Characteristics of the winter months January February senior group. Abstract of the lesson in the senior group “Characteristics of the winter months. January and February. III. Joint "discovery" of new knowledge

Abstract open lesson on acquaintance with the outside world "Journey through the winter months" (middle group)

Educational area: cognitive development

Type of activity: directly educational

Age Group: Senior

Topic: "Journey through the winter months"

Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about winter. To develop the ability to perceive the beauty of winter natural phenomena, through their reflection in the works of Russian poets, in folk proverbs and sayings.

Program content

Educational tasks: to consolidate knowledge about winter: the name of the winter months, winter games, proverbs about winter. Strengthen the ability to respond complete sentences. Expand your horizons with literary works.

Developing: continue to develop attention through gaming activity. Be able to establish connections between natural phenomena.

Educational: to cultivate love for Russian folk art.

preliminary work: looking at illustrations about the winter months, learning folk outdoor games, reading Russian folk tales, getting to know oral folk art, culture and traditions of the Russian people.

Dictionary work: lute, jelly, blueberry, blizzard.

Materials and equipment: illustrations with the winter season, the book "Fairytale Riddles", illustrations depicting Russian folk tales.

Activity progress

V. Guys, today we will go on an amazing journey in the winter season. But first I need your help.

Guys, I forgot, what are the names of the winter months? I will name the months of all the seasons, and you will clap your hands loudly when you hear the names of the winter months.

Game exercise "Guess the month"

Q. Thank you for helping me remember the names of the winter months: the first month is December, the second is January and the last is February. Now we can begin our journey.

(The teacher takes an illustration depicting December, reads a poem)

December is full of worries -

Don't know how to do everything

He sees off old year

AND New Year meets!

Q. Yes, guys, December is the first month of winter. In the old days, this month was called like this: lute, jelly, cold. People said: “December puts on a sheepskin coat to the toe, paints tricky patterns on the windows, sculpts the eye with snow, and pricks frost behind the ear. »

Why do you think people said that?

D. Frosts come in December. You need to dress very warmly. Frosty patterns appear on the windows.

Q. Tell me, on which day, windy or calm, is frost easier to tolerate?

D. On a calm day, the frost is felt weaker.

B. With the advent of December, the most short days and the longest nights. December 22 is the shortest day of the year. The day is only seven and a half hours long. There is a proverb among the people: “In December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers. "What do you think this proverb is about?

E. In December, rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

A lot of snow falls.

Q. Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about winter? Which?

D. In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

February is strong with a blizzard, and March - a drop.

As winter is not angry, but submits to spring.

C. All proverbs and signs were formed by the people and passed down from generation to generation. In addition to proverbs, people came up with games for all seasons, and now we will play one of them. The game is called Golden Gate.

Mobile game: "Golden Gate" (Description of the game: two players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the "gate". The rest hold hands, a chain is obtained. Players - the "gate" say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them.

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

Third time - we won't miss you!

With these words, hands fall, "the gates close." Those children who are caught become additional gates.

B. Great! We had some fun, and now we're off to next month.

(The teacher takes an illustration depicting January)

January - beginning of the year

Its frost is strong.

All nature fell asleep.

We don't have thunderstorms now.

Under the snow cover

The earth rests.

In the land big and small

All white fields.

Grab your sled

Run out of the house.

Let's go early

Ride in the snow.

B. January is the second month of winter. People call January - prosinets. Because for the first time after the gloomy sky of December, the first islands of blue sky appear. folk sayings say: “January is on the threshold - the day has arrived at the chicken step. »

Kids, what does that mean?

D. In January, the day is added very slowly.

B. That's right. Just for two hours. Does the sun heat up?

D. No, it does not heat much.

Q. Guys, what winter games do you play outside in winter?

D. We make a snowman. We go sledding, skating, skiing. We play snowballs.

Q. Do you like to build a snowman? Let's all make an unusual snowman together.

Phys. minute. "snowman". Come on, my friend, roll a snowball, roll your snowball in the snow (children walk in a circle, pretending to roll a snowball in front of them). He turned into a thick ball (they stop and “draw” a lump with both hands) And he will become a snowman. (“They draw” a snowman from three clods) His smile is so bright (smile) Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom (show their eyes, a nose, cover their heads with their hands, hold an imaginary broom) But the sun will bake a little (squat slowly) Alas! And there is no snowman (shrug their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides)

B. In January, very very coldy, winter evenings are long and in order not to be bored, the Russian people invented and told fairy tales. Guys what Russians folk tales You know?

