There will be a translation from Udmurt into Russian. Udmurt-Russian electronic dictionary. GoldenDict for other operating systems

Full-fledged work with the Udmurt language on personal computer is unthinkable without the use of electronic dictionaries (primarily bilingual, with Udmurt and Russian). Such dictionaries can be implemented based on various technologies (excluding the trivial solution using a text file containing dictionary entries): as a client-side dictionary application, as a database-based web dictionary, as a wiki dictionary. The possibilities of working in all three technologies are considered below.

GoldenDict for Windows

Among client-side dictionary applications, ABBYY Lingvo is the most popular in Russia. For all its merits, this product is proprietary (closed) and paid software. Meanwhile, there are its open counterparts, among which one of the best is the shell of electronic dictionaries GoldenDict, ported to Windows, Linux and MacOS and, among other things, supporting the format of electronic dictionaries ABBYY Lingvo.

Interregional laboratory information support functioning of the Finno-Ugric languages ​​at the Komi Republican Academy public service and management offers the assembly GoldenDict v.2.0 for use, which includes the following free dictionaries: Udmurt-Russian, Komi-Russian, Mari-Russian, Altaic-Russian, as well as English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries. You can download GoldenDict v.2.0:

or find it on the CD in the "DICTIONARIES" folder.

Windows XP users may have problems displaying some letters: fonts should be updated Tahoma(in safe mode or using LiveCD) or set other fonts for displaying dictionary entries as specified in:

Additional dictionaries can be found at:

The electronic Udmurt-Russian dictionary (44627 words) is a joint work of the Interregional Laboratory of Information Support for the Functioning of the Finno-Ugric Languages ​​and the network community "Udmurtlyk". It was prepared on the basis of the Udmurt-Russian dictionary published in 2008 by the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Compiled by: T.R.Dushenkova, A.V.Egorov, L.M.Ivshin, L.L.Karpova, L.E.Kirillova, O.V.Titova, A.A.Shibanov; Rep. editor L.E. Kirillova. - Izhevsk, 2008. - 925 p. ISBN 5-7691-2005-3.

Golden Dict for Android

To install the Udmurt-Russian electronic dictionary for Android, install the application " Udmurt-Russian Dictionary».

GoldenDict for other operating systems

For Linux and Mac OS, install the GoldenDict wrapper as mentioned in:

Download and install the Udmurt-Russian dictionary with morphology:

Online dictionary

The Interregional Laboratory of Information Support for the Functioning of the Finno-Ugric Languages ​​at the Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Administration is working on the completion of the Udmurt-Russian online dictionary (based on the GlossWord platform).

The beta version of the online dictionary is located at: (attention! there may be errors in the beta version!)

More a new version The online dictionary will be posted at:

Wiki dictionary

It is obvious that the work on processing and adding to the Wiktionary the material of ordinary, paper Udmurt dictionaries to give such dictionary entry perfection (in accordance with the planned structure) can either drag on for a very long time, or even end in failure.

Meanwhile, there is a way, following which, we will be able to extremely enrich the material of Wiktionary entries. This path is the analysis of language corpora.

Corpus linguistics in Udmurt linguistics is extremely undeveloped. Nevertheless, even in the current state of affairs, it is possible to work with corpora of Udmurt texts for lexicographic purposes. One of the best, and very powerful, tools for this kind of work is the AntConc program.

As an example, let's take the article "Pon" (Dog) for the Komi Wiktionary, prepared by specialists of the Interregional Laboratory for Information Support of the Functioning of Finno-Ugric Languages ​​at the Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Administration using the AntConc program.

Alena Grigorieva

In this issue of the column, we invite you to recall the most popular Udmurt words that many residents of Udmurtia know. If not all of them are familiar to you, then this is a good opportunity to fill the gap.

1. Tau - thanks. The word expressing gratitude is one of the basic words of any language. Tourists are sure to learn "thank you" in the language of the country where they are going. In this way they show their respect for the representatives of the nation.

2. Nian - bread. The Udmurt name of the most common product in the world is soft and warm, like bread from the oven. In Izhevsk there is a grocery store "Khleb-nyan". By the way, Komi-Permyaks, related to the Udmurts, call bread with the same word.

3. "Ӟechbur" - hello, hello in Udmurt. As in Russian, the greeting in Udmurt implies good wishes. Two roots "ӟech" and "bur" mean approximately one thing - "good, good." And the children's Udmurt newspaper "Das lu!" (“Be ready!”) in 1992 became known as “Ӟechbur!”.

4. Valamon - understandable, understandable. One of the most popular words in the editorial office of the news agency "Udmurtia". It is usually used with interrogative intonation. “Not Valamon” is a request to clarify what was said earlier.

5. Pelnyan - dumplings. If someone still has doubts about the Udmurt origin of this word, then we are ready to dispel them once again. "Pel" - ear, "nyan" - bread. Dumplings look like ears, but are made from bread. Valamon?

