What to do if it is very bad. How to find the positives in life when the soul is bad. When does anxiety occur

We have already written about depression and apathy, but what to do when your heart is just bad, and you seem to understand that this will pass, but you want to somehow speed up the process? First of all, accept this state, do not try to reject it - absolutely all people are prone to blues, to a greater or lesser extent. This is due to the change of seasons, and the lack of sunlight, and hormonal changes in the body. In order to quickly return to a good mood, use our tips on what to do when you feel bad at heart.

1) Eat positive! The first thing to do in the fight against blues is to reorganize your diet by adding mood-enhancing foods to it. These include milk, tomatoes, fish, blueberries, broccoli, red peppers, bananas, cottage cheese, whole grain flour products, all kinds of cereals and almonds, as well as citrus fruits. Don't forget about the visual component of food - when food looks beautiful, mood and appetite increase by themselves. It will be just great if you are fascinated by the preparation of a new dish, for example, cottage cheese pie with almonds and banana. Inhaling wonderful aromas in the kitchen and enjoying the results of your labors (better not alone), you will quickly forget about all your worries.

2) "Injections" of joy. Imagine that your feeling of "not feeling well at heart" is a perfectly treatable disease, and follow the written prescription for the most positive films, books, series and magazines you can find. Review your favorite comedies, films about love, in which a happy ending invariably happens, re-read positive books, in general, remember everything that has ever made you laugh, touched you and cheered you up, and take it with shock doses!

3) Surround yourself with care. Very often, a depressed state is a sign of fatigue, so your body reminds the owner that he is not a machine, he needs rest, care and affection. Give it to him now! Go for a massage, take a fragrant bath, stop overworking yourself at home, let someone else cook food for several days, or go to catering with the whole family. It is imperative to reduce the level of stress, and for this, forget about problems and worries for a while, and focus on your loved one. The sooner you get out of the current state, the sooner you can return to your life with its sorrows and joys.

4) Get rid of the old. There are two wonderful and accessible to everyone techniques for those who do not know what to do when the soul is bad. One of them is a general cleaning of your archives and mezzanines. No, we do not force you to wash windows and vacuum the far corners: your task is to get rid of all unnecessary old rubbish that completely unreasonably takes up space in the apartment, not letting new positive energy into it. Haven't used the item in the last six months? So you don't really need it. Give and throw away everything: old notebooks, clothes, broken furniture, unnecessary books and interior items. Pay attention to how much easier it becomes to breathe with each discarded bag or box - of course, because you get rid of the ballast, the burden of the past, which does not allow you to move forward.

5) Create a new one. The second practical technique, which is a logical continuation of the first one, is creation. Draw the sun or flowers on the wall, repaint (re-paste) the wallpaper in a bright color, enliven the room in which you spend the most time with flowers, fabrics, something new. This will help to breathe new energy into you, so that your soul becomes light and joyful.

Prayer when it's hard for the soul

WHAT TO DO IF THE SOUL HURTS, IF THE SOUL IS BAD. (prayers to be read and the power of holy sources)

"There is no salvation without sorrows, but the Kingdom of Heaven awaits those who endure." (Reverend Seraphim of Sarov)

What to do when the soul hurts?

In this small article it is impossible to solve the question of how to treat heartache how to cope with loss and loss. I will only talk about the small first steps that will help move the painful state off the dead center and, perhaps, begin to change the painful state of the soul.

When the soul is bad, it is difficult to communicate with someone. Western prescriptions for the treatment of mental pain by a psychotherapist are for the most part not suitable for a Russian person. And, to be honest, as a doctor, many traditional medical approaches to the treatment of mental pain come down to prescribing certain medicines and simple verbal consolation.

Traditional Russian approaches to the treatment of mental pain in conversations with friends / girlfriends (if there are forces) or taking "green wine" only exacerbate the severity of mental pain. The best thing an Orthodox person can do in a state when the soul hurts is to go to confession and take communion.

Confession is a graceful category of the soul, and there are cases when one confession without a trace cured not only mental pain, but also chronic and severe mental illnesses.

Priests believe that depression is the cry of the soul about her trouble, about her plight. Big or small sins “cry out”, and impenitence torments the soul.

Indeed, the feeling of sin is the awareness of the discrepancy between the pure holy spirit that is present in the soul of each person and their behavior, desires or thoughts, possibly under the power of “demons”. Awareness of this conflict gives rise to another sin - despondency. The "demon" of despondency is very powerful and can deprive a person of his last strength, pushing him to the worst.

