Next total solar eclipse. Solar eclipse. Partial solar eclipse

Everyone has seen such an astronomical phenomenon as a solar eclipse at least once in their life. Even in ancient sources, people mentioned it, and today, at least once or twice a year, partial or complete eclipses can be seen all over the Earth. Eclipses occur regularly, several times a year, and even the exact dates of the next ones are known.

What is a solar eclipse?

Objects in outer space arranged in such a way that the shadow of one can overlap the other. The moon provokes a solar eclipse when it covers the fiery disk. At this moment, the planet becomes a little colder and noticeably darker, as if it were evening. Animals and birds are frightened in this incomprehensible situation, plants fold their leaves. Even people used to treat such astronomical jokes with great excitement, but with the development of science, everything fell into place.

How does a solar eclipse happen?

The moon and the sun are at different distances from our planet, so they appear to people to be almost the same size. On the new moon, when the orbits of both cosmic bodies intersect at one point, the satellite closes the luminary for the earthly viewer. A solar eclipse is a bright and memorable astronomical event, but it is impossible to fully enjoy it for several reasons:

  1. The blackout band is not wide by earthly standards, no more than 200-270 km.
  2. Due to the fact that the diameter of the Moon is much smaller than the Earth's, you can see the eclipse only in certain places on the planet.
  3. The so-called "phase of darkness" lasts several minutes. After that, the satellite moves aside, continuing to rotate in its orbit, and the star again "works in the usual mode."

What does a solar eclipse look like?

When an earthly satellite obscures a heavenly body, the latter from the surface of the planet looks like a dark spot with a bright crown on the sides. The fireball is closed by another, but of a smaller diameter. A pearl-colored radiance appears around. These are the outer layers of the solar atmosphere, not visible at normal times. The "magic" lies in one moment, which can only be caught from a certain angle. And the essence of a solar eclipse is in the shadow falling from the satellite, which blocks the light. Those in the eclipse may see the full eclipse, others only partially or not at all.

How long does a solar eclipse last?

Depending on the latitude at which a potential terrestrial viewer is located, he can observe the eclipse from 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, there are three conditional stages of a solar eclipse:

  1. The Moon appears from the right side of the star.
  2. It passes along its orbit, gradually obscuring the fiery disk from the beholder.
  3. The darkest period begins - when the satellite completely obscures the luminary.

After that, the Moon departs, revealing the right edge of the Sun. The glowing ring disappears and becomes light again. The last period of a solar eclipse is short, lasting an average of 2-3 minutes. The longest recorded duration of the full phase in June 1973 was 7.5 minutes. And the shortest eclipse was visible in 1986 in the North Atlantic Ocean, when the shadow obscured the disk for only one second.

Solar eclipse - views

The geometry of the phenomenon is amazing, and its beauty is due to the following coincidence: the diameter of the star is 400 times larger than the moon, and from it to the Earth is 400 times further. At ideal conditions you can see a very "accurate" eclipse. But when a person looking for a unique phenomenon is in the penumbra of the moon, he notices partial obscuration. In total there are three types of eclipses:

  1. Total solar eclipse - if the darkest phase is visible to earthlings, the fiery disk is completely closed and there is a golden crown effect.
  2. Private, when one edge of the Sun is obscured by a shadow.
  3. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the earth's satellite is too far away and a bright ring is formed when looking at the luminary.

How dangerous is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a phenomenon that has both attracted and terrified people since ancient times. Understanding its nature, there is no point in being afraid, however, eclipses really carry colossal energy, which sometimes poses a danger to people. Doctors and psychologists consider the impact of these phenomena on the human body, arguing that hypersensitive people, the elderly and pregnant women are especially vulnerable. Three days before the event and three days after the event, health problems such as:

  • headache;
  • pressure surges;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What not to do during a solar eclipse?

From a medical point of view, looking at the sun during an eclipse is very dangerous because the sun produces a large number of ultraviolet radiation (and during an eclipse, the eyes are not protected and absorb dangerous doses of UV radiation), which is the cause of various eye diseases. Astrologers also talk about the impact of a solar eclipse on people's lives and their behavior. Experts in this field do not recommend starting new business during this period in order to avoid failures, taking on something spontaneously and making difficult decisions on which the future fate depends. From what you should not do during a solar eclipse, we can distinguish:

  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • conflict resolution, as people become more irritable;
  • performing complex medical procedures;
  • participation in mass actions.

