Anemones, they are also sea Anemones, their types and description. sea ​​anemones

About the animals included in the order Actiniaria. The name of the animals comes from the name of the earth flower, anemone.

If the classification is checked, sea anemones are included in the class Anthozoa, a type of cnidarians and a subclass of six-pointed corals. This animal is known to the world because of its symbiotic relationship with fish.

From the commonwealth with fish, sea anemones benefit - improved gas exchange and nutrition (food that remains after the meal of the fish).

A symbiosis has also developed between sea anemones and crabs of the genus Lybia. Boxer crabs use the stinging anemone polyps for their own defense against predators. Crabs pick up sea anemones and hold them as a shield. Anemones, in turn, thanks to crabs get mobility, because they cannot move independently.

Here are some interesting facts about sea anemones:

Anemones, like all other cnidarians, have mesoglea in their body - a jelly-like substance. Anemones have a close relationship with corals, hydra, and jellyfish.

Anemones are able to decorate any aquarium. For commercial purposes, sea anemones are treated as a collection for the aquarium. Thus, the anemone trade is increasing.

These Marine life have an amazing range of color diversity. Their vitreous bodies are always bright and tender.

Anemone size.

The diameter can reach 1.8 - 3 cm. The largest sea anemones have a span of 2 meters. The smallest barely reach 4 mm.

The mouth of an anemone functions like an anus. The function of capturing and catching prey. The location of the mouth is the center of the disc cavity. And several tentacles are located around the mouth.

Anemones are harmless and harmless animals. The sea anemone is not dangerous to humans. However, some species of sea anemones have a toxin capable of causing burns to humans.

Anemones feed on fish, mollusks and small marine animals. Peaceful anemones are calm individuals: they eat everything that floats in the water. However, they distinguish between edible food and non-edible food.

  • In the neighborhood of sea anemones live those fish and shellfish that are insensitive to their poison.
  • For large and predatory fish, anemones serve as a place of camouflage and shelter.

This animal, the sea anemone, is completely different from other cnidarians in its way of life. They have the disadvantage of free swimming, like jellyfish do. They differ from corals in that they do not live in colonies, in groups, but one at a time - they prefer to live alone.

Life cycle of an anemone. The polyp comes from Planula after the egg, fertilized by the sperm, begins to divide.

Asexual reproduction is also characteristic of sea anemones. In some species of anemones, division is the result of
asexual reproduction.

Most anemones live in one place all the time. However, they may move to another place if it is not suitable for them to live. They move if predators pester them or the location faces prolonged dryness. To get to a new place, they use movements that resemble crawling.

The sea anemone can be consumed as food. It is used as a delicacy in southwestern Spain and southern Italy.

sea ​​anemones often served battered or marinated in vinegar.

The anemone animal really looks like a flower. They were called anemones, but for some it resembles an aster. Researchers of the deep sea counted one and a half thousand various kinds anemone.

Cut into pieces, sea anemones demonstrate their remarkable ability to reproduce and regenerate.

In one row, all anemone tentacles are the same in color, structure and length. however, they may differ in different rows.

sea ​​anemones

sea ​​anemones

Sea anemones in a drawing by Ernst Haeckel (1904)
scientific classification
International scientific name

Actiniaria Hertwig,

on Wikispecies

at Wikimedia Commons

sea ​​anemones, or sea ​​anemones(lat. Actiniaria) - a detachment of sea cnidarians from the class of coral polyps ( Anthozoa). Representatives are deprived of the mineral skeleton. As a rule, single forms. Most sea anemones are sessile organisms that live on solid ground. Few species (for example, Nematostella vectensis) switched to a burrowing way of life in the thickness of the bottom sediments.

body structure

The cylindrical body of anemones varies in diameter from a few mm to 1.5 meters.

Their length varies from 1.5 to 10 cm. Metridium farcimen from the Pacific Northwest of the United States. They are attached to solid substrates with the help of a “sole” (pedal disc). In burrowing forms that live on soft soils (for example, on sand), special attachment organs are not formed, but the expanded basal end of the body forms a swelling (physis), resembling an onion or mushroom in shape and serving for anchoring in the ground. In unusual tropical anemones of the genus Minyas(some species of this genus are painted in the color of a sea wave) in the swelling of the pedal disc there is a chitinous bladder filled with air. These sea anemones passively hover "upside down" at the surface of the water. Similar adaptations to life in the neuston arose in hydroid polyps. Velella And Porpita, which can be considered as an example of parallelisms in the evolution of representatives of different taxa.

