October omens October omens folk omens. Folk calendar for October: signs for every day. Folk calendar for October

Description - The tenth month of the calendar or the second month of autumn is October. Its name comes from the ancient Roman language, where it was considered the eighth month, and the number eight is translated as octo. As for the ancient Russian names, October was called a winter season, a wedding party, and even a muddy one, since there is a lot of precipitation at this time, that is, it is dirty and damp outside. It has already happened that Russian folklore is full of beliefs and signs, including signs of October, which will be discussed further.

October weather signs

We will find out what certain weather phenomena occurring in the tenth month can tell about.

  • If October is warm, then it is worth waiting for a cold blizzard winter.
  • If thunder and lightning rumbles during rain in October, this indicates that the winter will not be harsh and long.
  • If the trees are blooming and the lilac bush has bloomed, expect a long autumn
  • If even in the middle of autumn the foliage on the trees is green and in no hurry to fall off, this indicates that the winter will be short.
  • If not all the leaves have fallen on the maple by the end of October, this is a sign that the winter will be very severe.
  • If the first snow fell in the first half of the month, expect a real long winter in 40 days
  • In the case when all the leaves flew around in the first half of the month, expect an early cold
  • There is a sign that the weather in October is fully consistent with what April will be like.
  • If there is snow on the fields in the middle of autumn, it means that it will snow for a long time in the spring
  • When the willow frosts over in the tenth month, the winter will last a long time.
  • When October birds fly low to the ground, it's a sign that winter's cold won't be long in coming.
  • Pay attention to how the leaves fall to the ground when they lie upside down - you need to wait for a good winter harvest
  • In the case when migratory birds are in no hurry to fly to warmer climes, this indicates that winter will also not come soon, it will be mild and short.
  • In the case when there are a lot of cones on coniferous trees, expect a good harvest of spring
  • If there are a lot of weeds in the fields and it is high, winter will cover a lot of snow.
  • When moles try to stock up on a lot of straw, it means that it is worth waiting for a cold winter.
  • If there are few or no clouds in the sky, expect clear and cold weather in winter

In addition to the listed signs for October, there is a special folk calendar, which provides a description of each particular day with its unique value.

First decade of October

1.10. This date in Russian folklore was called Irina Shipovnitsa. The girls tried to devote this day to the collection of wild rose, which was subsequently dried. There is a belief that only the wild rose that was collected on that particular day can be truly beneficial to human health. In addition, on October 1, the departure of cranes usually begins in warm countries, therefore, the first day of the tenth month is also called Irina - the years of the cranes.

2.10. This day is called Zosima and Trofima, and is also the day of beekeepers, it is on October 2 that the period of preparing the hives for the winter period begins. In addition, it is recommended to eat a spoonful of honey on the second of October in the morning, washed down with warm tea. If you believe the sign, it will give happiness and health for the whole year.

Also, this day is called the day of choosing the second half, that is, the bride or groom. Based on an ancient sign, you just have to look closely into the eyes of the person you like, and he simply cannot help but reciprocate. There is a famous October saying associated with the second day of the month - "Happiness does not leave Trofim past, where Trofim goes, happiness will also follow him."

3.10. October 3 is the time of workers of mills and windmills. Today it was possible to find out what the weather will be next:

  • If on 2.10 the wind blows from the north side - expect an early cold, if from the south - it will be warm for a long time
  • If cobwebs hang on trees and bushes, it will not snow soon
  • If it is very windy on this day, there will be an excellent harvest of winter crops.

As for the ancient traditions, on the second of October, the housewives massively chopped cabbage, it was believed that the harvested vegetable acquired a special taste.

4.10. This date has long been called the day of Ipat and Kondrat, this time was dedicated to their fertility farming, and the meaning of folk signs on October 4 was associated with this. According to beliefs, the weather that stands on this day will delight you for exactly 4 more days. In order to reap a good harvest after winter, it was necessary precisely today to carefully fertilize the soil with manure, this will happen, if you believe what they say folk omens October.

5.10 - Phocas and Jonah. Today it was strictly forbidden to eat fish, they did it because there was a myth that Ion was inside the whale. On October 5, the listodera period began, usually it is windy and it rains. If by the end of the day all the leaves from the birches do not fall, the snow will not come soon.

6.10 - Controversial Iraida. On October 6, fortune telling was carried out by those who had material and money problems. To conduct the ceremony, it was necessary to find a special place where the mouths of two rivers join, and draw water from there into two jugs. After that, put the containers in the house and watch them from which container the water evaporates faster. If it is water from a wider river, all your troubles will be left behind in the near future. Usually after this day came a real cold autumn.

7.10 - Zarevnitsa. On this date, at dawn, they began to thresh bread, the men kindled ovens in the barn to dry the sheaves, in addition, the seventh of October was used to finally complete the collection of hogs. It was noted that after this day the dawns become more crimson, and the nights darker.

Pay attention to how many acorns grew on the oak, if there are a lot of them, the winter will please you with warmth and will be snowy. There is another sign associated with Thekla's day - everything that started on this day cannot be unleashed. That is why a huge number of weddings are played on October 7 today.

8.10 - Sergius of Radonezh. On October 8, on Sergius, cabbage was chopped in the houses of the hostess. If it was snowing on October 8, especially if this is the first snow, then the real winter will come exactly on Michaelmas Day. If on 9.10 it is sunny and windless for them, this weather will last another 9 days.

9.10 - Theologian John, who has long been considered the patron saint of all workers in painting. If it snowed on the Theologian, then winter will come December. If the snow fell when there was not a single leaf left on the cherry, this indicated that the winter would be protracted.

10.10 - Savvaty's beekeeper. This number is marked by the fact that it closes the period of bee nines. At the end of this number, it was necessary to have time to hide the beehives in omshaniki in order to get the maximum honey yield.

Second decade of October

11.10 - Kharitonov's day. It was recommended to spend October 11 at home with loved ones, since, according to superstition, there was a great risk of becoming a victim of the evil eye or damage. In addition, if possible, it is better to refuse to do any housework, especially cleaning and cooking.

12.10 - the day of Theophan the Hermit. Today, according to custom, men went hunting, tried to shoot a hare. After the hunt, they gathered together at the evening table and ate the killed animal. Following the popular belief on October 12, after such a dinner, the winter could not be harsh and hungry. Feofan returns warmth to people on October 12, there is folk saying"Theophan put on a caftan."