When will the next solar eclipse be?

In ancient times, the moment when the luminary would disappear behind the lunar disk could not be predicted. Nowadays, scientists name the exact dates and places where it is best to look beyond the eclipse and the moment of the maximum phase, when the Moon completely covers the fiery disk with its shadow. The calendar for 2018 is as follows:

  1. Partial dimming will be visible in Antarctica, southern Argentina and Chile on the night of February 15, 2018.
  2. On July 13, at southern latitudes (in Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica), one can observe a partial closure of the Sun. The maximum phase is 06:02 Moscow time.
  3. The nearest solar eclipse for residents of Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, China, Canada and Scandinavia will come on August 11, 2018 at 12:47.

Solar eclipse - interesting facts

Even people who do not understand astronomy are interested in: how often a solar eclipse happens, what causes it, how long this outlandish phenomenon lasts. Many facts about him are known to everyone and surprise no one. But there is also interesting information about the eclipse, known to few.

  1. Observe the situation when the fiery disk is completely hidden from the eyes, in all solar system only possible on earth.
  2. At any point on the planet, eclipses can be seen on average once every 360 years.
  3. The maximum area of ​​overlapping of the Sun by the lunar shadow is 80%.
  4. In China, data were found on the first recorded eclipse, which happened in 1050 BC.
  5. The ancient Chinese believed that during an eclipse, the "solar dog" eats the sun. They began to beat the drums to drive the celestial predator away from the luminary. He should have been frightened and returned the stolen to the sky.
  6. When a solar eclipse occurs, the lunar shadow moves across the surface of the Earth at a tremendous speed - up to 2 km per second.
  7. Scientists have calculated: after 600 million years, eclipses will stop completely, because. the satellite will move away from the planet at a great distance.
  1. Solar eclipse January 6, 2019. The maximum phase of a partial eclipse of the Sun on January 6, 2019 will occur at 01:42 GMT, and Moscow time it will be at 4:42. They will see him in the northeast of Asia, the north Pacific Ocean, and in Russia it can be observed only in the south of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. There will be an eclipse in the zodiac sign Capricorn.
  2. Lunar eclipse January 21, 2019. This will be a Total Lunar Eclipse and you can watch it at 5:13 GMT, and Moscow time it will come at 8:13. You can observe a Total Lunar Eclipse in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, North and South America, Europe, Africa. European part Russia will be able to observe the maximum phase, penumbral - only the Urals and Western Siberia, and its end - the inhabitants of Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Far East coast. The zodiac sign of this Lunar Eclipse will be Leo.
  3. Solar eclipse July 2, 2019. It will reach its peak at 19:24 GMT, and Moscow time at 22:24. This is a Total Solar Eclipse and it will take place in the sign of Cancer. The maximum phase of the eclipse can be seen in the South Pacific Ocean, as well as in Chile and Argentina. Private only in the South Pacific and South America. Residents of Russia will not see this solar eclipse.
  4. Lunar eclipse 16 July 17, 2019. This time the lunar eclipse will be partial and it will come on July 16 at 21:31 GMT. In Moscow at this moment it will be already July 17 0:31. His zodiac sign is Capricorn. You can see it in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, as well as almost throughout Russia, with the exceptions of Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Far East coast.
  5. Solar eclipse December 26, 2019. The maximum phase of this solar eclipse is expected at 05:18 GMT and 08:18 Moscow time. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse and will take place in the sign of Capricorn. A partial eclipse will be visible in Asia and Australia, but an annular eclipse in Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Kalimantan. In Russia, it can be observed only in Transbaikalia and Primorye.

Features of lunar and solar eclipses in 2019

Each of these eclipses can affect a person differently. Some make us more suspicious, thoughtful, others bring major changes to our lives, others draw our attention to the sphere of career or family. But they also have common features which are useful to know. But we will tell about everything in order in this article. To begin with, it is necessary to consider each eclipse separately.

