How many languages ​​does bulk know. How does Alexey Navalny live and how does he earn?

Alexei Navalny - biography, what he does

Many Russians consider him a serious oppositionist which tirelessly fights against arbitrariness and corruption. Who is this person? His name is Alexei Navalny, and in this article we will try to talk in more detail about this odious personality.


In the incredibly large Russian expanses, there is a small town called Butyn. This town was lost on the territory of the Moscow region, and on June 4, 1976, the Hero of our review, Alexei Navalny, was born in the town of Butyn.

Alexei's father - Anatoly Ivanovich was common man, but this did not prevent him from becoming a successful entrepreneur during the well-known post-perestroika changes. Anatoly Ivanovich Navalny in those days managed to become one of the co-owners of a large factory.

Alexei Navalny's mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna, was also a very simple person, and Alexei grew up in normal conditions, without frills. The Navalny family was the most ordinary family. The family had many relatives in Ukraine.

Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny graduated from high school in 1993. The school was located in the small village of Kalininets near Moscow. After graduating from school, Alexei decided to move to Moscow.

There he decided to devote himself to jurisprudence, and immediately entered the PFUR. After graduating from the university in 1998, Alexei Navalny decided to continue his further education, and entered the Financial Academy.

After graduating from the academy, Alexei did not stop there. He decided to continue his studies further. At that time, his friends helped him with recommendations, and Alexei Navalny went to America for 6 months to study at the famous University, which is located in the city of New Haven. Also known as Yale University.

Navalny is a businessman

Alexei tried his hand in business when he was studying at Moscow University. He invented all kinds of financial schemes, established enterprises, and after some time put these enterprises up for sale, and received quite good money for this.

It was this business that began to raise multiple questions. Alexei Navalny was even suspected of fraud.

Then Navalny began to expand his field of activity, buying blocks of shares many well-known Russian oil companies and financial institutions. All this time, Alexey did not stop conducting a rather intensive social activities, although he could live happily ever after, doing business and law. But politics fascinated him.

Political activity

Alexei Navalny began his political activities in the well-known Party "Yabloko". A few years later, Navalny already held fairly high positions in this party.

All this, of course, did not happen without the support of very famous political figures. But soon Alexei Navalny left the Yabloko party and took up a "solo" political career.

Further political activity of Alexei continued as advisor to one of the governors. At the same time, Navalny at that time headed one of the NGOs that worked under the auspices of the Kirov authorities.

But Alexei felt great potential in himself, and decided to take a swing at such a high-ranking position as the mayor of Moscow. He even registered for this position, but won a very small percentage of the vote in the elections. But Alexei Navalny did not despair.

The pursuit

Law enforcement agencies began to show increased attention to Alexei Navalny starting in 2011. It was this year that he was prosecuted for the first time. He was accused of fraud and deception. But the persecution did not end with the first criminal case.

What followed was a very high-profile case - "Yves Rocher". Here, Alexei Navalny was brought to justice not alone, but with his brother. The Navalny brothers were also charged with compiling multiple fraudulent schemes that caused quite serious financial damage to the Yves Rocher company.

Despite your criminal prosecution, Alexei Navalny manages to remain a flamboyant oppositionist who has quite a lot of support in Russia. He gathered around him mostly like-minded people in the Capital Region.

His people consider the people's opposition. Alexei Navalny even made it to the top 100 most significant political figures in the world. At least that's what Time magazine says.

But Alexey's political career moved forward, and in 2011 he creates his own foundation. The foundation's first priority was fight against corruption. Along with this, Alexey was involved in the organization of other projects that involved the fight against corruption.

Our days

Today, more and more Russians are dissatisfied with the corruption of officials. So, at the beginning of 2017, there were numerous demonstrations in which people demanded that corrupt officials be held accountable.

For organizing such actions Alexei Navalny was detained. In particular, for an action on Tverskaya Street, but he was soon released, as many citizens and even deputies stood up for him. Members also supported Communist Party who demanded a fair trial and the disclosure of all materials of the investigation.

