Kochia (summer cypress): planting seeds when planting in seedlings. Kochia - an exotic accent in the garden Kochia flowers royal castle

Kohiya is a magnificent ornamental plant that has spread throughout the world from China and got its name from a German biologist with the surname Koch. At first glance, it seems that this shrub belongs to coniferous trees, among the people it was even nicknamed “annual cypress”. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that its thin leaves are actually tender and soft. Kochia is grown as a decorative element in various compositions.

The plant is valued not only for ornamental appearance, but also for the fact that it is not afraid of a haircut. By planting it on your own or in your backyard, you can test your artistic talent by giving kochia unusual intricate shapes. The plant is one of the unpretentious, so everyone can grow it on their site. The only way to reproduce cochia - growing from seeds. When to plant seeds in open ground and in a greenhouse for seedlings, as well as the main points of planting and care - all this will be discussed below.

Planting cochia seeds in open ground

In order for the seeds of kochia to sprout well, and the young sprouts to subsequently develop successfully, it is important to know when, in what soil and how to sow. Although the annual cypress is not particularly demanding, in some conditions it will not be able to develop properly.

When to plant kochia
This decorative representative of the flora does not tolerate frost well, so it can be planted in open ground only when the air temperature becomes stable positive. Even more than that - the thermometer at night should not fall below + 10ᵒС. Therefore, even in a warm spring, in order to avoid the risk, kochia is planted only in May.

Landing site preparation
The natural habitat for kochia is the steppe and semi-desert. This should be taken into account when choosing a place for her in her country or backyard territory. The plant will not like a poorly lit piece of land. Kochia will delight the eye growing in non-acidic, well-draining soil. Before making seeds, the ground can be fertilized, loosened and moistened.

Planting seeds
To have good germination of kochia seeds, it is important to make sure that they are no more than two years old. Landing is best done in the early morning, evening or in the middle cloudy day. Seeds are not densely scattered in the selected area and sprinkled a little with sand or fine soil, after which they are gently moistened. Planted seeds are covered with non-woven material on top until the air is finally warmed up. The weakest sprouts are subsequently removed, leaving a distance of 20-30 cm between them, for decorative borders - 10-15 cm.

Kochia loves space

Growing kochia seedlings

Most often, cochia is propagated by pre-growing seedlings from seeds in a greenhouse. For the success of this undertaking, the following guidelines must be carefully adhered to.

The necessary conditions
The best time to start growing kochia seedlings is March-April. This should not be done before, because due to lack of sunlight, the seedlings will be too thin and long. You can plant seeds in a mixture of fine peat, sand and humus, or from ordinary garden soil with humus. The substrate is disinfected by heating in the oven or by treating it with a special agent.

Kochia likes light and non-sour

How to plant kochia seeds
Immediately before sowing, the prepared substrate is slightly tamped and thoroughly moistened. Next, sparsely scatter kochia seeds over its surface and sprinkle them with a small amount of sand or simply press them a little deeper. After that, they are sprayed with a spray bottle. In conclusion, the container is covered with lutrasil or other material that transmits light and air.

Conditions for growing seedlings
Shelter is removed from the sprouts that have ascended on the 7-10th day. So that they are not subjected to dangerous diseases, watering should be regular, but moderate, and it is better to reduce the air temperature in the room by a few degrees. If some seedlings have been exposed to the disease, they must be urgently removed, and the soil should be neutralized with a solution of potassium permanganate or other suitable substance.

Cochia seedling picking
After the appearance of three leaves, groups of two or three shoots can be transplanted into separate containers, the diameter of which should not exceed 10 cm. After that, the plant needs the same moderate watering and sunlight. A week after the dive, it is advisable to feed the seedlings, and in the future, do this every two weeks. In order to plant seedlings in open ground, it is better to wait for stable heat. Most likely, it will be the second half of May. The main thing for growing beautiful and lush bushes is good lighting and moderate watering. Immediately after disembarkation and a month later, it is desirable to carry out top dressing.

Growing kochia is not as difficult as it may seem. Unfortunately, she does not tolerate frost, so the only way to decorate your site with such an exotic beauty as kochia every year is to grow from seeds. When it is best to plant this plant and how to do it correctly, we examined in detail. Now it remains only to apply.