Anemones in most cases carry six or more than eight simple tentacles tapering towards the end. There is often a terminal pore at the tip of each tentacle. In a number of species, the tentacles are branched, have widened tips (“knobs”), or, conversely, are reduced to the state of numerous low knobs that evenly cover the entire oral disc, as, for example, in sea anemones of the genus Stoichactis. Some anemones (for example, representatives of the genera Actinia And Anthopleura) are protected from competitors with the help of special tentacle-like outgrowths - acrorags. These outgrowths extend from the body somewhat below the bases of the true tentacles. Acroraghi bear nematocysts and are able to swell. Anemones resort to this "weapon" when in contact with representatives of another species or with anemones of the same species, but a genetically different clone. The collision results in tissue damage and the retreat of one or both opponents.

The body of anemones is usually uniform throughout its length from oral to pedal disc, but in some species the upper body, lying just below the oral disc and tentacles, is a neck-like, thin-walled introvert, or capitulum. The wall of the body below the introvert is usually thicker. The transitional area between the introvert and the rest of the body often bears a collar-like fold (parapet), as in members of the genus Actinia, metridium And Urticina. When the oral disc, tentacles, and capitulum are drawn inward during contraction of the polyp, the transition region narrows so that the parapet covers and protects the remaining opening. The constriction is caused by contraction of the sphincter muscle located in the epidermis or mesoglea.

Externally, the body wall may be more or less smooth and undifferentiated, or it may contain specialized structures. Dense papillae cover the body Haloclava producta And Bunodosoma cavernata. Rows of adhesive papillae (warts) cover the body of other sea anemones, such as Anthopleura, Urticina, Bundosoma And Bunodactis. Grains of sand and fragments of mollusc shells are glued to these papillae, which protect the body of the animal. Some anemones have zinclides through which water and aconia, if present, are thrown out during body contraction. Quite rare are sea anemones (species of the genus Bunodeopsis), over the surface of the body of which thin-walled vesicles (vesicles) containing zooxanthellae are issued, separate or organized into groups.

Some sea anemones have one siphonoglyph, but usually two siphonoglyphs. There are usually both complete and incomplete pairs of septa. Their number is never less than 12, and often much more. Actions may or may not be present. Stock anemones (such as Aiptasia, Bartholomea And metridium) are called aconciate. The longitudinal muscle cords in the septa are exceptionally well developed. They are attached to the oral and pedal discs and are primarily responsible for the retraction of the oral disc and tentacles, as well as for the contraction of the entire body.

At the pole of the body, facing away from the substrate, there is a slit-like mouthsurrounded by a corolla of tentacles.

Sea anemones are devoid of a mineral skeleton: their supporting function is taken over by the intestinal cavity, which is isolated from environment when closing the mouth opening. The coordinated work of this hydroskeleton and muscles of the body wall turns out to be quite effective: among the sea anemones there are representatives that are able to move in the thickness of the soil. Most anemones are able to strongly contract and straighten, which means that their shape and size depend on the specific circumstances in which they find themselves in this moment time. Some species secrete chitinous periderm, which is mostly used for protection. The periderm is usually confined to the pedal disc or body wall below the introvert. The most intense formation of chitin is characteristic of pelagic sea anemones of the genus Minyas, as well as for representatives of the group of deep-sea, so-called frilled sea anemones (genus Stylobates).

Anemones, which are usually attached to the substrate, can slowly "slide" over it due to the contraction of the muscles of the pedal disc. Burrowing forms make holes in the ground due to peristaltic contractions of the body, while the movement is carried out by the pedal pole forward. Some anemones can "walk" on tentacles, and Gonactinia prolifera(an organism the size of a hydra) swims by striking the water with its tentacles. large sea anemone Stomphia usually attached to the substrate, but when a predatory starfish tries to attack it, the sea anemone can separate from the substrate and swim due to the strokes made by the lower part of its body.

Many anemones are brightly colored: they can be white, green, blue, orange, red, as well as multi-colored.

USSR stamp

Ecology and nutrition

They feed on various small invertebrates, sometimes fish, first killing or paralyzing the prey with "batteries" of stinging cells (cnidocytes), and then pulling them to the mouth with the help of tentacles. large species they feed on crabs, bivalves that are washed away by the waves. The "lip"-forming edges of the mouth can swell and also help capture prey. Anemones with numerous tentacles, such as metridium, Radianthus And Stichodactyla, feed on particles suspended in water, however, there is evidence that Stichodactyla helianthus catches sea urchins by engulfing them with its muscular oral disc. Forms that feed on particles suspended in water catch plankton inhabitants with the help of mucus that covers the surface of the body and tentacles. The cilia on the surface of the body always hit in the direction of the oral disc, and the cilia on the tentacles ensure the movement of food particles to their tips. The tentacles then bend and convey the food into the mouth.