6. "Yaratyny" (to love) and "Yarany" (to like), in the Udmurt language - words formed from one root, "yar". But "yara" is also a wound, an ulcer, a sore. Poetic personalities and romantics tend to link these two concepts, but this is rather a mere coincidence.

7. "Yӧl" - milk. You have repeatedly seen this inscription on a package of locally produced milk. In order to correctly read the second letter in this word, gather to say "e" and at the same time lower the lower jaw. You should get something between [o] and [e].

8. "Gazhasa otyskom" - welcome, and literally - "we invite, respecting." A sign that is found at the entrance to some institutions of Udmurtia. Thus the law of two state languages(yes, there are two of them in Udmurtia).

9. "Tol Babai" - Santa Claus."Tol" is winter, and "babai" is the Tatar word for grandfather. According to legend, Tol Babai is a descendant of the ancient Udmurt demigods-Alangasars. And the residence of Tol Babai in Sharkan became the most popular tourist destination in Udmurtia during the New Year holidays. And this is no longer a legend, but a fact.

10. Cheber is beautiful. It comes from the Tatar "chibar". Many are familiar with the word "cheberisty", which is often used in colloquial Udmurt-Russian.

    Eat, Pray, Love (book)- This term has other meanings, see Eat, pray, love (meanings). Eat, Pray, Love Eat, Pray, Love

    Translator- Request "Translator" is redirected here; see also other meanings. The request "Electronic translator" is redirected here. This topic needs a separate article. A translator is a specialist engaged in translation, that is, the creation of a written ... ... Wikipedia

    Vinogradov, Ivan Ivanovich (translator)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Vinogradov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Ivan Vinogradov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Ivan Ivanovich Vinogradov. Ivan Ivanovich Vinogradov (died in ... Wikipedia

    Trial of Bhagavad Gita As It Is- ... Wikipedia

    Petrov, Alexander Andreevich (translator)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Petrov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Petrov Alexander. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Petrov Alexander Andreevich. Alexander Andreevich Petrov ... ... Wikipedia

    Bhagavad Gita As It Is- Not to be confused with the Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita As It Is Bhagavad Gita As It Is ... Wikipedia

    Dvořák, Milan (translator)- Milan Dvorak Czech. Milan Dvořák Date of birth: September 29, 1949 (1949 09 29) (63 years old) Place of birth: Prague Citizenship ... Wikipedia

    Who's Who (TV channel)- This term has other meanings, see Who's Who. Who's Who Channel "Who's Who" Country ... Wikipedia

    Maksimovich, Ivan Petrovich (translator)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Maksimovich. Ivan Petrovich Maksimovich Date of death: December 1, 1732 (1732 12 01) Place of death: Moscow Occupation: translator and ... Wikipedia

    Andreev, Alexander Yakovlevich (translator)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Andreev, Alexander Yakovlevich. Alexander Yakovlevich Andreev Occupation: translator Citizenship ... Wikipedia

    God exists?-God Is


  • CD-ROM (MP3). Hacking the technogenic system + Apocryphal transurfing (set of 2 MP3 audiobooks) (number of CDs: 8) , The set includes 2 books by Vadim Zeland: "Hacking the technogenic system" and "Apocryphal transurfing" . The publication "Hacking the technogenic system" consists of: "Hacking the technogenic system (audiobook on… Category: Other publications Manufacturer: All, Buy for 1007 rubles audiobook
  • Anglasakhab. 115 English, Irish and American Poets, Oscar Wilde, Milton John, Lewis Carroll, Every good translator is a philologist. "Philologist" means " loving word". Each of us has favorite poets; but to fall in love with the poetic word as such, to find one's own, dear, in ... Category: Classical foreign poetry Publisher:

UDC 4C(03) Udm
BBK 81.2 (Udm = 2Rus)

The publication was made with the financial support
State Council of the Udmurt Republic
and the Ministry of National Policy of the Udmurt Republic

The Udmurt-Russian Dictionary was published in accordance with the Implementation Program
Law of the Udmurt Republic "On the State Languages ​​of the Udmurt Republic
and other languages ​​of the peoples of the Udmurt Republic"

T. R. Dushenkova, A. V. Egorov, L. M. Ivshin. L. L. Karpova, L. E. Kirillova, O. V. Titova, A. A. Shibanov

Scientific editors:
PhD in spec. "Ural languages" L. L. Karpov,
cand. philol. Sciences. L. E. Kirillova

Scientific consultant:
dr. philol. Sciences, Professor V. K. Kelmakov

Editorial team:
T. R. Dushenkova, A. V. Egorov, L. M. Ivshin, L. L. Karpova, V. K. Kelmakov, L. E. Kirillova, O. V. Titova, A. A. Shibanov

dr. philol. A. F. Shutov
cand. philol. Sciences B. I. Karakulov

Udmurt-Russian Dictionary: OK. 50,000 words / RAS. UrO. Udm. in-t IAL; Comp. T. R. Dushenkova. A. V. Egorov, L. M. Ivshin. L. L. Karpova, L. E. Kirillova, O. V. Titova, A. A. Shibanov; Rep. editor L. E. Kirillova. - Izhevsk, 2008. - 925 p.

