Why do blacks have large reproductive organs and whites have smaller ones? By the end of the century, the world population will again be black. White Americans are moving to reservations.

White Americans Move to Reservations

Indulging in morning coffee and reflections on the imperfection of being, I leafed through the latest issue of Time magazine. And I came across an interesting article by African-American writer Rich BENJAMIN, who, following a two-year investigation, wrote the book “In Search of a White Utopia: An Incredible Journey to the Heart of White America.” In it, this same Benjamin told just an extraordinary thing. It turns out that in the US, more and more wealthy white people are leaving the big cities and establishing pure white settlements - enclaves. These are not isolated examples, but almost mass phenomenon. To the writer's question, why are you doing all this, he was gently but intelligibly answered: - We are not racists. We do not consider ourselves better than you, we just want to be separate from you.

Horror is simple! - the black Benjamin is surprised. In short, the unprecedented is happening in the promised land, the American...

Well, what is it? The end of the American dream, the famous melting pot of all nations and races? End of peace, friendship, gum in America? Yes, sure. The melting pot is long gone! All major cities in the United States have special areas where exclusively black people live. With their own ideas of morality, with their own black cops, restaurants, cinemas where they play special African-American movies. IN Lately this is considered the norm.

African Americans make up 12.4 percent of US citizens, 14.8 percent are Hispanics. According to the Census Bureau, people of color will make up the majority of Americans by 2042. This is only legally living in the States. In fact, there are more whites than people of color.

And so, if white Americans wanted to live apart, Mr. Benjamin immediately panicked.


The Americans are building a barrier wall on the border with Mexico, eight meters high! You can freak out. Still, the number of illegal immigrants is not decreasing. Rod and rod... Entire cities already speak only their native Spanish. They don't want to learn English. But this is nonsense, the main thing is that the majority categorically does not want to integrate into American culture. And they bring to America all the nastiest things they have. Drugs, crime, illiteracy...

I'm not anti-American at all. But I'm offended that in the country of my beloved Mark Twain, Jack London, Steinbeck And Hemingway According to a 2004 poll, only half of Americans have read at least one book. Illiteracy in the US has reached 20 percent and continues to rise. 30 percent of Americans believe that the US population is between one and two billion people. National Geographic magazine found that more than three-quarters of those surveyed couldn't find Japan on a map. 20 percent of Americans believe that the sun revolves around the earth. 17 percent of respondents rightly believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun, but they are convinced that our planet completes a revolution around the Sun in a day, not a year. One in five US adults cannot name a single country in Europe. Among Americans aged 18 to 24, one in seven cannot find their own country on the map, one in four confuses the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

What does the black and Hispanic population of America have to do with it? Yes at that! Because it's mostly about them! If it goes on like this, but it will definitely go on, then only rap with basketball will remain in history from the USA. Plus, of course, the garden planted by the first lady on the lawn of the White House.


Somehow I dug up statistics on benefits for black families in Chicago. Benefit for poverty, not for unemployment, - $ 658 - 822 per month. Food Stamps, Food Stamps, $140 - 288 Single Mother Co-payments - $145 - 265. Child Under 18 Co-payment - $670 - 980. Food Stamps per Child - $220 - 295. Payment allowance utilities- 96 - 100 percent. Medical insurance "MedicAid" - 85 - 100 percent.

The average family is a single mother with three children. Even if you count by the minimum, then in a month she receives $ 2813 without taking into account food stamps. Cool, yeah?! But this is all provided that she is a black woman born in the USA. Americans of a different skin color have prices an order of magnitude lower. Of course, I kind of understand the government. It's better if the Negroes don't work and play basketball, otherwise, entrust them with an important matter, they'll do such a thing - mother don't worry. But African Americans are not eager to work.


According to a report by the US Department of Justice, last year there are more than 37,000 proven cases in the country in which a white woman was a victim of sexual abuse by a black man. During the same period, there were less than 10,000 such facts related to white men and black women.

I read a funny incident about how a few years ago the US public was concerned about the case of a sergeant coercing a newly recruited woman into cohabitation. Feminist organizations began to collect information on similar cases. They got quite a lot, were preparing to submit it to some kind of hearings and were already looking forward to a resounding victory over “sexism” on a national scale. But then it turned out that all the women forced into cohabitation were white, and the sergeants were blacks. Well, since even a woman is taller than a man, but the Negro is “more important” than the woman and racism is worse than sexism, we had to quickly shut up.


