Oprichnik - who is this? Famous guardsmen in the history of Russia. Who is an oprichnik? What role did the king's oprichnik play?

Almost every person is familiar with the term "oprichnina". Is this word usually associated with the dark times of confrontation between Ivan the Terrible, the descendants of specific princes and guardsmen? This is a man who was in the ranks of the oprichnina army, or guard, created by Tsar Ivan IV as part of the political reform of 1565.

The history of the creation of the oprichnina

Tired of the love of power of the boyars and the arbitrariness of the princely aristocracy, which began to think of itself as a co-ruler of the sovereign, in 1565 Ivan the Terrible introduces a reform by his decree. She was called an oprichnina. Its goal was to deprive the opponents of the king of all meaning and power. From now on, the whole country was divided into two parts: the oprichnina and the zemstvo (territories that were not included in the oprichnina). The first included the northeastern lands, where a small number of boyars-patrimonials were concentrated. The oprichnina existed for seven years, but the memory of it is still fresh.

Direct participants of the reform

Who is an oprichnik? First of all, this is an employee of the sovereign, who was in the ranks of the oprichnina army. They could become a representative of different masses. The royal oprichnik swore allegiance. At the same time, he renounced his family and promised not to communicate with the Zemstvo.

The characteristic of the guardsman included a distinctive feature - black robes, similar to monastic ones. In addition, they had special signs - the image of a broom and a dog's head. This symbolized a firm determination to take revenge and gnaw out treason. Thus, everyone could determine who the oprichnik was. Subsequently, the word itself became a swear word among the people.

The essence of the activities of the guardsmen

All the descendants of the specific princes, who seemed suspicious to Ivan the Terrible, were removed from the lands united in the royal possessions. All of them were subject to resettlement to new lands and the very outskirts of the state. According to the king, the traitors there could not pose any danger to the throne. Small landlords and nobles settled on the former land holdings of the resettled people.

The day of the guardsman consisted of the ruin and expulsion of the old nobility. Ivan the Terrible called it "to sort out people." During the entire period of persecution of those objectionable to the tsar, almost half of the state was gathered into the oprichnina. The remaining half was in the same position and was called "zemshchina". ruled there

Of course, all these measures ran into active opposition. Most powerful people did not approve of Russia's course towards centralization and the elimination of old liberties. Therefore, opponents of the changes artificially or nullified a considerable proportion of the cases begun by the guardsmen. These people had allies in other countries, in particular Poland. Many traitors transmitted information to opponents, and the king had information about this.

Duties of guardsmen

The leakage of important state information posed a direct threat to the ruler. Therefore, the day of the guardsman included the protection of Ivan IV. In fact, this meant the creation of the first in All those who swore allegiance were obliged to serve, like dogs, to protect their sovereign and state. Who is the oprichnik, you can imagine by familiarizing yourself with the activities of famous personalities: Malyuta Skuratov, boyar Alexei Basmanov, Prince Athanasius Vyazemsky.

Main characters

Malyuta Skuratov is a nickname, but the real name of the guardsman was Grigory Lukyanovich Skuratov-Belsky. Thanks to the strict adherence to the royal instructions, in times of change in the country, he very quickly found himself among the closest associates of Ivan the Terrible. The people became known as the main villain of those times. This happened mainly because of the events of January 1570. Novgorod was suspected of treason, in connection with this, Malyuta undertook to lead the pogroms in the city, during which the inhabitants were massacred by the thousands. Who is the oprichnik, you can also imagine by hearing folk saying: "The king is not as terrible as his Malyuta." It was Skuratov who became an active executor of all state affairs.

The main inspirer of the oprichnina was Alexei Basmanov. He became its leading figure, blindly following all the instructions of the king. Basmanov stained himself with the deposition of Metropolitan Philip, driving him out of the cathedral with a broom.

The immediate adviser to the tsar and one of the main guardsmen was Prince Afanasy Vyazemsky. He had the boundless confidence of Ivan the Terrible. Despite this, at the end of the Novgorod pogrom, Vyazemsky, like Basmanov, was accused of organizing plans to transfer Novgorod and Pskov to Lithuania.