13.10 - the day of Gregory. In the villages, women massively burned straw beds and assembled new ones with their own hands; sleeping on an old bed was a bad omen. As for women of advanced age, they were allowed to burn only straw bast shoes on October 13, after which they began to weave new ones.

14.10 - Pokrov day. This is a great Orthodox holiday, people dressed smartly and the whole family went to churches and temples. In addition, October 14 was considered the day of completion of all work on agriculture, that is, by this time you need to have time to harvest and make all the necessary preparations. The 14th was often called the first holiday of cold weather, the housewives baked thin pancakes to appease nature.

Folk signs for October on Pokrov Day:

  • If the cranes flew away before the holiday, the winter will be very cold

  • If the squirrel managed to change the color of the fur to Pokrov, the rest of autumn will be warm;

  • In the case when there is not a single leaf on the birch, the winter will be snowless and harsh

  • Wind - easy coming year

15.10 - Ustiny. Usually at this time at night there are frosts on the ground. It was believed that on October 15 a demon could inhabit a person. To prevent this from happening, people went to the temple and read church prayers in front of the icon of Ustinya. There is a sign that people born on October 15 were born under a lucky star, they were incredibly lucky in life.

16.10 - Pozimki, October 16 is also called Denis Podzimny. It is worth protecting yourself from communicating with strangers, as this can end in the evil eye and even damage. To prevent this, you can carry a small aspen branch with you. As for nature, the leaves on the trees are a rarity at this time.

17.10 - the day of Erofei. An old Russian proverb is associated with this date, saying that today the forest can see, and the field can hear. On October 17, it is strictly forbidden to go into the forest, as this can turn into a disaster for a person.

If a person had problems with the organ of vision, that is, with the eyes, it was necessary to go to church that day and bow to the icon of Guria and Barsanuphius. If at the same time the eyes watered, this indicated that vision problems do not exist in the medical part, this is the result of the evil eye.

17.10 - Charity Day. This date was marked by the fact that women massively wove canvases in the house. Pay attention to the folk sign on October 17 about how ravens fly. If they curl high, and the clouds move quickly and in the opposite direction from the wind, expect snow. If there is no wind on October 17, a sharp cold snap is coming soon.

October 18 - Day of Denis Podzimsky. On this day, it was customary to sum up the results of the agricultural year, this indicated what prosperity would be next year. On October 18, people went to church en masse to light a candle to the Apostle Thomas, who is considered the patron saint of wealth. If there is no wind today, expect a cold snap soon.

October 19 - the day of St. Sergius the Winter. On October 19, real winter begins, the snow on the ground no longer melts so quickly. Pay attention to which direction the wind blows: if from the south - there will be a snowy winter, if from the north - no.

20.10 - starting from this moment, the night becomes longer, night frosts become the norm. On October 20, the inhabitants of villages and villages went early in the morning to feed their livestock, only after that they could sit down at the table and have breakfast. Since it was already cold in the house, it was necessary to kindle the stove, on 20.10 this was allowed to be done by the youngest man living in the house. On October 20, according to sign and tradition, a woman had to put on a new scarf, as this protected her from illness for a whole year.

Third decade of October

21.10 Tryphon and Pelageya, the day is also called Pochinki, it is getting colder and colder. By this time, people were preparing for real cold weather, they were taking out fur coats, sheepskin coats and other warm clothes from the closets. In ancient times, by this time, the villagers tried to finish pickling, first of all they tried to close the barrels with cucumbers. Already in the spring, cucumbers were taken out of the barrels, by that time they had become crispy. If it is planned to prepare a new place for the field, then it had to be burned out on this very day, this was considered a good folk omen on October 21.

22.10 - the day of Jacob. Starting from this date, people began to prepare firewood for the firebox for the winter. Usually on October 22, groats lie on the ground, in connection with this there was a saying that Yakov sent groats to the ground. Today it was customary to peel off barley, simple and oats, and also grind wheat into groats. The people called October 22 the day of porridge, the morning usually began with warm milk porridge.

23.10 - winter indicated Evlampy. On this day, it was necessary to raise your gaze to the sky and pay attention to where the horns of the month were looking. If they are directed to the north - the winter will be severe, if to the south - soft and fast. When 23 is slushy, so will the winter.

October 24 - Philip's day. This is one of the revered Orthodox holidays, which is marked by a family trip to the temple. On this day, the villagers took the grain to the storage, usually on the roads at this time slush and mud, as it is the rainy season. It is important not to rush anywhere, as you will not be able to harvest a good harvest in the spring. Usually from October 24, dense fog descends on the earth.

25.10 - Day of Ondronnik or Andrey the Stargazer. From the name it is clear that the date was marked by the fact that it was necessary to observe the stars, since with the help of such observations it was possible to predict the weather and the harvest, based on folk signs on October 25th.

26.10 - the day of Karp, has long been considered a bathing day. People massively went to the baths, gathered friends, arranged feasts. It was believed that with the help of this it was possible to get rid of many diseases, decoctions of medicinal herbs were used in the bath. People went to the temple, prayed to the icon of the Mother of God of Iberia, it was believed that on this day all prayers reached God himself.

If the mushroom season starts again, there will be no snow for a long time. If there is frost on the grass that day, expect rain in the evening. In the case when the water in the well rises, it will soon be frost, if it falls, it will rain. If on the 26th a cat licks its tail or hides its head hard, the weather will be bad tomorrow. If there are red clouds in the sky - this is a sign of rain when they come from the north - tomorrow will be windy and dank.

October 27 - Paraskev Day, it is also called Powder or Linen. If October 27 falls on a Friday, the rest of October promises to pass without rain, although October 27 is usually heavy rain. If the street is very dirty, so that even a horse's hoof can get bogged down in the mud, then expect the onset of winter in exactly one month.

It is worth mentioning that Paraskeva Day is the day of women in childbirth, it was Paraskeva who has long been considered their patroness. In order for the child to be born healthy and on time, on October 27 it was strictly forbidden to sew and linen fabric, as this could harm the unborn child. All the other women on the 27th began to ruffle and crush flax.

28.10 one more beekeeper. On the 28th, winter continues to enter into its legal rights, Yefimiy covers the earth with cold and cold. As on the previous day, the women continued to ruffle and knead the flax. To do this, they used a broom, a grinder. In addition, on this day the bees were removed to warm places.

October 29 - Vratnik or Longinus. People prayed to the Holy Apostles named Longinus and Vratnik for health and healing, especially this helped everyone who suffered from eye diseases. If until that time winter clothes were not yet worn, then they were taken out into the street to ventilate in the air with the sun's rays. On this day, there was a saying that the sun's light is very dear to us, although at this time it is not long. If you follow folk signs on October 29, the winter promised to be mild and not harsh.

