Pansies are the best varieties. Pansies: how to grow a flower of fidelity and love from seeds What pansies look like

It's hard to take your eyes off these charming, vibrant flowers. The variety of colors of the petals evokes admiration for the creations of nature. Viola (tricolor violet) in Russia was called: scrofula, tricolor, moth, half-flower or pansy. The article is devoted to the nuances of growing this wonderful crop in open ground, within the framework of the article, we will deal with the varieties and consider in detail planting and proper care of the plant.

Pansies- perennial plants, but cultivation is usually carried out according to the agricultural technology of a two-year crop. Abundant flowering in open ground occurs in spring and the first half of summer. Touching flowers open their petals to meet the first rays of the sun as soon as the snow melts.

This variety of violets will be a worthy decoration for any flower bed.

Single flowers with a diameter of 6 to 10 cm rise from the leaf axils. Sometimes viola flowers emit a delicate, subtle aroma. The leaves of the plant are delicate, light green, oval, with a crenate or jagged edge.

Cultivated varieties amaze with the magnificence of their varied colors. Breeders have bred a huge number of multi-colored violas, including: the whole spectrum of lilac shades, yellow, white, blue. Pansies in red-brown tones are not uncommon these days. Varietal violas have contrasting stripes, eyes, and borders on the petals.

Wittrock's classification of viola: varieties and series.

Pansies are usually divided according to the height of the bush:

  • short;
  • medium height;
  • tall.

The second sign of the division of viola varieties is based on the size of the flower:

  • species with large flowers;
  • small-flowered varieties;
  • with giant flowers.

Variety of shades of viola

In addition, pansies differ in the appearance of the edges of the petals:

  • smooth petals;
  • wavy edge of petals.

Based on the color of the petals, the following types of viola are distinguished:

  • varieties with monotonous (one-color) color;
  • two-color varieties;
  • a series of flower varieties with contrasting spots and stripes.

Pansies comprise more than 15 groups of ornamental garden varieties, which differ significantly in flowering time, flower color and size, shape, and winter hardiness. Breeders have developed many giant, wavy-edged varieties, including semi-double and double varieties. They can grow well in open ground.

The charming flowers of the “Russian Size” variety series exceed 10 cm in diameter. New selections are ampelous pansies of the “Waterfall” variety series. These plants are intended for hanging baskets; they are characterized by abundant, lush, long-lasting flowering.

Plain pansies

In landscape design, monochromatic pansies are popular, the planting of which allows you to delimit the garden area with contrasting colored spots.

Currently, single-color specimens of viola have been bred in bright, pure colors:

  • blue;
  • purple;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • orange;
  • red.

Planting a plant

The high decorative value of pansies in open ground directly depends on the planting location. Although the plant is quite shade-tolerant, in dense shade it degenerates: the flowers become smaller, lose their saturation, the stems of the plant stretch out and fade. The flowering time of such plants is significantly reduced.

Planting viola in open ground

The second condition for the luxurious flowering of pansies is the soil. Viola does not tolerate dry, rocky, sandy soil. This flower develops well in fertile soil, with a high content nutrients and moisture. Viola care is minimal.

How to plant pansies correctly: planting and care

Pansies - planting and care are not difficult: you can plant the plants directly from the seeds into the soil. To do this, the soil is loosened and the seeds are planted shallowly. carefully carry out using a watering can with a fine strainer so as not to wash the seeds out of the soil. Shoots in open ground appear on the 7-10th day.

To speed up flowering, care should be taken in advance to use the seedling method, when seeds are sown in a greenhouse or greenhouse in advance. This agrotechnical technique allows you to obtain abundantly flowering bushes much earlier than when sowing with seeds. Growing seedlings begins in February. Boxes with seeded viola are kept for a week in a dark place. With the emergence of seedlings, the boxes are moved to the brightest place. Caring for seedlings involves timely watering and hardening. Pansy seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-May. Flowering can begin within a month.

An example of decorating a summer cottage with pansies

Important! Watering the seedlings must be carried out regularly, preventing the earthen ball from drying out or becoming waterlogged.

Viola is an unpretentious plant. Caring for her is not difficult. The plant requires regular watering, but it does not respond well to stagnant water in the garden bed.

Important! To prolong the flowering of the viola bush and preserve the decorative appearance of the plant, faded flowers must be removed regularly. Pinching stimulates the development of side shoots, which increases the number of decorative flowers.

Fertilizer and feeding

When preparing a bed for planting viola, it is important to provide for the application of fertilizers to increase the flowering period. Granular double superphosphate is excellent for this purpose. The fertilizer is embedded in the soil, where it slowly dissolves during the summer season and feeds the plants with phosphorus, which is responsible for the beauty of flowers.

