Demon of truth mythology. Demons of Hell. The names of the demons of Hell, their hierarchy. The demons of Hell follow him. We list the most famous

How do you think? How much do you know about Demons? Thinking? I thought the same when I first encountered this issue. But, basically, we have a wrong idea about demons. Ask why? Check out this article and you will know everything.

Demons are both good and evil. A demon is an intermediary spirit between man and God, between other worlds and earthly ones. The science that deals with demons is called demonology.

Translated from the Greek term, the word demon is pronounced as daimon, that is, rock, divine power, God.
As mentioned above, demons can bring both good and evil. Evil demons are called Cacodemons. Good demons are called Zudemons. A good demon can become a guardian spirit. According to legend, if a person had a guardian demon nearby, then he was always accompanied by good luck and success.

At all times, people believed that magicians and sorcerers had power over demons. It was even believed that if a sorcerer expelled a demon from a person, then he automatically received power over the expelled demon.

With the development of Christianity, all demons began to be considered evil. Since they believed that they are the intermediaries of the Devil. According to the teachings of Christianity, light spirits are angels, demons are fallen angels who followed Lucifer when he was expelled from heaven. And their only purpose was considered to incite people to bad deeds and break the connection between man and God.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, demons, as intermediaries of Satan, became associated with sorcerers and witches.

Only in 100-400 AD, the classification and systematization of demons began to appear. Christian demon experts of the 16th and 17th centuries gave lists of demons according to their hierarchy in hell. At that time, it was believed that the Demon represented a certain nationality of the world. Johann Weyer compiled the most complete hierarchy of demons. It has been calculated that the total number of demons is 7,405,926 common spirits. All of them were under the command of 72 princes of darkness. In the books of ceremonial magic, there is a hierarchy in which among the most powerful demons are:


It was believed that this is a demon of debauchery, revenge, jealousy, malice. Who always sought to bring discord between spouses. He destroyed young married couples, persuaded men to cheat. Asmodeus is one of the demons that often possess people. It is believed that he is one of the most vicious demons of Satan. Judging from the descriptions, the appearance is that Asmodeus has three heads: a ram, a cannibal, and a bull. Instead of legs, cock's feet and wings. Rides a fire-breathing dragon. This image goes very far into the time of Persia. The image was associated with the demon Aishma. In ancient times, the Jews were considered the parents of Asmodeus - Naam and Shamdon. There is little information about Asmodeus. It was believed that Asmodeus was one of the seraphim. Close to the Lord God. And after falling into disfavor. From other sources, it was believed that Asmodeus was the husband of Lilith, the demon of lust. The legends say that Asmodeus is the offspring of Lilith and Adam. In the Middle Ages, it was said that all the witches were subordinate to Asmodeus, and the magicians always called on him for help. In the advice of the warlocks, it was said that it was necessary to address Asmodeus with an uncovered head, as a sign of respect for his power. Weyer considered Asmodeus the manager of gambling houses.


He is Ashtarot. The demon has masculine properties. Evolved from the fertility goddess Astarte. He patronizes scientists. Knows the secrets of the past, present and future. The demon Astorath is invoked during necromantic rituals, predicting the future. Astorath appears as an Angel with a human appearance. Different sources say different things. Like he's ugly or vice versa. But still he is a messenger of evil. Weyer said that Astorath is the great prince of hell, under whose command there are 40 legions of demons. According to other sources. Astorath is one of the supreme demons of hell.


This name was called the deities of Syria and Persia in antiquity. But Baal was a god Agriculture and fertility. He was the son of El, the supreme deity of Canaan and the ruler of life. Baal ruled over the cycles of rebirth and death. The inhabitants of Canaan worshiped Baal and sacrificed children. Throwing them into the fire. In Christianity, Baal was likewise three-headed. In the center was a human head. On the sides are the head of a cat and the head of a toad. Baal was able to give both wisdom and insight.


Considered the lord of the flies. He was the prince of demons based on ancient Russian beliefs. He had enormous power, which was attributed to him in the Middle Ages. The sorcerers who called upon him risked dying of suffocation or apoplexy. After he appeared, it was very difficult to drive him away. Beelzebub always appeared in the form of a giant ugly fly. Beelzebub ruled the covens of witches. Who sang it during ritual dances.


It is called differently Belial, Belial, Belial. In translation, vanity, nothing, not God. It is one of the most powerful demons of Satan. Belial always appears to people in a beautiful deceptive guise. His speech is pleasing to the ear. Belial is always treacherous and deceitful. He encourages people to commit sinful acts. Especially on sexual perversions, adultery and lust. The Jews in antiquity believed that Belial was created immediately after Lucifer and always had an evil essence from birth. He was the first to rise up against God. After being expelled from heaven, he became the embodiment of evil. Weyer believed him to be the commander of 88 legions of demons. Each legion had 6666 demons. He was the representative of the devil's troops in Turkey. When calling Belial, it was necessary to make a sacrifice. Belial often broke promises. If someone sought his location, Belial generously rewarded for it.


