine oil, olive oil , Palm oil, butter, sunflower oil;
  • damage lining - dead frog, frogs;
  • damage lining - scissors;
  • damage lining - knife, knife stuck, rusty knife, knife hidden, knife broken;
  • damage lining - nail, nails;
  • damage lining - thimble, thimbles;
  • damage lining - glasses, rim glasses;
  • damage lining - nut, nuts;
  • damage lining - gold, necklace, gold jewelry, jewelry, ring, rings, earrings;
  • damage lining - blanket;
  • damage to the lining - cloth;
  • damage lining - cucumber, cucumbers;
  • damage lining - plastic bag, sachets;
  • damage lining - button, buttons;
  • damage lining - towel;
  • damage lining - handkerchief, handkerchief, handkerchiefs;
  • damage lining - a loop, loops, nodes;
  • damage lining - sand;
  • damage lining - feather, feathers, feather;
  • damage lining - glove, gloves;
  • damage lining - fish (fish bones, fish scales, fish tails, fish head, fish fins);
  • damage lining - chamomile, chamomile;
  • damage lining - radish, radish;
  • damage lining - radish;
  • damage lining - river crayfish;
  • damage to the lining - doll, cloth doll, ritual doll, Ragdoll, ritual doll, Voodoo Doll;
  • damage lining - water, dead water, washed the deceased with water, dead body water, water after the dead;
  • damage lining - thread, threads, needle with thread, thread with a needle;
  • damage lining - coin, trifle, coins, copper coins;
  • damage lining - hairpin, hairpins;
  • damage lining - invisible, invisible;
  • damage lining - barrette, hairpins;
  • damage lining - spoke, knitting needles;
  • damage to the lining - candle, candles, wax candles, church candles, candle, wax;
  • damage lining - cheese;
  • damage lining - glass, piece of glass, glass;
  • damage lining - match, matches;
  • damage lining - straw;
  • damage lining - hay;
  • damage lining - herring;
  • damage lining - salo;
  • damage lining - soot, ash, ash, coal, sliver, shavings, sand;
  • damage lining - slippers, slippers, slippers;
  • damage lining - rag, rag, rags, rags, rags;
  • damage lining - grass, on the grass;
  • damage lining - plate;
  • damage lining - iron;
  • damage lining - already dead, to the snake;
  • damage lining - bread, dry bread;
  • damage lining - chain, chain, brooch, brooch;
  • damage lining - flower, flowers, flowers;
  • damage lining - black ribbon;
  • damage lining - chicken paw, chicken foot, bird paw, bird paw, paw, animal paw;
  • damage lining - worm, worms;
  • damage to the lining - cup, old cup, beaten cup, cracked cup;
  • damage lining - watch, clock broken;
  • damage lining - tea, loose tea;
  • damage lining - a cap;
  • damage lining - forceps;
  • damage lining - skirt;
  • damage lining - apple, dry apple, dried apples;
  • damage lining - apples, green apple , green apples;
  • damage lining - berry, berries, berries;
  • damage lining - egg, eggs, on an egg, broken egg, rotten eggs.
Like these ones damage-linings-masonry Often enclose People. be afraid, beware, beware these pads - they bring people big troubles, misfortune, disease and often happens lead to death.

We warn you and again remind : If you found lining- urgently contact a good specialist to remove damage And protection settings!

Often damage is sent to objects, which are then thrown to the door of the house or directly into the room. If you find someone else's or strange thing on the threshold, outside the door or at home, then there is a possibility that this is a charmed lining.

The thing itself will tell you what sphere of life the damage was brought to. Below is a list of the most common items that are most often damaged.