Thus, the oprichnik was an associate of Ivan the Terrible, a participant in the tsarist reform of 1565 and a direct executor of state instructions to expel and neutralize the traitors to the tsar. This is a member of the "chosen thousand", "sovereign man". Oprichniki were people from different social strata. And taking a personal oath of allegiance to the tsar and the state testified to the creation of a single order formation.

Oprichnik, m. 1. A serving nobleman, a warrior who was in the troops of the oprichnina in the reign of Ivan IV (historical). With the help of the guardsmen, Ivan IV finally broke the big boyars of the estates and strengthened the unified power of the tsar. “We are royal people, guardsmen! A … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Henchman Dictionary of Russian synonyms. oprichnik n., number of synonyms: 3 warrior (78) pitchman ... Synonym dictionary

OPRICHNIK, a, husband. A person who served in the oprichnina (in 3 meanings). Royal about. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

The ship (clipper) of the Baltic Fleet, was lost in December 1861 in the Indian Ocean, returning from a campaign in the Far East. In 1873, a monument to O. was unveiled in Kronstadt. a granite rock 1.9 m high on a base 0.75 m high is crowned with a broken anchor and ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

"Oprichnik"- "Oprichnik", a ship (clipper) of the Baltic Fleet, died in December 1861 in the Indian Ocean, returning from a campaign in the Far East. In 1873, a monument to "Oprichnik" was opened in Kronstadt - a granite rock 1.9 m high on a base 0.75 m high ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

- (inosk.) Not obeying general views (a hint at the guardsmen under Ivan the Terrible, who used special rights) cf. Oprich, except for, exclusively, especially. Wed Temporary workers and favorites are the same guardsmen. Wed Oprichnik bean. Wed And there is no shelter anywhere, and ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

OPRICHNIK- A serviceman in the ranks of the oprichny army of Tsar * Ivan the Terrible *. In 1565, Ivan IV the Terrible divided the territory of the Russian state into oprichnina and zemshchina. The word oprichnina (from the Old Russian oprichny, that is, special) previously denoted ... Linguistic Dictionary

oprichnik- (Russian oprichnik) an apprentice to the telesnat garda (military police dress) to the Ruskiot Tsar Ivan Vasilevich, named Grozni oprichnikite bile regrutirani pretentiously one sitnoto nobility, and tsarot gi koristel in his own potfati against a tall and rich ... ... Macedonian dictionary

Gulf of Primorsky region, North Ussuri region, on the coast of the North. Sea of ​​Japan, to the N from the Gulf of St. Vladimir, 44°28 s. sh. and 195°43 in. (from Pulkovo). It goes deep into the mainland by almost 4 in.; the same distance between the entrance capes; in your own way.... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Oprichnik (foreigner) disobedient to general views (a hint at the guardsmen under Ivan the Terrible, who enjoyed special rights). Wed Oprich, besides, exclusively, especially. Wed "Temporary workers and favorites are also guardsmen." Wed Oprichnik bean. Wed AND… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)


  • Oprichnik, Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Reprint music edition of Tchaikovsky, Pyotr`The Oprichnik`. Genres: Operas; Stage Works; For voices, mixed chorus, orchestra; scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring mixed chorus; Scores…
  • Oprichnik, Pyotr Tchaikovsky. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Reprinted musical edition of Tchaikovsky, Pyotr "The Oprichnik". Genres: Operas; Stage Works; For…

The reign of Ivan IV the Terrible is one of the most discussed stages in the history of Russia, since the very personality of the sovereign is unusual. Oprichnina is the most famous phenomenon associated with his reign, which to this day worries historians. Oprichnina can be briefly defined as internal terror aimed at suppressing the resistance of the boyars.

In contact with

Definition of oprichnina

Oprichnina is part of the policy on the territory of Russia, which consisted of the use of punitive measures, the seizure of land and feudal property by the state, the fight against imaginary boyar-princely traitors and the strengthening of centralized power .

