Papillon breed description. Papillon - description and characteristics of the breed. Appearance and breed standards

(from French "butterfly") - indoor - decorative breed, dwarf spaniel, without working tests, companion dog. A charming creature with movable, light, ears wide open like butterfly wings. Due to their mental abilities, they are ranked 1st among ornamental breeds, and 9th among breeds in the world. As for such a crumb, this is an excellent result.

History of the Papillon breed

No one knows for sure from which country the breed originated, but its fame stretches from the depths of centuries. Outwardly, it resembles a royal toy spaniel, an old European breed, the ancestors of which lived in royal palaces and houses of aristocrats in the 15th century. These cute crumbs accompanied noble ladies everywhere, even the portrait of crowned heads was considered unfinished without their image.

He was always close to those who are covered with glory and power. Sweetheart and affectionate breed gained great popularity among the nobles of past centuries, including Henry III, Louis XIV, Madame de Pompadour and others.

These noble babies were often given as gifts to noble people. The most famous owner of the breed was the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. During her lifetime, the ladies-in-waiting took care of the pets, who lived in their own separate palace called the Butterfly Pavilion. As the story goes, her favorite dog accompanied her to the guillotine, and before the execution she gave it to one of the executioners.

Despite the huge popularity among European monarchs, the Papillon came to England only in 1905. A lot of time has passed, and now this royal court toy has turned into a working breed.

Interesting fact: surprisingly, the papillon is an excellent shepherd for sheep, he is fast and agile. It is not difficult for him to direct the flock to the corral. The secret is that sheep don't know the difference between a big dog and a small dog. There will be the best shepherd among dogs, a border collie or a baby papillon in front of them, they listen to them the same way.

According to the standard, the Continental Toy Spaniel breed is divided into 2 types:

  1. Papillon or papillon (from fr. papillon- butterfly) breed with erect ears.
  2. Phalen (from fr. phalene- moth) with hanging ears

They are also divided into 2 weight categories:

  1. Males and females - 1.5-2.5 kg
  2. Males - 2.5-4.5 kg; Bitches - 2.5-5 kg

Papillon photo of an adult dog

  1. Body type: harmonious.
  2. Bones: strong.
  3. Movement: light, elegant, graceful, free.
  4. Head: small, rounded skull, slightly visible furrow between the eyes.
  5. Nose bridge: the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined. In large individuals it is hardly noticeable, in small ones it is pronounced.
  6. Nose: Black, rounded, slightly flattened above.
  7. Nose bridge: straight.
  8. Muzzle: Slightly shorter than the skull, pointed.
  9. Lips: Thin, tight to the jaws, black.
  10. Teeth: correct bite, scissor bite, strong jaws.
  11. Eyes: Large, dark, almond-shaped, not protruding, set low, the inner corner of the eye is at the intersection of the line of the skull and muzzle.
  12. Ears: Since the Papillon is from the Spaniel family, there is an assumption that the ears stood up in the 19th century, when the Phalena was crossed with a dwarf Spitz or Chihuahua.
  13. The ears are rather large, firmly set, slightly shifted back, distant from each other. It does not matter how the ears are located, whether they are hanging or standing, their ends are rounded. The ear is covered with a woolen cover, beautiful fringe hangs at the ends. The movements of the ears resemble the flapping of the wings of a butterfly, so they are able to move independently of each other.

  • PHALENE: A type of spaniel with floppy ears. At rest, they are set high, well above the line of the eyes. The hanging part is long, mobile, covered with long hair.
  • PAPILLON: A type of spaniel with erect ears. Set high, the shells are well open, directed to the sides. The inner edge of the shell forms an angle of approximately 45°.

Advice for new breeders: if you want to keep the purity of a particular species, never cross both varieties of spaniel. Such an experiment can lead to semi-erect ears that are broken at the top. Such posture is considered a serious vice.

Papillon photo formidable baby

  • Neck: Lean, set high, slightly arched at the nape.
  • Body: strong, straight.
  • Loins: Strong, slightly arched.
  • Chest: Broad, deep, slightly flat laterally.
    • The volume of the chest, at the level of the last two ribs, is equal to the height at the withers. Ribs are curved.
    • Underline: The stomach is moderately tucked up.
  • Tail: Set on high, covered with hair forming a fountain. When alert, the tail is carried over the back or thigh.
  • Forelimbs: straight, short. When viewed from the front and back, the set of the limbs is parallel. The shoulder blade fits snugly against the body. The elbows are equal in length to the shoulder, well pressed. The pasterns are slightly inclined.
  • Hind limbs: strong with well developed articulation angles. Paws are long, reminiscent of a hare, in relation to the pads are located at right angles.
  • Claws: black. White nails are acceptable in white-coated individuals.
  • Toes: movable with strong pads, hair grows between them, extending beyond the foot, as if lengthening it.
  • Coat: Thick, wavy, silky outer hair, without undercoat.
    • On the head, on the muzzle, on the outer side of the forelimbs, on the lower part of the hind legs, the hair is short.
    • On the body there is a coat of medium length, on the neck a beautiful collar smoothly descends to the chest.
    • The ears and back of the front paws are covered with a long fringe, on the outer side of the thighs the hair forms "trousers". In some individuals, the length of the hair reaches 7.5 cm on the back and 15 cm on the tail.
  • Males: Must have two testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Photo color papillon

    • White - sable (spots are pale lemon, red-red, mahogany color)
    • black and white
    • Tricolor (black - white with tan, color must be present on the ears and eyes)

    Spots of any color except blue are acceptable. Recognized as black and tan. Pure white color or white ears are not allowed, but this color should always prevail in any color. A blaze is visible on the head and muzzle, the spots on the sides are symmetrical.

    Like spaniels and phalenes, "freckles" on the muzzle and paws are characteristic.

    papillon character

    By nature, the Papillon is an intelligent, cheerful, cheerful and affectionate breed. It combines elegance and beauty, it is truly a royal dog.