Pansies, like any other plants, need mineral nutrition

During the growing season and flowering of pansies, it is necessary to apply complex fertilizer for garden flowers. The frequency of application of nutrients is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Excellent results are achieved when applying foliar fertilizing, when the fertilizer is sprayed on the foliage.

Important! Pansies do not tolerate manure.

Plant propagation

In addition to sowing seeds, pansies can be easily taken from cuttings. Propagating viola by cuttings in open ground is not difficult. Around the beginning of summer, green cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut from the bushes of the plant. Fresh cuttings are planted in a prepared bed. When planting, the viola should be watered and sprinkled with water.

Viola cuttings

Important! The use of growth stimulants (epin, kornevin, heteroauxin) increases the survival rate.

Propagation of the crop by green cuttings allows you to obtain a hardened, full-fledged bush, ready for flowering, in less than a month.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, tender pansies are not immune to diseases and pests. Pansies have many diseases:

Powdery mildew affects the entire plant. The affected parts of the flower die over time, and new buds do not form.
Treatment: a water-soap emulsion is sprayed over the plant.

Gray rot causes damage (rotting) to all parts of the plant. Treatment: spraying with a 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride up to 4 times every 1 week.

Regularly inspect plants for diseases and pests

spotting- premature death of leaves; slowing down flowering. Treatment: the same control measures as for gray rot.

Blackleg- development of rot on the root collar and roots of the flower. Develops with excessive watering, dense soil and stagnant water. Prevention: use of clean planting material, properly organized watering. Growing a crop in a waterlogged bed leads to the death of plants.

Pests of pansies are aphids and spider mites. Affected plants wither, stop blooming, and eventually die. In case of severe infestation, it is necessary to treat the flower garden with appropriate pest control preparations.

Pansies: combination with other plants

Wittrock's violet goes well with low-growing perennials or biennials:

  • Daisy;
  • Horned violet;
  • Iberis;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Lobelia.

Pansies in a flowerbed in combination with forget-me-nots

When planting flower crops together, you should select plants of a suitable size so that plants growing nearby do not oppress each other.

An excellent combination in a flowerbed is achieved by planting pansies alone, and varieties of the same color or a multi-colored mixture are selected. Such flower beds look elegant and decorative.

Pansies in landscape design

The use of pansies in landscape design has received widespread and quite justifiably:

  • young crops bloom in the same year (when sown through seedlings);
  • a wide palette of colors makes it possible to choose the appropriate variety for any flower bed design solution;
  • The flowering of the crop begins quite early, in the cold spring, when there are few flowering crops.

An example of landscape design using plain pansies

Viola clumps look great on an emerald green lawn. Carpet ornaments are laid out from flowers, paths are lined with them, and planted in hanging flower pots. Planting does not cause any trouble or difficulty, and caring for viola is quite simple, so it is often used to decorate areas in landscape design.

Rules for planting viola in the ground: video

Pansy flowers- a beautiful flowering plant with flowers of various shades, in the center of which there is a spot, it can be different shapes and colors. Pansies are members of the Violet family. Latin name plants sounds like Viola tricolor. The flower is also known as tricolor violet and Viola Vitrocca. The plant is a thin stem with rounded leaves and single flowers (see photo). Japan and China are considered the birthplace of pansies. The flowers grow wild in Europe. Viola can be found on forest edges and clearings; it grows both in gardens and along roadsides. In the language of flowers, violet means reflection, meditation.

There is a touching legend that pansies are Anyuta turned into delicate flowers. The girl saw off her beloved to defend his homeland, but the guy did not return home. Even having turned into a flower, the girl looks out for her beloved, “peers” into the distance. Pansies have long been a symbol of love and fidelity. In France and Poland, it is customary to give these flowers as a souvenir to a loved one during separation. In England, there is a tradition of sending a dried flower with your name to your chosen one if the guy is embarrassed to confess his feelings to her. Also in England, pansies are presented to the beloved girl on Valentine's Day. Flowers were also used in love magic: people believed that if the juice of the plant was anointed on the eyelids of a sleeping lover, then after waking up he would love this girl forever.

Pansies are often planted as an ornamental plant. They are often used for floral decoration. Touching violets look great together with tulips, daisies, forget-me-nots, and daffodils. Violets are unpretentious, tolerate replanting well, and can be combined with many ornamental plants. Pansies are widely used in cooking and medicine. It is better to collect flowers for gastronomic and medicinal purposes in the field, since violets collected in city parks can be not only of little use, but also dangerous. For culinary experiments, it is better to collect flowers early in the morning, when they are filled with dew.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow pansies in the garden, in open ground, the plant is cold-resistant and unpretentious. Flowers can grow in both sunny and partial shade. The only thing is that violets planted in partial shade will not bloom so abundantly and brightly. Flowers prefer fertile soils. Pansies are propagated by seeds and cuttings. The time for sowing seeds depends on the desired flowering time. In order to get maximum flowering in early spring, you need to have time to plant the seeds at the end of June.

