What are the main stages of information processing. Computer as a means of information processing. Basic definitions of computer science

  • 5. Main characteristics and types of internal and external computer memory
  • Ngmd - floppy disk drives
  • Nzhmd - hard disk drives
  • Optical (laser) cd and dvd discs
  • Tape drives (nml)
  • 6. Types and general characteristics of peripheral devices.
  • 7. Printers: matrix, inkjet, laser.
  • 8. Types of wasps, their purpose and features. Files and file structure.
  • 9. The concept of an interface. General description of the Windows interface.
  • 10. Basic operations with files and folders in Windows
  • 11. Standard media in Windows
  • 12. Windows application programs: general characteristics.
  • 13. Work in the graphic editor Paint
  • 14. General characteristics of Microsoft Office Consider the general characteristics of Microsoft Office on the example of ms Office
  • 15. Purpose and types of text editors, their functionality
  • 16. Word processor. Formatting tricks.
  • 17. Word processor. Work with graphics.
  • 18. Word processor. Processing of large documents (structure, formatting styles, links).
  • 19. Purpose, possibilities and application of spreadsheets, principles of their construction and organization of work with them.
  • 20. Excel spreadsheet. Types of data, calculations.
  • 21. Excel spreadsheet. Types of diagrams and their construction.
  • 22. Excel spreadsheet. Tabulating functions and plotting their graphs.
  • 23. Database management systems, their types and characteristics of work
  • 24.Databases. Subd. access. General characteristics.
  • 25. Databases. Subd Access. Database design and creation.
  • 26.Databases. Subd Access. Sorting and searching in the database.
  • 27. Presentations and ms PowerPoint
  • 28. Create and edit a presentation in ms PowerPoint
  • 29. Principles of design, creation and modification of databases.
  • 30. File managers. Basics of work on the example of one of the shell programs. Archives and archiving. Examples of archiving programs, rules for archiving and unarchiving files.
  • 31. General information about computer graphics programs.
  • 32. Types and purpose of pixel graphics programs, principles of their work.
  • 33. Types and purpose of vector graphics programs, principles of their work.
  • 34. Types of information carriers and communication channels.
  • Tape media
  • 35. Viruses and anti-virus programs.
  • 36. The concept of licensed and unlicensed software. Legal forms of distribution of software products.
  • 37. Principles and means of protecting information in computers, computer networks, automated control systems, methods of their use
  • 38. Physiological and hygienic foundations of the labor process, sanitation requirements.
  • 39 Basic provisions of the legislation on labor protection. Safety rules when working with computers.
  • 40 General information about network technologies. Varieties of computer networks, the principle of their operation
  • 41. The concept and definition of local area networks, their characteristics
  • 42. Local area network hardware, their composition, configuration, functions.
  • 43. General information about networking software
  • 44. Structure and information resources of the Internet
  • 1. World Wide Web - the main information service.
  • 2. Email.
  • 45. Functions, organization and structure of websites and Internet pages, rules for working with them.
  • 46. ​​Mail clients for working with e-mail
  • 47. Programs - browsers for computer navigation.
  • 1. The main stages of information processing on a computer. Electronic computers (computers): purpose and public aspects of the use of computers.

    The main stages of information processing on a computer:

    1. Initial collection from external sources (most often this is just

    Internet). 2. Cleaning, primary processing and bringing to a unified form.

    This simplifies its subsequent processing. 3. Systematization and organization of storage of accumulated data, for

    subsequent use, as well as internal search and quick retrieval of the desired documents. 4. Deep analysis of information, systematization and knowledge acquisition. 5. Formation of a report on a specific topic.

    Purpose of the computer:

    Data processing;

    Assistance in study and work;

    Creation of archives;

    Means of communication.

    2. Failures encountered in the work of a computer user. Concepts about setting up and optimizing the operation of computers.

    crash - this is a violation of the normal functioning of a separate program, device or computer as a whole. Outwardly, this looks like the appearance of various messages: sound from the system speaker or dialog boxes on the monitor screen, freezing, a sharp slowdown of the computer, etc.

