Autumn signs for children 6 7 years old. Autumn folk omens for children. Preparing for autumn with animals

Autumn- golden and fabulous time of the year. All trees are covered with colors different colors and shades: from yellow to brown. At this time, the rainy season usually begins, coolness begins to be felt in the air. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. In autumn, birds fly to warmer climes. This is the time of harvest and preparation for winter. No wonder they say: "Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves." People have recorded many folk signs of autumn, which help to find out what winter and spring will be like, what weather to expect, whether the next year will be fruitful.

Autumn weather tips

  • Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.
  • Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.
  • There is a lot of snow in early autumn - expect early spring.
  • Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
  • The stars are bright - for good weather, dim - for rain.
  • If a lot of stars fall in autumn, next year there will be a crop failure.

Autumn signs about nature

  • A lot of cobwebs for Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.
  • The web spreads over the plants - expect a harsh winter.
  • Mosquitoes appeared in late autumn - by the mild winter.
  • Poultry hides its head under the wing - to the cold.
  • In autumn, birds fly low - to a cold, high - to a warm winter.
  • Geese flew - soon it will snow.
  • Harvest for nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • When there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, autumn will be rainy, little - dry.
  • Rowan, viburnum, black elderberry ripened early - expect a cruel and snowy winter.
  • Hazel gave birth abundantly - winter will be rich in snow and frost.
  • If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below - late.
  • A lot of cones on pines and firs - for a cold winter.
  • Abundant cones at the bottom of the spruce - frosts will be early, at the top - the winter will be short.
  • Kalina is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - autumn will be warm.

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, a little - dry.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and "talk", it will be a good autumn.

Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If birches turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

Isaac Levitan. Autumn. manor

Signs and sayings of September

In September, hold on tight to your caftan.
In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter.
Summer ends in September and autumn begins.
In September, one berry, and that one is a bitter mountain ash.
In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
Thunder in September - to a long autumn.
Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
A lot of nettennik in Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
September is never fruitless.
September is the evening of the year.
September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
September is leaf fall.
September reddened the swamps - oats are threshed with frost.
September drove the birds on the road.

September - gloomy

September 1 - Stratilat-teplyak. Teplyak holds on, bows after the departed summer.
September 5 - on Luppa - oats are beating with frost. First frosts.
September 10 - Natalya-fescue. They mow oats.
September 11 - Ivan Lenten, godfather in autumn. WITH Lenten Ivan- the man does not go out without a caftan.
September 13 - Kupriyanov day - crane departure. They pull root crops (except for turnips), dig potatoes.
September 14 - Semyon the pilot. The first meeting of autumn. Completion of summer work. If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then autumn will be warm.
September 19 - grabbing Mikhailov's matinees.
September 21 - autumn, the second meeting of autumn. They removed the onions.
September 24 - Fedorin's day. Not every summer will reach Fedora.
September 26 - The Cornelius root grows in the forest, but it freezes.
September 27 - Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn. The first winters. On Vozdvizhenye, the first lady is cabbage (they cut down cabbage). September 28 - goose flight, hussar. Geese fly - they drag a winter on their tail.

Signs and sayings of October

The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
In October, it is autumn before noon, and winter in the afternoon.
In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: "Let me stay in Rus', I will visit villages and villages, we will eat pies."
In October, and a hut with firewood, and a peasant in bast shoes, but still no spores.
In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
Thunder in October portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
If in October a leaf from a birch and oak does not fall cleanly, expect a harsh winter.
Know autumn in October through mud.
October crowns White snow with great mud.
October is winter.
October will cover the earth where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