Solar eclipse 01/06/2019

From the point of view of astrology, the order is very important in this matter. For example, this time the Solar eclipse is almost immediately followed by a Lunar eclipse. This means that on January 6, 2019, all the actions that you will carry out at this time will definitely somehow manifest themselves on January 21 (the day of the Lunar Eclipse). And if you have not finished any business or left something for later, then expect the consequences in the next eclipse. Conversely, all the good that you have done will bear fruit after the next manifestation, you just need to wait.

Lunar eclipse 01/21/2019

This is a Total Lunar Eclipse that will occur in the sign of Leo, and it is because of this that at this time it is highly likely that many will want global changes in their lives - leave work, move to another country, separate from their spouses, and so on. However, astrologers do not recommend giving in to this feeling, since such an attitude is only a side effect of this Lunar eclipse. If you change something in your life, it is better to wait at least a week and weigh the pros and cons.

Solar eclipse 2.07.2019

You may notice that on the day of the Solar Eclipse and for three days after it, your consciousness is a little darkened, and the instincts are asked to manifest themselves in all their glory. This means that, of course, it is not worth starting a new global business, since you will not be able to assess the situation with a clear head. However, this is an occasion to seize the moment and start changing your lifestyle. Think about it, maybe some bad habit has crept into you and does not want to leave your life. This is a great reason to start completely getting rid of it. Or, on the contrary, you want to bring something good and useful into your everyday life. According to astrologers, on this Solar Eclipse, it is highly likely that good traditions will remain for a long time, and even for life.

Lunar eclipse 07/17/2019

Some situations in your life have reached a climax and if they are not resolved, then in the next eclipse you may be punished. Therefore, it is better to end this cycle without tails and debts. In addition, it is during this Lunar Eclipse that some may feel that the spirit of Protestantism, justice and rebellion has awakened in them. These feelings will only bring strife and problems if you follow their lead. If this attack has not bypassed you, then try to keep your emotions to yourself, and besides, reconsider your principles, maybe you are mistaken in something. Astrologers say that at this time it is very useful, and most importantly productive, to dive into yourself and rethink your value system.

Solar eclipse 12/26/2019

At this time, some ideas, perspectives or events may come to naught and disappear from your life altogether. But “a holy place is never empty”, which means that something new will definitely appear in their place, the main thing is to wait. In order to preserve the emotional background and not drive yourself into depression, you need to say goodbye to everything old without regret. In addition, this is a very useful skill that allows you to keep nervous system in harmony and not get upset over trifles.

How and who will be most affected by eclipses in 2019?

Let's start with those who are subject to greatest danger during any eclipse:

  • people who have any chronic diseases (especially diseases of the central nervous system and cardiovascular);
  • those who suffer from depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders;
  • suspicious by nature people;
  • hypochondriacs;
  • excitable people.

According to scientific research, during Lunar and Solar eclipses, the number of crimes, attacks and riots still does not increase, but there are more suicidal cases. The fact is that these phenomena make us delve too deeply into ourselves, and if this is a suspicious person, then anything can be expected from him. Many emotions are felt more acutely and dull the mind, we feel anxiety, as if something terrible and destructive is about to happen. This causes our insomnia, conflicts with others and ourselves.

But it cannot be said that eclipses bring only harm and trouble to our lives, because there are many positive aspects in this. For example, they often reveal insight and intuition in us. That would be nice to use, right? For example, make yourself a map of wishes that you would like to fulfill during this year. At this time, you will be able to understand yourself and those around you more than usual, but again, you should not delve too deeply into your personality, as this can lead to depression.

Preparing for solar and lunar eclipses

During this period, there is a strong effect on the human body and all diseases that sleep come out. Therefore, start preparing from this area:

  1. First, it is important to unload cardiovascular system. This means you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, eliminate fatty foods, ensure constant access to fresh air, walk more often and do not forget about health-improving gymnastics. But the most important thing is to avoid stress;
  2. in order to prevent depressive states, in the period three days and three days after the eclipse, try to sleep well and observe occupational hygiene, simply do not overwork, but do not be lazy;
  3. due to the periodic decrease in solar activity, people feel anxiety and this makes them feel tired and lethargic, and performance drops. To avoid this, during the eclipse (the three days before and after it), periodically drink soothing herbs and teas. You can also do things that help you calm down;
  4. Of course, any preparation for this kind of phenomena includes the rejection of bad habits. But it is foolish to believe that this is only smoking and alcohol, this includes overeating, and sweets, in general, any addiction.

