How can I find a girlfriend? Where to find a girl: list of secret places. What to do if “everything is bad”

Many people say that it is more difficult for girls in their personal lives; how difficult it is for them to find a real man, a normal guy, one who would love, care, provide and do much more. In fact, dear ladies, it is wrong to say that it is much easier for guys to find a soul mate. Where to find a normal girl? This question is also quite relevant. IN modern world, where everyone means something different by relationship, it is so difficult to find a person who is close in views.

"Good guy looking for a girl"

This is how many advertisements that are left on the Internet, in various chat rooms and other dating services begin. In such messages, the surprising thing is that the guy is “good”, but he does not have a girlfriend. At the same time, the young ladies themselves, as a rule, are looking for good ones. Those who, as it turns out, are themselves in active search. It turns out to be a somewhat absurd situation when those in demand remain unclaimed and try to find their destiny on their own. Of course, not all guys understand how problematic the question “where to find a faithful girl?” can be. There is a category of young men for whom it is very easy to meet people of the opposite sex for the reason that either they have no internal barriers, embarrassment or fear of talking to a girl; or women themselves show interest in such guys (due to their attractiveness, for example). However, if you are a guy and are not endowed with extraordinary beauty, and finding a girl is an urgent task for you, a number of tips posted in this article will help you.

Where do others find girls?

If you are the one good guy from an advertisement and you don’t have a girlfriend, first of all you need to think: “How do other couples meet?” You need to remember to yourself all the known cases when your friends found their soulmate, and then analyze them to understand why and how this happened. You will be surprised, but most couples are formed among familiar people. For example, these could be classmates, classmates or colleagues who, after several days, months or years of dating, are unexpectedly drawn to each other. Most likely, they developed some kind of sympathy, they began to communicate more closely, after which meetings began. Soon the meetings developed into a relationship.

Of course, there are other situations. For example, girls are met on the street, met on the subway, in the library, in clubs (though this applies to those guys who are interested in the question “where to find a girl for the night?”) and in many other places in our everyday life. Most meetings are something like random happy coincidences, although, of course, even for them there are certain prerequisites.

Relationships with a girl from your circle of acquaintances or dating “from scratch”?

You can make a number of arguments about what is better - meeting a person on the street, in the library or anywhere else, or developing a relationship with a girl you already know. Let's try to formulate a series of pros and cons. So, of course, the “circle of acquaintances” option will be ideal for those who do not know where to find the girl they love and what needs to be done for this. A person can simply begin closer communication with the one he likes best, and as such communication develops, he will understand the feelings of the girl herself regarding him. This is easier, because for many guys this option allows them to avoid that very “painful” acquaintance. On the other hand, having met a person “on the street” (roughly speaking), you can diversify your circle of friends and thus find someone you love. After all, it may be that no one from the circle of acquaintances can lay claim to such a role. Then another argument for dating someone you know is that you know the girl, and she knows you. This is better because you have seen each other in different situations and therefore can be more confident in the truthfulness of her behavior and words. This, again, is a clear advantage over a “meeting from scratch.” At the same time, of course, these approaches are individual, because for some it is easier to establish relationships with stranger, and for some, on the contrary, start dating a friend.

What to do if “everything is bad”?

If you are not satisfied with any of the options mentioned, and you still don’t know where to find a simple girl, with whom you could start dating, then the best advice to you is to understand yourself. Think about whether you consider yourself somehow less attractive or more boring and uninteresting to girls than others? Think about your complexes. The thing is that many good guys have problems with self-esteem. They believe that beautiful girls will not want to meet and communicate with them, and therefore they are afraid to speak first. Of course, it may even be possible that these guys had unsuccessful attempts on the love front, after which they decided to “retreat” for a while and closed in on themselves. This situation is not scary. If you also don’t know where they find girls and partially recognize yourself, the following advice is definitely for you: change! How exactly this should be done is up to you to decide. For example, if you feel less attractive than other guys, it's time to join the gym. If shyness bothers you, take a course oratory or self-development. Take care of yourself, and believe me, the result will not take long to arrive! The main thing is to want and constantly remember that everything in this life can be changed!

When can you meet a girl?

