Pedagogical certification per year. The certification process for teachers. What changes are coming

Every year the curriculum becomes more complicated, and not only school, but also preschool, this requires advanced training of teachers. In order to assess how their training corresponds to the time, certification is carried out in all educational institutions teaching staff in 2017, it takes place every 5 years, it concerns almost all employees of educational and educational institutions. In 2016-2017, there were some changes regarding the verification procedure, let's consider how they are expressed.

Teacher certification in 2017

In order for the education process to improve in secondary educational institutions, teachers must constantly learn, this applies to computer technology and other innovations. The Ministry of Education and Science, represented by Deputy Minister N. Tretyak, even turned to the Russian government with a proposal to change the approach to certification of teachers, namely: to introduce a module on knowledge of IT technologies and communication, that is, the ability to resolve conflict situations with students and their parents. This unifies the criteria for teachers' compliance with modern requirements, will identify common gaps and difficulties, and introduce them into the program of advanced training institutes. So far, this is only a proposal, but there are also approved changes to the certification of teachers in 2016-2017. Starting from this year, all teachers will have to confirm their qualifications every 5 years. Certification will be of two types - mandatory and voluntary, the first applies to all working teachers with the exception of:

  • beginners, whose experience is 2 years or less;
  • pregnant women;
  • who are on maternity leave, they will undergo this procedure 2 years after returning to work;
  • employees who are absent for more than 4 months for any reason, for them, certification will take place 1 year after the restoration.

However, all of the above teachers, if desired, will be able to pass the commission along with everyone else. The new attestation of teaching staff who wished to voluntarily undergo an examination in order to increase their category will take place in two stages. At the first, you will need to confirm the existing qualification, at the second - to prove your compliance with a higher category.

With mandatory certification for a teacher who failed to confirm his qualifications, the category is canceled. Let's clarify what qualification is characterized by - this is the level of knowledge of the subject, skills, ability to transfer material, application modern techniques, all standards are set according to qualification reference books.

Purposes of certification

Such checks stimulate teachers to improve and increase their knowledge, develop and apply new methods based on advanced technologies. Certifications do not make it possible to conduct classes somehow, in the old fashioned way, they require a surge of initiative and activity, because no one wants to lose their authority, their existing rank, and, in the end, part of their salary. The new certification of teachers does not recognize excuses for age, teachers who do not meet the standards can even be fired, this is provided for by law. Ultimately, the conduct of official reviews encourages teachers to personal growth, which ultimately leads to a general rise in the educational level of an individual school and in the whole country.

Certification procedure

Applicants for attestation must submit documents to the Department of Education 60 days before the start of the commission's work according to the attestation schedule, which is known in advance. Since 2016, the list of documents has changed, now it consists of:

  • personal statement;
  • diploma of education;
  • a copy of the document on the change of surname (if any);
  • copies of the conclusion of the last certification;
  • characteristics from the place of work, reflecting the competence, professionalism, personal qualities of the applicant.

Approximately in a month, the applicant will receive an answer about the date and place where the certification of the teacher will take place. The procedure consists of two stages - confirmation of the existing qualification and obtaining the next higher one. At the first stage, knowledge of the subject, teaching skills, methods of teaching are assessed. In the presence of additional materials characterizing the activities of the teacher, the commission gets acquainted with them. What is new in the certification of teachers in 2017 is that computer testing is now carried out in a specially equipped center. The assessment tests consist of 100 questions, which he must answer within 2.5 hours, the questions include the following topics:

  • legislation;
  • fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology;
  • knowledge of the subject;
  • teaching methodology.

For each question, 6 answers are offered, you must choose 1 correct one, applicants who score at least 60% are considered to have passed the test, thus confirming their existing qualifications.

Certification of teachers for the highest category occurs at the next stage, but only for participants who correctly answered at least 85 questions and have 1 qualification category. During the verification phase, they will need to:

  • provide a self-examination report characterizing the applicant in terms of professionalism with links to websites, publications;
  • prove mastery and use of IT technologies,
  • provide their methodological developments, preferably published and already applied in practice by other teachers;
  • prove the high level of training of students by providing lists of children - participants and winners of olympiads, competitions, competitions;
  • personal achievements - diplomas, awards, letters of thanks.

The overall level of the applicant must be above average.