“Before Eve there was Lilith,” says the Hebrew text. The legend of her inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882), and he wrote the poem Paradise Abode. Lilith was a snake, she was the first wife of Adam and gave him

Creatures that writhed in the groves and in the water,
Glittering sons, shining daughters.

God created Eve later; in order to take revenge on the woman, the wife of Adam, Lilith persuaded her to taste the forbidden fruit and conceive Cain, the brother and murderer of Abel. This is the original form of myth that Rossetti followed and developed. During the Middle Ages, under the influence of the word "layil", which means "night" in Hebrew, the legend took a different turn. Lilith was no longer a snake, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes she is an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes a demon who besieges lonely travelers sleeping alone or wandering along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair.


Finally got to him. In translation, Lucifer sounds like the Bringer of Light. At the very beginning it was associated with the morning star. In the hierarchy of demons, Lucifer was the emperor of Hell and stands above Satan, one of his deputies. Calling with spells, Lucifer appears in the form of a beautiful child. Lucifer rules over Europeans and Asians.

Exist different kinds demons - the classification was compiled at different times by different authors from among the monks, occultists and philosophers. Find out what demons exist, how they differ from each other and what they have to do with angelic ranks.

In the article:

Types of demons - ranks in demonology

In modern demonology, types of demons are not a fully disclosed topic. But it is known that each representative of evil spirits has a strictly regulated range of duties, beyond which he rarely appears. At different times, medieval, modern, classical demonology and leading authors studying this science created various ways classification of the forces of hell.

All demons were once angels. Some authors, for example, I. Wier and R. Burton believe that if there is an angelic hierarchy, then the demonic one was created in its image and likeness. The fallen angels used the familiar way of building a hierarchy without creating anything new. There is, and there are as many demonic ranks.

Nine Demon Orders

The first rank is pseudo-gods, demons posing as gods. Such are the pagan deities, as well as all the rest, with the exception of the one Lord. He commands them.

The second rank is the demons of lies. Their task is to deceive people with the help of prophecies and predictions. They patronize fortunetellers, psychics, soothsayers. Among these representatives of the demonic hierarchy, the ruler is Python.

The third rank - fighters with God's laws and commandments. They invented all the evil deeds, vicious activities and arts. The prince of the demons of iniquity is.

The fourth rank is the avengers and punishers. They inspire thoughts of revenge and atrocities against other people who supposedly deserve it. .

The fifth rank is deceiver demons who seduce people with pseudo-miracles. They are able to introduce themselves as anyone - both an ordinary person who has a gift, and a messenger of God. Lord of the deceivers - .

The sixth rank rules over the air element, with the help of which its representatives bring diseases and epidemics to people, as well as natural disasters. The head of the sixth rank is Merezin.

The seventh rank is the furies who kindle wars and strife. Their influence can be seen on a large scale when it comes to military conflicts or major urban clashes. Furies also affect people individually, causing them to conflict. .

The eighth rank - accusers and spies. They watch people, noticing their slightest sins and sinful thoughts. At the same time, these representatives of evil spirits never miss a chance to do dirty tricks. Usually their influence is manifested in false accusations, slander, quarrels with colleagues and relatives due to misunderstandings. The accusers give all the "compromising evidence" to their overlord.

The ninth rank is the tempters who push a person into sin. The greatest pleasure for him is the transformation of the righteous into an inveterate sinner. Most often, it is these demons that appear to people, it is easier to call them, but keep in mind that it is not you who will benefit from your communication, but evil spirits. It is led by Mammon.

There is another classification of demons tied to . Before the fall, all the demons took their places in it. According to medieval records that were obtained during the exorcism of the demon Balberith from a girl named Madeleine, the demons, after being cast into hell, took their places in the new, dark hierarchy in accordance with the places they occupied in heaven. In other words, the fallen cherubim occupy the same position among the demons as the cherubim in heaven.


Hierarchy of demons

First level

The first level of the demonic hierarchy corresponds to the angelic one, consisting of seraphim, cherubim and thrones. Above them - only:

  • Seraphim Beelzebub takes second place after Lucifer, as. He inclines people to pride. Seraphim Leviathan pushes people away from the Christian faith, teaches heresy and inclines to sins that are contrary to Christian morality. Seraphim Asmodeus seduces with luxury and material goods.
  • Cherub Balberit, who communicated with the exorcist, according to legend, pushes people to commit suicide. He also promotes quarrels and squabbles, incites scandals and teaches slander.
  • The throne of Astaroth governs laziness, despondency and idleness. The throne of Veren makes people intolerant of each other, teaches them selfishness. The throne of Gressin is responsible for the tendency to slovenliness, manages dirt in its physical sense. The throne of Sonnelon is always ready to incite hatred of the enemy and force him to take revenge.

