Do raw foodists eat? Raw food diet – is it right for you personally? The principle of not mixing different products

The raw food diet is becoming increasingly popular due to its undoubted benefits. Many people happily adhere to this style of eating, considering it the only correct one. It is a mistake to think that a raw food diet involves a very meager, uninteresting and tasteless diet. In fact, raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and herbs have an indescribable aroma and taste that cannot be compared with boiled ones. For raw food dishes, spices, salt and sugar are practically not used, since there is no point in “tasting” them - they are filled with flavor. All raw foodists agree that with such a diet, you can also eat varied and tasty. Without heat treatment, many delicious and very tasty dishes are prepared from products of plant origin. healthy dishes, which fill the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Many people want to start eating healthy, but they are scared away from a raw food diet by the lack of pleasure from the process of eating food, the meagerness of the menu and the constant feeling of hunger, which, in their opinion, all raw foodists experience. To dispel these myths, we bring to your attention a complete raw food diet menu for 7 days, which will fully satisfy the body’s need for vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, we will share with you recipes for popular and delicious raw food dishes that even an inexperienced cook can prepare in a few minutes.

Proper raw food diet

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that raw foodists should eat at least 4 times a day. Such a diet is very important for proper metabolism, adequate energy production and the absence of hunger. The last aspect is especially important, because if a person is constantly hungry, then sooner or later nature will still take over and a breakdown will occur, after which the body will suffer even more. Some raw foodists, and especially fruitarians, eat almost non-stop, but in small portions. For raw foodists, meals can be either main meals, during which they consume the largest amount of calories per day, or snacks.

Secondly, raw foodists never wash down their food. They drink only pure still water or infusions of various herbs and berries, which can be taken either half an hour before meals or forty minutes after it. In their opinion, drinking water during meals further stretches the stomach and leads to increased gas formation. In addition to water and infusions, raw foodists drink freshly squeezed juices daily, which replace one meal or snack.

Nuts, which are included in the diet of any raw foodist, play an important role in saturating the body with plant protein, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. These can be any nuts: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and pistachios. Peanuts are considered to be a nut, although this plant is a legume. It is important to remember that raw foodists eat everything exclusively raw, which means that nuts such as pistachios, cashews, almonds and peanuts must be purchased with caution, because they are often sold roasted. Roasted nuts are no longer beneficial and are not included in the raw food diet. In addition to nuts, raw foodists love to add apricot kernels to their food. They have an indescribable aroma and taste, and are also full of vitamins, minerals and healthy oils.

The most important attribute of a raw food diet is the consumption of grains and legumes. But since they cannot be cooked, raw foodists came up with the idea of ​​soaking and sprouting them. Cereals and legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein, slow carbohydrates and fiber, which effectively cleanses the intestines and the entire body. Wheat sprouts, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, peas and mung bean are used in the menu of every raw foodist, because they give a feeling of fullness, energy, vigor, vitamins and nutrients. Sprouted wheat, chickpeas and buckwheat are used as an independent tasty dish or as an ingredient for a fresh and satisfying salad.

Green buckwheat can be called the favorite dish of every raw foodist. You may be surprised to learn that brown buckwheat, which is sold in regular stores, has already been fried, because raw it has green color. It is green buckwheat that is used to prepare raw food dishes. It contains maximum benefits, a lot of iron and it cooks very quickly. To do this you just need to fill it cold water and wait until it swells. After this you can eat it, it becomes soft and edible, and almost everyone likes its taste.

All raw foodists are very fond of various raw seeds, for example, sunflower, pumpkin, flax and sesame. Before eating, it is advisable to soak them briefly in cold water - this way they swell a little and you can eat smaller quantities to saturate them. The seeds contain a lot of valuable oils, omega fatty acids and minerals. They saturate, nourish, and support muscle mass.

Of course, the basis of a raw food menu is vegetables and fruits. They should make up 70 - 95% of a raw foodist's diet and be only fresh and raw. Doctors recommend eating seasonal vegetables and fruits; they contain the most vitamins, but do not contain pesticides or chemicals. The most useful are cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, avocados, onions, garlic, bananas, oranges, apples, watermelons and pineapples. Also very healthy and incredibly tasty are all berries that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Do not forget about the benefits of fresh mushrooms, which are included in the diet of a raw foodist. But you should be careful when choosing mushrooms, since not all types can be eaten raw. It is better to opt for champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are sold in stores and are safe.

It is unlikely that any vegan or raw foodist can do without dried fruits in winter, which can be called a good replacement for fresh fruits. Particularly popular are figs, raisins and dates - these dried fruits are very nutritious, contain a lot of glucose and can fill you up for a long time. Prunes and dried apricots perfectly cleanse the intestines thanks to the dietary fiber they contain. But raw foodists do not eat various candied fruits, as they are treated with chemicals. Followers healthy eating Buy only those dried fruits that have been dried under the sun without adding any preservatives or additives.

All raw foodists eat leafy greens from which they cook various salads or green smoothies. Particularly popular are dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, arugula, dandelion, sorrel, spinach, green onions, lettuce, celery and the tops of various root vegetables. They make wonderful salads and even sauces, which are used to season sprouted grains or eat with raw food bread. Fresh herbs are very beneficial for the body, improve digestion, and also provide vitamins and minerals.

Another essential ingredient of a complete raw food diet is seaweed. It is rich in iodine and phosphorus, which play an important role in the normal functioning of the body. Raw foodists do not buy ready-made seaweed in stores, as it is boiled and then seasoned with vinegar and refined oil. Adherents of a healthy diet buy it in dried form, soak it in water and after that it becomes edible. It is added to various green salads or consumed as a healthy side dish.

Of course, raw foodists also season their salads and some dishes with vegetable oils, but they choose only those that have been first cold pressed and have not been refined. Olive, flaxseed and sesame oils are considered the most useful. They give dishes a pleasant aroma, improve digestion, maintain skin elasticity, and also saturate the body with saturated omega fatty acids.

Sample raw food menu for a week

In order for you to be convinced that a raw foodist’s diet can be tasty, satisfying and varied, we have prepared an approximate menu for the week.

    Day 1

    Breakfast: 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: green buckwheat, salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers, dressed with extra virgin olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of any dried fruits.

    Dinner: 1 glass of vegetable smoothie made from tomatoes, avocado, basil and parsley, 1 raw bread.

    Day 2

    Breakfast: 3 large grated apples with raisins and honey.

    Lunch: a glass of any freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice.

    Lunch: raw carrot cutlets, sprouted wheat.

    Afternoon snack: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs, dressed lemon juice and linseed oil.

    Dinner: salad from any fresh fruits and berries.

    Day 3

    Breakfast: soaked cereals with strawberries and mango.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: sprouted lentils, cauliflower, sweet pepper, broccoli and green pea salad, dressed with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

    Afternoon snack: 2 large apples.

    Dinner: pumpkin porridge with seeds.

    Day 4

    Breakfast: 1 glass of banana, strawberry and kiwi smoothie.

