The benefits and possible harm of dark chocolate. Chocolate, benefits and harms to human health Useful properties of chocolate and contraindications to its use

People are used to thinking that chocolate does not bring any benefit. Spoiled teeth and figure, high blood pressure and blood sugar - an incomplete list of what they fear when eating any treat. Such statements have nothing to do with dark chocolate. You can eat it at least every day, and this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, brain function, nervous system, and even improve the figure. To achieve such results, it is necessary to choose the right delicious tiles and adhere to the permissible norm.


Vitamin and mineral composition of dark chocolate

Unlike most sweets, even people suffering from diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, you can use dark chocolate. The benefit of the product is in the ability to normalize metabolic processes. Not only will it not aggravate the situation, on the contrary, it will help to cope with the problem. The vitamins and minerals contained in the delicacy have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole:

  1. Vitamin E, present in dark chocolate, is called the "vitamin of youth". It maintains the beauty and elasticity of the skin, normalizes the production of hormones. The action of tocopherol is equated with the action of progesterone, which is important for the female reproductive system.
  2. Vitamin B2 is necessary to maintain visual acuity, is involved in almost all chemical processes in the body. Without it, the production of red blood cells is impossible.
  3. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is an essential component in the work of cardio-vascular system, carries out "cleaning" of vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Magnesium improves efficiency, improves brain processes: attention and memory. Together with potassium, which is also sufficiently contained in chocolate, it is involved in ensuring the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  5. Iron prevents the development of anemia, relieves its symptoms: dizziness, darkening of the eyes, pallor.
  6. Fluorine and calcium help strengthen bones, nails, teeth. Dark chocolate is an excellent tasty prevention of osteoporosis.

A piece of dark delicacy is able to restore strength, energize. All the useful substances included in its composition are absorbed by the body quickly and in full.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

The properties of dark chocolate are associated with a high content of cocoa beans, which contain flavonoids. These are a kind of antioxidants that prevent the development of many vascular diseases, have a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole, and regulate hormone levels.

Cocoa fruits have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects, help prevent oral diseases, plaque formation, and relieve bleeding gums. How prophylaxis is used in official medicine to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and anemia.

Contains theobromine, an analogue of caffeine, involved in the production of the “hormone of happiness”, endorphin. Flavonoids contribute to the activation of the production of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow, including cerebral. Catechin protects tissues from the effects of free radicals. This prevents the development of cancer cells, protects the heart and blood vessels from diseases.

Nutritional value of dark chocolate

Video: Nutritionist about the beneficial properties of dark chocolate

Application of chocolate

Nutritionists have developed a special diet based on dark chocolate. It lasts from one to three days and is designed for healthy person. It is noted that after the chocolate diet not only extra pounds go away, but also improves appearance by removing toxins, normalizing metabolic processes.

On a note: Satisfy on bitter chocolate fasting days helping to reduce weight up to 2 kg at a time. For a one-day diet, one 100-gram bar of high-quality dark chocolate is eaten. At this time, you should not limit yourself to liquids, it is permissible to drink coffee, black, green and herbal tea without sugar. Such unloading can be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

Dark chocolate is also used in cosmetology for the manufacture of tightening face masks. Chocolate wraps quite effectively help fight cellulite and stretch marks. It is no coincidence that chocolate extracts are present in many hair, face and body skin care lines.

Video: Cosmetic procedures using chocolate at home

When choosing, you should carefully study dark chocolate: its benefits and harms directly depend on the composition. The higher the content of cocoa beans in a bar, the more useful it is. Chocolate, in which cocoa beans account for at least 70%, will bring real benefits.

The composition should not contain starches, oil (especially palm). If formed white coating means that the storage conditions were not met. Of course, such a product will not bring harm, but useful properties will be lost.

The tile should not melt in the hands. If melted chocolate remains on the fingers at one touch, this indicates impurities (perhaps not indicated in the composition), of the low quality of the product.

The low cost of dark chocolate should also alert. A truly high-quality chocolate has a rather high price, but it is he who will bring pleasure and be the most useful.

Contraindications and precautions

Dark chocolate has practically no contraindications. It can be used even by people suffering from diabetes and obesity, in reasonable quantities. However, the calorie content here is also significant - 540 kcal per 100 grams of product. With excessive use healthy carbohydrates accumulate in the form of fatty deposits.

Dark chocolate should not be abused by those who have problems with sleep, as the caffeine contained has a tonic effect on the body. It is also contraindicated in severe metabolic disorders.