    Very devoted to the owner, ready to understand him perfectly. These mobile, loving and restless babies will give you happiness and a radiant doggy smile. They love to be in the company of people, I require a lot of attention from the owner. If there is another animal in the house, they tolerate loneliness well.

    Be sure to accustom the baby to different situations, and then left at home alone, he will not play pranks. In any case, if you want to get a Papillon, you must approach this issue with responsibility. Hide accessible small things in the house, put wires away, remotes and slippers are favorite things for these big-eared babies to play with.

    Papillon with a strict character

    Buy your own toys, balls, squeakers for the papillon, and you may be able to distract him from yours.

    They lend themselves well to training and education, but by their nature, they are very self-confident, and training only highlights this side of their character. Gets along well with children and other pets.

    Papillon is not only great for keeping in a city apartment, but also perfectly adapts to living in a country house, with a spacious yard and garden. When kept in a city apartment, it can be taught to walk on a diaper, but this will not replace a full-fledged walk in the open air. It is necessary to walk twice a day, morning - evening, before feeding. If you walk near the road, keep him on a leash.

    An active and agile kid, shows excellent results in sports for agility and obedience (learning to work together with the owner, under his control) as if they were created for him. Papillon is a hardy jumper, with strong bones and strong paws. Sports also contribute to the development muscle mass, teaches obedience and clear execution of commands.

    Papillon care

    Papillon black and red color are played by the sea

    Papillon is a long-haired breed, shedding, but strong seasonal molt No, due to lack of undercoat. Males shed twice a year, females before estrus and after the birth of puppies, and this is more noticeable on them.

    Combing is enough 2 times a week with a metal comb, during molting, the frequency of combing can be increased. Regular hair care prevents tangles, especially between the fingers, when they appear, carefully cut them off. Before combing, lightly moisten the surface with a spray bottle, conditioner diluted with water.

    Haircut exists for hygienic purposes. On the body, the outer hair is not cut, it grows throughout life. The hair is cut off between the pads of the paws, in a circle of the paw, the foot is given the appearance of " hare paw”, around the anus and groin area.

    You can bathe once a week or as it gets dirty. For bathing, you should choose a shampoo that matches the type of coat that will not leave a yellow tint on the white coat. Breeders sometimes use shampoo for platinum blondes or gray hair, but remember that dogs have a different pH than humans and often such experiments end in dandruff.

    Claws cut 1 - 2 p. a month with a nail cutter for small breeds, sharp ends with a nail file to avoid burrs. Constantly watch the fifth dewclaw, do not forget to cut the claw on it. When walking, it is not erased, often grows long and twisted, thereby causing pain when walking. Too long claws cut in several approaches. Carry out the procedure carefully so as not to touch the blood vessels; you can cut it off by retreating 2-3 mm from the vessel.

    After walking, wipe the paws with a damp cloth or rinse in the shower. Check pads for cracks. To prevent cracking, rub vegetable oil into the pads. In winter, wash your paws especially well, make sure that the papillon does not lick off the reagent after walking.

    Papillon puppy photo of a baby with a sly look

    Ears should be inspected regularly, it is recommended to ventilate the phalenae. The inside is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

    Check teeth for inflammation or injury. Brush after 2-3 days with a special dog toothpaste using an appropriately sized toothbrush, sponge or finger brush. After each procedure, the dog must be praised.

    To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes, solid foods in your diet. Rope toys, rawhide chips will help to mechanically remove plaque. The toy should not fit entirely in the mouth or bite into small pieces.

    Eyes: Healthy papillon eyes are shiny, without souring and copious tearing. Wipe them once a week with a soft, damp cloth soaked in warm water or weak chamomile tea. Rinse each eye with a separate clean cloth.

    Causes of lacrimation in Papillon:

    • lacrimal sac inflammation
    • great content protein or carbohydrates in the diet
    • blockage of tear ducts
    • inversion of eyelashes or eyelids
    • extra row of lashes
    • allergic reaction
    • too thick eyelashes in the corners of the eye
    • ingress of a foreign object

    In any case, noticing profuse lacrimation, redness or pus, immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

    Tear tracts under the eyes, a favorable environment for bacteria, red-brown smudges or sores appear in the place of accumulation of moisture. Try to avoid this, for daily care, use an eye care lotion, which includes chamomile extract and mallow.

    Ticks and fleas

    Treat with a flea and tick remedy once a month. The remedy (Advantix, Frontline, or any other that your veterinarian advises) exists in the form of drops. They are applied to the withers closer to the neck, to a place where it is difficult to lick off, do not bathe for 10 days. On the first day, do not allow children to iron.

    The agent in the form of a spray is applied immediately before a walk in the forest or park, on clothes, and on her sunbed. Often the presence of fleas is a manifestation of allergies and scabies.

    But if you notice the following symptoms, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, the chance for salvation is great:

    • The dog is lethargic, sleeps constantly, falls on its hind legs when walking
    • Refuses to drink and eat
    • High temperature (more than 39 degrees)
    • Urine red-brown

    Papillon (phalena) - food

    Papillon photo on the rock

    For papillon and phalena, premium dry food, or natural food, is suitable. Drying buy high-quality, not cheap, but natural feeding varied, and as much as possible beneficial to the body, that is, fully meet the needs, plus vitamins and minerals.

    • The advantages of dry food, they do not need to be cooked, the portion can be read on the package, easy to take on the road. Minus - it is necessary to ensure that the papillon drinks water after taking drying, it is expensive.
    • The pros of natural feeding - you know what the food is cooked from, the cons - you need to find time to cook, it's not always cheap, it's hard to save when traveling.

