The Great Dane is an affectionate giant. Types of dog breed: description and price of a dog Description of a dog

Apollo of the dog world. It is difficult to imagine a more regal breed than the Great Dane. It looks like an antique statue, its appearance fascinates and leaves no one indifferent.

The Great Dane breed is not purely European, as the name suggests. Their ancestors lived in Tibet several centuries BC. e. The local tribes kept huge dogs for the protection of livestock, and it was from them that the Tibetan mastiff dog originated - a blood relative of the Great Dane.

From the Tibetan kingdom, along with goods that were in demand, dogs were brought to the territory of South Asia and the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates. The giant dog was especially fond of the inhabitants of Babylon. They decorated the walls of houses with images of dogs and paid great attention to them in manuscripts. In the ruins of the royal chambers of ancient Nineveh, where Ashurbanipal ruled, drawings depicting Great Danes hunting were found. Dogs knocked down wild deer and horses. Later, the animals began to be used as fighting dogs, very strong and relatively aggressive.

In the first years of our era, the giants became famous warriors, they were used in battles by hermondors, legionnaires and Scythians. In the famous ancient encyclopedia "Geoponics", published in the 10th century, 7 varieties of Great Danes are described. They were called the Old German Mastiff, Great Dane and Bullenbeiser.

Scientists suggest that these representatives of the breed occurred as a result of crossing and hunting dogs of England. Actually Great Danes and served as the founders for breeding work. They long time bred in Denmark and had a number of advantages over the mastiff (lack of sagging lips, grace and mobility).

German breeders began to improve the existing breed, bringing them together with aboriginal dogs of the same type. Breeding Great Danes was carried out both in the north of the country and in the south, therefore, at the exhibition of 1863, which was held in Hamburg, 2 types of improved representatives of the breed were shown. Ulm - from the south of the country, where selection work was carried out, and "improved" (from the northern part). Later, the varieties were combined and given the common name Great Dane.

In 1880, a single breed standard was approved, and the Great Dane Club was founded two years earlier.


The Great Dane dog breed has an impressive size and a harmonious structure. This is how the very first standard describes him: “He is stately like a thoroughbred horse, everything in him is proportional and consonant. In his appearance, he combines huge growth, colossal power, grace. The sluggishness of a mastiff is not observed in him, but there is also no subtlety of a greyhound. Dog is characterized by the golden mean.

The height of a male must be at least 80 cm, females - 74 cm. The weight of an adult dog can reach 90 kg.

  • The shape of the case is as close as possible to the square. The back is muscular, straight has a smooth transition to a slightly arched loin.
  • The head is large, but does not seem bulky or heavy. The brow ridges are clearly defined. The length of the rectangular muzzle should be equal to half the length of the skull. The upper lip overlaps the lower. The jaws are strong with two rows of large teeth. Scissor bite.
  • The nose is moderately wide and has black pigmentation.
  • The eyes are brown with close-fitting lids.
  • Ears of medium size, hanging on the cartilage. Since January 1, 1993, dogs with cropped ears are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.
  • The neck is graceful, strong and embossed with clearly defined withers.
  • The limbs are straight, high should not be too thick or graceful. The hind legs are strong and muscular with well defined hocks and parallel to each other.
  • The coat is short and shiny.
  • Great Dane colors come in 5 types: brindle, blue, red (fawn), harlequin and black. Slight white markings are possible but not desirable.

When running, the dog moves easily and freely, with a springy, wide step.

Interesting! The largest dog of this breed was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Zeus at the age of 3 had a height of 111.8 cm at the withers. If he stood on his hind legs, his height reached 2.24 meters.

The biggest dog in the world


The Great Dane dog is an intelligent pet. Cold-blooded, self-confident will never bark in vain. In communication with the owner is playful and sociable. Sometimes, it seems that he can read minds, his intuition is so well developed. A devoted comrade hurries to anticipate the desire of the owner, but will not insist on communication if the person is busy.