Any chocolate is a potential allergen, so people who are prone to allergic reactions should eat it with caution. During pregnancy, you should limit yourself to a small piece of goodies, if you really want to. During lactation, it is better to completely exclude such an allergenic product from the diet, otherwise the child's body may be harmed.

If you have heard that you should choose bitter chocolate from all types of chocolate, but don’t know why, this article is for you. The amazing balance of benefits and harms of dark chocolate makes you rethink your attitude to this type of sweets.

America is considered the birthplace of chocolate. The Indians were the first to discover cocoa beans. They believed that this was a gift from God, who taught people how to make a chocolate drink. At first, chocolate was consumed in liquid form. And only in the 19th century, Joseph Fry made the first tile.

Since then, the popularity of this delicacy has gained momentum, acquiring new facts and myths.

Today, there are many types and varieties of this sweetness, but, of course, bitter chocolate is the most useful.

It is called "bitter" because of the high cocoa content - at least 72%. It is for the bitterness that this variety is valued, because in addition to the unusual taste, it endows the delicacy with useful properties.

  1. The first thing you can feel when you eat a slice or two is an improvement in mood. The high content of cocoa beans promotes the production of serotonin, which causes a surge of happiness.
  2. The flavonoids in dark chocolate prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles and also reduce the likelihood of skin cancer. In addition, they reduce the harm from negative impact ultraviolet radiation, and polyphenols improve blood circulation and reduce thrombosis.
  3. In lovers of this type of chocolate, doctors note a low risk of diabetes.
  4. Vitamins and minerals help the body to endure increased mental and physical stress.
  5. Theobromine keeps the heart muscle in good shape, while natural antioxidants strengthen the immune system.
  6. Unlike other types of chocolate, dark chocolate has a low glycemic index (GI), and its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas.
  7. Stabilization of cholesterol in the blood also occurs due to the daily use of several slices. But, of course, only a small amount (ideally - no more than 20 g).
  8. The benefits for teeth have been proven due to the antiseptic properties of the substances included in, and, as a result, high-quality dark chocolate. In addition, the product prevents the appearance of plaque.
  9. Is an aphrodisiac. It is believed that Casanova carried a tile of this sweetness with him everywhere. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, especially since the very existence of the famous hero-lover raises doubts among historians. But it is known for certain that after dark chocolate there is a state similar to light intoxication.
  10. An equally important beneficial property of this tasty product is the reduction of pain in women during menstruation.

Harmful delicacy

In addition to the benefits of any product, there are contraindications. Harm in the case of dark chocolate (as with other varieties) occurs under the condition of excessive consumption. It is better to replace its excess in the diet with red apples.

In order not to harm your health, you need to eat no more than 25 g per tile. Usually it is 2-3 pieces. Although we are used to eating all the chocolate that comes into our field of vision at once. In the case of dairy varieties, this is not surprising - they just melt in your mouth, and you immediately want to take another piece. Moreover, they cause considerable damage to the teeth.

Train yourself to enjoy dark chocolate, even if it is not so sweet. Break off a piece and taste it on your tongue. Chew slowly, feeling all the shades of sweetness and aroma, enjoying them.

Excessive consumption of chocolate causes severe harm to health, remember this. Indeed, in addition to diabetes and the accompanying problems with excess weight in adults, we are preparing the same future for our children. Not in vain in Lately The number of obese babies is growing at an alarming rate. Try to convince your child of the dangers of sweets and do not set a bad example for him by uncontrolled consumption of chocolate.

The use of low-quality raw materials in production can change the acidity of the stomach, which subsequently leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can identify dangerous products by sour rather than the traditional bitter taste.

It is harmful to treat pets with chocolate. It seems to you that nothing will happen to your beloved dog or cat from one piece, but theobromine in this delicacy can cause poisoning.

How to determine the real

  1. To choose a quality product, carefully read the composition on the wrapper. It should contain more than 55% cocoa mass and less than 30% cocoa butter. This is an extremely important indicator.
  2. When breaking the tile, a characteristic crunch is heard.
  3. Pay attention to the color: dark, but not black, more like dark brown.
  4. A quality product should contain only three components: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. Different ratios, but nothing more.

The look and especially the taste of this wonderful dessert magically attracts most people. Chocolate is an adored delicacy of children, and adults are not far behind them, and scientists do not stop studying its effect on the body.