    Software failures

    Hardware problems

    Software failures

    crashes operating system- this includes any problems related to

    with the stability of the software that is included in

    a set of operating system, as well as basic system files,

    such as C 0 MMAND . COM , EXPLORER . EXE, KERNEL. DLL, etc.

    Application failures.

    Hardware failures

    Failures and malfunctions caused by the incompatibility of individual devices,

    driver versions, etc.;

    Failures and malfunctions caused by non-compliance with operating conditions

    devices. The most striking examples are: CPU overheating,

    video card, power supply, etc.;

    Crashes and malfunctions caused by malfunctioning devices. Electronic

    components of a personal computer can break down mainly due to

    the following reasons:

    Overheating due to lack of cooling or due to its poor quality;

    Static discharge from touching individual elements

    (to the system unit as a whole);

    Excessive increase in supply voltage in the mains.

    3. The concept of architecture and general design of computers. PC specifications.

    Computer architecture called a description of a set of devices and computer blocks, as well as the connections between them, that is, a description of the principle of operation of a computer.

    The architecture determines the principles of operation, information links and interconnection of the main logical nodes of a computer: processor, random access memory, external memory and peripheral devices.

    classical architecture (von Neumann architecture) - one arithmetic logic unit (ALU) through which the data flow passes, and one control unit (CU) through which the command flow passes - the program. This is a single processor computer.

    open architecture - this is when only a description of the principle of operation of a computer and its configuration (a certain set of hardware and connections between them) are regulated and standardized. Thus, the computer can be assembled from individual components and parts designed and manufactured by independent manufacturers.

    Hardware – hardware i.e. mechanical, electrical and electronic components and components of a computer.

    Basic computer devices :


    Computer memory (internal and external)

    Input devices

    Information output devices

    Devices for transmitting and receiving information

    System unit contains such basic PC devices as a motherboard with a processor and OP, magnetic disk drives, CD-ROM, power supply.

    Motherboard (system) board - the main hardware component where there are connectors for installing a microprocessor, RAM, a quartz resonator, a basic BIOS input / output system, auxiliary microcircuits, an input / output interface (serial port, parallel port, keyboard interface, disk interface, etc.) and bus.

    A piece of hardware that is structurally separated from the main computer unit is called peripheral (I/O devices)

    For connecting I/O devices on the system unit there are connectors for various ports:

    COM- Serial ports. Transmit sequentially electrical impulses that carry information. They usually connect a mouse and a modem.

    LPT- Parallel port. Transmits 8 electrical impulses simultaneously. Realizes a higher speed of information, use to connect the printer.

    USB- Serial universal bus (Universal Serial Bus) - provides high-speed connection of several peripheral devices (scanner, digital camera, etc.)

    PC specifications

    PC performance The ability of a computer to process large amounts of information. It is determined by the speed of the processor, the amount of RAM and the speed of access to it.

    Processor performance- the number of elementary operations performed in 1 second.

    Processor clock speed is the number of processor cycles per second, and the cycle is the time interval during which an elementary operation is performed. Thus Clock frequency- this is the number of pulses generated per second that synchronize the operation of computer nodes. It is the TC that determines the speed of the computer

    Processor bit depth– max length (number of bits) of the binary code that can be processed and transmitted by the processor as a whole.

    Bit depth is related to the size of special memory cells - registers.

    Access time- The speed of the OP modules, this is the period of time required to read the min portion of information from the memory cells or write to the memory. Modern modules have access speeds over 10ns (1ns=10 -9 s)

    Memory– max amount of information that can be stored in it.

    Recording Density– the amount of information recorded per unit track length (bit/mm)

    Information exchange rate– speed of writing/reading to the media, which is determined by the speed of rotation and movement of this media in the device.

    Information is information about objects and phenomena environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty (incomplete knowledge) about them. In cybernetics, information is any set of signals, influences or information that is perceived by some system from the environment. In relation to automated data processing, information is a sequence of symbolic designations (letters, numbers, coded graphic images or sounds, etc.) that carry a semantic load and are presented in a form understandable to a computer.