Why does all this American stuff bother me? Who knows, I'm just thinking. I saw the same thing in Paris. I was walking one evening in a lyrical mood and turned the wrong way. Look, there is not a single white face in the dark, only the whites of the eyes, frankly, sparkle disapprovingly and get closer and closer. Well, I blew ... By the way, a secular columnist for Izvestia wrote very well about France Bozena Rynska. I quote the passage verbatim, preserving the author's literary twists:

“Bouillabaisse was eaten at the Miramar restaurant in the old port. We got back into the monstrous train. In the second-class carriage, where my mother sat down on principle, the air conditioner did not work. The whole train was suffocating, the windows were sealed shut. Like in a bath - not figuratively, but literally. A real gas chamber. As a result, she dragged her mother to the first class. There was hell too. The air conditioner worked, of course. But disgusting Arab gopniks climbed into our car. Gopniks went naked to the waist. The gopniks were smoking. The gopniks turned on the music and sat down with their asses on the arms of the chairs of people who had specially spent money on first class so that this kind of trash would not hang out there. Disgusting, vile urks.

There were four of them. There are at least forty of us in the carriage. Everyone spent money on first class. No one but us tried to do anything. In the USSR, such hooliganism would have been taken out by the whole bus. Healthy men seemed to be driving, and no one hit turnips.

Furious from the unbelted cattle, I went to look for at least someone from SNCF. There was not a single person in the whole train. Do not go to the driver. Mother, I say, you are our kung fu player. Can you at least fuck one?

Well, in principle, if the client will stand calmly and not twitch, then I can embed him.

Half an hour from home, the mother could not stand it, clenched her fists and almost rushed into battle. We yelled at the French that this was their country, and that they needed to protect themselves from the inhabitants of the former colonies, and that they themselves deserved Clichy because they put cattle on their necks.

The naked Arabs, seeing the fists, subdued. It looks like they were being patient on purpose. In the face, like, they asked. Passing by the mother's chair, they said "sorry." Before leaving the train, they announced to the carriage that they were leaving and the performance was over.

Do we need it?

Just don't accuse me of Negro-Arab-Latino-all other nations phobia! I grew up in a Soviet school where internationalism was cultivated. And he was a fan of the Soviet film "Circus", where the famous artist Volodin shakes a Negro child in her arms and sings a song: “Bears and elephants are sleeping, uncles are sleeping and aunts ...” Yes, yes!

It's just that I, looking at America, think about the fate of Russia! I am not against Tajiks, Uzbeks, Chinese, Kirghiz... But the great Muslim Magomaev, director of The Elusive Avengers Edmond Keosayan Yes, many beautiful smart people and now they are coming. Musicians, doctors, writers, who is against them! But along with them there are still tons of unknown people! And even they, one by one, are nice guys, but when there are a lot of them, it's just a separate life, believe me, alien to us.

I understand that there is no work in their homeland, and unlike Gorbachev who ruined a great country, they can be understood. But do not impose their habits from the Karakum desert on me! Why not establish a visa regime, why not strengthen the border? Previously, they kept the border even without the eight-meter American walls, but they coped with a bobby on a leash.

Here I read a conversation with the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region Andrey Markov. He says that over the past year, crime among migrants has increased by almost 40 percent. And he also says that he does not know how unregistered foreigners get into our country, they seem to dissolve after crossing the border.

They don't dissolve anywhere. They live... And here are the numbers: in the first half of 2009, foreign citizens committed 6,392 crimes in the territory of the Moscow Region. Compared with the data of the same period last year, there was an increase of 39.6 percent. In Moscow, from a third to a half of the crimes are on their own conscience.

Why do residents of villages or Chinese outback need Moscow? If you want to work, please. Strictly on visas and strictly on those specialties that the country needs. And they pay taxes, otherwise, according to the most conservative estimates, about $ 15 billion float uncontrollably to the former fraternal republics.

Why did I talk about the Americans in such detail? Yes, I do not want to run away from my native places to the pampas! This is a journalist writer Rich Benjamin called the white enclaves utopias - like white man's fairy tales. I don't want stories like this! And I don't want them to come true! And everything goes to this.