Thanks to his calmness and friendliness, he gets along well with his fellow animals and other animals. He will not pay attention to the attacks of street dogs, but if necessary, he will be able to stand up for himself.

He treats children with tenderness and patience, sometimes a pet needs to be saved from a baby. In the worst case, the dog will simply leave, but never snap back. When a child communicates with a giant pet, it is advisable not to leave them alone, the dog can inadvertently hurt the baby and knock it down.

The purpose of the dog is protection and he does his job perfectly. But, even having overtaken the ill-wisher on his territory, he will not tear him apart. Having knocked down, the dog will simply hold it with its paw until the owner arrives.

Despite their size, Great Danes are very sensitive. They need full communication with a person. In the case of a long absence of the owner, they yearn and become withdrawn. This is a faithful companion, for whom happiness is simply to be in the family circle.


The Great Dane dog breed is smart and intelligent. It is easy to train, but the owner will still need maximum patience and endurance. You will have to spend a lot of time so that the pet obeys unquestioningly. But it's worth it.

Any dog ​​training begins with mutual understanding. Very often, newly minted owners go to extremes: they either humanize the pet, or do not notice its needs and only force it to comply with commands with harsh measures. In the process of training, the owner first of all learns to understand the animal.

To instill the rules of behavior should begin after the baby adapts a little in a new place. Kindly, but firmly, like a child, to outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

The socialization of dogs is perhaps the most important point education. Walking through crowded streets, communicating with relatives, strangers will make the pet more sociable and self-confident.

The Great Dane is responsive to a loving owner, he is the greatest authority for him. If the dog does not see a leader in a person, then he tries on this role for himself. It is always necessary to achieve the execution of this command, otherwise the pet will think that it is not necessary to obey. And to cope with such a giant is not easy.

The teaching method is not based on physical violence, but on love and trust. After elementary education, you can proceed directly to training. The Great Dane is a good-natured dog, is an excellent companion and bodyguard, it is almost impossible to develop anger in them, and it is not necessary. It is enough to pass the OKD, which includes all the main commands.

Great Dane protection

Important! The reward for the executed order should be fast. And the punishment for unacceptable behavior is lightning fast.

How to choose a puppy

Before you buy a puppy, you need to find a responsible breeder. There is enough information about kennels and litters on the Internet.

The choice according to the criteria: “he approached”, “the first was born”, disappear immediately. The baby must first of all be healthy, physically and mentally.

Physical health is indicated by the puppy's fatness, activity and good appetite. And:

  • Clean eyes without purulent discharge.
  • Wet nose without dried crusts.
  • Smooth and shiny coat.
  • Absence of an unpleasant smell from a mouth.

You can assess the mental state by talking with the baby's mom and dad. Temperament is inherited from parents, and it is quite difficult to spoil it at such an early age. Adult kennel dwellers should be socialized, calm, and wary of a stranger.

Great Dane puppies are ready to leave the parental home at the age of 45-50 days. By this time, he should gain weight up to 4-5 kg ​​(depending on the number of babies in the litter).

Seeing the whole litter, it is difficult to determine the best. Therefore, you need to know some "tricks":

  • Marble color will not get better with time. Small specks will not grow, and light ones will not acquire a rich shade.
  • Thick paws are not an indicator of future growth, perhaps the baby just eats well. Hind and front legs should be approximately the same height.
  • Blue eyes will not turn brown, at best yellow.

Choosing a puppy is not easy, but exciting. A professional breeder will always be able to help, advise a baby that meets the needs.

Great Dane puppies can have a price range from 30,000 to 70,000 rubles. It all depends on the eminence of the nursery and the merits of the parents.

If the decision to buy a puppy has been made, it is worth talking on the forums with the owners of the Great Dane breed, photos can also tell a lot about the noble animal.

The Great Dane breed is easy to care for, it is enough to wipe the pet's coat with a rubberized mitten to remove dead hairs. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Trim or file nails every month and clean ears and eyes.