If you believe the instructions of astrologers, then at this moment the connection with the Universe also increases. So it's time to dream and make a wish. But it must be done correctly - try to visualize it, draw it, describe it and hang it in the most prominent place. Thus, you give a signal to the world about what you need most.

You can also often hear that in no case should you look at the eclipse, this will lead to troubles and misfortunes. But such a ban is more connected with the fear that our ancestors experienced when looking at such an astronomical, in their opinion, miracle. Today, we are more informed and can accurately describe what it is. In addition, many experts say that you even need to look at it, since the preparation and the process itself can reduce the very anxiety that is the cause of many troubles.

But remember that you need to watch the eclipse correctly so as not to make yourself worse. You can not look at this phenomenon through glasses, a telescope, binoculars, smoked glass, film. It is believed that this is sufficient protection for the eyes, but in fact, these devices still let through some of the ultraviolet radiation, which spoils our vision.

The easiest way is to watch the eclipse online or through the welder's goggles. More complex involves the creation of special devices, a master class for which can be found on the net.

The events of any eclipse, whether solar or lunar, are fateful. And although some moments may seem insignificant to you, in fact, they set the general mood for the future. Therefore, it is so important to record the main events of this period somewhere, and then carefully analyze them and think over them. possible outcome. So you can correct bad changes and increase the effect of the good consequences of this phenomenon.

It is very good and useful to meditate and memorize various affirmations (short parting and encouraging phrases). This will help you calm down and find harmony within yourself. In addition, such spiritual practices are a good way to show the Universe what you want and what you dream about.

It is believed that during this period the information that we receive is also perceived more sharply, and the impressions from it are brighter. So if you've been putting off reading a book for a better time, or watching a movie, if it's not related to a long trip, then this moment has come. Your feelings from these actions will be unforgettable and this is a chance to replenish your pleasant memories. And in general, it is useful to do something that is connected with feelings and good impressions. Think about it, maybe you have been dreaming about something like this for a long time?

  • Travel and travel at this time will be dangerous, it is also undesirable to drive any transport.
  • Important decisions and attempts to change your life at this time will not only be useless, but also harmful to your life.
  • Do not sort things out with anyone, and do not change abruptly your personal life (wedding, engagement, divorce, moving to a new level, and so on).
  • Avoid large purchases, as well as serious financial transactions.
  • Try to avoid large crowds of people, and do not get involved in any conflicts, because they can develop into something more.

As you can see, eclipses cannot be called an unambiguously bad phenomenon, because it carries a lot of useful things. And if you are a little more enterprising, then you can make a huge benefit. But your main task at this time is to take care of your nervous system and calm yourself. Think positive and dream, because it brings bright colors into our lives and sets a goal for which we want to live.

Permanent damage to the eye can result from viewing the solar disk directly, through a camera's viewfinder, through binoculars, or a telescope, even if only a thin crescent of the sun or a bailey's rosary is present. 1 percent of the surface of the still visible Sun is 10,000 times brighter full moon. Close observation of the Sun under such circumstances is like using a magnifying glass to direct sunlight into the retina of the eye. The retina is fragile and cannot be repaired. A retinal surgeon can do little or nothing to help you.
Never look at the Sun outside of the phase of a total solar eclipse without proper protection!

Standard or Polaroid sunglasses are not filters. They can provide some eye relief when outdoors on a bright sunny day, but don't even think about using them for sungazing. So, do not use sunglasses, even crossed polaroids, to observe the Sun during the partial phases of the eclipse. They provide little or no eye protection.

If a total eclipse occurs and the bright surface of the sun is hidden from the observer's view, then it is perfectly safe to observe it without applying any filter. In fact, it is one of the greatest spectacles in nature.