    When feeding, you should follow simple rules:

    1. Always feed fresh food
    2. A bowl of water should be in an accessible place.
    3. The portion should be eaten in the crawl, wait up to 20 minutes, and hide the bowl in the refrigerator until the next feeding
    4. Feed always after walks
    5. Food is given at room temperature, not cold and not too hot.
    6. We give the meat boiled or scalded with boiling water
    7. Bowls, wash with hot water

    There are a number of foods that are prohibited or beneficial for papillons. Remember, malnutrition is reflected in the quality of the coat, eyes and health. The more carefully you monitor your pet's nutrition, the healthier and happier he will be.

    Products useful phalenu:

    • Lean meat (turkey, lamb, chicken, beef, rabbit)
    • Seasonal vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin)
    • Greenery
    • Kashi (rice, buckwheat)
    • Sea fish without bones (necessarily boiled)
    • Dairy products(kefir, low-fat cottage cheese)
    • by-products

    Foods prohibited by phalenu:

    • Pork and any fatty meat
    • Chocolate
    • Sweets
    • condiments
    • smoked products
    • River fish
    • Legumes
    • Fresh bakery
    • Pasta
    • Spicy food
    • nuts

    In the photo, a papillon with sad eyes

    • Entropy (inversion of the century)
    • Cataract
    • Corneal dystrophy
    • congenital deafness
    • Weak knee-joint
    • Sensitive to anesthesia

    papillon photo

    papillon video

    From the French name of the dog breed Papillon is translated "butterfly". Erect ears are shaped like butterfly wings. Papillons need a lot of attention and communication, without participation they become irritated. Toddlers find contact with other animals in the house and love to play together. This is a miniature animal with a cheerful disposition and character.

    The Papillon breed dates back to the 11th century, seen in several European states at once. Thanks to their beauty and loving nature, animals ended up in royal palaces. They were loved by the main persons of the states and were taken everywhere with them. They called it the continental toy spaniel, it is difficult to clarify in which state the dogs appeared earlier.

    The animal is easy to meet in the form of a handmade lady's dog at social events. It is a mistake to think that the papillon is a passive pet, prone to melancholic contemplation of the world. Active, possessing a large supply of energy and fearlessness, the dog of the breed will become an ardent defender of a person and property. A loud ringing bark is heard if the dog feels the slightest hint of danger. The unique temperament and cheerfulness increase the general admiration for the Papillon.

    History of occurrence

    A number of versions of the origin of the dog are known. Plausible says that Papillon dogs are descended from dwarf spaniels. A number of paintings by artists of that time point to the version, the hypothesis is considered quite reliable.

    There is a well-known theory that the Papillon was brought from Asia and is considered the closest relative of the Japanese Chin. There is a lot of controversy on this occasion, the Papillon is not recognized as an Asian dog breed.

    The grace and attractiveness of small dogs was appreciated in France. The monarchs were in a hurry to acquire animals, convinced that the dogs look great and complement the image of a stately person. Indeed, energetic and cute dogs harmoniously fit into the interior of expensive decorations, indicating the status of the owner.

    Previously, the Papillon and Phalene were considered a similar breed. The difference between them mostly lies in the shape of the ears. The papillon is standing, the phalene is hanging. Translated from French, “papillon” means butterfly, “falen” means “moth”. Beautiful and telling names for the breed of dogs. According to various sources, the country of origin of the dog is France or Belgium.

    Today, people see small dogs with beautiful ears in paintings and other works of art depicting the royalty of medieval France. Of the famous personalities accompanied by a butterfly dog: Henry the Fourth, Louis the Thirteenth, Louis the Fourteenth, Marie Antoinette, the Marquise de Pompadour. Brought far away full list personalities who have known the joy of close communication with the papillon.

    Description of the breed

    The breed is known for being easy to understand and easy to learn commands. If you are determined to learn with a strong desire to act easily and simply. Simple tricks - lie down, sit or give voice - are learned at a time.

    The Papillon breed is kind to the owner. The dog does not require an excess of time and effort in education. Despite its small size, it is distinguished by high endurance, will gladly keep company on short walks and on long journeys, calmly moving the road. Papillon managed to live in all the palaces of the European nobility.

    Dog breed puppies need early socialization. Dogs often bite when they are afraid. With proper upbringing and breeding, the deficiency will be corrected.

    The nature of papillons

    • Loyal to owners.
    • Having a cheerful temperament.
    • Energetic dogs.
    • They like to hunt butterflies and other small animals.

    Now these are classic tame dogs, they mostly sit on their laps or in their owner's purse and watch what is happening.

    WITH early age Puppies are supposed to develop a calm and trusting character. With the right approach, the dog will become curious and calm at the same time. Dogs are smart and easy to train. With a modest size, the dog has a big heart. Butterfly is not able to get angry and object.

    • Papillon puppies are highly intelligent and learn new tricks and commands at any age. They remember the first time.
    • The Papillon will not bark for no reason. Always assesses the situation, in extreme cases, raises barking.
    • Animals love children and other pets. They get along well with cats and parrots. Carefully treat small children, not allowing them to scare or hurt.

    Thanks to their cheerful disposition, the Papillon dog breed is considered a desirable pet. The dog is easy to interact with and insanely kind.

    • Knows how to be thoughtful and calm.

    According to some data, the Papillon ranks first in the development of the mind and the ability to train among the toy breeds. Attached and devoted to the owner. Depends on attention and praise. Likes to be around. If a person is sitting at a computer, doing business, the dog will settle down nearby and not disturb. It is enough for her to be aware of the presence of the owner nearby.

    If the owner took care of the socialization of the dog from the first months of life, the difficulties in the natural behavior of the dog are eliminated. For example, the Papillon's small size and guarding instincts have made it adaptable and use offensive capabilities at the first sign of danger. Starting from a young age, dogs of the breed actively bite. With the right approach to raising a pet, the habit will disappear with age.

    breed standard

    The modern Papillon is not much different from the ancestor of the distant 11th century. He retained his miniature size and devoted eyes. The Papillon is considered a French breed, rightfully considered the pride of an exquisite country, where they first saw a small dog in the company of a royal person.