  • Bank - to trouble.
  • Birch foxes or branches - to cancer.
  • Paper - to failure in all areas of life.
  • Bottle - damage to alcoholism.
  • Vata is a lining for infertility.
  • A broom is a lining, the purpose of which is to sweep something or someone out of your house: husband, wife, money, good luck, and so on.
  • A wreath is a lining for death.
  • Hair is a health hazard.
  • Rusty nails - a lining for infertility or impotence.
  • Clay - to the loss of a loved one.
  • Copper coins - to grief, tears.
  • The castle is a lining that causes imprisonment.
  • Earth - to death.
  • Needle - to heart disease.
  • Potatoes are a lining for lack of money.
  • Groats - for a fight.
  • Sand, fish, worms, dry apples, grass - to illness and torment.
  • Glass - to divorce and parting with a loved one.
  • How to neutralize damage-lining

    If you find something suspicious at home or near the house, then you should not panic and think that the damage has already worked. The sooner you deactivate the lining, the better. In order for the damaged thing not to bring you harm, it urgently needs to be removed away from your home. In no case do not touch the lining with bare hands. Take a bag, glove, towel, or something else with which you can remove the item. Next, take the lining to a quiet place, preferably away from residential buildings, and burn it. Try not to breathe the smoke coming from the fire. When burning, it is recommended to read the prayer "Our Father" or any other conspiracy from corruption and evil eye. Make sure the item is destroyed and return home without looking back.

    Be attentive to trifles and details and never pick up random finds. Take care of yourself! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    27.07.2014 09:16

    Pins are the items most commonly used in dark rituals. So familiar and useful...

    Fatima's hand is a strong talisman against corruption and the evil eye. It is also known as Hamsa, Hand of Miriam and Hand of Hamesh. ...

Sometimes we are careless about everything that happens around us. This is especially noticeable when it comes to random finds. If at home or at work in the office we find some strange object (a needle, a bag of earth, a strand of hair), then most likely we will not pay attention to it. Or we will be surprised, but soon we will forget.

Naturally, not everyone needs to be looked at as a witch's lining. But still, there is a certain danger. With the help of a lining, a strong magician can "attach" illness or misfortune to any person. We must remember this in order to save ourselves from many troubles.

What does lining mean

Many rituals of black magic are associated with inducing damage. For this purpose, certain items are usually used. Some types of plants (fern, aspen, belladonna), animal hair or an egg can act as a charmed thing. The lining often becomes a thread, a coin or cereal grains. The most diverse can be charmed, and, therefore, unexpected finds must be treated carefully.

However, it happens that the source of harm hidden by the enemy is located directly in your house. Stitching products are the most common magical lining - a used needle can be a source of great trouble. It is she who is used by black magicians to induce a serious illness.

Quite often it happens that a person is spoiled in the church. No need to think that the power of a holy place will protect you, since strong warlocks can overcome this barrier. If someone in the church is staring at you, and at the same time whispering something unintelligibly under his breath, then the best thing is to get out of his field of vision in order to break the contact. Also, you can not pick up strangers from the floor or from the ground. , and other church paraphernalia.

Larger things can also serve as a lining in the house: clothes, food, water bottles, alcoholic drinks and much more. The most dangerous food is considered to be negative. No wonder our ancestors advised not to accept treats from strangers, but to read a prayer before eating food. This simple rule saved many from trouble.

Earth and flowers on the grave

Flowers and earth taken from the territory of the cemetery can also be used to induce damage through the lining. They have incredible power that can cause not only disease, but also death. Cemetery soil is unlikely to be thrown into someone's desk drawer or jacket pocket (too noticeable), but it can be poured into a flower pot without difficulty. The effect of the curse is not always reflected on the flower, and the person becomes seriously ill. The negative lining program provokes the destruction of the human biofield.

The imperceptible action of a charmed object sometimes manifests itself over a very long period of time. Well-read conspiracies cause significant harm not only to human health, but also to his whole life. The following signs of damage and evil eye appear:

  • Unreasonable anxiety, restlessness;
  • Insomnia, headache;
  • Sudden weight loss, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • A series of troubles at work;
  • Deterioration of family relations;
  • Financial difficulties.

The black sorcerer spares no one. It equally easily causes damage to both an adult and a child.

