The founder of acmeology as a science is. The main stages of the formation of acmeology. In the city of mines of the Rostov region

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departmentGeneral and special management

Pabout disciplinePedagogy. Acmeology _

Subject: Acmeology like science

Yaroslavl, 2010


1 Acmeology - as a science. Appearance, formation and development

2 Goals, object and subject of acmeology

3 Acmeology - the science of the means to achieve the heights of professional excellence and the disclosure of human potential




Human - greatest work nature, generated by organic evolution on planet Earth. Man is a wonderful result of socio-cultural evolution: only Man has the unique ability of self-knowledge and self-development, knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world.

Man is the most complex phenomenon of all that exists on planet Earth and, therefore, the most interesting subject of knowledge and self-knowledge. We know a lot about a person, but we don't know much more. There are many sciences aimed both at the knowledge of man and at his creation. But even this is not enough, and therefore new directions continue to appear in already known sciences.

A new science appeared and began to develop - acmeology (Greek. akme - peak, flourish). Currently, acmeology is defined as a science that arose at the intersection of natural, social and humanitarian disciplines and studies the patterns and phenomena of human development at the stage of its maturity and, especially when it reaches the highest level in this development. It immediately attracts attention that acmeology studies the development of a mature personality.

Acmeology is a new science, which is in the stage of active formation. New, and therefore not entirely clear to me. In order to understand and have an idea, at least in in general terms, what patterns and phenomena of human development are studied by acmeology, and what means of achieving the heights of professional excellence it offers, I chose this topic of the essay. I have the following tasks:

Understand what exactly acmeology studies;

Is it really necessary in the system of sciences that study man;

How acmeology can help unlock human potential and reach the heights of professional excellence.

The high professionalism and creative skill of specialists is one of the most important human resources proper, which becomes a factor in the optimal solution of pressing global crisis problems.

The social need for specialists of various profiles in the field of management, management, social work with a high level of professionalism and skill is becoming especially acute. In any profession, one cannot stand still, a person must constantly improve and keep up with the course of life. For fruitful work and the creation of something new, it is necessary to have a broad outlook and be able to competently solve problems. How to achieve this? Perhaps acmeology will be able to answer this question.

The abstract will address the following questions:

Acmeology is like a science. Appearance, formation and development;

Goals, object and subject of acmeology;

Acmeology - the science of the means to achieve the heights of professional excellence and the disclosure of human potential;



Since the middle of the twentieth century, trends towards integration have intensified in world practice. scientific knowledge. This led to the emergence of such sciences as cybernetics, ergonomics, systems engineering, computer science. Their formation allowed mankind to make a significant breakthrough in solving a huge number of problems.

But in the field of studying the systemic qualities of a person, there was no special conceptual apparatus of a sufficiently high level that would allow us to combine the achievements of science and create a basis for developing a theory of how a person achieves the highest results in his development, in achieving the heights of professional excellence, social heights and economic well-being. The systemic ontological crisis of psychological science, about which scientists talk so much today, has raised the question of creating a new methodological paradigm. This paradigm is called to create acmeology.

In 1968 B.G. Ananiev found a place for her in the system of sciences that study the age and phases of a person’s life as an individual, arranging them in the following sequence: human embryology, morphology and physiology of the child, pediatrics, pedagogy, acmeology, gerontology (the science of aging). B.G. Ananiev put acmeology after pedagogy, as if saying that this is the science of the laws of development of mature people under the influence of education or the means of education.

The educational process is not only the transfer of something from one to another, it is not only an intermediary between generations; it is inconvenient to imagine it as a tube through which culture flows from one generation to another. Such a didactic view does not at all correspond to a huge number of facts, is not confirmed by them, and is even directly refuted. The vast majority of people are self-educated, self-developed people, and not educated and developed by someone else, who have adopted the culture of previous generations from others Kapterev P.F. Didactic essays. Theory of Education // P.F. Kapterev. Fav. Ped. Op. M., 1982. S.351-352. .

Therefore, acmeology as a science is called upon and allows you to comprehensively study the features of the most important stage of human development in the period of maturity. According to A.A. Bodalev, “... it defines similarities and differences in different people and, in the same vein, clarifies in them the peculiarity of the action of factors that determine an individual picture of maturity. And of course, the most significant place in these acmeological works is occupied by tracing the nature of the mutual influence of the properties and qualities of the “physical” and “spiritual” “substances” of a person.

acmeology professional skill potential


The goal of acmeology is to improve a person, help him achieve peaks in the physical, spiritual, moral and professional development, humanization of this development.

The object of acmeology is a progressively developing mature personality, self-fulfilling mainly in professional activities and reaching the top in its development.

The subject in a broad sense is the processes, patterns and mechanisms of improving a person as an individual, individuality, subject of labor and personality in life, profession, communication, leading to optimal ways of self-realization, reaching peaks in development. At this stage, these are, first of all, regularities, mechanisms, conditions and factors that contribute to the progressive development of a mature personality and its high personal and professional achievements. In a narrower sense, the subject of acmeology is the search for patterns of self-development and self-improvement of a mature personality, self-realization in various fields, self-education, self-correction and self-organization.