The gastrodermis of many sea anemones contains zooxanthellae, zoochlorellae, and sometimes both. They are especially abundant in the tentacles and oral disc. Individual color variability Anthopleura elegantissima determined by the predominance of zoochlorella or zooxanthellae. tropical sea anemone Lebrunia danae has two "sets" of tentacles: a corolla of simple tentacles for catching prey and a corolla of "pseudotentacles" containing zooxanthellae. Pseudotentacles, in which photosynthesis is carried out due to symbionts, are straightened during the day, and tentacles for catching prey - at night.

It can cause painful burns in humans.


Sea anemones and hermit crabs form a very common and often found symbiotic system in the seas. As a rule, one or several sea anemones settle on one crayfish. It is believed that anemones benefit from this cohabitation in a variety of ways: providing a substrate (the shell occupied by the hermit crab) for attachment, transportation to food sources, including bits of food falling from the feeding crab, protection from predators. Encounters of hermit crabs probably provide breeding opportunities not only for themselves, but also for sea anemones. Crayfish, in turn, receive passive protection from anemones (anemones well camouflage their partner in the symbiotic system) and active protection in the form of numerous nematocysts. Most importantly, sea anemones repel such enemies of cancer as octopuses and crabs of the genus Calappa. When the hermit crab "grows" out of its shell and, after molting, looks for a larger shell, it helps the sea anemone move to a new place of residence. To do this, the crayfish strokes the sea anemone, stimulating the relaxation of its pedal disc, and then moves it to the surface of a new shell. Anemones of some species themselves move to a new shell, making a “somersault over their head”.

As they grow, hermit crabs look for ever larger gastropod shells. At the moment of "relocation" cancer is actually defenseless, because at this time it becomes vulnerable to predators. Sometimes he also has to fight with other hermit crabs, because there are often not enough suitable shells for everyone. Anemones of the genus Stylobates with the help of their expanded and flattened pedal disk, they form a chitinous “surrogate” shell, which the cancer occupies - in deep-sea areas where these hermit crabs and their sea anemones live, there are few suitable shells. Since the sea anemone not only creates a “shell” but also gradually builds it up, cancer avoids the dangers associated with changing the shell. sea ​​anemones Stylobates also benefit, because they are not left “unattended” during the change of the sink. In addition, the hermit crab can ward off the anemone's enemies and accidentally share food with it.

Small Indo-Pacific fish of the genus Amphiprion(clown fish) live between the tentacles of large anemones, entering into a symbiotic relationship with the latter. Anemones "recruit" young fish, releasing substances that attract them (attractants). Attractants are species-specific, that is, they attract organisms of a particular species only. The mucus covering the fish does not contain substances that initiate the firing of nematocysts, so they can exist between the tentacles of anemones in a habitat that is deadly for other animals. The sea anemone provides the fish with protection and food residues, and the fish attract prey (fish of other species) to the “hostess”, protect it from some predators (butterfly fish), remove necrotic tissue, and also, swimming between the tentacles, “ventilate” the sea anemone, preventing sludge pollution.

In addition, sea anemones also form symbiotic systems with some amphipods, shrimps of the genus Periclimenes, click beetles, crabs of the genus Stenorhynchus and officers.


asexual reproduction


Distributed widely. Anemones inhabit deep ocean or coastal shallow waters around the world. Most live in tropical and subtropical waters. An estimated number of anemone species is 1350. Anemones attach themselves to rocks, mollusc shells, and submerged wooden objects, or burrow in mud or sand.

see also



  • Dogel V. A. Zoology of invertebrates, 5th ed. - M., 1959.
  • Animal life, vol. 1. - M., 1968, p. 299-306.
  • Ruppert E. E., Fox R. S., Barnes R. D. Protists and lower multicellular organisms // Invertebrate Zoology. Functional and Evolutionary Aspects = Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach / transl. from English. T. A. Ganf, N. V. Lenzman, E. V. Sabaneeva; ed. A. A. Dobrovolsky and A. I. Granovich. - 7th edition. - M .: Academy, 2008. - T. 1. - 496 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-7695-3493-5
  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Anemones" are in other dictionaries:

    Sea anemones (Actiniaria), an order of six-pointed corals. Solitary (rarely colonial) non-skeletal polyps. Body from several mm to 1.5 m in diameter, with a corolla of tentacles, usually brightly colored. OK. 1500 species, in all seas, from the littoral to the depths ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    - (sea anemones, sea nettles) beautiful, brightly colored marine animals from class. polyps. A fleshy body, with a suction plate at the bottom, a mouth opening at the top, surrounded by long tentacles, giving the sea anemone the appearance of a flower. Dictionary… … Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    - (sea anemones) detachment of marine coelenterates of the class of coral polyps. OK. 1500 species. Sizes from a few millimeters to 1.5 m. Single polyps, devoid of a skeleton; tentacles with stinging cells. Mainly in tropical and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACTINIA- Anemones, sea anemones, sessile animals from the type of coelenterates (Coe lenterata) and a subclass of coral polyps; A. represent skeletal single polyps with a fleshy body in the form of a bag, the inlet of which is surrounded by many ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    ACTINIA, detachment of marine coelenterates; solitary skeletal coral polyps. The body is from a few mm to 1.5 m, with a corolla of tentacles (their touch can cause a burn in a person). Usually brightly colored (reminiscent of fantastic flowers). Near… … Modern Encyclopedia

Before buying sea anemones, just like other sea creatures, you need to make sure that you have a good idea of ​​how to properly care for them. Their requirements may surprise you. Here are some recommendations based on my own experience.

Water quality

IN in general terms it can be said that the same water parameters are required for the maintenance of sea anemones as are required for SPS corals (small polyp stony corals). Specifically: high dissolved oxygen, SG 1.024 to 1.026, stable pH 8.1 to 8.3, temperature 76 to 78 F, calcium 400 to 450, dKH 8.0 to 12.0, magnesium 1250 and 1350 ppm, nitrate levels of 2 ppm or less (the closer to zero the better), a stable phosphate level of around 0.002 ppm or less (closer to zero is better), and finally zero levels of ammonia and nitrite. The key to a healthy and prosperous existence of sea anemones, as well as all representatives of the underwater world living in captivity, is to maintain stable water parameters in the aquarium at a given level or close to it.

Aquarium conditions/parameters

A) The maturity of the aquarium. When keeping anemones, this aspect is more important for beginners than for hardened veterans (to be clear - I do not consider myself to be the latter). The bottom line is that aquariums younger than 6 months old can be subject to fluctuations in water parameters, and not all anemones can withstand such changes.

B) The flow and circulation of water. Sea anemones need at least a slight current. They breathe by absorbing oxygen directly from the water. In their natural habitat, anemones also need a current that brings food and carries away waste. In essence, sea anemones require medium to low current. One of the most common causes of malaise in sea anemones is abnormal flow. As a result, they begin to move around the aquarium, in order to find the most favorable place. Different anemones have different attitudes towards the flow and circulation of water in an aquarium.

C) lighting requirements. Sea anemones require the same good light as SPS corals (small polyp stony corals) to thrive. Through photosynthesis, sea anemones produce a large number of necessary nutrients. Anemone tissues contain zooxatenella algae, which allow them to use light. Traditionally, metal halide lamps or T5 HO lamps have been considered to be best suited for actinium. The high quality of the LEDs also contributes to the good lighting that sea anemones need. When I have kept bubble and carpet anemones, I have used T5HO bulbs and high quality LEDs with great success. As a general rule, if your lighting is a little less than ideal, you can always make up for it with regular feedings.

There are many different opinions about what should be the optimal lighting. I developed my own rule: 4 watts per gallon of water (14,000 K lamp). Such lighting will be optimal for aquariums with a height of about 20 centimeters. Once again, this rule is based on personal positive experience of keeping sea anemones.

D) The level of oxygen content. For sea anemones, as well as for other representatives of the underwater world, the most favorable is the high level of oxygen content. Achieving optimal oxygen levels is not difficult, especially if you ensure good water circulation in the aquarium and use a skimmer.

Feeding sea anemones

There are several opinions about feeding sea anemones. Some do not feed them at all, and anemones remain healthy and grow in the aquarium for many years, provided there is sufficient light levels. Personally, I fed anemones two to three times a month, which contributed to their rapid growth and healthy existence. If you want to speed up the growth of sea anemones, you can even feed them 3 times a week. I fed my anemones every week, as a result of which they quickly grew, multiplied and looked quite contented with life.

High-protein animal foods such as shellfish, scallops, shrimp, mussels, and shrimp larvae are great for sea anemones. There are other types of anemone food, but I haven't tried them.