All this life full of ups and downs not only did not break Alexei Navalny, but also gave confidence. All this resulted in the decision of Alexy participate in the presidential elections. But as you know, this decision failed to materialize.


Personal Alexei Navalny is very trivial. Many of the young people have romantic holiday romances. This is what happened with Alexei. In 1999, Alexei Navalny was on vacation.

This time he decided to go to Turkey to the resort, and it was there that life brought him together with a young and attractive girl - Yulia, who later became his wife. Despite the stormy political activities of her husband, Yulia remains a reliable friend and loving wife for Alexei.

This marriage brought Alexei and Julia two kids- son Zakhar, and daughter Daria. In the Navalny family, everyone does their own thing. Aleksey does not prevent Yulia from taking care of the house and children, and Yulia, in turn, tries to help her husband in his difficult work.

Alexei Navalny and his family live like ordinary people - in a typical panel house. Their apartment also cannot be called elite - its area hardly reaches 80 squares. The Navalnys live in Maryino, they drive simple cars.

The income of Alexei Navalny also cannot be called high, for politician such a level. His income is less than 10 million rubles. in year. This is official data.


Alexei Navalny is already quite long time is on the political Olympus, and he has a fairly wide circle of like-minded people.

Oppositionists were not always favored in Russia, but using the example of Alexei Navalny, we can conclude that our authorities are very tolerant of the opposition.

In the village of Butyn, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law in 1998 Russian University Friendship between nations. In 2001, he graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Securities and Exchange Business.

He studied at Yale University (USA) under the Yale World Fellows program.

The court sentenced Navalny to five years in prisonAlexei Navalny and Pyotr Ofitserov were sentenced to five and four years in a penal colony, respectively. The defendants were taken into custody in the courtroom. The defense has already said it will appeal the verdict. By a preliminary decision of Navalny's campaign headquarters, his candidacy will be removed from the Moscow mayoral elections.

On July 31, 2012, the Investigative Committee of Russia presented Alexei Navalny with KOGUP "Kirovles" on an especially large scale. , Alexei Navalny, being an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region on a voluntary basis, organized the theft of the property of Kirovles, conspiring with the director of Vyatskaya Timber Company (VLK) Petr Ofitserov and the general director of Kirovles KOGUP Vyacheslav Opalev. From May to September 2009, more than 10,000 cubic meters of timber products belonging to Kirovles were stolen.

On July 18, 2013, the Leninsky Kirov Court established Navalny's guilt in the case of embezzlement of the property of Kirovles KOGUP and the general regime.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The punishment for civic passivity is the power of villains.(Plato)

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny- who is he? A truth-seeker who longs for justice for his people, or another character who believes that it is his turn to buy yachts and planes at the expense of the state budget? A fighter for the well-being and sovereignty of his country or a crazy nationalist? Is he really ready to prove his statements with deeds, or is this another Druzhko who came for the sake of hype, only from the side of politics?

So let's start with who is Navalny? Opposition politician, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation and extremely active against the current government. Besides, is a candidate for the presidency Russian Federation in 2018.

Very little is known about Alexei's childhood years. Navalny was born and raised in the village Butyn, Odintsovsky district, Moscow region. His father is from Ukraine, from the village of Zalesye, which was located in the Chernobyl zone, where little Alyosha spent every summer with his grandmother, grazed cows and dug in the beds, but after the accident at the nuclear power plant, the village was erased from all maps. Mother also comes from a village located near Zelenograd in the Moscow region.

As Navalny himself once said: “I consider myself mostly Ukrainian, in terms of my roots and genetics”.

As for the rest of the family, today, Navalny has wife and two children.

After school, Alexei enters Faculty of Law Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and a year after graduation, to the Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, specializing in "Securities and Exchange Business".

Studying at higher educational institutions, Navalny along the way, he tries to do business, but he does not find much success in this area. He was the founder of several firms, but they all did not generate income and went bankrupt.