A mature person is distinguished by high responsibility, concern for other people, social activity with a humanistic orientation, and not only high professional achievements and effective self-realization. It so happened that the main attention in acmeological research was focused on the highest achievements in activity and, in particular, professional activity. Therefore, the most intensive development was just those areas of acmeology that are mainly associated with the professional achievements of a mature personality, with the progressive personal and professional development of a person as a subject of activity. This is quite natural: personal achievements become noticeable mainly in professional activities, especially those that have a high social significance.

In other words, it is impossible to study a person in isolation from his activity and activity without the subject of labor.


The profession as an established socio-cultural phenomenon has a complex structure that includes the subject, means and result of professional activity: goals, values, norms, methods and techniques, samples and ideals. In progress historical development professions are changing.

Some of them acquire new socio-cultural forms, others change insignificantly, others disappear completely or undergo significant changes. High level professional culture characterized by a developed ability to solve professional problems, that is, a developed professional thinking. However, developed professional thinking can turn into its opposite when it absorbs other manifestations of the personality, violating its integrity and comprehensiveness. Therefore, such a science as acmeology is needed. It explores the problems of contradictions between the growing volume of information, on the one hand, and the time required to master it, on the other. Identifies common and different features that people manifest in the course of their activities, and also explores the factors that determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of "acme". The moral upbringing of a professional means the transformation of universal human values ​​into his own values. Acmeology also studies the problem of the relationship between the characteristics of a person's professionalism and his behavior outside the sphere of professional activity. The most important task of acmeology is the development of methodological tools that help organize the conditions for the optimal achievement by people of the levels of professionalism in all spheres of human activity, for the manifestation of their socially significant and creative qualities.

Unlike the relationship of acmeology with social science, the main category that characterizes its interaction with the human sciences is creativity. It is this category that defines the key for acmeology psychological concepts: mastery, development, maturity, giftedness, abilities, creativity, improvement, heuristics, reflection, consciousness, personality, individuality and a number of others.

The formation of creativity in the field of management, education, science, technology and other areas of social practice is largely associated with overcoming the objective contradictions of professional activity and the subjective conflicts that arise during its course. Therefore, one of the prerequisites for the development of acmeological technologies for the development of professionalism of management personnel is to consider the relationship between acmeology and conflictology.

Important psychological feature success lies in the fact that, on the one hand, it is always obvious and concrete (and in this sense, situational), and on the other hand, it is the result of a long (that is, diachronic), very contradictory, conflict development of the subject of activity in the interaction of many of its determinants. Thus, the concept of creative "acme" as a professional success, realizing the development of creative potential, should be based on the conceptual and methodological interaction of diachronic acmeology and synchronous conflictology, since they are in a relationship of mutual complementarity, they study the macro and micro aspects of creativity.

As the base are age, educational, professional aspects of the acmeological approach.

Age aspect research is aimed at diagnosing the makings and

abilities by means of pedology (studying children and young men), andragogy of adults (including students and professionals) and gerontology (veterans of labor), educational aspect - for diagnostics and development of knowledge and skills in the system of general, professional and continuing education, professional aspect - to determine the possibilities and results of the implementation of labor activity through the ascertainment of professional suitability, psychological readiness to this type of work and the degree of social responsibility for its process and results, creative aspect - to determine the efforts expended and the success of their implementation by clarifying the level of professionalism, the reflexive and innovative potential of its improvement to the degree of mastery and assessing the social significance of innovations obtained in the process of creativity. Reflective aspect(associated with the self-awareness of the individual as a developing "I" and the understanding of communication partners in the process of work) is system-forming, providing optimal mutual coordination of the identified acmeological aspects of human professionalization.

The developed techniques of individual, dialogic and group game-reflexics allow developing Creative skills pupils, students and professionals in situations of both solving professional and creative problems, and applying intensive game methods of cultivating reflection.

Personal-professional development is a process of personality development (in the broadest sense), focused on a high level of professionalism and professional achievements, carried out through training and self-development in the process of professional activity and professional interactions.

In acmeological studies, it was emphasized that personal and professional development should be progressive, manifested in the following:

In the change in the motivational sphere of the personality, in which universal human values ​​are beginning to be reflected more strongly than before;

In the increase in the ability to plan at the level of intellect, and then to put into practice precisely those acts and perform those acts that correspond to the spirit of these values;

In the emergence of a greater ability to mobilize oneself to overcome difficulties of an objective nature that prevent one from showing independence and performing actions in accordance with these values;

In a more objective assessment of their strengths and weaknesses and the degree of their readiness for new, more complex deeds and responsible deeds.