    Lunch: 150 grams of sunflower seeds.

    Lunch: uncooked creamy vegetable soup, raw onion bread.

    Afternoon snack: fresh melon or watermelon.

    Dinner: salad of seaweed, onion and broccoli, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.

    Day 5

    Breakfast: any juicy fruits and berries.

    Lunch: a handful of raw nuts.

    Lunch: pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of dates.

    Dinner: salad of arugula, sesame seeds, cauliflower and tomato, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil, 1 raw bread.

    Day 6

    Breakfast: a few slices of ripe watermelon, fresh strawberries and currants.

    Lunch: fresh cucumbers with garlic and dill.

    Lunch: sprouted wheat, salad of fresh cabbage, onions, carrots and herbs, dressed with sesame oil.

    Afternoon snack: green cocktail of zucchini, dill, parsley and sorrel.

    Dinner: soaked seaweed with sesame seeds and sesame oil, avocado sauce and bell peppers.

    Day 7

    Breakfast: apples stuffed with dried fruits.

    Lunch: any freshly squeezed juice from fruits and berries.

    Lunch: sprouted chickpeas, salad fresh champignons, onions, tomatoes and cauliflower, seasoned with olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: Korean-style salad of young zucchini and carrots.

    Dinner: slices of various vegetables with a sauce of ground raw nuts.

As you have already seen, a raw food diet can be very varied and tasty. With such a diet, you will feel great and lose weight quickly, and hunger will not make itself felt.

Recipes for delicious and healthy raw food dishes

For those who have no idea how to prepare a dish without boiling or frying it, we have prepared several recipes for popular raw food dishes.

Vegetable cream soup

Like all raw food dishes, vegetable cream soup requires a minimum of time and effort to prepare. To do this, chop fresh onions in a blender, cauliflower, carrots, young peas, celery stalks and parsley until a smooth puree forms. You can sprinkle pine nuts or pumpkin seeds on top of the soup - this will make the dish more savory and nutritious. Healthy and tasty raw food soup is ready! You can eat it in unlimited quantities at any time of the day without harming your figure.

Korean zucchini salad

Do you think raw foodists shouldn't eat Korean salads? Still possible, but only if they are prepared correctly without adding any chemicals. In order to prepare a Korean-style zucchini salad, you need to grate young zucchini on a special grater. Add grated carrots, ground nutmeg, coriander, crushed garlic and season the salad with olive or linseed oil. This salad acquires its most aromatic taste and pleasant consistency half an hour after thoroughly mixing the ingredients. It releases aromatic juice in which zucchini and carrots are marinated. In half an hour, you can enjoy the amazing taste of this salad and still reap the health benefits.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is a unique vegetable. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and microelements. Its taste qualities can leave few people indifferent and it is ideal for salads, soups and cereals. It is very simple to prepare pumpkin porridge without cooking; to do this, you need to choose a ripe specimen that has a rich aroma and a fiery orange color. The pumpkin must be cleared of seeds and skin, then grind in a meat grinder or blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. Those people who cannot live without sweets can add 1 teaspoon of honey to this porridge, as well as a little pollen. In other cases, it is better to season it with a small amount of flaxseed oil and sprinkle with raw pumpkin seeds.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

Various fruit or vegetable smoothies can be a very healthy and tasty snack or light dinner. Or you can combine fruits with vegetables and get a very unusual and piquant taste. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly wash the celery stalks, peel the oranges, kiwis and apples. All these ingredients must be thoroughly blended in a blender until a thick smoothie is formed.

Raw guacamole sauce

Among raw foodists, the spicy Mexican guacamole sauce is very popular, which can be eaten with slices of any vegetables, on lettuce or spinach, as well as with raw bread. To prepare it you will need ripe avocado, chili pepper, lime, tomatoes, garlic and a little coriander. All ingredients, except lime, must be thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then season the sauce with lime juice. As a result, you will get an exquisite sauce that will suit any dish.

Mediterranean salad

This salad can be prepared for festive table and it will become its decoration, and will also appeal to absolutely everyone, even non-raw foodists. Wash tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and cut into medium cubes. Rinse the arugula thoroughly and dry on a towel. Mix arugula with chopped vegetables, olives and sprinkle with sesame seeds or pine nuts. Dress the salad with lemon juice sauce olive oil and finely chopped parsley and basil. This salad is a real work of culinary art, absolutely everyone will like it and will bring maximum benefits.

If desired, the raw food menu can be very varied, because culinary imagination has no limits. It is very important that the food is not only very healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. It is then that it will bring you pleasure, will not get boring and will not make you want to break loose. Experiment, prepare healthy raw food dishes to suit your taste and your eating style will bring only positive emotions.

Filatova Anna, nutritionist


Bananas for breakfast are clearly too much. Honey in pumpkin porridge can be replaced with raisins, figs or sweet grapes.


You can really argue with the proposed menu. For example, what can a raw foodist eat for breakfast if the only fruits and vegetables he can eat on an empty stomach are apples?


I'm making a website for a mono-cheese food client.
I went online to study the topic.
I'm in shock because I've never heard of this before.
I want to try it myself for two weeks and find out what is useful for the site.
The essence of the task is to analyze the audience, understand who mono-raw foodists are, what are these people interested in, how do they live, what led them to a mono-raw food diet and what problems do they face, how old are they? It is necessary to highlight the main problems, age, approximate portrait, what these people do and are interested in.
This is the task


Proteins come from dead cells in your body. It's the same as if you ate meat, which is also dead tissue.


The article is good, but the menu for the week is simply ridiculous. You'll stretch your legs right away. Not to mention the fact that a third of the products there are non-raw food. By the way, why did someone write that you can plant everything with green buckwheat? What's wrong with her? I've been eating it every day for a year now.


The menu is not for our region.. especially this winter, at minus 40.. no raw food diet will help keep you warm, it won’t give you energy. In other seasons, you can eat raw food, cleanse the body, free the intestines from heavy food


Friends, what kind of bread (do they bake it)? What is the Korean word for carrots (aka vinegar)? What kind of cutlets (are they fried)? Raw food diet not only comes from the word eat, but also from the word raw, not cooked. Don't confuse warm with soft.


Thank you, very useful article!


To remove chemicals from fruits and vegetables that are treated with them, you need to put them in water for half an hour, the water will absorb this chemical


Indeed, the article is wonderful, but I would recommend understanding the combinations of vegetables and fruits. Because, for example, a tomato is eaten separately from a cucumber, for example, since a red tomato and a green cucumber are antagonistic foods, and it’s not at all a matter of external color difference. When consumed, tomatoes create an acidic environment in the stomach and digestive tract, while cucumbers create an alkaline environment. And as you know, this is how salts are formed. The consequences of eating such a salad can be very different: bloating, increased gas formation. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, but the enzymes contained in cucumbers contribute to the destruction of ascorbic acid and negate the benefits of eating salad.


What do raw foodists eat in winter? On our Far East Vegetables are only in season two months out of the year.