How the lining works

Imagine an object that emits radiation. By definition, it should not cause harm if the necessary precautions are taken. You should not approach it, you should not take it with your hands, you should also know the rules for disposing of an infected object. And all this in the case when the object itself has already been found.

But if a book from Chernobyl falls into your hands (and you don’t even know where it was brought from), then you are unlikely to be able to find out the reason for your poor health. A similar example is typical for a spoken subject. The main goal of the ill-wisher is to induce damage or other negativity aimed at destroying various aspects human life. In some cases, lining is used to induce alcohol addiction. Conspiracy alcohol can lead a person to unrestrained drunkenness.

Lining for destruction and ruin

To ruin a competitor and destroy his business, black magicians often use a charmed item. Ordinary-looking seeds or cereal seeds planted in an inconspicuous place can lead to material collapse. No need to wait for special profits until the lining can be found and eliminated.

A tuft of hair can become a charmed subject. It does not attract attention, but it carries a huge danger. Sometimes our lives can get worse for no apparent reason. If some unpleasant person has visited the house, and after some time the owner started having problems, it's time to start looking for a charmed object.

A gift can also be a lining. If, after receiving it, troubles began, then this is already sufficient reason to think and take the necessary measures. In this way, not only “friends”, but also quite close relatives can harm.

What to do if you find a lining

You can not take the lining found with bare hands! Hands should be protected with gloves, and the suspicious thing should be placed in a sealed package, taken away from your home and destroyed along with the container.

If any unusual item found near the house, you can not carry it to yourself. The best protection against damage and evil is a kindled fire. At the same time, you do not need to stand by the fire and inhale the stench coming from it. If the object does not ignite, it can be doused with a flammable liquid. And the resulting residues should be swept away on a scoop, put in a bag, taken to a deserted place and buried along with the contents and gloves in which the work was performed.

Having finished with evil, go home. While doing this, you should not look around or talk to anyone. It is possible that after this bad people pull to your house. Pay attention to those who will come to you in the near future. If you doubt your ability to lining, then ask the magician for help to protect yourself from subsequent troubles. When resuming magical attacks (and this happens extremely rarely), do not panic, but swipe.

Bow Defense

After peeling, the onion acquires the ability to absorb negativity. You should take three medium-sized bulbs, peel them and hang them in different parts Houses. The whole ritual is performed in stages:

  • A thick needle with an onion is pierced from top to bottom
  • The thread is pulled around the bulb into a loop, and then the amulet is suspended for seven days.
  • Onions are removed, placed on a sheet of paper and sprinkled with salt (one tablespoon each)
  • The bulbs are wrapped in paper and burned to help neutralize negative energy.

As you can see, protection from curses and corruption is not a very difficult task. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

Lining- these are thrown foreign things found in the house or in the yard.

Liners are made for harm, and there are such when, along with it, they give you their illnesses, failures, lack of money and even their death (the so-called translation).

Absolutely any thing can act as a lining, but most often it is:

needles, threads, hair, graveyard soil, rubbish, seed husks, wool, salt, glass, feathers, pins, brooches and expensive jewelry - they reduce their illnesses, death to the latter, so that they are taken away by the one who appropriated an expensive thing.

Before picking up things on the street (especially at pedestrian crossings) or near the gates (doors) of a house (apartment), think carefully about whether you need it.

If you find something extraneous at the door or in the house, you can talk about the presence negative impact by lining (translation).

It also happens that when diagnosing a negative impact, a specialist sees that it was done through a lining. In this case, you need to carefully inspect your home and surrounding area, paying attention to any suspicious object, the origin of which you cannot explain.

The lining must not be touched with bare hands. To get rid of it, they put on gloves, take a bag, paper and sweep all the “ingredients” there, in order to then take it away from the home and destroy it.

In addition, you should eliminate both the package and the paper - that is, everything that you used in the fight against the lining. If you find a strange object not in the house itself, but nearby (at the door or near the threshold), never bring it inside the dwelling.

The best way to destroy a lining is to burn it. At the same time, move away from burning objects and do not inhale smoke. You can say: "Where you came from - go there" and read prayers.