If you understand where you can find a girl and want to try to meet someone, without having experience in such meetings, you need to have a good idea of ​​what you would like to talk about with the girl, how you want to address her , attract attention and so on. Of course, as you get to know each other, your entire plan will most likely change, so be prepared for this. But creating it is already a great step, which allows many to get rid of anxiety and unnecessary worries. In addition, with such “sketches” in your head you will never run out of ideas, which is also important. When you're ready, you can try meeting someone. However, even if you know where to find a girl in Moscow, do not forget about the right time for this. Firstly, you need to know for sure that the one you want to meet is free and can easily communicate now, and secondly, you cannot rush at her and be intrusive, trying to establish contact. Everything should look natural, for example, with a casual phrase or some remark about something.

Let's continue getting acquainted correctly

Obviously, every acquaintance must be properly continued. To do this, the main thing is to leave a good impression and, of course, establish real contact in the form of exchanging a telephone number or other means of communication. For example, if you live in the same dorm, you can find out where your (now) friend is located and visit her somehow. This is the main thing, because this is how you let each other know that you are interested in further communication, future meetings, and therefore the development of relations to some level. Of course, this may not immediately reach the level of a romance, but at least you will begin to communicate as friends. Having successfully met at least one representative of the fairer sex in this way, you will already know where to find a good girl, and will also gain some experience in communication.

First dates

They are a special topic for thinking about where to find a good girl. Of course, it all depends on what exactly you (as a guy) expect from a relationship and what the girl will be ready for. Before you start dating, imagine your ideal date. It is advisable to analyze it in all details in order to understand what you want. After that, you can be sure that you have a goal. It lies in how you and your new girlfriend will meet. And, despite the fact that it will most likely pass differently, you will understand why you need this relationship and how you see your soulmate. Depending on how different her opinion is on this matter, you will understand how much you have in common.

Disagreements in relationships

When the question of where other guys find girls remains relevant to you, you don’t think about the disagreements that may arise between you. However, as soon as you start dating, when a certain period has passed (it all depends on your characters with her), disagreements will become inevitable, which can even develop into quarrels. Although, as already noted, at the “dreaming” stage, no one, as a rule, thinks about this, and this is normal. When a quarrel arises in your couple, do not be disappointed. Understand that this is a normal process. Rest assured that the reasons for these quarrels will soon disappear, but the relationship will remain. Moreover, over time they will strengthen and develop, moving to a new level. Your job is to enjoy it while loving each other.

Goals that men set

In all relationships, both partners set certain goals. Of course, not everyone can formulate them, but somewhere on a subconscious level, when the question is asked: “Where can I find a normal girl?” - a person knows what exactly that “normal” will be and what he expects from her. For men, as well as for women, there are quite a lot of goals, and they are determined individually in each case. However, the most popular goals among representatives of the stronger half of humanity are more global (to date, live and marry), less serious (to meet for a certain time) and generally short-term (a girl for the night). Of course, such a gradation is too rough, and it is impossible to “fit” all guys into these categories. Moreover, often men themselves do not know which group they belong to when starting a new relationship. However, the meaning of this division is clear.

Goals that women set

Girls who are looking for guys are divided into those looking for a serious relationship (as is the case with guys who want to date until marriage), less serious (for a while) and frivolous (for one time). However, there is an opinion that young ladies tend to detail the image of the man of their dreams. Thus, it is believed that women are looking for a protector, provider, father of children, and so on. It is quite possible that the same can be said about men, but, perhaps, their gradation of criteria is less “branched”. One of the main criteria is appearance, followed by intelligence and character. This is what men evaluate when they wonder where they can find a girl. For ladies, this is not only the beauty, intelligence and character of a man, but also his condition, charm, and so on. Although, of course, one can argue with this if we cite the example of men (they are called gigolos) who are wondering where to find a rich girl with wealthy parents (she would sponsor her chosen one).

Experience in love and relationships

Some guys who still don't know where they find girls sometimes have thoughts about whether they will be able to behave correctly in a relationship, whether they will be able to meet the expectations of their girlfriend, and so on. Regarding this, I would also like to note that there is nothing to be afraid of here. All the experience that humanity has has been gained through practice. This is especially true for experience in love affairs, where everything is purely individual and it is impossible to give any specific advice. Therefore, dear men, don’t worry - everything will work out for you, and it will be good, because many people go through this.

We overcome difficulties with a smile!