Dogs of this breed are quite energetic, but before reaching 11 months of physical activity should be limited. Intense jogging, carrying weights can lead to improper skeletal formation and even serious injuries.

The main difficulty in keeping a giant is feeding. An adult dog eats 30 kg of dry food per month.

The natural diet of a pet should be nutritious and healthy. To consist of

  • 60% meat (beef, poultry);
  • 15% cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • 15% vegetables.

Important! For full growth, the baby needs mineral supplements and vitamins. Surplus or shortage nutrients and microelements can adversely affect the development of a puppy, spoil its anatomy.

Health and disease

Unfortunately, even with the right maintenance, the Great Dane dog breed has a short lifespan. On average 6-9 years.

  • The most common disease of the giant is gastric volvulus. To avoid this trouble, you should not allow physical activity after eating.
  • Cancer diseases. Oncology can begin at any age, but dogs that have crossed the 5-year mark are more likely to suffer. Regular examinations will help to identify the disease on early stage and start productive treatment.
  • Heart failure. The problem may arise due to the overweight of the animal. Diet and systematic ultrasound will reduce the risk of death.
  • Dysplasia. It can be genetic or be the result of improper feeding.

In addition, Great Danes often suffer from allergies and acne. Eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) are inherited. Large volume marbled dogs white in color are sometimes born deaf.


A unique Great Dane, whose photos evoke only positive emotions, and a representative look - respect.

For loyalty, beauty and intelligence, the Great Dane has become the favorite of the whole planet, Russia is no exception.

When this magnificent dog stands up on its hind legs, it will be equal in size to the best players in the NBA. A beautiful Great Dane, whose breed characteristics indicate that the animal has a large number positive qualities, is a huge dog that has a kind and calm character, a developed intellect.

Regardless of their truly impressive size, these dogs are very graceful and intelligent. During entertainment, the dog can easily knock the owner to the ground. However, it should be remembered that the pet does this with kindness and love. This animal will be very happy to lie with its owner on the bed, willingly watch a new series or make an excellent company on a bike ride, since the main thing for a dog is to be near the owner.

History of the breed

The dog Great Dane, whose character is very calm, is not a purely European breed, as many claim. For millennia BC, the ancestors of these dogs lived in Tibet. Aborigines taught animals to guard livestock.

Various dogs originated from these animals, such as the Tibetan Great Dane and the Asian Shepherd. It is they who act as the progenitors of the Germans. From the territory of Tibet, the Great Danes were distributed to India, China, Mesopotamia. Here, the Babylonians really liked the dogs, who depicted large dogs on the walls of their dwellings, described them in cuneiform.

In the 1920s Great Danes received the title of Apollo among all dogs. Currently, individuals of this breed are especially popular all over the world, including our country. Their owners are not afraid of the really huge size of the dogs, since all Great Danes have excellent intelligence, gentle disposition, incredible devotion, and amazing beauty.

Character features

The beautiful marble Great Dane is a gallant companion with excellent manners. The impressive size, rather stern and formidable look of individuals of this breed often causes concern among people who are not familiar with the true nature of these animals. In fact, these dogs are very affectionate and loyal, wise, absolutely not prone to aggression for no reason.

Adult dogs are very balanced, do not waste their energy, their movements are measured, graceful, precise. When a real danger appears, these animals firmly, without obvious emotions, protect loved one. However, just like that, without a reason, the dogs will not raise their voice.

Representatives of this breed do not like importunity, they feel when it is not necessary to disturb the owner. And yet, pets need attention. The Great Dane is sociable, he needs to feel that he is a full-fledged member of the family. Dog puppies are overly active and not obedient. With proper upbringing and socialization, these animals grow up to be confident dogs that are in excellent command of both themselves and the situation.

Care specifics

Great Danes have a short coat, they do not shed much and are generally quite undemanding to care for. In order to keep well-groomed appearance pet need to properly feed the dogs, give them the necessary vitamins.