And as a result, the example of Kosovo is before our eyes. At first, the Albanians quietly climbed in, then they began to grow incredibly demographically, then they became the majority, and then bam, and the cradle of Serbian civilization was no longer Serbia at all, but another state. The same will happen with the United States, and maybe with us too.

Due to the sharp increase in the birth rate in Africa, the world population will reach almost eleven billion by the end of the century. The majority will be black.

This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Washington. These figures significantly exceeded previous forecasts. It was expected that on a poor continent, where there is no full medicine, poor living and food conditions, women would not give birth to many. But in fact, African women give birth to more than five children in their lifetime.

The current African population is about 1.1 billion and is now expected to reach 4.2 billion by 2100, an increase of nearly four times.

Professor Adrian Raftery of the University of Washington, said: "The decline in fertility in Africa has slowed to a greater extent than we previously predicted, and as a result, the forecast shows that the African population will grow at a high rate."

A study shows that in 2050, one in three children born will be black. In other regions of the world, major changes in the birth rate of the population are not expected. Europe expects a slight decline in fertility, other countries around the world can see a slight increase in population due to increased life expectancy.

Africa is considered the youngest continent. In Uganda, Mali, Nigeria, about 50% of the population is under the age of 14. They will create families and give birth a large number of children, knowing that there is a risk that many of them will not live to adulthood.

The high birth rate in Africa against the backdrop of negative living conditions, poverty and lack of sufficient food and water will cause the mass migration of the African population to other continents. Accordingly, children of mixed race parents will also be born there. The genetic predominance of black skin will accelerate the change in skin color of the entire population of the planet.

Such data show that the world must rethink its population policy, expand the education of girls, take family planning measures in order to avoid the rapid growth of the African population.
In the United States, they are already thinking about the future population of the country. By 2043, white Americans will no longer be the majority of the US population, according to the latest Census Bureau data. They will be displaced by the descendants of Hispanic immigrants and African Americans.

By 2060, the total number of US citizens will reach 420.3 million. At the same time, whites will make up 43% of citizens, Hispanics - 31%, African Americans - 14.7%, Asians -8%.

The coming half-century will pass under the banner of Asia, which will become the next economic and cultural center peace. Africa will also have time to say its weighty word, but not so much in terms of culture as in terms of population: three countries on this continent will be among the ten most populous by 2050.

The largest of these, Nigeria, will be only a million people behind the US, while the Congo and Ethiopia will displace Russia and Mexico from 9th and 10th places on the list. In total, almost 2.5 billion people will live on Earth more people than in 2015. Analysts of the American Information Bureau on Population Problems (PRB) came to such conclusions.

The key to the puzzle is the children. While developed countries are struggling with an aging population, Africa is experiencing a booming birth rate. The leaders are Niger, South Sudan, Congo, Somalia and Chad. The fact that in such countries the death rate is falling due to the development of health care also contributes to this, said Peter Goldstein, vice president of PRB. Analysts expect that in 35 years, children born today will be healthier and better off.

Castling took place in the first positions of the rating. If today China has the palm, then by 2050 it will go to India. "In the past few decades, the Chinese have focused on lowering the birth rate, and in India, the increase is stable and not limited by the letter of the law," explains Goldstein.

Similar figures were voiced earlier in the UN. They believe that by 2050 the world's population will increase to 9.7 billion people. A reverse movement can only be expected if the birth rate falls in sub-Saharan Africa.

The fair sex remains a key barometer of family well-being, so respecting and expanding women's rights is essential, write PRB researchers. "We are seeing tremendous progress, but barriers remain in critical areas for women. They need guarantees or, one might say, some kind of reward expressed in terms of equal rights with men," said the chief executive officer of the bureau, Jeff Jordan.


But this does not mean that the more rights women have, the more they will give birth. In less developed countries Today, the lion's share of the world's population lives - more than 6 billion, while the developed account for only 1.254 billion. In more than 40 countries, the vast majority of which are in Africa, in 35 years the population will double, while in 34 states it will, on the contrary, decrease. For example, the Japanese will become less by 30 million people, and Latvia will lose almost a third of the population.

Not the last role in this is played by the average life expectancy of women. PRB estimates that today they live 73 years, while men live 69 years. The richer the country and the higher the level of medicine, the higher these figures. In more developed countries, women live on average 82 years, and in Lesotho, South Africa, 46 years.