If you have already found your soul mate - be happy! If you still don’t know where to find a beautiful girl, don’t despair! You will definitely succeed, because there are so many young ladies around who would probably love you if they knew you better. Therefore, do not stop searching, namely, improve yourself, become more positive, kinder, brighter and more beautiful - and the whole world will reach out to you! And don't forget about a smile - the main key to success in this world.

It would be nice to add a little female communication, female warmth and female affection to the comfort of male loneliness. How to find a girl for communication, relationships, love and sex?

Are you hoping to find a girl for a permanent relationship? This article will help you improve your chances with any girl.

1. Date girls

1.1 You should be comfortable being alone. You should dress well and try to be free. Don't go looking for a girl, otherwise you will look desperate. Confidence and self-sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities for a man, and you won't appear that way if you're begging every girl you meet to go on a date with you.

Try to make good friends instead of a girlfriend. This means that you need to talk to as many women as possible, not just the girls you're directly attracted to. Having a lot of good female friends will teach you how to talk to them and also give you an understanding of how women feel and think in general. Most importantly, you won't feel so lonely and desperate to find a girl.

1.2 Help someone. It could be her, or anyone else in the room. Is she carrying something heavy? Say “Let me help you” and take this thing for her. Someone needs money? Borrow it for lunch. Hold the door for the person following you, even if he has not yet reached the door. In other words, be a kind and generous person. Not only will this get her attention, but it will also make you feel better. Don't be fake and only do good things when she's around. Constantly help people in a myriad of ways. She will notice, and her friends will also notice, and if you appear, people will say in conversation: “He’s so good man!”, and this girl will start thinking “Yes... it is, isn’t it?”

1.3 Constantly approach many girls. If you see a girl and find her attractive, then go and talk to her (time is not important). And do it regularly. If you do this and sit out the next few days, it won't work. Get out and talk to lots of women regularly. In supermarkets, libraries, shopping centers, on the streets, in in public places, any place where you can find girls.

1.4 Don't be afraid of failure. Remember, fear of rejection is extremely irrational. If you see a cute girl, go and talk to her. Tell her your intentions right away. Don't give up, no matter what. Say, “Hi, you're cute and I came to meet you, to get to know you.” You are looking for a girl, not a friend who is a “girl”.

1.5 Avoid making excuses. If you see a pretty girl, don't look for excuses like “she probably has a boyfriend,” “she's talking on the phone,” or “she's running.” Believe me, there is no excuse for not talking to a girl. Worst case scenario, she will say “no” and leave. You have to practice over and over again to get results.

1.6 Continue to enjoy. This is really important. If you're not having fun while talking to a girl or while you're looking for her, you're probably taking it too seriously. But if you're having fun, you won't worry about potential rejection and will seem like a cool, fun guy.

1.7 Be yourself, to the extreme. If she says something that you don't think is funny, don't laugh just because she laughs. Don't try to seem like someone you're not.

1.8 Communications. How more people you meet, the more people you have to choose from. Don't be picky about who you date or how you date - the nice old man you met on the street may have an adorable granddaughter your age, and the annoying girl from last night's club party may have a friend who is perfect for you.

Get out of the house and pursue your hobbies. If you don't know how to start meeting people, do things that seem fun to you! Check forums, lists, and message boards for local events or meetups that are sure to attract people with similar interests and passions. You may also develop new interests. You can find a new hobby and a girlfriend, all in one! Don't rely entirely on the Internet.

1. 9 Take care of your appearance. Appearance- This is an important part of the love game. Bad body odor, stinky breath and greasy, unkempt hair are simply not attractive to most people. Shower regularly, brush your teeth twice a day, and stay in shape. While you don't have to be the best looking guy, you do want to make a good first impression.

Take pride in your clothes. Again, you don't need to be stylish, you need to be clean, ironed clothes are always better than the opposite. Avoid wearing the same clothes every day, especially if it's just sweatpants.

In addition to increasing your attractiveness, taking care of your physical appearance will increase your self-confidence, which in turn will make you more attractive, increase your self-confidence, and so on. Insolence is not a good thing. With the knowledge of what you have good qualities, it will be easier for you to advance.

1.10 Practice compliments. Make it your goal to find something beautiful in every girl. It doesn't have to be anything physical. It could be a sweet gesture, a wonderful character trait, a talent or a skill. Recognizing and expressing the true strengths of each and every girl will make you more attractive to them, and them more attractive to you.