It would seem that the simplest thing in this situation is to go to the temple to the priest and tell him how it is in your spirit everything that oppresses you, that makes your soul hurt. The priest will accept your confession, pray for the forgiveness of your sins, you will partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and everything will go smoothly.

However, let's not dissemble, few people who consider themselves Orthodox go to church for confession. In most cases, the “Orthodox ritual” comes down to a rare trip to the church, where several candles are placed, notes are written and “money for the temple” is given. Orthodox duty fulfilled and you can relax until the next random entry into the church. Even in such a healthy state of mind, people rarely turn to confession and communion. Coming to confession is associated with many fears: “What if I didn’t prepare properly?”, “What if my sins are unforgivable?”, “What if the priest scolds me?”, “Will the priest have time?”, “I will confess, and everyone in the temple will look at me?, “And where can I find a priest in the temple - there are only old women who shush at everyone?”.

What to do? One can hardly cope with mental pain. Of course, time heals spiritual wounds. But just how to survive this very time of heartache? Then, when the pain in the soul subsides, yes, there will probably be spiritual strength to go to the doctor, who will prescribe the necessary medicines and, perhaps, they will also advise the priest, who will listen to all the troubles and sorrows with love and understanding and tell you how to live on, how to heal heartache.

I will try to describe 10 steps from which, it seems to me, you can start healing the pain in the soul. IN

some of these steps helped me too. My personal opinion may not coincide with the opinion of Orthodox clergy - please consult with your confessor if you feel that the proposed path does not suit you.

Wear a cross around your neck if you don't normally wear one.

Try to stop analyzing your condition and return to the traumatic events again and again in your thoughts.

Accept your suffering as a given. Make peace with them. Stop reasoning on the topics: “Why do I need this?”, “Why me?”.

Think of something else: “Why did the Lord send me these sufferings?”

If you hear that someone is trying to enter into your thoughts in a conversation with you - do not answer.

Say: “Get away from me, unclean spirit, I don’t want to listen to you, I only believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, I worship, and I serve Him alone.”

Let your thoughts be simple and healthy food- prayers: use the simple and short rule of St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov:

"Thank God for everything! God! I surrender to Your Holy Will! Be with me Thy will! God! I thank You for everything You are pleased to send to me. Worthy according to my deeds I accept; remember me, Lord, in your kingdom!”

Embrace these thoughts. Read the Jesus Prayer to yourself as often as possible:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

If you are closer to the appeal to the Mother of God, read:

You will notice how every day prayers give you more and more strength, how the forces of evil recede from you.

In the morning, after getting out of bed after reading these simple prayers, turn your face to the west (where the sun usually sets) and say:

"I renounce you, Satan, and all your works, and all your angels, and all your ministry, and all your pride."

Then blow into those in the same direction. The same words must be pronounced in the evening after prayer. "Let God arise"

Before lying on the bed, reading a prayer:

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let the demons perish in the presence of those who love God and signify sign of the cross, and in the joy of saying: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on You, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave Himself to us, His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen."

After reading the prayer, cross with your hand all four cardinal directions, and your bed.

Ask them to bring you holy water from a temple or holy spring. Sprinkle holy water on your house, your bed, yourself and drink holy water with a prayer:

Lord my God, may your holy gift and your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, for your infinite mercy through prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints. Amen."

When you feel strong enough to go outside, ask someone close to take you to a holy spring with a font. Accompanied loved one whom you trust, try to bathe three times in the waters of the holy spring. The waters of the holy spring have great healing power and are able to drive away the most powerful demons.

If there are no holy springs in your area, with the help of an escort, ford a river or stream three times, trying to plunge headlong. If there is no river in your area, pour holy water from the temple on the top of your head. It is believed that demons "sit" there.

When, after washing, you gain more strength, visit the temple for the sacrament of Unction, or Anointing of the Unction or Unction. Through this Sacrament, believers are given the healing power of God, which significantly weakens the action of demons as well. Also, forgotten and unconscious sins are forgiven.

The sacrament consists in the sevenfold anointing of body parts (foreheads, nostrils, cheeks, lips, chest and hands) with consecrated oil, which is preceded by the reading of the Apostle, the Gospel, a short litany and a prayer for the healing of a person and the forgiveness of his sins. During the anointing, the priest prays, lays the Gospel on the head of the person with the letters down and says a prayer of permissiveness from sins. The soul becomes lighter. The pain recedes.

Let's move on to confession and communion. It is best to confess in a monastery, located far from the tourist routes. It is necessary to find out in advance which of the priests is more experienced in this matter, because a lot depends on the personality of the confessor.