Before feeding the sea anemone, make sure the food is small enough for him to swallow easily. Place the food as close to the sea anemone as possible (I use long tweezers for this). As soon as food comes into contact with an anemone, it should react immediately. It can take up to 2-3 minutes for anemones to pick up food and swallow it. If an anemone is under stress, it may take longer. And be sure to keep an eye on other animals and fish in the tank, as they will usually try to take food from the sea anemone while it tries to eat it.

clown fish

Do anemones need clown fish?... The answer is no. Anemones can do just fine without them. However, such an alliance is mutually beneficial and has a number of advantages for both parties: clown fish protect the sea anemone from other fish and even from some animals that inhabit the aquarium, in addition, clowns leave uneaten food on the sea anemone (that is, they actually feed it), and, finally, Clownfish hide in sea anemones to protect themselves from other fish. At the same time, sea anemones and clownfish can perfectly exist and remain healthy and happy separately from each other.

If you are going to get a pair of clownfish for your sea anemone, make sure you choose the right species and that they will actually bond with your sea anemone in the future, as usually certain types of clownfish nest in certain types of sea anemones.

On the other hand, anemones can become dangerous to other inhabitants of the aquarium, because they are not particularly picky about food. Representatives of some species catch and eat almost all slowly moving small fish or paralyze those who swim too close to their tentacles. My carpet anemone ate a large number of snails (and then spit out the shell), pygmy wrasse (a species of orange-backwrasse), and all the cleaner shrimp, while the bladder anemone did not touch any of them.


Movement of sea anemones

The movement of anemones around the aquarium may indicate a change in water quality or other conditions, which negatively affects their existence. If your sea anemone has started to move and you haven't changed the lighting or the current, the problem may be related to a change in water parameters. Some anemones are more prone to movement than others. For example, I had a blister anemone that separated, and one of the separated parts began to move around until it found appropriate place away from other anemones. However, my carpet anemones have been in the same place for several years.

Addition of sea anemones to the aquarium

If, after reading all the requirements and recommendations, you decide to purchase an anemone and place it in your aquarium, I suggest following these steps:

A) First of all, as soon as you lower the anemone into the aquarium, turn off the current for 24 hours. This will help him get used to his new home.

B) First you need to ensure the “maturity” of the aquarium environment and make sure that the water parameters correspond to the required level and remain stable.

C) Then you need to choose a suitable place in the aquarium. Some sea anemones prefer to attach their feet to rocks, while others like to stick to the bottom of the tank. Some sea anemones attach themselves to a substrate that can be placed in an aquarium (3 to 6 inches). Therefore, you should first consider all possible options and choose the best place for your anemone. In addition, you need to think about lighting and water circulation.

D) Now you are ready to buy sea anemones. It is important to choose a healthy individual, so in the store, pay attention to the color of the sea anemone (the color should not be pale) and the mouth (it should be closed).

E) After the purchase, you must carefully bring the sea anemone home and help him adapt to new living conditions.

E) In addition to acclimatizing sea anemones to water parameters, attention should be paid to adaptation to aquarium lighting. One of the best ways is to use a translucent plastic screen for shading. Place three of these screens at the top of the tank and remove one about every 3 days. This will allow the sea anemones to gradually get used to the new lighting.

G) From several days to a week, the anemone will be in a stressful state until it gets used to the new conditions of existence. For a day or two, an anemone may hide in rocks or keep its mouth wide open. This reaction can be repeated several times.

H) Until your anemone settles in its new home, it is better to turn off the current at night. From my own experience, sea anemones start to move after you turn off the lights. And when moving, they can easily penetrate the pump.

If you notice one or more of the following signs of stress within a week of placing your anemone in the aquarium, or if you notice them after a long stay in the aquarium, this is an indication that your anemone is having difficulty adjusting or is in a dysfunctional state.

A) Actinia releases a lot of viscous liquid Brown. This may signal that the water parameters are not suitable for your anemone, as a result of which it is losing zooxatenella. This can become a serious problem.

B) The sea anemone shrinks or swells too much. This usually happens when the anemone is cleared of waste by changing the water that is inside. However, if this happens constantly (let's say every day or more), or the anemone remains compressed long time This is a sure sign of stress.

C) The anemone's mouth is open even when it is not eating or excreting waste.

D) Anemone moves in stones and disappears from view (for stone anemones this is the norm).

E) Actinia turned pale or almost colorless, this effect is also called “whitening”. In general, this is another symptom of the loss of zooxatenell, or the result of insufficient preparation of anemones for new aquarium lighting.

E) The anemone's mouth remains open or dilated even when the anemone is not eating. In extreme cases of stress, the mouth will turn inside out.

G) Sea anemones are not fixed anywhere in your tank.