2. Make girl friends

2.1 Become a good communicator. Don't use tired conversation topics like the weather. The best way to connect with someone is to speak from the heart and live life to the fullest. this moment. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Communication is an exchange of energy. When in doubt, just say hi.

In extraordinary strategies, in order to establish contact with a girl, be the first to “break” contact with her. This will make the girl pay attention to you, and she herself will strive to communicate with you!

2.2 Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a good sense of humor, and the key to having a good sense of humor is to be light-hearted and open-minded. Any kind of humor will do, as long as you don't make fun of people in a mean way. Do you have a twisted sense of humor? Do you like rude jokes? Do you have sarcastic humor? You can do anything but be fake.

Don't worry about whether she thinks you're funny or not. If she can't laugh with you, then she's not the kind of girl you want to spend a lot of time with. Who knows? Perhaps a girl you haven't noticed before will laugh until you foam at the mouth and perhaps she will become your soulmate.

2.3 Flirt. In all your friendships, flirt a little to avoid falling completely into the friend zone. This doesn't mean you should try to get every girl, but flirting will help them remember that you're a guy, not just a good friend. Even if she is not interested in you, she can introduce you to her friend.

Cross the touch barrier. Take a small “touch risk.” Be playful, but not nasty. Take her by the elbow or put your hand on her back to guide her through the crowd, touch her shoulder and laugh together if she says something funny. If she doesn't like it, she will definitely let you know about it. Touching lets a person know that you find them attractive and that you are confident in yourself. Both of these things can make you more attractive to another person.

3. Sound up

3.1 Put an end to it. If you like the woman you're talking to, finish the conversation yourself. This prevents awkward silences, shows that you are engaged (i.e. not needy or desperate), and allows you to end the conversation on a positive note. When ending a conversation, simply say, “Hey, I have to go, but it was really nice talking to you. Would you like to continue the conversation over a cup of coffee sometime?” If she says yes, take her number and move on. She is not the only girl who will meet you on the way.

3.2 Be assertive. Many women love it when a man takes the initiative, at least during dating. When you call her to set up a time and place for a date, have at least two options in mind that are attractive to her. Don't call and tell her what she wants to do without providing an alternative, otherwise she will probably think that you are lazy or not interested enough.

For example, if you are talking to her and discussing a meeting, then say something like: “Well, I was thinking that we could go to this wonderful new restaurant downtown... But I would also like to go to the new bowling alley in the mall.” center... What do you think?” If she likes one of your suggestions, she will tell you, and if she doesn't, she will suggest something else. This way you showed your confidence. If she doesn't care, just choose one of the two.

3.3 Go on a date. When you've met a girl with whom you feel a real connection, you need her to like you. If you did everything described above correctly, then she is probably already interested, and you just need to cement your relationship. Invite her on a date or for a cup of coffee. Offer to pick her up, walk her there, or ride the bus together. Not only is this polite, but it will also give you more time to communicate.

Don't invite her via chat or text message. Call or ask face to face. Even though it's a small gesture, it means a lot to the girl and shows her that you don't just want to get together quickly.

Offer to pay yourself. Go on a date prepared to pay for it yourself. This is also a sign of manners, and lets the girl know that you are not a cheapskate. She will probably object out of politeness, but unless she is truly sincere, then insist.

3.4 Present a job interview. There's a big difference between a guy who immediately lays down on his back and asks for a job and someone who knows that he has a lot to offer the company, just as the company does to him. When you're with a girl, don't act like you're in an interview to become her boyfriend. Imagine you are interviewing her to become your girlfriend. Presenting yourself from a position of strength will not only make you more attractive to a girl, but it will also keep you from choosing the wrong girl just because she chose you.

3.5 Keep her on the hook. After the date, do not call or write immediately. Some guys follow the general rule of waiting 48 hours before calling a girl back. You shouldn't put yourself under a time limit, but you shouldn't appear desperate either. Don't call or drink right after the date - at least let the night pass.

End the conversation yourself. Whether you're texting or talking on the phone, when you feel like a conversation is ending, try to end the conversation yourself. You will seem busier and she will always want more.

There is nothing wrong with starting a chat or calling first. It actually shows that you are interested and serious and not looking for games. Calm down and relax about it. If she sees that you are serious about her, she will take the initiative herself, which will surprise her. If she doesn't do this, it means she's not interested.