    The whole process of information processing is divided into several stages.

    First stage: initial collection from external sources.

    The second stage: cleaning, primary processing and bringing to a unified form.

    The third stage: systematization and organization of storage of accumulated data for later use, as well as internal search and quick extraction of the necessary documents.

    Fourth stage: deep analysis of information, systematization and knowledge acquisition.

    Fifth, final stage: formation of a report on a specific topic.

    During the information process, information circulating in an enterprise or organization is subjected to one or another processing, depending on the type of their activity. According to the place of occurrence, incoming and outgoing, internal and external information is distinguished. In the process of processing, information can be primary and secondary, intermediate and result, while the processed data is converted from one form to another. As the information society develops, the labor costs for data processing increase and require the improvement of the applied technologies.

    Technology (gr. techne - skill, logos - teaching, teaching about skill) - a body of knowledge about the methods and means of production processes, in which the necessary qualitative change in the processed objects occurs.

    Information technology is a process that uses a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon.

    The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and subsequent decision-making on the implementation of any actions. In a narrower sense information technology is a set of well-defined purposeful actions of a person to process information on a computer. The technological process of information processing consists of stages, operations and specific actions of the operator performing data processing. In the structure of possible operations with data, the following can be distinguished:

    data collection and formalization, i.e. reduction to the same form;

    filtering and sorting;

    data processing and transformation in accordance with the task;

    data archiving, i.e. organization of data storage in a compact, convenient and easily accessible form;

    data protection - a set of measures aimed at preventing the loss of data and their modifications;

    data transportation, i.e., receiving and transmitting data between remote participants in the information process.

    Gathering information for publication or television material often takes many times longer than familiarizing the viewer or reader with it. A modern journalist has to work in a state of eternal search for information and quickly move from processing one data to another. Psychologists have developed information processing steps that optimize the process of creating relevant materials.

    And if you have to work with large volumes of new data by the title of your soul, it's time to learn how to optimize your workflow in order to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time! The following stages of information processing will help you with this...

    1. Data collection.
      Most often, it is the first stage of information processing that is the most time-consuming. Therefore, after setting the task, choose for yourself the circle of sources that you will use. Perhaps, to obtain the necessary information, it is enough just to get acquainted with the information from two or three online publications. But most likely you will have to set up a meeting or series of meetings that will give you the amount of data you need.
    2. Primary information processing.
      Immediately after conducting an interview or receiving data from informants, many masters of the pen try to immediately start creating material, so to speak, with a fresh mind. But it is better not to hurry with the processing of facts: it is necessary to once again critically review the material, highlighting the main and secondary data, placing emphasis on individual figures or phrases. After all, it happens that at the first acquaintance with information, even experienced journalists miss important details, which greatly affects the sharpness and relevance of the output material.
    3. Organization of storage of the received information.
      Even after you have brushed off unnecessary facts from the received data, do not rush to remove the processed information from the computer. Make a good habit of storing all original materials in a special folder with a special numbering, in which you can quickly find all the primary information. Who knows - maybe in a few months or years you will have to return to an already worked out topic. And then it will be much easier to use the processed data than to collect information bit by bit from the very beginning. By the way, in the process of separating the material for storage, you can once again review the work done and make sure that the conclusions drawn are correct.
    4. Summarizing.
      Finally, you can begin the crucial step in processing important information - creating a material based on the received data. Try to apply your analytical skills and take the data critically while writing the text or script for the plot - then you will surely be able to achieve the set result by creating informative and relevant material in the shortest possible time!
    stage number Stage name The main types of operations implemented at certain stages technological process information processing
    Preparatory Collection of initial data
    Registration Information
    Data transfer to the processing center
    Basic Entering information into a computer
    Data processing
    Data storage
    Search for information
    Final Output of result information
    Checking the correctness of the results
    Passing results to the consumer
    Use of result data

    The composition of operations and procedures of the technological process may be different depending on the requirements for data processing technology. Preparatory stage includes operations that are performed to prepare information for further processing.