There are several basic ways to observe the partial phase of a solar eclipse without harming your eyes.

Point projection method

One safe way to observe the Sun during a partial eclipse - or at any other time - is to use a "camera obscura" that allows you to follow the projected image of the Sun. There are elaborate pinhole cameras that can be made out of cardboard boxes, but a fully usable (and portable) option is to use two thin, thick pieces of white cardboard. It is necessary to make a small through hole in one of the pieces of cardboard and direct sunlight through this hole to the second piece of cardboard, which will serve as a screen under it. An inverted image of the Sun is formed. To magnify the image, place the screen away from the hole. You should not expand the hole, otherwise you will have a ray of light, but not an image of the crescent of the Sun. It must be remembered that this device must be used with your back to the sun. Sunlight should pass over your shoulder through the hole and form an image on the cardboard screen below.
In no case should you look at the Sun through a hole!

Use of filters for solar radiation

The second method of observing the Sun consists in its direct contemplation through a specially designed light filter. Such filters pass only a tiny fraction of sunlight. Advertisements for solar filters can be found in popular astronomy newspapers.

One type of such a filter is made of aluminized polyester. However, it must be remembered that polyester, plastic, comes in different densities. Eye protection requires a metallic coating, so polyester should be examined for small holes that could let sunlight through the filter and cause damage to the eyes. A good filter allows you to freely look at the filament of a lamp with a high incandescent intensity.

The second type of filter is made from a black polymer that gives the image of the Sun a yellow-orange tint that is more pleasing to the eye than the bluish color seen with aluminized polyester filters. No type of filter provides complete safety if its optical density is not equal to or greater than 5.0. This means that only 0.01% of sunlight can get through the filter.

However, when using any kind of filter, you should not stare at the Sun for a long time. It is necessary to look through the filter for a short period of time, and then look away. In such a case, a tiny hole, which is likely to fall out of view, will not cause any harm. Ever since our carefree childhood days, we've known that you can protect your eyes by looking directly at the Sun and immediately looking away.
Always remember that the eyes can be damaged even in the absence of pain!

observation through binoculars

Binoculars were writer-astronomer George Lovie's favorite device for observing total eclipses. Binoculars will fit any size. The writer used 7x50 binoculars (7x magnification with 50mm objective lenses). “Even the best photographers cannot accurately capture the details and color of the Sun during an eclipse, and especially the smallest structure of the corona with very subtle differences that no film can pick up like the human eye.” He felt that the people who go to great lengths to capture the true image of a solar eclipse are the nineteenth-century artists who saw the eclipse with their eyes and mind, preserved it in their memory and transferred it to canvas.

For people who intend to use binoculars to observe the eclipse, Lovi urged common sense. A total eclipse should be observed without the use of a filter, whether simply with the eyes or with binoculars or a telescope. But the partial phases of the eclipse, up to the effect created by the light zone around the dark disk, should be observed with filters installed on the lenses of binoculars. And only after the disappearance of the light zone is it not dangerous to look without using a filter. In addition, it is quite dangerous to return to viewing through the filter when the total eclipse decreases and when a bright light appears on the western edge of the Moon's silhouette. However, binoculars are actually two small telescopes built side by side. If viewing the Sun in the absence of a total solar eclipse without the use of a filter can quickly damage unprotected eyes, then it is naturally even more dangerous to view the notch of the uneclipsed sun through binoculars without the use of a filter.

telescope observation

Some observers, including historian-astronomer Ruth Freitag, prefer to view the progression of the eclipse with small portable binoculars, which are stable and less tiring when used over long periods than binoculars. The telescope also provides more detailed high power vision than you might imagine. The solar radiation filter is removed when a total solar eclipse occurs. When there is a desire to see more large view crown, you need to switch to the finder scope.

Shooting filters and filters for telescopes

Many telescope and camera companies provide metal-coated filters that are safe for observing the Sun. They are more expensive than regular Mylars, but in principle, observers like it more, as it is available in various colors, for example, a chrome-plated filter through which the Sun reflects. orange. Through the aluminized mylar, the sun looks bluish-gray. With the help of Mylar through such filters you can look directly at the sun.