Second level

The second level of the hierarchy of demons corresponds to the rank of dominance, strength and power in the angelic hierarchy:

  • Elle's dominance incites breaking the vow of poverty. The dominance of Rosier is a demon of voluptuousness and fornication.
  • Prince Sil Verrier is able to force to break the vow of obedience.
  • The power of Carro instills cruelty in the hearts of people and fights with compassion and mercy. The power of Karnivan governs shamelessness and lack of guilt for committed sins, the inability to repent and receive God's forgiveness.

Third level

The third level is former beginnings, archangels and angels:

  • The beginning of Belial inclines to arrogance. It was he who created fashion and the concept of beauty, because differences in appearance are closely related to a high opinion of oneself. Belial teaches to chat and be distracted during worship. It affects women and children the most.
  • Archangel Olivius is responsible for the hatred of poverty. People who are under his influence hate those who earn less than they do. Olivius teaches not to give alms and treats the poor and wretched with all cruelty.

Classification of demons according to their habitat

Identified types of demons according to their habitat monk Michael Psellos who lived about a thousand years ago. He argued that not all demons reside in hell. According to this author of historical, religious and philosophical writings, demons have certain habitats and rarely get out of them. The original source has not survived to this day, but it has been repeatedly quoted by other authors, for example, Henry Halliwell.

fire demons

According to this theory, fire demons live in the upper layers of the air, lunar ether, or even above the moon. They do not descend either to the world of men or to hell. According to Psellus, they will appear only on the Day of Judgment.

air demons

Air demons reside in the air of the human world. It is they who are the very unclean force that every person should beware of. These demons are able to cause natural disasters, become visible and influence people's lives. From time to time they descend into hell on their own business. Airborne evil spirits are mentioned in the Goetia.

earth demons

Earth demons, like air ones, live among people. They can hide in rocks, forests and mountains. This type of evil spirit loves to harm people, but not all of them are evil. Some of the demons of the earth secretly live among mortals, posing as ordinary people.

water demons

Water demons live in water sources. They harm sailors and underwater life. Water evil spirits are aggressive, never tell the truth and are quite restless. Most often, she appears in the guise of women.

Underground demons

Underground demons live in caves and mountain crevices. They harm miners and other professions who work underground. Underground evil spirits are also credited with the destruction of the foundations of houses and earthquakes.

Light-hater demons, heliophobes or lucifugas live in hell and never go beyond it. According to Psellus, they are incomprehensible and unattainable for a mortal. When meeting with a person, the lucifug will surely kill him by strangling or poisoning him with his breath. Light-haters are afraid only of the light, it is impossible to keep, summon or defend against them by any witchcraft or magic seal. They shun people and never respond to various challenges.

According to Psellus, only air, earth, water and underground demons can be summoned. This can be done in a place corresponding to its essence. For example, it is better to communicate with water evil spirits on the shore of a reservoir, with earthly - in a forest, with underground - in a cave. To summon an air demon, this condition is not necessary, the air is already around you.

Types of demons in demonology - division by occupation

The duties of a demonic entity reveal its power. The stronger the demon, the more influence it has on a person in particular and the world in general. The classification of demons according to their occupation and level of power was first introduced Alphonse de Spinoy in the 15th century. It is often criticized, since this source does not mention many duties of evil spirits, and most of the known demons do not fit into this classification.

Parks - Roman goddesses of fate, almost identical with the Greek Moirai. (Painting "Three Moiras", Marco Biggio, 1525)

Parks were called goddesses weaving human destinies in Roman mythology. Similar characters are found in most of the pagan pantheons of the world. De Spina ranked them among the demons, in whose power are human destinies.

Pure demons are powerful beings from hell that only attack saints. Deceiver demons appear only to humans, usually in human form. Their goal is to deceive, to lead a righteous person into sin, to get his soul. There are also sleep demons, or nightmarish demons, who send terrible dreams and feed on the energy of the sleeper.

Two types of representatives of the infernal army are assigned to witches and sorcerers. According to de Spina, every witch has an assistant, who is almost always in the form of a small animal. A separate type of demon inspires them with false memories of the covens - the source calls the covens taking place in the real world a fiction.

Almost everyone knows who the incubus and succubus are. These are demonic entities that seduce a person and feed on his energy. De Spina added to these two species one more - demons, who are interested in the male seed. According to Christian beliefs, demons and demons are born from it.

Demonolotarian Stephanie Connolly

Already in our time, there was another attempt to distinguish varieties of demons according to their occupation and area of ​​​​responsibility. Classification contemporary demonologist and demonolatry priestess Stephanie Connolly closer to traditional ideas about the occupation of evil spirits of different ranks and levels of influence. It is also more convenient for practitioners who are involved in summoning representatives of the infernal forces and working with them.

Each demon has its own sphere of responsibility, and each of the demons has lower demons, demons, devils and other representatives of the infernal army under its control. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to call powerful demon, but he can send someone lower in rank to help the mage.

Love, passion and sex are the responsibility of Asmodeus and Astaroth. They can be contacted to create a love spell or sexual attachment, as well as gaining attractiveness and finding a lover.

Hatred, vindictiveness, anger and war are ruled by Andras, Abaddon and Agaliarept. These demons and their servants are turned to inflict damage, take revenge on the enemy with the help of magic, and also find help in confronting a strong opponent.