Even if the harm of chocolate outweighed its benefits, people who sincerely fell in love with it, nothing could keep them from the temptation to eat another bar. But, fortunately, chocolate does more good than harm. However, not all so simple. Let's figure it out!

Types and composition of the product

The modern industry produces three types of chocolate: dark or black, milk and white. Someone loves dark chocolate and is absolutely right. This product contains only cocoa beans grated in powder form and cocoa butter - natural ingredients that are inherent in real chocolate. Of course, the composition contains sugar, emulsifiers and vanilla. The content of cocoa beans is not less than 55%. This type is the most useful because it contains organic and unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and starch.

Strengthen the beneficial properties of vitamins E, PP, B and minerals: potassium and sodium, phosphorus and magnesium, iron. Dark chocolate has a pronounced, bright and bitter taste.

The milky type got this name because it has added milk powder, replacing part of the cocoa beans. This gives it a creamy flavor and light appearance. Chocolate is not as bitter and is more recommended for children. Dry matter is not less than 25%, and in elite varieties up to 50%.

White chocolate contains no cocoa beans, but it contains up to 20% cocoa butter. Therefore, this product, although specific, is classified as chocolate. He has fewer supporters. It also contains powdered milk or condensed milk (14%), sugar - up to 55% and about 4% milk fat.

Chocolate of any of the three types has approximately the same calorie content - more than 500 kcal. This indicator is very high, which already inclines the benefit of the product to the minus. For those who want to keep their appearance in shape, it is better not to consume chocolate. And if you really want, then just a little - 25 grams per day!

Video: What happens if you eat chocolate every day?

The benefits of chocolate

The history of the emergence and long existence of a drink made from cocoa beans shows a real interest in this product. But at first, his recipes were kept in the strictest confidence and only high-ranking personalities used hot chocolate. However, it was simply impossible to hide such a wonderful product from the people. The love of chocolate spread throughout the world, especially when the Spaniards began to add sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to the bitter drink.

The plenipotentiary ambassador of one of the countries of Latin America brought a recipe for a delicacy to Russia. It was a gift for Empress Catherine II. We will not go into details of the development of chocolate production - this is not our topic.

Why is chocolate so attractive to humans? Of course, when they talk about the benefits of this dessert, they mean dark chocolate:

  • contains substances that protect against neoplasms - these are antioxidants that destroy free radicals;
  • theobromine, caffeine and polyphenols contained in chocolate reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • regular consumption of chocolate (but in reasonable amounts) prevents the formation of blood clots, and as a result, the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke is reduced;
  • the work of the heart muscle is normalized and the elasticity of blood vessels increases;
  • blood pressure returns to normal;
  • chocolate is useful for autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis;
  • has a beneficial effect on memory in the elderly, stimulates the brain;
  • polyunsaturated acids (oleic, stearic), which are part of chocolate, fight "bad" cholesterol;
  • the product stimulates digestion, improves intestinal motility, prevents the appearance of stomach ulcers;
  • strengthens the general condition due to the content of vitamins and other useful substances.

To make it really so good, you need to eat no more than 50 g of chocolate per day. When a person is in trouble and feels bad, he is offered to eat some chocolate. After all, this delicious dessert also heals us from depression, thanks to the presence of “hormones of joy” in it - endorphins and serotonins.

What are the health risks of chocolate?

We learned so many positive things about him that we can’t even believe that this delicacy can harm someone. But alas, it is. Chocolate is contraindicated:

  • people suffering from diabetes (due to the content of sugar in it);
  • being overweight. It is especially not recommended to eat milk and white varieties, but you should not refuse a piece of dark chocolate - it definitely will not cause harm;
  • allergy sufferers during an exacerbation of the disease. By itself, chocolate does not cause allergies, but it can strengthen it. Therefore, while taking antihistamines from chocolate, it is better to abstain.

Can children eat chocolate?

Definitely, until the age of three, chocolate should not be given to a child. This is due to the fact that his immunity is only being formed and it is dangerous to load the baby's body. Upon reaching the age of three, it can already be gradually accustomed to adult food, because. the body is already formed. For a week, a child can eat a bar of dark real chocolate. But at the same time, follow some rules: eat it only on a full stomach. For small children, only give milk chocolate as black is high in theobromine. This alkaloid leads to poisoning: the child will develop nausea and vomiting, headache and stomach problems.

Those children who have allergies should absolutely not eat chocolate - it can cause a serious attack of this disease.