Acmeology is a scientific discipline that studies:

Patterns of self-realization of the creative potentials of mature people in the process of creative activity on the way to the highest achievements (tops);

Factors, objective and subjective, contributing to and hindering the achievement of peaks;

Patterns of learning the heights of life and professionalism in activities;

Self-education, self-organization and self-control;

Patterns of self-improvement, self-correction and self-reorganization of activity under the influence of new requirements coming both from the outside, from the profession and society, the development of science, culture, technology, and, especially, from the inside, from one's own interests, needs and attitudes, awareness of one's abilities and capabilities, merits and shortcomings of their own activities Bransky V.P., Pozharsky S.D., Social synergetics and acmeology, St. Petersburg, "Polytechnic", 2002, p.373. .

Acmeology explores a holistic person as a subject of interpersonal communication, creative, educational, cognitive, professional and managerial activities and factors that contribute to or hinder the achievement of the heights of social success and professional excellence.

The acmeological approach is currently one of the most progressive and promising for the modern school. “The essence of the acmeological approach lies in the implementation of a comprehensive study and restoration of the integrity of the subject, passing through the stage of maturity, when his individual, personal and subject-activity characteristics are studied in unity, in all relationships and mediations, in order to contribute to his achievement of the highest levels to which he can rise each ”(A.A. Derkach).

I think I managed to answer all the questions posed. Acmeology is a very interesting and necessary science. In the current conditions, the organization of psychological and acmeological services is simply necessary. For many, there is a certain "crisis" in the profession. When a person understands that something needs to be changed, but what exactly, and how to do it, he does not know. In such cases, acmeological services are needed. In general, it all depends on the person himself, on his desire to reach the heights of mastery, and on whether he has chosen the right profession.

Conclusions: A new science appeared and began to develop - acmeology (Greek. akme - peak, flourish). Currently, acmeology is defined as a science that arose at the intersection of natural, social and humanitarian disciplines and studies the patterns and phenomena of human development at the stage of its maturity and, especially when it reaches the highest level in this development.

Acmeology also studies the problem of the relationship between the characteristics of a person's professionalism and his behavior outside the sphere of professional activity. The most important task of acmeology is the development of methodological tools that help organize the conditions for the optimal achievement by people of the levels of professionalism in all spheres of human activity, for the manifestation of their socially significant and creative qualities.

The developed methods of individual, dialogic and group game-reflection allow developing the creative abilities of pupils, students and professionals in situations of both solving professional and creative problems and applying intensive-game methods of cultivating reflection. This helps to unleash creativity.


In order to study and analyze acme forms, successful and creative professional skills and the development of optimal technologies for the development of professionalism, acmeology conducts comprehensive studies of the processes and methods of carrying out professional activities by various specialists, synthesizing for this the achievements of other human sciences, primarily philosophy, sociology, psychology , physiology, genetics and pedagogy.

Acmeology acquires its ontological certainty due to its focus on identifying, describing, analyzing the phenomenology of acme forms in a person’s life, in his development as a professional, psychologically creative and socially successful implementation of professional activities.

The scientific knowledge obtained as a result of psychological and acmeological research about the patterns and ways to achieve the heights of professionalism and creativity characterizes such an integrative in its sociocultural nature and system-forming in terms of methodological value ontological attribute as the “acmeological” of a person’s sociocultural existence.

From this point of view, acmeology can be considered synchronically in the form of self-improvement of a person, and diachronically - in the form of his professional socialization. The demand for acmeology in modern Russia in the context of the transition to market relations, the creation of a state of law and a democratic society, it acquires particular relevance. For this, it is necessary active people, high professionals with initiative, efficiency, organization and creativity.

At present, methodological principles, conceptual approaches and research strategies are being actively formed, practically oriented acmeological technologies are being developed, which are designed to integrate acmeology into the system modern sciences and to ensure the implementation of the knowledge she has received into social practice.

Acmeology, like any other area of ​​scientific knowledge, has not only general scientific principles that constitute it categorically and methodologically as a science, but also specific disciplinary features that characterize it as a specific branch of subject-methodological knowledge.

Since it is an emerging scientific discipline, the definition of its subject-methodological specifics and categorical-methodological framework is a special design task, the solution of which to a certain extent depends on the ways further development specific acmeological studies.


1. Smirnov V.I. General Pedagogy: tutorial. - 2nd ed., revised, corrected. and additional - M.: Logos, 2003.

2. Slastenin V.A. Pedagogy: textbook. Benefit. - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2003.

3. Acmeology: textbook. Allowance / A. Derkach, V. Zazykin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.

4. Trofimov E.F. Heuristics: textbook / E.F. Trofimov; International University of Business and New Technologies - Yaroslavl: RIC MUBiNT, 2007.

5. Lopukhina E. Education of a creative personality // Science and life. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.13-17.

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“Acmeology (from the ancient Greek “acme” - peak, point, flourishing, maturity, the best time, the highest degree of something and “logos” - teaching) studies the facts and patterns, mechanisms and methods of human development at the stage of his maturity, including professional self-awareness, self-improvement and self-regulation of the individual. Acme is a system of meaningful life heights (social, spiritual, professional) achieved by a person and perceived by him as a “sense of life”, “self-realization”, an embodied own uniqueness. From the event point of view, acme is a breakthrough prepared by the entire content of Russian culture and science; it is the acceptance of responsibility for the search for a Russian humanitarian response to the challenges of global development, to the questions that the era of post-industrialism has posed to the world community with its increasing knowledge intensity and global informatization” .