What is new in the certification of teachers applying for the first category is much more modest. In this case, it is enough to have the second category, go through the confirming stage and prove: possession of modern methods, use of new methods in practice, good preparation of pupils - their participation in olympiads, competitions, etc. It will not be superfluous in both cases to provide a portfolio and demonstrate video materials. Certification of pedagogical workers for obtaining a category takes place before a commission consisting of a chairman, a secretary, and several members.

Certification results, how they affect professional growth

At the meeting of the qualification commission, according to the new rules, the applicant may also be present, but he does not have the right to vote. In this case, he will immediately know about a positive verdict or a refusal to assign a new category. The new form of certification provides for the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the chairman and all members of the commission, subsequently this document is part of the teacher's track record, presented at the next certification or when changing jobs. With a written opinion, teachers can apply to the director of the educational institution, they have the right to count on an increase in wages.

If the applicant was not present at the meeting, the protocol with the conclusion of the commission comes to the name of the employer, who introduces him to the teacher.

If the certified person disagrees with the conclusions of the commission, he has the right to apply to the court or the department for attestation of scientific and pedagogical workers.

Innovations awaiting educators

Changes in the certification of teachers do not end with the above requirements; from January 1, 2017, the introduction of a professional standard for teachers is being prepared, which will also affect all educational institutions. The document will list the requirements that a teacher must meet, this applies to professional and personal qualities. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, certification of teachers should include training, education and development. The first two concepts do not require explanation, but development implies the inclusion in their activities of knowledge of the special skills of a psychologist, speech therapist and other specific abilities. Far from all teachers are pleased with such a prospect, however, it is too early to talk about its implementation, first an approbation should be carried out. Such a new form of certification of teachers, planned from January 1, 2017, will probably make many of them think about continuing their professional activities. Certification of teaching staff, new rules for its implementation in conjunction with school lessons create an unbearable burden, will the introduction of professional standards be a drop that will overwhelm the cup of patience? Many teachers, before starting school year cherished the hope that the certification would not be canceled in 2016-2017, but it seems that this will not happen, everything will take place, the schedules have already been drawn up. We wish all of them patience and good luck, because the future of the country depends on the work of these people.

The certification of teachers in 2017 will affect thousands of teachers across the country. Checking the professional level and stimulating teachers to improve this level will soon bear fruit and improve the quality of secondary education in the country.

Certification of teaching staff according to the new rules

The certification of pedagogical workers in 2017 provides for new rules, which imply its implementation in 2 stages. At the first stage, the teacher needs to convincingly show that he is suitable for doing his noble work. And then the teacher will have to defend his claim to the possession of the next pedagogical category. The qualification level of the teacher rises after the appropriate decision of a specially convened commission, whose members assess how competent the teacher is as a specialist in his field and, in principle, is capable of working with children and being able to give them a high level of knowledge.

For Russian teachers, modern rules provide for two types of certification. Certification of teaching staff in 2017, therefore, will remain in a mandatory and voluntary form. Mandatory certification applies to all teachers in general and ensures at least the maintenance of the level of education that is already available, and with the help of a voluntary teacher, he can improve his qualifications, as well as professional growth, and, importantly, an increase in salary. It also stimulates the growth school education in the country in general.

Mandatory certification of teaching staff in 2017

Mandatory type of certification of teaching staff in 2017 retained last changes, which were introduced a year before, that is, it will still be mandatory for each teacher to pass once in 5 years. At the same time, only those teachers who have already received a qualification category will not have to participate in mandatory certification, and, of course, it will not affect women who are expecting a child.

The mandatory type of attestation of teachers in 2017 does not apply to teachers who have been working in schools for less than two years. Teachers who have gone on parental leave will also be able to be certified later, within two years after returning to work from the decree, from which, of course, they will not be torn off.

Also, those teachers who, for good reasons, have not worked for the last 4 months or more (have been sick, etc.) are not subject to the passage of a mandatory type of certification. For them, there is a one-year deferral of certification, during which they will be able to restore their skills and calmly prepare for the test of their professional suitability.

Voluntary certification of teaching staff in 2017

Voluntary certification (including certification of teachers for the highest category) in 2017 will also be exactly the same as before. This type of certification is provided in order to stimulate professional growth the teacher who strives for his own professional development, wants to constantly improve and grow.

In order to voluntarily pass certification, the teacher must write a statement about this to the director of his school. He will submit it for consideration, which will last up to 30 days, and in case of a positive decision, a commission will be assembled, which will evaluate the pedagogical level of the applicant. According to the law, two calendar months are allocated for this verification itself.