TO harmful properties chocolate applies to great content sugar in it. If a child often indulges in this dessert, it will lead to obesity, cause heartburn and nausea. Not very good sugar affects the work of the pancreas.

But, despite these negative manifestations, chocolate also brings a lot of benefits to the child with its moderate use: potassium and phosphorus, which is part of the sweetness, helps the development of the child's body and stabilizes the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A piece of chocolate is always able to calm a crying baby and improve his mood.

There is a constant debate about how chocolate affects teeth in childhood and adults. People have heard enough that sugar destroys tooth enamel. This is true, but chocolate contains cocoa butter, which coats the teeth and thus prevents the development of cavities. In addition, the delicacy contains a natural antiseptic that disinfects the gums and oral mucosa.

Chocolate, pregnancy and breastfeeding

A woman who is expecting the birth of a baby should think about what will be good or bad for the baby. Listen to the advice of doctors who say that chocolate can harm both. This is primarily caffeine, which increases blood pressure and causes insomnia. If you overdo it with the amount of food eaten, you can increase heartburn, which often accompanies pregnancy and cause oxygen starvation in a child.

If there are allergies in the family, then it is better for a pregnant woman not to take risks with chocolate. The same should be done during the formation of immunity in the child (2nd and 3rd trimester). Chocolate can reduce it and in the future the baby will have problems with the intestines and skin manifestations.

When a child receives mother's milk, then she should not eat chocolate at all, at least for the first three months, because the child is often tormented by gases in the tummy.

Here is such an interesting product - chocolate, which at the same time can harm, but also be useful due to the rich composition:

  • potassium improves metabolism and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • magnesium has a positive effect on the formation of the brain in a child, the mother's nerves are strengthened, immunity is increased, anxiety is reduced;
  • theobromine regulates cardiac activity;
  • iron is involved in the formation of the fetus;
  • trace elements and vitamins strengthen the body.

All this applies to dark chocolate. Little by little, the expectant mother can eat it. The thinking mom must weigh the pros and cons specifically for her and her unborn child before eating such products. This will help you avoid mistakes.

If you want to lose weight, don't eat chocolate

Those who seek to lose extra pounds absolutely do not need milk and white varieties of chocolate, because they contain a lot of sugar and fat. Your diet can be spoiled with just a few bites of this dessert, and a couple of weeks of weight loss will go down the drain. Especially if the chocolate is not very High Quality. In such tiles, milk fat is now replaced with hydrogenated or vegetable fats. They can’t give anything but harm to health.

The issue of dark chocolate for weight loss is controversial. A small piece of it will reduce appetite and dull the feeling of hunger. Thus, cravings for fast carbohydrates will decrease and it will become easier to control weight.

The most valuable elements of chocolate - potassium and magnesium make it useful even for overweight people, and phenols and caffeine help burn fat.

Chocolate - "Food of the Gods"?

At the beginning of its triumphal march around the world, this delicacy was called that. And this is due to theobromine, because in translation this word means the food of the gods. In fact, this substance is a toxin, but in our body it immediately breaks down into simple and safe compounds. But for animals, it is dangerous, because their body is arranged differently and cannot protect itself, the animal may die. Therefore, do not treat your pets with chocolate.

A person who abuses chocolate quickly develops dependence on it and, to a greater extent, on the bitter variety. This craving is similar to addiction to alcohol or smoking. And in children, it forms much faster, so try to avoid eating this delicacy.

In conclusion, I would like to add: do not make a cult of chocolate, use it in moderation, and then you will get more benefit from it than harm. Health to you!

Some attribute many sins to him: he increases weight, and provokes diabetes, and spoils his teeth, and leads to acne. Others consider it a cure. And still others simply enjoy eating dark chocolate. Is there really no benefit from it, but only harm? Let's try to put an end to this dispute.

Traditional (and correct) ingredients for making dark chocolate - a minimum powdered sugar, cocoa butter, up to 70% of the total mass - grated cocoa. The benefits and harms of the finished product depend on the last component. And it contains up to 300 elements.

There are among them both healing and doubtful in terms of health. So, fats account for more than half of the composition - 54%, protein - 11.5%, starch together with polysaccharides - 7.5%, cellulose - 9%, useful tannin - 6%. No less important minerals and salts occupy 2.6%. The amount of water does not exceed 5%, organic acids - 2%, saccharides - 1%, the notorious caffeine - 0.2%.