Anemone bleaching

If your sea anemone suddenly becomes discolored (or loses most of its color) during an extended stay in a tank, this is an indication of lighting or water quality problems. Listed below are the most common causes of anemone bleaching.

A) Too much light
B) Insufficient lighting
C) Too high nutrient levels in the water
D) Too low nutrient levels in the water

Below I have given recommendations based on my own experience for the maintenance of carpet and bubble anemones. Today, there are many other types of sea anemones suitable for keeping in an aquarium, however, personal experience I have not encountered them.

bubble anemones

Currently, this species is one of the most common in the aquarium hobby. From my own experience, I can say that bubble anemones are one of the most unpretentious and probably the most hardy species for aquarium keeping. As a rule, in order to gain a foothold and protect their foot, bubble anemones choose cracks in the stones. The most favorable conditions for them are moderate water flows and average level illumination.

Red and green bubble anemones are the most common, but blue and orange anemones can be found. They are easy to distinguish due to their very long tentacles (1-2 inches long) with bubbles at the ends. The size and shape of the bubbles, depending on the type of anemone, can vary from very large to almost invisible. Bubble anemones can be up to one meter in diameter, so I suggest using an aquarium of at least 30 gallons.

Usually bubble anemones penetrate with their foot into the crevice of the stone, where they are further fixed. They prefer moderate water currents and medium light levels. Bubble anemones are the most active in the aquarium. Any change, even a small one that is difficult to determine, can set these anemones in motion.

Ideal conditions for keeping bubble anemones contribute to rapid reproduction, which occurs in two ways - sexually (spawning) and asexually (dividing). In just one year, living in my aquarium, the bubble anemone has grown into five full-fledged anemones. It works like this: when an anemone reaches its maximum size, it divides and one part begins to move around the aquarium until it finds a suitable place.

If you want to add clownfish to your aquarium, check out the list below for species that prefer to live in bubble anemones. I found this list in a marine aquarium magazine.

Amphiprion clarkii
Amphiprion ocellaris
Amphiprion akindynos(reef clown)
Amphiprion bicinctus(two stripe clown)
(orange-finned clownfish)
Amphiprion ephippium(fire clown)
Amphiprion frenatus(tomato clown)
Amphiprion latezonatus(broadband clown)
Amphiprion mccullochi(McCulloch's Clown)
Amphiprion melanopus(black clown)
Amphiprion rubrocinctus(Australian clown)
Amphiprion tricinctus(three stripe clown)

The photo below is of my blister anemone three weeks after dividing. After I took the photo after one or two weeks, the left anemone began to move around the aquarium.

Carpet anemones

This type of sea anemone is one of the most difficult to keep in an aquarium. The most common carpet anemones are Stichodactyla gigantea And Stichodactyla haddoni. By appearance they are very similar, so it is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other. However, due to slight differences in the needs of these sea anemones, which may affect their further development you have to learn to distinguish between them.

Carpet anemones Stichodactyla gigantea

These anemones are the most difficult to care for. I have spent a lot of time studying these sea anemones, so I can tell exactly what the difference is between gigantea And haddoni. in diameter gigantea (Stichodactyla gigantea) reaches over 1.5 meters, and often weighs around 2 pounds when contained in ideal conditions. In their natural habitat, the diameter of these sea anemones can reach up to three meters. Their tentacles are the longest among the carpet anemones, but much shorter than those of the bubble anemones. The tentacles are ¼ to ¾ inches long. In appearance, these sea anemones are similar to a shaggy carpet of the 60s. As a rule, they have a brown or sandy color, less common are green, blue, yellow, purple and pink anemones. The rarest colors are red and dark blue. There are no known cases of breeding in the home aquarium.

For content S. gigantea Many recommend using a species tank of at least 40 gallons, but I would recommend a tank of at least 75 gallons. In addition, it is necessary to ensure a moderate (or slightly above average) circulation of water in the aquarium. I have seen such an anemone nestled right in the flow of the return pump. sea ​​anemones S. gigantea are the most demanding on lighting conditions, therefore, compared to the rest, they need more light. They like to bury their foot 3-6 inches into the substrate and attach themselves to the bottom of the aquarium. Thus, when they feel threatened, they are completely drawn into the substrate.

In this photo you can see anemones S. gigantea rare colors.

I took this photo at a local aquarium store.

Below is my blue carpet anemone.

Carpet anemones Stichodactyla haddoni

sea ​​anemones haddoni (Stichodactyla haddoni) can reach the same large sizes as giant sea anemones, about 2 meters in diameter. Although they are difficult to keep, these difficulties are nothing compared to the difficulties that arise when keeping giant anemones. S. haddoni have very short tentacles that look more like colored bumps. They look a bit like commercial carpets to me. Their tentacles are about half the length of giant anemone tentacles. As a rule, they are brown or sandy in color, green, blue and purple are less common, red and pink are the most rare.