    Denote the characteristics of the breed:

    1. The height of the dog reaches 30 cm at the withers. Short stature and diminutiveness allow you to feel great in an apartment.
    2. The weight of an adult male is 5 kg, it is rare. Usually Papillon weighs 2-3.5 kg.
    3. The head is in proportion to the body, light.
    4. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is distinctly expressed.
    5. The muzzle is elongated, pointed with large eyes. The coat is short.
    6. The bridge of the nose is straight. Small round nose in black.
    7. Narrow lips close to the jaws.
    8. Strong jaws form a scissor bite.
    9. Large almond-shaped eyes set low. Mostly dark in color. Eyelids to match the lips and nose.
    10. Large ears with rounded tips are set high, standing, closer to the back of the head.
    11. The neck is of moderate length, slightly curved towards the back of the head. Around the neck is a long coat, forming a thick collar, falling on the chest.
    12. The skeleton is strong, straight back, turning into a slightly arched loin.
    13. The abdomen is moderately tucked up.
    14. The girdle of the forelimbs is represented by oblique shoulder blades, tightly fitting to the body, with straight, strong, parallel legs. The elbow joint is directed backwards and fits snugly against the side of the sternum. The back of the front paws has feathers.
    15. The hind limbs are strong, long, with developed articulation angles. The muscles are well developed. The hind legs from the croup to the knee are abundantly covered with long hair.
    16. The wide chest is deep.
    17. The coat is long, devoid of undercoat. Has a natural silky sheen.
    18. Color must be white with spots of any color. The head is painted symmetrically. On the head, white does not remain predominant.
    19. The tail is set high, well rimmed with long hair. When excited, it rises and touches the back or side. Not curled into a ring, or lying on the back.

    papillon care

    Papillons need to be groomed differently than other dogs. Do not think that caring for dogs is difficult:

    1. Comb your papillon twice a week.
    2. Papillons shed twice a year, it is better to increase the frequency of combing.
    3. Recommended to brush your teeth regularly.
    4. Nail trimming is required every 3-4 weeks.
    5. Daily walks are important.

    Proper care of the Papillon will save the owner from unwanted difficulties with the coat, skin and health of the pet. Animals are unpretentious. Note the points on how to care for the breed:

    • The hair on the ears can become tangled, brush your body parts regularly. The procedure will bring pleasure to a loving owner and a devoted pet.
    • Papillons do not like water procedures, the summer will be an exception. It is possible to accustom to the weekly shower. The main thing is not to use detergents.
    • Shampooing your dog is recommended no more than once a month.
    • Vaccination is carried out at 6-7 months of the dog's life.

    While a papillon puppy, love and care are important. This is the time of formation of attitude to the world. In puppyhood, you will need to walk at least 3-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes. An adult representative of the breed is enough for two walks a day: in the morning and in the evening.

    Combing is done with a special brush. When bathing, use a special shampoo that does not affect the color of the white areas of the coat. This difficulty is often found among owners.

    Thick hair grows between the toes of the hind legs. For hygienic purposes, it is supposed to be trimmed periodically, as excessively long hair around the pads. The coat on the abdomen is periodically shortened for similar reasons.

    Papillon hair with black and red colors is slightly drier than white, groomers recommend lubricating it with special moisturizers. Wool white color it is undesirable to lubricate, because of the risk of giving the snow-white fur a yellowish tint.

    Dogs of the breed shed twice a year during the seasonal molt. You will need to increase the frequency of brushing.

    Health and Nutrition

    Papillon is a strong and healthy dog, among diseases it is more common:

    • Entropy;
    • Dystrophy of the cornea of ​​​​the eye;
    • Cataract;
    • congenital deafness.

    In view of a possible congenital disease, experts recommend choosing a puppy only after consultation and examination by an experienced veterinarian.

    The dog lives for about 15 years. We single out a number of predispositions inherent in the breed. The Papillon breed has fragile bones that can easily break if mishandled by the owner. The dog may suffer from sprains and dislocations of the joints.

    Feed the pet is supposed to be in strictly allotted hours. It is acceptable to eat pro pac dog food, this is the best food for puppies. For a beautiful papillon posture, they give dry food for puppies - from an early age they teach a papillon puppy.

    Proper nutrition includes forbidden foods. It is forbidden:

    • Give sweets, chocolate, various spices and onions.
    • Use in feeding chicken. Chicken bones are not provided. Chicken is a strong allergen.
    • Boil the bones, the intestines clog up from the product in dogs.
    • Give pork too fatty for miniature pets.
    • Distract or tease the puppy while eating.
    • To accustom the dog to handouts from the table, in order to avoid the difficulties of education.

    The good health and longevity of a dog depends on proper nutrition especially in the first years of life. Papillon puppy is growing fast, for correct formation vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates are needed. Otherwise, there are difficulties with digestion and bowel function.

    To find out how to feed Papillon, just ask the seller.

    Do not feed your dog exclusively dry food, preventing constipation. Watch the skin on the abdomen of the animal, due to improper nutrition, dermatitis is possible. Dogs are ready to eat everything, prone to overeating, although they are ambitious and educated.

    • Papillons are energetic and agile and need to be constantly hydrated.
    • A clean bowl of boiled water is always on the floor, in the place of eating.
    • A bowl of leftover food rises from the floor.


    Papillon training is a fun activity for family members. There is no need to scold the dog, the dog understands the person. Training is productive when each trick is rewarded with goodies. Papillon loves to eat deliciously, the way to the heart is successfully laid through the stomach. Animals perfectly feel the attitude of others, trying to reciprocate.

    Despite the innate pride, they actively make contact. Dogs are extremely difficult to anger. As puppies, dogs are capable of ruining things within reach. Don't hit the little Papillon. A menacing moralizing tone is enough.