D. Gingerbread Man, Ryaba Hen, Masha and the Bear, Snegurochka, etc.

Q. I also have a book with fairy tales, but the trouble is, the words are lost there. Help me finish the story and name it.

Quiz on Russian fairy tales.

"Gingerbread Man" "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

From flour he was baked Seven guys lived

On sour cream was mixed White, small (kids)

On the window he was studying. Mom loved them.

Along the path (rolled) Milk (fed)

He was cheerful, he was bold.

And on the way he sang a song (sang) Gray (wolf) appeared

The hare wanted to eat it, Like a goat, that beast sang:

Gray wolf and brown (bear) - Open, kids (door)

And when the baby is in the forest, your mother came,

Met a red (fox) Milk to you (brought)

What kind of fairy tale? (Kolobok) Who managed to save the guys

We know this from a fairy tale

"… .And … "

Q. And now the last month of winter is a windy February. (The teacher shows an illustration for the month of February). In February, winter meets spring. In February, there are severe frosts, a blizzard is fierce, strong winds blow. A Russian proverb says: "In February, two friends - frost and blizzard." In February, we often hear the words: snowstorm, blizzard, blizzard. What do you think a blizzard is?

D. When the wind blows and snow sweeps.

B. That's right, the wind picks up snowflakes from the ground, sweeps like a broom. Sometimes a blizzard is called a blizzard. If you listen to the howling of the wind, you can hear “Vyuyuuu. I twist-yu-u-ha. » So the blizzard called itself. It happens that the wind picks up and throws snow in different directions and up, twists, sweeps along the ground. Nothing is visible around, the air is cloudy. This is a blizzard.

V. I am February, I am the youngest son,

I am a blizzard mister.

I'll chill you all with the wind,

I will spin in a snow whirlwind,

I'll cover my face with snow

And I'll drown in the snowdrifts

I will pour snow indiscriminately

And in pockets, and behind the collar!

Children are not afraid!

Don't leave the yard!

Babu rolls snow

And with might and main plays in the snow!

Q. I have prepared for you riddles about winter.

He grows upside down, transparent and cold,

Only in winter, not the whole year. He is mysterious and dense,

It hangs very deftly from the roofs And in the warmth it suddenly comes to life,

This snow carrot. Tears flow and quickly melt.

Not a snowflake, not a whistle That pours tears with water?

This is a large (icicle) Well, of course, this is .... (ice)

He will suddenly fly to the ground He flies off in a white flock

White whirlwind of white flies. And sparkles in flight.

Snow drifts like a snowdrift It melts like a cool star

This is what (blizzard) In the palm of your hand and in your mouth. (snow)

Early in the morning in the yard He breathed on the window -

Ice lay down on the grass Instantly it was covered with ice.

And the whole meadow became light blue. Even birch branches

Silver sparkles (hoarfrost) Hoarfrost covered ... .(frost)


Q. Guys, what is the last month of winter?

D. February.

B. That's right, February. It is at the end of February that people say goodbye to winter and invite spring, festivities are everywhere. People say that in February, winter meets spring. They see off the winter with a fun holiday, which is called MASLENITSA. According to tradition, pancakes are baked and songs are sung on Shrove Tuesday.

Q. So our journey through the winter season has ended. We remembered the names of the winter months, learned new game, which you can play in winter and learned new proverbs and sayings about winter.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech for children of the senior group
Topic: "How winter meets spring"
Author of the work: Khokhlova Valentina Nesterovna, teacher of GBDOU " Kindergarten No. 90", Sevastopol
Description of work: The lesson is intended for kindergarten teachers. During the lesson, children consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter and spring, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the winter of their region, and the vocabulary is being enriched. The lesson uses poems, riddles, proverbs. Introduces the folk holiday Candlemas.
Program content: To teach children to compare the seasons: winter and spring, to give them a description,
using adjectives. Learn to come up with sentences with a given subject, an image in a picture. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of water. To develop coherent speech, to cultivate interest in folk holidays, signs, nature of the native land.
Material: Two dolls: one is dressed as the Snow Maiden - the image of Winter, the other is dressed as Spring in a green dress, with a wreath on her head and with a bunch of spring flowers in her hand; subject pictures for each child depicting winter clothing, winter sports items; tape recorder, recordings of birds singing; smile pictures.
Lesson progress
Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle.
Auntie is cool
White and gray
In a bag carries a cold,
The ground is shaking cold.
Snowdrifts sweeps,
Carpets the earth. (Winter)
Educator: Children, what is it?
Children: Winter.
(The teacher shows a doll in the image of Winter)
Educator: That's right, kids, it's winter. Let's remember how many months are in each season?
Children: Three.
Educator: What are the winter months?
Children: December, January and February.
Educator: Well done, absolutely right. What month is it now?
Children: February.
Educator: That's right, February is the last winter month. Guys, let's imagine winter in the form of such a chrysalis and tell you what Winter is. (Answers of children).
Educator: That's right, guys, but what kind of winter do we have in Crimea?
Children: Capricious, changeable.
Educator: And why?
Children: We live in the Crimea and our city of Sevastopol is located on the coast of the warm Black Sea.
Educator: Do you remember if we had snow this winter?
Children: Yes!
Educator: And what is he?
Children: White, fluffy, wet, cold, shining in the sun.
Educator: Well done. And remember, we taught a poem about a snowflake.
Children: Yes.
Educator: Maybe someone will tell him. (Children or child tell)
Educator: Children, why didn’t she fall like a snowball, but spin around?
Children: Because she is light.
Educator: Why did she melt?
Children: Because the palm is warm.
Educator: So what is snow?
Children: Frozen water.
Educator: Guys, you have cards on the tables, turn them over and listen to the task. Please come up with a sentence with the word winter and so that it is related to what is shown on the card. (Give me time to think) - (children's answers)