What a variety!!! You walk around all day nibbling grass like a cow.



On a raw food diet for a month. I feel great! I lost 5 kg. And the weight is stable. The hardest thing for me was giving up sugar. Regarding “gluttony” and “filling the stomach” - complete nonsense. The stomach itself knows how much it needs. If you have an appetite, then eat to your health!
Great article! More information like this!


It’s hard to get 1000 kcal a day here, and healthy person For normal life, you need from 1500 to 2000 kcal. After a month of eating this way, I would weigh 30 kg, or even less! Isn't it easier to just eat everything in moderation and exercise? physical exercise?


Tolya Talsky, you don’t understand this!


However, if you follow a raw food diet, do not


I really liked the article!
Only with breakfast, in my opinion, it's too much. It will be too much. A glass of smoothie is quite satisfying for me.


In general, everything is good, but in some places it turns out to be a bit much food at one time. Little has been said about greens - your teeth may start to hurt if you don’t eat enough of them. And I’m not sure with the mixture: is it possible to mix so many ingredients at once (I’m talking about salads). I think there should be a principle of separate nutrition here.


Excellent and convenient site)) Thanks and well done to the creators. Easy to read)))


Regarding the 1st day of the menu: for breakfast there is a lot - 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges. My husband and I are already full from just one banana. The rest, in my opinion, is overkill. The recipes are good, I liked them. But we decided to take up a raw food diet for health.


how much food do you need to prepare so as not to run to the store every day, how much does it cost, and all the vegetables and fruits are treated with chemicals, and how to combine all this with work. While you are looking for the right product, you will lose weight twice, and that’s good, thank you, well done.


When creating a raw food diet menu for the day, remember that you should like the products and bring pleasure. The benefits of a raw food diet lie not only in filling the stomach with useful substances, but also in the feeling of joy from life, enjoying the plant gifts of the Earth, which are filled with powerful solar energy.


So is pumpkin a vegetable or a fruit? As far as I know, the body needs to be alkalized. I eat it in large quantities, and the hard part is juice. I also eat a lot of cabbage. All from my garden.

In the last few years, special weight loss systems have gained popularity that promote proper nutrition and lifestyle. Thus, a raw food diet has become fashionable - this principle of food consumption determines the absence of heat treatment. But! Due to the lack of stewing, boiling and other principles of food preparation, eggs, meat, chicken and fish become forbidden for consumption - their use in raw form is dangerous to human health.

Surprisingly, even permitted vegetables and fruits on a raw food diet, according to experts, can be just as dangerous to human health and sometimes even life. So what is a raw food diet and how to properly adhere to the principle of eating foods so as not to harm yourself, because many famous actors and singers adhere to this particular system, and they look great. A raw food diet is a nutritional system in which only raw foods are eaten. Due to its peculiarities, a raw food diet is similar to, but is fraught with even greater restrictions on food.

Vegetarians are allowed to boil or stew permitted foods for consumption, while a raw food diet is the consumption of only raw plant foods. Moreover, the products must be environmentally friendly, fresh and natural. It turns out that raw foodists cannot even make a choice in favor of purchased milk or any other fermented milk product - there is no guarantee that they are made from natural milk. This factor encourages most raw foodists to leave the apartments of multi-storey buildings and purchase houses with a plot for growing their own vegetables.

To determine exactly who raw foodists are and what they eat, it is necessary to consider the available varieties of the presented raw food system.

Here they highlight:

  • Raw food diet-vegetarianism - this type of raw food diet allows you to consume all plant foods without heat treatment. Here, natural honey, soaked grains, and mineral water are allowed - even juices are perceived by raw foodists as a one-time consumption of food.
  • Fructorialism – the diet is based on fruits and berries. In fact, this type is the most difficult, so you should approach it gradually.
  • Omnivorousness is a type of raw food diet that allows fermented milk products of natural origin. Otherwise, the principle of nutrition is similar to the first option. It is also allowed to use here raw eggs, which is not always safe.
  • The latter type of raw food diet does not exclude baked bread from the diet, but the recipe must include only whole grains and exclude yeast. Beginner raw foodists initially use this type of raw food diet as a “pass ticket” into the world of eating raw ingredients.

This is important: Eating raw foods often results in food poisoning, exacerbations of gastritis and intestinal disorders.

It is not advisable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to resort to eating raw food - in this case, you should consult a doctor. However, raw foodists claim that eating only raw vegetables and fruits has cured serious and life-threatening diseases.

Authorized Products

The opinion of raw foodists about eating only raw food brings a smile to the faces of ardent opponents of such nutrition. Thus, those who eat raw fruits and vegetables claim that nature originally intended to eat only raw foods. Previously, there was no provision for cooking, so, in their opinion, heating food to 40 degrees Celsius simply “kills” everything healthy vitamins and microelements.

This is partly true – even experts talk about it. Moreover, after eating a cooked dish, a person begins to feel sleepy - this is due to the loss of enzymes from the body. A raw foodist always feels cheerful and active, since the deficiency is compensated by solar energy. Despite the presented factors and concessions, there is also an approved list of foods that can be eaten on a raw food diet.

These include:

  • a variety of greens - green onions, lettuce, parsley and dill, as well as some plant leaves that are suitable for consumption;
  • vegetables and fruits in raw form - everything that can be eaten raw is allowed (for example, potatoes, eggplants or zucchini in raw form are not suitable for consumption);
  • nuts - they are used in their natural form or chopped for making salads, which also include raw vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • seeds - sunflower, pumpkin and others, habitual for consumption;
  • cold-pressed vegetable oils - they are easy to find in grocery supermarkets;
  • cereal grains - not all, but many suitable for consumption in soaked form (for example, soaked wheat grains);
  • dried products without seasoning - here everything that has been dried or cured without additional heat treatment is allowed;
  • clean water - not all types of raw food diet allow the use mineral water, you should absolutely not drink water with gas.

This is interesting: Recipes for cooking from permitted products of plant origin in a raw food diet imply the presence of various smoothies. If the type of raw food diet includes the consumption fermented milk products, then vegetables, fruits or berries can be additionally mixed with milk.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet

After reading the information presented above, some confusion arises - why, in principle, adhere to a raw food diet. Raw foodists have a whole philosophy according to which raw food cannot harm human health, because the creation of humanity meant this. But due to the evolution that has taken place, a raw food diet is not always beneficial. What are the benefits and harms of constantly consuming raw vegetables and fruits?


Eating raw vegetables and fruits is healthy - even experts say so. The following useful qualities are highlighted here:

  • a raw food diet is allowed if you follow a diet due to the presence of a disease - this principle of nutrition is often recommended by a doctor during the recovery period after an exacerbation or surgery;
  • consumption of raw products helps in the treatment of hypertension, arthritis;
  • raw fruits and vegetables have a positive effect on the elimination of toxins;
  • timely cleansing of the intestines and body cells from waste and toxins contributes to a surge of strength and energy;
  • raw foodists sleep less, but feel much better.