Annual cypress is the name of a unique plant that looks like a fluffy ball. At different times of the year, the shade of the stems and leaves of Kochia changes: in spring, delicate, bright greens appear, in summer - a combination of yellow and orange flowers, in autumn purple colors delight.

It is no coincidence that in many ratings, Trichophyll or Kochia is in the top ten most interesting and beautiful species. Landing and care open field even beginner growers can do it. There are a few "little tricks" on how to keep the spectacular appearance of an annual cypress longer. The article describes the nuances of care, cultivation and reproduction of a highly ornamental plant.

Kochia: types and varieties for open ground

Lush bushes-balls always attract attention. The cold-resistant species grows in Europe, North America, Asian countries, Australia. The birthplace of kochia is China.

The people call the plant not only "Summer Cypress", but also "broom grass": from flexible, but strong enough, twigs make an excellent basis for a broom. Trichophyll are perennials and annuals, cold-resistant species with leaves that change color throughout the season. There is a species that retains a pale green hue from spring to autumn.

The spherical cochia (broom variety) has been known since the middle of the 17th century, the German botanist Wilhelm Koch discovered the species. Later, in scientific works, the plant received a second name - Bassia.

Kohiya is often called "Annual Cypress" because of the similarity of foliage, reminiscent of delicate, fluffy needles, but Trichophylla belongs to another family - the Marevs. Sometimes the species is included in the genus Bassia and the Amaranth family, but to Coniferous plants Kochia has nothing to do with it.

In decorative gardening, broom kochia is used more often than others:

  • cold-resistant look;
  • the plant tolerates drought well;
  • in the cochia broom Childe, the leaves are constantly green, and in another variety, the Hairy, they change from emerald green to red;
  • leaves thin, pubescent, narrow. The flowers are small, are in spike-shaped inflorescences;
  • cochia fruit is a single-seeded nut. The basis for reproduction is shallow: there are more than a thousand seeds per 1 g;
  • bassia is planted in group plantings, for decorating front flower beds, as a highlight of a discount, in front gardens and mixborders. Borders from bassia, topiary, decor for alpine slides - you can’t count all the places where trichophyll looks the most advantageous;
  • bassia tolerates a haircut well: talented gardeners create original “sculptures” from lush bushes.

Hitachi Park in Japan is an amazing place that attracts millions of tourists. In different periods of the year, entire fields of spectacular plants bloom on a large area. Beauty fans come to festivals where the "main violin" is played by: Nemophila, Tulip, Narcissus, Poppy, Sakura, Lily. Kohiya also takes pride of place in the program: in July, Hitachi Park is decorated with thousands of lush balls of bright greenery, by September the fluffy bushes turn yellowish-orange, and in early October - purple-red. Fields-beds - a fantastic sight! See what Kochia looks like. Photos are impressive!

Growing seedlings from seeds

Basic method, good results. The process begins in the first decade of April and ends in May. Some flower growers sow trichophylla seeds directly into the ground, but the seedless method is suitable for the southern regions, where the spring is warm and frosts stop early. Subject to the rules, the seedlings grow actively, the plants are strong and healthy. It is important to adjust the temperature and humidity levels in time to avoid the development of a “black leg”.

Important! Often flower growers complain: cochia seeds do not germinate. What is the reason? Perhaps the planting technology is broken: the grains are sown too deeply, there is a lack of lighting during germination. The second reason is poor-quality planting material: kochia seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, even when harvested this season, some of the grains may not germinate. It is important to purchase properly processed vacuum-packed planting stock from reputable companies. Be sure to check the expiration date so you don't buy expired items.

soil and capacity

You will need loose, multi-component soil: sand or perlite is added to the garden soil so that moisture does not stagnate. It is useful to ignite the substrate or pour it with a solution based on antifungal agents. Seedling boxes or plastic containers with holes are disinfected with fungicides or antiseptics: Cochia seedlings often suffer from blackleg disease.