30.10 - the day of the Wheeler Hosea. On the 30th, it was customary to put the cart and other vehicles in the shed for storage, people sentenced that the wheel would part with the spring. At that time, instead of a cart, a sleigh was taken out. Among other traditions, it was forbidden to wash and be in the bath.

Pure Thursday Signs and customs

signs of winter

Khadija #fidelity | Omar Suleiman

October 1st to 10th

In the first decade of the second month of autumn, gooseberries, currants and apple seedlings are planted. At the same time, it is recommended to remove winter apple trees, plant winter varieties of garlic. Also in the first decade of October, you need to start harvesting white cabbage. If you have not had time to plant onions, then it is not too late to do it. If October was preceded by a dry period, in the first decade, lard and vegetable gardens are watered. At the same time, you need to prepare plant seeds for planting.

From 11 to 20 October

At this time, you need to do the tying shoots of raspberries. Fertilizer is applied to the soil for various plantings, and soil is also prepared for seedlings for spring. If you haven't insulated your garden perennials, do so now. In the middle of the tenth month, rose bushes are spudded, boles and branches are whitened.

From 21 to 31 October

This period is great for digging up the ground in the near-trunk zone of fruit-bearing trees. After the first frosts have passed, it is necessary to prepare crop cuttings for grafting in winter and spring. By the way, they need to be stored until the onset of spring in a damp, cool environment, preferably in the cellar.

Man has been observing plants, animals, natural phenomena and deduced the patterns of their behavior, predicting weather conditions. Today signs are also popular. There are signs of October that will help you find out the weather.

What signs exist

Folk signs for October are different:

  • on the behavior of plants and animals;
  • by natural phenomena;
  • By church calendar.

This month was important in terms of preparation for wintering. Signs and forecasts are aimed at effectively knowing the weather, how soon the cold will come in order to have time to complete all agricultural work.

Predictions for the first half of the month

The first day of the month was considered the day of the cranes. If the birds fly in the key to winter, then on October 14 (Pokrov) it will be cold, and winter will frown according to the calendar. If the birds were delayed with departure, they waited for the winter later.

October 1

On the 1st, wild rose blanks were made. According to the church calendar, this is the day of Arina (Irina). If the lilac bloomed in early autumn, it will be warm for some more time. But science believes that the plant blooms because of the dry summer and the Indian summer in the fall.

2 October

On the 2nd, the following signs for the future weather were recorded:

  • Wind from the south - next year there will be a lot of good winter.
  • Weeds are earing high - a lot of snow will fall by winter.

At the beginning of the month, they were engaged in household chores: they put things in order in the yard before winter, lowered the hive for the winter. From that day on, they savored honey. Also, young people walked, celebrated the day of Trofim. On October 2, the girls looked after their suitors during the festivities.

October 3

October 3 was considered the day of the water, people who had a drowned man in the family coaxed the water spirits. The weather was predicted by the wind: cold from the north, warm from the south, sunny days from the east, and precipitation from the west. There are also predictions:

  • If the day was foggy, and cobwebs were flying around, the autumn would be dry and long.
  • If on coniferous trees the cones grew close to the ground - to early frosts, high from the ground - frosts will appear only in winter.

The 4th of October

Signs for October 4 were associated with the day of Kondrat and Ignat. It was on the 4th that the forecast for the whole month ahead was determined. When the weather was clear, but the north or east wind was blowing - to cold winter.

There were also monetary predictions: the more a person worked that day, the richer he will become in the coming year. The farm fertilized the soil with manure. If the first snow fell on Kondrat, a warm summer was expected.

October 5

The moon was closely watched on the 5th: when it is red, a sharp wind will blow. And wintering was predicted along the birch: if the tree did not shed its leaves, then the snow would fall late.

According to the church calendar, the 5th is the day of St. Jok. It was swallowed by a whale, so people do not eat, buy or cook fish.

October 6

On October 6, winter was predicted for animals. If ferrets and martens have already changed their fur, then it will come early and unexpectedly. Dry and warm weather was determined by the morning frost.

October 7th

The 7th is the day of Fyokla-zarevnitsa. Today, any undertakings were considered successful, especially favorable for weddings, matchmaking, fortune-telling for a betrothed, conspiracies were read. Thunder promised a cold winter without snow. It will end quickly.

There were also superstitions:

  • There is an abundance of acorns on the oak - the winter will not be cold, and the summer will be hot.
  • The ants have made large piles, which means they are preparing for a cold wintering.

October 8

And the 8th was the day of Sergius of Radonezh. Snow meant that winter would begin on November 21st. They also gave a long-term forecast: the same weather will be on April 8. A good conditions there will be three more weeks if the saint's day is clear and sunny. The custom of baking cabbage pies has been preserved.

October 9

Great importance was attached to rain on the 9th. Rain with snow promised thaws in January, and sunny without precipitation - wet June. In the church calendar, this was the day of John the Wayfarer. The birth of children on the 9th meant a difficult fate for their parents: their path through life would be difficult.

October 10

Thunder and lightning on the 10th meant a short, mild winter. The moon in the circle foreshadowed a dry summer. The beliefs and proverbs of this day are mainly associated with honey, since October 10 is dedicated to Savvaty the Beekeeper:

  • Bitter beekeeper means sweet honey.
  • Honey is sweet enough.
  • With honey and a chisel can be swallowed.
  • Honey is sweet, but not two spoonfuls in the mouth.
  • The apple tree is loved for apples, and the bee for honey.

October 11

The weather on the 11th was predicted from the trees. Willow in hoarfrost promised a long winter, and a fallen leaf on the ground inside out - there will be a good harvest next year. But folk customs considered Kharitonov's day dangerous and unkind for a person.

People tried not to leave the dwelling, they did not even take out the garbage, so as not to attract evil forces. A young couple asked fortune-tellers to protect their relationship from damage and the evil eye.

October 12

On the night of the 12th we looked at the stars. If there are a lot of them, and the sky is bright, there will be a dry autumn and a good harvest in summer. The night fog delayed the early frosts.

October 13

On the 13th, people were preparing for the Feast of the Intercession. There are no weather forecasts for this date.

October 14

October 14 is the celebration of the Intercession. If the wind is changeable, the winter will be the same: sometimes with frosts, sometimes with thaws. Superstitions say that a strong wind promises many weddings. Young girls on the Intercession put a candle in the temple and watched how it burns. So they predicted their own fate.