In African countries, not only problems with medical care, but also with employment. There, only 30 percent of women do not work in the field, while in Europe, the US and Canada - almost half. Moldova has the highest level of employment in non-agricultural areas - 55 percent.

How about us?

Today, 144.3 million people live in Russia, but in 15 years its population will decrease by four million, and by 2050 - by another six, to 134.2 million people.

So far, the number of children under 16 in the country is 16 percent, over 65 - 13 percent. These figures, for example, in Nigeria are quite different: 43 percent of children versus three percent of the elderly. But there is a much higher difference, which is in the West African Niger: 52 percent to four, the PRB calculated.

Are these conclusions so critical for Russia? Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the Institute of Demography at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, believes that the bureau did not discover America: there is a potential trend towards an excess of deaths over births, but there is an explanation for this. “We will leave the top 10, that’s for sure, but not because everything is supposedly bad with us, but because other countries are growing faster,” he reasoned. “There will be few women of fertile age in Russia in the coming years, since the birth rate was low in the 1990s.

One of the resources that helps keep the growth going is migration. But we cannot meet all foreigners with bread and salt, since we need to integrate newcomers into the legal and social environment without conflict. When will the Earth be 80 percent Asians and Africans, National composition all countries, including Russia, will be greatly diluted, concludes Anatoly Vishnevsky.

An example is France, where more than 64 million people live. About five million are foreigners, of which half are from Africa. The rest are residents of other European countries and Asians.

Infographics: WG / Maria Pakhmutova / Ekaterina Dobrynina / Alexandra Vozdvizhenskaya

In connection with colonialism. Spanish was the source of distribution. negro("black"), which in turn goes back to lat. Niger, late late. negrus, negra ("dark", "black") and Greek. Νέγρος ; word soon black person also appears in Russian. With the emergence of European imperialism, colonialism, colonial mentality and pseudoscientific racism in the 19th century, the word became widespread both in everyday speech and among scientists. After the end of the policy of colonialism in the second half of the 20th century, the official use of words derived from the Spanish negro in a number of languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world has been greatly reduced and is now spreading mainly to vulgar speech (for example, since the 1970s in the United States, the word Negro almost superseded by the English word. black, which means "black"; in France, the word fr. africain- "African".).

An English colloquial word (considered crudely offensive by whites, but used jokingly or ironically by blacks themselves) nigga, nigga goes back to Negro.

Russia and CIS

The situation in Russia is noticeably different from the one described above, since people of the Negroid race in Russia and the USSR have always been (and to a large extent remain) exotic, and even the arrival of a significant number of African students in the country in the second half of the 20th century and the appearance of mulatto children in some of them didn't make much of a difference. In the Russian language, the word "Negro" was not stylistically negatively colored; this situation persists to this day. В то же время пришедшее из США слово «ниггер» (англ. nigger) is used in its original meaning - as an insulting name for a black person. By analogy with the politically correct “African Americans”, the neologism “Afro-Russians” appeared in the media. anthropological term negritos In colloquial, it is used as a playful or dismissive, and the word "black -haired" is as offensive.

Cultural and linguistic nuances


In the United States, the terms for the black population have evolved as follows: Negro "Negro", Darkie "dark", Colored "colored", Black "black", Afro American "African Americans", African-American African American. characteristic feature US terminology is the gradual disappearance of terms borrowed from Spanish to refer to people of mixed origin (mulattos, quadroons, etc.) used in the 19th century. The word "negro" can be used as a historicism and is still used in a number of organization names (United Negro College Fund). Words " nigga», « nigga” and others continue to use within the African American environment. White Americans, especially in the south of the country, also use these expressions widely in everyday life; however, such treatment is now generally perceived as offensive by the black population. For example, the detective novel by the English writer Agatha Christie "Ten Little Indians" (Eng. Ten Little Niggers), written in 1939, due to insufficient political correctness, was renamed "Ten Little Indians" (Eng. Ten Little Indians), then, when even this name ceased to satisfy, - in "Ten Soldiers" (Eng. Ten Little Soldiers). Now the book is being published under the title And There Were None. And Then There Were None).