Please wait a few minutes to respond to the message. If you respond immediately, it will mean that you were sitting and waiting for her to write. Please wait 5-20 minutes before replying to any message. But don’t wait “too” long, otherwise the thread of the conversation may get lost.

3.6 Be the initiator of the second date. If you feel the same vibes a week after your first date, then ask her out again. Try to make it more romantic than the first - take her out to dinner instead of coffee, or hang out together instead of with a group of friends.

Kiss her! If the mood is right and you haven't kissed yet, then take the opportunity to kiss her goodbye. Look for signs that show she wants a kiss. If this is your first kiss with a girl, stop there, even if she asks you to come over. Just answer: “Not today, next time!” This will show her that you want something more significant and show her that you are still interested.

3.7 Repeat. Every relationship develops differently. Sometimes you will have to initiate all the dates until you officially become a couple. Sometimes she will initiate. If it's the former, then try to read her signals when you're together and through messages to see if she's interested or just shy.

Recognize signals when meeting in person. If she responds well to your flirtations, laughs at your jokes, and seems comfortable with you, she's probably interested. On the other hand, if she sits away from you and crosses her arms, or if she refuses to make eye contact with you, then probably not. Try holding her hand while walking, or placing your hand on her knee during a movie or dinner. If she moves your hand away or seems uncomfortable, then she probably hasn't warmed up to you enough.

Recognize signals in messages. If you feel like you're constantly dragging out your correspondence or she's constantly responding with short phrases like "okay," "great," etc., you can assume she's not interested in you. She probably knows that such words will not lead to a meaningful conversation and is simply trying to be polite so that you do not misunderstand everything. However, it is easier to trust personal signals. In a difficult situation, talk to mutual friends to better understand her behavior.

3.8 Invite her to become your girlfriend. When you are sure that there is a strong mutual attraction between you, invite her to become your girlfriend. You can do this in a nice creative way or just ask when you meet. Never do this when texting (you shouldn’t even do it over the phone). Don't change your Facebook status or tag her as your girlfriend until she responds!

3.9 Be patient. Life doesn't usually work according to your schedule. You could meet your future girlfriend tomorrow or in two years. A healthy relationship will brighten your world no matter how old you are. Therefore, hurry up and do not rush into an unhealthy relationship with the wrong girl, which will only bring pain.


Have your own personal life. Girls don't like guys who don't have their own personal lives, who stick to them like plastic bags. Some girls like it, but for all the wrong reasons - either they are insecure or they need attention, or they are the kind of freaks who want to dominate guys. If you don't want to sign up for any of these scenarios, make sure you don't lack friends, hobbies, and goals in your life.

Lovers usually look into each other's eyes for a long time. This is something you can do if the person you're talking to is noticeably romantically interested in you. Make eye contact while talking, but periodically look away and redirect your interest to other things. Make sure you don't look long at the person's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever), even with admiration and curiosity. In general, you don't want the person to feel like they're under a microscope.
One of the best ways to find out how to find a girl is to find out why you don't have one right now! Look inside yourself and think about what you can improve and what you already do well.

Whenever you are in an environment where there are a lot of girls, talk to all of them and choose the one you would like to spend more time with. Develop the habit of sharing contact information with at least one girl every time you find yourself among them. If she's not interested, that's okay, there's always next time. If you went on a few dates and they didn't turn into a relationship, then that's okay. The fact is that the more dates you go on, the greater your chances of finding a girl.

Learn to read body language. Whether you feel it or not, people always express their attitude towards you through signals. If you can read these signals, you can adapt your words and your behavior to make her more attractive, or stop wasting time with someone who doesn't like anything you say or do.

The first thing you need to keep in check when you approach a girl is your self-confidence. Show her that you are truly interested and want to spend time with her, and you will not only get a smile, but you will also win her heart.

Good day, dear reader! Here you will learn about how to find a girl for a relationship and how to overcome your shyness. After implementing the advice, you will be able to find a girl despite your shyness and learn to communicate with the opposite sex confidently and at ease.

Very often, young people wonder: complain that during a conversation they feel constrained, nervous, and as if all eloquence and topics for communication instantly disappear. Moreover, it is very difficult for such guys to overcome themselves, to approach a girl on the street and start a conversation. If you want to make a positive impression on a girl, you need to develop self-confidence. It is very important not to be shy and behave naturally during a conversation.