Pokrov completed all the work on the field and on the farm. Festivities and holidays on the street ended, and gatherings in huts began.

October 15

The next day after the Intercession, we watched the chickens. If the birds raised their wings, fluffed their feathers, they were preparing for a harsh winter. And on the night of the 15th, they watched the moon: a rainbow circle around the star promised inclement weather the next day.

Girls and boys prayed to Ustinya and Kupriyan, asking for protection from evil forces. These are the patrons of October 15th according to the church calendar.

Forecasts for the second half of the month

From the 16th to the end of the month, the people had their own special signs.

October 16

On the 16th, superstitious people put an aspen branch in their pocket to protect themselves from evil forces. A weather forecasts on October 16 were as follows:

  • the moon is darkening on the horizon - there will be heavy precipitation;
  • if the hares are fat, there will be a harsh wintering.

17 October

On the 17th, the first snow delayed the arrival of cold weather for another 40 days. The red dawn promised a strong wind. In the popular mind, October 17 was the day of evil spirits - she walked on the ground last days before winter. Therefore, they did not go anywhere further than their yard.

October 18

October 18th predictions are associated with birds and wind. Jackdaws and crows that curl in circles promised snow. Windless weather promised a cold snap soon.

October 19

Popular signs of October say that snow on the 19th promised a warm winter. It was also believed that precipitation predicts cold only after 40 days.

The 20th of October

October 20 is held under the auspices of Sergius the Winter. They noted when winter will begin and what it will be like:

  • The snow that has fallen on the unfallen leaves of the trees will soon melt.
  • Only the snow that fell at night will not melt, and the daytime is fragile.
  • Winter begins with Sergius.

Before breakfast, according to tradition, they fed the cattle so that there would be prosperity at home in the winter. The youngest in the house lit the stove, and the women prepared a hat for the winter. It was believed that the head would not hurt for a whole year if on that day it was covered with a new scarf.

October 21

On the 21st, they celebrated new things for the winter, and repaired the old ones. They watched mice: if they make deep holes and insulate them, they waited severe frosts in winter. Low clouds foreshadowed the imminent frosts.

22 of October

And on the 22nd they prepared firewood for the winter. If a fox's lingering howl was heard from the forest (in the morning of the 22nd or late at night), then the weather will soon change.

October 23

  • they indicate the direction of the world from where the wind will blow (to the north - to a blizzard, and to the south - to dampness);
  • if the whole day is slushy and dirty, then there will be no snow for a long time.

October 24

If it snows on the morning of the 24th, the winter will be cold and long.

the 25th of October

On the 25th they celebrated Prov - the day of the holy martyr. At night they looked at the sky: bright stars promised a rich harvest, and a clear sky promised good weather and light frosts. Customs were not advised to ask "Who is there?", so as not to attract illness to the house.

All day people were kind to each other. It was not recommended to engage in hard work, guessing on the cards.

October 26

The 26th was dedicated to bathing and preparing herbal mixtures. The clouds predicted the weather: if they are red, there will be precipitation; if they stand in a bunch at sunrise, the weather will change all day long.

27th October

On the 27th, they read a prayer to Paraskeva for the family to live in abundance and prosperity. Pregnant women were not allowed to comb their hair on 27 October. A West wind it blew towards dampness, the dirt on the street foreshadowed real cold only after four weeks.

28 of October

On a cloudy day on the 28th, the shining sun before sunset promised bad weather, even a storm.

29th of October

And on October 29, a variable wind promised the same winter. In the morning, winter clothes were taken out into the air so that it would become healing and serve well.

October 30

The weather for October 30 was watched by the birds: the pigeons hid - they were waiting for bad weather, and the domestic goose trying to take off - to the precipitation.

October 31

October 31 is the day of Luke. People were especially concerned about their health. Beliefs about the weather are associated with cherries. If there are still leaves left on it, then the snow will fall and melt until it sheds its leaves. Bright Moon at night - to a good and warm day.

Folk omens for October

Folk omens for October


Weather signs for October were important for a person. In the second month of autumn, the future wintering was predicted. There were many traditions and customs. Compliance with these customs saved a person from evil forces and gave health.

October 1st. Irina (Arina). If the cranes fly to Arina, you have to wait for the first frost on Pokrov. If they are not visible, then until Artemiev Day (November 2), the slush will stand. Rose hips are harvested and dried on this day.

2 October. Zosima and Savvaty, beekeepers. It was believed that "these days on an empty stomach every morning you need to eat a teaspoon of honey, drinking warm water" - this is a healing remedy for all diseases.

October 3rd. Astafiev day. If the wind is north, cold is near; south wind - to heat; western - to sputum, rain; east - wait for clear weather. If it is warm and a web flies - to a good autumn and not soon snow.

October 5th. Foka Windmill. Foka is revered by the people as a protector from fires and as a helper to drowning people. If a leaf has not fallen from a birch, the snow will fall late.

October 6th. Iraida. On this day they baked liqueurs: crushed potatoes, flavored with egg and milk, poured on a rye cake, and slightly wrapped around the edges of the cake.

October 7th. Fekla Zarevnitsa. The beginning of threshing bread. On this day, the beets remaining on the beds were harvested.

October 8th. Sergius. Wind from the north - to a cold winter, from the south - to a warm one, from the west - to a snowy one. If the first snow falls on Sergius, winter will set in on St. Michael's Day (November 21). If on Sergius good weather- to stand to it the whole three weeks.

10 October. Savvaty the Bee. The last day of bee nine. On this day, households are treated to cookies on honey. The harvesting of the hives for the winter is coming to an end.

12 October. Kiriak, Maremyana. On this day, gray fogs hang: "Maremyan's sadness is woven from the fog."

October 13th. Gregory. If the snow falls, winter will not come soon. They burn old straw from the beds on Grigory, stuffing a new one. If the cranes have flown away, there will be an early and cold winter.

October 14. Cover Holy Mother of God. First winter. If on this day the wind from the north - to be a cold winter, from the south - the winter will be warm, from the west - snowy; changeable wind - to a fickle winter. On Pokrov before lunch - autumn, after lunch - winter. On Pokrov, winter is covered with snow, dressed in frost. The departure of cranes to Pokrov - "for an early and cold winter."

October 15th. Cyprian and Ustinya. These saints are considered by the people as protectors from evil spirits. If on this day there is heavy rain and an icy wind, the winter will be cold.