In order to successfully pass the certification of teachers for the highest category in 2017, the applicant must at least be the owner of the first category, received by him at least two years ago.

After successful certification and obtaining a higher category, the teacher will immediately be able to count on an increase in salary, which, of course, is already a good incentive for educators to constantly increase their pedagogical level.

If the teacher does not agree with the decision made by the commission, he can file an appeal, and then an appeal commission will be convened to help resolve the situation. Another option for him is to go to court.

Thus, the permanent certification of teachers in conjunction with incentive payments for teachers (which can be earned for extracurricular work with lagging behind or outstanding students, for organizing various creative or sports clubs at school, etc.), should allow, in the foreseeable future, to increase the level of training of graduates schools, and, consequently, the level of school education in the country as a whole. What will come out of this, time will tell, but so far it is obvious that, in spite of everything, the prestige of the profession of a teacher, especially in large and medium-sized cities, is gradually beginning to rise and approach the level deserved by workers of one of the most noble professions.

How will legislative changes affect certification?

On January 1, 2017, the law “On Independent Assessment of Qualifications” came into force, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 1, 2016 No. 601n. In July of this year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved an action plan for the formation and introduction of a national system of teacher growth - a "road map". The adoption of such steps indicates the interest of the state in the professional growth of teachers.

September 6th webinar "Certification of teaching staff in the context of the introduction of professional standards", where teachers discussed the impact of these regulations on the certification procedure for compliance with the position held and advanced training.

The webinar was conducted by Olga Vladimirovna Berezhnova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Development educational systems BU OO DPO "Institute for the Development of Education".

- First of all, I would like to say that now everyone needs to understand very well what is happening in the education system, what new directions we see and in which we all participate,- Olga Berezhnova began her speech with this parting word.

The world is changing rapidly and is characterized by constant updating of information, so teachers are required to constantly improve their knowledge. Continuous self-education becomes a decisive factor in the development of a teacher's personality on a professional path.

Teachers from Abakan, Lesosibirsk, Tyumen and other cities of Russia reviewed the regulatory framework for the introduction of educational and professional standards and discussed the requirements for teaching staff.

Regulatory framework for the introduction of the professional standard "Teacher"

Pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions and professional standards

Each specialization has its own professional standard:

  • Educator - professional standard "Teacher" (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n);
  • Instructor for physical culture- professional standard "Instructor-methodist" (Order dated September 8, 2014 No. 630n);
  • Teacher-psychologist - professional standard "Teacher-psychologist" (Order dated July 24, 2015 No. 514n);
  • teacher additional education- professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" (Order dated September 8, 2015 No. 613n).

Berezhnova noted that job descriptions, work books and other papers, the positions are prescribed clearly, as in the professional standard, without additions: not “a teacher of additional education for fine arts", but simply "teacher of additional education", "teacher-organizer" and so on. The accuracy of the wording is necessary so that the employee does not have any difficulties in passing the certification.

New certification procedure

At present, the certification system includes confirmation of compliance with the position held and the establishment of a qualification category based on the teacher's portfolio, that is, without uniform evaluation criteria.

The National Teacher Development System offers a different model of certification in a single format.

The subjects of the Russian Federation themselves choose the option of certification:

  • the current format, but taking into account the requirements of the professional standard;
  • Unified federal assessment.

But Olga Berezhnova believes that eventually everyone will be required to pass an ETF assessment.

This model can be applied not only to school teachers, but also to educators. preschool education, since for teachers and educators there is a single professional standard "Teacher". But if the employee does not have a special education, then he cannot be certified.

Is it possible to fire an employee without special education?

No, you can't get fired. If the employee does not meet the professional standard, then the manager offers him another position or retraining. If an employee does not have a preschool education, but he wants to work in kindergarten, then he takes FPE courses in the area of ​​activity of the OO, retraining, enters the bachelor's or master's programs. Also, such an employee may undergo an independent assessment of qualifications.

Law "On independent assessment of qualifications" entered into force in January of this year.

It is expected that an independent assessment of qualifications will help:

  • the employee - to conduct an independent assessment of his qualifications to confirm its compliance with the professional standard, plan further education or career;
  • the employer - to provide the organization with qualified personnel and plan the training of employees.

It is believed that an independent assessment will encourage employees to professional growth. The national system of teacher growth assumes the possibility of a teacher's professional growth along the horizontal and vertical models.