Latin America

In Russian -speaking texts in anthropology, race, in the texts of specialists in Latin America, and especially in the texts about the history of slavery, the word “Negro” has always been neutral. In Spanish, the word "negro" is also used in the meaning of "friend", etc. (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay), although in the Dominican Republic, where a significant part of the population is of African descent, the word negro has a negative connotation due to the former occupation of this country black troops in Haiti. Therefore, in Spanish the word "prieto" is used, etc.


In the Portuguese language of Brazil, the concepts of port are used. preto"preto" and port. negro"Negro." Until recently, the more common word "preto" (black color) was used everywhere, including the last census of the country.

Romance-speaking countries of the Mediterranean: "Negro-Africans"

In the Romance-speaking countries of the Mediterranean basin, which historically have close contacts with North African countries with Arab, Berber and Negro populations, in official documents the term "Negro-Africans" is now often used (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian. negroafricano, also an adjective in Portuguese negro africano), which makes it possible to single out the Negro element from the mixed population of African countries.

Literary French also makes extensive use of the noun and adjective. negro-africain with a neutral connotation, while negre the connotation is ambiguous, depending on the context: from neutral to a shade of pride within the negritude or belonging to a black francophone culture.

Portable values

Similarly, scientists who publish work under other people's names are sometimes called “scientific blacks”.

In Russian there is an expression "work like a Negro" in the meaning of "work hard and hard."

Including blacks are called people who perform any work with extreme zeal, up to harm to their own health.

"Negroes" (short for "non-citizen") are sometimes referred to as residents of Latvia and (more rarely) Estonia, who have the status of a non-citizen. (See stateless people)

see also

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • // Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. , 1907-1909.