The system of internal political measures of Ivan the Terrible briefly described by the term "politics of terror". The years of the oprichnina - 1565–1572.

Also, the question “what is oprichnina” can be answered: this is the lot of Ivan IV, the territory with the army and the administrative apparatus, the income from which replenished the treasury of the state.

All plots necessary for the needs of the king were forcibly taken away from the landowners. Who exactly are the oprichniki? These are the people in the guards of Ivan IV who used such measures against citizens. Their number is about a thousand.

Reasons for the introduction of oprichnina

Ivan IV was famous for his harsh nature and numerous campaigns of conquest. The reasons for the oprichnina were associated with the Livonian War, during which the ruler began to doubt the decisiveness of his governors. Who are governors, according to the sovereign? These are those who do not fulfill his will completely and do not punish people as expected. The boyars, as it seemed to him, completely ceased to recognize his authority.

After Ivan's betrayals one military leader in the retinue increases anxiety, Ivan the Terrible begins to suspect the governor and the boyars of a conspiracy. It seems to him that the tsarist entourage wants to overthrow the tsar and put another prince, Vladimir Staritsky, on the throne. Therefore, he set out to gather a military environment, henchmen capable of punishing anyone who would contradict the royal will. Who are henchmen? The very guardsmen who unquestioningly carried out the will of the sovereign.

Tasks of the oprichnina

The main goal of the oprichnina- Eliminate unrest in a number of close associates of the ruler. It included the following tasks:

  • suppress the boyar-princely resistance;
  • destroy the specific system;
  • get rid of the opposition centers in Pskov, Novgorod, Tver;
  • conduct purge of the Boyar Duma and command system;
  • force the church to obey the monarch;
  • resolve boyar-noble disputes in favor of the latter.

Main events

The policy of the oprichnina took place in 3 stages:

  1. 1565–1566 The beginning of the oprichnina, which has not yet been extended to the bulk of the population.
  2. 1567–1572 The time of large-scale terror, apogee - the summer of 1569 - the summer of 1570.
  3. 1572–1584 Violence occurs in a hidden form.

Important! The beginning of the oprichnina - February 5, 1565. During that period, crop failures occur in the northern part of Russia, which then lead to severe famine.

Stage 1

In January 1565 The king announced his abdication, putting forward the candidacy of the young Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich instead. Such an idea arose on the basis of the anger that he allegedly experienced from the side of the boyars, clerks, governors and churchmen.

With his statement, he caused unrest among thousands of Muscovites, they went to complain to the Kremlin about the "traitor boyars". In such a nervous situation, the Boyar Duma was forced to ask Ivan IV to return to the kingdom. He agrees, and already then, in January, he decides to establish a special political system.

At first, it was expressed in individual executions (Kurakins, Obolenskys, Repnins, Humpbacked-Shuisky) or exile (Yaroslavl, Rostov, Starodub princes). Who are these individuals? The main oppositionists of that time. In the spring of 1566, Athanasius withdrew from his metropolitan rank, because he did not like the turbulent situation in Russia. Then the tsar put forward a new candidate for the place of the metropolitan - Fedor Kolychev (Philip). He agreed to accept the dignity on condition that the violence ceased. Ivan the Terrible gave apparent consent, stopping terrorist attacks for a while.

Stage 2

However, in July 1566, he prepared a signed letter for Philip, according to which he was not to leave the metropolis even during the period of the oprichnina. In March 1568 Philip refused to bless the ruler and again demanded the abolition of the oprichnina policy. In response to this, his servants were beaten, and the king brought a case against Philip himself in the church court. Later, he was sent to the Tver Monastery and killed in 1569 for yet another disobedience to the tsar to give a blessing on the Novgorod campaign.

Ivan initiated a case against the leader of the Boyar Duma - Ivan Fedorov, famous for his honesty. This did not play into the hands of the tsar, so he killed Fedorov along with 30 accused accomplices.

In 1569, rumors circulated throughout the Russian land that Novgorod wanted to make the ruler cousin Ivan - Vladimir Staritsky, and Novgorodians want to submit to Lithuania. In order to dispel the rumors, it was necessary for the tsar to kill Staritsky and his family and make a trip to Novgorod in order to punish those spreading rumors.