Alexei felt the first taste of success when he got involved in politics. Since the early 2000s, he has worked as a deputy director in the company "Allect" and things were going mediocre, but in 2007 there were elections to the Duma, and the firm on the advertisement of the party of right forces cut down 99,000,000 rubles from which Navalny received a commission of almost 5,000,000 rubles.

Advertising for right-wing parties was not Aleksey's only connection to politics. In 2000 he joined the party "Apple" and rose to the position of head of the Moscow branch of the party, at the same time broadcast on the radio "Echo of Moscow", but was soon expelled from the ranks of the party with the wording: "For nationalistic activity". Navalny, on the other hand, said that he was removed for criticizing the leadership, and he himself considers himself to be normal nationalists.

A rather contradictory statement, because for many of us, nationalists are bald thugs in berets under the banner of the black-yellow-white tricolor. It is unlikely that Alexei is like one of them.

If we consider the nationalist ideas and proposals of Navalny, they do not seem so absurd. And later Navalny creates moderate nationalist party "People". One of the most interesting ideas of which is introduction of a visa regime with the countries of the Caucasus.

Despite the scandal, Navalny does not lose touch with the party "Apple" and on their recommendation goes to study at Yale University.

Upon return passes exams and gets a lawyer's crust, creates its own law office, which didn't win a single case, and in less than a year, was eliminated.

But the most important thing that Alexey began to do after returning from Yale University was to conduct corruption investigations, to criticize the current government in the country more intensively and to create anti-corruption projects like RosPila And RosYama.

He starts his own blog where publishes an article like During the construction of an oil pipeline in China, 4 billion US dollars were stolen. The blog takes off to the first lines of the top Yandex blogs and brings Navalny the first unthinkable popularity on the network. In 2011, the blog ranked first place among the blogs of politicians and public figures.

After his participation in protest movements begins, the courts for " Kirovles and Yves Rocher, as a result of which he almost sat down, but the cases were obviously fabricated against him.

Participation in the elections for the post of mayor of Moscow, where Navalny takes second place, losing to Sobyanin. By the way, even then Alexey received the approval of many media personalities at a concert in support of his election campaign performed absolutely free several show business stars. Such as Diana Arbenina(gr. Night Snipers) and Vladi(gr. Kasta). By the way Caste not so long ago she released her new album, where she raises acute social topics in her tracks.

And the most important thing - Navalny epic breaks into Russian YouTube with film "He is not Dimon to you". He finds a platform that is not limited by censorship and allows him to convey the truth to the maximum number of viewers. Alexei becomes one of the top bloggers in the country, while not conducting challenges with condoms on their heads and not surveying expensive cars.

Although… He became an excellent observer of expensive yachts, cottages and estates of Usmanov and Medvedev. However, he became an observer of the entire life of the Russian people, who, outside the Moscow Ring Road, plunged into poverty and continuous problems. He denounced true face people's poverty in the vastness of the richest country. He found the root of the problems and was never unfounded, confirming his every word with weighty facts and documents revealed in the course of his own investigations, on which years were spent.

Each of us is free to judge for himself how honest this character is with the audience when he promises: "Give me power and it will work for you". Our resource is by no means a supporter of imposing our conclusions on the reader, but looking at the reaction of the authorities, which makes custom videos in which it highlights unsubstantiated facts about Navalny or buys "pop prostitutes" And "true" rappers like Ptakhi who were drug addicts yesterday, and today they are on the side of the government.

Close-minded bloggers are invited to the Duma to dissuade young people from going to rallies.

It’s easy to take the right side, even if you are extremely critical of the statements of both opponents (Navalny vs. the current government), and we live in an era when YouTube viewers need “proofs”.

And Navalny provides them to us, unlike the newly minted richest billionaire blogger Alisher Usmanov, which not only unable to provide evidence for his statements and hardly fits even in widescreen monitors of the audience, so also behaves familiarly and in places rudely in relation to both Navalny and the viewer.