S. haddoni increase in size very quickly. My sea anemone grew from 4 inches to 12 inches in 18 months. Many recommend a 40 gallon or larger aquarium for the primary setting, but I recommend 75 gallons or more. They are usually placed in the sand, burying their foot 3-6 inches into the substrate, and attach themselves to the bottom of the aquarium. As soon as they feel danger, they are completely drawn into the substrate. Although haddoni and gigantea have similar light requirements, haddoni prefer less water circulation than gigantea (below average).

sea ​​anemones S. haddoni quite aggressive with their victims: as soon as they get too close to their tentacles, haddoni immediately grab and eat them. Due to the highly adhesive tentacles, they are quite difficult to deal with. My sea anemone ate a lot of snails (and then spit out shells), shrimp and a few fish.

Clown fish mostly prefer to settle in carpet anemones. [ Note. ed.: Dubious assertion] If you want to add clownfish to your aquarium, check out the following list to help you determine which clownfish species are best for carpet anemones.

Amphiprion ocellaris(anemone clown (all kinds of colors))
Amphiprion akindynos(reef clown)
Amphiprion chrysogaster(Muritic clown)
Amphiprion chrysopterus(orange-finned clownfish)
Amphiprion clarkii(Clark the Clown)
Amphiprion polymnus(saddle clown)
Amphiprion sebae(Seba the clown)
Amphiprion chrysopterus Blueline(orange-finned clownfish)
Amphiprion ephippium(fire clown)
Amphiprion frenatus(tomato clown)

Below is my red carpet anemone haddoni. This photo was taken immediately after being placed in the aquarium, which was then about 4 inches in size. In the following photos you can see haddoni in normal size - about 14 inches.


Sample answers to tasks for grade 4

The maximum number of points for completed tasks is 100 points.

Task number 1 (max 20 points):

    Take a close look at the images of living organisms located in the table below.

    How do these organisms move? If you don't know exactly how you travel, then guess it.

    If any of these living organisms have different ways movement, be sure to point it out.

    If any organisms are familiar to you, write their names.

Image of a living organism

name of a living organism

Description of the mode of transportation

Single-celled animal "Infusoria slipper"

Moves due to the work of cilia located on the surface of the cell body. If you look closely, you can see them in this photo. It is the vibrations of the cilia located on the surface of the body of the infusorian shoe that allow it to move in space.


Starfish use ambulacral legs to move. In these echinoderms, they can contract and stretch to a considerable length. The star throws its legs forward and sticks them to the bottom surface, and then reduces them by pulling your body. Thus it moves. The legs are driven by the pressure of the water pumped into them.


The jellyfish is characterized by "jet propulsion", due to which it is capable of vertical movement. She draws water into herself and then pushes it out of the bell with force. Due to this, jellyfish move up or down, or diagonally, but, they are incapable of moving horizontally.

A jellyfish cannot move in a specific direction, so sea currents play a huge role in the movement of jellyfish.


The cuttlefish is characterized by "jet propulsion", it draws water into itself, and then pushes it out through a narrowed nozzle, while developing a significant speed (sometimes reaching up to 50 km / h).

For movement, cuttlefish also actively use a wave-like curving fin.


Lobsters usually move along the bottom of the sea, using walking legs for this.

But frightened lobsters can make big jumps in the water in the opposite direction. To do this, they rapidly and powerfully rake in a tail equipped with blades. Such a jump will allow the lobster to instantly rebound from the source of danger at a distance of up to 7 meters.

Octopus. This animal belongs to the cephalopods.

The octopus is characterized by "jet propulsion". It can swim backwards with tentacles, setting itself in motion with a kind of “jet propulsion” - taking water into the cavity in which the gills are located, and pushing it with force in the direction opposite to the movement through a funnel that plays the role of a nozzle. The direction of movement of the octopus changes by turning the funnel.

On a hard surface, the octopus can crawl using tentacles with suction cups.

sea ​​anemone

Adult anemones lead a sedentary lifestyle. The mobile anemones are "settlement larvae" (it is they who are able to actively swim and perform a settling function).

Sometimes anemones enter into a symbiotic relationship, for example with a hermit crab. And then they have the opportunity to move in space at the expense of a partner - a symbiont.