Educator: We learned proverbs about winter, let's remember them. (children's answers)
"Whiter winter - greener summer"
"Winter without snow - summer without bread"
"Winter, no matter how warm, it's still winter"
"The earth rests in winter to bloom in summer"
Educator: And now we will learn another proverb about winter. Listen to her.
“Winter begins with frosts, and ends with drops” (I read 2 times, I interview the children).
Educator: Children, what do you think the word frost means?
Educator: Freezes are small, weak frosts that occur at night at the beginning of winter.
What does the word drops mean?

Educator: This, children, when the spring sun begins to warm, the snow melts and water drips from the roofs. This phenomenon is called - drops. Well, we talked about winter, we said that the last winter month is coming and another season will come soon. And what?
Children: Spring.
Educator: Right. “There was white and gray-haired - a young green came” (I turn on music with singing, chirping birds)
Educator: Listen, children, here it is spring, already on the way. Let's play the game "Burn, burn bright". Get in a circle.
(The game is played 2-3 times. After the game, they sit down.)
Educator: Children, recently, on February 15, winter and spring met. This day is popularly called - Candlemas. Here it is spring - red. (I show the doll in the form of spring). What can you children say about spring. (children's answers).
Educator: And what do you think that Winter and Spring said to each other when they met. (Answers of children).
Educator: Well, let's wait for Spring-red a little more. What will she bring us? (children's answers).
Educator: And she will bring us joy, good mood, and when there is a good, joyful mood, then everyone is cheerful and everyone smiles, and therefore I want to give smiles to everyone: both our children and guests, so that you look at them and smile.

Lesson topic: lute

Program content: Continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature: February is the month of the lute. To develop in preschoolers curiosity, attention, fine motor skills, imagination. To consolidate knowledge about the signs of the seasons. To cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance, a culture of behavior.

Material: circles of Lull according to the seasons (three circles: the sun, vegetation, adult activities and children's games). Pencils, paper. Clock "Seasons".

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to go to the window and look at the weather outside the window.

When we consider the weather outside the window, what should we note and describe? (sun, clouds, wind, trees, people's clothes)

Held didactic game"Review and post!"

Children must identify and lay out on the table the main signs of the season.

What season should I set on our Seasons watch? (on the clock you need to set the arrow on the season - winter, the blue part of the clock).

Andrei, what time of year do the signs outside the window indicate to us? (signs outside the window indicate to us that the season is winter)

Marina, what signs of winter have you put on your table? (There is no sun in the sky, it hid behind a cloud. Heavy snow is falling from the cloud. There is snow on the trees and the ground. There is a strong wind outside. People put on fur coats, hats, scarves and mittens.)

Winter came. Outside, the snow is falling softly.

What is another name for this phenomenon? (snowfall)

When it snows, is there wind or not? (when it snows, there is no wind. That's why they say it's snowing ~ snowfall)

And if a strong wind blows and spins snow in the air, how can such a natural phenomenon be called? (blizzard)

And if the wind that spins the snow is very, very strong, how can you call such a natural phenomenon? (snow blizzard)

Take pencils and try to draw a snowfall at the top, a blizzard at the bottom, and a snow blizzard in the middle of the sheet on a piece of paper.

Is it snowing outside our window, a blizzard or a blizzard? (children's answers are discussed)

What time of the year after winter will come to us? (spring)

How many of you know what the last month of winter is called? (February)

In ancient times, our grandparents noticed everything, but they dressed these signs in words. Listen to this proverb: “Blizzards and snowstorms flew in February!”