If the lining does not burn, douse it with a flammable liquid, and then, wearing gloves, sweep the residue onto a scoop, place it in a plastic bag and take it to the forest. Dig a small hole and pour the contents of the package, crush it with earth and / or throw it with branches. Fireproof pads can also be buried and an aspen peg can be driven in with the same words.

If a puddle was seen at the threshold, it is possible that water was added to the wave. In this case, collect the water with a rag (be sure to wear gloves) and burn the rag with gloves too.

Gloves, dustpan, broom, clothes you were wearing must be neutralized under running water.

Items you have found. What is the damage done

Alcoholic drinks - to an unbearable, hard life, damage to torment and death.
.Butterfly (dried) - to loneliness.
.Bank (usually with liquid inside, more often with brine or sour milk) - to serious discord between family members.
Lamb wool - to noise, abuse, to divorce.
. Birch branches or leaves - to cancer, to death.
. Roll (dry) - to an empty table (money problems).
.Paper (finely chopped) - to failures, troubles.
.Paper money - to poverty.
.Beads - to female diseases.
.Bottle - to heavy binges.
.Broom - to headaches, physical ailments, easy colds.
.Wreath (part of a wreath, which is usually ordered to the grave of the deceased) - to death.
.Verba - to the loss of a loved one.
.Hair - to divorce.
.Crow (killed or stuffed) - to a serious illness with lethal outcome.
. Newspaper (crumpled) - to the noise, abuse and scandals in the family.
.Nails (rusty) - Also to death, moreover, very unexpected. If in most cases the spoiled one goes away in the form of illness, then instantly (accidents, falls, attacks ...)
.Bird's nest - to the breakup of the family.
.Beef - to a serious illness.
.Pot (broken) - to loss in the family (usually one of the adults "leaves").
.Mushrooms - to the disease of the genitourinary system.
.Money (copper) - to tears.
.Hedgehog (killed) - to theft and loss.
.Castle - to prison or to theft.
.Earth from the cemetery - to death.
.Animal teeth - to diseases nervous system(clouding of mind).
.Needle - to a heart attack (a lot of factors will still affect the result: with a thread, without, what color, how many needles ...).
.Stone - to obstacles in personal life.
.Potatoes (burnt, not peeled) - to poverty.
.The key is to problems in the economy.
.Spikes - to pipe dreams.
.Red ribbon - to the loss of love.
.Cross - to death.
.Krupa - to material losses (most often).
.Flapjacks - to the failure of all undertakings.
.Bat (dead) - to death.
.Luk - to tears.
.Frogs - for weight loss, for drying.
.Copper - to unrequited love.
.Mel - to failure in business
.Fur - to the disease of cattle (pets).
.Flour - to losses.
Garbage - to scandals, losses.
.Flies (dead) - to death.
.Soap - to losses, to a penny in the house, especially if the soap is tar.
.Meat - to the disease.
.Thimble - to deceived hopes.
.Nails - to the loss, loss of a friend.
.Knife - to quarrels.
.Scissors - to divorce.
.Loop - to death.
.Towel - to death.
.Button - to poverty.
.Radish - to tears.
.Fish - to the disease.
.Salo - to serious illnesses internal organs. Maybe even cancer.
.Straw - to scandals.
.Matches - to the fire.
.Glass - to divorce.
.Flowers (especially if with a root) - to death.
.Tea (scattered at the doorstep) - to quarrels in the family.
.Hours (broken) - to sudden death.
.Worms - to the disease.
.Black ribbon - to mourning.
.Hat - to infertility.
.Apple (dried) - to illness, love spell.
* Egg - serious diseases

Removing damage from home(linings)

The master takes a candle of dark wax, lights it, reading a special plot, gives another candle to the hostess, and the assistant master should have the third candle. In total, three people must participate in the ceremony. The master goes first, the mistress of the house follows him, and the assistant closes the procession. Everyone must be in clean linen and clothes.