We do not in any way call on our readers to take radical action and do not say that we are full supporters of the oppositional ideas of Alexei Navalny. All we want to convey is that corruption in Russia has become an obvious fact. And it flourishes to the very top. Servants of the people simply have their own people, and we are resigned to the fate of the slaves of our servants.

And if we sum up the full analysis of Navalny’s activities, then for now he is a clear people’s leader, but as practice shows, it’s not the one who collects views and subscribers, receiving popular recognition, standing with the people in the squares, who wins, but the one who has power over the ballot boxes at the polling stations. In general, referring to the words of the great:

Good luck, friends and good mood to you!

Alexei Navalny proposes to exempt small businesses from taxes, liquidate the Pension Fund, create a special service to fight corruption and cancel the conscription. Experts interviewed by RBC assessed the main provisions of the policy program

Alexey Navalny (Photo: Egor Aleev / TASS)

The founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, a year after announcing his intentions to run for president, published a program with which he plans to go to the polls if he is registered as a candidate. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, earlier said that a politician would be able to register only after the removal of a criminal record.


Navalny proposed to liquidate the Russian Pension Fund and create on its basis "the world's largest fund-investor" by analogy with the Norwegian sovereign fund Government Pension Fund Global. The latter invests the Norwegian government's oil and gas revenues in assets around the world. “It sounds like populism, but nothing more,” said Yury Gorlin, deputy director of the RANEPA Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting. “Alexey Navalny is liquidating the Pension Fund, but how to pay pensions to today's pensioners? Who will be in charge of this function? — says the expert.

The oppositionist proposes to transfer to a new Pension Fund funds of the National Welfare Fund, shares of state-owned companies traded on the stock exchange and their dividends, as well as income from privatization. “Suddenly it happens that next year the income of Rosneft or Gazprom, which Navalny is talking about, will not allow paying dividends for some reason. How to make it stationary? Gorlin says. According to him, the idea of ​​directing part of the additional income of state-owned companies to the reserve of the pension system to ensure greater growth in pensions and smooth out fluctuations in the income of the pension system has been repeatedly reproduced, “but this should be systemic based on dividend policy or through an increase in income tax or other taxes, but not breaking the existing insurance system”.

Turning the PFR into an analogue of the Norwegian fund will not lead to a good result, the director of the Research Center agrees economic policy Faculty of Economics Moscow State University Oleg Buklemishev. The National Wealth Fund (NWF) was supposed to play the role of the Norwegian fund in Russia, the economist recalls, but the NWF did not take on this status. “That is, the experience of centralized investments for pension purposes in Russia has, in fact, failed,” Buklemishev notes.

Increase in the minimum wage to 25 thousand rubles. - another idea of ​​​​Navalny - "exceeds the capabilities of business and the state," Buklemishev believes. In order to increase the salaries of workers several times, entrepreneurs will either have to comply with the law and fire a significant part of them, or transfer them to a shadow form of employment, to which “there are serious gravitations,” the economist says.

The distribution of income equally between the federal center and the regions, as proposed by Navalny, requires serious corrective measures, Buklemishev believes: “Let me remind you, 50 to 50 is the ratio of the times of President Yeltsin. Now it is, of course, biased in favor of the center, but imagine that we change it with some kind of taxes, and it turns out that the richest regions will receive additional money, and the poorest regions will become even relatively poorer.”

Photo: Oleg Kharseev / Kommersant

An increase in the minimum wage, pension reform, and the redistribution of tax revenues between the federal center and the regions are “absolutely reasonable economic ideas,” says Georgy Ostapkovich, director of the HSE Center for Market Research. “I think that the future government will raise these same questions, and in principle these are not extremist proposals at all,” says Ostapkovich. But the idea of ​​transferring funds from the National Welfare Fund “looks populist”, and comparing Russian and Norwegian economic realities is “incorrect.” According to Ostapkovich, to achieve a minimum wage of 25 thousand rubles. “absolutely real”, the government will come to similar figures in a few years. “If unemployment is allowed to rise to 8-9%, then the minimum wage can be increased to 25,000. Such an increase in wages will lead people out of the market. I don’t see anything wrong with this, ”the economist reflects, stipulating that“ we have a socially oriented state and people should receive at least some kind of salary, but not be unemployed.