16 October. Denis Pozimny. Denis - beware of the dashing eye. On this day, conspiracies are pronounced from the evil eye. The last leaves are falling from the trees.

17 October. Erofei. On this day, the forest sees, and the field hears. From Yerofei, winter puts on a fur coat. By popular belief, on this day you can’t go to the forest: the winds howl and goblin rage there.

18 October. Kharitins. First canvases. The sun is rolling down, the day has lagged behind the night - the felt boots stumbled over the stump. On this day, they rolled wool on felt boots, started spinning canvas.

19 October. Thomas. For Thomas, a crust of bread for those who are weak in health. "Foma breaks the bins, take everything for nothing." If there is no wind - to a cold snap.

The 20th of October. Sergei Winter. Sergius begins the winter. Sergei beats the grass with frost, and Matryona (November 22) does not allow winter to turn back. If snow has fallen, and the trees have not yet shed their leaves, it will soon melt.

October 21. Tryphon and Pelagia. Repairs. "From Tryphon, Pelageya is getting colder." "Tryphon mends his fur coat, Pelageya sews mittens."

22 of October. Yakov Studeny. Yakov sends a white grain to the ground, cools the paths, reduces the day. It's time to prepare firewood for the winter for the Russian stove.

October 23. Evlampy. On Eulampius, "the horns of the month seem in the direction from where the winds are." If the horns to the north - to be an early winter and the snow will fall on dry land; to the south - do not wait for an early winter, there will be slush to Kazanskaya.

October 24th. Philip. Pre-winter. Late leaf fall - on hard year. If it snowed in the morning - wait for a cold winter.

the 25th of October. Prova. On Prov, they observe the stars and guess from them about the weather and the harvest. Bright stars - to frost; dull - to a thaw; strong twinkling of stars in blue hues - to the snow.

October 26th. Agathon. Day of the Iberian Icon Mother of God. Bathing life: on this day, various healing herbs were brought to the baths and they drove out sickness from the sick.

27th October. Praskovya Lnyanikh. If the yard is damp, then there are four weeks left until the real winter. Paraskeva Lnyanikha is considered the woman's intercessor, the patroness of women's winter work, especially yarn.

28 of October. Efimy the Pious. Yefimiy closes the roots of grasses and trees with the ground with cold, covers every insect in the withered grass, evokes sleep.

October 30. Hosea. On Hosea, the wheel and axle are parted until spring. "The day is quickly melting - you can't tie it to the wattle fence." October is crying with cold tears.

October 31. Luke. The Apostle Luke is revered as a teacher of icon painting. To this day, the proverb - "Every skill is given by labor." "To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached.

As for every month of the year, there are many different signs among the people for October. - this is a kind of "weather forecast" of our ancestors. So, according to the weather of October, they judge the coming winter, find out suitable days for household chores. And, I must say, not infrequently signs about the weather turn out to be much more accurate and correct than the forecasts of modern meteorologists.

Folk omens for October

In October, more clearly than in the previous month, signs of the approaching winter appear and sometimes severe cold sets in. October is very fickle. But for the peasants, this is a well-fed, wild month, a time of relative rest from summer labors, a transition from autumn to winter, for livestock - the same transition from pasture to winter.

In nature, there is a gradual reign of winter, with the freezing of rivers, with the fall of snow, with the establishment of a winter path, but at the same time, sometimes the heat returns later. This winter is not real yet, but only its threshold, and among the people there are many signs that characterize its onset.

Folk omens for October

In Rus', October was called “leaf fall” - from the autumn fall of leaves, “leaf fall”, “golden autumn”, “winter”, “winter”, “pazdernik” - from the word “pazder” - a bonfire, since this month they began to knead flax and hemp. This month is also called Octovrium, because among the Romans it was the eighth in a row (octo - eight).

Now, ordinary people call the month of October in their own way - "dirty", from the autumn rains that cause bad weather and dirt, or "wedding" - from weddings that are actively celebrated at this time.

People say that in the October bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, circles, stirs, roars, pours from above, sweeps from below.

  • October is fickle: it cries, it laughs.
  • In October, the earth will cover where with a leaf, where with a snowball.
  • In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
  • October, that March, is fickle.
  • Mne and trample the flax from half of the dirt.
  • If in October a leaf from a birch and an oak falls uncleanly, wait for a harsh winter, and if it is clean, by an easy year.
  • The rain sows finely, but it drags on for a long time - a red day will also glimpse.
  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
  • If a leaf, falling from a tree, lies face up - to a crop failure for another year, and lies on the wrong side - to the harvest.
  • In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
  • In October, there is a hut with firewood, and a peasant in bast shoes, but there is no ergot (in work).
  • Thunder in October - snowless winter.
  • The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness.
  • October is the time of weddings, wedding sittings are straight.
  • The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
  • In October, winter leaves the white nest, dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Rus', I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”
  • In October, a man lives with an eye.
  • October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.
  • In October, the black grouse went crazy (changed color).
  • Know autumn in October through mud.
  • October crowns White snow with great mud.
  • October completes preparations for winter.
  • October - chest, on the roads there are piles of frozen mud.
  • October is the month of full pantries (burrows, hollows, nests).
  • October often cries into the scarf of the red dawn.
  • October is crying with cold tears.
  • After October, there is no smell of summer.
  • September smells like apples, October - cabbages.
  • October will fill the roof with snowy hops.

Signs and traditions for every day of October

October 1. The people called this day the first winter, or the flight of cranes. It was noted that if cranes and geese are in no hurry to leave their native places, the cold will not come soon, and the winter will be mild and short.

  • Cranes will fly - in two weeks you have to wait for the first frost: if they are not visible on the Arina - winter will come in a month, not a single frost will hit before November 2.
  • On Arina (October 1) there is the first winter (the first snow and frost).
  • The day is also called Arina-wild rose: they begin to collect rose hips and dry them.
  • If the weeds have grown very high, there will be a lot of snow.

2 October. By this time, bee sittings begin: the bees stop flying out of the hives for nectar, close up the entrances with wax - they hide for the winter. Hence, one of the names of this day is “bee nine”, which means a commemoration for bees, which will not be seen until next spring.

  • Thicker pours a leaf - orders the beehive to be removed from the apiary.
  • In nine days of bee nine days in a row, a beggar will eat a spoonful of honey.
  • Put the hive in the cellar - the holiday of honey is right

October 3rd. Day of Astafiya. From that day strong winds began to blow, and on the same day the millers' holiday was celebrated - the only people, capable of curbing terrible whirlwinds and making them turn mill wings.

