Presentation "nature and man-made world". Lesson on the world around "natural and man-made world" Presentation of natural and man-made materials



Goals: 1. learn to find relationships between living and inanimate nature; 2. to form an idea of ​​people's attitude to the world around them. 3 to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


I. Organizational moment.

What nature books have you read? What did you like the most, what interested you? What have you learned?

P. Excursion.

Look around: what a splendor of colors surrounds us! - List everything related to nature. (tree, bush,

grass, crow, stone, sun.)

    You have named a lot of things. Nature is everything that is not made by human hands. Everything you listed can be shared for two groups. Which? (Living and inanimate nature.)

    Name the objects of inanimate nature. (Wind, rain, sun.)

    Put your cheeks up to the sun. What do you feel? (A little warmth.)

    How does the sun shine in summer? (It shone brightly, solohot.)

    Look at the sky. What do you see there?

They fly without wings, they run without legs,

Sailing without a sail. (Clouds.)

    How often have you seen clouds floating across the summer sky? (Rarely.)

What clouds do you see in autumn? (Gray.)

Solve the riddle.

It flies without wings and sings, Passers-by lifts. He does not give one pass, He drives others. (Wind.)

The wind began to blow stronger, bending the trees.

What changes occur in inanimate nature with the advent of autumn? (The sun shines and warms weaker, gray clouds float across the sky, the wind intensifies, it often rains, it becomes cooler.)

Look at the sky. What do you see? (Clouds, sun.)

Why can't you see the stars? (The sun is bright, so you can't see the stars.)

    What will replace the sun? (Moon or month.)

    What happens in nature when night falls?

Sh. Work on the textbook (p. 14-15).

    Is it possible to attribute to nature what is made by human hands? (No.)

    What is nature? (NatureSCH everything that surrounds us and exists independently of a person.)

What two groups are nature divided into? (Both living and non-living.) There are two groups of objects written on the board.

Name the representatives of the two groups, and also how you can more signs in which they differ.

Live nature Inanimate nature Man-made world

Plants, animals, Air, sand, stones, Cities, temples, pas
butterflies, insects, water, sun, earth and minnows, etc.
etc. etc.

Representatives of wildlife feed, grow, bring offspring, die. And representatives of inanimate nature do not have these features. What group does the person belong to? (Part of wildlife. It belongs to the animal world.)

IV. Work on a notebook (p. 5, assignments 1.2).

Do you think that inanimate nature affects living things? (Living organisms need oxygen to breathe, as well as saltstove heat, water to nourish plants that are food for living organisms.)

Read the first paragraph on p. 16.

Consider the drawings and tell us what a person's attitude to himself, to other people, to nature, to the man-made world can be.

    Answer the questions on p. 17. IV. Summary of the lesson.

    How are inanimate and living things related?

Homework: textbook, p. 14-17; workbook, p. 6, assignments 3.4.

Lesson topic: nature and man-made world

Target: encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world, develop attention, memory, ingenuity, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Predicted results: students will learn what nature is, learn to distinguish between objects of nature and objects of the man-made world; will be able to discuss what should be the attitude of people to the world around them.

Equipment: textbook A.A. Pleshakov " The world» Grade 2, Moscow, Enlightenment 2015, workbook for Grade 2 A.A. Pleshakov "The World Around" cards for checking dz, pictures with images of objects of nature and made by human hands; presentation.

Lesson plan.

    Knowledge update.

    Motivation for learning activities

    Assimilation of new knowledge.



1. Knowledge update

On the desk are cards with characteristics written on them: high-rise buildings, factories, factories, there are a lot of forests around, a basement in a house, many types of transport, country roads, fresh air, many cinemas and theaters, many families live in the house, there is a land plot.

Divide the cards into two groups: life in the city - life in the village.

How is a city different from a village?

What are the pros and cons of living in the city and the countryside?

(you should get a picture of an urban or rural house)

2. Motivation for learning activities

The teacher reads poetry.

Everything - from the old pine at the fence

To the big dark forest

And from the lake to the pond -


Also a bear and an elk.

And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

Even a fly - wow! -


I love silence on the lake

And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

I love picking blueberries in the forest,

I love the badger and the fox...

I love you forever,


What was the poem about?