Plant care consists of regular watering and fertilizing. When watering, it is important not to overwater the plant, otherwise it will simply rot. It is better to water flowers only during drought. You can feed pansies with mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. The period of violets occurs in April - May, depending on planting. The plant can bloom until late autumn. In order to prolong flowering, it is recommended to remove flowers that have bloomed, since otherwise the plant will stop blooming and the seed stage will begin.

Collection and storage

Pansies, or tricolor violets, are collected during their flowering period, which occurs from May to September. The plant's herbs are harvested for medicinal purposes. Tricolor violet can easily be confused with fragrant violet; the main difference between these species is that the former does not have a characteristic violet aroma. When preparing medicinal raw materials, it is important to separate the plant’s grass from roots, seeds, and flower remains. Dry pansies in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of pansies have long been used to treat certain diseases. Pansies have found their use in official medicine due to the presence expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic properties. The aerial part of the plant is rich in vitamin C (up to 300 mg), carotenoids, and flavonoids. Viola grass also contains mucus, bitterness, and salicylic acid.

Pansy flowers are part of a homeopathic remedy that is used for skin diseases, vaginal candidiasis, and vaginal itching. Externally, a decoction of pansies is used for eczema. For acne treatment a collection is prepared from the herbs of pansies, veronica officinalis, and string. All herbs are taken in equal quantities. To prepare the decoction, add 200 ml of boiling water to 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture and leave for about 10 minutes. Take 800 ml infusion an hour after meals.

For skin diseases, prepare an effective home remedy called “violet oil.” To prepare the product, take 100 ml olive oil, 10 grams of pansy flowers, 5 grams of ivy budra leaves. All ingredients are mixed and boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath, then the oil is filtered and stored in a glass jar. Soak a napkin in violet oil and apply it to problem areas.

Use in cooking

In cooking, pansies have found use in the preparation of floral desserts. Pansies are edible flowers, which allows chefs around the world to prepare a wide variety of dishes from them. In Western restaurants that serve these flowers, such dishes are very expensive. Pansies are added to salads, the flowers give them an appetizing appearance and pleasant taste. Flowers of dark shades are often added to vinegar to give it an interesting, soft lilac color.

Like other edible flowers, pansies are great for making dessert dishes. The delicate petals of this plant are added to fruit jelly, yogurt. Pansies are great for decorating a cake. A popular recipe for preparing pansies is sugaring flowers. In order to prepare such flowers, it is enough to select the freshest and most beautiful pansies, wash and dry them. Then beat the egg white and apply the resulting mass with a brush on both sides of the petals. The last stage is the powdering of flowers powdered sugar, flowers are left at room temperature until completely dry or dried in the oven. Candied flowers can be consumed as a separate delicacy or used to decorate desserts.

Small flowers can be served in homemade cocktails if you first freeze them in ice cubes. In order to diversify the jelly, the bottom of the mold can be decorated with pansies, and then filled with any light jelly. Pansy petals are often brewed with tea, resulting in a very gentle and healthy drink.

The benefits of pansies and treatment

The benefits of violets are obvious if you have skin diseases . Decoctions are prescribed as lotions on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Pansies are effective and for respiratory diseases. Violet infusions and decoctions are prescribed as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Violet has proven itself well in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis. The medicinal infusion is prepared from a tablespoon of dry raw materials, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the resulting decoction for two hours. The infusion should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The infusion is effective for gout, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Traditional medicine uses pansies much more widely. A decoction of pansies is used as an enveloping agent for gastritis. For the treatment of sore throat brew herbal tea from pansies, dead nettles, string and strawberry leaves. One spoon of the collection is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, and the decoction is taken 3 times a day.

Harm of pansies and contraindications

Pansies can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Long-term use may cause digestive problems, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Pansies, which are known under the elegant name viola or under the academic name Vitrocca violet, will help you create a multi-colored velvet carpet in your corner of paradise. The traditional colors of this crop are purple and yellow. Over time, breeders have developed about 200 varieties with stunning shades. So the garden violet became a wildly blooming and beautiful decoration of the garden.

The violet family has many features in planting, care, and cultivation. To enjoy such beauty both in spring and autumn, you need to know some nuances. You should also choose the right variety for planting.