  • Northern Astafyevsk winds - to a cold, southern - to heat, western - to sputum (rain), eastern - to a bucket.
  • If it is foggy and warm, and a long white cobweb flies along the alleys, the autumn will be favorable and the snow will not fall soon.
  • If there is a wind from the south on Eustace - to a good harvest of winter bread.
  • On Astafya, a northerner ( North wind) will catch a cold.
  • Not all bad weather is not Astafya - a clear day will also glimpse.
  • In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
  • In October, the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry.
  • After October, the summer does not smell.
  • September smells like an apple, and October smells like cabbage.

  • What is the weather like on Kondrat with Ignatius, it will stay like that for the whole month.
  • It is clear on Kondrat with a sharp northeast wind - for a cold winter.
  • If the cold has intensified - say goodbye to good weather.
  • This day's weather will remain unchanged for another four weeks.
  • If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • If it gets cooler during the day and warmer at night, there will be bad weather.
  • The cold drove all people to the stove, and all the heat went to the sky (at this time it becomes really cold).
  • If a leaf has not fallen from a birch, the snow will fall late.
  • It was impossible to eat fish on Jonah: they remember the stay of the prophet Jonah in the belly of a whale.
  • With a crop failure for cedar cones, spruce and pine, winter is not fierce.
  • Ferrets and martens change their summer fur for winter fur ahead of time - by early winter.
  • Many acorns on oak - to warm winter and fertile (bread) summer.
  • Zarevnitsy raspberries (painted red) glass huts.
  • Thunder on this day portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
  • If in October the sun rises quickly and shines brightly, the weather will change.

  • If by this day the birch leaf has not fallen, the snow will fall late.
  • Wind from the north - to a cold winter, from the south - to a warm one, from the west - to a snowy one.
  • If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, there will be a severe winter.
  • The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - for good weather.
  • The stars are bright - for good weather, dim - for rain or snow.
  • Clouds float in October from north to south - to sunny weather, from south to north - to inclement weather.
  • They love an apple tree for apples, a bee for honey.

October 11. Khariton's day. According to popular beliefs, this day was considered very dangerous - they could jinx it, cause damage, and in order not to bring trouble on themselves and the household, it was supposed to stay at home and do housework. In no case was it possible to sweep the rubbish out of the hut, because the garbage thrown out could bring trouble into the house.

  • Khariton - damage in the hut.
  • Feofan threw a caftan on the sun.
  • There are many stars on Feofan - by the dry autumn.
  • If fog appears late in the evening or at night, there will be no frost.
  • If a late fungus appears, there will be a late snowball.
  • The first frost will come late - by a mild winter with changeable weather.
  • If the snow falls, winter will not come soon.
  • The cranes have already flown away for the early and cold winter.
  • If the squirrel has shed cleanly, the winter will be good.
  • The first dry snow promises a good summer.

  • From where the wind comes to Pokrov, from there the cold will come.
  • The Pokrov did not cover, and Christmas will not cover (the winter will be little snowy).
  • Rainy Cover brings grace to bees.
  • On Pokrov before lunch - autumn, after lunch - mother winter!
  • Clear sky - to frost.
  • Low dark clouds portend cold, and possibly snowfall.
  • Jackdaws gather in flocks and shout - the weather will be clear.
  • Sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - expect bad weather.
  • If mice dig holes to the south, the winter will be cold.
  • From Yerofey the cold is stronger
  • No matter how angry the peasant Erofey is, and winter puts on a fur coat from Erofei
  • On Erofeev's day, one "Erofeich" warms the blood!

  • If the snow does not fall, winter will not come soon.
  • Leaves remain on birches and oaks - by a harsh winter.
  • The clicking and crackling of trees in autumn - to good weather.
  • The fog that disappears after sunrise portends good weather.
  • Birds fly away together to the south - to the harsh winter.
  • Autumn snow is useful for rye, if it falls on the damp ground.
  • Denis Pozimsky came
  • Put on a warm dress with Thomas
  • Foma - breaks the bins, take everything for nothing
  • Foma is a big feed
  • In the wilderness and Thomas the nobleman
  • They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Foma. Foma was beaten for Yeremin's guilt
  • The first dry snow promises a good summer.
  • On this day, they first feed the cattle and only after that they have breakfast themselves.
  • The furnace is kindled by the youngest member of the family, then in winter the house will not be chilly.
  • Women wear new headscarves on this day. There is a sign: whoever covers his head with a new scarf on Sergius, his head will not hurt all year.
  • Pregnant women prayed to God not to give birth on Sergius Day, because childbirth on this day can be difficult.
  • If snow falls before the trees have shed their leaves, it will soon melt.
  • Sergius beats the grass with frost, but Matryona (November 22) does not allow winter to turn.
  • If the weather is good, then stand for three weeks (until November 10).

  • Prepare a fur coat - winter will wander
  • Trifon mends a fur coat, Pelageya sews sheep's mittens
  • Cold and need - there are none worse
  • White snow on Yakov is good.
  • The first snow falls - forty days before winter.
  • Prepare warm clothes - winter wanders.
  • From Yakov icy, the cold flaps its wings.
  • Not the snow that sweeps, but the one that comes from above.
  • If the first snow falls on Jacob, then there are still forty days before winter.
  • Evlampy splits off the torch, blows the fire, frightens the darkness.
  • Last days of cumulus clouds.
  • The moon on Philip in a dim haze - to bad weather (snowfall).
  • A clear moon is a harbinger of frost.
  • The wind blew from the north side - to the big cold.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.

Folk signs say that on this day you can’t wash, whiten, knock out feather beds, put kvass, buy church candles for the house, quarrel with people, kick animals, guess on the cards.

  • Whoever was born on this day will sip a lot of grief.
  • Do not offend anyone on Provo - there will be no happiness yourself. This sounds like advice: do not quarrel, do not take revenge, so that nothing bad happens to you either.
  • On this day, they don’t ask “Who is there?” at the knock on the door, so that illness and trouble do not come into the house.

The rooster crowed before nine o'clock in the evening - for the rain.

According to popular belief, a pregnant woman could not comb her hair on this day, for fear of angering the saint and losing her help during childbirth.