If there are no spiritually reasonable priests nearby, you will have to find out from the believers where they are and go there. Your future depends on the quality of this confession! It should not be general, but only individual. If there are no monasteries nearby, find out about quiet rural parishes where there are no tourists, where there are few people, and the priest will have time to attend to you.

The priest and the doctor will tell you about the next steps.

Prayer to your Guardian Angel:

"Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, save and save my soul from the snares of the enemy."

Topic: If the soul hurts, if the soul feels bad.

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If the soul hurts, if the soul feels bad.

10 steps personal experience out of a mental crisis. One of the solutions.

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov

Each of us had, is and will have moments or periods when the soul is unbearably ill, when the soul hurts and mourns. I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to eat, I don't want to move. At such moments, it is hard to believe that someday the soul will heal and learn to rejoice again. It is impossible to look into the future in such a state. You see only a blank wall in front of you and bitter losses or mistakes behind you. Do not sleep at night. There is no strength for anything. It is very, very difficult to get out of such a state of mind. The soul hurts, the soul hurts.

the soul hurts What to do when the soul hurts? In this small article it is impossible to solve the question of how to treat mental pain, how to survive losses and losses. I will only talk about the small first steps that will help move the painful state off the dead center and, perhaps, begin to change the painful state of the soul.

When the soul is bad, it is difficult to communicate with someone. Western prescriptions for the treatment of mental pain by a psychotherapist are for the most part not suitable for a Russian person. And, to be honest, as a doctor, many traditional medical approaches to the treatment of mental pain come down to prescribing certain drugs and simple verbal consolation. Traditional Russian approaches to the treatment of mental pain in conversations with friends / girlfriends (if there are forces) or taking "green wine" only exacerbate the severity of mental pain. The best thing an Orthodox person can do in a state when the soul hurts is to go to confession and take communion. Confession is a graceful category of the soul, and there are cases when one confession without a trace cured not only mental pain, but also chronic and severe mental illnesses. Priests believe that depression is the cry of the soul about her trouble, about her plight. Big or small sins “cry out”, and impenitence torments the soul. Indeed, the feeling of sin is the awareness of the discrepancy between the pure holy spirit that is present in the soul of each person and their behavior, desires or thoughts, possibly under the power of “demons”. Awareness of this conflict gives rise to another sin - despondency. The "demon" of despondency is very powerful and can deprive a person of his last strength, pushing him to the worst.

However, let's not dissemble, few people who consider themselves Orthodox go to church for confession. In most cases, the “Orthodox ritual” comes down to a rare trip to the church, where several candles are placed, notes are written and “money for the temple” is given. The Orthodox duty is fulfilled and you can relax until the next random entry into the church. Even in such a healthy state of mind, people rarely turn to confession and communion. Coming to confession is associated with many fears: “What if I didn’t prepare properly?”, “What if my sins are unforgivable?”, “What if the priest scolds me?”, “Will the priest have time?”, “I will confess, and everyone in the temple will look at me?, “And where can I find a priest in the temple - there are only old women who shush at everyone?”.

If these questions create serious obstacles on the way to confession for a healthy and strong man, then what to say about a person in a breakdown, when the soul hurts?

may your holy gift and your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength,

for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities,

by Thy boundless mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints.

Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, save and save my soul from the networks of the enemy.

How? Prayer with tears, repentance, communion. You need to have commandments in your heart; check your conscience every week to see if you live according to the commandments.

Whoever wants to have peace, grace, joy in him, and also that peace, friendship, love reign among his neighbors, he must repent, that is, change completely, and most importantly, he must seek consolation in the Lord Savior, who is always ready help the penitent.

"When I die, go to my grave and tell me everything you need, and I will hear you, and before you have time to move away from it, I will fulfill everything and give it to you. If anyone, even a mile away from my grave, turns to me, then I will respond to that one too.

- inhale air through the nose, inflating the stomach.

- Hold your breath for 1 second.

- we make a long, as slow as possible exhalation through the mouth (lips are folded into a tube), exhaling the air to the very end, until the feeling of "emptiness". As you exhale, imagine that the air wraps you up, picking you up and lulling you.

- after exhaling, pause for 2-3 seconds and notice how with each exhalation the heartbeat slows down, it becomes easier, and at the end of the exhalation drowsiness begins to appear.

- repeat 10-20-30 breathing movements and switch to a normal breathing rhythm.

- now we are doing an exercise for the eyes: we close our eyes as slowly as possible, even more slowly!

- as your eyes close, you may notice how the eyelids begin to get heavier and heavier.

– closed their eyes. Fine. Now just as slowly, as slowly as possible, open your eyes. We open through force - even if the eyelids have become heavy and the eyes stick together.