What to do:

  • Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, easily sprinkled with a thin layer of soft, disinfected earth or sand, sprayed, covered with glass or cellophane is used.
  • In a mini-greenhouse, the seeds germinate more actively, the optimal level of humidity is maintained. Reduces the risk of mold on the surface regular (every two days) ventilation of the container and environment.
  • The container should be placed in a room with a temperature of about +20 degrees, in a bright room. After germination, the temperature is reduced.

Seedling Care

It is useful to adhere to the rules, follow the recommendations of experienced flower growers. The germination of the planting material is average, but in the mini-greenhouse the period of the "black earth" ends, after about 10 days. Next, remove the protective coating and properly care for the seedlings.

Features of growing cochia at the first stage:

  • watering. Humidification is moderate, from the sides of the container or under each seedling, so that moisture does not accumulate in certain places. It is impossible to allow the formation of an environment in which fungi develop. The water is slightly warm, always settled;
  • temperature. After the appearance of sprouts, the indicators must be reduced to +12..15 degrees so that the plants do not stretch so actively and suffer less from a fungus attacking weak seedlings;
  • pick. The procedure is carried out when real leaves have formed on the sprouts: 2-3 pieces. Peat cups or plastic containers (from sour cream or yogurt) are used as individual containers. The diameter of the container for kochia is about 10 cm. From 1 to 3 sprouts are planted in each pot. Picked seedlings should be in a bright room. Every week, young kochia are fed with mineral mixtures, up to transplanting to the site.


By the end of May, in most regions where kochia takes root well, frosts disappear, the soil and air warm up, and excellent conditions are created for the growth of young bass. When planting seedlings, the distance between the pits is observed - about 50 cm, so that the ball plants do not interfere with each other and do not lose shape. The day is chosen not very hot, cloudy, but fog and rain are completely unnecessary. It is good if there is no strong wind on the day of landing of the kochia.

Landing in open ground

A suitable method for the southern regions. It is important that frost and low air temperature do not interfere with seed growth. The optimal planting time is from mid-May to the second decade of July. Ball bushes will form later than when growing from seedlings, for this reason the seedless method is less often used.

Kochia reproduces well by self-sowing, and often flower growers reveal many young plants in the area where lush bushes-balls grew last year. With a professional approach to creating landscape compositions, most flower growers plant strong sprouts of Cochia broom and other varieties of highly ornamental plants.

Site selection and lighting

Bassia grows well in open areas, light shade is acceptable in the midday hours. In Hitachi Park, kochia are grown in large areas, the plants are constantly in the sun, and with proper care, there is no risk to narrow leaves. Mulching plantings retains more moisture, allows you to water the ball bushes less often.

Bassia is not planted in shaded areas. For decorating areas in the garden and in the country, where there is little sun, shade-tolerant and shade-loving herbs, shrubs and shrubs, creepers with dark, dense leaves and some flowers are suitable: Ivy, Hostas, Oak anemone, Ferns, red-brown Geranium, Dicentra, Lungwort , Euonymus. Can be grown in a dimly lit place Derain white, Hawthorn, Weigela early, Hydrangea, some types of Fir.

Outdoor care

Kochia is a non-capricious plant, but all activities must be carried out on time. It is useful to study the nuances of the implementation of basic agrotechnical procedures and the decorative leafy look will be an effective element of the original compositions.


Often it is not necessary to add liquid to the soil: trichophyll does not tolerate waterlogging of the substrate. In the absence of drought, you do not need to water the ball bushes more often than once a month. Additional moisture is required during the rooting of young plants and if there is no rain for a long period. Mulching and loosening reduce the likelihood of the formation of a dense crust and salinization of the soil.

Top dressing and fertilizer

In June-July, complex fertilizers must be applied. The compositions must have a sufficient concentration of nitrogen for the active growth of greenery, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus for the release of buds and the proper development of cochia. Decorative leafy look must be fed after decorative pruning.

It is useful, if necessary, to water the "Annual Cypress" with Succinic acid or Fitosporin, Epin, Zircon biological products, which reduce the level of stress after transplantation or shearing. To repel pests, garlic tincture, a decoction of onion peel, or an orange peel-based product are suitable.