So, moving from room to room, they carry burning candles, while the master reads incantations. The sequence of conspiracies is listed below.

First conspiracy

I speak with my word the threshold of this house.
Oh you, the deeds of the gray-haired and the young devil,
Do not go, business, on this threshold,
Do not send sickness and anxiety here,
Don't put your nets
Do not weave and do not wonder
Against the threshold of the servant of God (name).
From east to west, I
From west to north, I
And on all four sides my work.
As I said here with my slander,
So I firmly ordered:
Here people drink honey,
And do not shed tears from this hour.
Let it be so!

Second conspiracy

How these candles burn
So my mouth speaks the truth.
And I, the baptized servant of God (name of the master),
I cover this threshold with my veil
And I wash with holy water.
I'll walk on the floorboard
To the mother river, to her water,
I will contact her:
“Oh, you, mother river, your wide banks,
The stars are reflected in you
The moon and the sun bathe
Washed away from human eyes.
Wash the hut of the servant of God (name)
From the deeds of witchcraft,
From dry grave herbs,
From the fur of dogs, and from the fur of cats,
And from iron needles, and from the earth from the dead,
And from water from washing,
And from every whisper:
From black and white, from gray and red,
From evil witches and shameless rivals,
From their heels and from their bare feet."
My answer is stronger than slander,
And do not debug, and do not readjust,
What did I say here, what I ordered with my business,
So be it here.
When the sulfur in the ears becomes honey,
Then another master will arrange my affairs.
Key. Lock. Language.

Linings in magic are various objects or bulk materials that carry powerful negative energy obtained as a result of special rituals and thrown into places where the victim often appears.

Increasingly, linings are being thrown into the homes of people who, in addition, no matter what, are picking up and raising these inherently terrible objects and thus “bestow” themselves with a large “bouquet” of all kinds of sores and problems.

Some manage not only to pick up the witch's "gifts", but also to show it to all households, and at the same time to spread it over several apartments. especially zealous (in terms of neglecting elementary safety rules) individuals bring pads to the reception, throw them on their hands, almost taste them and try to figure out what it is and what it is eaten with.

That is why, in order not to become victims of linings, I think it is necessary to have an idea about them and learn how to neutralize their negative impact.

Linings can be found everywhere. For example, on the way home, on the threshold of the apartment, at the workplace.

They found it in the door, found it under the door, found it at the front door, stuck it in the door ... threw it in the drawer of the desktop, threw it in the table, found it on the desktop ... put a needle in the wall, found a needle under the carpet, found needles in the apartment. This is insidious strong damage through the lining.

Carriers of negativity can be earth from a cemetery, stones, salt, specially charmed feathers, ashes, sewage and other objects.

Honestly, it can be anything, but, as a rule, evil people use objects that are somehow related to death with a cemetery (earth and flowers from graves, nails from a coffin, etc.).

Also, blacksmiths often use needles that have been previously cursed.

What needs to be done if you suddenly find some suspicious object on your doorstep (in an apartment, in a country house, in a personal plot).

The first thing to remember is that in no case should you take such objects with your hands! It is worth doing this, regardless of whether you believe in damage or not, as all the negativity, whether it be damage or a curse, will go over to your energy. Do not take anything with your hands!

You can carefully sweep the object onto the scoop, push it with something, pick it up, but do not touch it with your hands!

Some believe that pads should not be taken only with bare hands, but if you wear gloves. then everything will be fine. In fact, this is not entirely correct. Yes, your contact with the object will not be direct (direct), but, nevertheless, you will touch it, and this is quite enough for the negative to pass from the object to you. so do not risk in vain.

Never pick up something from the ground that you haven't dropped. There are many cases where absolutely healthy people become disabled and die only because they carelessly raised the lining.

You should also be wary that the objects thrown up can be very expensive and beautiful, whether it be a golden cross, a purse with a large amount of money, or a good thing.

Sometimes seriously ill or unlucky people throw a gold ring or an expensive watch on someone's door to throw off a fatal illness or serious financial problems.