Try to guess what will be discussed in our lesson?

What would you like to know?

On page 14 of the textbook, read what we will learn.

3. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Seryozha and Kesha travel with us through the pages of the textbook. They are very observant, often go out into nature and take beautiful pictures. Open your textbooks, pages 14-15. Review the photos. What items do you see? All this has existed for many centuries and will continue to exist independently of man. Man is also part of nature. But he brings some changes to this world. What did the man do?

Find these items in the photos. Why a sailboat, steam locomotive, balloon not related to nature?

What groups can these objects be divided into?

Conclusion on page 15

There are pictures on the board, what groups can they be divided into?

Prove why fruit trees and pets are not a man-made world.

Work in workbooks on page 5. Use a green pencil to underline the names of objects that relate to nature, red - made by human hands.

Physical education minute

Whoever did everything, gets up. Let's play a little, I name the object, if it belongs to the man-made world - we stomp, if it belongs to nature - we clap.

(notebook, cat, apple, pen, house, pear, computer, tractor, cow, satellite, planet, man, iron, mountains, stone, trousers, book)

Work in a workbook

Selection of objects that shine, rattle, shine, swim, fly.

Enter task 3 in the table on page 6 of the notebook.

Task on the board. Find the extra .

Open your textbook to pages 16-17. Read the task page 16.

We talk about our attitude to what we saw. Make a conclusion.

poetry reading

We live in the same family, we sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same formation, fly in the same flight ...

Let's keep the chamomile in the meadow

Water lily on the river and cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how nature is a mother

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing fate does not suffer,

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon,

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's save our souls

Then we are on earth and we will be preserved.

4. Reflection

Remember what tasks we set at the beginning of the lesson. Were we able to learn what we planned? What were the conclusions? Compare them with the conclusions of the Wise Turtle. In conclusion, listen to the song "Don't tease the dogs"

5. Homework

Workbook page 6, task 4.

Used resources


1. T.N. Maksimova “Pure lesson developments for the course “The world around us” to the teaching materials of A.A. Pleshakov "School of Russia", Publishing house "VAKO", 2013

2. E.M. Tikhomirova “Part-time developments on the subject “The world around us”, “Exam” publishing house, Moscow, 2012


Lesson 10

Subject. Natural and man-made objects (bodies)

Purpose: to give general classification objects of the surrounding world, forming a holistic view of it; to teach to give examples of objects of animate and inanimate nature, objects created by human hands; to consolidate the skills to group objects of inanimate and animate nature and man-made objects according to essential features; educate respect for nature and things created by man.

Exercise "Weather"

What time of year is it now?

What month?

What number?

Is it warm or cold outside?

What is the state of the sky?

What temperature?

Were there any precipitations during the day today?

II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

The game "I know three names ..."

The teacher throws the ball to the students and offers to name representatives of wildlife.

For example:

Deciduous trees;

Insects and the like.

In addition to plants, animals, mushrooms, we are surrounded by many other objects. Today in the lesson we will learn to navigate in this diversity.

III. Learning new material

1. Acquaintance with natural and man-made objects

In the classroom we study nature. What is nature? Look out the window. What do you see there? (Sun, sky, trees, etc.)

Forest and river, sky and air, water, rain, snow, birds, animals and plants - all this is nature. Only that which is made by human hands does not belong to nature.

Look my dear friend

What is around?

The sky is light blue

The sun shines golden

The wind plays with leaves

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Wind in the field poviva,

Birds, animals and forests

Thunder, fogs, the world of beauty,

Man and weather

Everything around ... (nature).

What two groups do you think the objects that surround us can be divided into?

2. Work from drawings

Name and divide the objects shown in the picture into two groups.

Complete each group with your own example.

Natural objects and Man-made objects

3. Exercise "Microphone"

Continue the list started by the artist. (Children name what is created by human hands: houses, cars, furniture, school supplies, etc.)

Throughout the history of mankind, a huge number of various things, buildings, machines and mechanisms (artificial Earth satellite, computer, telephone, etc.) have been created by the hands and mind of people. These things were created by man.

Conclusion: plants, animals, people, the Sun, the Moon, stars, air, water, soil - all this is nature. What is made by human hands does not belong to nature.

Physical education minute

IV. Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills of students

Sky, moon, water, stars, sand, map.