Attention: Do not confuse such filters, which are designed to be mounted on camera lenses or the opening of telescopes, with the so-called solar eyepieces for a telescope. Solar eyepieces are still sold with small amateur telescopes. They are not safe due to their tendency to heat up and crack, which allows sunlight to enter completely into the opening of the telescope.

Fully exposed and developed black and white film
as a light filter

You can make your own filter from black and white film, but only real black and white film (for example, Kodak Tri-X or Pan-X). Such films contain a layer of silver after they are developed. It is this layer of silver that serves to protect the eyes.

To make your own light filter, proceed as follows. Open a roll of black and white film and hold it for a minute in the sun. Film must be developed to produce negatives. Use negatives for your film. It is better to use two layers of film. With this filter, you can look at the sun without fear.

Remember, however, that in order to use black and white film as a solar filter, it must be prepared at least a few days before the observation.

Attention: Do not use color or chromogenic black and white film that is actually color film. The developed color film, regardless of the degree of brightness, contains only color dyes that do not protect eyesight. It is the metallic silver, which is contained in the black and white film after it has been developed, that serves to create a safe light filter.

Fenrir cannot resist the temptation not to feast on the sun at least once a year… Our main luminary was swallowed by a huge toad, but it burns it with its rays and breaks free…

What folklore of different nations did not come up with in order to explain this classical and absolutely natural phenomenon from an astrophysical point of view. A variety of properties were attributed to the solar eclipse and many signs were associated with it, it was studied by generations of astrologers and astronomers ...

In a word, perhaps, there are few things in our Universe that would receive such close attention. And today, the time has come for us to pay tribute to him, along the way, noting in our calendar of events when it will happen in 2019.

Solar eclipses in 2019

In 2019, there will be a total solar eclipse once - in the summer, on July 2, and it will become noticeable in Argentina, Chile and the southeast Pacific Ocean. The full phase will last only four and a half minutes in total, so everyone who is going to visit the corresponding region at this time should prepare well in advance.

Chileans, depending on the region of the country, will observe it at 20:39 UTC, and Argentines at 20:40 - 20:43. The next eclipse after this will occur on December 14, 2020. And the previous one, we recall, we could contemplate on August 21, 2017 (USA - complete, partial was visible even in South America, Western Europe and on the easternmost edge of Asia). By the way, the one that will be in a year and a half will not only again please Argentina, Chile and part of the Pacific Ocean, but also the south-west of Africa, as well as the south Atlantic.

And on December 26 there will be an annular eclipse that will cover the northern hemisphere in the zone of tropical and equatorial latitudes. It will be best seen at 05:18:53 UTC. And, finally, a partial eclipse will occur at the very beginning of 2019 - on January 6, and it will also be observed in the northern hemisphere, but in subpolar and middle latitudes.

"Naked" physics

A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon during which the Sun is completely or partially covered by the Moon from the gaze of earthlings. For obvious reasons, it can be observed only on the New Moon - at the moment of practical "invisibility" of the Moon due to the lack of illumination on the side that faces us.

Such meager facts are given by a standard school textbook. However, it would seem that the new moon occurs almost every month, sometimes even twice according to the solar calendar. Why, then, do we not observe solar eclipses as often?

The fact is that an eclipse can occur only when the new moon falls on the passage of special points of intersection of the movement of their orbits by the luminaries, and at the same time the deviation can be within a maximum of 12 degrees away from one of the objects.

Interestingly, the Moon casts a not so gigantic shadow on Earth - only 270 km in diameter. Consequently, the eclipse will be visible only in a narrow strip of this size, and it continuously moves along with the shadow.

True, the size of this spot is given only approximately, because the satellite's orbit is elliptical, therefore, at each point of passage, it changes its outlines and quite freely. In connection with the foregoing, a total eclipse can be observed only by a person who is in this very shadow band.

And often there not only the luminary completely disappears from the sky, but bright stars and planets also appear on it. And this is the only chance to see and study its solar corona, because under normal conditions without special equipment she is not visible.