Therefore, we must remember that only our life is priceless, therefore, it is not worth risking it by picking up a dubious find from the ground or floor.

There is a fairly extensive classification of linings, that is, each item found at the threshold symbolizes a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life into which the enemies intend to make a deal. This list is huge, so I will give only excerpts from this list regarding the items most used by black magicians.

The value of pads

  • Birch branches or leaves, as well as crayfish- to oncological diseases.
  • Paper money and potatoes- someone wants your ruin and envies your well-being.
  • Copper money - to tears and sadness.
  • Braided weeds on a doorknob or fence- indicates that they are trying to strike you with an incurable disease, which will be as difficult to get rid of as a weed in a garden.
  • bottle of liquor- a sign of damage to alcoholism.
  • Wreath (no matter what flowers, paper or fresh), graveyard earth, cross, towel, bat, noose and dried flies I symbolize death.
  • Mushrooms - to diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Needles - to cardiovascular diseases or a love spell.
  • Ears - someone wants your plans not to come true.
  • Apple - disease or early old age.
  • Eggs - for devastation in the house.
  • Military paraphernalia- stars from shoulder straps, a cap, as well as a chain and a lock - to imprisonment.
  • Rusty nails - damage to impotence.
  • Dried cherries- to diseases.
  • Knife and cereal scattered near the threshold designed to worsen family relationships, cause quarrels and provoke conflicts.
  • Matches show the desire of the enemy so that you have a fire.
  • A pile of rubbish found near the door indicate that someone wants to bring discord into your life.
  • scattered sand testifies to the damage "sand filling" - to the closure of life's roads.
  • Eyeglass frames with broken lenses- to inflicted blindness.
  • Candle stub - to a slow extinction.
  • Broken glass - whole glass represents the integrity of fate, broken glass- broken fate. Many people advise burning such a load, this is correct, but a high temperature is needed to melt glass, and then the glass will only melt. It is important not to burn or destroy the treasure, but to neutralize or remove the imposed conspiracy. But even after removing information from the bag, you need to deal with your fate. This is different from removing damage to health, which everyone knows about. Only a clairvoyant can remove such damage.

Of course, there are many other items in the arsenal of sorcerers, and the above may be applicable for other dark purposes. But still, carefully read this list and at least roughly try to remember which items you should pay attention to.

In one house on the ground floor, two women lived in neighboring apartments. Both drove moonshine, and therefore waged a "civil war" among themselves. What only pads they did not throw each other!

They poured earth, salt, sugar on the threshold, poured water, stuck knives into the door jambs, soaped the door handle. There was a war for survival: who - whom. As a result, both women's health deteriorated, one of their children and grandchildren began to get sick, and she herself ended up in the hospital with suspected oncology.

Another son was put in prison, and from grief she fell ill. This is what the "war of pads" can lead to, and there can be no winners in it!

The lining can be located near your house and exude evil around it.