Klin, Torzhok, Tver, Pskov and Novgorod itself were burned. Half of all the inhabitants were slaughtered in it, 27 monasteries and temples were destroyed.

On July 25, 1570, the tsar arranges large executions at Poganaya Puddle in Moscow. Such guardsmen as Viskovaty, Vyazemsky and others were sentenced to death . Massacres in Moscow 1570-71 came apogee of the doctrine of internal political measures of Ivan the Terrible. The people were hung up, cut, stabbed, doused with boiling water. The ruler personally participated in these procedures in order to demonstrate to everyone what would happen to them if they doubted the deeds of the ruler.

In 1572 the militia of Khan Devlet Giray was defeated who went to Moscow. However, this victory was very difficult, because the guardsmen, accustomed to robbing civilians, did not come to the battles, so there were only one regiment of people. After a series of such events, the tsar ordered to stop using the words "oprichnina, guardsman" in the language. However, the abolition of the oprichnina was not meant here, because a public order was not issued, and violence continued to be carried out.

Stage 3

The ruler ordered the oprichnina system to be renamed the State Court. Appeared terror against its main supporters, the surge of which occurred in 1575. Who are the "ardent guardsmen"? Those who at one time were closest to the royal power.

A death sentence was passed on many close associates of Ivan. In 1574, the throne was vacated in the Commonwealth, Ivan the Terrible proposed his candidacy, as he had a prediction from the Magi - death if he remained at the head of the country.

Therefore, the sovereign removed the title of king and took the title of Moscow prince. The Tatar prince Simeon Bekbulatovich was made the ruler, but he reigned only formally. From 1578 to 1579 murders stop happening, in 1581 the tsar kills his son, and in 1584 he dies himself (unofficial abolition of the oprichnina).

Important! Although the official abolition of the oprichnina falls on 1572, part of its policy was carried out until the death of the king.

The consequences of the introduction of oprichnina and its results

The consequences of the oprichnina can be formulated as follows:

  • neutralization of the princely-boyar aristocracy;
  • assertion of the Muscovite state as a powerful, centralized monarch with rigid power;
  • solution of the problem of social relations in favor of the state;
  • liquidation of sovereign landowners(possible basis for civil society);
  • economic ruin in Russia, residents moved to the outskirts of the country;
  • the fall of foreign policy positions and the undermining of the military power of the country;
  • turmoil as a distant consequence of the oprichnina.

At the origins of the oprichnina policy was her pronounced anti-princely orientation. At first, so many executions and confiscations fell upon the Suzdal nobility that it undermined the influence of the aristocracy in the political sphere and contributed to the strengthening of autocracy.

This was necessary to counter the costs, which were still based on the landed estates of the princely nobles.

But the policy of the oprichnina over the 7 years of its existence has never been systematic, has not been subordinated to any given scheme. Within a short interval of compromise, large-scale terror occurred again and again, frightening people. The results of the oprichnina are due to its spontaneous nature.

The death of Staritsky and the defeat of the Novgorodians were a great price for maintaining power. But the idea of ​​creating an apparatus of violence significantly influenced the governing structure of politics. Ultimately, the results of the oprichnina lie in the fact that guardsmen themselves became victims of their machine of violence. Terror harmed all the social forces that originally served as a support for the monarchy (the nobility, the church, the bureaucracy). The dreams of the nobility of a sovereign monarch were embodied in bloody tyranny.

The guardsmen looked rather creepy: they dressed in dark robes, similar to monastic cassocks, and severed dog heads dangled from the necks of their horses. Another "brand name" of the devoted servants of Ivan the Terrible were brooms, mounted on a whip. Such symbolism was not accidental: the dog's head symbolized the dog's devotion to the sovereign and the ability to properly "bite" all objectionable subjects, while the metaphorical broom was supposed to sweep away unnecessary rubbish from the hut called "Rus".