Why do you think they said that in Rus'? (this month there are always blizzards and blizzards)

In Rus', when the month of February comes, they usually also say this: “February has come fierce! How are you dressed?"

Why do you think they said that in Rus'? (children's answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that in winter the most important thing is to keep your feet warm, i.e. you need to dress warmly)

How do you understand the word fierce? (prickly, angry, scary, strong, etc.)

February is a very evil month of winter. This month is the hungriest for all forest and domestic animals. After all, they also do not really like it when a strong wind blows, a lot of snow, and little food.

But in mid-February, an amazing meeting takes place. This day, February 15, is called so - meeting ~ meeting. On this day, spring-red is trying to see if mother winter is strong, or maybe not already?

Who do you think is dating whom in mid-February? (winter meets spring)

Winter and spring will meet and begin to show their strength to each other.

Which one is stronger, do you think? (children's answers are discussed)

Everyone is preparing for this meeting. Spring-red asks the red sun:

sun bell,

Look out, light up.

Meet the red spring!

Drive away the fierce winter!

Who guessed why spring calls the sun to help itself? (children's answers are discussed)

Do you think mother winter wants to give way to spring? (children's answers are discussed)

Of course, winter does not want to give way to spring, so she comes up with various miracles:

That will sweep with a blizzard;

It will pretend to be quiet in winter, but snowy - it will turn into snowfall;

And then it will howl, groan, and how it will start to scare everyone: I will notice, I will bring it, I will wind it up.

How many of you guessed whom the winter will call as its assistants in order to sweep, swirl and keep the spring-red out? (wind).

Yes, only in Rus' they say: “Winter doesn’t scare you, but it’s melting anyway!”, “No matter how angry you are, February, no matter how you frown, but in the spring it’s already blowing”, “February is strong with a snowstorm, and March is a drop! »

What seasons are mentioned in these proverbs? (about winter and spring)

Held didactic game "When does it happen?"

Children are given Lull circles with story cards for the seasons. Children should pick up plot cards for the seasons in all circles and tell:

On the smallest circle, the state of the sun: the sun with rays, behind a cloud, without rays, etc.

On the second circle, trees and plants according to the seasons: with leaves, with yellow leaves, snow-covered trees, etc.

On the third round, classes for adults and children at different times of the year: swimming in the river, sledding, picking vegetables in the garden, etc.

This time of year is summer. Because the sun is shining bright. The trees have green leaves and flowers. People sunbathe and swim in the river.

This time of year is spring. Green leaves appear on the trees. Streams run along the paths. The sun is shining, but the rays are still small. People took off their warm clothes and put on jackets and rubber boots. Etc.

At the end of the lesson, the children once again look out the window and note what February is outside the window, fierce or not? Has winter met spring?

January is the beginning of the year, winter is in the middle.

January - the father begins the year, he magnifies winter.

February is strong with a blizzard, March - with a drop

February is rich in snow - April in water.

Leading: All proverbs and signs have been developed by the people for centuries, and passed down from generation to generation. In addition to proverbs, people came up with games for all seasons, and now we are playing a game, the second one is called Golden Gate.

Mobile game: "Golden Gate"

Description of the game: two players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the "Gate". The rest of the players take each other so that a chain is formed. Players - "gates" say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them.

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time -

We won't miss you.

With these words, hands fall, "The gates slam." Those children who are caught become additional gates. Gates win if they manage to catch all the players.

Leading: We played a little, and now you can relax, everyone sit down on the chairs, it's time for us to move on.

Look all here

It's time to hit the road

Our bell rang

And with the second ringing, January hurries to visit us.

The child goes out, takes an illustration depicting January, reads a poem

January is the beginning of the year

Its frost is strong.

All nature fell asleep.

We don't have thunderstorms now.

Under the snow cover

The earth rests.

In the land big and small

All white fields.

Grab your sled

Run out of the house.

Let's go early

Ride in the snow.

Host: Guys, tell me what you can play outside in winter? What winter games and fun do you know?

Children: we make a snowman, build fortresses, sled, skate, ski, play snowballs.

Host: Do you like to make a snowman? Let's all make an unusual snowman together.

Psychogymnastics "Snowman"

Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend, roll your snowball in the snow (children walk in a circle one after another, pretending to roll a snowball in front of them).

It turned into a thick lump (they stop and “draw” a lump with both hands).

And it will become a lump of a snowman (“Draw” a snowman from three circles of different sizes).

His smile is so bright! (fake a smile)

Two eyes, hat, nose, broom (showing eyes, covering head with palm, showing nose, holding imaginary broom).