The requirements of modern science of science indicate that in order for acmeology to meet the status of a scientific discipline, it must meet the criteria of relevance, modernity, prospects, independence and fundamentality.

Relevance acmeology is determined by socially significant goals and guidelines that indicate the need for humane, but productive development and the use of creative potential specific person and his environment. The relevance and relevance of acmeology, despite the unceasing heated discussions around it, is quite obvious, because it integrates all the best in human knowledge, makes this invaluable capital the property of the widest range of interested people.

The development of acmeology is based on the achievements of the natural, social and technical sciences. At the same time, acmeology is able to develop its own productive solutions. Only in this way is acmeology able to occupy its recognized niche and ensure its further approval and wide recognition as an original attractive theory and practice that comes from and is completely subordinated to the vital interests of society and each of its members.

Modernity Acmeology is due to its origin and development on an integrative base, which accumulates the achievements of advanced science of science and human science and ensures the destruction of incapacitated existing barriers, dogmas and stereotypes of a fragmentary-partial nature. Here it seems possible not only to find the interrelated interests of sciences in achieving a common goal, but also to offer our own new constructive solutions (approaches, models, algorithms, technologies) on a modern scientific and methodological basis that go beyond the limits of only scientific interest and are oriented towards social practice, on the values ​​and needs of the individual.

perspective Acmeology is dictated by the strategy of a reforming society, which can be implemented through the efforts of its harmoniously developed, professionally competent members. In such a society, each institution (all state and non-state institutions, enterprises and associations) is integrated into an integral social organism and together they contribute to the creative self-realization of a person. Acmeology, studying the patterns and mechanisms of human development as the highest value of nature and the main priority of society, not only studies it comprehensively, but, what is most important, helps it to achieve its own heights, especially at the stage of maturity.

Independence Acmeology in relation to the already established sciences of man lies in the fact that it explores in a complex and interconnected way its values, strategies, life and professional-activity path, as well as the conditions for its passage. Having its own clearly defined object, subject, method and categorical apparatus, at the same time it strives for co-creation with other sciences and, based on the synthesis of knowledge from many sciences, ensures the fulfillment of its own theoretical and applied functions. In particular, it reveals the “crossings” of the peaks and recessions of personal and professional development, determining their patterns. Based on these regularities, he constructs optimal models, algorithms and technologies, provides acmeological support for the work and life of an individual or a professional team. It is important that acmeology does not claim the status of "science of all sciences". She strives for constructive co-creation with each of them in the interests of the practical expediency of advancing the social subject to its heights - acme.

fundamentality acmeology lies in its direct connection with advanced theory and practice, in the desire to penetrate into the nature of the object under study in all its "dimensions". In doing so, she seeks answers to the following questions:

What distinguishes the methods of personal and professional implementation among specialists of different levels of productivity;

why everyone, based on reality (conditions and factors), manages to solve problems at their own level of productivity;

How (with the help of what models, algorithms, technologies) to ensure the desired level of productivity in professional activities and total work, in the implementation of a life strategy in general?

The answers to these and many other topical questions will make it possible to identify new patterns in modern social practice and determine ways to optimize it.

Acmeologists are called upon to study these issues, who are ready and able to go into close co-creation with all interested representatives of other areas of knowledge and social practice in the name of the common. In connection with all this, it can be noted that acmeology is not eclecticism, as some opponents are trying to present it, but "the highest mathematics of human knowledge and human science." It seems that such an approach is attractive and promising for everyone, because it expresses the natural need of a society oriented towards progress.

The subject of creative activity is an adult. A person reaches peaks of productivity of creative activity during the period of acme - flowering and fruiting, the creation of spiritual and material products that continue to serve humanity for millennia. The vertices of the vertices are selected according to this criterion.

In acmeology, the concept of "acme" is used in two meanings.

In a narrower sense: when it refers to the highest level of health achieved by a person, when his behavior as a person turns out to be marked by the most striking act for him, which has a positive social significance, and when his activity finds expression in the maximum possible result of his creativity.

In a broad sense, acme is the entire stage of a person's adulthood, which is characterized by his physical, personal and subjective maturity |4, p. 2921.

The stage of a person's maturity and the so-called peak of this maturity - acme - is a multidimensional state of a person, covering the period of his development and showing how successful he is as a citizen, as a specialist in a certain professional activity.

Each person has his own acme, which is evaluated taking into account the specific conditions of its manifestation in the following areas: determination of content characteristics; the value of the achieved acme; such characteristics of acme as the time of achievement and duration are distinguished.