Demons can both take life and bestow it. Verrin, Verrier and Belial are responsible for health and healing. They can be asked for help in the fight against a serious illness if you are engaged in black magic for healing.

Demons of death - Eurynom, Vaalberit and Babael. They are turned to in order to avoid death or to kill the enemy with the help of magic. These same demons patronize necromancy.

Natural forces and elements are commanded by Lucifer, Leviathan and Dagon. They can be asked for help to facilitate contact with natural sources of energy, as well as to enhance the power of the rite, in which the elements play an important role.

Wealth, luck and all the material components of human life are under the influence of Belphegor, Beelzebub and Mammon. They can be asked for good luck in any business, enrichment - and without any restrictions on the ways of earning, as well as ruining the enemy.

Secret knowledge is given to sorcerers and magicians by the demons Python, Ronve and Delepitor. They are approached for advice by sorcerers who work exclusively with the forces of darkness. For white magicians this path is closed.

Classification of demons in the demonology of Cornellius Agrippa - planetary correspondences

In demonology, the classification of demons can be tied to planets. Many ancient sources speak of certain spirits of the planets. For example, they are described in some detail in "Key of Solomon". It is difficult to say exactly who is described in this source - spirits or demons, because Christian demonology attributed to the representatives of evil spirits in general all mythological characters, except for those that are directly related to God.

Occult Philosophy. Book 4

The planetary classification of the demons of hell was compiled Cornelius Agrippa. It is described in detail in the fourth volume of Occult Philosophy by this author. Each of these creatures corresponds to a certain appearance, demeanor, as well as a number of questions that can be addressed to them. The latter correspond to the meaning of the planets in the generally accepted sense, for example, the demons of Venus can help with a love spell or gaining attractiveness.

So there are demons or spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. They all come in various forms, and their appearance is accompanied by physical phenomena around a magic circle - for example, lunar demons cause rain, and mercurians plunge everyone present into horror. To communicate with them, it is necessary to strictly observe all correspondences. Each planet corresponds to a certain time of day, metal, color, stone and other important components of summoning demons.

Christian demonology - classification according to sins

Christian demonology is based on the connection between a person's ability to sin and demons, which are directly related to the transformation of the righteous into sinners. For the first time connected demons and human vices demonologist P. Binsfeld in the 16th century thus:

Lucifer - pride;
Mammon - greed;
Asmodeus - lust;
Satan - anger;
Beelzebub - gluttony;
Leviathan - envy;
Belphegor is lazy.

In the 19th century London occultist F. Barrett changed the classification in one of his books. Mammon became the patron of seduction and temptation, not greed and greed. However, material wealth is one of the temptations for a person. Asmodeus, according to Barret, commands not lust, but revenge and anger. Satan is a known deceiver who has nothing to do with anger and vindictiveness. Beelzebub, in this source, is called the ruler of false gods, who are actually demons. Gluttony Barret "transferred" to Mammon, as the lord of temptation.

Python - the prince of the spirits of lies;
Belial - the receptacle of vice;
Merihim is the leader of the spirits that cause contagious diseases;
Abaddon - demon of wars;
Astaroth - the demon of accusers and inquisitors;
Azazel is a scapegoat.

Russian demonology and its features

Russian demonology originated even before the arrival of the Orthodox faith in the lands of the ancient Slavs. Our ancestors always believed in evil spirits. somewhat changed under the influence of Christianity. But information about the evil spirits of the Slavs has been well preserved, since Christianity only added new characters without affecting the existing ones in any way.

Many characters of Russian demonology were people in the past. For example, these are mermaids,. The Slavs tried to appease the evil spirits so that they would not harm. Some of them are completely kind to people, for example, such are brownies, with whom it is customary to be friends to this day.

In European culture, demons are the antagonists of the forces of Good, fallen angels who incline people to sin, prey on human souls for Hell. The Bible, as the first source of knowledge about them, as well as the teachings of the church, describe the origin of demons ambiguously. First of all, they are associated with those angels who followed Lucifer in an attempt to overthrow the Kingdom of God and destroy people. All of them were thrown into the Underworld, having lost their wings. Of the unorthodox, the version about the natural origin of demons stands out (God is the creator of everything). Apocryphal Book Enoch describes in more detail biblical history about the cohabitation of angels with women, from which giants were born. The punished angels, in this version, were also cast out and became demons. The ancient Jews associated the origin of demons with Adam's first wife, Lilith. According to later versions, the souls of dead sinners, the damned, can also become lower demons.

"Demon" (from the Greek Diamon) - "divine power", "rock". In pagan Greece, daimons mediated between gods and people, they could be a guardian spirit. Evil demons misled people.