Among the substances that determine the benefits and harms of dark chocolate itself, magnesium and potassium should be noted, which support the heart. Among other components, calcium, which strengthens bones, phosphorus, which improves mental capabilities, and B-vitamins, which ensure normal functioning, deserve special attention. nervous system, vitamin E, which neutralizes free radicals, iron, which prevents anemia.

There are other "usefulness" in it - sodium, vitamin PP, theobromine alkaloid, vegetable fiber, flavonoids, thiamine, fatty acids. And now let's see why this delicacy is considered not only the most delicious, but also the most healthy dessert.

The effect of dark chocolate on the body:

  • slows down aging, as it is a natural and effective antioxidant;
  • has a positive effect on the heart: in moderation, it serves to prevent a heart attack, stroke;
  • improves blood flow;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • improves immunity;
  • increases endurance, serves as a "long-playing" source of energy;
  • quickly satisfies hunger;
  • helps to restore strength after a sleepless night or heavy physical exertion;
  • stabilizes pressure;
  • produces an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • treats a lingering cough;
  • soothes the throat;
  • is a powerful antidepressant, has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, stimulates the production of endorphins, which causes a feeling of euphoria;
  • activates thought processes;
  • improves memory;
  • relieves symptoms of a cold;
  • prevents the appearance of tartar and caries, as it has antimicrobial properties;
  • helps women more easily endure premenstrual syndrome (has a mild analgesic effect) and menopause;
  • reduces the risk of ulcers and cancerous degeneration of cells;
  • there is evidence that dark chocolate "works" as an aphrodisiac: it increases sensuality in women and potency in men.

Some doctors argue that dark chocolate should be eaten by pregnant women in order to give birth to a stress-resistant and cheerful baby. It will stop hair loss and delamination of nails in the expectant mother.

Important! The more cocoa it contains, the higher the benefits of dark chocolate for the body. Its amount should not be lower than 55%, and cocoa butter - 30%. The most valuable product in terms of its medicinal characteristics contains up to 72% of this ingredient (it is called extra black).

Can you eat unsweetened chocolates?

Although bitter chocolate without sugar is considered the safest for health and harmony in the numerous chocolate “family”, it has both benefits and harms. Its immoderate use is a direct path to a shapeless figure and poor health. In large quantities, such chocolate can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, skin rashes, insomnia, dizziness, and nausea. For some people, it is strictly forbidden in any doses.

List of contraindications to the use of dark chocolate:

  • high blood sugar (the exception is type 2 diabetes: with such a diagnosis, you can afford a piece of bitter “yummy”);
  • migraine attacks: chocolate contains tannin, therefore it leads to vasoconstriction;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • obesity;
  • individual intolerance to caffeine.

Although this delicacy causes a surge of vivacity and sharply cheers up, it is impossible to get addicted to it. And in order to achieve a narcotic effect, you need to eat 58 tiles (or 13 kg) at a time, which is simply unrealistic. But it is better not to eat dark chocolate at night, as it can lead to increased excitability.

Nothing but chocolate! Dark means dietary?

What could be better than losing weight on chocolate? So think those who have never sat on a chocolate diet. Her requirements are very strict: the menu consists of unsweetened coffee with milk, still water and one bar of bitters per day. Reviews about this method of normalizing weight are very contradictory. And he has many contraindications, such as diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, liver, hypertension.

While dark chocolate is milk-free and low in sugar, it's also not very good for weight management. In one 100-gram slab as much as 539 kcal! She will share with the eater 35.4 g of fat, a large carbohydrate reserve - 48.2%, proteins - 6.2%. But this product is easily digested and gives a feeling of a “full stomach” for a long time, it has a low glycemic index.

Since dark chocolate has a calming effect, in small quantities it is allowed even on the most strict diet, because it helps to "seize" the stress associated with a meager menu. But for the figure - this is still not the best helper.

Important! So that such a dessert does not deprive you of thin waist, you should limit yourself to 1/3 of a regular tile (which is 30 g) per day. For children over 5 years old, this dose should be even less - 20-25 g. It is better not to offer it to kids at all.

Color is not a guarantee of usefulness!

Finding a quality product is not easy! What kind of "chemistry" is not found in such a product. And if the soy emulsifier lecithin is an acceptable additive, then others can be poisons for the body. Some manufacturers add milk fat to dark chocolate to reduce cocoa butter consumption. It often contains toxic trans fats - rapeseed, cottonseed, soybean, palm oil.