Oak, stone, Sun, air.

Wind, river, squirrel, rainbow, rain.

Wolf, fox, doctor, cup, mosquito.

1) Name from the list what is made by human hands.



2) Draw any two objects made by human hands.

3) Name something that is not made by human hands.


4) Draw any two objects of nature.

5) Which sentence is correct?

Nature is everything that surrounds a person.

Nature is everything that is made by human hands.

Nature is called everything that surrounds a person and is not made by his hands.

6) Natural objects are what:

Created by man;

Created by our planet;

Created by nature.

7) What does not apply to natural objects?

a) Animals, plants;

b) made by human hands;

c) rivers, seas, oceans.

8) Specify natural objects.

a) Textbooks, notebooks, houses, school building, cars, space stations;

b) man, plants and animals, seas and oceans, Sun, Earth, factories and factories;

c) Sun, Earth, air, water, man, plants and animals, fungi and microbes.

9) What is created by human hands? Note the excess. Why do you think so?

3. Group work

Lost words game

Guys, during the lesson you got new knowledge about nature and things created by people. Now, in groups, make a proposal on how to relate to nature and things created by people. (Offers - on separate sheets On the desk.)

Take care of nature. Need to

Of people. labor Honor

Conclusion. We need to protect nature and respect the work of people.

V. Summary of the lesson

What two groups can be divided objects that surround us?

What are natural objects?

What are man-made objects?

Give examples of natural objects.

Give examples of man-made objects.

How should one treat things created by man?

1. Underline the objects of nature with a green pencil, and the objects of the man-made world with red.

2. Think about how to make pairs of these drawings. Connect the paired drawings with lines.
Complete the drawings by inventing your own pair.

3. Our friend Parrot loves everything that shines, rattles, glitters, swims or flies. He invites you to complete the table.

4. Give examples (write at least three in each paragraph). Do not repeat what is already written in the table!

1) Objects of nature: sea, mountains, forest
2) Items of the man-made world: cars, furniture, dishes

5. Play a game-competition: who will name more objects of nature. Follow the rule: the one who makes a mistake (names the object of the man-made world) is out of the game. Group winners compete against each other following the same rule.

Objects of nature: stones, sun, sky, rainbow, insects, people, plants, animals, fish, bacteria, microbes, water, planets, mountains, iron, bronze, gold, aluminum, fire, thunderstorm, lava, sand, boulder, rock , hill, cave, asteroid, star, comet, snowflake, snowdrift, ice, glacier, puddle, sea, ocean, air, mushrooms, birds, fish, animals, etc.

The world around us is unusual and unique. Trees, mountains, fields, animals - this is all nature. It existed even before the appearance of people, from the formation of planet Earth. With the advent of man, the man-made world began to develop. His objects are the work of man.

Nature- this is everything that is around us, but not made by man. All natural objects we we can subdivide into two groups: the first belong to living nature, and the second - to inanimate.

The picture shows objects of living and inanimate nature. Everything related to wildlife can grow, breathe and die (examples: fox, tree, boy). Objects of inanimate nature do not have these qualities (stone, cloud, wind, etc.).

But animate and inanimate nature do not exist separately, they are connected with each other. There would be no water and sun, we would not grow trees, flowers, vegetables and fruits. The absence of plants would cause death of herbivores animals (cows, goats, camels). Therefore , inanimate nature helps living nature to live and exist .

The video presents even more objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Objects of nature, photo

Objects of nature can be:

  • Animals: The squirrel in the figure refers to wildlife.

  • Plants: Chamomile is part of nature.

  • Planets: The Earth, like other planets, is an object of inanimate nature.

Examples of the man-made world

Everything that man has created is called man-made world. The man-made world began to appear at the moment when ancient man invented his first tool.

Everything that was done by man had a specific purpose:

  • Clothing - a man invented it a very long time ago, so as not to freeze.
  • Shelter (house) - protection from wild animals, enemies.
  • Road - built for convenient, safe and fast travel from one point to another.
  • Newspapers and magazines - printed with the aim of informing people of any important information.
  • The telephone is for communication with those who are far away.

Objects of the man-made world, photo

  • The house, garage and other buildings are made by man, not by nature.