Malyuta Skuratov

"Royal Decree. Malyuta Skuratov. painting by Pavel Ryzhenko

The name of this man has become a household name: this is still often called the most inveterate villains. Malyuta Skuratov was considered the main guardsman of Ivan the Terrible, his most faithful servant, capable of committing any atrocities to the delight of the tsar-father. The real name of the famous murderer is Grigory Lukyanovich Skuratov-Belsky. The gentle nickname "Malyuta", according to one of the versions put forward by historians, he was awarded for his short stature.

The German Heinrich Staden, who by the will of fate became one of the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible, spoke rather unflatteringly in his memoirs as state system in general, and Malyute in particular. “This one was the first in the chicken coop,” wrote a foreigner about Skuratov.

Afanasy Vyazemsky

"Oprichniks". Painting by Nikolai Nevrev

After the tsar's conflict with Archpriest Sylvester and the devious Alexei Adashev and the fall of the authority of the Chosen One, Vyazemsky quickly gained confidence in Grozny. Athanasius became so close to Ivan IV that the latter agreed to take medicines exclusively from his hands. However, the music did not play for long: Vyazemsky soon found himself at the center of court intrigues. In 1570 he was accused of treason and tortured mercilessly. It was during the cruel executions that yesterday's oprichnik died.

Alexey and Fedor Basmanov

Ambrose Buchma and Mikhail Kuznetsov as Alexei and Fyodor Basmanov in S. Eisenstein's film "Ivan the Terrible"

For some "sovereign people" oprichnina has become a family affair. For example, Alexei Basmanov and his son Fyodor worked together for the benefit of Ivan Vasilyevich. According to the memoirs of the aforementioned Heinrich Staden, Grozny even “indulged in debauchery” with the younger Basmanov. It is not known for certain whether all the words of the German can be trusted, but the evidence remains evidence, so such testimony cannot be ignored.

The opinions of other contemporaries about the Basmanovs were also quite peculiar. For example, Andrei Kurbsky, who is considered to be one of the first Russian emigrants, called Alexei "a maniac and the destroyer of both himself and the Holy Russian land."

Vasily Gryaznoy

"Oprichnina". Painting by Orest Betekhtin

"From rags to riches" - it was on this well-known principle that Gryaznoy's career developed. According to the tsar himself, Vasily was "little that is not in the kennels" with Prince Peninsky in the provincial Aleksin. However, Gryaznoy was surprisingly lucky: the town entered the oprichny possessions of Ivan IV, and the former servant of the lowest rank was able to enter the sovereign's service. Since then, the affairs of Vasily Gryaznoy have gone uphill. He became one of Grozny's favorite guardsmen and began to commit lawlessness along with Skuratov and Vyazemsky. But Ivan Vasilievich also quickly lost interest in Gryaznoy: when the former close associate was captured, the tsar did not even begin to ransom him.

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The meaning of the word oprichnik

oprichnik in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


guardsman, m.

    Serving nobleman, warrior, who was in the troops of the oprichnina in the reign of Ivan IV (historical). With the help of the guardsmen, Ivan IV finally broke the big boyars-patrimonials and strengthened the unified power of the tsar. - We are royal people, guardsmen! And you de zemshchina! We are supposed to rob you and rip you off, but you are supposed to endure and bow! A.K. Tolstoy. The tsar's evil oprichnik, Kiribeevich, has dishonored our honest family. Lermontov.

    trans. Oppressor of the people, faithful henchman of the enemies of the people (contempt.). The ugly forms of exploitation at the enterprises, plus the unbearable police regime of the tsarist guardsmen - a circumstance that turned every serious strike of the workers into

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. A man who served in the oprichnina (in 3 meanings). Royal about.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Serving nobleman, warrior, who was in the troops of the oprichnina (1 * 3) in the reign of Ivan IV (the Terrible).

    trans. The oppressor of the people, the faithful henchman of the enemies of the people.



Oprichnik- bodyguard, a person in the ranks of the oprichnina army (detachment of bodyguards), that is, the personal guard created by Ivan the Terrible as part of his political reform in 1565.