Sea anemones living on soft substrates cannot attach to the ground, so they can slowly move along the substrate if necessary. At the same time, part of the fleshy sole comes off the ground, moves forward and is fixed there, and then the rest of the sole is pulled up.

Hydra freshwater. This animal belongs to the intestinal cavities.

Hydra freshwater is able to "walk". To do this, the hydra bends in the right direction until the tentacles touch the substrate on which it sits. Then, literally, it stands on the “head” (that is, on the tentacles), and the sole - the opposite end of the body, is now on top. After that, the hydra again begins to bend its body in the right direction. Hydra moves in the right direction, as if tumbling.

As a rule, the hydra leads a sedentary lifestyle.

A very slow sliding of the sole along the mucus secreted by the cells of the sole is also possible.


This animal belongs to the annelids.

There are three ways for a leech to move in space:

1. Movement with the help of "walking movements". The leech has two suckers. First, it pulls the body forward and attaches to the underwater object with the front suction cup. Then he releases the back sucker, pulls his body to the front end (front sucker).

2. The leech can also swim slowly, making undulating movements with its entire body due to its well-developed musculature.

3. Very common leech, adhering to a fish or an animal living in the water, it moves with the help of its “master”.


The scallop is characterized by "jet motion", they move as if by jumping. The valves of scallop shells open sharply at first, and then close sharply. As a result, water is pushed out with force by two powerful jets from the "mantle cavity". It is these powerful jets that push the body of the mollusk forward.

Large sea crests are capable of jumping up to 50 cm.

Z task number 2 (max 20 points):

You, like all Russian children, are probably very familiar with this cartoon character - a hedgehog lost in the fog. Most likely, you have seen a real, live hedgehog more than once in your life. But is it as familiar to you as it seems at first glance?

Answers on questions:

    What stocks does a hedgehog make for the winter?

The hedgehog does not stock up for the winter, as it hibernates in winter.

    Where does he hide them?


Rice. No. 1: Hedgehog in the fog.

descending from the question to the first question "Nowhere".

    What does a hedgehog eat in a long and long winter?

Asleep. Is in a state of hibernation.

Additional explanation:

hedgehogs do not store food for the winter - neither apples, nor mushrooms, nor anything like that, since they are insectivorous animals.

In winter, the hedgehog is in hibernation. And during hibernation, the hedgehog uses its fat reserves accumulated in summer / autumn.

Task number 3 (max 20 points):

Answers to biological riddles:

    Who has more legs: five octopuses or four squids?

The same number of legs.

Octopuses have 8 legs, i.e. 8*5=40,

Squids have 10 legs, i.e. 4*10=40

Therefore, the same number of legs, i.e. 40 feet.

    This animal has two right legs and two left legs, two legs in front and the same number in the back. How many legs does this animal have?


    Which berries with the letter "M" are sweet, and those with the letter "K" are bitter?

"M" - raspberry

"K" - viburnum

    What kind of cereal can grow... on a person?

Barley on the eye

    Waist, which animal is the reference sample thin waist for all women?

Wasp waist (wasp waist)

    The name of which bird is heard all the time in the scaffolding?

Maina is a pink starling and a "get down!" construction team.

    The "economic breed" of dogs is

Dachshund breed (dachshund is a clearly established level of tariffs, prices, payments).

    Whose eyes are not afraid, but love to look at the sun?

Pansies (decorative flower).

    Name the climbing animals.

Geckos (reptiles)

    Which waterfowl wrote famous books?


Task number 4 (max 10 points):

    Remember what you know about the structure of the human body.

    Look carefully at the table below.

    Distribute the organs of the human body according to their corresponding organ systems, using numbers and letters.

    You can simply enter the letters denoting organs in the column with organ systems.

Task number 5 (max 20 points):

    Take a close look at the matrix below and its clues.

    Fill in the matrix by entering the missing letters in the names of animals (animals).

    Pay attention to the fact that the names of all these animals end in -KA.

    Find out how well you know animals?




















































































































Task hints.

    An animal that looks like a mouse, but with a muzzle extended into the proboscis.

    One of the varieties of bats with very wide ears.

    A shrew, the tops of whose teeth are painted brown-red.

    A rodent that lives in the steppes and deserts with a very short tail.

    A small red rodent, very similar to a rat, but with a tufted tail, living in the desert.

    Little monkey.

    Harvest mouse.

    A small rodent, similar to both a mouse and a jerboa, its tail is much longer than its body.

    The largest of the toothed whales.

    Barking pet.

    Meowing pet.

    Cute furry animal.

    Artificially bred fur animal.

    Small predatory animal.

Task number 6 (max 10 points):

Try to guess old, Russian, folk riddles.