October is dirty

In October, before lunch, autumn, and in the afternoon, winter-winter. If in October a leaf from a birch and oak falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter. The moon turned red - wait for the wind-string. Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather. If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.
October 1 - Arin's day. If the cranes fly to Arina, then on Pokrov (October 14) one must wait for the first frost; and if they are not visible on this day, not a single frost will strike before Artemiev Day (November 2).
October 2 - Zosima, protector of bees. They put the hives in the omshanik.
October 3 - Astafiev winds. If the north, angry wind blows, there will be a cold, the southerner blew - to heat, the west - to sputum, the east - to the bucket.
October 7 - Fekla-zarevnitsy. Bread is threshed in heated barns from dawn to dusk.
October 8 - Cabbage is chopped for Sergius. If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on St. Michael's Day (November 21).
October 9 - rain with snow - in January expect strong thaws three times, sunny and warm - June will be rainy and cold.
October 13 - if the snow does not fall, winter will not come soon.
October 14 - Pokrov day. On Pokrov before lunch, autumn, and after lunch - winter-winter. On Pokrov, heat a hut without firewood (insulate housing). What is the Veil - such is the winter.
October 17 - Yerofey and winter puts on a fur coat.
October 20 - Sergius. If Sergius is covered with snow, then from the November Matryona, winter will rise to its feet.
October 21 - it's getting colder from Tryphon-Palageya. Trifon mends a fur coat, Palageya sews sheep's mittens.
October 23 - Eulampia. On Eulampius, the horns of the month seem to point in the direction from which the winds should be.
October 27 - Paraskeva-mud, powder.

Signs and sayings of November

In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, autumn - a fat woman with an evil one - fights in winter.
In November, the frost settles down.
In November, the first solid snow falls overnight.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
In November, the sun smiles through tears and "white flies".
In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it can snow in snowdrifts.
In November, the warmth of the frost is not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will come after the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not get cold in November will not freeze in December either.
The smithy is small in November, but forges fetters on all rivers.
Do not forge the river in winter without November - a blacksmith.
No wonder in November white flies (snow).
November December brother, September grandson.
November is an off-road vehicle: either snow, or mud, or mud, or snow - neither the wheel nor the skid can move.
In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

November - leafy

November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. November is a semi-winter season: a peasant says goodbye to a cart, climbs into a sleigh. November nights are dark before the snow.
November 4 - Kazan. Before Kazanskaya - not winter, from Kazanskaya - not autumn. It happens that it rains on Kazanskaya in the morning, and in the evening it snows in snowdrifts.
November 11 - Nastasya sheepdogs. They fed the shepherds in the yards.
November 12 - on Zinovia - Sinichkin's holiday. Feathered guests of winter flock: bullfinches, goldfinches, waxwings ... November 14 - Kuzminki, meeting winter. Do not shackle the river in winter without Kuzma-Demyan.
November 15 - Akundin kindles the barn.
November 19 - freezing.
November 20 - Fedot. Fedot - ice leads to ice.
November 21 - Michaelmas Day. If Mikhailo Demyanov breaks the path, do not wait for the way to the winter Nikola (December 19) If there is frost on Mikhailov's day, expect big snows, and if the day begins with fog, it will be warmer.
November 22 - winter Matryona. Winter is on its feet, frost is coming.
November 23 - from Erast, wait for the ice crust.
November 25 - Studit will become cold and angry. If on the 25th it rains or snows - according to ancient signs, there will be thaws until the Introduction (December 4).
November 28 - Guryan on a pinto mare (mud, snow).
November 29 - winter sweats on Matvey.

Autumn is the time when the heat ends and the cold sets in. From an early age, children can notice changes not only in nature, but also in attitudes towards themselves on the part of adults. Below are various signs of autumn that will help children navigate the world around them and the seasons.

Autumn is also met by clothes

Children get used over the summer that they are not forced to wear a hat, jacket. Unless for a few days during cold snaps you have to dress warmer. But they know that the time will come, and you can run to the river again in shorts.

One day, the parents put on rubber boots, a hat and a jacket for the child. Signs of autumn even outerwear can see. The child may not understand why he is so tormented. Not all children like to be warmly dressed, because they do not understand that it is cold outside, autumn has come.

It's time to tell the child about the signs of autumn. For children, so that they are not offended and not sad, it is enough to show a lot of interesting things on the street during a walk. It is clear that in September there are not so many autumn signs yet, many trees are still green, so it is best to talk about migratory birds, for example. It is desirable for an adult to remember his childhood, for sure, as a child, he calmed down when he saw his friend also in a warm jacket and hat. It is important for girls to give a bright umbrella.

Where did the sun go? Did the clouds eat him?