Once a week, it is necessary to comb out dead hair with a special brush or using a rubber mitt. A beautiful black Great Dane does not need frequent bathing, for this reason this procedure should be carried out as rarely as possible, because it reduces the quality of the coat if abused - especially if bathing is done with hard water, which is not uncommon today. In the process of bathing, special means should be used.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the eyes, ears, teeth of dogs, remove discharge. Once a week, you should brush your teeth with a special paste that tastes and smells like meat.

It is necessary to constantly monitor that stones do not form on the teeth. This is indicated by the smell from the pet's mouth. In case of insufficient home care, one should contact the veterinary clinic, since an excessive amount of stones on the teeth leads to the fact that the dog's teeth are destroyed, bringing the animal considerable discomfort.

Even with frequent walking of the pet, the dog does not often have the opportunity to completely grind off the claws, for this reason they must be cut off on their own. Excessively long claws interfere with the animal in the process of walking, they break off and cause pain. You need to buy a guillotine-type nail cutter. When carrying out the procedure, you must try so that the vessels are not affected.

After walking, it is necessary to inspect the paw pads of the dog, and especially between the fingers, in order to promptly treat possible wounds or remove debris. To avoid the formation of cracks on the pads, from time to time it is necessary to lubricate them with a moisturizing oil.


The nutrition of individuals of this breed must be balanced without fail. Meat should be included in the pet's diet. However, it is not necessary to feed only meat. It should be remembered that meat for representatives of the breed must first be boiled or steamed - raw meat can be given to a pet only once a week.

Also, ocean fish should be included in the diet. The bones, which were initially treated with boiling water, should also be remembered, but they should only be given a couple of times a week. WITH early age You should accustom your pet to vegetables and fruits. From time to time, you can feed the animal with boiled potatoes and cereals.

Great Danes in the apartment

Naturally, the best place where a Great Dane of blue color can be kept - a private house near the reservoir. At the same time, even in the city, in an ordinary apartment, a pet can feel comfortable if it is possible to throw out all the accumulated energy while walking on the street.

A large number of people are afraid to start a German because of their significant size, assuming that the dog will take up all the space in the apartment. However, as experienced owners note, the dog does not take up much space in the apartment, behaves rather quietly, attentively, respects the personal space of each family member.

The place of the animal should not be equipped on the aisle, drafts and the presence of nearby heating devices are excluded. Excessive humidity or, conversely, dryness adversely affect the health of the dog. To provide your pet with the necessary comfort during sleep, you should buy a high mattress that matches the dimensions of an adult animal. Or you can buy a special sofa for dogs. With age, individuals of this breed may experience problems associated with the spine, for this reason, a thin mattress for rest is not enough for these pets.


Individuals of this breed are very obedient, disciplined, patient. If the owner devotes enough time to the process of raising this dog, then a positive result will not be long in coming, since representatives of the breed by nature act as the best companions.

It is only necessary to allow the animal to reach its potential by introducing basic behavioral guidelines through control, encouragement and trust. And answering the question of how long Great Danes live, there are, of course, exact figures: 8-10 years. But the life span of a pet is directly affected by the attitude of the owner, his care and upbringing of the pet.

Great Danes are proud, stately handsome men who never go unnoticed by others. Appearing on the street, they attract admiring glances, but do not cause fear. Indeed, dogs with impressive sizes, however, do not have a vicious character, which makes them attractive to keep. What is known about these outstanding animals?

The ancestors of Great Danes once lived not on the territory of European countries, but in the east - in Tibet and served the aboriginal peoples as shepherds. Many modern breeds descended from them, including the Asiatic Shepherd Dog and the Tibetan Great Dane, which were later used to breed Great Danes.

From Central Asia, the Great Danes penetrated the territory of India, China and Mesopotamia. IN ancient states they were depicted on the walls of architectural buildings and houses. There is historical evidence that in those days these giants were used not only for hunting and grazing, but also as fighting dogs. And this indicates that then these dogs were distinguished by a rather vicious and ferocious disposition.