    Animals are offended by blows. The resulting stress makes you hide from the eyes of the household and not go out for a long time. Because of resentment, he is able to refuse food and drink. Persuasion, good tone will not help here. They are easily hurt, especially by those who are loved more than others.

    And today we will give the floor to our readers.


    Papillons are endowed with remarkable intelligence, and numerous reviews of the owners testify to this. It is not uncommon for these crumbs to skillfully cunning in order to get some of their dog benefits from the owners.

    Inna, 32 years old, Tomsk

    When it comes to inventing a million ways to get attention, my two papillons are aces. They are ready to take advantage of my slightest weakness to get their way. Sometimes it seems that they are testing how trusting I am. And, believe me, in the competition for cunning and resourcefulness, they would have emerged as the undisputed winners.

    Dirt in the house

    Many owners speak enthusiastically about the cleanliness of butterfly dogs. They claim that their pets are easily accustomed to the tray and use it when necessary (for example, in bad weather - after all, Papillons are very squeamish and do not like to spank in puddles).

    Zhanna, 26 years old, Lipetsk

    When it's dirty or very cold outside, my pets willingly go to the tray. These dogs are incredibly intelligent. They are glad to keep their noses out of the house in this weather. Moreover, Ray diligently makes sure that in no case a drop gets past the tray - such a neat one!

    Also, the owners note the simplicity of keeping and caring for a pet:

    Svetlana, 24 years old, Samara

    It is very important for me that Papillons do not have the characteristic smell of a dog. In addition, I am allergic, and the allergy worsens if there is a dog in the house, but there were no such problems with this breed. Most likely it's the lack of undercoat.

    It is easy for me to take care of a pet, it almost does not shed and is perfect for urban conditions. I just cut a little hair on the legs and tail - it's very simple. Richie barely barks, which I really like, and he has no aggression at all. He is so kind!

    This review may seem overly enthusiastic, but it's true!

    Relationships with others

    With other animals, these kids get along quite peacefully and even make friends.

    Alina, 19 years old, Omsk

    When Linda came to our house, we already had an adult dog and a cat. Linda from the first day found with them mutual language. Later they even became friends. Linda shares her toys with her friends.

    Papillons easily find a common language with children and become their faithful companions in games and walks.

    Julia, 27 years old, Krasnoyarsk

    When our Gina was one year old, we had a baby. I was very worried that she would become jealous of her son. But Gina treated him very tenderly and now they are best friends. She never offends the baby and loves to play with him.


    But the socialization and upbringing of a pet is a very important task, which must be approached seriously and in a timely manner, without delay. And the reviews of the owners only confirm this.

    Artem, 36 years old, Volgograd

    Kai is our first dog and we trained him ourselves. Probably, due to ignorance, they missed a lot, and they began to study quite late. It seemed to us that he was still too young to learn something. Therefore, on the street, he obeys badly, we walk only on a leash. He fights with all dogs and can also attack a passerby. We blame only ourselves for such behavior, because at home he is the most gentle and kindest creature. We are very sorry that we did not go to obedience classes with him on time.

    Energetic and playful, these little ones are ready to be on the move for hours.

    Ekaterina, 20 years old, Izhevsk

    Papillons love walking in nature - in the forest, in the field. They are able to tirelessly play and frolic all day long. They often win in various sports competitions.

    We are not engaged in training yet, but our acquaintances from walks even took part in agility competitions.


    Of the difficulties in keeping this breed, the owners in their negative reviews note whimsicalness in food:

    Ksenia, 31 years old, Voronezh

    Pickiness in food, in my opinion, is the only minus of the papillon. You need to carefully choose the food that suits them and will be to their taste, especially since some dogs have allergies.

    Here I only have to eat at least a chicken crumb that fell on the floor - and that's it, the next morning the whole belly will be in red spots. Therefore, I picked up a hypoallergenic food without poultry at all.

    Another feature of these babies is that they do not tolerate loneliness very well.

    Elena, 48 years old, Ufa

    Bella is very attached to her family. He will not miss the opportunity to lie down at his feet and take a nap. She likes to sit on her hands very much, she is glad to have guests. Always wants to be in the center of events. Even from the bathroom waiting for me at the door. She is very bored when no one is at home, she cries.

    Before the puppy appears in the house, you need to prepare for a meeting with him: determine where his place will be, purchase bowls, care products and toys in advance. You also need to remove all small, dangerous and valuable items that the puppy can ruin or swallow in an inaccessible place.

    Electric wires also rise higher and are fixed there. Next, you need to check how securely the cabinet doors close, especially those where medicines or household chemicals are stored.

    Alexey, 34 years old, Vologda

    We have been preparing to acquire a dog for a very long time. We carefully chose our Papillon puppy and couldn't wait to finally get him. All the "dowry" had long been ready: bowls, combs, a mattress.

    They even bought a whole mountain of toys and a tiny collar. Everyone was very worried that he would be fine with us from the first days. The breeder advised us to put all dangerous things away. It's good that we listened to him. When the puppy was brought, we already had no time to clean and rearrange something.

    First days in a new home

    Once in a new home, puppies often yearn for their mother, and perhaps one or two restless nights await the owners. No matter how plaintively the puppy cries at first, you do not need to take him to bed at night, if he is not planned to stay there permanently in the future. And in any case, it is unacceptable to let him get on and off the bed and chairs on his own - puppies are very clumsy, a fall can lead to serious injury.

    Daria, 24 years old, Kursk

    At first, the baby was very homesick for his mother. At night, he wept so plaintively that I had to get up several times to calm him down. In the end, I could not stand it and took him to my bed. He quickly calmed down and fell asleep. Now it's his favorite place. He loves to lie on the couch and watch TV with us.