The basis of the benefits of a raw food diet is given by the majority of adherents to the fact of losing weight - for example, raw foodists already lose 10-30 kg in 2-3 months. At the same time, their body is healthy, cheerful, and the person is cheerful, because he feels enchanting lightness in the body and in the digestive system.


Despite the positive aspects, experts say that resorting to a raw food diet is prohibited for people with pathologies of the digestive system - raw foods will only aggravate the situation and provoke an exacerbation. Moreover, beginning raw foodists note the presence of weakness, fatigue, abdominal pain, as well as intestinal upset - this is explained by a change in diet, which is not balanced at first.

Among other things, the following negative aspects of a raw food diet are identified:

  • at first you may experience numbness in the limbs;
  • an allergic reaction to previously habitual vegetables and fruits often develops;
  • beginning raw foodists complain of memory impairment, loss of concentration, and sudden apathy;
  • Beginning raw foodists even become aggressive - this is due to a lack of B vitamins in the body, which are responsible for the balance of the nervous system.

This is important: The adverse symptoms of eating only plant foods will disappear after 2-3 months. However, during this time a person may experience an exacerbation of life-threatening pathologies. To prevent this from happening, you should correctly switch to a raw food diet - it is important to follow the nutritional rules and recommendations of your doctor. It is better if the transition to a raw food diet takes place under the close attention of a specialist.

Stages of transition to a raw food diet

People switch to a raw food diet by observing all stages in a certain sequence - this will prevent dangerous food poisoning and stomach and intestinal disorders.

Here I highlight the following sequence:

  • First stage is to switch to proper nutrition - this means giving up processed foods, white bread, as well as other unhealthy fried and fatty foods. Mostly the diet should include plant foods - fruits, vegetables, cereals cooked in milk or water. As soon as such nutrition becomes no longer a burden, you can begin to move to the next stage.
  • Second phase implies the use of those products that are primarily used for vegetarianism. So, they refuse meat and fish - they give preference to eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Allowed ingredients may be boiled, stewed, or fried without oil.
  • In just a few weeks you can switch to third stage– eating mainly raw vegetables and fruits. Heat treatment is allowed, but it should be included in the diet only once a day.
  • It's coming The final stage , when heat-processed dishes are completely excluded from the diet - now only raw plant ingredients are on the menu.

During the transition to a raw food diet, you should not eat previously unloved foods - otherwise the transition will turn out to be a painful ordeal. They are used only at the moment of complete justification for a raw food diet - taste buds are modified, changing habits, so previously unloved vegetables and fruits will acquire new flavors.

This is interesting: As soon as a person begins to eat raw plant ingredients, his weight begins to rapidly decrease.

On average, if you have extra pounds, you can lose from 5 to 8 kg per month. Weight loss begins from the beginning of the first stage, which is why the raw food diet has become popular for people who want to lose excess weight.

Sample menu for the day

To better assimilate new food, beginning raw foodists can adhere to the following sample menu:

  • Any fruits and berries are allowed for breakfast. If it is possible to consume fermented milk products (a type of raw food diet allows this), you can prepare a cocktail. You should also drink a glass of water or freshly squeezed juice.
  • For lunch you should prepare a salad of fresh and raw vegetables. Here you cannot use seasonings - it is advisable to even exclude salt from the diet - but you can season the salad with lemon juice or approved vegetable oil.
  • Dinner is repeated - the salad can be modified using other vegetables and dressing.

During the day, drink plenty of fluids - water and freshly squeezed juices, which can be used as a snack, as if following the rules proper nutrition(second breakfast or afternoon snack). Every 2-3 days, soaked grains of cereals that are allowed and can be consumed raw should be introduced into the diet. They are necessary to cleanse the intestines of toxins, as well as the body cells of toxins. Lightness and vigor are felt within a few days after a full transition to a raw food diet.

Please note: The raw food diet is a complex nutrition system that not everyone can handle. So, to a greater extent, people who want to eat only raw food already at the first stage of the transition break down and return to their previous diet. This is permissible, but only at the first stage and once - immediately after the breakdown, you should continue the recommended diet.

Otherwise, raw foodists themselves note that after 2-3 weeks of the first stage, the desire to eat forbidden foods noticeably decreases. This is due to a change in taste buds - experts say that you can get rid of the habit of eating sweet or spicy foods after 21 days of abstinence. Therefore, the first stage can be extended for a month or more so that the transition to raw food occurs without disruptions or health problems.

A raw food diet is the consumption of foods without heat treatment. In other words, food products do not boil, do not fry, do not smoke or bake. Very often, vegetarianism and raw foodism are considered the same thing.

This type of nutrition has several subtypes, which differ in the products consumed. Let's look at each of them:

  1. Omnivorous raw food diet.People who eat according to this principle eat not only raw vegetables and fruits, but also meat, fish, seafood, milk, and eggs. But all this must be eaten raw or dried. No other processing is permitted. In some cases, milk is also prohibited. They eat only raw meat, fish and plant foods.
  2. Vegetarian raw food diet People who eat according to this principle exclude fish and meat from their diet. But they can consume milk and eggs.
  3. Vegan raw food diet.People who eat this type of diet do not consume any animal products. They eat exclusively plant foods. This type is the most common.
  4. Carnivorous raw food diet.The essence of this type is to eat fish without any processing. Eating raw seafood and meat is also allowed. Eating vegetables and fruits is kept to a minimum. This type is the most rare.
  5. Fruitarianism The essence of this diet is to eat only raw fruits, fresh fruits and berries. But the diet lacks vegetables and cereals.

Like any other nutrition system, a raw food diet has its own special principles. People who decide to switch to such a diet should stick to them. But this does not mean that it is necessary to strictly follow these rules. Of course, they need to be taken into account, but if you want to switch to a comfortable raw food diet, it is important to formulate your diet based on the individual characteristics of the body and the call of the body.

So, let’s look at the basic principles of a raw food diet. Firstly, raw foodists do not subject food to heat treatment exceeding 43 degrees. They are of the opinion that processing food at high temperatures leads to the loss of its beneficial properties. Secondly, the bulk of a raw foodist's diet consists of raw food. Raw foodists eat vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes without any heat treatment. Sometimes they also eat raw meat and fish. But most raw foodists also prefer a diet such as vegetarianism.

Another important principle of raw foodists is the rejection of all chemical additives. They eat only natural food and give preference to plant products. Raw foodists consume large amounts of pure natural water.

It is very important, in order for such nutrition to be effective, to understand the purpose of switching to a new diet. Why a raw food diet and not vegetarianism or some other type of diet? The main thing is to make a conscious, informed decision, and not do it because others eat this way, because it is fashionable or unusual. Otherwise, a raw food diet may bring harm rather than benefit.