To give chocolate a radical black hue, negligent manufacturers add cheap teas to it. And to enhance the aroma, they are flavored with fillers that imitate the smell of vanilla, cream, rum. It can even be found ethanol. Nothing good will come from using such surrogates.

Important! If chocolate contains more than 5% palm oil, then all its benefits will immediately “vanish”, it will acquire dangerous properties!

So, dark chocolate can be a component of a healthy diet. When used in moderation, it won't erode your teeth, make your hips bigger, or make you endocrinologist's patient. And hormonal failure should be blamed for the appearance of acne.

Chocolate is a product obtained by adding sugar and fat to cocoa powder. Cocoa seeds, also called cocoa beans, are located inside cocoa pods. They grow in hot climates, mainly in Africa, Central and South America.

We are used to the fact that chocolate is a solid mass of rectangular shape. The first to produce it were the natives of Central and South America. Back then, chocolate looked like a hot drink made from ground roasted cocoa beans, hot water and spices. Chocolate only took on its modern form in 1847, when the British Chocolate Company mixed cocoa powder with vegetable fat and sugar.

In 1930, Nestle, using excess cocoa butter, produced chocolate based on butter, sugar, milk and vanillin - without cocoa powder. This is how white chocolate with a delicate creamy taste appeared.

The largest chocolate producers are Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany, USA, Belgium and France.

The composition and calorie content of chocolate


  • PP - 10.5%;
  • E - 5.3%;
  • B2 - 3.9%;
  • AT 12%.


Calorie content of chocolate - 600 kcal per 100 gr.

Cocoa beans improve mood and create a feeling of happiness, thanks to serotonin, phenylethylamine and dopamine.

For muscles

The flavonols in chocolate saturate the muscles with oxygen. It enhances stamina and speeds up recovery after physical exertion.

For the heart and blood vessels

Regular consumption of dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart disease by almost 50%, and the likelihood of calcified plaque in the arteries by 30%.

Chocolate can naturally lower cholesterol levels and get rid of high blood pressure. The product prevents the development of stroke, atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

For the pancreas

Despite the fact that chocolate belongs to the category of sweets, it can prevent diabetes. This is due to the antioxidants in chocolate.

For the brain and nerves

Chocolate has a positive effect on brain function. Flavonols in chocolate improve its blood flow, normalize mental function, strengthen memory and reduce the risk of developing brain diseases, especially in older people.

Thanks to antioxidants, chocolate restores neurovascular communication in certain areas of the brain. This reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Chocolate helps to cope with stress, relieves anxiety, anxiety and pain. And caffeine and theobromine increase the level of mental activity.

Chocolate is a source of serotonin and tryptophan.

For eyes

Cocoa beans are rich in flavanols, which improve vision and eye health. Chocolate can reduce the symptoms of glaucoma and cataracts caused by diabetes.

For the lungs

Dark chocolate will soothe a cough.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Chocolate reduces inflammation in the intestines and helps in the growth of beneficial bacteria. They inhibit the development of irritable bowel syndrome and improve digestion.

People with cirrhosis of the liver will benefit from chocolate. He stops it from growing.

For skin

Chocolate rich in flavonols protects the skin. It prevents Negative influence sun rays.

For immunity

Chocolate reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, cancer and heart disease. They eliminate the cause of chronic degenerative diseases.

Chocolate makes the immune system stronger and more resilient, helping to fight viruses and diseases.

Chocolate during pregnancy

A small amount of chocolate daily during pregnancy normalizes the growth and development of the placenta and fetus. The product reduces the risk of preeclampsia - a decrease in the blood supply to the fetus due to high blood pressure in a pregnant woman. In addition, the Doppler pulsation of the uterine artery improves.

Benefits of dark chocolate

Bitter or dark chocolate is natural, as it does not contain artificial additives. It contains cocoa bean powder, fats to eliminate moisture, and some sugar. This chocolate is rich in antioxidants.

Dark chocolate is good for the intestines, heart and brain.

Dark chocolate has low glycemic index, therefore, it is suitable as a healthy dessert that does not increase blood sugar and provides a long feeling of satiety. This is due to fats, which slow down the absorption of sugar.

The caffeine present in this type of chocolate temporarily increases concentration and replenishes energy reserves.

The benefits of milk chocolate

Milk chocolate is a sweet analogue of dark chocolate. It contains little cocoa beans and antioxidants. Milk chocolate may contain powdered milk or cream, as well as more sugar.

Thanks to the addition of milk, this type of chocolate provides the body with protein and calcium.