Care during and after flowering

Kochia is a decorative and deciduous species, the buds of the plant are inconspicuous, small, and do not differ in decorativeness. The main attention is drawn to the lush, delicate foliage of spectacular shades: emerald green, yellow-orange, purple. For this reason, it is not advisable to remove faded elements, as in shrubs with spectacular buds, species: Azalea, Kerria, Japanese Quince, Forsythia, Barberry, Spirea.

Mulching, loosening

When planting cochia over a large area, it is difficult to create a layer of mulch for each bush, but in a park, garden or country house, a coating of organic matter(peat) or sand has a positive effect on the preservation of soil moisture.

Bush formation

Kochia is an excellent basis for creating original landscape forms on the site. "Annual cypress" tolerates decorative pruning well, and at the request of the grower, not only bushes-balls appear on the site, but also pyramids, cubes, ovals, plants of other interesting forms, up to fantastic ones. Hygienic pruning is performed as needed: do not ignore diseased, weak twigs or stems with traces of infections.

Protection from pests and diseases

The main problem at the seedling stage is the development dangerous disease called "black leg". Rotting begins in the zone of the root collar with excessive watering, a combination of dampness and low temperatures, swamping of "heavy" soil. Improper arrangement of the drainage layer or the absence of holes in the bottom of the container also interfere with the free outflow of liquid from the soil after watering the seedlings.

It's easy to spot the problem:

  • after the formation of seedlings, reduce the temperature in the room to +15 degrees;
  • before planting seeds, be sure to treat the soil with disinfectants (potassium permanganate solution) or fungicides;
  • moderately water the seedlings, avoid stagnation of water in the container.

With the development of the "black leg":

  • remove damaged seedlings;
  • sprinkle perlite, charcoal or calcined fine sand on the surface of the soil to remove excess moisture;
  • with the active spread of the disease, a thorough treatment using fungicides is carried out. Antifungal agents are used according to the instructions;
  • for better treatment of damaged elements, reducing the risk of developing new spores, not only greens are processed, but also the soil in the growth zone. The same rule applies to the fight against fungus on adult shrubs;
  • effective drugs for the treatment of mycoses: Fundazol, Bordeaux liquid, Skor, Fitosporin;
  • It is important to protect the body from the action of chemicals.


Unlike many types of ornamental plants, only seeds are needed to grow kochia. Planting material is harvested at the end of flowering and fruit ripening on the site or purchased in specialized stores. It is important to choose a quality base, with a suitable expiration date: even for “fresh” seeds, germination is far from ideal.

Summer cypress is grown only through seedlings. How to do it? Detailed answers can be found in the previous sections. It is important not to delay the sowing of seeds: April - optimal period to start work.

Autumn care and wintering

Deciduous, decorative, annual plant cannot be saved for the second season. In autumn, withered bushes are cut off, disposed of, the site is carefully dug up so that the larvae of harmful insects freeze out during the cold season. When fungal infections are detected, it is useful to treat the empty area with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides.

Kochia in landscape design

"Annual cypress" planted:

  • in the front flower beds;
  • in front gardens;
  • when decorating a lawn;
  • to create interesting compositions in combination with beautifully flowering species;
  • when creating a topiary;
  • for the design of low hedges;
  • as a decoration of an alpine hill;
  • when forming a curtain;
  • for decorating rockeries;
  • when creating original elements of natural decor near a playground, shopping center, in a park or square;
  • in elite gardens with exquisite landscaping and elegant compositions.

When planting coronal kochia, they take into account which variety is needed: hairy, with multi-colored leaves throughout the season or Childs, in which bright greens please the eye from early summer until the onset of cold weather. Interesting compositions are obtained by combining two varieties in one area.

Kochia is a fantastically beautiful plant with an original look of lush bushes of medium height. The combination of spectacular decor with unpretentiousness is a positive thing that amateur flower growers should know about. A curly haircut gives Bassia an original shape, which allows you to show your individuality, emphasize good taste, and add zest to the garden. Kochia coronata is a plant that landscape designers love to work with. Some varieties of Summer Cypress are actively used by herbalists and traditional healers in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Kochia refers to unpretentious plants. The shrub has an oval neat shape. How to grow an original bush on the site and how to care for it? The answer is in the next video:

Cochia plantings in the open field are used by summer residents as a decorative element. The growing process does not require special labor-intensive flower care. Despite this, the result is always pleasing.