Here are some factors that favor a raw food diet:

  • Firstly, a well-groomed body and a pleasant appearance, because the body is cleansed of waste and toxins. This diet helps you get rid of excess weight. At the initial stage, a person may even lose too much weight. But this is not a reason to panic, over time the body adapts, and the return to normal weight is guaranteed.
  • A raw food diet helps improve skin condition, complexion, nails will become less brittle, and hair will gain a beautiful healthy shine. After all, it’s no secret that during heat treatment, food partially loses its beneficial properties. By eating raw food, a person receives more beneficial microelements.
  • Raw food diet helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Food begins to be absorbed faster thanks to the beneficial elements of plant products. A person stops eating heavy foods that are rich in cholesterol and other harmful substances. This also helps normalize the digestive system.
  • Raw foodists are more resistant to physical stress. Undoubtedly, in the first stages of a raw food diet, feelings of weakness and fatigue will arise. Be sure to play sports, and this will help quickly tone your body. Do not forget that during intense sports, raw foodists need to take additional nutritional supplements. This will help compensate for the missing elements that athletes on a regular diet get from meat, fish or dairy products.
  • Raw foodists perceive foods and their taste in a new way. This is due to cleansing the taste buds of all chemical additives, salt and other seasonings.
  • In women who eat raw food, pain during menstruation is reduced, and PMS symptoms are practically absent. But there are cases when menstruation stops completely. This is due to a lack of some vitamin. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will help you choose a drug that will help normalize the menstrual cycle.

Raw food diet can also have a number of negative consequences. This is due to an unbalanced diet and, as a result, a lack of vitamins in the body.

If you want to switch to a strict raw food diet, be sure to consult a nutritionist!

Ayurveda is the influence of a particular process on the human body. In other words, this is the science of human life, his health.

Based on the teachings, food must be treated not as a pleasure in life, but as a need for the body. Only this perception of food will allow a person to switch to raw foodism or vegetarianism. Otherwise, a sudden change in diet can bring a person discomfort, psychological problems, and cases of breakdowns are not uncommon.

In Ayurveda, there are three types of people - Vata, Kapha and Pitta. A raw food diet is suitable for Kapha, but there are a number of contraindications. Vata needs to be careful about such a diet, but this does not mean that it should be avoided. There are many various types nutrition: mixed raw food diet, vegetarian raw food diet, etc. For people who belong to Pitta, a raw food diet is not prohibited, but there are a number of contraindicated foods: tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic, onions, radishes, ginger, mushrooms and honey.

Constant consumption of raw food is not suitable for Vatas. The condition of their body will not improve from such a diet. But they can periodically eat raw vegetables and fruits. It will even be useful.

Kaphas on a raw food diet will be able to improve their health and well-being. Such organisms are often filled with waste. It is the raw food diet that will help cleanse the digestive system and improve its functioning.

Most doctors do not share the opinion that constant consumption of raw food can improve human health. They believe that the most optimal solution is to eat both raw and thermally processed food. But at the same time, almost all doctors argue that raw food should prevail in the human diet. But, unfortunately, rarely anyone listens to this advice.

Raw food in the classical sense is a vegan nutrition system, when plant foods are consumed fresh, not thermally processed. But besides the classic, there are other directions:

  • omnivores - consume raw meat, fish, milk along with vegetables;
  • carnivores - prefer food of animal origin;
  • Fruitarians - consume exclusively fruits.

Some allow food to be heated to 40 °C, although this figure is literally pulled out of the ceiling and cannot be explained in any way.

When helping in this article to create the right menu for raw foodists, we will keep in mind the classical understanding of this concept. That is, we are talking about eating products of plant origin without the slightest heat treatment.

Features of the raw food menu

Before you create a menu, you need to understand how it is organized in general.

Grocery list:

  • All legumes are suitable, except for beans, which in their raw form do not have a pleasant taste;
  • mushrooms collected away from highways and industrial enterprises, but you need to be careful with them: not all of them can be eaten raw, so if you lack experience and knowledge, it is better to stick to champignons;
  • greens: arugula, lettuce, parsley, sorrel, dill, celery, marjoram, spinach, cilantro, asparagus, chard, tarragon, basil, rhubarb;
  • medicinal herbs: dandelion leaves, quinoa, young nettle;
  • drinks: melt water, fresh juices, smoothies, cocktails, juices (naturally, all this is freshly squeezed, not packaged or store-bought);
  • nuts (any kind, no exceptions);
  • sweeteners;
  • sprouted grains and seeds;
  • vegetables: cabbage (including sauerkraut), carrots, onions, beets, peppers, Jerusalem artichokes, artichokes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, radishes, radish, melon (everyone’s favorite potatoes are not included in this list, because it cannot be eaten raw);
  • cold-pressed vegetable oils - any, but you should give preference to the healthy classic - Extra virgin olive oil;
  • seeds;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • dried fruits (without chemical treatment and drying in ovens, best option- dried at home, not store-bought);
  • fruits (not waxed): cherries, apples, grapefruit, grapes, pears, tangerines, peaches, kiwi, limes, nectarines, lemons, plums, pomegranates, oranges, apricots, quince, persimmons, bananas, avocados, pineapples;
  • berries: serviceberry, raspberry, viburnum, strawberry, blueberry, gooseberry, all varieties of currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, bird cherry, lingonberry, cranberry, blackberry, cloudberry.

There is a special relationship here with honey. Some people use it and call themselves raw foodists. However, this is not entirely true - in a raw food diet it is a prohibited product due to its not very good attitude to the bees.

Basic principles of menu design

The main principle: raw foodists eat fresh, plant-based food without heat treatment. It is desirable that all products are environmentally friendly, that is, not genetically modified and in the cultivation of which no chemical fertilizers were used.

The break between meals should be about 4 hours. Portions for lunch and dinner should be impressive. Daily norm greens to maintain favorable stomach microflora - 800 g. A proper dish should not include more than 3 main ingredients. Maximum - 5.

Little life hacks

If there is a lack of proteins, raw foodists need to include as much as possible in the menu:

  • legumes;
  • kelp;
  • nuts;
  • sprouted grains;
  • sunflower seeds

Some eat fresh, non-industrially processed milk and natural farm eggs (not hatched). This is still acceptable for beginners, but not for experienced ones. After all, these are products of animal origin that are strictly prohibited in Russia.

For calcium deficiency:

  • basil;
  • young nettle leaves;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • poppy seeds;
  • almond;
  • parsley;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • dill;
  • hazelnut;
  • garlic.

For iron deficiency:

  • legumes;
  • greens: asparagus, spinach;
  • cereals: buckwheat, oats, rye, wheat;
  • vegetables: beets, broccoli, corn;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits: pomegranate, plum, persimmon, apples.

Moving on to this system nutrition, it is worth considering that the body will constantly lack some vitamins and microelements that usually come from food of animal origin. And the use of vitamin complexes and medications is prohibited by the vegan worldview. However, to improve your health, you can always make an exception if at some point a deficiency of calcium or iron is discovered and you have to take medications containing them as prescribed by your doctor. Although with a properly designed menu, problems of this kind can be avoided.