Characteristics of the flower

The shades of the petals are so rich that even in the photo the pansies look incomparable. You can see this beauty in early spring, when it gets warmer. Some varieties are pleasing to the eye throughout the summer because they easily tolerate hot weather. Others feel great in velvet season, because they can withstand even frosts. Among other things, varieties have been bred that are resistant to low temperatures. All this diversity is classified as follows.

Variety of shapes and colors of viola

According to the size of the flower they are divided into: large-flowered; multi-flowered; terry; semi-double; gigantic.

The plant form can be: single; potted; ampelous; flowerbed There are flowers of all possible colors and shades. They can decorate any flower bed or grow on: balconies; curbs; outdoor vases; alpine slides; flower beds; in the house. Sometimes they are planted with early bulbous ones. Daffodils and hyacinths fade, but pansies bloom until late summer.

Pansy flower plant description

This perennial crop (although we usually grow it as an annual crop) also has several other names - violet and viola.

The ornamental plant has been quite popular for quite a long time and today there are several hundred varieties of pansies, and up to four hundred types of crops.

There are large-flowered and multi-flowered, gigantic, semi-double and double, single, potted, ampelous, and cube types of pansies.

The plant is not tall, reaching a height of up to 40 centimeters. The colors of the buds are very varied, as is the size and shape of the leaves.

With proper care of the flower and in good weather, the plant develops quite quickly and is capable of blooming already in the first autumn after sowing.

Most often, these are those varieties with a bud diameter of about seven centimeters and usually with a uniform color of the buds. Flowering of viola occurs depending on the time of sowing the seeds and continues long time- literally all summer.

Growing and care

The special value of pansies lies in their early and abundant flowering. Pansies are used for early spring two-shift flower decoration. In the summer, when it loses its decorative value, it is replaced with summer flowers. But depending on the timing of sowing and the adopted agricultural technology, you can get flowering in summer and late autumn. In this regard, pansies are a very flexible, undemanding and easy-to-cultivate plant. Pansies are propagated mainly by seeds and green cuttings. Depending on the planned time of flowering, sowing is done at different times. To obtain abundant early spring flowering, seeds are sown in the summer of the previous year.

In the northern and northwestern zones, for example near Leningrad and Murmansk, seeds are sown in open ground (nurseries) in the second ten days of July so that the plants do not develop too much, are not excessively large, and do not bloom in the fall.

Pansies are winter-hardy plants, but in the North-West, but sometimes in the middle zone they are observed to freeze and damp out. More often this happens in damp places and when sowing dates are violated. If the seeds are sown in late May - early June, the seedlings bloom in the fall and outgrow. Such plants go into winter already weakened; they do not tolerate winter well and often die out. Therefore, plants that are well bushed, but not overgrown or weakened by autumn flowering, tolerate overwintering better, do not wither away and bloom well in the spring of next year. With later, belated sowings, the plants go into winter not strong enough and have little bushiness. They winter worse and bloom later in the spring. A winter with little snow has a negative effect on the overwintering of pansies. severe frosts. Spring can be especially destructive, when the snow melts very early, thaws begin, and at night there are severe frosts. Therefore, it is advisable to retain snow on ridges with pansies. They do not tolerate low, damp places and especially spring stagnation of water.

To obtain seedlings, sowing is done in nurseries or on well-cultivated ridges in rows; seeds are not sown densely in a row; seedlings appear on the 6-14th day. Regular care: watering, loosening row spacing. The seedlings are spread to other ridges or nurseries, where they should overwinter. The picking distance is 20 x 20 cm. Picking must be done in a timely manner, preventing the seedlings from stretching and outgrowing.

The next year, in early spring, the plants quickly begin to grow and bloom. To speed up flowering, the beds can be covered with film in early spring. Pansies in bloom are transplanted into flower beds. To decorate windows and balconies, they are planted in pots or flower boxes.

Caring for plantings in places of registration consists of systematic weeding and loosening. If necessary, water and control pests. It is useful to feed the seedlings with ammonium nitrate and add superphosphate (20-40 g per 1 m2). Pansies do not tolerate fresh manure. To prolong flowering in the summer, it is necessary to remove all faded flowers in order to delay the development of fruits, since when seeded, the plants stop flowering.

On poor, dry, sandy soils, pansies quickly become smaller, especially varieties with gigantic flowers. On such soils it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers in the form of compost and humus (5 kg per 1 m2); applying fresh manure is not recommended. In a sunny place, pansies produce large and bright flowers. In partial shade they bloom a little longer, but poorer, the flowers are smaller and not so bright.

In the summer, when pansies fade and lose their decorative value, they are dug up and replaced with annuals.