Kochia owes its name to the German botanist Welhelm Koch. The birthplace of this plant is China, and the first mention of it occurs in the 17th century. There are many “folk” names in the arsenal of kochia: summer cypress, bassia, prutnyak, broom.

By its nature, kochia is a strongly branching evergreen subshrub. Outwardly, the plant is very similar to a cypress or a small Christmas tree, for which it was called the summer cypress. Similarity is achieved due to long thin leaves and a branched bush.

Kochia is very reminiscent of a coniferous shrub and often replaces it in landscape design.

In the garden, kochia is easy to recognize by its green mass, but it has nondescript flowers. Often they are even hard to see. Whitish tiny flowers are hidden in the axils of the leaves and do not represent any decorative value. A feature of kochia is its pliability during pruning and long-term preservation of shape. Almost any figure can be created from dense bushes, and plants planted along the paths serve as a green border. In autumn, the kochia changes the color of the leaves and looks even more attractive.

Kochia is in most cases an annual crop, but there are also perennial varieties.

Cochia varieties:

  • paniculate (coronal) kochia is a decorative and deciduous species, which includes annual and perennial subspecies. Used in ornamental horticulture and as an industrial crop;

Kochia paniculata
  • hairy kochia is an annual shrub, up to a meter high. In autumn, this type of kokhiya acquires a bright red color;

hairy kochia
  • Childsa kochia - plant height up to 60 cm, color throughout the entire growth period - light green;

Childsa kochia
  • creeping kochia - squat half-bush;

Creeping kochia
  • woolly-flowered - “shaggy” kochia, covered with thick yellow-red villi;

Woollyflowered kochia
  • densely flowered - a tall type of cochia. Due to the many white villi, it has a white tint.

densely flowered kochia

Planting and propagation of kochia

Kochia reproduces only through seeds. Seeds are round Brown. Seed germination is always excellent. Seeds can be sown in three ways:

  1. Seeds in seedling containers.
  2. Seeds in open ground.
  3. Self-seeded seedlings.

kochia seeds

Cochia seeds are sown for seedlings in early spring (March - April). The soil for growing seedlings of kochia is suitable for balanced. Seeds shallow (1 cm) are embedded in wet soil. It is recommended to create a greenhouse effect by covering the containers with foil. Seeds germinate within 7 days, after which the film is removed.

Attention! Young shoots of kochia are not watered, but sprayed from a spray bottle, otherwise the plant will die.

Cochia seedlings can hardly be called tender. It grows quickly without much hassle. When the seedlings reach 6-8 cm in height, and the weather is warm outside, the seedlings are planted in open ground. The disembarkation scheme depends on the desired result. For decorative borders and hedges, plants are planted 10-15 cm apart. When growing flower arrangements, the planting scheme is arbitrary.

kochia sprout

When sowing cochia seeds in open ground, they should only be lightly tamped. It's not worth it to sprinkle. For faster germination, planting can be covered with a film, but not necessary. If the seedlings are too thick, the landings are thinned out.
Kochia is one of the many self-seeding crops. To do this, just leave a few adult plants to winter in the garden. New dense shoots will appear in the spring. Moreover, the seeds are dispersed by the wind, and kochia can grow even in the most unexpected places.

Advice! Do not rush to plant kochia. It grows quickly, but late spring frosts will kill this plant.

Kochia care, diseases and pests

Cochia is planted in a well-lit place, only slight shading is permissible. In the shade, culture grows quolo, lifeless.

Young seedlings need top dressing, at least several times a month. Top dressing should be carried out with nitrogen fertilizers, since it is nitrogen that affects the growth of the green mass of the plant.

Watering kochia should be done very carefully. Better underfill than overfill. The plant is able to withstand a short drought, but stagnant water is detrimental to it.

Avoid waterlogging the soil under the cochia

Pruning is also an important step in caring for kochia. It is carried out easily, with secateurs or scissors. After pruning, kochia keeps its shape for a long time.