A teacher can perform three generalized labor functions A, B and C. Generalized labor function A includes three labor functions:

  • A1 - professional activities in the education and upbringing of children according to the Federal State Educational Standard and the main educational program;
  • A2 - interaction with the parents of pupils;
  • A3 - interaction with colleagues.

Horizontal caregiver career

If the teacher performs only professional activities - A1, then he will have the position of educator or teacher. A1 is the correspondence to the position held. If the educator confirms that he interacts with parents, then he can apply for the first qualification category. If the teacher conducts seminars, workshops and participates in various conferences - interacts with colleagues, then he gets the opportunity to reach the highest qualification category.

Vertical caregiver career

If a teacher masters function B, then he can be called a senior teacher. The senior educator performs fully OTF A and GTF B. If the educator also performs function C, then he can become the lead educator.

- That is, all job responsibilities will be rewritten,- concludes Berezhnova. - And three positions already - not just an educator, but an educator, a senior educator and a leading educator. We have never had anything like this in the system of preschool education - the leading educator.

Questions from participants

The topic turned out to be topical for the webinar participants, and teachers bombarded the expert with questions.

OTP C - the educator works with children in the group as the main educator, or is this a position?

He works as an educator. The word educator implies working with children. But besides working with children, there may be other functions that he performs. And if he performs these functions additionally, then he can then be either a senior or a leading educator, depending on what functions are assigned to him.

For the teacher primary school working as an educator in a preschool educational institution, are there enough advanced training courses or is professional retraining necessary?

In accordance with the current legislation, teaching in primary grades is included in the Education and Pedagogical Sciences cluster, that is, this is one and the same area of ​​training. In accordance with the professional standard, this person can work in the education system, in this case, preschool.

The teacher is included in the Education and Pedagogical Sciences cluster, but since he does not have a special preschool education, he needs additional professional education in the direction of activity in an educational organization - advanced training at least once every three years.

Each educational organization prepares a plan for organizing the application of professional standards in the organization. The plan states:

  • list of professional standards to be applied;
  • information about the needs of employees in vocational education;
  • stages of application of professional standards;
  • a list of local regulations that are subject to change taking into account the provisions of professional standards.

The plan prescribes the procedures for attestation for compliance with the position held, certification, qualification assessment, development of job responsibilities, and so on. All activities must be completed by January 1, 2020.

How to improve the work of your organization, you will learn at the online marathon

In 2019, the certification of pedagogical workers is carried out in two versions - for confirmation of professional suitability and for category. Details and a sample order can be found in the article.

From this article you will learn

Teaching is a profession that requires regular qualifications. To work in educational institution, pedagogical workers have to undergo certification for professional suitability in accordance with and in the manner approved

What else should be remembered by a personnel officer working in the field of education?

  • What will help: formalize an employment relationship subject to occupational restrictions pedagogical activity and medical contraindications.

    Ask your question to the experts

    As a result of the procedure, the employee receives the first or highest category for the next five years without the possibility of extension. And this means that the category can be confirmed only by the results of recertification. For voluntary participation, the teacher, with the help of a regular one, or submits an application to the commission of the department to which the educational institution is subordinate. The application indicates the category and, the compliance of which is planned to be confirmed. The Commission is obliged to consider the request within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt, and then notify the applicant in writing of the date and place of the procedure.

    Thanks to frequent certification, the professional growth of teachers is stimulated and the overall quality of education is improved, the activities of educational institutions as a whole are regulated, cash for the remuneration of the teaching staff are distributed in accordance with the qualifications of the employees.

    About other nuances of labor relations with employees of the educational sphere

    • What will help: competently draw up an employment contract with a teacher selected by competition, and calculate the norm of working time, including for a part-time job.

      Another important document, which cannot be dispensed with in the preparation process, is an order for the certification of pedagogical workers with specific dates, conditions, and the names of responsible persons. the head of the organization appoints the members, the secretary and the chairman of the commission, who, in turn, develop a schedule for the certification activities.

      Be sure to familiarize yourself with the order against the signature of all the employees marked in it, as well as teachers who will undergo certification. This must be done no later than 30 calendar days before the scheduled date (). But the paperwork doesn't end there. The immediate supervisor of the teacher must make a written submission to him to the certification commission, indicating in the document a number of information about the employee:

      The deadline for familiarization with the submission is the same, at least 30 calendar days before the procedure. If the employee refuses to sign on or on a copy of the document, draw up an act about this. Tell us about the right to provide the commission with any additional information about your professional activities, explain that absence from the commission meeting without good reasons is not considered a reason to postpone certification to another date. You can transfer it.