To obtain seeds, the most typical strong compact specimens are selected from among the plants dug up and planted on seed beds (they can easily tolerate replanting in a flowering state). Watering is necessary. Considering that pansies are cross-pollinating plants, when planting them for seeds, it is necessary to maintain spatial isolation of one variety from another. This will allow you to obtain pure-quality seeds. Seed collection should begin when the boxes turn yellow, otherwise they will quickly crack and the seeds will spill out.

If desired, pansies can be grown as an annual crop. To do this, seeds are sown in March in a greenhouse or room in bowls or picking boxes. In April they dive into greenhouses, and in May they are planted in the ground. When sown in spring, pansies experience prolonged flowering in the summer of the same year. But in terms of the abundance and size of flowers, the annual crop is much inferior to plants grown from last year’s summer sowing.

For autumn flowering, pansies are sown in April - May; on the 55th -70th day they bloom.

Which type of pansy to choose

Breeders and seed sellers divide pansies into two categories: varieties with large flowers - large-flowered and varieties with small flowers - multi-flowered.

The largest flowers reach a diameter of 10 cm, the small ones - about 6 cm, and the rest - somewhere in between.

When choosing a variety of pansies, you should not think that the larger the flower, the better. Experience shows that the hardiest, strongest plants have small flowers. In addition, small multi-flowered varieties are better adapted to rainy weather and temperature changes. Although their flowers are small, there are many of them, so the overall effect is brighter than from the same number of bushes with large flowers.

Experience shows that where the climate is colder, small-flowered varieties win. But small-flowered pansies have also become leaders in the south. To be fair, it should be admitted that in the south large-flowered pansies have one interesting feature: The hotter the weather, the smaller the pansies become. Thus, if you plant a plant with small flowers in the spring, by the end of the season you will get very small flowers. That's why large-flowered pansies traditionally dominate urban flower beds, for example, they look great in hanging baskets or containers.

  • Do you want to extend spring? Then leave the pansies to overwinter. We assure you, this is not a joke! Plant pansy seedlings towards the end of summer - they will bloom all autumn, during winter thaws, even next spring!
  • This culture boasts an extremely healthy heredity: its ancestors are the tricolor field violet and the yellow forest violet. In fact, modern garden pansies are perennial plants and, if covered for the winter, they live for several years, although most often we treat them as annuals and, when the weather gets hot, mercilessly pull them out of the ground by the roots.
  • If you plant them from August 15 to September 10, then Wittrock violets will take root well and decorate your garden not only in the fall, but also next spring. After overwintering, they will bloom in early spring, blooming throughout March, April, and especially magnificently in May.
  • Small-flowered varieties tolerate wintering especially well. Pansies in classic colors (gold, purple, white with spots, yellow with spots) overwinter better than the newfangled orange, red, pink and pastel ones.
  • If you decide to plant pansies in the fall and leave them to overwinter in the garden, find a place protected from the wind, provide them with well-drained soil, for example, a high bed along a wall or some other shelter. Wind and soil with poor drainage will destroy wintering plants. Plant them in the ground at least a month before the onset of frost so that the roots have time to adapt by the beginning of winter.
  • We recommend planting pansies mixed with tulip or daffodil bulbs - in the spring your garden will have an exquisite carpet.
  • The best shelter for pansies is snow cover. If the winter turns out to be cold but with little snow, cover the plants with mulch, for example, pine spruce branches. You should not use fallen leaves for this purpose - they absorb too much moisture, they will crush and damage the plants.
  • If you live in the northern regions and want to plant these flowers in the fall, even leave them for the winter, find out in advance whether the nursery has the pansy seedlings you need. If there is none, germinate seeds of suitable varieties yourself. They need to be germinated in mid-summer. Prepare a cool place (cellar) and get to work.
  • You can wait until autumn, sow the seeds in a cold greenhouse or protected bed, and transplant the seedlings into open ground in early spring. In the fall you won’t get any flowers, but from early spring pansies will decorate your garden.
  • As a rule, pansies do not have problems with pests. True, sometimes, when it is dry and hot, red mites appear. It is necessary to treat the plants with any insecticidal soap solution.

Pansy propagation by cuttings

This method of propagation helps preserve the plant with its characteristics. For example, large-flowered varieties degenerate over time and begin to produce small flowers. The cutting method can save and propagate such a rare specimen. To do this, cut a small shoot with two leaves from the plant and plant it in a cup with soil. Such a cutting will sprout roots on its own without additional stimulants. Water the planted shoots and place them away from the light in a shady place. In a month, the cuttings will become full-fledged plants that can be transplanted into open ground. Important! Use soil from the area where you plan to plant flowers. This will help the plant immediately adapt to the characteristics of your soil.