In the Slavic tradition, the devil was synonymous with the demon, demons were located lower in the hierarchy. In Islam, Iblis is represented - a genie, created by Allah from fire and expelled from heaven for disobedience, the younger devils are called shaitans. In Indian mythology, there are rakshasas - evil demons that inhabit dead bodies and asuras - titans that oppose the gods, are subject to the vices of anger, pride, boasting, etc. Thus, in different cultures there is an idea of ​​a dark beginning that opposes the Creator, the Light, the Good.

It is believed that if you know the true name of the demon or the image of the binding seal, you can call it and subdue it, for which rituals for summoning demons are developed. Such knowledge is recorded in special books - grimoires - and passed down through generations.

Hierarchy of demons

The Bible does not describe the exact hierarchy of angels and demons, but rather gives scattered information about their functions, appearance, participation in events. However, questions of the organization of society, the hierarchy of angels and demons, were of interest to believers from the very beginning. Apostles, church fathers, saints, theologians, scientists of different times and peoples - all of them, using the Bible and their personal spiritual experiences, restored knowledge about the structure of Paradise and the Underworld. Focusing on the Good-Evil dichotomy, they assumed that Hell is a reflection of Paradise, and, accordingly, demons of different strengths and ranks are subordinate to the main Devil (by analogy with seraphim, cherubim, archangels and angels in God). There are nine ranks in total, divided into three faces of three ranks each.

In the modern view, Lucifer (lat. Lightbringer), the "morning star", the fallen angel, is also associated with Satan (Hebrew. Enemy, adversary) and the Devil (Greek. Slanderer, liar). For the first time he showed himself in the Bible as the Serpent - the tempter of Eve. He heads the hierarchy of Hell.

The demons of Hell follow him. We list the most famous:

Baal (Baal, Bel)- fallen Angel, ancient deity Assyro-Babylonian culture, revered as a thunderer, god of fertility, war, etc. In hell, he is responsible for torture, suffering.

Belial (Beliall, Agriel)- a fallen angel, "having no pity." Acts as a seducer of a person who seduces to a crime. Makes possible the favor of friends and enemies, can heal and bestow life in this world - in exchange for an immortal soul. He is fierce and hypocritical, but outwardly beautiful.

Beelzebub Fallen angel, ancient deity. He tempted people with pride and ambition. appeared in the form of a fly or sent diseases with the help of hordes of flies, for which he received the nickname "Lord of the Flies."

Asmodeus- a demon-tempter, a deity in the Avestan culture. He is not only the overseer of all gambling houses in hell, but also the main distributor of debauchery. The demon of lust, incited turmoil in families.

Astaroth- a high-ranking demon, possibly a distorted name of Astarte (or Ishtar, the Sumerian-Akkadian goddess of love, fertility). He gives knowledge about the past and the future, can teach people all the free sciences. Awakens laziness in people.

Abaddon- demon of wars, possibly an angel, lord of the abyss, leading hordes of locusts. the prince of demons (furies), rules over the forces of discord and devastation.

Leriathansea ​​monster mentioned in Old Testament. In hell, he is considered the secretary of maritime affairs.

Hippopotamus- a demon of carnal desires (especially gluttony), giving people "animal inclinations." Encourages blasphemy and profanity. Can take the form of any large animal.

There are several classifications of demons:

  1. In accordance with the 7 deadly sins, 7 main demons are distinguished:

  • Lucifer - Pride
  • Beelzebub - Gluttony
  • Leviathan - Envy
  • Asmodeus - Lust
  • Mammon - Greed
  • Belphegor - Sloth
  • Satan - Wrath
  1. The classification proposed by Stephanie Connolly is more convenient for practicing spellcasters who summon demons for specific purposes. According to her, the main spheres of influence of demons are as follows:

  • Love-Desire (Asmodeus, Astaroth, Lilith, etc.)
  • Hatred-Revenge-Anger-War (Andras, Abbadon, Agaliarept, etc.)
  • Life-Healing (Verrin, Verrier, Belial, etc.)
  • Death (Eurynome, Vaalberit, Babael)
  • Nature (Lucifer, Leviathan, Dagon, etc.)
  • Money-Prosperity-Luck (Belphegor, Beelzebub, Mammon, etc.)
  • Knowledge-Secrets-Witchcraft (Ronve, Python, Delepitora, etc.)

Weyer's Demon Hierarchy

Johannes Weyer in De Praestigius Daemonum (Hierarchy of Demons or Pseudo-Monarchy of Demons, 16th century) tried to draw a complete picture of the Infernal Empire by assigning to each demon a corresponding rank or position. Also in the book, he outlined instructions on summoning a demon, managing and protecting. In total, he describes 69 demons: their position, appearance, special abilities and the number of legions in submission. Unlike Part 1 of The Lesser Key of Solomon, in The Hierarchy of Demons there are no images of demonic seals and the ritual is simplified, although there are references to the teachings of Solomon.

This article provides a description of the most insidious and bloodthirsty demons of hell (Asmodeus, Vaal, Yarama, Kali ma, Itzpapalotl, Kelpi, Skadi, Shri Lakshmi, Zotz, Hel, Xipe-Totek, elementals, Belial, etc.), according to the legends and beliefs described in Slavic, ancient Indian, Scandinavian, Aztec mythology.