Famous raw foodists. The following people adhere to a raw food diet: famous people, like Alexey Voevoda (Russian bobsledder), Jim Morris (baseball, USA), as well as Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Natalie Portman and actor Mel Gibson.


To correctly create a raw food menu, you need to know little secrets. We offer lists of products from which you can combine a light breakfast, a full lunch and a hearty dinner.

Breakfast (should be light):

  • fruits (bananas, citrus fruits);
  • fresh berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds;
  • smoothies, fresh juices, juices.
  • vegetable salads;
  • soups are a must (like gazpacho);
  • cocktails, smoothies made from greens (dill, parsley, celery).

Dinner (should be filling and high in calories):

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds;
  • sprouted grain;
  • combined salads from seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits (beets, carrots, apples);
  • porridge (beans, pumpkin).

Snacks (to satisfy hunger):

  • selected vegetables;
  • individual fruits;
  • nuts;
  • raw food desserts;
  • beverages.

Pay attention to the main difference between a raw food diet and a conventional food system: instead of a rich, hearty breakfast, a light smoothie, and instead of a low-calorie and minimal dinner, hearty, hearty meals.

Helpful advice. Vegan nutrition experts and nutritionists recommend that anyone following a raw food diet include a glass of beet juice a day. According to studies, it increases endurance and allows you to not feel tired even after intense workouts.

Meal options

It is believed that creating a menu for a raw food diet is very difficult, because the number of dishes that can be prepared from permitted products is limited. In fact, you can find a huge amount, and there is no end in sight. There are cutlets, cabbage rolls, cakes, pies, marshmallows, ice cream, and even truffles - and all this is made exclusively from plant foods.

  • Orange smoothie;
  • green smoothies (there are a huge number of recipe options);
  • fruit icecream;
  • fruit salad;
  • almond crackers;
  • raw truffles.

For lunch:

  • different versions of gazpacho - cucumber, strawberry, tomato, traditional;
  • soups - nut, vegetable, spicy, spicy;
  • cold soups - cabbage, borscht;
  • different salad options: lingonberry, cabbage and onion, sea, bean, summer, vitamin, brush.

For dinner:

  • nut, fruit, apple pastille;
  • porridge - pea, lentil, legume, flaxseed;
  • zucchini pasta;
  • pecan pie;
  • hummus;
  • chickpea pate, avocado;
  • beet dumplings;
  • raw cabbage rolls;
  • champignons: Greek style, with pomegranate, salad;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • raw spaghetti.

So when creating a menu, the problem will not arise with the choice of dishes - you can find a huge number of recipes. The difficulty is to have a balanced diet. And here you can’t do without approximate power plans.

Curious. Nutritionists have different opinions about the raw food diet for weight loss. Most of them, based on recent studies, argue that raw foodists themselves cannot be obese and suffer from obesity. Such a nutrition system automatically reduces caloric intake and, accordingly, weight. However, there are those who argue that in order to get rid of extra pounds, even here you will have to cut down on portion sizes. The latter point of view is increasingly being criticized and does not stand up to it.

Several menu options

When preparing a diet, it is advisable to rely on sample menu a raw food diet, in which the caloric intake, the ratio, and the presence of vitamins and microelements that the body needs are calculated. And take into account first of all your own life situation. If you are an athlete - look for nutrition for building muscle mass, if you need to lose weight - for weight loss, etc.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: 200 ml Orange smoothie.
  • Lunch: 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 ml cucumber gazpacho, 200 g salad of radish, spinach, celery, parsley and dill, 200 ml orange juice.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of walnuts.
  • Dinner: 250 g of bean porridge, a small piece of nut marshmallow, 200 ml of fresh berry juice.

Menu for beginners for 2 weeks

The menu for beginners is very important, because most people refuse a raw food diet only because they were unable to switch to it correctly. The main principle here is gradualism. You can’t eat fried meat and hot soups for 30 years, and with tomorrow start eating everything raw.

The transition should be stepwise. On average, it takes 2-3 weeks. This can be seen from the proposed menu, detailed in detail for these 2 weeks by day:

  • first, you give up meat and fish and eat raw food for dinner;
  • in the second, remove dairy products and eggs, include non-thermally processed foods for breakfast;
  • the third week is not scheduled, because it already involves a complete transition to the traditional menu as part of a raw food diet (an example will be given below).

For muscle gain

Don't believe the myths that when eating raw food, muscle gain suffers due to lack of protein. It is also found in plant foods, so when preparing correct menu such a problem will not arise.

You can focus on the following nutritional plan for one day of a bodybuilder - developed by specialists and successfully tested in practice:

  • in the morning, half an hour before breakfast: 200 ml of raw water;
  • first breakfast: 200 ml lemon-orange juice;
  • charger;
  • after 15 minutes: 250 g of green soup, 200 ml of apple smoothie;
  • strength training (in an hour);
  • immediately after training: 200 ml banana-mango smoothie;
  • lunch: 250 g green soup, 200 ml pineapple smoothie;
  • afternoon snack: 250 g of green soup, 200 ml of banana and papaya smoothie;
  • dinner: 1 avocado, 250 g green salad, 200 ml tomato smoothie.

If there are not enough calories, on days when there are no workouts, you can eat an additional 500 g of watermelon or grapes.

For weight loss

If you plan to constantly adhere to a raw food diet, then this menu is of no use to you - it is better to turn to the traditional one. This nutritional plan is offered by nutritionists to those who want to go on such a diet for a week and then return to their normal diet.

Unlike the classic raw food menu, portion sizes are limited for weight loss, and only one dish is offered for lunch instead of two. In addition, nutritionists do not recommend using sweet fruits like bananas and grapes here, not consuming dried fruits and nuts, and excluding corn.

The result under strict restrictions is minus 3 kg per week.

Calcium-rich menu for the day

  1. Breakfast: green smoothie, which must include basil, parsley and dill.
  2. Lunch: a handful of almonds.
  3. Lunch: chickpea hummus, carrot salad (or), but always with garlic. Green cocktail (parsley and dill are constant ingredients).
  4. Afternoon snack: a mixture of ground poppy seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.
  5. Dinner: salad of young nettle and dandelion leaves.

Menu with recipes for the day

A sample menu for one day with recipes will show you how varied and tasty dishes on a raw food diet can be. If you eat normally, you probably haven’t even heard of them.

Breakfast: green shake


  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 mango;
  • 1 peach;
  • 1 sour green apple;
  • 1 orange;
  • 50 g spinach;
  • 100 ml raw water;
  • 3 raspberries;
  • 3 mint leaves.


  1. Cut the fruits, peel and seeds into large pieces.
  2. Chop the spinach.
  3. Beat them together in a blender.
  4. Before serving, garnish with raspberries and mint.

Lunch: orange cream soup


  • 200 g of sprouted (or soaked) green buckwheat;
  • 200 ml raw water / cabbage brine;
  • undiluted juice of a third of a lemon;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • 5 sprigs of dill.