In the first century of our era, the Great Danes were real fighters who participated in the military campaigns of the Romans, Greeks, Scythians and Germanic tribes. It so happened that there were more of these dogs in Germany than in other countries. At that time from various types Great Danes stood out Danish Great Danes, they were subsequently taken as a basis for deriving German Great Danes. They had a more graceful constitution than the mastiffs, dry and graceful. Great Danes were used as guard dogs and for baiting wild animals.

When this breed cooled off at home, the main gene pool of Great Danes ended up in Germany. German breeders appreciated the quality of the dogs and began work to improve the breed. Breeding work was carried out by crossing Great Danes with Great Danes living in the southern lands of Germany.

As a result, "Ulm" dogs appeared, named after the city of Ulm, whose breeders made a huge contribution to the improvement of the breed. But in the northern part of the state, dogs of this breed were also actively bred, so two varieties of Great Dane dogs participated in the exhibition - the Ulm Great Dane and the "improved" Danish Great Dane.

Later, the breeders decided to join forces and create one of the two types of dogs - the Great Dane. It was very symbolic, since at that time it was proclaimed German Empire, and specialists from the north and south began to work together to bring beautiful dog. In the 79th year of the 19th century, Great Danes received the status of a national German breed.

However, the founding of the Berlin breed club took place only in 1888, and the adoption single standard two more years later. According to him, the dog must become a beautiful horse, be strong, huge and elegant. It is worth noting that such a description also applies to modern representatives of the breed.

Today Great Danes can be found on the territory of various countries, including Russia. Despite their gigantic size, they are excellent companions, as their intelligence, gentle disposition and devotion have no limits.

The dog of this breed is large, harmoniously built, proportional, has an expressive head and a noble posture. Minimum height males should be 80 cm, females - 72 cm.

Great Dane dog: photo

According to the standard, Great Danes have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Head the Great Dane is large, the shape is characterized by pronounced angles and parallel lines, with well-defined eyebrows. The forehead is high, flat, the transition from it to the muzzle is clearly marked. The nose is moderately wide, colored with black pigment. The muzzle has an impressive volume and depth. Upper lip drooping, dark. The jaw apparatus is powerful, with large white teeth that form a scissor bite.
  • Eyes medium in size, with a dark brown iris and close-fitting eyelids. The look is expressive, smart. In blue-coated and merled dogs, the standard allows for a slightly lighter eye color. In the latter, heterochromia is possible, although this is an undesirable phenomenon.
  • Since 1993, changes have been made to the standard and the previously mandatory procedure has been cancelled. Modern Great Danes have medium-sized, high-set ears that hang down and slope slightly forward. Creases are a disadvantage. In countries where ear cropping is not prohibited, this operation is carried out based on the size and shape of the pet's head.
  • Neck in dogs it is long, with dry well-developed muscles, the scruff and withers are well defined, especially in males. The back is extended, there is a smooth transition to a short convex lumbar region. In dogs, the croup, which has powerful muscles, is slightly sloping.
  • Tail set high, thick at the base and tapering gently towards the tip. In length, it reaches the tarsal (it is also called the hock) joint. When the dog is calm, the tail hangs down, during movement or when the pet is excited, the tail is kept at the level of the back.
  • Rib cage oval, distinguished by a decent width and depth, the ribs are voluminous. The abdomen and groin create a smooth line with a beautiful smooth curve.
  • limbs(both rear and front) are parallel to each other. They have muscular shoulders. They end in short, arched, rounded paws, the fingers form a tight ball. The Great Dane moves easily, freely, springily, while its limbs move in a straight line, without wobbling.

The skin is elastic and tight to the body, does not form folds and does not sag. Due to the fact that Great Danes do not have sweat glands, the dog smell characteristic of other breeds is absent. The coat is very short, glossy and has no undercoat.