- Fine. Now again slowly slowly lower the heavy eyelids.

– repeat the exercise with the eyes several times – while you are still able to open and close your eyes before falling into a deep sleep.

Realize that the main task of any media is to deliver negative news. Don't believe? Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Divide the sheet in half. Put a minus on the left in the column, plus on the right. Now turn on the TV at the news release (open a news site) and sort all the news according to the emotions that they cause you: on the left - negative, on the right - positive. Now count in which column of news more.

Why is it so? It's very simple: journalists can't make money on positive news. In addition to journalists, currency or stock traders earn on the news. Are you not one of them? No? So why do you need this daily news feed? News does not increase your educational or cultural level in any way - quite the contrary. News carries negative emotions (indignation, anger, fear, aggression, envy) that you are forced to somehow process and respond (in a conversation, in a quarrel, in the affect of emotions, in dreams). Negative information can be forced out into the subconscious and remain there in the form of a time bomb that breaks through in the same nightmares. Why do you need all this? Just block this constant channel of absolutely useless information for your life and well-being. It is not so easy to do this: the media uses hidden and explicit suggestions "Stay with us", "Do not switch", "Stay informed", "Subscribe to the news". After all, journalists need to keep their audience - otherwise, who will pay them for advertising?

But when you free your mind from this flow of information, you will soon be surprised to notice how your physical and mental state begins to change. What to do with free time? Read smart books to get really useful information and improve your educational level.

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Prayer when the soul is heavy and I want to cry, 3 prayers

When your heart is heavy and you want to cry, prayers from grief will help you. From fuss, losses, divorces and squabbles, you are exhausted, reacting to the world with litigation and tears.

My dear ones, it would seem that there is no reason for a devastated sob.

You cannot understand what is happening.

Immediately the thought is born that damage has been brought.

Please do not injure the soul by erasing the tears that have flooded.

The best solution would be to strengthen your faith with the help of Orthodox prayers.

Light 3 candles. Nearby put the icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow.

Repent before the Lord God, remembering all sins.

At this moment, you will want to cry again, but these are tears of purification.

Start reading prayers that help the soul find grace and peace.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. You heal the souls that weep heavily, because the slaves forget about sins. Wipe away my tears that flow in sorrow, take away all the hardships that nest in life. May your will be done. Amen.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. We pray to you when we groan, sometimes we die in mental anguish. From the tears of the mourners, you deliver me, as I am lost, guide me on the right path. May your will be done. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me that I cry from adversity, not seeing the righteous people nearby. For the burden that I bear in sinfulness, I wipe a bitter tear from my eyes. Have mercy, God, strengthen the faith, sprinkle the soul with holy water. May your will be done. Amen.

Read each prayer 3 times, looking with rapture at the holy images.

When your heart is heavy and you want to cry, remember that faith in Christ will help you.

It’s bad at heart, what to do with this bad mood, how to cure your soul that is wailing from something?

Why is it bad at heart? We are all human beings reacting to problems in life. If they carry negative information, we feel bad.

Bad at heart what to do, let's try to solve the problem:

This is normal, we were not born for an eternal holiday, who lives on earth has nothing special to celebrate every day. You need to earn a living while not getting tired to hell. Will good mood after that?

Naturally not. The person is tired, rested and will be in the mood again. It means that the work, the payment of a person is completely satisfied, and if not?

Most of all, human relations are exhausting in the team at work. It’s good when all normal, adequate people and you have joined his soul, the atmosphere is completely. There will be a constant strain if some working nuances remain open.

Tip one: analyze sitting alone in the evening, is not work the cause of an eternal bad feeling in your soul? If yes, why? Is it in your power to change this fact? Is the answer positive? Change immediately, it is dangerous to walk in depression every day for your own health.

If you can’t change anything, it’s worth changing jobs, and don’t try to feel guilty about something. There are many people, even more ambitions, you are the only one. Take care of yourself.

When communicating with people who are not very desirable for you, mentally put a glass wall between you and calmly look at his behavior, do not react to his provocations, let everyone bounce off the wall to the side, you have nothing to do with it. This is quickly learned by anyone who needs it.

There are days when you can’t explain why you can’t feel bad at heart, that’s all bad. Seeing someone is either unbearable, melancholy, I want to roar. Fuck, this is the easiest way out, maybe you'll sleep later and everything will work out. It is worse for those who cannot cry.

Tip: don't stay in these situations. call good man who understands you, tell him about your problems, if there is no particular reason to share, just chat.