Thus, the essence of acmeology is to consider in the unity of the processes of professional and personal development and indicating the way to achieve professional excellence based on the realization of the creative potential of the individual. Acmeology formulates general patterns, in accordance with which a person and a community of people realize the highest achievements in various areas of professional activity on their life path.

Acmeology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge in the system of human sciences. This is the science of the laws of development of personality and professionalism under the influence of self-determination, life experience, social environment and education.

Acmeology is a new science, which is in the stage of active formation. It is symbolic that the appearance of this term refers to the period of rapid intellectual and social search of the 1920s, when such branches of scientific and practical knowledge arose as eurylogy (P. Engelmeyer), ergonology (V. N. Myasishchev), reflexology (V. M. Bekhterev) and including acmeology (N. A. Rybnikov). If the socio-cultural predecessor of the emergence of acmeology was such a trend in Russian poetry at the beginning of the 20th century as acmeism (N. S. Gumilyov, S. M. Gorodetsky, A. A. Akhmatova and others), then its natural scientific premise was the research of F. Galton and V. Oswald about the age patterns of creative activity and I. Nairn, who studied the dependence of its productivity on various psychobiological factors.

Acmeology is a modern complex science of a fundamental and applied nature. In its development, it has come a long way from the formation of objective prerequisites for the emergence to the creation social structures. Acmeological knowledge has gone through several stages of self-affirmation in the scientific community - from the definition of discipline in 1928 to the organization of an acmeological university in 1996. Consider the milestones in the history of acmeology.

1. Latent stage - the creation of historical, cultural, social, philosophical, scientific, practical, pedagogical prerequisites for highlighting in scientific knowledge such a sphere of human science as acmeology.

A person's awareness of his place in the world forms his worldview. From the very beginning of the cultural development of mankind, there were, according to B. G. Ananiev, ideas about human development, the idea was expressed that in the development of the individual there is some peak, the highest degree of perfection. Acmeology permeates the entire history of man, which demonstrates many examples in a wide variety of activities.

The scientific premises of acmeology were developed in 144 BC. e. Apollodorus, a representative of the Alexandrian school, which considered maximum perfection as the pinnacle in the development of activity. At the same time, “acme” meant such a state of the individual, in which the highest result of his activity (“finest hour”) is achieved, and not the process of moving towards this state. Appolodorus, developing the doctrine of acme, designated the highest point of development as the culmination of activity and introduced the Latin definition of ahertz (acme) as floruit(flourishing).

Since the middle of the XX century. In world practice, tendencies towards the integration of scientific knowledge have intensified. This led to the emergence of such sciences as cybernetics, ergonomics, systems engineering, computer science. Their formation allowed mankind to make a significant breakthrough in solving a huge number of problems.

However, in the field of studying the systemic qualities of a person, there was no special conceptual apparatus of a sufficiently high level that would allow to combine the achievements of science and create a basis for developing a theory of how a person achieves the highest results in his development, in achieving the heights of professional excellence, social heights and economic well-being. The systemic ontological crisis of psychological science, about which scientists talk so much today, has raised the question of creating a new methodological paradigm, which is what acmeology is called upon to do.

2. The nomination stage is characterized by the fact that the social need for this kind of knowledge was recognized and identified by the introduction by Professor N. A. Rybnikov in 1928 of the special term "acmeology". Rybnikov set the task of developing a section on the psychology of adults, and called this section acmeology. He defines acmeology as the science of the development of a mature person, in contrast to pedology (1920-1936) - the science of children. In 1928, N. A. Rybnikov complained that there is a genetic method that is used only in child psychology, and is not used in the field of adult psychology. He argued that on the basis of the genetic method it is possible to develop the developmental psychology of an adult.

Ananiev put acmeology after pedagogy, as if saying that this is the science of the laws of development of mature people under the influence of education or the means of education. He places acmeology in the system of sciences between pedagogy and gerontology.

B. G. Ananiev also became interested in the problems of the psychology of a mature person in 1928, when he was a student at the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute.

In 1955, in the journal "Questions of Psychology" No. 5, B. G. Ananiev came up with the idea of ​​​​scientific development of adult psychology. In turn, J. Piaget, L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein stopped at the threshold of adult psychology.

In 1968, B. G. Ananiev found a place for her in the system of sciences that study the age and phases of a person’s life as an individual, arranging them in the following sequence: human embryology, morphology and physiology of the child, pediatrics, pedagogy, acmeology, gerontology (the science of aging ).

Akme was defined by him as a period of active development and mastery of the full range of social and professional functions of an adult. An adult is not a stationary state, as there are periods of ups and downs.

Acmeology is considered by E. I. Stepanova as the pedagogical psychology of an adult. B. G. Ananiev, E. I. Stepanova and N. N. Obozov considered reality not only as patterns of human reflection of objective reality, but also as part of the improvement of creative activity.

Another direction in the development of acmeology is the work of N. V. Kuzmina, who studies the influence of the abilities of an adult on the measure of productive activity when a result is achieved.

