Why is this year so hard? “2016 will be the hardest year for everyone. Unraveling the mysteries of the universe

What does the year of the Monkey promise us, which will begin on the eastern calendar on February 8, 2016? What, according to the forecasts of astrologers, will be the year 2016? How do the cycles of the planets and the cycles of social and economic development? Professional Tatyana Kudryavtseva answers these and other questions.

Pavel Globa: detailed forecast for 2016

The two major aspects of 2016 are Pluto square Uranus and Saturn square Neptune

- Tatyana, horoscopes predict that the year of the Monkey is a year of revolutionary changes and some adventurous events. Is it so?

- The Year of the Monkey suggests that you need to listen to your intuition and you need to be very careful. The background of a number of negative aspects continues, since we have not yet emerged from the phase of a severe crisis.

The most tense global aspect of recent years - the square with Uranus, symbolizing the economic and inevitable social transformations - in 2016 enters its final phase, in fact, diverges.

We will again feel the outgoing influence of this aspect in the second half of 2016, in autumn and winter. And the first half of the year will be somewhat calmer. True, January, April and early July inspire some concern. It can still be concluded that this is Last year acute phase of the crisis. Next, we will deal (about 4 more years) with its consequences.

Another significant aspect of 2016 will be the conflict and Neptune. This conflict is related to the crisis of power and status, the uncertainty in these areas. The aspect is characterized by serious provocations. You should not instantly react to unverified information, otherwise you can become a victim of scammers and suffer.

The epicenter of the aspect falls on summer months- end of June - beginning of July, then - in August; and in September the conflict escalates solar eclipse September 1. These periods can be characterized by power imbalances, status uncertainty, misinformation about what is happening.

In addition, the aspect promises other factors of possible tension. A difficult social situation in the labor market is predicted; an increase in unemployment. In the field of culture and human relationships, this aspect also promises difficulties. Many relationships will be tested.

The distrust factor will increase among people, colleagues, married couples - largely due to the aggravation of the economic situation. Therefore, caution is keyword of the year.

On the other hand, if a person’s intuition works and the risk is calculated, he can take a risk in the year of the Monkey, since the current year, for various reasons, is conducive to this. Here we must act not in the vein of "the character of the Monkey", this is still a metaphor, but try to choose good days. If the project is overdue, then you can take a chance, but in this case it is good to consult with an astrologer in order to choose a suitable transit period. And you can not take risks, it all depends on the individual forecast.

Is a new default possible this year? And in what time frame?

Throughout the year for financial markets destabilization is possible: fluctuations, unexpected jumps. The most critical time in this regard is the end of summer and autumn 2016. Try to treat your income and expenses, acquisitions, loans and other financial transactions without false optimism.

Do not overestimate your strength, be a cautious, flexible pragmatist. This difficult time is the best way to reduce unnecessary expenses of the company and restructure the company. Don't get involved with unreliable, unreliable, unprofessional partners.

- If the Monkey - with such leaps, such an adventurous and risky, and we have not yet gone out of a series of hard aspects - so maybe it's better to wait out altogether?

Why put off life until tomorrow, you need to act in the year that is, and not stop your activities just because the year of the Monkey is coming. In general, postponing your activities due to the fact that some year of the animal is included in the eastern horoscope is simply stupid.

There are two strategies - either you need to trust your intuition and, as a help, use the popular calendar, taking into account new moons, full moons, eclipses and not act on hard aspects. And that's a common strategy across the board. Or you can carefully build a person's horoscope, study his personal chart, cycles and transits. It is advisable to do this with a professional astrologer.

Having received qualified advice, the client will be able to make decisions more consciously over the coming year, take into account all his positive or negative periods. It boosts confidence and helps in life.

Astrology is kind of a rational way

- You just said that the year of the Monkey is expected to be irrational and not amenable to miscalculation, but on the other hand, you advise carefully weighing everything. Doesn't one contradict the other?

When I deciphered the aspects of the year, I said that you need to use your intuition, trust it, and possibly use a calendar. This is the first recommendation. And the second is to entrust the forecast to a professional astrologer and fully tell the context of the expected events. Then the astrologer will talk about the personal cycles of a person. This will make sense if a person lives by reason and calculation; such a consultation will help him to better understand what is happening and make an informed decision. If a person lives by intuition, the first way is more suitable for him.

This is partly a rational path, because a person is trying to study his innate potential, his previous cycles in life, to understand this moment and draw some conclusions.

There are four eclipses in 2016. Is this a fateful time?

Yes, there are eclipses in March and September. The tense aspects of the year are not always bad, for example, for creativity. When something new needs to be built, the old has to be destroyed.