    Collection of initial data. Information is collected both within the economic entity and comes from other organizations and institutions. Depending on this, a system for collecting primary data is being built. The most difficult task is the collection of internal primary accounting information that reflects the production and financial activities of enterprises. This information is used by all management bodies, and it is again collected to solve many functional tasks (planned, financial, etc.). Therefore, requirements are imposed on primary information. reliability, completeness and timeliness of receipt.

    The collection of information also includes the reception of registered data, such as documents from external environment enterprises. This operation is usually accompanied by the registration of the information received and the determination of its further use.

    Registration Information is the operation of applying data to the storage medium both manually and automatically. When manually generating documents, including filling out electronic forms through the PC keyboard. If the collection and registration of primary information is performed automatically, with the help of appropriate technical means (NC machines, cash terminals, etc.), then the complexity of the initial stage is sharply reduced. However, despite the emergence of various means of collecting and recording information, these operations are the least automated.

    Checking the correctness of the source data is aimed at preventing, detecting and eliminating errors that are inevitable when entering information from the keyboard, primarily due to the so-called "human factor" - fatigue, inattention, in some cases - deliberate actions of a specialist responsible for collecting and recording data. Errors lead to distortion of information, its unreliability, and hence to incorrect processing results and errors in management activities.

    The collected and registered information is sent for processing or storage.

    Transfer of information due to the multicast need for it. Data has to be transferred also due to the fact that different, interconnected information procedures are performed in different places. Data has to be transmitted due to the remoteness of control objects from the means of issuing and displaying result information.

    Currently most widespread received a remote form of information transmission in the form of signals over communication channels, which is characterized by high speed, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of managerial decision-making. Information entry in computer technology can be performed different ways depending on those used. In the case of working with documentary information, its input is combined with the operation of filling in electronic forms of documents and is performed directly from the keyboard of a personal computer.

    Primary information can also be entered from machine media if it is collected and registered in advance in the form appropriate for input.

    2. Main stage provides direct processing of information in computer technology, as well as, if necessary, storage and retrieval of primary and result data.

    This stage occupies a leading position among the other information stages of the technological process, both in importance and in volume.

    Data processing is the most important among the operations of information transformation both in terms of significance and volume. This is explained by the fact that management services cannot carry out their functions without the presence of secondary information that is the result of processing. At the same time, information processing is closely related to all information operations, creating opportunities for the technological unity of information processes. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the term "information processing" often denotes a system oriented to the entire set of information procedures. For example, an automated data processing system covers not only all processing operations, but also procedures for collecting, transmitting, storing, searching for information, etc.

    Information processing is carried out in electronic computers various types and classes, including personal computers, servers, etc., according to the corresponding program and includes arithmetic and logical operations on data, as well as automatic control over the execution of these operations.

    Server- A computer that performs certain functions of servicing users in computer networks.

    | Computer as a means of information processing

    Lesson 27
    Computer as a means of information processing.
    Introduction to the microprocessor

    Any computer can be considered from a technical point of view as a system of interconnected material objects (devices) different principle actions. All these devices share a common goal - technical support main stages of information processing.

    Some devices are used to enable the computer to receive information, others convert the information entered into the computer, others provide information output from the computer, and some have auxiliary functions. The technical part of a personal computer is called hardware. Hardware can always be represented as a base part, which forms the basis of any computer model, and a peripheral part, which is made up of various input-output devices.

    From the section you will learn what devices the basic part of the computer consists of, get acquainted with various types internal and external memory, their purpose, physical principles and characteristics. Provided a brief description of peripheral devices - input devices (keyboards, manipulators, touch and scanning devices, character recognition systems) and output devices (monitors, printers, plotters). You will get acquainted with the simplified structure of the computer and the basic principles of interaction of its parts. You will achieve a better understanding if you master well the topic devoted to the algebra of logic, which is the basis for organizing the work of the basic part of the computer.

    The section also deals with computer networks, which also require special hardware to function. You will get an idea about communication channels, about the purpose of network adapters and modems, about the role of protocols.