  • Rainy autumn - rainy spring.
  • Paraskeva-Friday - woman's intercessor, protector of peasant women.
  • Paraskeva-Friday is the patroness of women's winter work.
  • If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, do not expect good weather.
  • Good weather will continue if the sky is clear, pure blue.
  • If the moon on Longinus is cloudy and pale, frost and snow are possible.
  • The sun wanders in the clouds, as if in a fog - to bad weather.
  • Osius the dirty: neither the wheel nor the runner loves, and yet
  • On the prophet Hosea, the wheel says goodbye to the axle - they put the cart in the barn, pull the sleigh into the light - winter is coming!
  • By the creak of the cart wheels on the day of Hosea, they guessed about the harvest.
  • A cuckoo cuckoos on a dry tree - to frost.

As long as the cherry leaf does not fall cleanly - no matter how much snow falls, everything will melt.

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The second month of autumn is closely connected with the pre-winter: nature is already falling asleep, the first frosts are coming, living beings are gradually rebuilding to new biological rhythms. By the October weather and the peculiarities of natural phenomena, one can judge the coming winter. For example, a sunny and welcomingly warm month promises severe frosts in winter period. At the same time, folk signs of October are not limited to weather forecasts.

Other month names

According to the state of the weather, the month was called kisselnik and krutevert, because sunny days there were few

Its name takes its roots in Latin. Octo means 8, which corresponds to the sequence of months in the calendar ancient rome. March was the beginning of the year for the Romans. Hence the sonorous Latin name of October - Octovrium.

People call October "the evening time of the year." He also has other names:

  • Slavic names associated with the fall of autumn foliage - leaf fall, leaf fall.
  • Ryuin - the name of October, which came from Church Slavonic.
  • Pazdernik is a name formed in Polish from the word "pazder". This time fell on the beginning of the processing of hemp and flax.
  • Popular names - podzimnik, mud, wedding. These names are associated with the way of life of the peasants, their way of life.
  • IN Belarusian language October is called kastrychnikam, and in Ukrainian it has the sunny name "zhovten".

General signs of October

A lot of spruce cones in October foreshadowed an excellent harvest of spring crops

October weather is unstable, and nature is behaving restlessly. Watching natural phenomena and weather conditions in October, you can find out what autumn will be like, the coming winter, and when spring will begin.

  • Did the trees bloom in the second round? This means that autumn will be long and warm.
  • The foliage on the trees remains green for a long time and slowly falls off - to be a short winter with almost no frost.
  • Warm and dry weather this month promise frosts in winter.
  • If in October there was a thunderstorm with thunder, then the winter is expected to be short, snowy, with a mild disposition.
  • Did the fall period end quickly? Early cold will come, and the winter will be cold.
  • The willows were covered with frost early - they have to survive a long winter.
  • By cold and early winter, if the birds fly low to the ground.
  • The October sunset is fiery, bright - which means the weather will be windy.

It is believed that by October one can judge the coming spring. April will be the same as October turned out to be: on what dates of the month the fine days will come, on the same dates of April the real spring weather. And if the earth is already covered with snow in October, then in the spring the snow will slowly leave the fields.

Folk omens for every day

Winter often came to Arina - the first snow
  • October 1 - Irina (Arina) Rosehip.

Harvesting of wild rose berries for drying begins. It is generally accepted that healing properties endowed only with those fruits that were collected after Arina Rosehipovnitsa.

The cranes moved south. Did the birds fly today? Be on the cover of frost.

  • October 2 - Trofim and Zosima.

The date is marked by the beginning of the "Bee deviatina", literally - this is a bee commemoration. On Zosima, the bees are hiding, and the beekeepers are beginning to prepare the hives for the coming cold. It was believed that for health it is necessary to eat a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach for nine days in a row. It should be washed down with warm water.

On Trofim, according to legend, it is customary to choose a couple for a wedding. It was believed that Trofim was responsible for women's happiness and happy marriages.

  • October 3 - Evstafiy (Astafiy) Windmill.

Windmill patronizes windmill workers. On Evstafiya, the weather was determined by the direction of the wind. Heat is brought by winds from the south, and the north wind is a harbinger of cold weather. It blew from the west - bad weather, dampness, fogs are expected. Eastern winds bring warm and comfortable weather.

  • October 4 - Kondrat and Ipat.

Today, they definitely prepared the land for the harvest period, fertilized it. Kondrat and Ipat symbolize wealth and fertility, bring good luck to farmers.

  • October 5 - Jonah and Foka.

Aspen leaf drops - autumn yields

In the folk calendar, today marks the beginning of late autumn. Usually there is bad weather and the so-called “listoder” comes when strong gusts of wind bare the trees. Snow will not come soon if the birch leaf has not fallen on Fokine's day.

Legends say that Jonah had a chance to visit the belly of a whale. Therefore, it was forbidden to eat fish dishes on Jonah. Foka was honored in a special way, because he protected from fires and drownings.

  • October 6 - Iraida Disputable.

On Iraida, they were guessing about money. On this day, it was possible to find out how financial problems would be solved.

If the sunset on this day “burns” with scarlet clouds, then most likely it will be showers or cloudy days.

The weather was estimated by the moon: a halo around the moon promises variability and instability of weather conditions.

  • October 7 - Thekla Spinner, Zarevnitsa.

With the advent of Zarevnitsa, the course of days accelerates, the length of the day shortens, and the nights become darker and more impenetrable.

Oak stands in acorns - pleasant winter weather is expected, and summer promises to be rich in crops.

Weddings were often scheduled for Thekla. She patronizes family happiness, so a marriage concluded on this day is usually long and strong.

  • October 8 - Sergius of Radonezh, Sergei Kuryatnik, Kapustnik.

Has the weather been good? It won't change for three weeks.

The first snow today "tells" that the beginning of the winter season will fall on St. Michael's Day. Powdered dry soil - wait for melting snow; fell on the wet - will not melt.

  • October 9 - John the Evangelist.

Snow has already fallen on Ivan - it means that real winter will begin from Mikhailov's Day.

The first snow fell when the cherries stand bare - deep winter is approaching.

  • October 10 - Savvatiy Pchelnik.

Savvaty the Pchelnik was prayed for help to save the bees during the winter

The end of bee nines. If comfortable weather is established, then the rest of autumn will be the same.

  • October 11 - Kharitonov's day.

They were afraid of unclean forces and their harmful influence. On Kharitonov's day, they tried to deal exclusively with domestic life and not go out into the street. Garbage from the house was categorically not taken out, not swept. It was believed that in this way it would be possible to avoid damage, the evil eye, and other troubles.

  • October 12 - Theophan the Merciful. Kyriakos the Hermit.

If the sky is clear and the stars are visible, the autumn time will turn out to be dry and fine. Warm weather was expected to return that day.