- At the beginning of the conversation, it sounded that another significant aspect of 2016 would be the conflict of Saturn and Neptune. The aspect is characterized by serious provocations and one can unwittingly become a victim of scammers. Is it possible to say that the number of various scams will increase in society?

If we focus on the negative semantics of an aspect, then we attract the whole spectrum of this negative; whereas if we just warn of some increased voltage, then we have room for maneuver. It makes sense to simply act in the semantic field of the client's questions, then the correctness and the necessary degree of specificity are preserved, depending on the client's readiness to interact with his future.

Change yourself - change fate

— And why not give the client clear recommendations – attitudes or trends?

Just astrology gives trends. Astrology deciphers the cycles and guides a person on how best to plan his actions. We can say the exact dates of some aspects, but this does not mean that the events will occur exactly on that date. Astrology is a humanitarian, symbolic science, it is a language; It's not math or accounting.

Astrology does not deal with "installations" and programming of people, it is unethical and unprofessional. The future is shaped in this moment and depends on the choice of the individual. If a person has a desire to change his future, he can thoroughly work on this. Some factors are harder to change, and some factors are easier to change.

The near future is more rigidly programmed than the more distant future, since many factors have already taken place and it is difficult to change them. The distant future is generally unpredictable and things that are less likely to happen can happen - this happens all the time.

- The future that can be changed - how to work with it?

For this, a person comes to an astrologer. He has some far-reaching plans, but he sees that there are some obstacles, something is not going the way he wants. These obstacles are revealed, and a person, taking into account knowledge, changes his plans. And the future is changing.

Someone changes their place of residence, place of work, their personal life or attitude to what is happening; and the future will be transformed along with it. Someone works on himself in order to change himself internally, to attract other events externally - this is also a very effective method.

There is no unambiguous hard forecast in astrology; this does not correspond to the picture of the Universe. I think that tarologists, specialists in various divination practices, should work in much the same way: a forecast is made so that a person can change something and more consciously manage his future. Otherwise, it is meaningless and even harmful - this is human programming!

When a specialist looks at the forecast of the future, he can say: "If you do not change anything and act in the same direction, then it is most likely that the circumstances may develop in this way" and, having received such a forecast, a person needs to act promptly in accordance with the recommendations and his desires if he wants to change the future.

Any soothsayer can only warn a person, and it is unethical to say that everything has already happened and nothing can be changed. Why, then, is such a forecast necessary if it cannot be changed?

In fact, from my many years of experience in astrology, I can say that the future exists at the level of potential and at the level of working with it. The future needs to be worked on depending on the choice and desire of a person.

Transits in astrology

— When you build a map for a client, do you correlate it with the political or social situation in the country? Or are they parallel hypostases?

I work only with private clients and their requests, I am not a political astrologer. If the horoscope is built correctly, then first I look at the overall potential of the card, because this is the basis of everything. If a horoscope is built correctly for the correct date and time, then it is simply impossible to make a mistake in a person’s potential.

And then I act in the key of human questions. I specify that he is interested, what he expects from life, I look at the cycles of the planets, I make predictions. It may well be that there is a financial crisis in the country, and a person has won all the tenders, received all the expected loans to the maximum because the houses associated with finances have positively activated in his card, and a period of financial recovery has begun.

For that matter, there are enough people who earn and prosper during the war. The entire population is impoverished, and a person earns.

- In one of your forecasts, you said that this year there will be no growing cycles? How to understand it?

This means that some values ​​​​should be sought in the past. These are different things: personal cycles for an individual and cycles for the whole earth. Maybe something like this: in society, stagnation, and a person has a breakthrough.

But you also have to try on a general forecast for every day. Let's just say - 60 percent of the general forecast of general transit works and 40 percent of the personal forecast works. Any predictions, any future is a very subtle thing. Here you need to enter the context of a person, understand what he specifically asks.

If a person has an ordinary transit calendar, then it is already good, because he is armed, understands how to protect himself, and does not act blindly. And this is especially important for active person making a bright career as a leader or politician.

Many people know that, for example, you cannot choose eclipse dates for important meetings, because the negative dynamics of the entire event will develop. Another question is that these days also need to be lived! But then you can just calmly think over strategies and collect information.

— Do we need to take into account negative days if we want our websites, online stores, pages in social networks to develop and make a profit?

Must be taken into account. When registering companies, websites, pages, I advise you to take all this into account. If a person does not take into account the ancient science and elementary understanding of the cycle, even at the calendar level, it turns out that he does not live in harmony with the general rhythms. And this can seriously hinder its activity.

- At the end of the conversation, is it possible to get some kind of pleasant forecast. What could be good this year in in general terms- personal life, creativity, recreation, joy?