Kochia diseases are not terrible. She has strong immunity. Here are the pests to watch out for. The spider mite infects kochia quickly enough, therefore, having noticed the first signs of its activity, you should not hesitate to treat it with pesticides.

Kochia in combination with other plants in landscape design

The topic of using kochia in landscape design is endless. You can draw ideas for arranging a flower bed from a photo on the Internet or turn on your own imagination. Cochia plantings are used to decorate hedges, green borders, decorate flower beds in home gardens and in urban gardening. Summer cypress will decorate the garden composition and even.

Cochia will dilute any paints with its greenery. Yellow lush hats of marigolds on a green background of kochia look gorgeous. No less effect is achieved from planting kochia in. The Alpine slide will sparkle with new colors when combined with kochia.

Kochia combined with rose

Particular attention, as an element of landscape design, should be given to figures from kochia. Their diversity is simply amazing. On the network there are photos of kochia in the form of a heart, nesting dolls, snakes, complex geometric shapes. Zigzag hedge or wavy border, whimsical shapes or strict geometric shapes - everything is possible with the use of grown kochia.

With the onset of autumn, flower beds with kochia are transformed again. The property of the kochia chameleon can be taken into account in landscape design and used to advantage. In summer, kochia can serve as a green background, and in autumn it can transform into red, yellow or orange accents of a flower bed. In combination with the queen of autumn, the effect is simply amazing.

Florists also respect kochia. Cut branches are used to create bouquets. Dried sections are stained by florists in different colors and are used in "dry" compositions.

Application of cochia

Cochia is used not only as an ornamental plant. It can serve as food for animals, and dried branches will find their use in the household as a broom. Culinary experts add cochia to gourmet first courses.

Kochia is not only beautiful, but also a plant useful for humans.

In alternative medicine, kochia has also found its niche. Traditional healers use cochia in the treatment of eczema and other skin diseases, inflammatory processes. The diuretic and diaphoretic properties of cochia help to cope with edema, and the cardiostimulating effect will help with heart disease.

As you can see, kochia planting and care in the open field does not require much effort. The plant is worthy of attention due to its wide range of uses. Unpretentiousness and resistance to all diseases makes caring for kochia a pleasure.

Growing cochia from seeds: video

Among the huge variety of annual flowering plants, kochia deserves great attention. Despite the fact that its flowers are inconspicuous and small in size, the plant itself looks original due to the rich color of the leaves and the bizarre shape of the bush itself.

red kochia

Kohiya belongs to the Marev family, its homeland is China. Represented by lush bushes, reaching a height of one or more meters. Has a rich green color, which by autumn can turn into yellow or burgundy colors. There are more than 80 species of kochia and it is distributed throughout the world. The reasons for this success of kochia are its decorativeness, ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness in care.

Sowing seeds

In the southern regions of the country, cochia seeds are sown in May, immediately into the soil. Kokhiya is characterized by sufficient cold resistance and night frosts are not terrible for her. In other regions of Russia, cochia is grown through seedlings. The best time for sowing seeds for seedlings is the first decade of April.

The seeds are very small, so they cannot be planted deep into the ground, just press them a little into the ground. For seedlings, garden soil interspersed with rotted manure is suitable. Before planting, the soil is moistened, which will give good and friendly shoots. Boxes with sown seeds are placed in a place where there is diffused sunlight. The temperature in the room is maintained at 18-22 degrees. In order to avoid drying out of the top layer of the soil, it is necessary to spray with water every day. Seedlings will appear a week after sowing. At this point, you need to have enough light, otherwise the sprouts will stretch and weaken.

Seedling picking

When the seedlings grow to 5 - 7 cm, for their further full development, they should be dived. To do this, they are removed with a clod of earth and moved to a separate container. After picking, the plants continue to be watered from time to time and provide sunlight.

Wild Cochia

Transplanting cochia into the ground

In May, the seedlings will reach a height of 15-20 cm and it is time to transplant them to a permanent place. It is advisable to choose a sunny and wind-protected place for it. The soil for kochia should be light and permeable to water. When a place is chosen, they dig holes for planting. The landing step should be 35-40 cm, otherwise they will be cramped later. Prepared holes are filled with water, and then seedlings are planted there, keeping a clod of earth on the roots.

plant care

During the summer growing season, kochia should be watered and fertilized. At a minimum, plantings should be fed twice during the summer with complete mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers promote the growth and development of plants and increase their resistance to diseases.