The kids will surely notice that the sun began to appear less often. And when the weather is clear, it does not warm like in summer. What are the signs of autumn in They are precisely in the change of weather. In summer, the sun is often hot or warm outside from this. With the onset of autumn, the sky is covered with clouds, it often rains. It's rare to have clear weather all day. Strong gusts of wind blow the leaves off the trees. In September, it is still relatively warm, even in the middle of the month there is Indian summer, when you can enjoy warm days. Children should be told that this period is not for long, summer is over, it’s just sometimes warm.

It is advisable to watch the weather forecast. Often the lesson "Signs of Autumn" implies behavior in this period. The sun comes and goes from time to time. Light snow or hail is possible in October. Fogs are not uncommon this month. In November you can see snow, it looks like winter but can melt quickly. It is still not so cold outside, the temperature is above zero, so the snow melts quickly if it was at night. It will rain during the day. In autumn, it is better to carry an umbrella with you or wear a raincoat.

What happened to the trees?

The attention of children can be drawn to the trees when the leaves turn yellow on them. In early September, most of them are still green. Although birches may begin to turn yellow from the end of August. The active process in the trees in preparation for winter begins towards the end of September.

Children can be amazed at the bright colors of the leaves: red, yellow, orange. Some schoolchildren associate September with a fallen maple. Not by chance. Girls from the lower grades, and sometimes from the older ones, love to pick in the park. You can see how the grapes, currants and other shrubs turn red, the chestnut, birch turn yellow. Such signs of autumn cannot be confused with anything. Is it only by coniferous trees that it is impossible to understand whether the autumn time has come. After all, neither spruce, nor pine, nor cedar fly around in September or October.

In late October and early November, the brightness of the leaves disappears. Almost all the leaves fall by this time. Those that are still hanging and lying on the ground become Brown, dry up. You can only hear the rustle under your feet. The trees are starting to rest. Children need to be explained that snow protects the roots from freezing in winter, so when cleaning it is better to sprinkle it on trees and bushes.

Preparing for autumn with animals

All animals and birds feel the approach of all seasons. They have everything that they need to exist by nature. Migratory birds travel to warmer climes. They know where to fly. Not all birds stay for the winter. Pigeons, sparrows, crows - these birds constantly live in Central Russia. They don't fly away. But cranes, hawks, storks and other birds love warmth, when the time comes, they leave their nests with grown chicks and fly far, far south.

Many animals hibernate: bear, hedgehog, badger, raccoon and other mink dwellers. Insects also disappear. Signs of autumn in nature for the habitat of animals are completely natural. The forest becomes quiet. As for foxes, hares, squirrels, their coat color changes. Squirrels make a supply of nuts and acorns for the winter, which become abundant in autumn. In animals, everything happens in harmony with nature. They know when and what to do.

Wolves, chanterelles, hares do not sleep. They can go hunting. Even in the snow they can run calmly. Sometimes in the forest you can see the traces of the inhabitants. Sometimes in the villages, wolves can walk around in the winter, so the kids should not go far.

And the day got shorter

Children will certainly notice that it is getting dark earlier. If in August it was already dark at 9 pm, then in September it was even earlier. It dawns late. It is easier for children to explain that in the morning and in the evening the day is reduced by 2 minutes. If in June at 22.00 the sun was just setting, then in mid-December it was already dark at 16.00. Why is this happening? If you have an encyclopedia and a globe at hand, then you need to show how the Earth rotates around the Sun throughout the year. It will be a surprise for them, probably, when they learn about spring in Australia on this moment. Late dawn and early are signs of autumn in inanimate nature along with constant rains and winds.

Why is autumn like this and when will winter come?

Occurs in order to renew nature. Grass cannot grow green forever, trees do not bloom and bear fruit all their lives. People and many animals that do not hibernate are not only awake, but also rest. Plants also need to rest. But the preparation process hibernation happens slowly. How does the cycle happen in a year? The tree is dressed in foliage in spring, bears fruits and berries in summer. Leaves fall in autumn and the plant seems to die.

Any signs of autumn are a signal for wildlife to prepare for a vacation for more than three months. Why does it rain? Everything is rationally arranged by nature. Precipitation is first needed to saturate plants with moisture, then colds come. Snow helps the trees and grass to be warm. If there is no snow, then plants in severe frosts may die.

And soon the New Year!