Colors of Great Danes

The recognized standard are several types of colors:

Great Dane training

It will seem strange to many that it is extremely rare to meet the owner of a Great Dane with a pet on training grounds. Yes, these dogs have natural intelligence, but this does not exempt them from training and socialization. The owner of a puppy of this breed should take into account that an unruly giant strong dog will create more significant problems than a poorly bred Yorkshire terrier.

If the puppy ended up with an inexperienced dog breeder, then it is worth attending professional lessons, and the presence of the owner himself is also mandatory. This will allow you to find the right approach to your pet, and the dog will learn to listen to the owner. When training, a lot of patience will be required, any manifestations of cruelty are prohibited. Physical Methods can cause the dog to be overly shy or aggressive.

The Great Dane can be influenced by voice, as thoroughbred representatives are very sensitive to intonation changes. Great Dane puppy can be trained from 2 months. First of all, the baby must learn a set of mandatory commands and this happens pretty quickly. A few days are enough for a pet to understand what is required of him, and he will diligently do everything, trying to please the owner. After that, you can proceed to more complex commands. Important to use various ways rewards - treats, praise and approving glances can stimulate a pet to learn.

The nature and characteristics of Great Danes

Dogs of this breed are very large, gentle and loyal. Their patience can only be envied. Due to their good nature, they are recommended as family pets. They are very devoted to their owners and the best leisure for them is being with family members. Dogs do not like loneliness, they need someone from the household to be at home.

Dog breed Great Dane photo

But experts warn that Great Danes are capable of being stubborn and willful, so they need a master with leadership qualities. In order for the dog to be balanced and self-confident, it must be socialized as early as possible. Great Danes must be dealt with, given them enough time. And this should be taken into account when purchasing a puppy. In addition, Great Danes have increased salivation, and they shed profusely.

Young dogs of this breed are noisy and can be dirty, so you should constantly watch them. Dogs need regular exercise. It is necessary to let the pet run without a leash, and this will require a safe area. The Great Dane will get along well with the younger members of the family, but if there are very small children in the house, problems can arise due to their large size.

As for other pets, you can’t predict the dog’s attitude towards them in advance. They can coexist perfectly with other pets, but sometimes dogs take on a dominant position. In this case, timely socialization of the dog is required. To strangers, dogs can be treated with indifference, or they can show a certain kind of feeling.

Great Danes can make excellent watchdogs, although they do not bark very often. The main weapon against intruders is large size and power, even the sight of a giant can cause fear. Generally speaking, Great Danes are devoid of aggression and do not seek dominance, but need training. In addition, it is important that the pet learns who is in charge in the house.

Great Dane care

On average, Great Danes live 8 years, but can increase this period by 4-5 years. Since the dogs do not have an undercoat, they are kept in a private house or apartment, given their need for a spacious room. The coat is short and does not require special care. You can wipe it 3-4 times a month with a damp cloth, removing dirt, dust, and that will be enough. Washing your pet or using dry shampoos is recommended only if it is heavily soiled.

Great Dane puppies: photo

Dogs are quite rare, as in most cases they grind down naturally. The eyes should be examined regularly, and the existing discharge should be removed with a cotton swab, which should be pre-moistened in chamomile decoction, furacilin solution.

If the pet has uncropped ears, then it is necessary to inspect and clean them with special means. under the age of 7 months. Great Danes do not like fast running, but long walking walks will benefit the pet.

How and what to feed the Great Dane

There are two options for feeding Great Danes - natural food or ready-made production rations. When choosing ready-made food, it is worth purchasing premium and professional products. These dogs require food for large and giant breeds. With natural feeding, the basis of the diet is meat low-fat varieties(it is preliminarily scalded with boiling water) and boiled offal.

Can be given 2-3 times a week sea ​​fish, boiled and boneless, poultry meat. Also, the pet's menu includes fermented milk products, vegetables (except potatoes and legumes), cereals (except corn, pearl barley and millet).