How to achieve this, you ask? Remember, friend: you need to constantly leave your comfort zone. For each of us, this comfort zone has its own boundaries: for one person the comfort zone allows one to feel calm and relaxed when speaking in public, but for some it does not even allow them to approach a passing beauty and say “hello”, for others it does not difficult to communicate with strangers, and someone is afraid to come up and ask for directions or find out the time.

So, in order to expand your comfort zone, you need to make a list of things that are difficult for you to do. The more discomfort they bring you, the more suitable they are. For example, the list might look like this:

  • Say hello to a girl on the street.
  • Talk to a stranger for at least 10 minutes.
  • Get the girl's phone number.
  • Approach two girls at once.
  • Sing a song in a crowded place.
  • Speak publicly.

By following these points, you will gradually expand your boundaries and fight your shyness, you will gain experience communicating with strangers and you will already know what phrases you should use when meeting people on the street. It is important to carry them out in sequence from the simplest to the most complex. As practice shows, 7 days after completing all these tasks, shyness goes away. This method is an excellent “cure” for shyness., because nothing else will help you overcome yourself except practice and effort on yourself. Now you know what you need to do in order to feel more comfortable when starting an acquaintance. Next we’ll talk about how to successfully meet a girl to create a relationship.

What you should know when starting to meet a charming stranger. Treat dating like a game: more attempts - more chances to win. You can meet a girl for a serious relationship anywhere: the main thing is a positive attitude, calmness and confidence. It is also important to let the girl understand that you are not interested in anything other than her at the moment.

If you approach a group of girls and ask one of them for a number, don’t make a mistake. In no case should you immediately ask someone else for a phone number if they refuse. The girls' reaction will make you regret what you did.

The stereotype that only dissolute and partying young ladies go to nightclubs is no longer relevant. Nowadays, people go to such establishments not only to sleep with someone, but also to simply relax, chat and dance. So night club Also, you shouldn’t exclude it as an option where to find a girl for a relationship. Take a closer look at your surroundings: perhaps there are also beautiful and pleasant girls in your educational institution or at work. The advantage is that even if you are too shy, you don’t need to look for reasons to get acquainted, because there are so many of them.

You can meet your companion among your friends. The larger your social circle, the more likely it is that one of them has a cute sister. Just meet people on the street. You can go up to an unknown beauty and give her a flower picked from a nearby flower bed and tell her a compliment. This gesture will most likely make the stranger smile and cheer you both up.

Places where you can easily find a girl for a serious relationship

1. The metro is a place where hundreds of beauties are found every day. I advise you to meet at the station that is closest to your home, because if the dating process is successful, there is a high probability that the young lady also lives nearby and you will not have to go to the other end of the city on a date with her.

2. Cafe. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see a girl sitting alone and drinking tea or coffee in a cafe. She is not necessarily waiting for someone - perhaps she is just resting after a hard day at work. This is a very good opportunity to make acquaintances: the beauty sits alone, nothing distracts her and she is in no hurry. You just need to not miss the opportunity, come up and start getting acquainted. If she reacts positively and smiles, then everything is going according to plan, perhaps she was just waiting for you to approach her, and for you to find what you were looking for.

3. Shopping complex- this is a wonderful place where you can find a girl: on average, about 30 thousand women visit the shopping center per day - from such a large number of representatives of the fair sex, you will definitely find yours.

4. Hypermarket – this place is also visited by a lot of girls. Here you don’t even need to figure out where to start getting acquainted. For example, you take any perfume, go up to the young lady you like and say: “Hi, I want to buy a gift for my sister, do you think she will like it?” Such an acquaintance can be played out with anything, the main thing here is to act confidently. The advantage of this method is that you first of all talk about distant topics: talk to the girl about perfume or something else, after a while you can ask her name or ask for her phone number.

5. Minibuses or other public transport. For example, you get into a minibus and see a stranger sitting alone - sit down next to her and start a conversation. An important point there is a need to do this right away. After this it will be much more difficult to do this, the longer you tune in, the more fear and doubt you will have. If you first sit down with a young lady, and only after some time you start a dialogue with her, the girl may guess that you are experiencing fear and uncertainty. So, feel free to get acquainted with public transport, but don't hesitate!

6. Pedestrian crossing. As long as the traffic light is red, the girl will communicate with you, the main thing is to choose the right phrases to meet a girl on the street. If the acquaintance goes well, go with her as if you were on the same road and take her phone number.