At the end of November, most often the weather is not the same as in September and October. The trees are completely bare, there is already snow. But this is not a reason to be sad. ahead New Year. Green fir-trees grow in the forest. They will bring joy to any child. At school and at home, the lesson "Signs of Autumn" can be replaced with the topic "Winter has come." The holiday lifts the mood for children and adults. After all, there is a beautiful living Christmas tree at home, which is dressed up with toys, tinsel and rain. You need to be able to share with children interesting, informative and useful. Why is this said? People start to feel sad in autumn, that's why they get sick and Schoolchildren also feel all this. They need to be cheered up. After all, all seasons are good. After a dull autumn comes a snow-white winter. Snowflakes are another inanimate they have a very complex but beautiful pattern.

The topic "Signs of Autumn" for children should be revealed not only in words and definitions, but also in living examples. It is easier to remember what is interesting. It is better to learn to distinguish the signs of autumn in animate and inanimate nature in order to understand how everything happens and what is interconnected with what.

In ancient times, people noticed everything related to nature. So there were many signs about autumn. From them it was possible to find out what kind of autumn would be: early or late, rainy or dry, cold or quite warm. Also, according to folk autumn signs, it was possible to judge the upcoming winter.

Now the weather has changed a lot, but folk omens still continue to work. We have prepared an article about the golden autumn for preschoolers and schoolchildren in grades 1-2, 3-4, where you will find folk and modern signs.

There are a lot of apples in September - cabbage is a gift in October

Signs of golden autumn for preschoolers

Thunder in September - a warm and long autumn for kids.
In September there are a lot of apples, in October cabbage is a gift.
The drier and warmer September, the later the arrival of winter.
Rowan from gravity tends branches to the ground - rainy autumn predicts.
Mosquitoes will not calm down even at the end of autumn, which means you can not be afraid of big cold weather, they will pass by.
Frost in autumn portends good weather.
Rare clouds in the autumn sky - to the heat.
The autumn sunset is golden - good weather portends the next day.
Autumn will be warm if they bloom until late summer pansies, buttercups, daisies, yarrow, clover.
If the birds linger in their native lands longer than usual, then the cold will not come soon.
If the duck is still sitting on the water and does not fly away even in cold rain, then good weather will still last a long time.
When there are few mountain ash in the forest, then the autumn will be dry, and when there is a lot, it will be rainy.
Indian summer is rainy - autumn is dry.
Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.
If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then autumn will be warm.
A bird sits on the roof - to bad weather.
Clouds descend - to bad weather.
The afternoon rain is long.
After the icy weather, wait for the rain.
If migratory birds fly high in autumn, there will be a lot of snow, and if low, there will be little snow.
Squirrels make a large supply of nuts - expect a cold winter.
October thunder - to a snow-white winter.
Large ant heaps - for a harsh winter.
A lot of cones on pines and firs - for a cold winter.
If a lot of stars fall in autumn, next year there will be a crop failure.
If the first snow attacks in such a way that it hangs from the roofs, then it melts.
Rainy days in September - all of January in silver.
Kalina is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - autumn will be warm.
Late fungus - late snow.

Mountain ash, viburnum, black elderberry ripened early - expect a cruel and snowy winter.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.

Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.
Anton Chekhov

Quiet flight of cranes to a warm, good autumn

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren in grades 1-2

Belated leaf fall portends a heavy, hungry and cold winter.
If the leaves fall from the trees early (especially oak and birch leaves), then the year promises to be rich in harvest and soil fertility.
Most of the fallen leaves lie face up - the crop will be small; purl - large.
On a birch, the leaves begin to turn yellow from below - spring is expected to be late; if the top turned yellow first, then it is early.
All the leaves flew around quickly - a harsh, blizzard winter is approaching.
The leaves are in no hurry to fall off and turn yellow slowly and gradually - severe frosts is not expected and the winter will pass quickly.
You will see a quiet flight of cranes in the sky, which, as it were, communicate with each other, you can expect a warm, good autumn.
Rowan gave a good harvest - expect fierce frosts.
When the starlings are in no hurry to fly away, and the hares are in no hurry to change their gray coat to white, you should be prepared for a long, windy and rainy autumn.
When mushroom pickers go with empty baskets in autumn, the winter is expected to be severe;
If the snow that fell at night remains on the branches of trees, then it will not melt on the ground either.
By autumn, the bees close up the entrance of the hive with wax, leaving a barely visible hole - the winter will be cold; leave the notch open - warm.
If an owl often hoots in rainy weather, the weather is good.
If frogs jump ashore and croak, and fish are thrown out of the water, it will rain.
The leech lies quietly at the bottom - to good, clear weather.
Midges huddle over coastal bushes - a sure sign of clear weather tomorrow.