    Walks and activities

    If the puppy is recently vaccinated and the quarantine is not over yet, the lack of walks for fresh air can be partially compensated by active games in the house. They are also necessary if the puppy will be left alone for a while. This rule also works with adult dogs: when tired and well fed, the pet will sleep soundly in the absence of the owner.

    Tatyana, 27 years old, Dmitrov

    We often take long walks with Lucky. I noticed that if the weather is bad and the walk was short, she behaves restlessly in the house - she runs after me with her tail, plays a lot of naughty things. If she walked well and ate, she goes to bed.


    You can not feed the animal before walks and physical exertion. Feeding always follows after a walk at any age. Dogs, like all predators, prefer peace after a hearty meal.

    If the papillon has not finished his portion, then most likely it is too big. Leftovers need to be removed, and the next feeding should be given less. If he licks the bowl for a long time and carefully, it is clearly not enough for him. Don't add food this time. It is better to increase the portion a little in the next feeding.

    Marina, 42 years old, Yekaterinburg

    Papillons are not food lovers. My pet sometimes leaves food on the plate. Maybe he hopes that I will change for something tastier. But I don't buy into his tricks. I just clean everything up until the next feeding.

    You need to bathe the crumbs with special shampoos for puppies, accustoming them to drying with a hairdryer and other hygiene procedures from an early age.


    By three or four months, the baby is already able to remember the basic commands and execute them accurately.

    Olga, 25 years old, Kirov

    We started teaching Lola commands when she was three months old, and she literally caught everything on the fly. By four months, she knew the commands "to me", "sit", "lie down", "place". I have a feeling that papillons really like to be taught something new.

    video diary

    Those considering this breed will benefit from looking at a long but interesting video about the life of a papillon puppy. Short stories show the first month of stay in a new house.

    The owners not only lisp with the baby minnow, but also train it, teach it to cut its claws, etc.

    Large ears, similar to the wings of a rare butterfly, cannot leave indifferent even the most ardent skeptic.

    Savvy, grace, friendliness and friendliness to others - this is the description of the Papillon dog.

    Many are mistaken that the small size of a pet is a guarantee of his calm disposition.

    If you are planning on getting a pet that spends most of its time on its lap, the Papillon is definitely not the right fit for the role.

    This is contrary to the life principles of Papillon butterflies: they love to look for fun activities on their own.

    Consider the history of the origin of the Papillon dog breed, a description of the provisions of the standard, their character traits, as well as the basic principles of care.

    The Continental Toy Spaniel is an ancient breed of miniature court dogs of France and Spain.

    The Continental Toy Spaniel is divided into two varieties (according to the shape of the ears): Papillon and Phalene (with lowered ears).

    The modern Papillon is more popular than its counterpart.

    The rest of Europe was completely immersed in the Napoleonic Wars. However, breeders tend to separate them into separate breeds.

    Currently, there is one breed standard for Papillons and Phalenes, which specifies a description of their parameters and defects.

    During the revolutionary movement in France, the Continental Toy Spaniel was transported to Belgium, where they were bred.

    Nevertheless, the difficulty lies in the fact that dog handlers cannot give a 100% guarantee that it will be a Papillon (even if both parents are purebred Papillons). The ears of these fidgets are installed after 18 months.

    The current Papillon dog breed standard was adopted in 1998.

    The head is rounded, the stop is well defined, the muzzle is pointed, neat.

    The nose is small, black, rounded.

    The lips are thin, well pigmented, close fitting.

    The eyes are relatively large, well-opened, almond-shaped, dark, set closer to the nose.

    Ears in Papillon dogs are erect, located on the top of the head. The outer ear is open, covered with small, thin villi.

    On the outer side of the ear, the hair resembles a fringe. The neck is not long, the chest is wide, lowered low, the tummy is slightly tucked up.

    The tail is elongated, set relatively high, there is a thick dewlap. The tail should not lie on the back or curl. Straight, strong, graceful limbs.

    The coat is dense, wavy, glossy, not hard to the touch. There is no undercoat. The length of the coat is shorter on the muzzle and on the front of the legs.

    On the body the coat is of medium length, and on the neck it is more elongated, creating a kind of jabot.

    Feathers are present on the back of the forelimbs and on the ears, voluminous panties are visible on the hips.

    Any coat color on a white background is acceptable. The pure snow-white color of the Papillon (as well as with an admixture of blue) is considered a breed defect according to the standard.

    The white tone should predominate on the body and paws, and be present on the muzzle in the form of a small mark.

    The height of an adult Papillon at the withers is 20 - 28 cm. The allowable weight is 1.5 - 5 kg.

    The nature of the dogs

    Your purebred favorite Papillon is a devoted and joyful companion, with whom there is no dreary or boring time.

    A depressive mood will forever leave a family with a papillon butterfly.

    Despite its small size, it is a brave defender of its own home.

    If the owner is in danger, he will rush at the enemy without a hitch. For families with children, the Continental Toy Spaniel is a real find.

    They will gladly support any active activity, whether it is training or a fun run with the kids. Seeing a threat to the child, they will notify the owner with a loud bark.

    The attitude towards papillons should not be rude and harsh, they do not tolerate excessive screams.

    Butterflies have an excellent memory, they are able to foresee the actions of the owner.

    They require increased attention and care. Although they get along well with other dogs, they should not be fenced off in an aviary.

    • Continental Toy Spaniel breed is not characterized by irritability and nervousness; puppies require early socialization.
    • Preschool children are not recommended to give small puppies, as they can cause serious injury.
    • You should not start the Papillon breed for families with kids.
    • if surgery is needed, papillons are too susceptible to anesthesia.
    • it is necessary to purchase a Papillon puppy from trusted breeders, otherwise you may receive a non-pedigreed pet as a gift.

    By following the rules for caring for a Papillon dog, the owner will forget about the health problems of the pet and ensure the happy existence of the pet.

      Hair on the ears requires special attention, which needs to be brought back to normal on a regular basis. Otherwise, the luxurious fringe will turn into tangles.