"Oprichnik" is a later term for this phenomenon. The old Russian word "oprich", according to Dahl's dictionary, means: "Outside, outside, outside, beyond what." Hence "oprichny" - "separate, distinguished, special." In the time of Ivan Vasilievich, guardsmen were called "government people". The word "oprichnik" returned to the Russian language through the efforts of N. M. Karamzin in early XIX century and became a household word for those who fought the revolutionaries with cruel measures.

Oprichnik (opera)

"Oprichnik"- opera by P. I. Tchaikovsky to the composer's libretto based on the story of the same name by I. I. Lazhechnikov. Written in 1870-1872, the premiere took place on April 12, 1874 at the Mariinsky Theater (conductor Eduard Napravnik).

Oprichnik (clipper, 1880)

Oprichnik- Russian sail-screw clipper (cruiser of the 2nd rank) of the fourth series. Built at the Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg under the supervision of Lieutenant Colonel N. A. Samoilov. The only ship in the series is equipped with two side sponsons to accommodate the main battery guns.

Oprichnik (disambiguation)


  • The oprichnik is a person who is in the ranks of the oprichnik army, that is, the guard created by Ivan the Terrible as part of his political reform in 1565.
  • "Oprichnik" - the tragedy of I. I. Lazhechnikov.
  • "Oprichnik" - opera by P. I. Tchaikovsky.
  • Oprichnik is a bay of the Sea of ​​Japan.

"Oprichnik"- Russian sail-screw clippers:

  • Clipper "Oprichnik" - a six-gun sail-screw clipper ship of the Russian Imperial Navy, launched in Arkhangelsk in 1856. He died in the Indian Ocean while returning from the Far East to Kronstadt in November 1861.
  • Clipper "Oprichnik" - a sail-screw clipper of the Russian Imperial Navy, built in 1880.

Oprichnik (bay)

in the Gulf of Oprichnik

Oprichnik (clipper, 1856)

"Oprichnik"- Russian six-gun sail-screw clipper, launched in 1856. He served in Kronstadt, then on Far East. When returning from there to Kronstadt in November 1861, he died.

Examples of the use of the word oprichnik in the literature.

In these words of the boyar, hatred for the enemy of all the biggest boyars sounded: do not oprichnik, not some kind of one-palace, he himself was the same boyar, of an old family, - he ruined the boyars, depriving him of ancestral, great-grandfather privileges and rights.

The service was rendered by the prince in the same scene to the virtuous robber Ivan the Ring, whom guardsmen they were going to execute: the prince saved him from death, and then he would lead the prince out of the royal prison and save him.

IN guardsmen Tolstoy sees only a gang of ambitious people, false friends of power, not realizing that the guardsmen were a landowning layer, nobles, more than boyars, devoted to the autocratic tsar, who helped him strengthen centralized power in the state.

The zemstvos are afraid of me, and guardsmen, the tsar favors for youth, curses the Orthodox people.

As the prince retired, guardsmen, pacified by the appearance of the holy fool, again began to rage.

Robbery in the vicinity of Moscow has especially multiplied since guardsmen ousted entire villages of cultivators, entire settlements of philistines.

But from time to time John or guardsmen they let the animals out of their cages, tore the people with them and made fun of their fear.

True, he has changed since then, as, to all the boyars, to shame, in guardsmen go!

Just asleep guardsmen heard a familiar ringing, jumped up from the beds and hurried to get dressed.

All guardsmen, dressed alone in hats and black cassocks, carried resin lamps.

To this accursed place, but not on a dark night, I'm on a sunny morning, Malyuta and guardsmen he was directed to run.

How guardsmen they set fire to the hut, so at first it became hot, but as the hut burned down, there was enough frost in the yard!

Not because people destroy people because they alone guardsmen, other zemstvos, but because both of them are people!

He hurries them to the Poganaya Puddle, straightens the hood on the prince, so that they don’t recognize guardsmen who are being taken to their deaths.

But they think guardsmen that a simple man jumps between Khomyak and Malyuta, and only marvel that they are taking him so far to be executed.