Fight against corruption

To effectively fight corruption, the oppositionist proposes to establish a special independent structure that will not be part of the law enforcement system. Navalny also insists on the ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption and proposes to transfer state companies, along with other state assets, under the control of a special fund under a structure that will replace the FIU, as well as reduce the presence of the state in the economy, introduce and tighten laws on disclosure of conflicts of interest and lobbying.

“He is absolutely right about the conflict of interest. The control of affiliates and the introduction of regulations that would control this more strictly is really necessary. This also includes lobbying and an increase in the statute of limitations [for corruption crimes from 10 to 20 years],” Elena Panfilova, head of the design and training laboratory for anti-corruption policy at the Higher School of Economics, said in an interview with RBC.

Panfilova noted that the program lacks a part related to the applicant's system of protection against corruption. This part has been ratified by Russia, but is being implemented “not very well”. “The applicant has problems, because most often the declaring entrepreneurs become victims of the “return” - Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud),” Panfilova explained.

Commenting on Navalny's proposed establishment of an independent anti-corruption agency, Panfilova noted that Russia needs a structure that would "primarily deal with coordination." “The investigation will remain with the investigation, prosecutorial functions will remain with the prosecutors, but it is necessary to make sure that they do this according to some kind of unified program and a single system - that would be nice,” the expert explained.

Foreign policy

In terms of maintaining foreign policy the oppositionist proposes to make peace with the rest of the world, stop the "aggression against Ukraine" and thus achieve the lifting of sanctions. For the problem of Crimea, the politician proposes to find a "legitimate solution in favor of the local population." Navalny also advocates the introduction of a visa regime for the countries of Central Asia.

Checking documents at foreign citizens at Pulkovo airport (Photo: Sergey Konkov / TASS)

“He [Navalny] does not want to associate himself with the annexation of Crimea and at the same time does not want to oppose it. If any referendum is held, the majority will vote in favor of remaining within Russia. For the Russian authorities, the referendum is unacceptable for reasons of prestige, but for Navalny there is no problem here, since he did not join, ”political analyst Alexei Makarkin told RBC.

According to Makarkin, the program raises many questions about the mechanisms, but it will suit his audience. She [the audience] wants us to come to an agreement with the Europeans, and keep Crimea behind us,” the political scientist explained.

The expert saw contradictions in Navalny's proposal to introduce a visa regime with the countries of Central Asia. “His proposal for a visa regime completely contradicts the proposal for integration on post-Soviet space. On the one hand, he is for integration in the post-Soviet space, on the other hand, for a visa regime. There is a contradiction in this, but for his constituent there is none. In this case, Navalny follows his voter, who wants both," Makarkin said.

Other initiatives

In his program, Navalny also proposes to reduce the state apparatus, minimize government control over business, give more powers to the regions, guarantee the independence of the judiciary, mitigate punishment for a number of crimes, return to a four-year presidential term, cancel the call and a number of other initiatives.

The president International Institute political expert Yevgeny Minchenko, in a conversation with RBC, called Navalny's program "typical social populism, designed for a very undemanding public."

“One of the advantages of the program is that there are no hooks to catch on, for example, the issues of Crimea, relations with the West – everything is tied specifically to social issues. Social populism in the style of the early Zhirinovsky, but without the national question,” Minchenko said.

He noted that Navalny does not explain his initiatives. “Twice (increase spending) on ​​education, double on healthcare. Why exactly twice? Not explained. 25 thousand rubles - minimal salary. Why not 20 thousand or 30 thousand rubles? There is not even an attempt to [explanation]. It will be better - there will be more money, ”the expert explained.