3. Incubation stage. Its beginning dates back to the emergence of the conceptual idea of ​​N. V. Kuzmina about the need to constellate research on acmeological issues as a new field of human knowledge. A prerequisite for this was the systematization and generalization, analysis and differentiation of human knowledge in the second third of the 20th century. in the works of B. G. Ananiev. The idea of ​​creating an experimental acmeology of the psychophysical evolution of an adult was formulated and published by B. G. Ananyev back in 1957. state university in 1966. Under the leadership of B. G. Ananiev, the study of mature people was carried out simultaneously in two programs.

This stage ended, according to A. A. Derkach and N. V. Kuzmina, with the promotion of a program for the deployment of acmeology as a special discipline.

  • 4. The institutional stage is associated with the creation of a number of social structures: acmeological departments, laboratories in universities and, finally, the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences. Within the framework of these scientific and educational structures, research is being conducted, acmeological technologies are being developed and vocational training is being carried out. Ananiev foresaw that acmeology was destined to create a scientific apparatus that would adequately reflect the problems of effective development and formation of a person in the totality of his qualities.
  • 1926-1989 - development of the acmeological approach in the works of N. A. Rybnikov, B. G. Ananiev, II. V. Kuzmina, A. A. Bodaleva and others: from the study of adulthood as an age period to the study of the formation of professional skills, knowledge of the creative potential of the individual and ways to achieve individual, professional and social peaks of development.
  • 1989 - All-Union Acmeological Association founded.
  • 1991 - The State Committee for Science and Technology approved acmeology as a new field of knowledge in the system of human sciences, as a science that studies phenomenology, patterns, mechanisms and methods of human development at the stage of its maturity and when it reaches the highest level in this development. The new scientific specialty was given a code and a name: 19.00.13 - “Acmeology, developmental psychology”.
  • 1992 - The Academy of Acmeological Sciences was opened as a community of scientists carrying out acmeological research and conducting scientific and practical conferences By topical issues acmeology.
  • On December 25, 1992, the Department of Acmeology and Psychology of Professional Activities of the Russian Academy was established public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

The founder of the department and its permanent leader is Anatoly Alekseevich Derkach, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

  • 1993 - The first scientific session of the Academy of Acmeological Sciences began in St. Petersburg. The theme of the session is "Acmeology, psychology, pedagogy: yesterday, today, tomorrow". The sessions have become traditional: every year creative developments are presented and lively discussions are held on topical problems and tasks of acmeology.
  • 1995 - under the intellectual patronage of the Academy of Acmeological Sciences, a higher educational institution was created - the St. Petersburg Acmeological Academy. The founders of this academy are N. V. Kuzmina, A. M. Zimichev.

Since 1996, the department of A. A. Derkach has been publishing the journal "Acmeology", which reflects state of the art research in developmental psychology and acmeology. For a long time it was an intra-cathedral, intra-academic publication. Since May 2002, the journal has acquired the status of an all-Russian publication.

Since 2002, the VAK magazine "Akmeologiya" has been published in Kostroma (editor-in-chief - Professor N. P. Fetiskin).

In 2007, the specialization "Acmeology and Pedagogical Psychology" was opened at the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of YarSU named after I. G. Demidov (Head of the Department - Professor M. M. Kashapov).

Thus, acmeology is a fundamental, relevant, and promising science. The relevance of acmeology is characterized by its emergence in the education system in order to better solve the practical problems of training and advanced training of specialists in various fields. After registration, it developed several directions.

λόγος , logos - teaching) - a section of developmental psychology that studies the patterns and mechanisms that ensure the possibility of reaching the highest level (acme) individual development. In a broader sense, it is an interdisciplinary scientific branch.

The status of acmeology is debatable. Artemy Magun examining the state Russian universities, indicates the emergence in them of new, in his opinion, exotic, bizarre and "endemic" disciplines, such as synergetics, imageology, acmeology, socionics, linking it with the general crisis higher education in the post-Soviet space and, in particular, with the isolation of the post-Soviet tradition of social knowledge from world science and the resulting lack of mutual criticism of concepts in this area.

A Brief History of the Formation of Acmeology in Russia

According to the passport of the specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission, acmeology belongs simultaneously to the pedagogical and psychological branches of science.

Directions of acmeology

The newest state - synergistic acmeology as a synthesis of social synergy and acmeology

Modern stage The development of acmeology is associated with the historical and philosophical justification of acmeology by V. P. Bransky, V. V. Ilyin and S. D. Pozharsky, which allows us to trace the connection of acmeology with cultural studies, philosophical anthropology and other fields of knowledge. Thus, it goes beyond the limits of psychology. This is also possible due to the active application by acmeology of principles borrowed from other areas of scientific knowledge.

V. P. Bransky and S. D. Pozharsky consider acmeology through the prism of the theory of social synergetics. As a result of the integration of knowledge, at the junction of these scientific areas, a new area knowledge - synergetic acmeology as a science about the laws "... achieving maximum perfection by any social system (in particular, by an individual) through self-organization".