Great Dane video

Cost of a Great Dane puppy

You can buy a puppy of this breed without documents from random breeders for an average of 12,000-16,000 rubles. But in this case, there are no guarantees about the purity and mental stability of the pet. All the necessary qualities are possessed by puppies that are sold by professional breeders, but, of course, their cost is much higher and varies from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Great Danes are not only attractive, beautiful and stately dogs, but also a great responsibility. This must be remembered when choosing such a giant as a pet.

The Great Dane is a modern version of a breed that looked completely different some time ago. This is a very ancient breed, and for all the time it was kept in artificial conditions, it showed itself on the good side.

This breed is ideal for those who have never kept a dog at home before. If it is difficult for you to decide on a future pet due to a lack of knowledge on their content, choose a Great Dane and you will not be mistaken.

Great Dane: photo, character

The main character traits of the Great Dane, which clearly describe this breed - big, kind and loyal.

A distinctive feature of dogs of the Great Dane breed is a calm character. It may even seem that the type nervous system they are phlegmatic. However, in case of danger, there is no trace of this type of character, and it immediately turns into a formidable and ferocious dog. Great Danes do an excellent job of guarding the house and the people living in it. But you can use this dog not only as a watchman. It is also perfect for those who are looking for a friend and companion. In this case, you will not be disappointed, because you can go with him to play or take a walk in the park.


A special place in the content of the Great Dane is occupied by education, which should be practiced from puppyhood. If you are not ready to spend enough time on an English or Great Dane, then it is better to immediately abandon it and get a cat. Regardless of the breed, the dog requires appropriate upbringing. It is wrong to assume that you can do the same with a Great Dane as with a dachshund. Still, this animal has a more impressive size and strength, therefore, if it does not obey you well, then this will be fraught with big troubles for you.

Before you get a Great Dane, English or Great Dane, know what it is very slobbery animal. Therefore, if your pet wants to caress and even lick you, be prepared for the fact that you will have to take a shower afterwards. Difficulties you may have with Great Dane hair, which gets dirty very quickly.

Great Dane puppies never sit still and love to play. Also, they are not interested in curiosity, so they will try to get to the farthest corners of your house. If the puppy finds even a small loophole, then he will definitely try to find out what is inside. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your apartment will be a mess, but you can hardly do anything about it. You just have to be patient and wait for your pet to grow up. Over time, he will become more calm.

Adult dogs differ little from English or Great Dane puppies and love mobile games. And to make it convenient for you to do this, it is advisable to go for walks in those places where there will be enough space so that you can let your pet run without a leash. It is advisable to choose as deserted places as possible, otherwise you may run into a lot of trouble. It’s good if your dog only scares a random passerby. The situation will be much more unpleasant if there is a fight between your dog and someone else's dog, which will die. In this case, you will have to deal with its owner.

Although dogs of this breed do not show aggression without good reason, like the English and Great Dane, however, if they are pissed off, they will adequately respond to the attack.

Great Danes easily establish friendly contact with children, they can even try on the role of their guardian and caring parent. And your child will be happy to be in such a company. However, you need to be very attentive to your pet if your child is still too young. You should not exclude the possibility that the dog may inadvertently injure the baby, because this is a fairly large animal. Although the character of Great Danes is different, however, when a stranger approaches, they behave wary. But this should not be surprising, because they have been laid in them since birth. guard qualities.

You should not refuse to purchase a Great Dane puppy just because you already have other pets. There will be no problems with this, because for your other four-legged and feathered inhabitants, the Great Dane will become a good neighbor. But you will avoid many problems if you immediately take a Great Dane puppy and a cat at a young age. Although it will not be a problem if there is a big difference in age between them.

Having already finally decided for yourself that a Great Dane puppy will appear at your home, you immediately need to prepare to care for him. First of all, you you need a special brush for combing the dog. Your pet will create problems for you already during the first molt: although at this time the amount of wool shed is small, but this happens throughout the year. To keep your pet's coat in good condition, you can use:

  • brush;
  • a special glove that you can purchase at your nearest pet store.