      The procedure for attestation of teaching staff

      The total duration of the procedure should not exceed 60 days. The commission considers all materials at its disposal - essays, recommendations, test results, video recordings of lessons - and makes a decision, positive or negative. With a positive decision to a pedagogical worker, the first or higher qualification category. In case of a negative decision, the employee does not move to a new level. The decision is made by open voting and drawn up in a protocol, on its basis an appropriate administrative act is issued.

      The assigned category is retained until its expiration date, even if the teacher changes jobs or moves to another region. are stored in an educational institution along with a presentation to the employee, who, in turn, receives an extract from the protocol. Reflect in it key information about the procedure: personal data and the position of the employee, the date of the meeting, the voting results and the final decision of the commission. Certify the extract, familiarize the employee with it within three working days from the date of compilation and file it in a personal file or. If the result does not suit him, the decision of the commission can be appealed, but only in court (Chapter 25 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

      Editorial advice. If the employee was sent for additional training based on the results of the certification and successfully passed it, do not forget to reflect this moment in the personal card (section V). How to do this, read the article "" in the magazine "Personnel Business".

      Refusal of mandatory certification is considered a violation labor discipline and gives the manager the right to apply disciplinary action against the employee. At the same time, it is not necessary to improve qualifications, but a teacher who does not confirm his qualification level on time loses it, which immediately affects his salary. Therefore, do not forget to prepare documents on time for all employees who need primary or re-certification. Entrust the preparation of submissions to the direct supervisors of the teaching staff, and if the educational institution is still not there, develop and approve the document, taking the requirements of Order No. 276 as a basis.

After the amendments to the Law on Education in the Russian Federation were adopted, industry experts drew attention to some changes in the procedure for attesting the category of Russian teachers. Raising standards pedagogical qualification and a thorough check of the level of training of personnel - such trends may become real objective requirements for teachers in the near future. Let us consider in more detail what will change in the certification of teachers? Who can go for retraining? Mandatory and voluntary certification: features of the procedure.

What changes have been made to the teacher certification procedure

According to the amendments to the Law on Education (FZ No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012), a new model for certification of teaching staff was introduced in 2018. According to the authors-developers of the concept, it is designed to improve the entire teaching staff, leaving only qualified and experienced personnel after certification.

Starting from 2018, teachers will be certified sequentially, in two stages:

Stage 1. Confirmation of professional pedagogical skills and compliance with their position in the school.

Stage 2. Protection of pedagogical qualifications: a special commission will analyze whether the qualification level has been correctly assigned to the teacher. If the category is confirmed, the teacher will receive advanced training.

I must say that when passing the certification, a specially created commission will focus on the quality of the candidate's training in the following blocks:

Who will be affected by the knowledge test of teachers in 2019

According to the regulations on the conduct of scheduled certification of teachers, it is carried out once every 5 years. Accordingly, in 2019, testing knowledge, skills and psychological preparation will be mandatory for all those teachers who passed it back in 2013.

    First of all, these are teachers who will soon go on maternity leave (their certification will be scheduled after leaving);

    secondly, they are teachers with existing qualifications;

    thirdly, novice teachers whose work experience at school does not exceed two years are exempted from attestation;

Those teachers who were on a long vacation (4 months or longer) may not pass certification. The law requires them to undergo planned training 12 months after a full return to the state.

Read also: Will there be a salary increase for Russian teachers in 2019

Voluntary certification for advanced training of educators

In 2019, all employees of the educational sector have the opportunity, at their own request, to improve the level of their qualifications unscheduled. At the same time, it is important to say that not only specialists without a category, but also those personnel who have been assigned the appropriate qualifications, can undergo certification on a voluntary basis. In order to qualify for an unscheduled recertification, a teacher must already have a category for 24 months, that is, 2 years must pass from the moment the commission was passed the previous time.

In order to apply for a voluntary recertification, the teacher needs to contact, first of all, the school management. Further, a corresponding application is submitted to the Department of Education at the location of the school. If a candidate meets the basic requirements for an unscheduled recertification, they do not have the right to refuse testing.

In conclusion, we would like to add an important remark: those teachers who, for whatever reason, do not pass certification (mandatory or voluntary) will be sent for additional training. The Ministry of Education emphasizes that here we are not talking about dismissal from teaching, but about the comprehensive and high-quality retraining of a specialist.