Here are the most optimal places for dating, available to every guy. Even if your entire daily route consists only of work and home, you will probably meet a lot of cute girls along the way. Don’t miss the opportunity, fight your inner complexes and fears, be brave and confident - then luck will definitely smile on you and the best girl in the world will definitely become yours. Good luck!

Invite your girlfriend to do something fun. This will allow you to indirectly express your interest. Offer some fun and ask what she thinks about it. If she is interested, then offer to meet. If not, suggest another activity that matches her hobbies. If you refuse again, just don’t force yourself.

  • For example, say: “There's a cup final this weekend. You want to go?"
  • Another option: “Haven’t bowled in so long. And you?"

Warning: Remember that hints can lead to misunderstandings. The girl may decide that you are simply offering to meet as friends.

  • Ask a girl out on a date , if you are not decisive. A direct approach is the surest option, but there is always a chance of being rejected. Tell the girl that you are interested in her and ask her to meet.

    • Say, “I think we have a lot in common. I would like to invite you on a date. How about dinner on Friday?"
  • Be attentive on a date to make the girl feel special. A date is your chance to make a good impression on her. Be polite and attentive. How to show your interest:

    • put your phone aside;
    • ask different questions;
    • look the girl in the eyes when she speaks;
    • take an interest in the girl’s affairs and life;
    • give compliments.
  • At the end of the date, ask to meet again. Show that you had a great time and don't refuse to meet again. After the date, text the girl or call her and tell her again that you enjoyed the meeting.

    • Say, “I would like to meet you again.”
    • If you want, you can ask about a new date later. For example, write the next day after the meeting and arrange a second date.
    • If you are already an adult, it is better to wait a few days.
  • Give your girl time to develop your relationship. The amount of time depends on your age and employment. Write messages and interact every day in social networks. Plan regular dates and get-togethers, even if you see each other at school all the time. Always try to sit next to a girl during a class or event.

    • It is advisable to go on several dates or chat for a while before asking a girl to date. Be patient and don't rush the girl.
    • Conversations, correspondence and meetings will help you get closer and interest the girl.
  • Invite the girl to meet in person when you are ready. Go to a private place and tell her that you really like her. Then ask if she would agree to date you.

    • Say: “I feel very good with you, and I would like to ask directly. Will you agree to be my girlfriend?
  • Hello, dear editors!
    Let me tell you a little about myself before I ask the question. I am 22 years old, a part-time student, I work as a sales consultant, in my free time I am interested in fitness, I love cinema, good books and spend time outdoors or with family.

    I had girls, 7 ladies, I dated the last one for 2 years, I wanted to get married, but, alas, I turned out to be just a man, and not an ideal prince with a bag of money, so I made a man’s decision to leave her. But I ran into a problem.

    The problem is the following: all 95% of the advice on where exactly to look for a girl does not work in principle. That is, not dating sites, because there is only darkness going on there, or in general in the area where I live there are few girls, and I live in a city of a million people. Either, no matter how funny it is, there are no places to meet someone somewhere. I also went to supermarkets, but what was the point? Everyone is always busy, there was not a single suitable situation. It’s also unrealistic to go to the cinema - everyone comes in groups, so it will be awkward to approach, let’s say. In the fitness center there are only sweaty men, also looking for girls)))) So, in general, a stalemate.

    Honestly, I’m already starting to think that fate is laughing at me on purpose. But here’s the funny thing: no matter who I meet, let’s say I finally find someone at university, it will definitely be with a guy. And if without, then some kind of scary one.

    So the questions are: 1) What should I do? 2) Am I cursed?))) 3) Maybe it’s the area where I live and the fact that the infrastructure is not developed? Then if this is so, then just accept it and move to a bigger city?


    Yes, move to Tokyo or Delhi. If you can’t find a woman in a city of a million, then you need to look for her in a city of ten million. Excellent logic. I advise you not to waste time and go straight to Shanghai - a mega-village, glorified even in the “Green Elephant”, with a population of 24,256,800 people. If you don’t find yourself a charming Buryat girl there, then I’m afraid that your mind has entered into a battle with your own “I”, and you are looking in the wrong place. You don’t need someone who will understand like a sister and love like a mother, but someone who will protect and understand without words.