This demon, according to the Old Testament tradition, was cast into the underworld along with Lucifer, who became the lord of darkness.

His responsibilities include overseeing all gambling in hell. He is also the main distributor of depravity and vulgarity. Asmodeus was considered a demon of lust and was responsible for inciting turmoil and conflict in families.

Perhaps the reason for this was that Asmodeus himself grew up in a dysfunctional family.

According to ancient Jewish legend, he was born by a mortal woman named Naama, and the father was one of the fallen angels (presumably Adam before the appearance of Eve). In ancient manuscripts on magic, the Testament of Solomon, Asmodeus is described as "fierce and screaming." Every day, Asmodeus did everything he could to prevent husbands and wives from intercourse, while at the same time spurred their hidden animal instincts, thus instigating adultery and other sins.

Before mortals, Asmodeus appeared astride a dragon with a sword in his hands. And he had three heads: one was a bull, the other was a ram, and the third was a human. The legs of the demon Asmodeus, according to one version, were cock-like.


Kali ma is the Indian goddess of destruction and plague, bringing grief and sowing death. In one hand she has the head of Raktevira, the king of demons. Kalima entered into a mortal battle with him, won and drank all his blood. One of the most common depictions shows her squatting by the body of a dead Shiva, absorbing his sexual organ with her reproductive organ, while she eats his intestines with her mouth.

This scene should be taken not literally, but metaphorically. It is believed that the goddess takes the seed of Shiva into her womb in order to conceive him again in her eternal womb. In the same way, she devours and destroys all life around her in order to recreate it all anew.

Kali ma has black skin and an ugly, ugly face with bloody fangs. She has a third eye on her forehead. Kali ma has four arms with long claws on thin fingers. The body of Kalima is adorned with garlands of babies, snakes, the heads of her sons, and the belt is made from the hands of demons. On her neck is a necklace of human skulls, on which Sanskrit letters are engraved, which in India are considered sacred mantras, with the help of which Kalima created, connecting various natural elements.

Goddess SKADI

Skadi is a gloomy and very cruel goddess of the snowy and cold North.
Scandinavia, by the way, was once called Skadin-auya, which means “Land of Skadi”.
In Norse myths, Skadi appears as the beautiful daughter of the giant Tjazzi. After the murder of her father by Thor (one of the main gods in Scandinavian mythology), Skadi came to the gates of Asgard and challenged the gods. Trying to pacify her righteous anger, the god Loki (the son of the god Thor) took the goat and went outside the gate to greet her and make a sacrifice to her.

ASGARD is a mythological city in which, according to Scandinavian mythology, all the gods live. Asgard is a kind of analogue of the ancient Greek Olympus.

However, the victim, according to the legend, was by no means a goat. Loki tied one end of the rope to a goat, and the other to his genitals. The goat pulled the rope one way and Loki the other until his genitals were torn out of his body. Bleeding, Loki fell at the feet of the cruel goddess Skadi. She considered it punishment enough for her father's death.

With the help of magic, Loki regained his lost genitals and continued to pursue other female goddesses.

Demon HEL

Another demon - a representative of Scandinavian mythology - is the goddess Hel, known in ancient German mythology under the name of Holda or Bertha.

Hel was the patroness of various reservoirs (except the sea, which had its own patron god), the goddess of the hearth, spinning and growing flax.

According to ancient legend, Hel rode across the sky with Odin on his wild hunt, which, apparently, was associated with the Valkyries. Hel was the mistress of the dead and the queen of the underworld, called Niflhelm in Scandinavian-Germanic myths. It was considered the world of the elements - freezing cold and volcanic fire. The first part was inhabited by the righteous and the gods, and the souls of sinners burned in the volcanic fire. Hel received this kingdom as a gift from Odin.

Hel was born from Loki and the female giant Angrboda. The sight of the goddess was terrible, because one half of her body was healthy, and the other was sick, with traces of decay.

In the struggle of the gods and chthonic monsters, Hel took the side of the first, accepting into her kingdom all the dead, except for those who died in battle.


Sri Lakshmi is one of the central characters in ancient Indian mythology. This goddess, beloved of the god Vishnu, was usually depicted with a lotus in her hands or sitting on a lotus with a casket and money falling from her palm.

Legends say that she appeared from the foam of the milky ocean, i.e., just like the Greek Aphrodite, she came out of the foam of the sea.

Lakshmi accompanies Vishnu in each of his reincarnations, always being reborn with him. She accompanied Vishnu in his most important rebirth: when he became Rama, Lakshmi became Sita. When he became Krishna, she became a cowherd girl named Radha.

Since Lakshmi is considered the goddess of luck, the Indians believe that she has a rather capricious, absurd character, because luck usually leaves a person quite suddenly.


The name yara-ma refers to a whole group of demonic beings. These are the demons that inhabit the forests of Australia.

Yara-ma is a small creature with bare red or green skin and suction cups on its arms and legs.