List with interpretation of pads

  • Apricot - to the fire.
  • Alabaster objects - love spells, prisushki.
  • Alcoholic drinks - to an unbearable life, to death and torment.
  • Aluminum (a product made of this metal) - to tooth loss.
  • Pineapple - to baldness.
  • Orange - to the disease.
  • Watermelon - to difficult childbirth.
  • Dried butterfly - to loneliness.
  • Banana - to the loss of a man.
  • Bank - to trouble.
  • Bow - to difficulties in life.
  • Lamb wool - to the noise, abuse.
  • Birch branches or leaves - to cancer.
  • Pancakes - to failure.
  • A dry bun - to an empty table.
  • Paper cut, shredded - to failure, trouble.
  • Paper money - to poverty.
  • Beads - to sadness.
  • Bottle - to drunkenness.
  • Felt boots - to diseases of the legs.
  • Vata - to infertility.
  • Broom - to headaches.
  • Wreath - to death.
  • Willow - to sadness, loss.
  • Things of the military - to the prison.
  • Grapes - to tears.
  • Dried cherries - to eye diseases.
  • Hair - to divorce.
  • Crow killed or dried - to illness, sadness.
  • Veil - to sadness.
  • The newspaper is crumpled - to the noise, abuse and scandals in the family.
  • Nut - to the betrayal of his wife.
  • Tie - to separation.
  • Rusty nails - to the husband's impotence.
  • Clay - to the death of a loved one.
  • Bird's nest - to the breakup of the family.
  • Beef - to a serious illness.
  • Mustard - to bitter sadness.
  • A broken stove pot - to the loss of a family.
  • Mushrooms - to the disease of the genitourinary system.
  • Pears - to disability.
  • Sponge - to the renunciation of the family.
  • Copper money - to tears.
  • Dried melon - to an unsuccessful pregnancy.
  • Hedgehog killed - to theft and loss.
  • Colorado beetle - to skin diseases.
  • Castle - to the prison.
  • Land from the cemetery - to death.
  • Animal teeth - to nervous diseases.
  • Needle - to a heart attack.
  • Toy - to material waste.
  • Stone - to obstacles in personal life.
  • Potatoes - to poverty.
  • Bird cage - to treason.
  • The key is to change the apartment.
  • Skin - to burns.
  • Ears - to pipe dreams.
  • Envelope - to the chores.
  • Bones - to intrigue.
  • Red ribbon - to the loss of love.
  • Cross - to death.
  • Groats - to quarrels.
  • Bast shoes - to the collapse of family relationships.
  • Ice - to coldness in a relationship.
  • Cakes - to lose in everything.
  • Bat (dead) - to death.
  • Lemon - to longing.
  • Bow - to tears.
  • Frogs - for weight loss, for drying.
  • Copper - to unrequited love.
  • Chalk - to failure in business.
  • Fur - to the noise.
  • Flour - to losses.
  • Garbage - to scandals.
  • Dried flies - to death.
  • Soap - to the loss.
  • Meat - to the disease.
  • Thimble - to deceived hopes.
  • Nails - to the loss, loss of a friend.
  • Knife - to quarrels.
  • Scissors - to divorce.
  • Cucumber - to longing, loneliness.
  • Blanket - to illness.
  • Necklace - to tears.
  • Nuts - to tears and squabbles.
  • Points - to loneliness.
  • The package is in trouble.
  • Gloves - to the disease.
  • Feathers - to divorce.
  • Sand - to a painful disease.
  • Loop - to death.
  • Scarf - to temporary separation.
  • Towel - to death.
  • Button - to dirty poverty.
  • River cancer - to an incurable disease.
  • Radish - to tears.
  • Chamomile - to loneliness.
  • Fish - to the disease.
  • Soot - to the disease.
  • Salo - to a long illness.
  • Herring - to failure.
  • Hay - to quarrels in the family.
  • Straw - to scandals.
  • Matches - to the fire.
  • Glass - to divorce.
  • Cheese - to poverty.
  • Plate - to loneliness.
  • Grass - to headaches.
  • Already - to impotence.
  • Iron - to the prison.
  • Dry bread - to back pain.
  • Flowers - to death.
  • Chain - to arrest.
  • Tea (scattered at the threshold) - to quarrels in the family.
  • Broken watch - to unexpected death.
  • A cup is bad news.
  • Worms - to the disease.
  • Black ribbon - to mourning.
  • Hat - to infertility.
  • Tongs - to divorce.
  • Dried apple - to the disease.
  • Berries - to tears.
  • Egg - to impotence.

What to do if you find a lining?

You can't just throw out the lining. Its destruction must be accompanied by special magical manipulations. Basically linings should always be burned.

Many of the people who burned the "gift" later said that, no matter how small it was, it burns for a very long time and gives thick black smoke. It is often necessary to maintain the fire for quite a long time before the sinister "gift of the dark forces" burns out.

Especially a lot of trouble with this in the city, where you can not freely burn fires on the street. In this case, it is better to put the lining in a box and take it out of town.

It is also advisable to burn the broom and scoop that swept the lining.