Reproduction of tricolor violet by dividing the bush

This method is used for propagating perennial varieties. Violets should not grow in one place for more than four years. They degenerate and disappear. To prevent this, large shrubs are divided into small parts. The plant should be divided in early spring before flowering begins.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that appears on leaves and stems as white plaque. If the plant has small spots, you need to treat the surface of the leaves with fungicides such as Clearflower or Topaz. If the fungus spreads more strongly, the plant must be pulled out of the garden bed so as not to infect other flowers. Gray mold is a disease of fungal origin. It appears as a grayish mold that covers the affected areas of leaves and stems. To stop the spread of infection, you need to remove the leaves. Sprinkle the remaining affected areas with wood ash or chalk.

If the fungus has spread extensively throughout the flower, you need to spray it with a fungicidal preparation (fundozol, pure flower, paradise, speed). Bacterial spotting - this disease is caused by phytopathogenic bacteria. It appears as brown or black spots that affect the leaves. To stop the spread of the disease, you need to pull out the affected plant and spray neighboring shrubs with a fungicide of moderate toxicity, for example, copper oxychloride.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of pansies have long been used to treat certain diseases. Pansies have found their use in official medicine due to the presence expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic properties. The aerial part of the plant is rich in vitamin C (up to 300 mg), carotenoids, and flavonoids. Viola grass also contains mucus, bitterness, and salicylic acid.

Pansy flowers are part of a homeopathic remedy that is used for skin diseases, vaginal candidiasis, and vaginal itching. Externally, a decoction of pansies is used for eczema. For acne treatment a collection is prepared from the herbs of pansies, veronica officinalis, and string. All herbs are taken in equal quantities. To prepare the decoction, add 200 ml of boiling water to 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture and leave for about 10 minutes. Take 800 ml infusion an hour after meals.

For skin diseases, prepare an effective home remedy called “violet oil.” To prepare the product, take 100 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of pansy flowers, 5 grams of ivy leaves. All ingredients are mixed and boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath, then the oil is filtered and stored in a glass jar. Soak a napkin in violet oil and apply it to problem areas.

Use in cooking

In cooking, pansies have found use in the preparation of floral desserts. Pansies are edible flowers, which allows chefs around the world to prepare a wide variety of dishes from them. In Western restaurants that serve these flowers, such dishes are very expensive. Pansies are added to salads; the flowers give them an appetizing appearance and a pleasant taste. Flowers of dark shades are often added to vinegar to give it an interesting, soft lilac color.

Like other edible flowers, pansies are great for making dessert dishes. The tender petals of this plant are added to fruit jelly and yogurt. Pansies are great for decorating a cake. A popular recipe for preparing pansies is sugaring flowers. In order to prepare such flowers, it is enough to select the freshest and most beautiful pansies, wash and dry them. Then beat the egg white and apply the resulting mass with a brush on both sides of the petals. The last stage is to sprinkle the flowers with powdered sugar; the flowers are left at room temperature until completely dry or dried in the oven. Candied flowers can be consumed as a separate delicacy or used to decorate desserts.

Small flowers can be served in homemade cocktails if you first freeze them in ice cubes. In order to diversify the jelly, the bottom of the mold can be decorated with pansies, and then filled with any light jelly. Pansy petals are often brewed with tea, resulting in a very gentle and healthy drink.

The benefits of pansies and treatment

The benefits of violets are obvious if you have skin diseases. Decoctions are prescribed as lotions on the affected area of ​​the skin.


Pansies are effective and for respiratory diseases. Violet infusions and decoctions are prescribed as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Violet has proven itself well in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis. The medicinal infusion is prepared from a tablespoon of dry raw materials, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the resulting decoction for two hours. The infusion should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The infusion is effective for gout, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Traditional medicine uses pansies much more widely. A decoction of pansies is used as an enveloping agent for gastritis. For the treatment of sore throat a herbal mixture is brewed from pansies, dead nettles, string and strawberry leaves. One spoon of the collection is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, and the decoction is taken 3 times a day.

Harm of pansies and contraindications

Pansies can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Long-term use may cause digestive problems, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Pansies in landscape design

The use of pansies in landscape design has become widespread and very justified:

  • young crops bloom in the same year (when sown through seedlings);
  • a wide palette of colors makes it possible to choose the appropriate variety for any flower bed design solution;
  • The flowering of the crop begins quite early, in the cold spring, when there are few flowering crops.

Viola clumps look great on an emerald green lawn. Carpet ornaments are laid out from flowers, paths are lined with them, and planted in hanging flower pots. Planting does not cause any trouble or difficulty, and caring for viola is quite simple, so it is often used to decorate areas in landscape design.