But the sun will bake a little - (squat slowly)

Alas - (shrugs)

And no snowman. (spread arms out to sides)

Leading: In January, as a rule, frosts get stronger, winter evenings are long, and in order to pass the time, people invented and told fairy tales, many of which are still being read to you by your mothers. Guys, what Russian folk tales do you know?

Children name Russian folk tales.

Host: I also have a book with a fairy tale, but the trouble is, the words are lost there. Please help me finish the story and name it. But I have a small condition, the one who guesses what the tale is, raises his hands, and does not tell anyone the name of this tale. On the table I will have pictures depicting fairy tales, the one whom I call comes to the table and finds the tale that we made up, shows it to you. If it's correct, we'll all say together what it's called. Ready. Listen to me carefully.

Quiz on Russian folk tales


From flour he was baked,

It was mixed on sour cream,

On the window he was chilling

Along the path.... (rolled)

He was cheerful, he was brave,

And on the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat it

Gray wolf and brown .... (bear)

And when the baby is in the forest

Met a red (fox)

I couldn't get away from her.

What is a fairy tale? …. (Kolobok)

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Seven boys lived

White little ones ... (kids)

Mom loved them

Milk ... (nursed)

Here - teeth click and click -

Gray appeared... (wolf)

Like a goat, that beast sang:

Open up kids... (door)

Your mother has come

Milk to you .... (brought).

We will answer without prompting,

Who managed to save the guys

We know this from a fairy tale

“…. And … ."

"Masha and the Bear"

Masha is sitting in a box,

She is far away (looks)

Who bears it, answer

Quick steps?

And he carries it... (bear)

Along with pies.

The path is not close

Far way.

Misha wants... (relax)

Only Masha does not give

Sit on a stump.

And ruddy pie

On the way to …. (eat)

Spent it baby

He will be smarter in the future.

Here's what book

This "…. And… "

Host: Look, we have pictures on the table with episodes from fairy tales that we have not named. I will show them, and you will call me fairy tales.

Leading: Guys, so that the sun shines brighter, spring comes as soon as possible, people went out into the street and played the game "Burn, burn brightly."

Mobile game "Burn, burn brightly"

Description of the game. Children stand in a circle. With the help of a counting rhyme, a leader is selected who stands with a bell in the middle of the circle.

Children walk in a circle and say the words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying.

The bells are ringing.

After these words, the children stop, and those between whom there will be a leader with a bell, to the words “One, two, three run”, run in a circle in different directions. Whoever picks up the bell first will be the leader. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Look all here

It's time to hit the road

Our bell rang

And with the third ringing, February hurries to visit us.

The child goes out, takes an illustration depicting February, reads a poem

February brooding and blue…

Beloved brother of spring! February!

And on the birch light frost

Transparent-smoky, like a veil.

More wind, more frost

And the snow sparkles in the moonlight

But sparks of yellow mimosa

They babble sweetly about spring.

Is your heart a white bird

Waving wings, prostrate floor?

The crimson dawn smokes ...

The time of white birds is running out.

Host: guys, think and answer the question, what kind of white birds are we talking about?

Children answer about snowflakes.

Leading: that's right, you guessed the first riddle, of those that I prepared for you, and now listen to me carefully, I'm guessing the remaining riddles.

So that autumn does not get wet,

Not sour from water

He turned puddles into glass

Made the gardens snowy. (freezing)

I wasn't raised.

Blinded from the snow.

Instead of a nose deftly

Put in carrots.

Eyes are coals.

Hands are bitches.

cold, big

Who am I? (snow woman)

He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

Which is always cold. (snow)

Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And in the sleigh sits the queen

White braid, white face,

How she waved her sleeve -

All covered with silver. (winter)

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over the earth

light fluff,

White. (snowflakes)

Leading: Guys, look how much snow fell turned into snowballs. I suggest you collect it, but first line up in one line, remember the names of the winter months and name them in order. You were divided into teams: the first team - December, the second - January, the third - February. We start the game.

Mobile game "Clean up the snowballs with a broom"

The children are divided into three teams. Objective of the game: one by one take a snowball from the hoop and pushing it with a broom, score into the goal. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Host: Guys, February is the last month of winter. It is at the end of February that people see off the deputy and invite spring, festivities go everywhere, and this holiday is called “Maslenitsa”. According to tradition, pancakes are baked and songs are sung on Shrove Tuesday. We also know the Russian folk round dance "Pancakes".

Children perform a round dance "Pancakes"

Host: So our journey through the winter season has ended. We learned the names of the months, new games that you can play in winter, proverbs and signs about winter.