    But seriously, here's a story for you. When I worked as a huntsman, Arkady Ukupnik, Kim Jong-un, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Justin Bieber and I went fishing. It was bitterly cold, snowmobiles wouldn’t start, cars refused to start, complaining that they weren’t paid enough. It was impossible to dissuade the celebs, since they complained that they rarely got together anyway. But they have so much in common: none of them took part in the recording of the song “Closing the Circle.”

    We went dog sledding to the lake. It was in Alaska, near the village of Bishkek, it took a very long time to travel – 3.14 km. From the outside it seems that this is not much, but when a blizzard is raging around, and your mouth is pulled into a chicken ass from the cold, every meter seems like endless wandering through the circles of hell. Only vodka, friendly adventurism and the song “Simsim, open up” saved us from despair.

    However, Kim, unaccustomed to such cold weather, grew a huge icicle, which broke off and killed the leading dog. The dogs made a scandal, they said that they would go further only if this dog Kim himself ran in a sled. The proud Korean character did not allow the leader to get down on all fours, and then the dogs freaked out and ran away to lick eggs and smoke Bond with a button while no one was looking. We went to the lake on foot. Of course, we were covered in snow. Then Solzhenitsyn, with the power of thought, turned into a huge tent in which we took refuge from the cold.

    Justin began to cry that he would die young, leaving no offspring. Because, like you, I couldn’t find the woman of my dreams: neither at concerts, nor in the dressing room, nor in multimillion-dollar Los Angeles. And then Arkady said a brilliant phrase: “Ustin, you’re too picky. You're looking for a certain type of woman. good women, beautiful. But alas, most of them are already taken.” Then Belmondo rode up on Sarah Jessica Parker and saved us, but it doesn’t matter. Listen to Arkady's words.

    You just have inflated criteria based on your sexual experience. You are looking for someone specific, based first of all on appearance, and only then on character traits. So it turns out that for you there are two types of girls: those you like, and everyone else. On the one hand, this is very good - it means that you are not an omnivorous scavenger, but an esthete who is looking for something specific. Alas, your idea of ​​the ideal coincides with the ideas of others, and therefore all the good maidens are already busy with someone else.

    So it's not about the city, but about your tastes. In this case, there are two options left: either lower the criteria and rush at everything, be it crooked and oblique, or continue to look. In the first case, in order to cross the boundaries of taste, you need to convince yourself that you are not Alain Delon, so it’s time to stop showing off and agree to everything. And in the second case it is more difficult. There is no point in sending you links to, about that, because you can do it. But we'll throw it in just in case.

    We can recommend that you look for girls through social networks. The fact is that people voluntarily post all the information about themselves, and it won’t be difficult to find a girl with common tastes and without a man. . Hope it helps. These are not dating sites where desperate and dick-starved individuals create their half-decent profiles. Here you go out hunting and follow the trail left by the victim. It's like picking up scattered panties and stockings on the way to bed. The main thing is to turn on your charm in the “Irresistible scoundrel” mode, so that she has no chance left, to be interesting and intriguing, like a vampire, so that she herself wants to get to know you better.

    There is, of course, another option. You're either boring or uninteresting, and girls just avoid you. At 20, your infantile enthusiasm could still charm others your age, but girls develop faster than us: they want a man with serious intentions and a salary, and not a young man who only needs sex and a fighting girlfriend. By the way, this is the second reason why the girls you like dynamite you. In general, getting a woman to like you is not as easy as they say. The easiest way to spread her legs is to sit her on your neck, so you should never overestimate your wretchedness.

    So there are two options here: either look for younger girls who have not yet understood what life is like as an adult, or improve yourself to such an extent that you don’t give them a chance. This is, of course, more difficult, but in general, it will never be a bad idea to improve your charm, eloquence and communication skills. There is a third option - to get yourself a mature lover, hungry for youthful agility, but this is not an acquired taste.

    There's probably no point in reminding you that you can find a girl even when taking out the trash. You looked for them everywhere, I’m sure you even visited unusual places for this. It’s just that very often we come across the same one by chance, and not during a targeted search. Of course, it would be easier to diversify the criteria, and it may well turn out that there is already a girl next to you who dreams of you. But this is unlikely to bring happiness, because, as they say folk wisdom, if something floats into your hands, then don’t flatter yourself - most likely, it won’t sink. Therefore, look for and do not avoid the opportunity to meet any pretty girl. Suddenly it's the same one.