From the standpoint of the theory of self-organization, a person is considered as a dissipative structure that exists due to constant exchange with environment matter, energy and information. The goal of any dissipative structure is to achieve the highest possible stable state in the context of the environmental conditions in which it is located.

Self-organization of a person on the way to Akma looks like a multi-stage process. IN general view it consists of the processes of self-preparation and self-realization.

Self-training, in turn, consists of self-education and self-education. At these stages, a person develops creative potential. The contribution of self-education to this process involves the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are not provided for by the official education system, but are personally necessary for him to achieve his own goals. Self-education is the formation in a person of certain moral qualities that are not guaranteed by that social environment, in which the upbringing of a person takes place (this is what M. Gorky calls going out “to people”).

After a person has formed the knowledge, skills, abilities and system of moral guidelines necessary for life, the process of self-realization begins.

Self-realization is also two-component and includes self-expression and self-affirmation.

Self-expression is a consistent advancement to the heights of professional excellence. At this stage, a person manifests himself as a creator and creator of significant for him values. Since human life is not self-contained (this would be contrary to considering it as a dissipative structure), a collision with external environment. The products of human activity at the stage of self-affirmation experience social assessment(whether these products are significant for society). Ideally, the maximum of self-expression (professional acme) should converge with the maximum of self-affirmation (social acme). Speaking plain language, high professionalism should be highly appreciated. In reality, this does not always happen.

Thus, the use of a synergistic approach in acmeology makes it possible to answer the questions: how does a person self-organize, what mechanisms it moves and how to achieve the heights of recognition. This, in turn, makes it possible to build an ideal model of self-organization and the life path of an individual, the competent implementation of which will lead to success. All this is the field of development of acmeology of the XXI century.

ACMEOLOGY - knowledge of the theoretical and practical type, modern complex science, interacting with the humanities, natural, social, technical sciences, studies specific patterns mental development a person at the stage of maturity:

progressive and progressively ascending nature of development,

focus on the highest levels of optimum development,

the reverse influence of personality on activity,

increase in the integrity and integration of the individual at the stage of maturity,

the role of the phenomenon of "acme" as a multidimensional mental state of a person in progressive development,

the formation of the ability of a mature personality to act in changing and uncertain conditions,

· the formation of the ability to maximize the use of personal resources for optimal correlation with society, strengthening the role of self-development in an adult.

A. reveals the features of the specialization of the formation of mental functions in the course of the professionalization of a person and the features of the two-phase mental development.

A. considers personal and professional maturity as the highest levels of socialization and professionalization of a person.

The founder of A. is Boris Gerasimovich Ananiev. Formed the main idea of ​​this science - the study of the "tops" of life of the highest achievements of the individual. Developing the problem of human knowledge, he set the complex task of studying the patterns, mechanisms and phenomena that characterize the process of adult development. His students - A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach, N.V. Kuzmina and others - acmeology was founded as a new complex field of knowledge about a person and his improvement.

The current state of acmeology is also reflected in the essential characteristics of its basic foundations and categories. The theoretical and empirical studies carried out made it possible to define and describe the purpose, subject, object and tasks of acmeology at its present stage of development as a science.

aim Acmeology is the improvement of a person, assistance in reaching peaks in physical, spiritual, moral and professional development, humanization of this development.

object Acmeology is a progressively developing mature personality, self-fulfilling mainly in professional activities and reaching the pinnacle in its development.

Subject in a broad sense, are the processes, patterns and mechanisms for improving a person as an individual, individuality, subject of labor and personality in life, profession, communication, leading to optimal ways of self-realization, reaching peaks in development. At this stage, these are, first of all, laws, mechanisms, conditions and factors that contribute to the progressive development of a mature personality and its high personal and professional achievements. In a narrower sense, the subject of acmeology is the search for patterns of self-development and self-improvement of a mature personality, self-realization in various fields, self-education, self-correction and self-organization.

The subject of acmeology is very extensive, has different levels of specificity, respectively, different research areas and practices. In our time, the subject of acmeology, outlined at the time by B. G. Ananyev, has become broader, and this trend continues. Attempts are being made to expand the object field of acmeology. This is natural, because the conducted acmeological research and acmeological practice clearly proved that modern acmeology cannot be reduced only to the ontopsychological aspect. Therefore, these definitions of the subject and object of science reflect a certain stage of its formation in a given time period. In terms of content, they are narrower, if we proceed from the essence of acmeology as a science of the progressive development of a mature personality. With the accumulation of acmeological knowledge, the expansion of the object field, the generalization of the empirical facts obtained, the development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of acmeology, the scientific content of the object and subject of acmeology will be refined and, of course, approach what was originally laid down in acmeological ideas. The development of the subject sphere of acmeology itself will be carried out taking into account the strengthening of the influence of its aspects: ontological, epistemological, sociological, cultural, axiological, ethical, religious, everyday and others. The theoretical studies of acmeologists will be directed to this.