Yara-ma hides on the branches of trees, waiting for prey. When the victim approaches, he jumps on it, digs into the body and sucks out the blood.

Yara-ma has such big mouth that it can easily swallow a whole person. In some cases, if Yarama-ma falls asleep immediately after eating, his victims manage to escape and escape.


Itzpapalotl is a terrible demon from Aztec mythology, which is a cross between a woman and a butterfly. He is depicted in a very unusual way even for mythological demons: stone knives are attached to the ends of his wings, and instead of a tongue, there is also a knife.

Itzpapalotl also has a special magical cloak, with which he can easily turn into a completely harmless butterfly.


The kelpie is a creature from Scottish mythology. This demon appears in the form of a horse.

There is a well-known belief that a person who met Kelpie on the bank of the river and swam across it to the other side would never be able to return.

The kelpie always drowns its prey before consuming it.


Zotz is a South American ferocious demon from Mayan mythology. Zotz is a malevolent, dog-headed, winged entity. This demon lives in hell and drinks the blood of anyone in its territory that catches his eye.


Xipe-Totec - an evil Mexican demon, which is a character in the mythology of the Mayan people of the pre-Christian era Central America. In the views of the Maya, this demon could bring terrible disasters and suffering to people, destroy cities and send deadly epidemics. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly appease him so as not to disturb the evil spirit.

In the Aztec and Mayan tradition, human sacrifice was a common practice. Xipe-Totec also demanded human blood, while sacrifices had to be made at intervals of several months. This story resonates with similar stories from other nations. Suffice it to recall the tribute that the Athenians had to pay to the Knossos king Minos, annually sending young men and women to his palace as a sacrifice to the Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinths of the palace. In Slavic mythology, such a plot is associated with the sacrifice of girls to the Serpent Gorynych.

Researchers of mythology suggest that such a plot similarity originates in the prehistoric tradition of human sacrifices of that period of the existence of civilization, when there was no division of people into races, but there was a single community of people who spoke the same language (which, by the way, is reflected in the legend of the Tower of Babel) .

After its disintegration into independent ethno-national and cultural-original units, the plot spread throughout the world along with the people who settled and was filled with special details, different in each case.


Brimbston demons look like very old and decrepit people and are neither alive nor dead. Their bodies look withered and twisted, in some places holes are visible that appeared from smoldering and decomposition of the flesh. The faces of the demons are also terrible - a naked terrible skull with a grin of long blackened teeth, dirty yellow eyes with thin streams of blood oozing from them. These creatures feed exclusively on human flesh and fresh blood.


Elementals are usually called entities that inhabit the four elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. They can be attributed to the spirits of wildlife, which are in the service of sorcerers, magicians and other evil spirits, and the souls of dead people reincarnated by the devil can use the help of elementals.

In ancient and modern legends, elementals are commonly referred to as "peers, devas, djinns, sylvans, satyrs, fauns, elves, dwarves, trolls, norns, nisses, kobolds, browns, nicks, stromcarls, undines, mermaids, salamanders, goblins, ponks. , banshees, kelpies, pixies, flywheels" and many others.

ANCIENT MEXICAN BELIEFS tell that there were abodes for demons and spirits, which were divided into certain categories. In the initial monastery, the spirits of innocent children lived, waiting for further distribution, in the next monastery there were the souls of the righteous and heroes, and the souls of sinners lived in dark terrible caves. And they were active in real life by contacting living people who can see them.


According to the legends, Asgaroth, like Asmodeus, flew on a dragon, but, unlike Asmodeus, he had only one human head, which is usually depicted as very ugly, and he holds a viper in his left hand.

This demon was considered the ruler of the western regions of hell, and in addition, the keeper of the infernal treasury. Asgaroth incited people to idle pastime, awakening laziness in them. In his free time, he played the role of an adviser or mentor to the rest of the fallen angels.


Behemoth is a huge demon, as his very name already speaks of. He is depicted as an elephant with a huge round belly, hobbling on two legs. He "supervised" all the gluttons and ruled the feasts in hell. Due to the fact that, on duty, he had to stay awake most of the night, in addition, he was also considered a watchman. The hippopotamus is also known for its singing.


Baals were the minor deities of ancient Syria and Persia. However, the powerful Baal was considered the god of fertility and agriculture. According to ancient legends, Baal was the son of El, the supreme deity ancient city Canaan and ruler of all life on earth. Baal commanded the cycle of death and rebirth.

The population of Canaan worshiped Baal and regularly sacrificed children to him, throwing them into the fire. The demon Baal was depicted as three-headed: in the middle he had a human head, and on the sides - a cat's and a toad's. Baal could give wisdom and insight.


Belial was considered one of the most venerable demons of Satan. Even before Satan became the leader of the dark forces of the underworld in the New Testament, Belial already occupied a fairly high position. In the manuscript Dead Sea“The war of the sons of light with the sons of darkness” Belial appears as the sovereign ruler of the underworld: “For the sake of depravity, you were born, Belial is an angel of enmity. You and your abode are darkness, and your goals are to sow evil and pain around you.