The first breath of autumn is a fresh breeze after a hot summer. In September, the summer aftertaste is still felt.

Gray morning in autumn, so wait for the red day

Folk signs of autumn

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, few - dry.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and "talk", it will be a good autumn.
Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If birches turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.
A lot of netting for Indian summer - by a clear autumn and cold winter.
If in October a leaf from a birch and oak falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter.
The moon turned red - wait for the wind-string.
Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.
If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.
If on October 3 a north, angry wind blows, there will be a cold, a southerly wind blows - to warmth, a west wind to sputum, an east wind to a bucket.
If Sergius (October 20) is covered with snow, then from the November Matryona, winter will rise to its feet.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will come after the rain.
Moles pull a lot of straw into their burrows in autumn - they are preparing for a harsh winter.
During the harvesting of flax, there are many mouse nests - in winter there will be many snowdrifts.
Hens molt at the very beginning of autumn - the winter is expected to be warm.
The stars are bright - for good weather, dim - for rain.
Before the rain, the moon is cloudy or pale, before the wind it is clear and bright.
Thick cumulus clouds go low - to bad weather, high - to the bucket.
Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaws.
The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - the weather will be fine.
In autumn, the morning is gray, so wait for the red day.
In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it circles, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
The bugs ran into one pile - to be bad weather.
Poultry hides its head under the wing - to the cold.
From what date in October the year will start (good, clear weather), from that date spring will open in April.

Golden autumn is a dull time ... This is what many poets call a wonderful time of the year. How many poems, sayings, proverbs and riddles were invented on the autumn theme. In early September, it is multi-colored, lush, warm. There is no longer such a sultry heat. Agree that after the summer you want a little bit of coolness. In November, the sun peeps out less and less, the sky darkens, frequent rains begin and a lot of clothes. However, each season has its own unique charm. Toddlers also learn all the natural delights. In this article you will find new proverbs, sayings, signs about autumn.

Autumn time - kids have fun

The nights have become cooler, the day is not so hot, and the morning smells of autumn. Adults and children are tired of the heat and dream of getting a little cooler. However, no one wants a period of rain or frost. After all, gray dull everyday life becomes from this and stretches until spring. One wants to plunge into hibernation, like a bear in a den, and sleep through all the dull days. And if you do not think so, but remember that in autumn there is a great opportunity to enjoy the last warmth. Only at this time you can see colorful, bizarrely shaped leaves. With them, children in kindergartens and schools make wonderful applications. First, they go with teachers to the park, where there are a lot of bright and beautiful leaves, collect bouquets from them, make herbariums, and then crafts. How the kids love to jump into the mountains of leaves or just rustle them while walking.

Someone believes that it is in autumn that the body relaxes after a stormy and emotional summer. As they say, to each his own.

autumn signs

In ancient times, there were many different signs about autumn. From here we can say whether winter will be early or late, what autumn will be, etc. There are also folk signs of autumn for preschoolers 4, 5 years old. They are written in an accessible and understandable language.

Here are some of them:

  • If the leaves fall early, winter days will begin early.
  • Thunder in September - a warm and long autumn for kids.
  • What is the first day of December - such will be the earth in winter.
  • The indoor parrot is silent - a blizzard is knocking on our window.
  • A cat curled up in a ball - potatoes will be expensive.
  • A lot of cones on a pine tree - a triple cold winter.
  • Rainy days in September - all of January in silver.
  • In autumn, there are few mushrooms, and a lot of nuts - in winter there will be no laughing matter.
  • A squirrel has a lot of reserves in a hollow - for a fierce winter.
  • Birds fly low - they want rain to us.
  • The cat hid her face - the cold came.

Autumn sayings

Teachers and parents tell children a lot of sayings. Thus, an idea is given of the tricks of nature, the weather, animals, etc. Better than folk sayings, the baby does not tell about the seasons. Thanks to them, he understands nature and simple phrases more. Sayings about autumn for children say that there is no bad weather.