      During the molting period, you need to comb the butterfly at least once a day with a slicker, so that later you do not collect shreds of wool in all rooms.

    • TO water procedures Papillons are wary, so they should be taught to bathe from an early age. It is recommended to wash your pet with special shampoos no more than once a month.
    • Poor condition of the coat (dryness, dandruff, loss) may indicate a dog's health problems.

    • Get your eyes, ears, and teeth checked and cleaned regularly.
    • Trimming the claws is also worth every three weeks with the help of special nail cutters.
    • Every three months it is necessary to give the pet anthelmintic drugs, in the hot season to carry out the prevention of fleas and ticks.

    The issue of nutrition of the Papillon must be approached with full responsibility so that the miniature dog does not have stomach problems.

    It is better to learn about the diet and nutritional norms of a puppy from the breeders in advance.

    The main taboo in nutrition is chicken meat and bones, which can harm a young body.

    When choosing between natural and artificial nutrition, you should opt for a mixed one.

    Since constant feeding with dry food can provoke not only constipation, but also an allergic reaction.

    From the hands of the owner, papillons are ready to eat everything in unlimited quantities. Therefore, it is worth knowing when to stop and avoid overeating the crumbs.

    Grasp the pet with your palms so that the thumbs lie exactly on the spine, and the others touch it on the sides (ribs are felt).

    If the ribs are visible even without palpation, the Papillon is underweight. If the ribs are not noticeable under a layer of fat, the pet is clearly overeating, it is necessary to reduce daily allowance feeding.

    Another controversial point is to give Papillon meat raw or boiled.

    By subjecting raw meat to deep freezing, the chance of helminth infection is negligible.

    Prevent infection infectious diseases possibly buying meat products high quality from trusted sellers.

    Translated from the French papillon (papillon) is a "butterfly". Such beautiful name Papillon received due to its large ears, which outwardly really resemble the wings of a butterfly. Also, these dogs are often affectionately called "French flower".

    History of the origin of the Papillon breed

    The birthplace of the Papillon breed is France. In Europe, this breed of dog has been known since the 11th-12th centuries. They say that the progenitor of these small dogs was a dwarf spaniel - a favorite of Italy and Spain.

    Starting from the 16th-17th centuries, papillon (papillon) became popular among members of the royal family and court nobility. In their paintings, a small dog was depicted:

    • Peter Paul Rubens;
    • Jean Antoine Watteau;
    • Francois Boucher;
    • Jean Honore Fragonard.

    The French king Henry III spent huge amounts of money from the state treasury on the maintenance of his pet, and the French queen Marie Antoinette considered her portrait incomplete if the artist did not paint a papillon next to her.

    True, such love of kings played a “cruel joke” with representatives of this breed - after the French Revolution, these cute dogs were mercilessly destroyed, thereby celebrating the end of bourgeois life.

    The Papillon was saved from complete extermination, and from the middle of the 19th century, people began to slowly revive this beautiful breed of dog.

    Description of the Papillon breed

    The Papillon has a naturally luxurious appearance and a good physique. This dog has everything in harmony with each other. The movements of the dog are smooth and light, as if imbued with aristocracy and grace.

    A characteristic feature of the Papillon is the famous butterfly ears.

    Basic breed standards:

    1. Dimensions: height at the withers (height) - 20-28 cm.
    2. The weight of an adult dog is 3-5 kg. Dwarf papillon (mini dogs) has a weight of 1.5-2 kg.
    3. The head is small, corresponding to the size of the body. The skull is rounded. The line of transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced.
    4. The nose is small, rounded, black. When viewed from below, it may seem that it is slightly flattened, in fact, the "back" of the nose is straight and even.
    5. Lips - thin, compressed, characterized by strong pigmentation. Close fitting to the jaw.
    6. The jaw is strong. This dog has a powerful and strong grip.
    7. Scissor bite.
    8. The tongue should be hidden behind the teeth. A serious defect if the tongue does not retract into the mouth and sticks out from above (this is a hint to the dog breeder how to determine if the Papillon has defects).
    9. The eyes are large and wide, almond-shaped. They shouldn't be bulging. The look is expressive. The eye color is dark, the eyelids are pigmented.
    10. The muzzle is slightly upturned, pointed. Thin, graceful. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull.
    11. The ears are set firmly, slightly shifted back, large in size. The standards for erect and hanging ears are the same. The tip of the ear should not end in hard cartilage.
    12. The tail is low, set high on the line of the back. Visually resembles a flowing fountain. If the dog is excited, the tail is thrown over the thigh or back. If the tail curls into a half ring or a ring, this is a serious defect.
    13. Claws - powerful, thick, mostly black (if the dog is white, the claws may also be white).
    14. Paws are very long, with movable fingers.
    15. Wool - silky, thick, healthy, soft and long, without undercoat.
    16. How long do papillons live? Life expectancy - 13-16 years (if proper care). If a dog is properly fed, it can even live up to 20 years.
    17. Low stature, long body.

    What does a Papillon puppy look like? Babies look no different from adults. Puppies reach their final height by six months.

    Papillon colors

    Traditionally, the papillon's coat is white with spots of various colors - red, black, pale lemon, chestnut. Mottling is allowed, but outwardly it does not always decorate the dog.

    The most popular papillon colors:

    • sable (white-sable) - the hair has a red and black color, most often “sable” is found on the ears (red color turns into black edging along the ear cloth);
    • tricolor (tricolor) - the most controversial color option;
    • bicolor - red and white and black and white;
    • hound tricolor - "sable" on the head, one or more black spots on the body.

    This is interesting! The color of the dog changes in the process of growing up. True color appears at six months, but may change during life.

    Papillons are very friendly and cheerful. With proper upbringing, they are practically incapable of showing aggression, therefore they are considered excellent companions for young children. They have a surprisingly light personality.