    The last topics of the section are devoted to the description of the main classes of modern computers. One class is formed by large computers, which include supercomputers and superservers. Another class is made up of small computers: personal, portable and industrial. For each subclass, the main characteristics and features are given.

    And in conclusion, you will learn the history of the main stages in the development of computer technology - from the idea of ​​​​creating an analytical engine to promising models of the “computer of the future”.

    Computer as a means of information processing

    By studying this topic, you will learn:

    What is the purpose of computer hardware;
    - what is the composition of the basic set of the computer;
    - what does the concept of computer performance mean.

    There is a computer on the table in front of you. You can turn to him for help, chat with him - sometimes as a kind or strict teacher, sometimes as a partner in the game. The computer helps you solve the most different tasks, teaches, entertains. At the same time, the computer obediently follows your instructions in the form of certain commands. The computer has an extremely high speed compared to human capabilities, due to which commands are executed almost instantly.

    What allows a computer to execute the will of a person so flawlessly? How does a computer work and what parts does it consist of? The answers to these questions can be simple or complex depending on how the person is going to use it.

    In this tutorial, you will get to know the computer from the user's point of view, so that you can use the computer as an information processing tool. The computer must perceive and recognize the input information, remember it, perform various actions on it and display the results of its work, that is, perform the main stages of information processing (Figure 16.1): input, storage, transformation, output.

    Rice. 16.1. The main stages of information processing

    To solve all these problems, technical devices and programs are needed. A set of technical devices is called hardware (English hardware - hardware).

    Personal computer hardware - a system of interconnected technical devices that perform the input, storage, processing and output of information.

    Separate parts of a computer - blocks interconnected using various devices A: electrical cables, connectors, ports, etc.

    From all the variety constituent parts computer, you can select the minimum necessary basic set: an input device - a keyboard, an output device - a monitor and a separate unit, which is called the system. These devices provide the basic information processing steps shown in Figure 16.1. Using the keyboard, a person manually enters information (data and commands) into the computer's memory. The monitor is used to display the input data, as well as to display the results of information processing on the screen. The system unit provides the transformation and storage of information.

    Along with the keyboard and monitor, when working with a personal computer, a number of devices are used that are not included in the basic set, but provide input and output of information. It is difficult, for example, to imagine the work of a modern computer without a little helper - mice, which moves easily on the mat even in the hands of an inexperienced user.

    Very helpful to have printing device - printer allows you to print text, spreadsheet, graphic documents in a matter of minutes. Often, a modern computer kit also includes a scanner (a device for entering information from a sheet of a book, magazine, etc.), speakers, headphones, a microphone, etc. Those who are fond of computer games know that a joystick is often used to control them.

    The presence of these and many other devices in the computer allows you to use it as a universal tool for processing a variety of information. In subsequent topics, you will learn more about the purpose and features of the hardware of a personal computer.

    Regardless of the configuration of the computer, we will always be interested in the characteristics of its capabilities, which also allow us to compare computers with each other. One of these most important characteristics is computer performance, which is approximately characterized by the number of elementary operations performed in one second (op / s).

    Computer performance is a characteristic that shows the speed at which a computer performs information processing operations.

    Control questions

    1. How do you understand the purpose of a computer?

    2. Name the main stages of information processing by a computer.

    3. Describe the main stages of information processing using a conventional calculator.

    4. What is meant by computer hardware?

    5. What is included in the basic set of a personal computer?

    6. What is the purpose of the keyboard and monitor?

    7. List the computer devices known to you that are not included in the basic set.

    8. What is meant by computer performance?


    By studying this topic, you will learn:

    What is a microprocessor and what is its purpose;
    - what are the main characteristics of the microprocessor - clock frequency and bit depth.

    The processor is the central unit in a computer. It performs various arithmetic and logical operations, to which the solution of any information processing problem on a computer is reduced. In addition, the processor controls the operation of all computer devices.

    Processor - a device that provides information conversion and control of other computer devices.