You don’t want to, you don’t have the strength, you lie on the couch almost in prostration? Then try to turn on the TV, let him mumble, try not to be alone with your bad thoughts.

Don't like TV? Turn on the music quietly, it will distract you.

It’s bad at heart what to do, we solve the problem further:

Take in the refrigerator something tasty that you love. Eat. It would be nice if it was dark chocolate. Your bad mood will end quickly. If you don't like him, enjoy what you find.

If that doesn't suit you, then maybe go for a walk? Fresh air, human faces, the panorama around will distract you from emotional experience. When you get home, things won't be so gloomy.

I don’t advise you one thing, many people try to get rid of this condition. It won't help, it will get worse. The picture is ugly I tell you. If someone sees you or smells you, they will remember you like this for the rest of their lives, even if you didn’t allow yourself to do this before.

When you don’t want to do anything from the above, you have such a blues that you are not happy with anyone or anything, advice to you.

Bad at heart what to do, a real recipe:

It works 100%. Checked many times, very helpful. Treats such a state of crying. Yes, a scream at full strength, so that all the pain comes out from the inside, screaming loudly, without hesitation, you need to shout out thoroughly.

If you live in a private house, there will be no difficulties, but you need to stay alone.

In an apartment, this is difficult to do, the neighbors will come running to the cry. They found a way out a long time ago, roll over on your stomach, bury your head in a pillow, shout, how much you calculate your strength.

Perhaps after screaming you will fall asleep, some laugh from their exclamations. The most common feeling, fatigue from awareness of their behavior. But the bad feeling in the soul instantly disappears.

Repeat the cry so many times until you feel that enough is enough.

You need to monitor your mood seriously, the frequent repetition of a bad mood can mean development. Then do not pull, you need to see a doctor, the consequences of such a condition can be very dangerous.

Think for yourself, it’s hard for you to cope with your bad mood, you are constantly uncomfortable, this does not happen in a healthy body.

Solve life's problems as they come calmly, no one lives without them. It's hard as hell for everyone. Be aware and don't freak out.

Gradually, the problems are solved and go away: the husband becomes silky, the children recover, the girlfriend apologizes, you make peace with your neighbor. There is no reason to die from bad health.

I hope I helped you a little to figure out what to do when your heart is bad. Don't be shy, get a grip on yourself. Good luck!

No matter how happy a person is, he will always lack something. Some small trifle, because of which everything will lose its colors and become lousy at heart. What to do in this case and how to deal with it? In this article, we will talk about what to do when you feel bad at heart for no apparent reason.

And cats are scratching at the heart

Every person knows given expression. It is known not only theoretically, but also practically. It seems that everything is fine, it seems to be happy, but still it's lousy at heart. Why?? Often a person is not able to answer this “why”, since he himself does not understand this. But still, there are reasons. Very often the reason is disagreement with this way of life, self-deception, lack of happy moments, fear due to drastic changes, and much, much more. You can deal with this on your own, but if nothing comes out, you need to contact a specialist. Do not be afraid of going to the doctors, they are people too, they also have emotions and they can help you. The psychoanalyst will not only help you figure out what the problem is, but also suggest a solution to it.

What to do when you feel bad?

There are many things and activities that can help you fight bad moods and depression. But before you start them, you must admit that you really feel bad. First of all, confess to yourself, and only then, if there is a desire, to someone else. To understand your problem is to half solve it. So, let's find out what to do when it's bad at heart.

  • First, don't avoid people. On the contrary, communicate with your family and friends as much as possible, arrange parties and receptions, go on picnics and visit, but just do not be alone with your thoughts and do not move away from your acquaintances - this is very dangerous.
  • Second, get a pet. Best of all is a dog, as it is a very active member of the family that will definitely not let you get bored. Of course, you can also have a cat, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Third, try something new. Take a trip to a resort, try a new dish, upgrade your wardrobe, go to a rock concert or a theater play. In general, do something that you have never done before, feel something that you have never felt before. New emotions and experiences will help you forget about depression and save you from the daily routine.
  • Fourth, donate to charity. You can’t even imagine what happiness it is to help other people. Let even the smallest, but still help.
  • Fifth, go in for sports. Morning jogging and exercising in the gym will not only cheer you up, but also allow you to keep yourself in good shape. In addition, this is a good opportunity to make new acquaintances.
  • Sixth, fulfill your dreams. Write a list of things that you would like to do, but are unlikely to dare to do. Wrote?? And now fulfill, because dreams should come true, and not remain dreams!


After reading this article, you already know what to do when you feel bad at heart. The main thing is to really fight it, and not give up, because your happiness is in your hands - remember this.