    Papillon basic character standard:

    1. Devotion and fidelity - dogs of this breed are strongly attached to a person (up to a "sick" attachment). If the owner is away for a long time, the animal begins to feel psychological discomfort and is very bored. May be jealous of other family members. They love children very much.
    2. Playfulness and activity - these dogs love to frolic, they will never sit in one place for a long time. Papillon loves to chase rodents, butterflies, flies, mice and other prey. These are the eternal children.
    3. Optimism - have a cheerful disposition. Able to cheer up the owner.
    4. Curiosity and a lively mind - these dogs are interested in everything, they love to explore the world, to discover something new and interesting.
    5. high intelligence, good memory- in the ranking of the most intelligent dogs on the planet, Papillon takes an honorable eighth place.
    6. The ability to feel the mood of a person and adapt to it - they are able to adapt to any situation.
    7. Vulnerability and touchiness - these animals are able to be offended even by a cry and a slight curse. They do not tolerate physical violence, rude intonations and cruel treatment to themselves.

    Training or how to educate

    Papillon (papillon) - a moth is easy to train. The key features of the breed are good trainability. These dogs are very smart. They can be trained a large number all kinds of tricks.

    The training is easy. The main thing for the owner is to show purposefulness and perseverance, do not forget about rewards for your pet. You can't raise your voice and yell at the dog - it's taboo. An animal of this breed is able to subtly capture the mood of a person. For a pet, only one intonation is enough to realize that he did wrong. The coldness and discontent of the owner is a serious punishment for such a cheerful dog.

    Education should begin not with tricks, but with nicknames. Papillon must learn to respond to it. Each time, before feeding the animal, it must be loudly called by name. Gradually Papillon - a butterfly will get used to its nickname.

    Care and health

    Dogs of this breed have good health. Puppies rarely get sick. Vaccination and basic vaccinations are carried out from two months.

    1. The change of teeth in dogs occurs at four to seven months. After this, the dog needs to be taught to brush his teeth with a brush and toothpaste.
    2. Representatives of this breed have a very thick and beautiful coat, which is constantly growing. At home, you need to carefully care for the pet's hair - be sure to comb it at least two to three times a week, carry out hygienic cutting of the paws, near the anus and genitals of the dog. Wool is easy to comb. Particular attention should be paid to the tail, collar area, ears and panties. The content of the animal must be complete.
    3. The dog needs to be washed regularly - as it gets dirty. How to wash? When bathing, water should not fall into the mouth, ears, nose and eyes of the dog. It is best to use dry shampoo - it is sprinkled with wool, and then combed out with a brush.
    4. How to take care of a Papillon? After washing your pet, you should definitely dry it with a hairdryer - in order to avoid colds (runny nose and cough).
    5. In snowy and rainy weather, you need to wear a raincoat or overalls on the dog - so the coat will be less polluted.
    6. Be sure to keep your ears clean. Regularly remove accumulated sulfur inside them. To do this, you can use standard cotton swabs.
    7. Molting is seasonal - in spring and autumn. Passes without a big loss of hair - the hair does not remain on carpets and upholstered furniture, everything remains on the comb. In nursing mothers, after childbirth, at the end of lactation, the coat completely changes.

    Diseases of the Papillon breed (Papillon)

    The main diseases of the breed:

    • inversion of the eyelid (entropy);
    • dystrophy of the eye cornea;
    • congenital deafness;
    • cataract.

    Mature individuals, especially after ten years, often have problems with the patella and progressive retinal atrophy. Fractures are common in older dogs.

    IMPORTANT! Papillon does not tolerate anesthesia well.

    What to feed papillon

    What to feed and what kind of food? Papillon is not picky about food, but it is best to give him natural food. From dry food, allergies are possible, teeth can hurt.

    It is forbidden to give:

    • pork and any fatty meat;
    • bones;
    • boiled or raw milk;
    • everything is stale;
    • salty (especially dishes with spices and onions);
    • sweets, especially chocolate;
    • smoked meats.

    The basis of the diet should be:

    • eggs;
    • lean meat;
    • boiled offal (liver, kidneys, heart, spleen);
    • lactic acid products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir);
    • raw and stewed vegetables;
    • fresh berries and fruits;
    • cereals (rice, buckwheat, wheat).

    What to feed a puppy? Babies need to be fed 4-5 times a day in small portions. Puppies need to be given fresh kefir, fat-free cottage cheese, oatmeal or rice porridge. Meat (chicken breast and lean veal) and fish must be boiled for 5-7 minutes.

    Wholesome nutrition is important. Feeding should be on time. Adults should have two meals a day. This breed has a good appetite and dogs are prone to overeating. You can’t feed, otherwise the dog will have problems with the intestines, diseases internal organs and obesity.

    Photo of papillons

    To get to know the Papillon better and get to know this breed better, look at the photo of Papillons.


    papillon puppies prices

    How much does a dog of this breed cost? The average price for a puppy with hands and without documents is 13 thousand rubles. In the nursery - 40 thousand rubles. Metis (when mating a Papillon with a Chihuahua or Spitz) and a puppy without a pedigree can cost less. Breeders can ask for a puppy with a good pedigree and documents for a big price - 45-80 thousand rubles.

    When thinking where to buy a Papillon puppy, be sure to study the information about the owners and kennels, read the reviews. See photos and videos. Do not forget to ask the breeders what the parents look like, ask about the pedigree, titles, show achievements. Take an interest in what diseases they have had, what sizes of puppies the breeders breed, what kind of litter it is.

    papillon kennels

    There are nurseries in major cities. Usually on the sites of kennels you can see the litter of dogs. They also show knitting.

    Buy cheap in Russia (in Moscow)

    Buy in Ukraine (in Kyiv)

    By purchasing a dog of this breed, you will get a true friend - reliable and devoted, with whom you will never be bored.

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