It is interesting that the color of the frame in this case turns out to be completely unexpected for the uninitiated viewer - dull blue, since the photosphere has a temperature much lower than the corona. And the further you move away from the band of total eclipse, the more “open” the solar disk becomes, demonstrating such a phenomenon as a partial solar eclipse.

Another variety - an annular eclipse - is observed only when the Moon is too far from the Earth, so that the cone of the shadow from it cannot reach earth's surface. We see it as a "solar donut" with a black hole in the middle.

Times and dates

For the first time, one could read about a solar eclipse even among the Babylonians and ancient scientists. And there is a lot of evidence that representatives of various ancient ethnic groups and states observed this phenomenon, preserved in their epic and historical chronicles. The phenomenon began to be seriously studied already at the beginning of the Middle Ages, when such a science as astronomy began to experience its turbulent stage of development.

But, even the Greeks described the patterns of solar and lunar eclipses in terms of draconian periods or the so-called. saros, consisting of 223 synodic months - a time calculation system based on the rotation of the moon around the earth.

This is approximately 18.03 tropical years familiar to us. In such a cycle, the order of these eclipses is repeated more or less clearly. And it is known that for one saros there are up to 41 solar eclipses, including 10 total ones.

Science and superstition

Solar eclipses are an invaluable gift to science for carrying out fundamental research that is inaccessible under other conditions. So, at the same time, one can observe and study the nature and causes of such phenomena as shadow waves, the so-called. "diamond rings" or "Bailey's beads", sometimes there is even a noticeable decrease in atmospheric temperatures, and crescent-shaped shadows can also be observed.

It is finally possible to qualitatively examine the solar corona, the surroundings closest to the star, to explore the chromosphere of the Sun, to see celestial bodies, which in a normal situation are invisible (we all remember the story of the comet Tevfik and others).

Biologists thus get a chance to note the dependence of the behavioral norms of many species of animals on natural light and solar cycles. For example, even during the day during a solar eclipse, birds go to bed, and animals show serious anxiety.

As for the unscientific view of solar eclipses, such a rare, frightening and incomprehensible phenomenon has always been trying to attribute sometimes the most wild and inadequate properties. For example, many peoples believed that if you don’t hide in the house in time during an eclipse, you can go crazy, that during childbirth during an eclipse, evil spirits and the like can appear from the womb.

The Slavs considered him an extremely unkind sign - even in the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" it was he who managed to undermine the morale of the squad. They believed that if the eclipse happened close to the sowing, it was not worth waiting for a rich harvest, yes, and what could be harvested would be stored very badly ...

But, at the same time, others believed that the time of "unity" of the Moon and the Sun is, on the contrary, a signal for all people to stop all conflicts, wars, conclude a truce and think about their behavior. Another scenario was common among the Asians and a number of African tribes: during an eclipse, everyone ran out into the street and rattled everything that came to hand, threw spears into the sky, shot arrows at the moon disk, in a word, they rioted as best they could to drive away the monster that was about to devour the sun.

In our enlightened days, of course, all this looks like complete savagery, however, nevertheless, some superstitions have survived in terms of prohibitions on drinking alcohol, driving vehicles, making large purchases, traveling, meeting new people.

It is believed that a few days before and after the appearance, it is necessary to restrain one's aggression, ambition, greed and other vices in every possible way, to get rid of bad habits, annoying things, and the like.

The tradition of making a marriage proposal during a solar eclipse seems very romantic, especially when a “diamond ring” appears around the luminary.


The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

Solar and lunar eclipses have long been considered strong magical days that bring radical changes to the lives of all people on the planet. The days of eclipses are often marked in historical chronicles by events that turned the course of history. 2019 will begin with a solar eclipse on January 6th that will change the lives of many people. What you need to know about the January eclipse and how to protect yourself from it?

We are expecting a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and a Lunar Eclipse in Leo. A new round of our life begins, and new programs are launched. Therefore, it is very important to find out what these Eclipses will bring us and what topics will be raised in our lives.

When will the Eclipses occur in January 2019?