Well, I didn't say the picture was exceptionally sad. You just have to be flexible. This, by the way, is the main feature of the Monkey, whose year we enter in February. Flexibility, adaptation, the ability to enjoy the little things, laugh at the difficulties - this is the program for the next year! And then it will be timely to reap the fruits of what was previously begun, previously created - this also describes the nature of the year.

The events of the year will be unpredictable, irrational - but only at first glance. If we analyze the past, then the roots of what is happening can easily be found there. By thinking it all over in a calm environment, many people will be able to change the situation for the better.

- This makes me happy! And also about personal accomplishments of the year and, perhaps, limitations?

The monkey promises changes in life, dynamics, justified expectations. Marriages, personal and creative unions, the birth of children and works of art, the implementation of long-conceived projects are very promising! In a career, we are also waiting for an incredible take-off. Many of us will increase our incomes through additional sources, multiple jobs, irrational approaches.

However, the year is a leap year. We must take care of ourselves and not take physical risks. Do not overload and do not endanger yourself once again. Timely take disease prevention seriously, undergo preventive examinations. Be careful and you will not be left without bananas in the year of the Monkey!

In addition, many marriages have been annulled this year. Some astrologers are unanimous in their opinion that the leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in life. And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronika Andreeva, loved to test people's feelings for strength.

Julia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the red monkey. It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is obvious, ”said the astrologer Samodelova.

It should be noted that the winner of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of the strongest exposure. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash acts. A year ago, Litvin warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could have had negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere around the first decade of February. But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Then it will be easier,” promises Lytvyn.

The psychic is sure that in order for the time until February 2017 to pass most safely, it is necessary to protect yourself from rash acts. In January, you need to correctly prioritize for all the coming months, so that everything goes exactly the way you planned. To predict everything, according to Alexander, will be impossible, but it is worth trying.

"Until the fifth of January - really good time to do some planning. Use it for its intended purpose! Do not follow the instructions, but create them yourself. The energy of the month allows you to stand on a par with leading people, and not remain led. Do not be afraid to ask - the universe needs to be informed about your intentions, ”said Alexander Litvin.

Pavel Globa echoes the words of the participant in the Battle of Psychics, but puts forward a much more disappointing diagnosis for the Year of the Fire Monkey. He is convinced that in connection with globalization in the world, all processes began to proceed much faster than before, therefore the tragedies of people whom they did not expect seem very obvious, since they proceeded at a breakneck pace, ahead of the natural course of history.

“Globalization, which has swept the world, has significantly accelerated the rhythm of life: everything around is spinning wildly, pictures change each other in the blink of an eye ... And it would seem that this is the natural course of history and it simply cannot be otherwise. But in fact, the acceleration of global processes affected all spheres of life, and in 2016 the world fully felt the full severity of the consequences, ”the palmist said at the end of last year.

What was 2016 like? For 12 months, there have been many changes not only in the life of our country, but throughout the world: several terrorist attacks in different parts of the world, inciting military conflicts, as well as a plane crash with a Tu-154 aircraft. In addition, many marriages have been annulled this year.

Some astrologers are unanimous in their opinion that the leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in life.

And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronika Andreeva, loved to test people's feelings for strength.


Julia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but the general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the Red Monkey.

It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is obvious,

– said the astrologer Samodelova.

The planets could have a great influence on the mutual understanding of partners this year. There is an opinion that Saturn negatively affects pairs. When he is in the right cycle, he freezes communication, cools it, often leading to the separation of lovers.


It should be noted that the winner of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of the strongest exposure. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash acts. A year ago, Lytvyn warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could have had negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere in the first decade of February.

But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Then it will be easier,” promises Lytvyn.

A photo posted by ALEXANDER LITVIN'S LABORATORY (@litvin_lab) on Dec 5, 2016 at 5:18am PST

The ending year has become a “fruitful” for stellar divorces. Strong exemplary families, including the unions of Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk, Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk, could not withstand the heat of passion and fell apart. And it's not just the stars that get divorced en masse. According to astrologers, it's not so much the leap year that's to blame, but the Fire Monkey.