An excerpt characterizing the Negro

This endeavor was reasonable. The position of both the fleeing and the pursuing was equally bad. Staying with his own, each in distress hoped for the help of a comrade, for a certain place he occupied among his own. Having given himself over to the Russians, he was in the same position of distress, but he was placed on a lower level in the section of satisfying the needs of life. The French did not need to have correct information that half of the prisoners, with whom they did not know what to do, despite all the desire of the Russians to save them, were dying of cold and hunger; they felt that it could not be otherwise. The most compassionate Russian commanders and hunters of the French, the French in the Russian service could not do anything for the prisoners. The French were ruined by the disaster in which they were Russian army. It was impossible to take away bread and clothes from hungry, necessary soldiers, in order to give them not to harmful, not hated, not guilty, but simply unnecessary Frenchmen. Some did; but that was the only exception.
Behind was certain death; there was hope ahead. The ships were burned; there was no other salvation but a collective flight, and all the forces of the French were directed to this collective flight.
The farther the French fled, the more miserable were their remnants, especially after the Berezina, on which, as a result of the St. Petersburg plan, special hopes were placed, the more the passions of the Russian commanders flared up, blaming each other and especially Kutuzov. Believing that the failure of the Berezinsky Petersburg plan would be attributed to him, dissatisfaction with him, contempt for him and teasing him were expressed more and more strongly. Joking and contempt, of course, was expressed in a respectful form, in a form in which Kutuzov could not even ask what and for what he was accused. He was not spoken seriously; reporting to him and asking his permission, they pretended to perform a sad ceremony, and behind his back they winked and tried to deceive him at every step.
All these people, precisely because they could not understand him, it was recognized that there was nothing to talk about with the old man; that he would never understand the full depth of their plans; that he would answer his phrases (it seemed to them that these were only phrases) about the golden bridge, that it was impossible to come abroad with a crowd of vagabonds, etc. They had already heard all this from him. And everything he said: for example, that you have to wait for provisions, that people are without boots, it was all so simple, and everything they offered was so complicated and clever that it was obvious to them that he was stupid and old, but they were not powerful, brilliant commanders.
Especially after the unification of the armies of the brilliant admiral and the hero of St. Petersburg Wittgenstein, this mood and staff gossip reached its highest limits. Kutuzov saw this and, sighing, shrugged his shoulders. Only once, after the Berezina, did he get angry and write to Bennigsen, who delivered the following letter to the sovereign separately:
“Due to your painful seizures, if you please, Your Excellency, upon receipt of this, go to Kaluga, where you await further command and appointment from His Imperial Majesty.”
But after Benigsen's departure, the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich came to the army, who made the beginning of the campaign and was removed from the army by Kutuzov. Now the Grand Duke, having arrived at the army, informed Kutuzov about the displeasure of the Emperor for the weak successes of our troops and for the slowness of movement. The Sovereign Emperor himself intended to come to the army the other day.
An old man, just as experienced in court affairs as in military affairs, that Kutuzov, who in August of that year was chosen commander-in-chief against the will of the sovereign, the one who removed the heir and the Grand Duke from the army, the one who, by his power, in opposition to the will of the sovereign, ordered the abandonment of Moscow, this Kutuzov now immediately realized that his time was over, that his role had been played and that he no longer had this imaginary power. And it was not just from court relations that he realized this. On the one hand, he saw that the military business, the one in which he played his role, was over, and he felt that his calling had been fulfilled. On the other hand, at the same time he began to feel physical weariness in his old body and the need for physical rest.
On November 29, Kutuzov entered Vilna - his good Vilna, as he said. Twice in his service, Kutuzov was governor in Vilna. In the rich surviving Vilna, in addition to the comforts of life, which he had been deprived of for so long, Kutuzov found old friends and memories. And he, suddenly turning away from all military and government concerns, plunged into an even, familiar life as much as he was given rest by the passions that boiled around him, as if everything that was happening now and about to happen in the historical world did not concern him at all.
Chichagov, one of the most passionate cut-offers and overturners, Chichagov, who wanted to first make a diversion to Greece, and then to Warsaw, but did not want to go where he was ordered, Chichagov, known for his bold speech with the sovereign, Chichagov, who considered Kutuzov blessed by himself, because when he was sent in the 11th year to conclude peace with Turkey, in addition to Kutuzov, he, convinced that peace had already been concluded, admitted to the sovereign that the merit of making peace belongs to Kutuzov; this Chichagov was the first to meet Kutuzov in Vilna at the castle where Kutuzov was supposed to stay. Chichagov in a naval uniform, with a dagger, holding his cap under his arm, gave Kutuzov a drill report and the keys to the city. That contemptuous respectful attitude of young people towards the old man who had gone out of his mind was expressed to the highest degree in the entire appeal of Chichagov, who already knew the accusations leveled against Kutuzov.
Speaking with Chichagov, Kutuzov, among other things, told him that the carriages with dishes he had recaptured from him in Borisov were intact and would be returned to him.
- C "est pour me dire que je n" ai pas sur quoi manger ... Je puis au contraire vous fournir de tout dans le cas meme ou vous voudriez donner des diners, [You want to tell me that I have nothing to eat. On the contrary, I can serve you all, even if you wanted to give dinners.] - flaring up, said Chichagov, who wanted to prove his case with every word and therefore assumed that Kutuzov was also preoccupied with this. Kutuzov smiled with his thin, penetrating smile and, shrugging his shoulders, answered: - Ce n "est que pour vous dire ce que je vous dis. [I only want to say what I say.]
In Vilna, Kutuzov, contrary to the will of the sovereign, stopped most of the troops. Kutuzov, as his close associates said, unusually sank and physically weakened during his stay in Vilna. He reluctantly took care of the affairs of the army, leaving everything to his generals and, while waiting for the sovereign, indulged in a dispersed life.
Having left with his retinue - Count Tolstoy, Prince Volkonsky, Arakcheev and others, on December 7 from Petersburg, the sovereign arrived in Vilna on December 11 and drove straight to the castle in a road sleigh. At the castle, despite hard frost, there were a hundred generals and staff officers in full dress uniform and an honor guard of the Semenovsky regiment.
The courier, who galloped to the castle on a sweaty troika, ahead of the sovereign, shouted: "He's on his way!" Konovnitsyn rushed into the hall to report to Kutuzov, who was waiting in a small Swiss room.
A minute later, a fat, large figure of an old man, in full dress uniform, with all the regalia covering his chest, and his belly pulled up by a scarf, swaying, came out onto the porch. Kutuzov put on his hat along the front, took gloves in his hands and sideways, stepping with difficulty down the steps, stepped down from them and took in his hand the report prepared for submission to the sovereign.
Running, whispering, the troika still desperately flying by, and all eyes were fixed on the jumping sleigh, in which the figures of the sovereign and Volkonsky were already visible.
All this, according to fifty years of habit, had a physically unsettling effect on the old general; he anxiously hurriedly felt himself, straightened his hat, and at that moment, as the sovereign, getting out of the sleigh, raised his eyes to him, cheered up and stretched out, filed a report and began to speak in his measured, ingratiating voice.