  • Solar Eclipse - January 6, 2019 at 04:26 UTC in the sign of Capricorn
  • Lunar Eclipse - January 21, 2019 at 08:12 Moscow time in Leo

Right on Christmas Day there will be a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, which will have a rather serious impact on our lives. This Eclipse can be observed in the regions of northeast Asia: in the far east of Russia, in Japan, China, Korea. The Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019 will be visible in Europe, North and South America, Africa.

Solar Eclipse January 6, 2019

Partial Solar Eclipse will begin on January 6, 2019 at 02:34 UTC, the maximum phase will be on January 6, 2019 at 04:26 UTC, and it will end on January 6 at 06:48 UTC

A Solar Eclipse always occurs with a New Moon. His influence lasts for six months. Therefore, it is very important to know how the Eclipse will affect our lives. Each Eclipse is a small revolution in our lives. Each Eclipse brings profound changes that will take place both within us and in our lives.

This Solar Eclipse will raise questions related to our activities, work and goals. It will bring success to those who set themselves big goals and these goals are related to creativity. The eclipse will occur in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, so it will have a major impact on our lives.

What time will the solar eclipse peak on January 6, 2019?

The solar eclipse on January 6 will be partial, that is, the lunar disk will only slightly cover the Sun from people, but this does not change the beauty of this phenomenon and its impact on people. According to experts, on January 6, all the inhabitants of the Earth will experience a strong energy surge, which can provoke malaise or failure in business. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare in advance for the eclipse.

As astrologers said, a particularly strong influence on people will begin the day before the peak of the eclipse and will last another day after it. This time the Solar Eclipse will take place in a slightly ambiguous sign - Capricorn, which can bring both great success and great failure. The peak of the eclipse in January 2019 will fall at 06:28 Moscow time.

As has long been known, eclipses are the works of dark forces, because in ancient times people considered the Sun a god who could protect people from evil spirits. The absence of the Sun in the sky has always inspired fear in people, because the Sun is a symbol of life, goodness and light. Since then, eclipses have begun to be viewed from a slightly different angle, but astrologers are sure that eclipses for the most part bring failure and problems in people's lives.

Where will the Solar Eclipse be seen on January 6, 2019?

The solar eclipse on January 6 will not be visible in all countries of the world, but almost all residents Russian Federation will get the opportunity to watch the magical action. Despite the fact that eclipses are not uncommon, almost all people experience delight watching how the Sun hides behind the dark disk of the Moon and remains a burning rim in the sky.

It will be seen by residents of Northeast Asia (including Japan, North and South Korea and eastern China), North Pacific, and extreme southwest Alaska, Far East Russia (except for the northern and northwestern regions), as well as the east of Mongolia.

If you decide to watch the eclipse, you must remember that it is forbidden to look at it with the naked eye. During periods of eclipse, sunlight is very dangerous and can adversely affect vision. So that after there were no problems, it is necessary to observe the eclipse with the help of a special glass. If you do not have one available, arm yourself with at least ordinary sunglasses.

What rituals can be performed during the January solar eclipse 2019?

The period between eclipses will be the most difficult. Experts advise to postpone all important matters until the end of the eclipses, and preferably until the closing of the January corridor, otherwise all your efforts may go down the drain. During eclipses, you can do ordinary things, but you should not do something that you have not practiced before. If possible, give up long trips and take a break from work.

During the January Solar Eclipse, increased aggressiveness in society will be observed. It will be difficult for you to keep your mouth shut and restrain outbursts of anger. In order not to do stupid things, refuse to meet with friends and ignore all conflicts that can develop into serious quarrels.

The most important thing during a solar eclipse is to keep inner peace. For this, all means will come down - you can stay at home and drink tea, or, on the contrary, go for a walk. It is a good idea to do meditation, which, like nothing else, will help you relax. It is worth remembering that during eclipses the Universe is very susceptible to requests, so you should watch your thoughts and think only about the good. It is possible that some of your dreams will soon come true.

There is no need to perform special rituals during the January eclipse. You just have to be positive and think about what heights you will achieve in 2019. Since the year has just begun, it's time to set new goals, write down ideas, or look for a new hobby. The Universe will be supportive of all your undertakings and will certainly support you if you choose the right occupation.