  • October 13 - Grigoriev's day.

Snow fell - not to be winter for a long time.

On St. Gregory's day, the following was instituted: women burned old straw beds and lay down to rest on new ones. This rite was perceived as a way of protection from damage, the evil eye.

  • October 14 - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

End of the agricultural season. Until the Pokrov, the great Orthodox holiday, the entire crop was harvested and winter preparations were made. Otherwise, Pokrov was called the “holiday of the cold”, in honor of which thin pancakes “pancakes” were traditionally baked.

Folk signs for October 14 say: if the cranes have already flown away, the winter will be harsh, it will come early. What is the weather for the Pokrovsky holiday, this will be the whole winter season. Bad weather will come from the side where the winds blow.

  • October 15 - Kupriyan and Ustinya.

Demons were sent to people by witches and sorcerers

They believed that today demons and devils walk the streets and choose their victims. Therefore, in the morning everyone went to church and prayed to the intercessors Ustinya and Kupriyan so that they would deliver them from suffering, troubles and obsessions.

And those born on this day were prophesied luck and longevity.

  • October 16 - Denis Pozimny.

In the Denisov days, the so-called "evil eyes" were treated with caution. The people believed that these days it is very easy to spoil. But it's almost impossible to take it off.

  • October 17 - Erofei.

Significantly colder since Erofeev day. And if the cold did not descend - frosty winter not to be.

According to popular beliefs, today it is impossible to visit the forest, because the devils and goblin rage there, the winds howl, they promise danger to travelers and hide the roads.

  • October 18 - Kharitin's day, Kharitins - the first canvases.

No wind at all? It will get cold fast.

To see a lot of flying jackdaws and crows on Kharitin's day - to snowfalls.

Is it windy and clouds are moving in the opposite direction from the wind? So winter is coming.

  • October 19 - Denis Pozimsky and Foma.

Thomas is the patron of wealth acquired in an honest way. On this day, they went to church and put a candle for him.

If the harvest since the summer is rich and varied, then next year there is nothing to worry about, and vice versa.

There is no wind on Fomin's day - it will get colder soon.

  • October 20 - Sergius Zimny.

According to signs, first today it was necessary to feed the cattle, and then all family members

Zazimki call this day, in other words - the beginning of winter.

If the trees are still standing in the foliage and snow has fallen, a thaw is expected. If the first snow fell on Sergius Day, then exactly in four weeks real winter weather will set in. Night snow will fall soundly, firmly; and the one that fell in the daytime will quickly melt.

  • October 21 - Pelagia and Tryphon.

The cold is getting stronger - it's time to warm up. In the old days, it was believed that it was most correct to buy warm clothes for the winter on this day - such a wardrobe would last a very long time.

  • October 22 - Yakov's day, Yakov the Woodsaw.

This day was associated with the arrival of the first winter cold. The fallen snow was compared with snow pellets, which Yakov allegedly scattered. Hence another name - the Day of the first porridge. The one who served porridge on the table on October 22 was promised a prosperous life all year round.

  • October 23 - Evlampiy Zimoukatel.

On Evlampiya, the peasants watched the month: turned with their horns to the north - wait for the onset of a fierce winter; looks south - winter days are still far away, to be a slushy off-season.

If the mountain ash is still standing in the berries, a series of protracted downpours is coming.

  • October 24 - Philip's day, Phillip's rigmarole.

Snow covered the wet ground? Expect a good profit in the spring.

If the ice became strong on the rivers, then it was necessary to walk on it so that the money would flow.

  • October 25 - Prov. Ondronikos (Andronicus). Day of Ondron. Andron Stargazer.

Today it was not customary to ask at a knock on the door: “Who is there?”, so as not to let trouble into the house

On Pronov Day, the stars “tell” about the weather and what the harvest will be like. The dim twinkling of stars portends a thaw. Clear starry sky - to frost and a rich harvest of legumes.

  • October 26 - Karpov day. Agathon's day. Day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God.

According to the folk calendar, this is a bath day. Today we went to the bathhouse, took a good steam bath to get rid of all kinds of diseases.

Have mushrooms reappeared in the forest? Snow is too early to wait.

To see frost in the morning - to rain and showers.

Is the cat thoroughly washed? In the near future, cold frosts with snow will come.

  • October 27 - Day of Paraskeva.

Girls and women were exempted from housework and other chores. It was believed that if you do not follow the tradition, you will bring trouble and trouble on yourself and your home.

If the birth falls on Paskreva, then it will be successful and easy.

Is it muddy and wet underfoot today? So another month to wait for winter.

  • October 28 - Yefimiy Autumn.

On Efimiya it is good to clean the dwelling. According to beliefs, troubles and troubles, all ailments and bad luck leave the house with dirt and garbage.

  • October 29 - Longin Sotnik, Vratnik.

People believed that the centurion cured eye diseases. They prayed for his health.

It was believed that if you get wet in the rain today, you will walk healthy all year round.

  • October 30 - Osius Kolesnik.

If you really need to wash, you should do it closer to midnight

On Osiev's day, it was customary to prepare the sledge, and hide the cart until spring.

If you wash on Hosea, you will wash away your health along with the dirt.

  • October 31 - Onion Day.

Luka was prayed for health and strong family relationships.

The final day of the month of October. It was customary to observe the foliage on the trees. It was believed that today is the last day of leaf fall. If not all the foliage has fallen from the trees yet, then the winter will be formidable and long.

An October wedding will always be curious with its crazy photos!

There have been many weddings in October and before. In general, this month was considered a good time for marriage. It is especially suitable for truly loving and hardworking couples.

On the day of the October wedding, we always watched the weather. If the weather is sunny and warm, then life will be quite easy and carefree, and marriage will be strong. However, bad weather is not always a bad sign. For example, if snow falls for a wedding in October, then the newlyweds will live in abundance, or even richly.

If we focus on the Orthodox calendar, then in October the church allocates only one date that is undesirable for weddings and weddings - October 14, 2019 will be marked by a famous church holiday. On this day, the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated, and no prohibitions are imposed on the rest of the month.

Meanwhile, it is the 14th that is suitable for strengthening existing relationships or expressing hidden feelings to the object of love.

Lucky days this year enough!

Astrologers consider the second autumn month not the best time for marriage, but in lunar calendar There are a lot of really good dates.

  • Favorable numbers for a wedding in October 2019: 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 28.
  • Not recommended days for a wedding in October 2019: 16, 17, 19, 23, 24.