Charming pansies rarely leave anyone indifferent. Today it is a flower actively cultivated to decorate flower beds in summer cottages, in city parks. The ancestor of the Viola genus, which includes pansy flowers, is considered a small wild field plant.

Domesticated varieties, of which there are more than 250, are larger - reaching a height of up to 30 cm. Large bright flowers invariably attract attention. The plant does not require complex care.

There are annual, biennial, and perennial pansy flowers. A variety of colors allows you to create a flower bed to suit every taste.

Features of caring for pansies

In order for lush, long-lasting flowering to please the eye, the following care features must be taken into account:

  • a sunny place that is illuminated and warmed by gentle rays for at least 6 hours a day - the best choice for the growth of this flower;
  • watering is carried out weekly, shifting the moisture schedule depending on current weather conditions;
  • fertilizing is carried out at the same frequency as watering, since the plant requires strength for an active set of buds and prolonged flowering;
  • the flower is highly resistant to cold, so it can survive even minor frosts;
  • You should wait for flowering only in the 2nd year, because in the 1st year the plant only gains green mass.

Growing pansies

Pansies are an unpretentious plant, but planting and care require attention and compliance with certain rules.

Planting pansies

To quickly achieve flowering, experienced gardeners recommend planting in mid-summer. To begin with, pansy seeds are planted as seedlings indoors. As soon as the heat subsides, the plants grow and are transferred to open ground.

The seedlings are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm, because subsequently the bush increases significantly in size. The plant should be transferred along with the root soil. The planting depth should correspond to the size of the earth ball on the roots.

The main condition for planting is the absence of sunlight when the seedlings are moved. The soil must be moistened and fertilized. Until the plant takes root, it is necessary to provide regular watering. The soil around the planted plants is mulched. Seedlings are provided with protection from wind and cold.

Features of caring for adult plants

Planting and caring for pansies is not particularly difficult, but for the plant to feel good, you must follow some recommendations:

  • the soil for flowers should be soft, fertilized, and regularly loosened;
  • the plant is provided with frequent feeding and watering, while the soil must have time to dry out as root rot may occur;
  • It is better to shade the plant from direct sunlight because heat slows down the development of buds, reduces the intensity and duration of flowering;
  • provide a ventilated place of growth, do not allow stagnation of water or the formation of an earthen crust;
  • it is necessary to form a bush - pinch out insufficiently strong shoots;
  • wilted flowers are removed in a timely manner to prevent the formation of seeds and prolong abundant flowering;
  • dried specimens need to be trimmed and the bushes fertilized;
  • from the moment of a steady decrease in air temperature, the plant is prepared for wintering: feeding is stopped, pruned, covered with insulation (sawdust, peat).

Diseases of pansies

Pansies are often susceptible to diseases. The plant should be protected from diseases and pests. The main ones are:

  • powdery mildew;
  • bacterial spot;
  • gray rot.

Aphids and slugs hold the palm among pests that “love” pansies.

Among unpretentious flowers, pansies occupy not the last place. They do not require complex care and respond gratefully to caring treatment. In the photo of pansy flowers you can see how charming these babies are.

Photo of pansies

Tricolor violet is a flower with erect, branched, thin stems, 15-20 centimeters in height.. The leaves are arranged alternately. The shape is slightly round and heart-shaped. They are adjacent to large lyre-shaped stipules. The leaves on the stems are sessile, and the lower ones are petiolate.

The flowers are quite large, solitary, irregular shape, they open on elongated stalks. They reach 3-4 centimeters in diameter. The corolla forms five petals that are not similar in shape. The lower petal is yellow or white. He's bigger than the others. The two upper petals are violet-blue or dark purple. And the side ones often have a light purple color.

Which plants are they: annual or perennial?

Pansy is a perennial plant. Most often, amateur gardeners purchase one-year or two-year-old flowers in stores. The question arises why they don’t take perennial violets. The thing is that over time a beautiful flower loses its beauty. After three years, the plant becomes old. The buds become small and then do not form at all.

Origin story

It is not known exactly when and under what circumstances pansies appeared. Entire legends have been invented about the origin of the tricolor violet, but which of them are true and which are not is also unclear. Here is one such legend:

One day, the goddess Venus wanted to swim away from human eyes. She discovered a secret corner in a remote grotto. While bathing, the goddess suddenly heard a rustling sound. Turning, Venus noticed several eyes of curious mortals. She became very angry and decided to punish these people for such insolence. But Venus was unable to punish the curious, so she turned to Zeus, who turned them into pansies.