The originality of the subject and object of acmeology is reflected in main tasks relevant precisely at the current stage of its development as a science. Let's note them:

1. The first group of tasks is related to the scientific coverage of the phenomenology of ACME, the further development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of acmeology, the description of its status, place in the system of sciences, the definition and description of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of ACME. The latter will make the process of achieving it more focused.

2. The second group of tasks is aimed at studying the general and particular patterns of achieving ACME, determining what is common to all those who have achieved outstanding results as individuals, personalities and subjects of activity. At the same time, the selection of the general must necessarily be accompanied by an analysis of the special, characteristic of a particular type of professional activity, and the singular, inherent in a separate individual.

3. The third group of tasks is aimed at identifying the conditions and factors (in the broadest sense) that promote or hinder the movement towards ACME and the achievement of peaks in development. Here, special attention should be paid to the search and systematization of subjective factors, analysis of the role of family upbringing, education, personal and professional standards and standards, attitude towards professionals and professionalism, etc.

4. The fourth group of tasks is connected with the development of the actual acmeological methods of research and development of the personality. Any science truly acquires an independent status when it has its own research and methodological apparatus. Acmeology is no exception. At the beginning of its formation, acmeological problems were solved with the help of general scientific and psychological methods, but soon the time came when the task of developing their own methods became actual. Work in this direction continues, and there are already encouraging results.

5. The fifth group of tasks is focused on the development of acmeological models of professionalism and a professional for different classes of professional activity. Of course, a theoretical substantiation of the category "acmeological model" itself was required. The creation of acmeological models will make it possible to describe holistic and structured standards of professionalism, which are an important guideline for personal and professional development, and to optimize this process.

6. The sixth group of tasks is aimed at creating the actual acmeological technologies for the progressive development of the individual and, above all, professionalism.

7. The seventh group is focused on specific applied acmeological research, which, in turn, will consolidate the natural tendencies towards the differentiation of science, the formation of its scientific directions.

  1. The role of the hypothesis in experimental research.

A hypothesis is a scientific assumption arising from a theory that has not yet been confirmed or refuted.

In the methodology of science, theoretical hypotheses and hypotheses are distinguished as empirical assumptions that are subject to experimental verification. The first are included in the structure of theories as the main parts. Theoretical hypotheses are put forward to eliminate internal contradictions in the theory or to overcome discrepancies between theory and experimental results and are a tool for improving theoretical knowledge. Fayerabend is talking about such hypotheses. A scientific hypothesis must satisfy the principles falsifiability(to be refuted by experiment) and verifiability(to be confirmed in experiment). The second are the assumptions put forward to solve the problem by the method of experimental research. Such assumptions are called experimental hypotheses, which do not have to be based on theory.

There are 3 types of hypotheses according to their origin:

· A hypothesis, which is based on models of reality, is necessary to test a particular theory;

scientific and experimental hypotheses that are put forward to confirm or refute various laws;

Empirical hypotheses that are formulated for a particular case.

The main feature of any experimental hypotheses is that they are operationalizable, i.e. formulated in terms of a specific experimental procedure.

According to the content of the hypothesis can be divided into hypotheses about the presence of: A) phenomena; B) connections between phenomena; C) a causal relationship between phenomena. Testing hypotheses of type A - an attempt to establish the truth: "Was there a boy?". Type B hypotheses are about relationships between phenomena, for example, the hypothesis about the relationship between the intelligence of children and their parents. As a matter of fact, hypotheses of type B, about causal relationships, are usually considered experimental. An experimental hypothesis includes an independent variable, a dependent variable, the relationship between them, and levels of additional variables.

Gottsdanker identifies the following variants of experimental hypotheses:

A counterhypothesis is an experimental hypothesis that is alternative to the main assumption; occurs automatically;

The third competing experimental hypothesis is the experimental hypothesis about the absence of influence of the independent variable on the dependent one; verified only in a laboratory experiment;

An exact experimental hypothesis is an assumption about the relationship between a single independent variable and a dependent variable in a laboratory experiment.

Experimental hypothesis about the maximum (or minimum) value - the assumption at what level of the independent variable the dependent variable takes on the maximum (or minimum) value.

The experimental hypothesis of absolute and proportional relationships is an exact assumption about the nature of the gradual (quantitative) change in the dependent variable with a gradual (quantitative) change in the independent.

One-Ratio Experimental Hypothesis – Assuming a relationship between one independent and one dependent variable.

Combined experimental hypothesis - an assumption about the relationship between a certain combination (combination) of two (or more) independent variables, on the one hand, and a dependent variable, on the other.

Researchers distinguish between scientific and statistical hypotheses. Scientific hypotheses formulated as a proposed solution to the problem. Statistical hypothesis- a statement regarding an unknown parameter, formulated in the language of mathematical statistics. Any scientific hypothesis requires translation into the language of statistics. An experimental hypothesis is used to organize an experiment, and a statistical one is used to organize a comparison of parameters. Hypotheses that are not refuted in the experiment turn into components of theoretical knowledge about reality: facts, regularities, laws.