Of course, in every specific case The reasons for divorce are different, but there are still general recommendations for all couples.
“The Mistress of the Year, the Fire Monkey, begins the four-year cycle and rules over the leap year. During 2016, all events are laid down that will continue in the next three years, so for many people something in life ends that has already outlived its usefulness in order to make room for a new, still unknown, ”said Days .Ru astrologer Veronika Andreeva. As the expert noted, the Monkey loves to have fun and play a trick on people and their feelings, testing alliances for strength. “I must say that her sense of humor is quite rude, so you should expect a catch in a seemingly promising relationship. Mistakes and illusions in love and partnership are not ruled out,” she warns.
Andreeva also noted that the element of 2016 is fire, which is considered the purest of all elements, therefore it inclines people to express their feelings openly, spontaneously, not to compromise. “During this period, decisions are often made too quickly, they are dictated by momentary emotions. That is why this year there are so many high-profile divorces among stable couples. Strong relationships in 2016 are also not protected by retrograde Mars, which happens once every two years and lasts quite a long time - about 2.5 months. People quarrel, say too much, there are "accidents in the minds and hearts." All decisions that are made during this period can be reviewed, and the agreements are not implemented or canceled,” she said.
Astrologer of the ASTRUS Center for Forecasting and Psychology Yulia Samodelova agrees with her colleague: “I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the Red Monkey. It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is there."
“Of course, the events in our lives depend on the indicators of the individual horoscope. As for each individual pair, the first thing to look at natal chart- these are the negative aspects of transiting malefic planets to Venus. For example, Saturn has a very bad effect on relationships, which may indicate a crisis in family life, in love, limits, freezes feelings, brings cooling, and sometimes even a break in relations between people, - Samodelova said in an interview with Days.Ru.

Horoscope of Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk from Veronika Andreeva.
Astrologically a very interesting couple: the fiery and mobile Sagittarius (Svetlana) and the earthly, solid Taurus (Fedor). It would seem that the elements are radically different, but this was the charm of this union of two talented and extraordinary people. With such indicators, people may not fully understand each other, remaining a mystery, but, on the other hand, this very circumstance could be the reason for such long term relationship. For Svetlana, 2016 is a year of trials, since now in her natal chart there is a direction of Uranus to the Moon, which portends alienation in the family, impulsive, hasty actions, up to a divorce, which happened. Here and retrograde Mars aggravated the situation. Fedor also astrologically entered a period of increasing responsibility to relatives and friends, as well as a test of a difficult choice (in the directions, the conjunction of the Sun with Chiron). With such indicators, it was extremely difficult to avoid a divorce, but you can remain friends, which Svetlana and Fedor did.

Horoscope Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk from Veronika Andreeva.
Earthy, practical and responsible Capricorn (Anastasia) and sensitive, intuitive Cancer (Gleb) are a very harmonious union that combines the elements of earth and water. Differences can arise over decision making, everyone tends to insist on being right and not compromise - this could be the reason for a divorce. Although in the case of Anastasia and Gleb there are tense moments in astrological calculations, they could be overcome if desired and stay together.

Horoscope of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt from Yulia Samodelova.
In the birth charts of both actors, there is a rather complicated transit situation. Jolie - Gemini by sign. In opposition to her Sun is Saturn, the planet of loneliness and loss. Neptune on the Black Moon forms an inadequate perception of reality, and can also give phobias. Pitt, Sagittarius, has the same Saturn in the sun sign, Neptune in Chiron, ruling the partnership. And the Ascending Lunar Node, a symbol of karma, passing through Uranus gives inevitable changes. This is a classic astrological situation of a couple's divorce, when it is not at all clear who is to blame. I would say, as in one classic work: “You are all good!”
Astrologers advise readers of Days.Ru to be vigilant in relationships until the end of the year, not to succumb to the provocations of such a mobile and sometimes extremely cynical Monkey, to approach all important decisions reasonably and pragmatically, because a high probability of error is not ruled out.

The past 12 months have affected the fate of many people. Some believed that the fact that the year of the Fire Monkey was a leap year was the cause of the misfortunes, others blamed the unstable situation in the world for everything, and someone suggested that the position of the stars influenced the misfortunes. Astrologers, numerologists, clairvoyants and psychics have their own answer to these questions.

Before the New Year, StarHit decided to remember what 2016 was like. For 12 months, there have been many changes not only in the life of our country, but throughout the world: several terrorist attacks in different parts of the world, inciting military conflicts, as well as a plane crash with a Tu-154 aircraft. In addition, many marriages have been annulled this year. Moreover, this affected both world celebrities and representatives of Russian show business. Some astrologers are unanimous in their opinion that the leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in life. And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronika Andreeva, loved to test people's feelings for strength.


Julia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but the general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the red monkey. It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is obvious, ”said the astrologer Samodelova.

The planets could have a great influence on the mutual understanding of partners this year. There is an opinion that Saturn negatively affects pairs. When he is in the right cycle, he freezes communication, cools it, often leading to the separation of lovers.


It should be noted that the winner of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of the strongest exposure. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash acts. A year ago, Litvin warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could have had negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere around the first decade of February. But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Then it will be easier,” promises Lytvyn.