  • People made the road. By the way, cars passing through it are also objects of the man-made world.

  • Toys, constructors, balls and other entertainment items are also items created by people, not nature.

Pair of nature and man-made world examples

In nature, you can find objects that are similar to objects of the man-made world in some way: in shape, size, color, purpose, etc. Everyone is able to see the similarity in their own way.
Here are examples of pairs of nature and the man-made world:

  • bell - a flower in a clearing (nature) - a bell in a church (man-made world). The names are similar, and outwardly there are common features.
  • cabbage butterfly - a butterfly on a boy's costume. The names of the objects are the same, and they are similar in appearance.
  • The sun is in the sky - a light bulb on the ceiling. Both the first and the second object glow.
  • hedgehog - animal - comb for hair. These objects can be pricked.
  • Mars (planet) - a toy ball. The objects are spherical.
  • dove with wings - airplane. Both the bird and the plane can fly, they have wings.
  • snowflake - lace doily. These items are made up of patterns.
  • cobweb - a net for catching fish. Both items can be confusing.

Nature and man-made world test grade 2

  1. Choose the correct statement:
    a) Nature is everything that surrounds us
    b) Nature is everything man has built
    c) Nature is what surrounds us, but is not made by man
  2. What was written by a person with his own hands?
    a) the sun
    b) chair
    c) a bird
  3. What did the person not do?
    a) a bus
    b) a book
    c) a flower
  4. Find a match (indicate with arrows what each object from the right column refers to).

5. In each line, find an extra word and write it out (there will be 3 answers in total):
briefcase, candy, mushroom, boot
mountain, pine, river, star
rooster, hail, boy Misha, sunflower

Answers to the test: 1 - in; 2 - b; 3 - in; 4 - nature: a bear, a bump on a tree, a sparrow; man-made world: dress, train, ice cream; 5 - mushroom (since it is an object of nature, the rest is a man-made world), pine (this is an object of wildlife, the rest are inanimate objects), hail (this is an object of inanimate nature, the rest are living).

Drawings couple nature and man-made world

Computer mouse and live mouse. The objects not only have the same name, but also external similarities can be noted. But one mouse is an object created by man to work on a computer, and the second is created by nature.

chocolate egg(Kinder) and egg. One egg was produced by confectioners at the factory, and the second was produced by a chicken, that is, an object of wildlife.

Autumn leaf from a tree and a sheet of paper. The leaves on the tree appear without human intervention, are created by nature. But the sheet of paper is an item obtained at the factory. Moreover, initially paper was a tree - an object of the living world, but after processing it became the subject of human labor.

Little puppy and dog toy. Both objects are animals, but one is alive and is an object of nature, and the other is inanimate and invented by man.

Video lesson nature and man-made world

Nature and man-made world table, with explanations

Above, the pairs of nature and the man-made world were considered according to outward signs. And now let's try to find pairs on the basis of action. After all, not only a fish (an object of nature) can swim, but also a yacht (an object created by man). The table contains two examples, there can be many.


natural world

man-made world

Sun- not created by man, appeared independently long before the birth of mankind;

Firefly- an insect that shines at night

flashlight- created by man to navigate in the dark;

lamp- Invention for room lighting

haila natural phenomenon occurs without the participation of human hands;

thunder- heard when clouds collide

beanbag- man invented for kids;

alarm- people invented not to be late for school or work

snow when the sun is shining (appears without human intervention);

dew on the grass

earring- jewelry is created by a jeweler;

coin- people created money to buy the right goods

lie downscale- created by nature, swims in a pond and in a swamp;

shark- a predatory animal that lives in the seas

boat from paper - they are made by boys for playing sailors;

boat- small boat

cheetah is the fastest animal

cat- pet

computer game hero- the game is created by a person, which means that its heroes are objects of the man-made world;

robot Man creates robots that can run

tit a bird with a yellow belly is an object of wildlife;

detached sheet from the tree - for a while it flies

air gel ball- created by man and used as decoration for the holidays;

airplane- Designed for fast travel

So, everything around can be divided into the natural world and the man-made world. The main difference is that nature is something that man did not create, it appeared on its own. And the man-made world was created by man with certain goals. Moreover, the natural world appeared long before the emergence of people. And man himself relates to nature.