Hello dear lovers interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why blacks have a large reproductive organ. This question is often exaggerated on various Internet resources devoted to topics and medicine. Indeed, why can representatives of the Negroid race boast of more impressive "dignities" than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

The topic of penis size is controversial. The community concerned is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the "gigantism" inherent in Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is very intriguing. So there is a lot of gossip and fiction, one more fantastic than the other.

lovers films for adults, comparing the parameters of white and black actors, tend to the opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all comforted by their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite. Many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks have more than whites. The one who has been to Asian countries and could contemplate local men “in all their glory” claims that white guys have absolutely nothing to be sad about.

The hype around penis size did not arise from the heyday of the porn industry, which provided viewers with different countries opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for a different reason.

white slavery

Jealous and envious comparison of the genitals arose in the era of the colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving at the new shores, the white hidalgos of the Old World were amazed at the picture that opened up. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of a very respectable size.

Historians studying the US South before civil war, believe: the physical data of black slaves - which were just taken out of Africa - inspired their owners with genuine horror. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot on a giant slave than to constantly wait for his wife to betray him (which happened not so rarely).

The white conquerors of the new continents fell into the slavery of their own stereotypes and the inexorable laws of nature. A hardy black man with great "dignity" is a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of not spoiled by the sexual diversity of southern women. Puritan customs reigned in Europe at that time, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

One can argue endlessly about whether Africans have especially large members or not. For the sake of truth, it is worth getting acquainted with the statistical data. Many researchers dealt with the issue of the size of penises among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the renowned Institute Men's Health(Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It was attended by about 6 thousand men of different nationalities. The study was conducted in countries that used to be part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average penis length here is 17.6 cm. In second place are the Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltics are quite a bit behind them (16 cm).

On a global scale, the study was carried out by different scientists. The data they obtained was collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a Syrian-born researcher. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a penis size map, unique in its kind, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Relentless statistics

The victory in this tacit international competition was won by the exceptionally gifted gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of the excited penis here is 17.9 cm. At the same time, the owners of 20- Ticentimetric organs are quite common.

In total, the Gabonese and Guineans are inferior to them by 0.1-0.2 cm. In general, nature gave the largest reproductive organs to dark-skinned men. Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, the inhabitants of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. The Indians, Chinese and Indonesian natives (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the royal size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why are blacks penis larger?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of some parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. It is influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Referring to the Gundersen map, it is easy to see that men with large penises live closer to the equator. It is warmer here, and the temperament of the local residents is “out of the fence”. The heat causes the blood to boil in the veins and the growth of anything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as the "large-sized" Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in the ice-bound Greenland, the penises of the guys are 3-4 cm longer than those of the inhabitants of China, Thailand and India.

Lots of meat - lots of sex

This is precisely the relationship between the described male parameters and the diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. The equatorial pagan tribes lived for thousands of years by hunting. You will not meet farmers in the wilds of Africa.

The population here is brought up on the meat of freshly killed game, which, due to the favorable climate, is always full. High-quality animal protein is an excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn't the men here also be gifted in the physical sense?

India and China have a different story. In this part the globe world religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism were born. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living creatures inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Vegetable food perfectly cleanses the body, promotes spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but definitely does not give physical strength.

On a vegetarian diet listed countries passed en masse over a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises have greatly decreased in size, but people themselves have become undersized. No wonder the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hello Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains with genetics. If the father has a “king-size”, then the son will probably not blush for his “well done” in the bedroom. But why are king sizes found among Africans? Here local cultural traditions played a role.

Unencumbered by puritanical morality, dark-skinned ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies in front of their eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

Aborigines of Africa from time immemorial profess the cult of the body. They emphasize their dignity with tattoos, painting, jewelry, scars. Only in an atmosphere of such sexual emancipation could a device called “koteka” (a special case for the penis) appear. A true symbol of male power!

It is unlikely that under such conditions, guys with tiny members could pass on their genes to their descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation, hardy men with large reproductive organs bred in African forests. The law of natural selection.

I hope now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large genital organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to be complex about this. Size does not play a special role, at least in most cases.

The editors of Webfacts magazines do not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We apologize if this word offended anyone.