We recommend watching a video about the legend of the origin of Pansies:

What does viola look like?

Pansies have a thin stem with rounded leaves and single flowers. The stem can reach up to 30 centimeters in height. Inside it can be triangular, branched, hollow or erect. Sometimes, several creeping stems extend from one root.

The buds are single with five petals, which in turn are located on a triangular peduncle with two bracts near the flower itself. The sepals located below are larger in size than the upper ones. The predominant tones in color are blue, purple and various shades of these colors. The plant has five stamens pressed to the pistil. They are in contact with the anthers and short filaments of stamens.

Pansy leaves are petiolate, glabrous or sparsely hairy along the veins. The shape of the lower leaves is ovate. Petioles are elongated. The top leaves look different. Their shape is oblong lanceolate. The petioles on them are small. Each leaf has two stipules.

The root of the flower is thin, taprooted and has few branches. It is brown in color. It enters the ground almost vertically.

The most popular varieties with photos

  1. large-flowered;
  2. small-flowered.

Often, novice gardeners buy large-flowered Pansies, thereby making a mistake, because small-flowered ones are hardier and stronger. They are not afraid of rain and sudden temperature changes.

There are three types of plants:

  1. tricolor violet;
  2. yellow violet;
  3. Altai violet.

Breeders have created many varieties using the species listed above as a basis.

Evening heat

This variety has large beautiful flowers. They reach 5-6 centimeters in diameter. They grow on a long stalk that reaches 10 centimeters. The flowers themselves are not very bright, with wavy edges. The bush grows up to 15 centimeters in height.

Ice King

Grows in height up to 20 centimeters. During the flowering period, white flowers with a green tint bloom. The lower petals have characteristic purple spots.


This variety has gigantic dimensions compared to others. It reaches a height of 25 centimeters. Flowers are 6-7 centimeters in diameter with a wavy edge. Color – white with a yellow center.

Tiger's Eye

The flower has an unusual color that looks like a tiger. The bush is quite compact, growing up to 20 centimeters in height. It grows into a lush carpet. The flowers are yellow with black stripes. The diameter does not exceed 3-4 centimeters. This variety feels great in almost any soil with good drainage..


A plant that is distinguished by its rapid growth and long flowering. Adonis is quite small, only about 15 centimeters in height. Its flowers are large. The upper two petals are light blue, and the lower three have white and purple spots. Used in flower beds in groups. The variety is winter-hardy.

Medicinal properties of violet tricolor

Tricolor violet has medicinal properties, as its composition is extraordinary.. It contains salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, essential oils, tannins and much more. Such a wealth of substances provides effective assistance in treating diseases.

Actions on the human body:

  • Diuretic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Heals wounds.
  • Relieves itching and irritation.
  • Cleanses the blood.
  • Calming.

Important: Decoctions, infusions or teas can be prepared from the flower. Infusions of pansies are recommended to treat diseases of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial diseases, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Drops made from the plant can even cure sinusitis. Tricolor violet copes well with itching after mosquito bites in young children.

We recommend watching a video about medicinal properties Pansy (tricolor violet):

What does it symbolize?

Pansies symbolize fidelity, wisdom, devotion. They also symbolize the arrival of spring, as they are the first to bloom after the snow melts.

Legend of the flower

There are many legends about the flower and its origin. One of the legends says that one day the girl Anyuta showed excessive curiosity. She became interested in the details of the lives of strangers. And as punishment she was turned into a plant.

IN Ancient Rus' there were their own beliefs about Pansies. They said that because of love, the girl Anyuta turned into a flower. She fell in love with the young man, who reciprocated. But since the young man was from rich family, his parents insisted that he marry another, more wealthy woman. Anyuta could not stand such betrayal and died.

There was another legend. In a village there lived a girl named Anyuta. She was trusting and kind. One day, a young man of attractive appearance came to her village. Anyuta could not resist and trusted him, but he deceived her. The guy said he would come back for her, but he never came again. The girl soon died of melancholy, and wonderful flowers bloomed on her grave, which looked like her beautiful eyes.

In Germany, Pansies are called stepmothers. And this name was not invented by chance. The lower petal is the largest and most beautiful. The petal symbolizes the dressed-up stepmother. The slightly higher petals are dressed up daughters. The two remaining petals symbolize the stepdaughters in poor clothes.

Attention: There is a belief that at first the stepmother was on top, and the stepdaughter was on bottom. That was until God intervened. He turned the flower over, thereby taking pity on his stepdaughters.



Pansies are a beautiful flower about which legends and stories are made. It not only has unusual buds with multi-colored spots depending on the variety. He is a real helper in case of illness when traditional medicine less effective.

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