    What is a modern processor? To answer this question, let us recall that the entire history of the development of computers is closely connected with the achievements of mankind in the field of electronics, materials science and other areas of science and technology. It was the discoveries of certain properties of materials and substances, in particular those based on silicon, that made it possible to create a processor for a modern computer on a silicon chip. A modern processor is a microcircuit, or chip (English chip - chip), made on a miniature silicon wafer - a crystal. Therefore, it is commonly called a microprocessor (English Central Processing Unit, CPU).

    The world's first microprocessor was created in 1971 by Intel engineers.. For modern computers, microprocessors from Intel and AMD are the most common.

    The microprocessor is structurally an integrated circuit, more specifically, a very large integrated circuit (VLSI). The word "super-large" does not refer to the size of an integrated circuit, but to the number of electronic components contained in it, placed on a silicon wafer. The number of such components reaches several million. Improvement in technology allows minimizing electronic components and increasing their number on a single chip, which entails a reduction in the size of devices, an increase in speed and an increase in reliability. The microprocessor has contacts in the form of pins that are inserted into a special connector, or socket (English socket - connector), on the motherboard. The connector has the shape of a rectangle with several rows of holes around the perimeter.

    The processing of any information on a computer is associated with the performance of various arithmetic and logical operations by the processor. Arithmetic operations are basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logical operations (logical addition, logical multiplication, negation, etc.) are some special operations, which are most often used when checking relationships between different quantities. This is necessary to control the operation of the computer.

    The processor includes:
    - arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that performs basic arithmetic and logical operations;
    - control device (CU);
    - elements of memory.

    The processor must ensure the automatic execution of the program stored in the computer's memory, for which it performs the following actions:
    - retrieve a command from memory;
    - decrypt the command;
    - execute a command.

    The processor repeats these actions until the command ends the program. An important characteristic of the processor is its performance (the number of elementary operations it performs in one second), which determines the speed of the computer as a whole. In turn, the performance of the processor depends on its other two characteristics - clock frequency and bit depth.

    The clock frequency sets the rhythm of the life of the computer. Clock frequency is the number of cycles per second. Tact - the time interval between the beginning of two adjacent clock pulses. The unit of clock frequency is hertz (Hz). For modern computers, the clock frequency is measured in units of gigahertz (GHz), 1 GHz = 109 Hz. The higher the clock frequency, the shorter the duration of operations and the higher the performance of the computer. The clock speed determines the number of processor cycles per second. During one cycle, an elementary operation can be performed, for example, the addition of two numbers. Modern Personal Computer can perform millions and billions of such elementary operations per second.

    The bitness of the processor determines the size of the minimum portion of information processed by the processor in one clock cycle. This piece of information, often called a machine word, is represented by a sequence of binary digits (bits). The processor, depending on its type, can have simultaneous access to 8, 16, 32, 64 bits.

    With an increase in the bit depth, the amount of information processed by the processor per cycle increases, which leads to a decrease in the number of cycles of work required to perform complex operations. In addition, the higher the bit depth, the more memory the processor can work with. The first microprocessors (1971 - by Intel) had a 4-bit capacity, a clock frequency of 108 kHz, and the ability to address 640 bytes of main memory. In 2000, computers were equipped with 32-bit microprocessors with a clock speed of about 1.7-3 GHz.

    In addition to the central microprocessor, many computers have coprocessors - additional specialized processors. For example, a math coprocessor is a microchip that helps the main processor perform calculations when solving mathematical problems on a computer.

    Until recently, one of the main trends in the development of microprocessors has been an increase in clock frequency and bit depth. Today, leading manufacturers of microprocessors have abandoned this strategy, now the number of processor cores that implement the full set of processor capabilities is becoming the most important performance indicator.

    Control questions

    1. How do you understand the purpose of the microprocessor?

    2. What is a microprocessor?

    3. What characteristics of the microprocessor do you know?

    4. What is the clock frequency of the processor and how is it related to the “performance” characteristic?

    5. What is the processor capacity?

    6. What depends on the processor capacity?

    7. What is the purpose of a coprocessor?

    8. Give examples of devices that use a microprocessor.

    9. Determine the type of microprocessor in the school (personal) computer.