Every season pleases adults and children in its own way. Read the sayings about autumn to the children and ask them how they understand them.

  • Autumn is the time of eating (the proverb speaks of the harvest).
  • Autumn is rich - winter is satisfying (if a lot of crops are harvested, then there will be affordable food in winter).
  • In autumn, any bird is rich (there is something to profit from in the fields).
  • A few rainy hours - the earth dries for many days.
  • September - seeing off summer, meeting cold weather.
  • The day did not work - the harvest slammed.
  • November - winter threshold (ready for winter).
  • November - frost on the nose.

Sayings about autumn for children are best told in a team. This way they learn the material faster.

Autumn proverbs

Proverbs tell children about natural phenomena, talk about the habits of animals. Signs of autumn for preschoolers are found in almost every proverb.

Therefore, it is useful to tell them to kids. It is in short proverbs that there is all the information:

  • In autumn, everyone knows that the rains get in the way.
  • In September there are a lot of apples, in October cabbage is a gift.
  • Multi-colored autumn has come - it has brought fun to the children.
  • Autumn palette - I'm used to the herbarium.
  • When they cut hay, they didn't ask for rain.
  • Plant a tree - don't wait for the harvest now.
  • In September it is cold, but satisfying.
  • What you collect from the harvest, you live on in the winter.
  • The bread that is in the field cannot be put in your mouth.
  • There is no bad land, there are owners who do not understand anything about the harvest.
  • In November, winter and autumn argue.
  • You dig in the fall, you don't go hungry in the winter.
  • Whoever did not work in the fall has nothing in the winter.
  • Autumn has come and brought rain with it.

Tell proverbs and sayings about autumn for children in plain language. They need to understand exactly what they say. If the children ask questions, then explain what the phrases or words in proverbs or sayings mean.

Poems about autumn

Many poets write small quatrains for children just about this time. Why about autumn? Probably because nature is very beautiful, plays with a multi-colored palette. If everything is green in spring, then in autumn you can see bright red, yellow, orange and other colors.

The leaves are falling, covering the roads,

Nice to walk on them

All our worries subside

So we want to fool around.

Leaves fly and circle above us

What a beauty

Can't put into words

The autumn dream has arrived.

Birds fly to warmer climes

I look at them frozen

How they wag their tails

Take me with you.

The birdhouses are empty

I see the birds fly by

They didn't even sing the songs

With the feeling that blizzards will soon begin.

Autumn has come,

The rains have begun

We will ask her

Until you leave.

Riddles about autumn

After proverbs, sayings, stories or poems for children, it is best to fix the material with riddles.

Of these, you can also determine some signs of autumn for preschoolers. Here are some of them:

  1. We are walking in the yard

Fun for our kids

When does it happen? … (In November).

2. She brought a lot of harvest to people,

This ... came to us (autumn).

3. There are no brushes or paints,

And decorated, like in a fairy tale (autumn).

4. We collect potatoes, when does this happen? (autumn).

5. The rain pours like a bucket,

the whole earth got wet.

When does it happen? (autumn).

6. Flies, but not a bird, howls, but not a wolf (wind).

7. Frightened by the cold, flew away where it's warm.

Stop singing and having fun

These are migratory ... (birds).

What children need to know about autumn

Before asking the guys questions about the season, first tell a little. Show the children the pictures. Signs of autumn for children or riddles will be more understandable if they see with their own eyes what is meant. Tell them about cold days, wind, frequent rains, leaves come in different colors and shades. Children should understand that in autumn you can make wonderful crafts not only from leaves, but also from chestnuts, acorns, etc.

Show the kids with a good example what leaf fall is. Let them run over the leaves, touch them with their hands, collect them for crafts. From the pictures you can see how a flock of birds fly south. It is possible with children aged 5-6 years to go to the fields on an excursion. Let them watch how people harvest, while listening to the teacher's story about what it is for and what will be done with it next. Make up a few sentences with the children on the autumn theme. Have an autumn festival so they learn poetry. At the same time, memory, attention, thinking will develop. Ask them to come up with signs of autumn for preschoolers. From their observations, they can teach adults a lot.