Nevertheless, Navalny's campaign program "has much less populism and radical measures than expected," said Kirill Titaev, a leading researcher at the Institute for Law Enforcement Problems at the European University. The program lacks solutions to some important problems, such as rebooting the judiciary, but the key ideas indicate that the work has been carried out quite seriously, Titaev is sure.

“A dubious and utopian idea,” according to Titaev, is the proposal to elect judges. “In Russia, this is an unrealistic measure, given the small turnout in the elections. This measure is rather harmful, since it will create pseudo-legitimacy for pre-agreed candidates,” the expert explained. Navalny's proposal for a "total revision of the legislation" speaks of "not a very correct understanding of how law enforcement”, concluded Titaev.

Navalny chose a bad time to publish his program, Andrey Kolesnikov, head of the Russian Domestic Politics and Political Institutions program at the Carnegie Moscow Center, told RBC. Now, the expert says, "everyone is going crazy" about Putin's press conference tomorrow. “If he [Aleksey Navalny] wanted to kill her in the information space, then this obviously will not work, and the effect of her [program] appearance is blurred,” Kolesnikov told RBC.

With the participation of: Valery Romanov, Olga Ageeva, Ilya Nemchenko, Anton Feinberg

The arrest of an oppositionist for participating in a rally for 30 days did not surprise anyone - this happens almost after every protest action. Considering that Alexei Navalny is currently serving a suspended sentence in the Kirovles case, according to the Criminal Executive Code, the politician faces a real term for systematic violation of public order. However, the Russian authorities are in no hurry to put Navalny in jail.

There are several possible versions for this:

  • Navalny is a representative of the Kremlin's "pocket opposition";
  • The figure of Navalny is beneficial in the election campaign, since his candidacy will be removed due to a criminal case, and government officials may legally lose an important competitor;
  • They do not want to get involved with Navalny because of external pressure and the growth of protest moods.

The latter, however, can hardly be called a serious reason for refusing criminal prosecution, since the people in Russia did not react properly even to the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Moreover, Navalny's work with the people seems to be specifically aimed at depriving the opposition of its main activists. For example, even agreed-upon protests are moved to illegal venues, causing protesters to pay hefty fines by refusing to participate in subsequent events.

Therefore, the location of Navalny can be easily chosen from three options: work at the headquarters, a rally, an insulator. The politician actively travels around Russia, opens new headquarters, is engaged in information coverage of compromising evidence, after that he appoints a protest action, and safely sits in a monkey house.

Where does Alexey Navalny live?

Alexei Navalny lives with his family in Moscow, in the Maryino district, on Lyublinskaya street. In the most ordinary panel high-rise building. Three bedroom apartment Navalny in Moscow is an extremely modest option with laconic furnishings and a total area of ​​75 m2. The footage of searches in the house of the oppositionist was repeatedly broadcast by TV channels and YouTube, the declaration of income confirms the existence of this property.

Also, information flashed on the Internet that Navalny owns a house in France worth 3 million euros. However, the politician of this country last years did not visit, and the news about overseas real estate was not confirmed by anyone.

At the same time, according to the income statement, Navalny's wife owns a Ford Explorer SUV, and the politician himself was seen driving a luxury Infinity car.

What does Navalny do?

Alexei Navalny is engaged in political activities, and at the same time is a shareholder in a number of companies. Previously, the politician took part in the management of various corporations, including being a member of the board of directors of Aeroflot.

From a political point of view, Alexei Navalny has taken a win-win position by starting an active fight against corruption in the public sector. He founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation, made the films The Seagull and He Is Not Dimon to You, which received hundreds of millions of views on YouTube.

Despite pro-Western statements and accusations of links with the current government, Navalny's activities found great support in Russia, especially among younger generation. However, people of the older generation, who never received support from the state, also often go to opposition rallies.

At the same time, it cannot yet be said that Navalny's activities are capable of influencing the situation in Russia. Rallies continue to be held in unauthorized places, not a single lawsuit on their films has been won by politics.

Where Navalny is now and what he is doing in view of the extremely banal “film-illegal rally-prison” scheme is easy to predict.