It is especially necessary to be careful with bathing the Great Dane: it is often not recommended to do this, otherwise the dog may develop skin diseases and lose a significant part of its coat. Feeling that a subtle smell emanates from the dog, it is advisable to completely abandon bathing, but instead it should be washed using special dry shampoos. Do not forget about nails that need to be trimmed regularly.


Very carefully you need to approach the choice of food for a Great Dane puppy. At this age, the dog's body especially needs calcium. A feature of physiology is that these animals grow very quickly and their limbs are extended. Therefore, there must be enough calcium in the body, otherwise deviations may occur with the development of the joints. Also you must monitor the condition of the ears and eyes of the Great Dane. At the first sign of inflammation, you should immediately see a veterinarian.

  • it is advisable to cut them in such a way that after cutting the claws do not touch the ground;
  • it is important to correctly determine the place of cut of the claws so as not to injure sensitive areas.

At first glance, Great Danes look very slender, but they are big eaters, and if you don't plan the menu for them correctly, this can lead to an overweight problem. There are cases when overeating caused the death of dogs of this breed. This is not the case with Great Dane puppies, so you should be attentive to your pet when he is old enough.

During the growth period, puppies of this breed start gaining weight much faster than they develop ligaments and muscles.

  • therefore, in order to avoid problems, refuse to conduct active games;
  • before going for a walk, it is recommended to bandage the dog's paws with an elastic bandage, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the joints.

But paying attention only to the appearance and stomach of the animal is not enough. Also, you should not forget about his upbringing. By nature, Great Danes are very noisy and curious animals. Therefore, so that they do not cause you big problems, start raising them as a puppy. After a couple of years, there will be no trace of noise, and then a dog will appear before you, which will unquestioningly carry out all your orders.


If you are thinking about getting a Great Dane puppy, know that this is a serious step and you must be aware of the responsibility you are taking on. The Great Dane is one of those dog breeds that needs to be given enough attention without fail. Keep in mind that these dogs pose a potential threat to others, therefore, in the absence of control over their behavior, your pet can bring you a lot of trouble.

Therefore, from childhood, you need to teach him to obey his master. In principle, if you are ready for this and manage to allocate the necessary time, then you will not have problems with this. With the choice you make, not only you yourself, but also your household will be satisfied. After all, this dog will not only become strongly attached to you, but also behaves well in relation to other animals that live in your house.

Great Danes

The Great Dane (yes, yes - exactly the Dane) - this is how these majestic representatives of the canine world are called in some countries, where it is believed that Denmark was the birthplace of the breed.

gigantic size Great Danes can mislead the layman with their appearance, terrifying others.

The Great Dane is perhaps the tallest dog in the world.

In the family

Great Danes have not just earned their reputation, full of positive reviews.

Photo 8. Great Dane is a great family man

These are very kind and devoted dogs, with all their hearts loving the owner and members of his family. They are great with kids of all ages.

However, we must try not to leave very young children alone with the Great Dane. A five-month-old baby of such a dog weighs more than a five-year-old child. Entering the courage, the puppy unwittingly during the game can harm the child.

An adult dog of this breed is a real find for children. His tolerance for the latter seems to have no limit, although it is undesirable to abuse the kindness of a dog in any case.

A little about the maintenance and care of the good giant

The short, thick and smooth coat of the Great Dane does not require close attention. Frequent water procedures These dogs are not recommended.

Photo 9. Great Dane deserves respect

When taking a bath, you should rinse the shampoo well, because its residues negatively affect the quality of the coat, and, among other things, the dog can lick them off.

Regarding the "habitat" - Great Danes get along well in apartments and small houses.

It is not customary to keep this aristocrat on the street, and their wool, although thick, will not provide them with the proper amount of warmth in Russian conditions.

They are true indoor dogs, but walks and games on fresh air they, like any other large pets, need

Great Danes are quick-witted, which allows them to accustom them to elementary commands without much difficulty.