Kohiya is a favorite plant of many gardeners and ordinary flower lovers. Today, this ornamental plant is very popular. This popularity is explained by the fact that kohiya for a short time capable of gaining brilliance. In addition, the plant is well able to tolerate decorative pruning. The birthplace of kochia is China. It was there that it was released a large number of plant varieties that can take on absolutely any color during growth. The plant was brought to Europe in the 17th century by the botanist Koch. In this article we will talk about how to grow a flower such as kochia from seeds. You can also learn about when to plant and remember other important points.

It is worth saying that if you open special literature on floriculture, you can see that this plant has a lot of names. For example, kochia can be called:

  • broom tree,
  • Basia,
  • Summer cypress.

Kochia is very similar to cypress. And if you look at these plants from afar, they can be confused. The plant is considered unpretentious. Growth requires minimal care. Kochia is able to tolerate lack of moisture and light shading. Under favorable growing conditions, the plant can grow to a height of 1 meter.

How to grow cochia from seeds

Well, now it's time to talk about how to grow kochia from seeds at home. At the beginning, it is worth emphasizing that the seeds of the plant have a high degree of germination. And the strength of growth, allows the plant to multiply by self-sowing.

On a note! Pay attention to the expiration date of the seeds of the plant. Their shelf life should not exceed 1.5 years.

If you are going to sow the seeds in the ground, then select the first days of May for this purpose. Just in these numbers, frosts do not occur, and their plant is very afraid. In general, planting can be done until mid-July. Kochia grows very fast. Therefore, she still has enough time to grow up and please you. Of course, annual seeds will grow well in a place where there is a lot of light. When planting, seeds are not recommended to sprinkle with soil. When planting, it is enough to press the seeds lightly into the soil, which should be moist. After that, the soil with seeds must be covered with white covering material.

Covering material must be removed after a week or two. If it gets colder, then the fabric is left. Take it off when the weather gets warmer. When the first shoots appear, then the sprouts should be thinned out. Leave a distance of 10 cm between plants. When the kochia becomes 15 cm long, it must be sent to a permanent place of growth. Cochia can be sown before winter. But it is best to do sowing 2 weeks before the onset of frost. Otherwise, if done differently and in warm weather, the plants will germinate and simply die. If you sow kochia before winter, then spread its seeds along shallow grooves and sprinkle with a thin layer of earth, which should be loose and fertile.

Features of growing seedlings for planting in open ground

In this section, it is worth talking about how to grow kochia seedlings from seeds. Cochia seedlings are grown in order to have the opportunity to acquire an ornamental plant very early that will decorate the backyard. Seeds are sown for seedlings in March-April. But then it’s worth talking about how to grow seedlings step by step:

  • Prepare your garden soil. Add a small part of humus, river sand and peat to it.
  • Pour this earth into a container or box and be sure to moisten it.
  • Make shallow grooves or just sprinkle the seeds on the ground. Cover the box with covering material. As a result, a special microclimate can be created.
  • Crops need to provide diffused sunlight. Also, crops should be at room temperature.
  • Spray the soil daily to prevent drying out.
  • After a couple of weeks or one week has passed, the seedling container should be moved to a place where there is more sunlight. If the plants are stretched out, then they should be cut off the tops.
  • If the plants reach a height of 5-7 cm, then they can dive into peat pots. At the same time, do your work carefully. Try not to damage the clod of earth with roots.
  • Young kochia are recommended to be watered regularly and do a one-time top dressing, using any nitrogen fertilizers.
  • When the annual reaches a height of 15-20 cm, it can be planted in open ground. Be sure to plant kochia in loose soil and choose a sunny place for this purpose. You can also add sand, ash and a small amount of lime to the soil for planting on very acidic soils. In order for the kochia to reach its usual size, it is important to leave a distance of 30 cm between the plants. And if you want to create a decorative fence from the kochia, then the distance can be 15-20 cm.