  1. Grate half a carrot.
  2. Chop the dill.
  3. Cut the other half of the carrots into large pieces, mix with buckwheat, add water/brine, lemon juice, add salt and pass the whole mass through a blender.
  4. Before serving, decorate the plate with grated carrots and chopped herbs.

Afternoon snack: green ice cream


  • 300 g avocado;
  • 50 ml undiluted lime juice;
  • 50 g lime zest;
  • sweetener;
  • a pinch of vanilla.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lime and chop the zest.
  2. Peel the avocado and cut into pieces.
  3. Mix all ingredients and puree in a blender.
  4. Place in a container.
  5. Keep in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
  6. Serve in dessert plates in the form of balls.

Dinner: raw cabbage rolls


  • 6 leaves of young beet tops;
  • 100 g white cabbage;
  • 1 small zucchini;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half an onion;
  • half a bell pepper;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 15 g sunflower seeds;
  • 15 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml undiluted lemon juice;
  • 50 ml raw water;
  • a little olive oil;
  • a bunch of any greenery.


  1. Soak the walnuts overnight in cold water and dry.
  2. Wash the beet tops and trim the ends. Dry.
  3. Pass pepper, cabbage, carrots, onion, and tomato through a blender into the minced meat.
  4. First grate the zucchini, then chop the resulting strips with a knife.
  5. Prepare a sauce from walnuts, flax and sunflower seeds, garlic, herbs, lemon juice, water, mixing all these ingredients in a blender.
  6. Mix vegetables and sauce. Season with oil.
  7. Wrap the filling in beet tops like cabbage rolls.

The menu in a raw food diet, in contrast to existing myths about its scarcity and imbalance, can include varied and very delicious dishes. There is no shortage of recipes, and there is no shortage of necessary products in modern hypermarkets either. Today even under New Year You can find fresh strawberries and all kinds of greens. You just have to try it to understand whether this is your power system or not.

Foods that a raw foodist eats
Vegetables and fruits only fresh (not boiled, not fried, not steamed, not dried, not frozen). During heat treatment, as mentioned earlier, all enzymes are destroyed. Food processed in this way changes its original structure and pollutes the human body, not to mention some beneficial properties which he carries.
At first, you can make salads from vegetables; they are very satiating and perfectly cleanse the intestines. Fruits can be eaten in their original form; if you want something exotic, you can make a fruit smoothie (no additives, just fruit). Drinks (such as tea, coffee, cocoa, kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, milk, etc.) also have an extremely negative impact on health, because we are 65 percent water. Freshly squeezed juices are what can complement your diet.
Be careful! Raw food recipes, which are so zealously promoted in various sources, are a matter of making money (and no one there cares about your health anymore). You can, of course, consider this a transitional stage to a raw food diet, but you get used to these tastes, and they will haunt you for a very long time. Many people, when they first learn about a raw food diet, begin to cook according to raw food recipes. After eating this way for some time, they begin to complain that they have problems with their teeth (or any other problems). Although they didn’t even switch to a raw food diet. Using a dehydrator (which supposedly dries food at 30-41 degrees for 4 hours or more) is very doubtful. As well as adding seasonings, salt, honey, butter, dried fruits, cheese, chocolate, milk...etc to these recipes. Get used to something that will undoubtedly benefit you right away. The simplest thing is usually the most effective - pick it and eat it.
Magic chewing
If you want to increase the effectiveness of a raw food diet hundreds of times, magic chewing will help you with this (a separate article will be written). As it says ancient wisdomDrink the solid and eat the liquid. Chewing food in your mouth until it dissolves with saliva has enormous benefits. If someone has an ulcer, gastritis or stomach problems, this is the ideal solution. When chewed to a liquid state, the food dissolves itself; when it enters the stomach, the body does not need to make any efforts. special effort. Also, the problem of overeating disappears. A person is satisfied with a very small amount of food; huge improvements are noticeable after the first day of using this technique in practice. At the same time, it seems that you eat all day long; this serves as additional emotional support. So, a raw food diet + magical chewing works real miracles, you just have to check this fact from your own experience!
How many times a day and what quantity of food should you eat?
Everything is individual. Eat as much as you want and when you want, there should be no psychological discomfort. The more you eat in the initial stages, the faster you will cleanse your intestines, which are probably in a deplorable state. Usually people eat from 2-5 kg. fruits and vegetables per day.
You need to get used to the state of an empty stomach. The fact is that vegetables and fruits are digested very quickly and do not lie like a languid burden, as happens with heat-treated food.
On a note:
In ancient times, for example, the Greeks and Romans ate only one meal a day: even the athletes who made up the army, who marched for days with heavy ammunition, ate this way. For more than a thousand years, one meal in the evening, after finishing the day's work, was the norm for civilized peoples living on the coast. Mediterranean Sea. The transition to three meals a day occurred as prosperity grew. The amount of food consumed in any country at all times depended more on the economic situation than on a person’s nutritional needs.

At the moment, almost all semi-finished products contain salt. This substance causes thirst, which is why doctors recommend drinking 2 liters. water per day. When eating fruit, the need for additional fluid disappears, as well as abnormal thirst. Juicy fruits contain a sufficient amount of water, filtered by nature itself. Our body is able to manage how much fluid it needs. And if he doesn’t give signals, then there’s no need to force additional liquid into him.
What is unnecessary to eat!
Bread, wheat . Of all grains, wheat is the worst, especially in the form of bread. The anti-grain tradition has never been widely supported, but progressive health experts have always understood that grains are not optimal for humans. (For more information, see Doug Graham's book, Grain Damage.)

Milk and cheese. Cheese is an extremely concentrated food, and fully ripened (aged, or "mature") cheese is generally the worst food for humans. "Young" (not ripened) cheese, made from raw milk, is slightly more digestible, but still far from an ideal food. Tofu, which is often used as a substitute for cheese, is also too concentrated and indigestible.

Fish and seafood . All fish are to one degree or another contaminated with heavy metals (in particular mercury), which have an extremely negative effect on health and are removed from the body with great difficulty. A single serving of fish can contain enough mercury or other heavy metals to poison our bodies. When it comes to seafood, you should know that animals such as lobsters, oysters, etc. literally serve as cleaning filters for the ocean. They pass large volumes of water through themselves, which makes seafood perhaps the most environmentally “dirty” food on the planet.

Spices, spices, seasonings. This category includes: black pepper, salt, white pepper, cayenne pepper, ginger, red hot peppers, chili peppers, raw garlic, raw onions and anything containing them: kimchi, Tabasco, hot sauces, etc. Consumption of spices have an extremely negative impact on health (see Chapter 15), they irritate the entire gastrointestinal tract, provoke the formation of mucus (the body’s protective reaction) and complicate digestion.

Coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa. All this contains specific substances (caffeine and theobromine) that excite nervous system. Caffeine-containing drinks and cocoa products include: coffee, hot chocolate, dark chocolate, raw cocoa beans, black and green tea, mate. For those who have switched from a traditional diet to a more natural diet, these poisons have an even stronger effect on the body. For a raw foodist, one cup of coffee can have the same effect as four cups for a follower of the Standard American Diet! There is no compromise with these products.
I repeat once again that it is better to avoid non-raw food products such as milk, nuts, honey, butter (all types), and spices right away. After eating exclusively fresh vegetables and fruits for several months, you can try some of the above. The reaction of a more or less clean organism will very clearly show you why it is better not to eat them.
The food intended for us by nature is fruits and vegetables in their natural form.

Sample menu for the day (for different people)

2 bananas, a couple of pieces of watermelon, about a kg of grapes, 3 tablespoons of pollen, half a liter of juice (carrots, beets, apples), a liter of water, and now I still intend to eat about 6 bananas. Arthur Solntselyubov

7 bananas, 2 peaches, 3 nectarines and water Alena Agamirzova

6 small apples (400-500 g), half a watermelon (3 kg) Vera Shatkovskaya

figs about 1.5 kg - salad cucumbers + tomatoes + ground pine nuts - a bowl of melon - pea soup - I recently came up with. warm water + ground peas + onions + greens and carrots on a grater Alina Rrrrrrr

1 kg of tomatoes, a bunch of dill, 1.5 kg of white quiche-mish grapes, 4 peaches Ksenia Nurulova

1 kg. grapes, salad (2 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 2 peppers, 50g Chinese cabbage, 50g cilantro and parsley), 70g. nuts Marina Sokolova

small watermelon, 1.5 kg of tomatoes, 500 grams of cucumbers, melon, 500 grams of grapes, 4-5 apples - everything. Vladimir Volkov

1 kg grapes, divided into two meals Ksenia Drannikova

5 bananas, 6 tomatoes, peppers, green onions, ginger, 6 small apples Rita Suarez

grapes (500g), melon (1.5 kg) Egor Gromadsky

1 glass of apple juice, 3 nectarines (lunch). 800 grams of grapes, 3 kiwis. 500 gr. melons (dinner) Elena Lukinova

Watermelon and four nuts. Alexey Razmyslov

1.5-2 kg watermelon, 2 bananas and 5 large apples Alla Sergeevna

Half a small watermelon, an apple, a kg of sweet plums, sunflower seeds, 2 glasses of tomato juice with herbs and pepper from an auger with mung bean sprouts. Irina Troshina

in the morning 6 apples; at lunch about 0.5 l. water and after 30 min. 2 bananas, at 17:00 4 apples and a medium plate of cherries, now I will have either apples, plums, or tomatoes. When I eat 4, when I eat 5 times; better, of course, more often, but in small quantities so as not to stretch the stomach, I often can’t hold back. I ate bananas today only because I was neither at home nor at work, and they are the most convenient food that you can eat on the road, not mine hands, carefully cleaning! Mikhail Samokhvalov

In the morning 1 kg of melon, 1 apple, for lunch a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, dinner about 1 kg of watermelon. Daria Starodubova

In the morning a glass of water and orange juice, in the evening 19:00 2 glasses of water and at night 22:00 a glass of orange juice Andrey Grigoriev

Peach, 2 bananas, grape branch, 3 apples Albert Basniev

In the morning, a glass of water - 6.00, 8.00 - a glass of fresh apple juice - 250 ml, 12.00 - three bell peppers 350 gr., 15.00 - three home-made tomatoes 400 gr., 19.00 - glass of fresh grape juice - Moldavian grapes - 250 ml Tatiana Zizka

1 kg grapes, 4 bell peppers, parsley, and cabbage))) Sasha Sakovich

1 banana, liter of water with lemon juice, 2 large salad bowls of vegetables: cabbage, tomato, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, eggplant Dima Titov

morning: freshly squeezed citrus juice, 1 liter. lunch: 1.5 kg peaches afternoon snack: 1 kg nectarine dinner: watermelon about 2 kg. Victor Galushin

in the morning 1 mango and 1 avocado, in the afternoon 2 bananas. Zara Malikova

breakfast: 8 cucumbers and 1 tomato, lunch: small melon, 300 grams of grapes dinner: 2 apples, a few slices of watermelon, banana =) Tatiana Tikhonova

morning: banana, plate of melon, mango lunch: avocado + tomato afternoon snack: honey with nuts dinner: 3 medium tomatoes, cucumber, half a pepper, herbs, onion Lena Yakimova

2 bananas and 2 apples =) Blond Law

early BREAKFAST - plums (300 g). second BREAKFAST - 2 apples and 1 pear. LUNCH - fresh grapefruit, vegetable salad. DINNER - salad of vegetables and herbs (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cinnamon, lettuce, parsley) (I am a raw foodist for the first month) Iya Radovskaya

2 pears, 2 bananas, 6 kg of watermelon (still in the process of eating) Slava Odintsov

6 apples, 2 bananas, 4 peaches, a couple of tablespoons of seeds, 4 small tomatoes, now I’m chewing watermelon)) Anna Sozina

14 bananas, half a kilo of tomatoes and 150 grams of seeds. Sergey Sinyugin

half a kilo of plums, 2 apples. I'm also going to have a salad for dinner with apples, carrots and celery. It wasn’t a very gluttonous day; sometimes I eat a lot more.) Alik Somov

in the morning - sprouted wheat with a banana (it turned out to be something like a nutritious porridge), lunch - I skip it because of school, in the evening - cucumber salad and tomato. Nadya Koroleva

Well, I mean... for breakfast (8 hours 00 min.) bananas - 365 gr. 100 mlgr. and orange juice 250 g 50 mlg. Then I thought, I want peanuts - I weighed it - 50 grams - normal, I think it will fit in more. There is already lunch (12 hours 45 minutes) - 5 apples each, 80 g, 4 plums, 25 g, and of course, melon 2 kg, 300 g. 35 mlgr. I didn’t want to have dinner (6:30 p.m.), but there were still 10 peaches left. 200 gr. and several grapes, 10 grams each. each. Well, and seeds, of course, 100 g. 40 mlg. And so, in general, well, in general, I don’t make a cult out of food, because you need to eat like you need to breathe)) Anastasia Uryadova

In the morning bananas, apples, on the way to work pumpkin seeds. Bananas and apples at lunch, bananas and apples at 5 o’clock, pumpkin seeds on the way home from work. I don't have dinner. On weekends the menu is more varied, of course) Infected Mushroom

1 peach and 1 apple at 16:00 Vladimirovna Elena

2 bananas and 4 apples) Anton Shabalin

melon in the morning, melon at lunch, watermelon in the evening))) Alexander Ivanovsky

In the morning, a glass of defrosted water, settled on shungite and silicon, then 10 apples of 2 medium-sized varieties, 1 corn, (Tomato, cucumber, pepper, zucchini, greens) this is a salad, 1 banana and a sprig of green quiche-mish grapes, in my opinion... EVERYTHING! 7 months raw foodist is HAPPY! EVERYTHING IS FINE! Evgeniy Bogvil

Now you already know which foods should be consumed on a raw food diet and which should not. For a start, this is more than enough, but then it’s just practice and your own experiments.