Demons are fallen angels, immortal powerful spirits serving the Prince of Darkness - the Devil, Satan. The names of demons play a key role in their summoning - the sorcerer must know, based on the desires of a person, how the spirit will help him. To receive your demon assistant and conclude an agreement with the Devil, you can leave a request by e-mail: dusha@site

Names of the demons of hell full list demons how to summon them

Names of demons and their classification in connection with the seven sins

This kind of classification was based on the idea that demons incite a person to sin. So, in 1589, the demonologist Binsfeld gave the following interpretation of higher demons with vices:

  • Lucifer - pride and complacency
  • Mammon - greed;
  • Asmodeus - lust and debauchery;
  • Satan - anger;
  • Beelzebub - gluttony, addictions;
  • Leviathan - envy;
  • Belphegor is lazy.

The names of the demons are great importance for black sorcerers and demonologists. In 1801, the occultist Francis Barrett published in London the book "Magus or Celestial Intelligencer", in which he changed the connection of demons with sins. According to Barrett

  • Mammon is a demon of tempters and seducers;
  • Asmodeus - prince of the avengers;
  • Satan is the demon of deceit and lies;

Beelzebub is the lord of false gods.

In addition, the following were added to the list of demons:

  • Python - the prince of the spirits of lies;
  • Belial - the receptacle of vice;
  • Merihim is the leader of the spirits that cause contagious diseases;
  • Abaddon - demon of wars;
  • Astaroth is the demon of accusers and inquisitors.

List of demons of Hell

The names of demons differ from people to people due to the peculiarities of the language (for example: Astaroth - Astarte - Asteroth)

    Abduscius is a demon that uproots trees.
    Abbadon is the ruler of the abyss.
    Adramalech is a demon who was considered an adviser and was responsible for the Satanic wardrobe.
    Abigor - a skilled warrior, demon rider
    Azazel is the bearer of the banners of the mighty army of hell.
    Amon is a marquis.
    Amduscias is a musician.
    Ancu - a ghost with a wagon foreshadowing death (Brittany).
    Andras is the Grand Marquis.
    Astaroth - the great duke of the underworld, kept hellish treasures.
    Asmodeus is a demon of lust, family difficulties and great passions.
    Astarte - the goddess of motherhood, war and fertility - from the ancient.
    Astarte is a great infernal duke.
    Acheron is a monstrous infernal demon, his eyes glow.
    Barbatos is a predictor of the future, he also knew how to find hidden treasures.
    Balthazar is a tailed half-demon, half-man.
    Belphegor is the one who seduced people with wealth.
    Baphomet - was a symbol of the satanic goat; most often depicted as a half-man-half-goat or in the guise of a man with a goat's head.
    Vaalberith is the chief infernal secretary.
    Baal is a demon of deceit and treachery, a great infernal duke.
    A vampire is a living dead that drinks the blood of people.
    Valafar is the patron saint of robbers and robbers.
    Warlocks are male witches.
    Beelzebub - lord of the flies, commanded the legions of hell
    Belizar is a demon of lies and one of Satan's strongest allies.
    Verdelet is the master of hell.
    Golem - this is the name of a terrible person who is created by magic in Jewish folklore.
    Dantalian is the one who pushes people to bad deeds, thereby feeding on their energy.
    Dagon is the baker of hell.
    Devil - Christian teachings say that this is the Great Prince of Evil.
    Dis - Dante gave Satan such a poetic name.
    Dubbuk - according to Jewish mythology - a wandering spirit.
    Zepar - a demon that drives women crazy
    Ishtar - from Babylonian and Assyrian mythology - the great mother goddess.

In order to summon a demon, the sorcerer must know its name.

Devils have the deepest knowledge of everything. No theologian can interpret the Holy Scriptures better than they, no lawyer knows the laws and regulations, no doctor or philosopher understands better than they the structure of the human body or the power of stones and metals, birds and fish, trees and grasses, earth and heaven.

Types of demons

Alphonse de Spina established 10 varieties of demons:

  1. Parks. These demons were credited with the power to intervene in the fate of a person, helping him to gain wealth.
  2. Poltergeists are evil spirits that make small mischief at night in the house: they move things, do not let you sleep at night, do not cause much harm;
  3. Incubus and Succubus are demons who have sexual intercourse with a person, seducing him. According to the author, nuns are especially susceptible to the attacks of these demons;
  4. Marching ghosts that appear as a crowd of people making a lot of noise;
  5. Household spirits are geniuses-guardians of witches and sorcerers, as well as all other spirits that imitate the angel from the book of Tobit. A person can also find his guardian demon;
  6. Nightmares - demons that cause terrible visions in a dream;
  7. Demons formed from male semen - demons that induce fantasies about women in men in order to obtain semen to create other demons;
  8. Deceiver demons - demons that fool people by appearing in human forms;
  9. Pure demons - demons that attack only saints;
  10. Demons that deceive the old women, inspiring them with the idea that they allegedly flew to the Sabbath.