    Cochia care in the open field

    Now you have been able to learn how to grow kochia seedlings. Now it’s worth talking about how to care for this plant. Remember that competent and regular care can make kochia even more beautiful.

    So the most important condition in care it is watering. It is not recommended to do it often enough. Cochia may be enough precipitation. If the weather is dry, then the kochia should be watered once a week. Avoid stagnant moisture. Remember that such a phenomenon is more dangerous than drought. To keep the soil moist, apply mulching with small gravel, decorative stones and bark.

    Regular fertilization will allow you to quickly restore the vegetative system of the plant after cutting. In addition, thanks to fertilizers, the plant will look great. Feeding schedule should be as follows:

    Active growth of the plant occurs one and a half months after sowing. If the cochia was planted in open ground, then ten days after germination, apply full mineral fertilizers.

    After a month or a half, the annual is fed with any mineral fertilizer in which nitrogen predominates.

    After cutting and shaping the bush, one more top dressing is needed. nitrogen fertilizer, which will allow the leaves to grow quickly.

    Pests and diseases of cochia. How to deal with them

    In order for kochia to grow well in open ground, it is necessary proper fit and quality care. It is worth noting that care activities should not be limited to watering and cutting. It is necessary to ensure that the kochia does not get sick and is not attacked by pests.

    It is worth saying that various kinds of pests do not like kochia. So they bypass it. However, spider mites can still appear on kochia. If this happens, then the plant should be sprayed with a weak solution of an insecticide such as Neron. This drug is very effective. The drug is diluted in 1 liter of water with 1 ml of the product. You can get rid of this pest in one treatment.

    At the seedling stage, the annual can be affected by a fungal disease called "black leg". As a result of such a disease, the stem of the kochia on the base turns black and thinner, and the seedling itself dies. As a preventive measure, gardeners cultivate the soil in a nursery. You can powder the earth with ash or spill it with a weak solution of manganese. It is also worth lowering the temperature in the room where the seedlings are located.

    Features of a decorative haircut

    Kohiya is considered an excellent object for processing, on which beginner designers can train their skills. Many objects can be created from kochia by cutting. The plant after pruning is able to keep its shape for a long time and decorate any garden plots. Designers distinguish the following haircut terms:

    • A haircut is done every two weeks at any time of growth of the kochia.
    • Shearing is carried out at a time when the plant reaches its maximum growth and development.

    On a note! In no case should pruning be done if the plant is in the stage of seed formation.

    Kohiya and its use in landscape design

    Gardeners plant summer cypress in order to give the landscape more decorative effect. You can land not only single specimens, but also in groups. Planted plants in the form of a hedge or border.

    Kochia planting options:

    • Tapeworm - in a single copy among ground cover plants or on a lawn.
    • Group - as a background in flowerbeds or in a mixborder.
    • Alpine hill, rockeries - against the background of large stones.
    • Border - as a hedge.
    • Topiary - as a plant for decorative haircuts and crown formation.

    Growers' mistakes in growing cochia

    You can learn a lot from this article. And, probably, you realized that this annual is incredibly easy to grow. However, for this to happen in this way, it is necessary to take into account some points. So what if:

    There are no shoots. Pay attention to the expiration date of the seeds.

    Poor seed growth. This was due to the fact that the seeds were sown too deep. As a result, the seeds did not have enough sunlight.

    The seeds do not germinate at the same time. Annual does not like deep sowing. But the seeds should not be on the surface either. Sprinkle them with a layer of earth.

    Seeds sprouted quite rarely. This was due to the fact that the seeds suffocated due to lack of fresh air.

    Seedlings were varied and uneven. This is due to violation temperature regime. The room should not be too hot.

    Kohiya and its application

    In addition to decorative qualities, cochia can be used as food for farm animals. Also brooms are made from it. The plant can be used in traditional medicine. It is prepared from medicines which can be used in the treatment of many diseases. These diseases include:

    • inflammation;
    • Eczema,
    • Heart disease.

    Kohiya is the most common type of plant, which is often used in garden plots. And there is no need to be surprised. Landscape compositions using this plant will not lose their attractiveness until late autumn.