ISBN 5-7691-2005-3

The Udmurt-Russian dictionary contains about 50,000 words of the modern Udmurt literary language, phrases, idioms, proverbs and sayings. Much attention is paid to socio-political and scientific-technical terminology. The dictionary includes new, some obsolete words, as well as a significant amount of dialect and colloquial vocabulary that has become widespread in the Udmurt language in recent decades.

The dictionary is intended for a wide range of readers: schoolchildren, students, researchers, translators, press workers, radio and television workers and all those who are interested in the Udmurt language. It is of great interest to specialists in the field of Finno-Ugric philology.

see also

  • Alatyrev V.I. Etymological dictionary of the Udmurt language: Letters A, B; 778 entries / Ed. V. M. Vakhrusheva, S. V. Sokolov. - Izhevsk: Research Institute under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. 1988. - 240 p.


biger Tatar || Tatar; bigeryos Tatars; ~ kyl Tatar language; ~ xiamen in Tatar; ~ lush 1) a Tatar woman; 2) a Tatar's wife; 3) transfer. a bold, nosy woman, a deceiver, a liar; ~ whined Tatar, Tatar girl; ~ pi Tatar girl; ~ xiamen in Tatar; biger-yos Tatars; ~ cool cool rain in sunny weather letters. Tatar died)

Biggerarnyamouth. Friday

Chuvash Chuvash || Chuvash; ~ kyl Chuvash language; ~ whined Chuvash girl; Chuvash Chuvash

Udmurt language

(obsolete Votyak language) is one of the Permian languages ​​(see also Finno-Permian languages). Distributed in the Udmurt ASSR, partly in the Bashkir ASSR, Tatar ASSR, Mari ASSR, as well as in the Kirov and Perm regions of the RSFSR. The number of speakers is 545.6 thousand people. (1979, census).

U. i. has 2 dialects: northern (dialects of the basin of the Cheptsa River, a tributary of the Vyatka, and the language of a special ethnic group - the Besermians) and southern (a group of dialects of the southern territory of Udmurtia, as well as Zavyat and Zakamsky dialects). There are transitional dialects of the middle regions of Udmurtia, including character traits northern and southern dialects.

Unlike other Permian languages, U. Ya. "ӧ" can only be in the first syllable of a word; "ӝ" regularly corresponds to the initial "r" of native words; consonants zh, z, w are used in the middle and end of the word instead of "ӝ" (Komi spelling - j), "ӟ" (Komi - dz), "ӵ" (Komi - tsh); the stress is placed on the last syllable of the word. In the field of grammar for U. I. characteristic: two types of conjugation, a formalized category of the present tense, impersonal verbs in -but, -it, special form conditional mood with the suffix -sal, etc. There are many Turkic borrowings in the vocabulary.

The first entries in U. Ya. belong to the 30s. 18th century In 1775, the first scientific grammar of U. Ya. was created. (reissued in 1975), which was not widely distributed. Writing was created in the 18th century. on a Russian graphic basis (Cyrillic). From 18th and 19th centuries handwritten monuments of writing and publications have been preserved - translations from Russian into U. Ya. With the advent of writing, literature in W. Ya. published in various dialects. The modern literary language is a kind of synthesis of grammatical features and vocabulary of the northern and southern groups of dialects, however, the system of sound structure is based on transitional dialects.

Bubrich D.V., Historical phonetics of the Udmurt language, Izhevsk, 1948; Teplyashina T.I., Monuments of Udmurt writing of the 18th century, c. 1, M., 1966; her own, the Udmurt language, in the book: Languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, vol. 3, M., 1966; Grammar of the modern Udmurt language. Phonetics and morphology, Izhevsk, 1962; Grammar of the modern Udmurt language. Syntax simple sentence, Izhevsk, 1970; Grammar of the modern Udmurt language. Syntax complex sentence, Izhevsk, 1974; Tarakanov I. V., Udmurt lexical essay, Izhevsk, 1971; Karakulov B. I., The role of dialects in the period of the emergence of the Udmurt written and literary language, in the book: Activity aspects of the language and typological methods of description. Abstracts, M., 1986. Udmurt-Russian Dictionary, M., 1948; Russian-Udmurt Dictionary, M., 1956; Udmurt-Russian Dictionary, ed. V. M. Vakhrusheva. Moscow, 1983. Borisov T.K., Udmurt kyllukam (Explanatory Udmurt-Russian Dictionary), Izhevsk, 1932.